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It's All About the Ranks (log)
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- Posted by FLAYED-ANGEL 1 April 2017
The following play was performed on 26 Charlatos 5117 at the Wellington Home orphanage in Wehnimer's Landing.
Act 1
IN FAIR ELANTHIA, WHERE WE LAY OUR SCENE... [A Large Tent, Stage] Erected from rough oak planks on low struts, the rickety platform is surrounded on three sides by colorful curtains suspended on poles and bears all the signs of having been hastily assembled. Several rolton pelts are scattered on the floor around a large flower-painted box, and a large steel bucket sits in the wings. A line of small chairs has been neatly arranged along the open side of the makeshift stage, granting the audience a perfect view of the scene. You also see a crossroads signpost. >READ SIGN: In the Common language, it reads: GaRDeN --- DrAgoN WooDS --- You nod while tilting your black silk capotain forward and giving a quick, teeth-flashing grin. Leafiara turns to you and cheers! You select a toy wooden sword from a steel bucket. As if fighting an invisible opponent, you swing your wooden sword around, slicing the air with lateral cuts. A small orphan runs past wearing what appears to be a cooking pot on his head and brandishing a wooden sword. With much whooping and hollering, you catch the words "slay the dragon" and "marry the princess" as he dashes off in the direction of The Wellington Home. Furrowfoot says, "Ooo..." Orphan Pringel just arrived. Speaking to Evia, Yves says, "The chairs are quite comfortable." Giggles and snort-laughs followed by a shushing sound can be heard coming from behind the curtains. Falvicar quietly says, "I said I would be lost." Careful to arrange the fabric of a blood red silk skirt embroidered with tiny black sylvan runes around her like petals surrounding a blossom, Dirvy sits. Speaking to Leafiara, Pringel says, "Hi miss." You turn toward Falvicar and render a sharp salute with your wooden sword. Speaking brightly to Pringel, Leafiara greets, "Afternoon to ya." Yves asks, "Did anyone bring snacks?" Pringel tries to push his way to the front for a better view. You grin at Pringel. Yves says, "Delicious. Thank you." Yves takes a bite of her loaf of dark bread. Yves says, "Oh! Cherries." Pringel sniffs. Limorten turns the crank on the side of a portable wine press. Exposed gears spin with his effort, driving numerous metal "foot-shaped" pounders in a rapid up and down motion, effectively crushing the grapes within. Pringel exclaims, "A puppy!" A faint voice calls out, "Miss Surofeeeee?? I has to go potty..." Speaking softly to Pringel, Tyrrah says, "Kinda." The apricot hedgehog in Tyrrah's hands looks sadly at her as she offers her to Pringel. Tyrrah offers Pringel a white-spined apricot hedgehog. (Kayse waves to Rowmi from her seat.) Pringel accepts Tyrrah's apricot hedgehog. You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement. Limorten finishes up the process and affixes his personal label to a bottle. Turning the tap on his wine press, he fills his bottle and corks it. Rowmi sits down next to Kayse. Pringel reaches out and gently strokes the apricot hedgehog's spiny back with the palm of his hand. Limorten offers Sweetsin a bottle of cherry wine. Kayse smooches Rowmi repeatedly all over his face. Speaking to his apricot hedgehog, Pringel exclaims, "Good puppy!" A pumpkin orange tabby kitten sneaks up behind a bushy-tailed chipmunk and whaps at it with its paw! Speaking to Limorten, Sweetsin says, "I have a feeling I am going to need this." Speaking softly to Pringel, Tyrrah asks, "But you have to behave and protect them until after the play. Ok!?" Leafiara compliments, "You all have used your resources very well with the stage and props, I see." Leafiara attempts to hum a merry little tune. Tyrrah smiles at Pringel. Pringel grins. Pringel nods at Tyrrah. (Kayse pokes Rowmi in the side with her toy wooden sword.) Pringel exclaims, "I prowmiss!" Speaking playfully to Rowmi, Kayse exclaims, "Got you!" Rowmi snickers. Pringel reaches out and gently strokes the apricot hedgehog's spiny back with the palm of his hand. A small face appears through a gap in the curtains. A child's hand emerges from the gap and waves at someone in the crowd. Suddenly, the face and hand disappear as if being yanked back. Kayse cackles! The apricot hedgehog in Pringel's hand shifts her weight, trying to make herself more comfortable. Kayse swings her wooden sword through the air as if fighting an invisible opponent. Speaking to his apricot hedgehog, Pringel says, "Don't be eyeing that kitty." Speaking proudly to Pringel, Tyrrah responds, "Good." Pringel sits down next to Tyrrah. You glance at Bekke and clasp your hands in a reverent gesture. Surofee beams! Bekke grins at you. You are unable to determine what lies beyond the multicolored curtain. Limorten points at a wide flower-painted box. Surofee waves. Speaking to Sweetsin, Limorten says, "Garden." Surofee exclaims, "Hello everyone!" Surofee