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Kelfour Edition volume III number III
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_______________________________________________________________________ / \ \ | | Great Potpourri of Tips and Tales | @_/_____________________________________________________________________/ | | | GemStone III's August 1992 | | Vol.3, No.3 | | _ _ _ ___ | | / ) / ) / ) / __) | | / /_/ / ____ / / _/ ( ____ __ __ ____ | | / __/ / __ ) / / ( __) / _ ) / / / / / ___) | | / /\ \ / ___/ / / / / / (/ / / (_/ / / / | | (_/ \_) (____) (_( (_( (____/ (_____( (_( | | _____ _ _ _ _ | | / ____) / ) (/ _/ ) (/ | | / (__ ___/ / _ ( _) _ ____ ____ | | / ____) / _ / / ) / / / ) / _ ) / ) | | / (__ / (/ / / / / / / / / (/ / / /) / | | (_____) (____( (_( (_( (_( (____/ (_((_( | | | | The Kronicles of Kulthea | | | |_____________________________________________________________________| |_____________________________________________________________________| | | | Noblesse Oblique ..................... Lord Gallenod Varynesti 1 | | Some Notes on Commands ....................................... 2 | | Talespinning, Songsmithing, Dreamweaving . Llorien Silvanestii 3 | | Inyigo's Lost Love ............................ Inyigo Montoya 4 | | The Merchant's Wagon ......................... Rastur Shibatae 5 | | The Etiquette of Dying .................. Aegyptia Nyctadaemus 8 | | Tips for Healers ............................ Jhembryn Durrock 10 | | Mad Glimmering .................................... Rhea Sibex 10 | | High Sorcery: Correction! ................. Dartaghan Darkstar 11 | | Of Arms and Their Evolution ................. Melchion Merdaen 12 | | The New IBM Front End ........................ Altor Arlington 13 | | Immediate Environs Map .................. Aegyptia Nyctadaemus 15 | | Wearbear Revenge ............................... Thellra Dumas 16 | | Quest of Love: The Resolution ................. Bolivar DiGriz 17 | | Life of a Mage ........................... Llorien Silvanestii 18 | | A Midsummer Night's Dream & Barriers............ Elyria Blythe 19 | | A Wight's Revenge ...................... Elminester Silvanisty 21 | | Every Little Bit Helps ..................... Celestin Drowstar 24 | | The Story of My Coming, Part II ............... Iomadh Dauphin 26 | | Rhea's Troll Call Song ............................ Rhea Sibex 27 | | The Death Of A Thief ............................. Tapor Lieff 28 | |_____________________________________________________________________| | | | Kelfour Edition of the Kronicles of Kulthea is devoted to the multi-| | player roleplaying game GemStone III on GEnie Information Network. | | Submissions may be edited for space, accuracy and readability. | | Contact Assistant Editors Kalagay Halatil or Lady Rune Arundel, or | | Publisher Phaedra Bleu by GE Mail to P.HERRINGTON for details. | | __________________________________________________________________|___ | / / \_/_____________________________________________________________________/ Noblesse Oblique ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________ by Lord Gallenod Varynesti / \ ____ \ \@| /~/~~\\ | ||~| ~~ | reetigs, one and all! and weapons. Lady Taarna, the lead- _||~| |==| | Once again I take pen ing cleric in the Land was one of /@| \~\__// | in hand to address an the original Kelfour pioneers. Lord \_/ ~~~~~ / issue near and dear Enegue, the only Bardic Lord. Lady ~~~~~~~~~~~ to any who strive for Kayla and Lord Rhys, Master Healers. excellence in Kulthea. Today's top- And no list would be complete with- ic: the obligations of nobility in out Lord Yuri and, of course, Lord our littletown. Having lately achie- Fxg, GemStone's own version of a ved noble rank, I feel a certain Battlemaster and the mightiest obligation to explain what noble warrior in the Landing. status means from both the per- spective of struggling to reach These puissant Lords and Ladies and noble rank and what it feels like to their contemporaries have been have finally achieved it. joined of late by a second gener- ation of nobility. Lord Mikhail, It's not easy to earn ennoblement. the Landing's master questor. Lord Of the hundreds of players listed on Dartaghan, who achieved noble rank the fame lists, less than 50 are in only six weeks! The list of new Lords and Ladies. Far fewer are Lords and Ladies grows each month, still active in the game, for having and the evil powers that threaten reached this long-sought goal, many our existence are hard-pressed to adventurers go into semi-retirement stem the rising tide of increasingly or bring younger siblings (and even capable adventurers. But what does offspring) into town. Some just this "nobility" entail? What are leave, looking for new thrills. the responsibilities of