places a hand over her heart. You glance at Surofee and clasp your hands in a reverent gesture. Surofee exclaims, "How wonderful that you all came!" Speaking softly to Surofee, Tyrrah greets, "Greetings Headmistress." Speaking to Surofee, Pringel exclaims, "I didn't do it!" (Kayse points her sword at the bucket and glances at Rowmi.) Surofee grins at Pringel. Speaking affably to Surofee, you greet, "Evening, Miss Surofee." Speaking softly to Surofee, Tyrrah says, "I'm watching this one for the afternoon." Yves says, "Thank you for inviting us." Surofee walks to the stage area and turns to face the audience. Pringel takes a bite of his vanilla ice cream. The melting vanilla ice cream leaves droplets of ice cream on Pringel's face. So messy! Yves says, "Oh, how rude of me." You rub the ice cream off Pringel's face with your hand. Ever hear of a handkerchief? Surofee recites: "Welcome, everyone! The Wellington Home has become an important place here in Wehnimer's Landing for not only the children, but also for me. It has given us all a renewed sense of purpose and we are ever grateful to each of you who have helped keep it going. Your generous donations will ensure that The Wellington Home will always be available to our children in need." Pringel grins at you. You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement. Pringel turns an inquisitive ear toward Surofee. You applaud Surofee encouragingly. Leafiara nods approvingly at Surofee. Surofee smiles. Bekke walks over to the chair and settles down. You flash a quick grin at Pringel. Pringel giggles. Limorten applauds. Yves applauds Surofee. Surofee recites: "We want to thank you for coming today to our play entitled, "It's All About The Ranks!" The children have worked very hard preparing this for you, so I do hope you'll all be respectful and give them your undivided attention." Furrowfoot wiggles his toes at a crossroads signpost in a fanciful display of his well-groomed feet. Tyrrah removes a Wehnimer's promissory note from in her first aid kit. [Much applause] Pringel takes a bite of his vanilla ice cream, dipping his nose into it in the process! Surofee recites: "Now... If you have any rodents following you around, it would be appreciated if you could stow them away so that the children aren't tempted to bring any of them back to the orphanage. I'll give you just a moment to gather those up. Thank you in advance." "Oh, I almost forgot! Today's production includes some audience participation. Please follow the children's instructions, and when asked to BOO or CHEER, feel free to do so." "And now, without further ado, we bring you..." "It's All About The Ranks!" Kayse's shoulders shake subtly as she turns away from Rowmi, while struggling to compose her features, revealing a glimmer of mirth before returning to a poker face. Pringel carefully places his apricot hedgehog in his crested crimson bag. Evia leans forward. You applaud wildly! Speaking to Rowmi, Kayse whispers aloud, "Interactive theater!" Scuffling sounds herald the abrupt arrival of Bardess Pruella as she is shoved unceremoniously through the curtain. Adjusting her hat, she proceeds to the front of the stage and plucks at a few strings on her toy lute. Pruella gazes in wonder at her surroundings. Pringel beams! Pruella takes a deep breath. Pruella sings rhythmically: "I'll tell you a tale of a dragon called Fluffy Who's large and scary and very, very scruffy He lives in the mountain where he likes to roar And frightens all the people in Ta'Vaalor." Pruella giggles. A loud roar can be heard behind the curtain followed by giggling and snickering. A short blast on a trumpet accompanies the arrival of Queen Daisyanne hastily adjusting a pair of fake pointed ears. A small boy steps out at the side of the stage for a brief moment to hold up a large white card that reads, "BOO!" Daisyanne stomps around the stage with her nose in the air, pretending to ignore everyone. [Many boos!] Pruella sings rhythmically: "The Queen of the Elves is always grouchy She doesn't like Fluffy or the Princess Penelope She secretly wants them dead and gone So she can rule the Nations forever and anon." Daisyanne scowls at you. A second blast on a trumpet in the wings announces the entrance of Princess Amisia. Shedding a few feathers from her boa, she trips slightly in her loose-fitting shoes and stumbles towards the box in the middle of the stage. Pruella sings rhythmically: "The Princess is pretty and likes to sing She sits in the garden, weaving flowers in a ring The Queen doesn't know that Fluffy is her friend And plots to have them both meet a nasty end." Pringel takes a bite of his vanilla ice cream. The melting vanilla ice cream leaves droplets of ice cream on Pringel's face. So messy! Amisia skips over towards the flower-painted box but trips on her way due to the looseness of her slippers. She stands sheepishly while looking at the audience, offering casual shrug with a silly grin before settling down on the box. She reaches into her cupcake purse and withdraws a few flowers, slowly weaving them together. Pruella sings rhythmically: "But here ends my ballad for just a short time I'll return once again to finish my rhyme Welcome, one and all, to our latest play As the orphans now show how ranks save the day!" Pruella glances around the room. Pruella shuffles her feet. Pruella waves. Speaking to Pruella, Daisyanne hisses, "Get off!" Pruella grins sheepishly. Orphan Pruella just went through a multicolored curtain. Amisia sings horribly off-key: "My name ith Penelope I'm a pretty printheth I like to weave flowerth And thing in extheth." Amisia continues to weave her flowers while humming tunelessly to herself. Daisyanne tosses back her head and runs her fingers through her hair. Amisia sings horribly off-key: "I have a dragon friend Who liketh to vithit me We thit in the garden And drink loth of tea!" Amisia continues to weave her flowers while humming tunelessly to herself. Pringel clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth. Amisia sings horribly off-key: "Fluffy ith hith name And he'th very thcary He roarth at the people And maketh them all flee!" Amisia continues to weave her flowers while humming tunelessly to herself. Amisia sings horribly off-key: "The Queen doethn't like him The thinkth he'th thmelly But I think the'th horrid 'Coth the doethn't like me!" You see Princess Amisia. She appears to be a Half-Elf of the Tehir tribes. She is short. She appears to be very young. She has large golden amber eyes and pale skin. She has medium-length, glossy ginger hair styled into tight corkscrews. She has a mess of freckles covering her heart-shaped face and a pronounced overbite with a wide space between her two front teeth. She is in good shape. She is wearing a fluffy pink feather boa, some brightly colored bead necklaces, a crystal amulet, a cupcake-shaped purse topped with a glassy red cherry, a frilly fuscia pink satin dress, and some loose pink slippers with glittering heels. You see Orphan Daisyanne. She appears to be a Half-Elf. She is shorter than average. She appears to be very young. She has large pale sky blue eyes and lightly sunburned fair skin. She has shoulder-length, corkscrewed chocolate brown hair wound into two high buns upon her head, each one wrapped with a length of gingham ribbon. She has a slim oval-shaped face and a small button nose. She has a tiny dimple gracing her left cheek. She is in good shape. She is wearing an oversized metal crown bedecked with multicolored crystals, a pair of fake pointed ears, a cream fur cape tied with a red satin ribbon, a lace-collared red velvet gown tucked at the waist, and a pair of red velvet slippers with crumpled toes. Amisia sticks her tongue out at Daisyanne, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from her lips! Daisyanne scowls at Amisia. Amisia giggles to herself. You glance between Amisia and Daisyanne. You flash a quick grin. Tyrrah whispers something to Surofee. Ordim frets. Kayse snickers. Amisia sweetly exclaims, "Good morning, your Majethty!" Surofee smiles at Tyrrah. Speaking sharply to Amisia, Daisyanne asks, "Hello, Princess Penelope. Weaving flowers again, I see. Haven't you anything better to do?" Tyrrah turns an inquisitive ear toward Amisia. Amisia continues to weave her flowers while humming tunelessly to herself. Amisia happily says, "Not really. I'm jutht waiting for Fluffy to come to tea." Daisyanne snorts! Surofee glances between a bushy-tailed chipmunk and a pumpkin orange tabby kitten. Surofee clears her throat. Stomping around the stage, Queen Daisyanne heads over to the signpost and leans against it with an audible huff. The signpost begins to topple but she catches it just in time and restores it to its upright position. Looking a little sheepish, she steps away and casts a wary glance at it. Amisia continues to weave her flowers while humming tunelessly to herself. Daisyanne clears her throat. Amisia sings horribly off-key: "My name ith Penelope I'm a pretty printheth I like to weave flowerth And wear a lovely dreth!" The curtains at the back of the stage part and Huntsman Maddle gallops into view with a coconut shell in each hand. Making a CLIP CLOP sound with the shells, she circles the box a few times and comes to a stop at the front of the stage. A small boy reappears to the left but this time he is holding up a card that reads, "CHEER!" Limorten lets out a cheer! [Many cheers!] You see Huntsman Maddle. She appears to be a Human. She is diminutive. She appears to be very young. She has short-lashed big hazel eyes and dirt-smudged pale skin. She has long, mousy brown hair with crookedly cut bangs, the remaining locks styled into a pair of frizzy braids tied with mismatched pink and blue ribbons. She has a small pudgy face with a smattering of freckles on the tip of her nose, and deeply dimpled cheeks. She is in good shape. She is holding a pair of coconut shells in her right hand. She is wearing a waxed fake moustache, a small dented silver locket, a faded tan leather quiver, a loose knitted grass green sweater, a pair of rolled-up