nobility, Living legends such as Lord Dagmar, and what are the perks? Lady Valeria, Lord Erebor, among others, have disappeared into the I can't speak for my fellow Lords mists of time. Younger players will and Ladies, so I'll give you the hear their names only in old perspective I formed while a young stories, along with that of the Mad adventurer working my way up. My Mage Lythe, his mortal enemy Lord views are a mixture of both personal Laeg. Young players who pass the experience and the studies I under- House of the Rising Phoenix may took parallel with my advance in never have the privilege of meeting experience to better prepare myself its founder, Lady Wisraith. And we for noble rank. are all poorer for the passing of the great cleric Lords Sindar and Nobility means power. Lords and Bashir. Ladies fear little in this land, as they've gained enough ability to go Among those who remain, however, are almost anywhere with impunity. Lords some of the most powerful and routinely battle monsters that would influential residents of Kelfour's kill three quarters of the residents Landing. Kulthea's greatest Healer, of Kelfour's with two strokes. And Lord Strom, the highest level woe betide lesser adventurers who adventurer extant in the landing. raise the wrath of a less than scru- Master Thief Lord Moonpie, who is pulous noble. Several young adven- rumored to be able to pick a gnat's turers have died at the hands of the nose with a crowbar. Lord Odds and enraged (or sometimes bored) Lord Lord Lose, who, while no longer they offended. While most nobility permanent residents in Kelfour's, are patient, I recommend younger are still the only two mages to ever characters tread carefully in the gain the ability to enchant items presence of Lords they don't know -1- More... well, as some will go out of their fear, and other nobility usually way to "educate" the ill-mannered or take a dim view of that. ignorant. Nobility involves certain expecta- Nobility confers a certain societal tions. On major quests, nobility respect. As a young adventurer, I are expected to take a prominent dreamed of one day being a Lord role, and face the most dangerous myself. The title itself adds a cer- challenges. Younger adventurers come tain image to a character, and most to depend on their noble mentors for nobility have acquired a rather defensive and offensive enhance- personal style in dress and manners. ments. A noble greeted properly by How they act beyond that determines a liegeman has a certain obligation whether they are respected, feared, to the safety of his or her vassal. or ignored. Whether or not I per- This may mean casting spells, loan- sonally liked the nobles I met, how- ing money, opening chests, etc. Of ever, I respected their achievement course, the noble can't be forced to in attaining noble rank. provide these services. However, almost every Lord or Lady I've met It's never wrong to show respect to here has, to different degrees, any noble you approach, usually with fulfilled these expectations. bow or curtsey when you address the Lord or Lady. (Note: while it may Many will never reach noble rank; be appropriate for female characters the road is not easy. Becoming a to bow, it would be insulting for a Lord or Lady is only a milestone, male character to curtsey.) Some not the end of the road, and pro- nobility prefer being addressed as gression beyond is possibly even "Lord" or "Lady," while others are more difficult than getting there. uncomfortable with the formal con- Some stop to rest and never progress ventions. You'll never be wrong, further, content with their place in however, to use the honorific unless life. Some grow restless and leave a particular noble has told you it town entirely in search of new ad- isn't necessary. And respect works ventures. Others continue on, look- both ways. Nobles who do not return ing for new challenges down the the respect of subordinates will road. The higher you climb, how- quickly lose even the token respect ever, the steeper this road gets. their titles confer. They may then See you there. only maintain their status through ______________________________________________________________________ / \ | Some Notes on Commands | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | The MEASURE command has been added which allows you to determine the | | approximate number of doses left in a potion or herb. | | | | A DIAGNOSE command has been added which will be of special interest to | | those inclined towards the healing arts. This command, when used on | | another chracter, will allow you to quickly determine their injuries | | based on your medical skills (first aid skill). | | | | As you may know, there are some magical pools of water in Kulthea that | | can help with bleeding. These have been adjusted somewhat as they now | | do not cure bleeding, but rather clot it for a period of time. On the | | plus side, they now affect all bleeding not just one area. However, | | the behavior of these pools is unpredictable and overuse of them may | | lead to a depletion of whatever magical properties still persist. The | | lesson is this: guard your precious natural resources, lakes, forest, | | magical pools, things like that. | \______________________________________________________________________/ -2- Talespinning, Songsmithing and Dreamweaving _____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ _________ \ by Llorien Silvanestii \@| ||=|=|=|| | | ~~ |_| ~~ | _| |_| | he bard is probably automatically be raised to 90. I /@| _|_|_ | the least played and would then put the 4 highest scores \_/__________/ most misunderstood into the other development stats in class in the world of GemStone III. the following order: AG, CO, RE, Bards don't have a clearcut role as and SD. I will go into development do the other professions. Yet this points further in the section on class offers one of the best choices training. when it comes to role-play-ability -- at least in this humble bard's When it comes to the physical stats, opinion. Let's explore the world of STrength, QUickness, PResence, IN- the bard. tuition and EMpathy, the choices are fairly easy. EMpathy is the other Stats prime attribute of this class, so ~~~~~ put the lowest remaining score into The first step in rolling up a bard it. It will also be raised to 90. is deciding which direction of Then put the two highest remaining training you are going to pursue. stats into ST and QU. The order in Since the advent of the new lock- which you do this is partially picking system, I strongly recommend dependent on your choice of race. not try- __________________________________________________ ing to / \ The Elven create | Bardly Skill Cost Total Notes | races seem the ever | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ | to be the popular | One Handed Edged 3/9 12 Always take 2 ranks | most suit- bard- | Body Development 3 15 One rank should do |able, giving thief. | Directed Spells 10 25 A MUST every time | bonuses to even with| Wands 6 31 | your quick- LockLore,| Runes 5 36 | ness but a the | Spell List 4/* 44 Try to invest twice | half-elven ability | per Level. |character is to train \__________________________________________________/a good choice only once for the addi- per level in picking and disarming tional strength bonus. Finally, put makes this option unfeasible. Be- the last 2 stats into IN and PR, in sides, if you've read the manual, that order. you know a bard is a SEMI-Spell Caster - although the training costs A last note on stat generation. would have you think otherwise. When viewing the potentials of your stats, keep in mind that the higher The bard's best trait is the ability the EM potential, the more spell to combine a reasonable strength at power points you will get in the arms with spell casting. With this later stages of development. Also, a in mind, and the fact that most decent potential in ST and QU is de- training costs are fairly high for sirable to allow the bard to become this class, here is my approach. effective in combat. First and most important to a bard Training (See Illustration) is the number of development points ~~~~~~~~ he has. These are determined by 5 Due to the costs, a bard must by stats: COnstitution, AGility, Self necessity have a fair number of dev- Discipline, REasoning, and ELoqu- elopment points, even to start. Let ence. ELoquence is one of a bard's me demonstrate by showing you the primary stats, therefore I would put skills I trained in and their costs the lowest score there as it will at the early stages of my career. -3- As you can see, even the most rudi- way to develop a bard, but I have mentary skills will end up costing found that it works fairly well. you a large number of development (This from a bard who hunted pumas points. You may start with less at level 2.) than 44 points, in which case you could only invest in one rank of But never forget the primary purpose spell list and use any left over of a bard. Not squashing critters, points to invest in, say, Perception or blowing up castles with that neat or Climbing or First Aid. But by the new spell of mass destruction. We time you reach third level, you'll are the historians and storytellers want at least those 44 dev. points. of GemStone III. Much has happened and much will happen that future As you climb levels, you may want to generations would benefit by if the skip a level training in wands and knowledge of these events is pre- invest points in your spell list. At served, whether by song, story, or higher levels, when weapons