brown grosgrain pants, and some rugged leather boots with knotted laces. Maddle lets out a cheer! Pringel takes a bite of his vanilla ice cream, dipping his nose into it in the process! Maddle sings loudly: "A huntsman brave, am I! Handsome, lean, and bold, Nothing frightens me, I'm mighty to behold!" Maddle raises her chin slightly in a show of defiance. Daisyanne tries to tinker with a crossroads signpost. Maddle sings confidently: "A huntsman keen, am I! Both shrewd and eagle-eyed. I venture far across the land, Looking for a bride." Maddle swings her leg around in an overly dramatic gesture, as if dismounting a horse. Raising a hand to her eyes, she scans the audience with the pretense of looking for someone. Turning on a heel, she sees Amisia sitting on the box and jumps back in affected surprise. Maddle recites sullenly: "What a pretty girl, I wonder who she is!" Amisia continues to weave her flowers while humming tunelessly to herself. Tyrrah glances between Maddle and Amisia. Amisia sings horribly off-key: "My name ith Penelope I'm a pretty printheth I like to weave flowerth And thome I like to preth." Maddle gags. Maddle mutters about icky girls, and scuffs her foot on the ground. Maddle insincerely announces, "She sings so beautifully, I must make her my bride!" Maddle turns away from the Princess and gags again. Kayse laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Bekke furrows her brow. (Yves's shoulder shake silently.) Oddly, you see Amisia attempting to lick herself. After a little thumping and bumping, the curtains part and Blacksmith Allii steps onto the stage. Suddenly becoming aware of the audience, he stops dead in his tracks. A muffled shout of, "Go on!" can be heard backstage and an arm shoves him forward. He is closely followed by the small boy holding up a card that reads, "CHEER! who then darts away. [Many cheers!] Allii stumbles forward and gulps. Maddle grins at Allii. Allii recites: "A blacksmith brave, am I! Rugged, strong, and bold Nothing frightens me I'm mighty to behold!" Allii folds his arms over his chest. Allii recites: "A blacksmith skilled, am I! Fearless and battle-tried I venture far across the land Looking for a bride." Allii works his fingers under his cooking pot and scratches his head. Blacksmith Allii hooks his thumbs into his suspenders and slowly scans the audience. Turning on a heel, he sees Princess Amisia sitting on the box and jumps back in affected surprise. Daisyanne chews on her fingernails. Allii exclaims, "What a pretty girl, I wonder who she is!" Amisia continues to weave her flowers while humming tunelessly to herself. Amisia sings horribly off-key: "My name ith Penelope I'm a pretty printheth I'm very nithe to everyone And never cauthe dithtreth!" Maddle rolls her eyes. Allii announces, "She sings so beautifully, I must make her my bride!" Ordim giggles. Kayse wrinkles her nose. Allii pulls his mustard tartan suspenders out as far as they will go, and then releases them. They make a loud Thwack as they snap into his chest. Amisia sticks her tongue out at Maddle, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from her lips! Flinging the curtain back dramatically, Bard Pruella steps onto the stage. The orphans all turn to look at her and yell in unison, "Not yet!" Beating a hasty retreat, the curtain falls back into place. Maddle scowls at Amisia. Maddle rolls her eyes. Maddle begrudgingly kneels in front of the Princess, grabbing her hand. She scrunches up her face, drawing the Princesses hand almost to her lips and makes a loud kissing noise before stumbling to her feet. Maddle recites grumpily: "Will you marry me?" Allii kneels down. Allii pushes on Maddle without much success. Allii exclaims, "No! Marry me!" Maddle twirls her mustache dramatically. Maddle angrily exclaims, "I was here first!" Allii argues, "So? I'm more handsome than you. I'll make a much better Prince!" Kayse glances appraisingly between Maddle and Allii. Amisia continues to weave her flowers while humming tunelessly to herself. Daisyanne adjusts her metal crown. Maddle glances skeptically at Allii. Amisia brightly says, "You will have to athk the Queen for permithion. Come back and thee me when the hath thaid yeth and I will choothe one of you to marry." Maddle cheerfully exclaims, "Then I shall ask for the Queen's permission right away!" Maddle takes out her coconut shells, skips a circle around the Blacksmith and heads over to the Queen. Allii stands up. Allii squints at Maddle. Maddle bangs her coconut shells together a few times and makes a CLIP CLOP sound. Allii strides over to stand before Daisyanne. Maddle skips over to Daisyanne merrily. Daisyanne raises an eyebrow in Maddle's direction. Maddle bows to Daisyanne. Maddle says, "Your Majesty! I'd like to marry the Princess Penelope." Daisyanne raises an eyebrow in Allii's direction. Allii interrupts, "Your Majesty! I'd like to marry the Princess Penelope as well." Maddle pushes on Allii without much success. Allii loudly exclaims, "And I'm better than him!" Daisyanne raises her hand. Daisyanne announces, "There is a dragon terrorizing our lands. Whoever kills it may marry the Princess!" Speaking loudly to Allii, Maddle whispers aloud, "I don't want to marry her anyways!" Maddle excitedly exclaims, "I can probably fletch arrows! I will make a magic arrow to slay the dragon!" Allii grumbles. Allii agrees with Maddle. Maddle bangs her coconut shells together a few times and makes a CLIP CLOP sound. Huntsman Maddle just skipped merrily through a multicolored curtain. Pringel wipes some ice cream off his face with his hand. Allii exclaims, "I can probably forge a weapon! I'm gonna make a magic sword to slay the dragon!" Allii removes a heavy forging hammer from in his sheepskin-lined waistcoat. Pringel takes a bite of his vanilla ice cream. The melting vanilla ice cream leaves droplets of ice cream on Pringel's face. So messy! Speaking wickedly to herself, Daisyanne exclaims, "Little does the Princess know that I have now made plans to get rid of Fluffy. I just have to find a way to get rid of her too!" Allii fumbles with the heavy hammer, dropping it with a loud clang! He blushes and quckly drags it out through the curtain. Blacksmith Allii just went through a multicolored curtain. You rub the ice cream off Pringel's face with your hand. Ever hear of a handkerchief? Daisyanne cackles deep in her throat, her voice rising in chilling laughter. Orphan Daisyanne just went through a multicolored curtain. Pringel hums a seemingly random tune. Amisia adds a final flower to her piece, then joins the ends to create a crown which she places on her head. Pringel licks around his ice cream, sculpting it. Turning to face the curtain, Princess Amisia yells, "Now!" and Bard Pruella runs eagerly onto the stage. She plucks at the strings of her toy lute and clears her throat. Pruella sings rhythmically: "Now we've met our heroes and villain The stage is set for some competition A Blacksmith strong and a Huntsman stealthy Both want the hand of the Princess Penelope." Pruella sings rhythmically: "The Huntsman went to fletch an arrow While the Smith will forge a sword Both hailed as the bravest in the land But who will slay Fluffy and win her hand?" Pruella bows. With one leg awkwardly placed behind the other, Amisia attempts to curtsy, only to stumble and almost fall. Pruella just nudged Amisia. Pruella gazes heavenward. Princess Amisia just skipped merrily through a multicolored curtain. Orphan Pruella just went through a multicolored curtain. A small boy appears briefly at the side of the stage holding up a card that reads, "EnD of ACt OnE!" and disappears from view.
Act 2
Limorten chuckles. Furrowfoot glances at a multicolored curtain and claps his hands. Limorten applauds. Kayse applauds loudly. You flash a quick grin. Yves applauds. Evia applauds. Ordim lets out a cheer! Sweetsin applauds. Mekhor draws his hands together in a slow, deliberate clap. Bekke applauds. Kayse whispers something to Rowmi. Pringel lets out a cheer! Tyrrah applauds. Sweetsin says, "Bravo." Speaking to Limorten, Ordim exclaims, "Good thing there isn't a wizard, he'd be stuck in the guild forever!" Ordim frets. Surofee applauds. [Brief pause] Kayse opens her mouth to speak. After remaining silent for a pregnant moment, she closes her mouth again, her brow furrowed. Pringel hums a seemingly random tune. Bekke shushes Pringel! Speaking to Pringel, Yves says, "It's not actually leg-breaking." Krampton smiles at Pringel. The curtain to the left parts and Witch Lolie appears carrying a small iron cauldron. Upon reaching the center of the stage, she adjusts her warty nose and grins widely at the audience to reveal a couple of blackened-out teeth. Speaking softly to Pringel, Tyrrah says, "Remember, good behavior.. to to act next time." Pringel says, "Well I did hear one of them saying "break a leg" before they started." Furrowfoot surreptitiously glances at Lolie. Lolie removes a small iron cauldron from in her black wool robes. Ordim's jaw drops. Lolie carefully places a small iron cauldron on the floor. Ordim exclaims, "Alchemy!" You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement. Ordim frets. Furrowfoot glances between Lolie and Pringel. Ordim buries his face in his hands. Lolie pushes up the sleeves of her black wool robes and waves her arms frantically over the cauldron. Evia cowers. Krampton says, "Means good luck." You grin at Lolie from ear to ear. Lolie recites: "Crackle, crackle, fire lit, Onto which a cauldron sits." Lolie pretends to stir the contents of the iron cauldron. Lolie recites: "Dribble, dribble, liquid drips. Add some powdered spider bits." Lolie removes a chipped green glass jar from in her black wool robes. Lolie recites: "Gurgle, gurgle, potion boil. Careful not to let it spoil." Lolie recites: "Bubble, bubble, cauldron bubble. Fill this jar and cause some trouble! " Lolie raises her green glass jar skyward! Lolie cackles! The sound of a sheet of metal being banged off-stage reverberates around the tent in an attempt to mimic the noise of thunder. Queen Daisyanne steps