training anecdote. Maybe we can't go kill is only getting you +2 to your wea- centaurs or spiders by ourselves now pons skill (or perhaps when it hits (if ever), but we can write the +3), you would do well to consider stories of those who can, or those training only once/level in weapons, who were foolish enough to try. thus freeing 9 valuable points which can be put into your spell list. Inyigo's Lost Love ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Which spell list to choose? The by Inyigo Montoya bard class has 2 lists to pick from, neither of which are yet fully imp- I sit here thinking of Piffen, lemented. The Bard list has two As she picked my chest, spells implemented while the Open Oh, how I've been smitten, Essence List has four. Rumor has it My heart stolen by the best. that the Open Essence list is under- going revision and may soon have A stalwart champion, many more spells available, so this A prince from faraway, may be the best choice at present, None sways her falchion, but the proposed Bard list has great Her pride will not stray. potential. Given the cost of train- ing in spell lists, it is probably She is one of zest, best to concentrate on one list for She is one so pure, the time being, so that when the She rides the wave's crest, spells are available, you can take With her sultry demure. immediate advantage of them. I ask not to be your knight, If you have high AGility, you may This I know will never come, want to train in First Aid. In For like a thief in the night, addition to being able to help your My search has just begun. fellow adventurers when they forget to duck, you'll find there are Piffen, my fair maiden, plenty of critters whose pelts are I can never make you happy, worth a small fortune (centaurs and For my soul has been stricken, pumas come to mind). Train only With the blackness of Anarchy. once per level in this skill as the extra 6 points for the second level A love as deep as mine, can be better spent elsewhere. must not give you fright, It is more like aged wine, Conclusion for my thief in white. There you have it -- what, through To harbor you from the cold, trial and error, I have found works Your wounds for me to tend, for me. This is by no means the only And may I be so bold..... -4- I'd like to call you friend. ____________ The Merchant's Wagon / \ ____ \ (A view from the inside) \@| /~/~~\\ | by Rastur Shibatae ||~| ~~ | _||~| |==| | ypsy wagons sighted!" to the bank. Galauriel and Garret /@| \~\__// | The hand-printed sign handed over some silvers while Dolph \_/ ~~~~~ / in the square told us called out everyone's name as they ~~~~~~~~~~~ they were coming that paid. It seemed like somone could be very day, with "a big surprise." My making a list of the lucky few. My mind raced with the stories fellow teacher, Natasha, looked frightened, adventurers told me of trinkets and but I had no second thoughts; into special clothes, of weapons, armor, my pocket I reached and out came my and magic things sold by the travel- 500 silvers. ing merchants. Maybe I could buy a great weapon or a unique ring of The merchant unlatched the door on power. Without hesitation, I gave the back of the wagon and swung it up killing torkaans and kobolds to wide open. I gave Dolph my coins and wait for the gypsy wagon's arrival. stepped up the ladder. From the dark interior, Alhana asked, "What's The townsfolks' excitement grew to a the surprise?" I felt a sharp pain frenzy when the Town Crier rushed in on the back of my head and then all to announce, "The Gypsy Wagon is now went black. just outside town! It will arrive in minutes!" And off he ran to proclaim When I came to, I found myself sit- the good news in a different part of ting inside a very dark "merchant's" town. I checked my supply of hard- wagon, bound and gagged. I cried, earned silvers and bolted for the "Oh, no!" but the only sound to find center of town, hoping to get first its way into the air was a muffled pick of the wares and to sample the "MmMfmmmMf." Then I watched help- "big surprise." as Gilthor was pushed into the wagon bound and gagged. He was soon fol- It seemed like hours before the lowed by Galauriel, then Hagar and colorful wagon arrived. The gypsy Kalas. Garret was pushed in next, merchant looked to be a Fair Elf, then Talabane and Tranar. well dressed in a silk shirt, fancy trousers, a black jacket and threk Hagar struggled to his feet just as hide boots. He sported a black mus- Alhana was pushed into the wagon, tache and wore a gold pendant shaped bound and gagged. Gilthor tried to into a clenched fist. His name was say something but again only Dolph and he seemed a true showman, "MfMfmmmMf" was heard. Galauriel waiting for the crowds to grow to and Tranar struggled to stand up but just the right size before opening were knocked down by the entrance of for business. Bardo and Maruko. We tried to stand and make our escape but the wagon I looked around me at the turnout: suddenly lurched forward knocking us Alhana was there, and Mikhail, and all to the floor. Jhembryn, Natasha, and Gilthor, then Galauriel, Hagar, Kalas, Garrett, From the way the wagon was shaking along with Lose and Kayla, Zinderin, and jolting, I guessed that we were Gandalf, Bardo, and others I did not going pretty fast. As a result, all recognize. I knew there must be the motion didn't allow for much something really special on board. action. Still, we tried to stand up again and communicate with each Just then Dolph called, "The first other with muffled noises, blinking ten people to hand me 500 silver can eyes, and shaking heads. see the most amazing surprise!" In a flurry of activity, Jhembryn gave As the wagon lurched back and forth, Dolph his coins as Alhana rushed off the thought struck me that its floor -5- was made of wood. My jump caused the "Well, it looks like our visitors floor "give a little." My fall took have broken out of their cell," she Bardo down too; however, now every- said. "Ah, so many pretty little one began to jump up and down, to playthings. They will provide hours break through the wagon's floor. It of fun for me." got comical afer a while, with all of us jumping, falling, standing, Cyanidia Banewort had pale skin, blinking, shaking heads, whatever we dark eyes, and unkempt, long black could do while bound and gagged. hair. Just looking at her made me shudder. Meanwhile, the wagon continued careening around corners, down Cyanidia was well equipped with a alleyways, and over bumpy black shaalk shield in her left hand cobblestones. I could only imagine and a "deadly black broadsword" in what was occurring outside this her right. She wore a long dwarfskin contraption. Were others following cloak over a gruesome black-as-death the wagon? What was going to happen tunic, a spiked leather collar, and to us? Why didn't I pay heed to my a dull white skull helm. She also teacher's frightened look? Where had leather wrist guards, dull black were we and where were we heading? leg guards, and platinum armbands. I continued to jump and fall on the floorboards, occasionally taking my "Now what do we do with them?" Dolph companions down with me. asked. "I don't think we can get them all back in. I suppose we'll The wagon lurched once more and came have to do away with the bigger to an aburpt stop, sending us all to ones, and drag the smaller ones on the floor again. We heard Dolph the ship by themselves." giggle, "You folks *fall* for things mighty easily." Cyanidia smiled at Gilthor and while the rest of us exclaimed our muffled "Nice job, Dolph," some female said. dissatisfaction with being kept against our wills, she "playfully" Dolph appeared inside the wagon just rubbed her broadsword down Gilthor's as we began to jump around again. He chest! Gilthor groaned and I saw said, "Well, see you all after the that he had some deep lacerations. lovely boat trip. Did you see stars when my deary knocked you on your "Damn!" I thought to myself, "I'm head?" He chuckled and added, "Fare- only a level 2 healer, I can't take well. Don't struggle too much. You chest damage." I was outraged, need to save your strength to finish scared for my life and the lives of the trip." my companions; we all were! Gags muffled our curses to grunts. We continued to speak to each other through our "MfMfmmmMf" noises and "You folks are in for a nice treat. nudges and motion with our heads and Would you like to see what I have eyes the feelings of fear and planned for you?" she asked. While helplessness we all felt. While Dolph mumbled something about the some of us slumped to the floor, money they could have made from us others continued to jump up and down being "alive," Cyanidia removed a causing the floor to "give a little" shrunken halfling head from her each time. Suddenly, the floor broke belt. She held the halfling head up apart under out feet, sending all of in her hand and smiled softly at it. us tumbling to the ground outside. Suddenly, Cyanidia clenched her fist and squeezed! The remains oozed out We found ourselves in the cargo room between her sticky fingers. of Iolan's Warehouse, with Dolph exclaiming, "What the..!?" I recog- Dolph removed his claidmore from nized his female companion at once inside his cloak and while looking from her "Wanted" poster in town. down its edge, he aimed it at each -6- More... one of us like it was a ranged Talabane and Alhana attacked with weapon. "Who should I start with?" blades and Kalas cast shockbolts; he asked. still nothing could touch Cyanidia. Kalas muttered, "Oh boy, where is Gilthor groaned as Cyanidia