through the curtain followed closely by a small boy with a card reading, "BOO!" Queen Daisyanne glares at him and he scurries away. [Much booing, except me... I cheered, obvs.] Speaking haughtily to Lolie, Daisyanne says, "Are you the witch that everyone talks about? I have been told that you can make me a potion." Speaking shrilly to Daisyanne, Lolie exclaims, "I am and I can!" Daisyanne says, "I need a potion to send someone to sleep for a while." Speaking to herself, Daisyanne exclaims, "And by a while ... I mean forever!" Lolie recites: "Crackle, crackle, fire licks. Make a potion nice and quick!" Lolie recites: "One thing I ask for in return, A pair of shoes, are what I yearn!" Lolie glances down. Lolie wiggles her toes. Speaking to Lolie, Daisyanne exclaims, "It can't be that hard to cobble some shoes. I will make a lovely new pair for you!" Lolie recites: "Gurgle, gurgle, potion simmer. Now to wait on moonlight shimmer." Lolie recites: "Return tonight with shoes in hand, For a sleeping draft as planned! " Daisyanne flounces around a little before heading towards the curtain at the back of the stage. Orphan Daisyanne just went through a multicolored curtain. One by one, Witch Lolie starts to retrieve odd items from her robes and drops them into the cauldron. Just as a sock disappears into its murky depths, Huntsman Maddle gallops through the curtain making CLIP CLOP noises with her coconut shells. Pretending to pull her horse up, she stops at the front of the stage. Maddle sings: "A huntsman brave, am I! Handsome, lean, and bold, Nothing frightens me, I'm mighty to behold!" Maddle sings proudly: "A huntsman skilled, am I! I've fletched an arrow true. I ve sharpened off its pointy end, And dabbed with sticky glue." Maddle removes a misshapen wooden arrow from in her tan leather quiver. Maddle exclaims, "I'm sure this arrow is good enough to slay Fluffy the dragon and win the Princess' hand!" Maddle nods vigorously! Taking a bite of a wrinkled apple, Witch Lolie adds the core to the bizarre contents of her cauldron as Blacksmith Allii steps into view. Joining Huntsman Maddle at the front of the stage, he shuffles nervously and reaches under his helm to scratch his head. Allii removes a toy wooden sword from in his sheepskin-lined waistcoat. Pringel takes a bite of his vanilla ice cream. The melting vanilla ice cream leaves droplets of ice cream on Pringel's face. So messy! Allii recites: "A blacksmith skilled, am I! I've forged a mighty blade I've polished it to make it shiny And wrapped the hilt with suede" You rub the ice cream off Pringel's face with your hand. Ever hear of a handkerchief? Allii swings his wooden sword through the air as if fighting an invisible opponent. Lifting first one foot and then another, Maddle slowly backpedals. Allii exclaims, "I'm sure this sword is good enough to slay Fluffy the dragon and win the Princess's hand!" Allii raises his wooden sword above his head triumphantly! Witch Lolie drops an overripe tomato into the cauldron which makes an ominous squishy sound. A small boy reappears at the side of the stage and holds up the card that reads, "BOO!" but is unceremoniously shoved behind the curtain again by Queen Daisyanne as she storms into view. [Much booing] Daisyanne scowls. Speaking angrily to herself, Daisyanne mutters, "Stupid cobbling and stupid shoes!" Speaking to herself, Daisyanne exclaims, "I'm sure they're good enough for the witch though and she'll give me the sleeping potion for the Princess!" Furrowfoot says, "Boooo shoes." Turning to face the curtain, Queen Daisyanne yells, "Now!" and Bard Pruella dashes onto the stage. Realizing she has forgotten her lute, however, she scuttles away and returns a moment later looking very flushed and embarrassed with the toy lute now in hand. Allii swings his wooden sword through the air as if fighting an invisible opponent. Pruella shifts her weight. Maddle twirls her mustache and grins at Allii. Pruella sings rhythmically: "With magical arrow and sword of might Our heroes are ready for a bloody fight They'll go forth and battle a fearsome beast But who will celebrate with a wedding feast?" Pringel fidgets. Pringel says, "Feast sounds good." Maddle's stomach growls. Pruella sings rhythmically: "Our villain, the Queen, has plans aplenty To end the life of the Princess Penelope She's made some shoes to gift the witch But will the potion work without a hitch?" Pringel takes a bite of his vanilla ice cream. The melting vanilla ice cream leaves droplets of ice cream on Pringel's face. So messy! Orphan Daisyanne just went through a multicolored curtain. Lolie put a chipped green glass jar in her black wool robes. Lolie picks up a small iron cauldron. Pruella bows. Allii bows. Orphan Lolie just skipped merrily through a multicolored curtain. Allii falls over. Pruella bows. Blacksmith Allii just crawled through a multicolored curtain. Maddle bows. Huntsman Maddle just went through a multicolored curtain. Pruella shakes her head. Orphan Pruella just went through a multicolored curtain. A small boy peers around the curtain at the side of the stage and seeing that Queen Daisyanne is no longer there, boldly steps out and holds up a card that reads, "EnD of ACt TwO!". He then retreats. The deafening sound of a thunder sheet and enthusiastic clash of cymbals proclaim the arrival of Witch Lolie through the curtains. The brim of her hat droops comically over one eye and she pauses to push it back before taking her place center stage. Lolie carefully places a small iron cauldron on the floor. Lolie dramatically raises her arms in the air, the sleeves of her black wool robes sliding down to her elbows. Lolie recites: "Crackle, crackle, fire lit. Bubble, bubble, hiss and spit." Lolie recites: "Trickle, trickle, poison drizzles. Add a toadstool, hear it fizzle." You toss a knowing glance toward Lolie, tap your nose, and then point at her. Lolie recites: "Bubble, bubble, liquid boil. Careful not to let it spoil." Lolie giggles at you. Lolie recites: "Gurgle, gurgle, potion ooze. Fill a jar and gain some shoes! " Attempting a dramatic entrance, Queen Daisyanne throws aside the curtain but ends up becoming tangled in it. With a lot of giggling back stage, she manages to work free and stomps over to Witch Lolie, muttering under her breath. Speaking to Lolie, Daisyanne asks, "Is my sleeping potion ready?" Speaking shrilly to Daisyanne, Lolie exclaims, "It is. It is!" Peeking her head through the curtain, Bard Pruella looks around. Realizing it's not time for her appearance yet, she quickly ducks out of sight before the others spot her. Lolie glances at a multicolored curtain. Lolie recites: "Crackle, crackle, fire glow. Heat a cauldron nice and slow." Lolie recites: "Burble, burble, warm the brew. A pinch of salt and stir it through." Lolie recites: "Potion slimy, potion thick. Potion made will make them sick." Lolie removes a chipped green glass jar from in her black wool robes. Lolie pretends to scoop out the contents of the cauldron into her green glass jar. Daisyanne walks toward Lolie. Daisyanne walks toward Lolie. Lolie recites: "Not so hasty, not so quick. A fair exchange will do the trick!" Daisyanne shows Lolie her leopard skin shoes. Lolie cackles! Speaking shrilly to Daisyanne, Lolie says, "Those shoes are really hideous!" Daisyanne looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs. Lolie glances between Daisyanne and a chipped green glass jar. Speaking to Lolie, Daisyanne exclaims, "They are the best I could do, I don't have any skill in cobbling!" A misshapen arrow flies across the stage and lands with a THUNK in the middle of the audience, barely missing the head of a dwarf dozing in the third row. Daisyanne ducks her head. Lolie ducks her head. Pringel says, "Best part ever." Ordim agrees with Pringel. Huntsman Maddle and Blacksmith Allii stumble through the curtain with a lot of pushing and shoving. Suddenly remembering the coconut shells, Huntsman Maddle CLIP CLOPs his way over to Queen Daisyanne and sighs heavily. You loudly cry, "Hideous is good!" Huntsman Maddle just went through a multicolored curtain. Falvicar removes a silver visored black greathelm from in his spidersilk cape. Grasping it with both hands, Falvicar places his visored black greathelm on his head and adjusts it until it sits just right. Falvicar nods firmly. Pringel grins at Bekke. Bekke examines her fingernails. Allii gulps. Huntsman Maddle just went through a multicolored curtain. Allii yells, "Get back out here!" Allii fidgets. Lolie mutters, "I bet Maddle needs to pee." Lolie snickers. Allii snickers. Allii whispers aloud, "I told her to go before we started." Ordim says, "Paused play produced peculiar peoples priority passes." Maddle whines, "My arrows won't fly straight and I keep missing!" Allii nods at Lolie. Ordim twitches, trying to control a vocal outburst, before settling into a disdained grumble while regaining composure. Maddle blushes a bright rosy pink to the tops of her ears. Allii whines, "My sword is blunt and broke the first time I swung it!" Lolie bemusedly asks, "Let me guess, you don't have any skills in fletching or forging?" Allii looks downright miserable. Maddle sulks and shakes her head. Allii gazes at his feet as he shakes his head. Lolie throws her hands up in the air in frustration, almost knocking off her black felt hat into the cauldron. Pushing it back into place, she grins sheepishly, exposing her blackened teeth. Daisyanne angrily asks, "So neither of you have killed Fluffy the dragon?" Maddle lowers her head in a shy manner, laces her fingers behind her back, and scuffs the ground with her foot. Allii shrugs. You flash Lolie a toothy grin. Maddle sulks some more and shakes her head again. Daisyanne rolls her eyes. Allii fidgets. Lolie shrilly asks, "How do you novices expect to kill a dragon with wonky arrows and blunt swords that break?" Maddle shrugs at Daisyanne. Speaking exasperatedly to Daisyanne, Lolie asks, "And you expect me to give you this sleeping potion for those awful shoes?" Allii shrugs. Allii fidgets. Speaking adamantly to Lolie, Daisyanne says, "I do and I'll just have to deal with the dragon myself." Lolie appears lost in thought. Lolie adamantly exclaims, "I know just what to do with you all!" Lolie removes a pointy stick from in her black wool robes. Lolie waves a pointy stick around. Lolie states, "I'm going to teach you all a lesson." Lolie announces, "I shall turn you into roltons because I actually have some skill in magic!" Allii cowers away from Lolie. Pringel frets. Lolie waves a pointy stick at Maddle. Maddle abruptly blurts, "Baa!" Lolie recites: "Waggle, waggle, swish and flick. Wave my wand and in a tick ---" Bekke smiles amusedly. Lolie waves a pointy stick at Allii. Allii kneels down. Lolie recites: "Wiggle, jiggle, nice and slow, Into a rolton, you now grow!" Maddle kneels down. Allii takes a thick rolton pelt from the pile. Lolie waves a pointy stick at Daisyanne. You applaud Lolie encouragingly. Maddle takes a thick rolton pelt from the pile. Allii drapes a thick rolton pelt from his shoulders. Maddle drapes a thick rolton pelt from her shoulders. Daisyanne kneels down. Allii says, "Baaaaaa." Allii crawls around a bit on his hands and knees. Daisyanne takes a thick rolton pelt from the pile. Daisyanne drapes a thick rolton pelt from her shoulders. Allii says, "Baaaaaa." Maddle crawls up to Daisyanne. Daisyanne crawls around in a circle. Daisyanne exclaims, "BAA!" Allii crawls from one side of the stage to the other will shouting out "BAAAA" Maddle exclaims, "Baaa!! Baaa!!" Allii crawls around behind Daisyanne. Falvicar mischievously says, "Least they aren't kobolds." Maddle comes crawling up to you. Tyrrah looks at Maddle blankly, at a loss to express herself. Allii loudly says, "Baaaa." You rub Maddle. Speaking sheepishly to you, Maddle exclaims, "Baaaa!" Pringel grins. You flash a toothy grin. Maddle crawls up to Furrowfoot. Furrowfoot groans. (Cruxophim gently pets Maddle on the top of the head.) Speaking to Furrowfoot, Maddle exclaims, "Baaaa! Baaa!!" Allii crawls around behind Lolie. Yves says, "So many roltons." Allii exclaims, "Baa!" (Yves wipes away a tear.) Allii says, "Baa baa baa baa baa baa." You flash a quick grin at Falvicar. Lolie cackles! Maddle takes a thick rolton pelt from the pile. You applaud Lolie wildly! Humming to herself, Princess Amisia skips in, plucking petals from a daisy. "He loveth me, he loveth me not," she sings and tosses the empty stalk somewhere into the audience. Following close on her heels, Bard Pruella saunters in and stands to one side, idly strumming on the strings of her toy lute. Maddle drapes a thick rolton pelt from her shoulders. Maddle crawls up to Daisyanne. Pringel pops the last bit of vanilla ice cream into his mouth. Maddle plaintively complains, "Baaa!! BAA!!!" Allii crawls around behind Maddle. Amisia sings horribly off-key: "My name ith Penelope I'm quite an airhead! With the Queen'th conthent I'm going to be wed." Allii exclaims, "Baaaa!" Daisyanne crawls around behind Pruella. Daisyanne exclaims, "Baaa!" Amisia blinks in surprise as though just becoming aware of Daisyanne's presence. Allii says, "BAA BAAA BAAAAAA." Pringel wipes some ice cream off his face with his hand. Allii crawls around a bit on his hands and knees. You set about preparing Pringel to be as presentable as possible. Maddle crawls up to Yves. Amisia dreamily squeaks, "What a cute rolton!" Pringel hums a seemingly random tune. Speaking to Yves, Maddle exclaims, "Baaaa!" Amisia kneels down. Amisia crawls up to Daisyanne. Yves laughs! Falvicar snickers to himself. Sweetsin snickers. Speaking to Amisia, Daisyanne exclaims, "Baaa!" Tyrrah giggles at Falvicar. (Yves scritches Maddle on the pelt.) Speaking to Alifair, Allii exclaims, "BAAA!" Maddle shivers. Allii crawls around behind Lolie. Amisia hugs Daisyanne by the neck... tightly. Allii exclaims, "Baaaa!" Speaking to Holoni, Allii exclaims, "Baaa!" Allii crawls around a bit on his hands and knees. Amisia exclaims, "I thall take you all home with me and we can have tea with Fluffy!" Speaking loudly to Amisia, Daisyanne exclaims, "BAAAA!" Maddle chews on the Princess' feathers as she follows her off-stage. Huntsman Maddle just crawled through a multicolored curtain. Allii exclaims, "Baaaa!" Blacksmith Allii just crawled through a multicolored curtain. Amisia stands up and herds all the "roltons" off stage. Amisia yells, "Wait, I wathn't done hugging you! Come back!" Amisia stands up. Princess Amisia just skipped merrily through a multicolored curtain. Pruella nods. Pruella sings rhythmically: "A blacksmith strong and huntsman fetching But neither had skills in forging and fletching So Fluffy, the dragon, is alive and well And our heroes and villain are under a spell." Pruella sings rhythmically: "Now that our story has come to a close It's time to consider the lesson posed The orphans have shown how ranks saved the day And we hope that you enjoyed our play!" A small boy steps boldly through the curtain and holds up a large painted placard that reads, "APPlaUsE!" With a quick bow toward the audience, he scurries away.