rubbed Odds when we need him!" her broadsword down Alhana's arm. Alhana hopped up and down exclaiming Cyanidia swung her deadly black "MfMfmmmMf!" Dolph laughed and then broadsword at Garret--and missed! swung his claidmore at Gilthor. Galauriel severed Dolph's left hand Gilthor's abdomen opened up and and Talabane hit him with a bone- Dolph swung again splitting the crushing blow to the leg, following chest cavity and destroying his up with a slash to the forehead when heart. I went numb. my blow went wide. "Dolph!" cried Cyanidia, as Alhana's blow sent him "Poor Gilthor," Cyanidia smiled. She to the grave. bent over and kissed him gently. "You have destroyed one of my men! Kalas groaned and Maruko shook his I will not tolerate that!" Cyanidia head. The rest of us hopped up and cried out. She crushed Garett's and down trying to get free. Alhana throat as she threw off every spell and Galauriel moved a little closer and attack. I healed the injured as to the crates lined up against one well as I could, and Gilthor's ghost wall of the warehouse and rubbed cried, "Get help! Get a cleric!" their bonds against the crates. While I watched in horror, Dolph's "Dolph, please do something with corpse rose and walked right out of that body. It's beginning to the warehouse. The fight followed smell." Cyanidia said. Then turning him out and moved down the streets her gaze towards Maruko, she said, of Kelfour's waterfront. "Maruko dear, you look a little tired." Cyanidia dodged Rory's thrust and stunned him. Maruko's blow, though All at once, Galauriel broke her invisibly guided, also went astray. bonds and began to untie our hands Lose waved a cold steel rod at so we could free ourselves. At that, Cyanidia, lightly stunning her; but Cyanidia prepared for battle. She two more attacks missed, allowing rubbed a necklet of halfling fingers her to recover somewhat. She shouted and a deep blue glow surrounded her. to Dolph for help, but the coward She rubbed a black widow spider came out of hiding and fled! earring to envelop herself with a wall of force. Finally, Cyanidia Cyanidia tried to take cover behind rubbed her black onyx buckle and a Zinderin. She rubbed him gently, translucent sphere formed about her. saying, "Come with me, Zinderin. I can teach you all about life -- and Amid cries of dismay from Alhana and death," and clasped his hand. Kalas, Garret urged "Parry up!" and Galauriel shouted, "Go for her!" A wicked slash from Maruko's katana cut Cyanidia's abdomen, causing her With that, we attacked, swinging our sword to clash with Mikhail's. Rory swords and throwing spells at the got in a gash to her leg, and Maruko evil Cyanidia. She had protected sent a crushing blow to her back. herself too well, however; our THT Waldo2 fractured her ribs, paving against her was over 530! Above the the way for Maruko to administer the din, we could hear Gilthor's ghost final blow. shouting, "Get her! Avenge me!" * Cyanidia just bit the dust! Galauriel replied fiercely, "We will!" and Maruko growled, "On your Cyanidia's possessions were quickly honor, Gilthor!" Hagar, Galauriel, claimed by the victors. Of her evil -7- Continued on Page 9 _____________ The Etiquette of Dying / \ _________ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \@| ||=|=|=|| | by Aegyptia Nyctadaemus | ~~ |_| ~~ | _| |_| | here I lay on the The next item is deeds. You need to /@| _|_|_ | the Upper Kaldsfang, start accumulating these because you \_/__________/ broken and bleeding, will lose one every time you die and newly level two. An orc stomped on get resurrected, and you will lose my weapon and shield and flung oaths two if you depart. If you die with at my body. Through the panic and none, it's an automatic departure to confusion of death, I heard someone the Character Manager. Don't think shouting at me, "Don't depart! Log it's safe to go about with one deed, to 1045;2!" because if something goes wrong with a resurrection and the cleric has to I thought the adventurer who stopped try again, you've lost your one deed to save my gear was speaking to me and you're out of luck. in Seoltang! Precious time slipped by before I understood him and left It's best to start buying deeds at the surface of the planet until a first level. My advice is to buy a resurrection could be arranged. lot of them because they become more expensive as you get older. At low Perhaps the information that follows levels, deeds can be purchased with will spare new adventurers some con- agates. As you go higher you will fusion. It might also spare those need tourmaline stones, topaz or who find the body the trouble of opals, which are all found in describing details under less than chests. At any level, you can buy ideal circumstances. Jamel's article deeds with silver. The formula, "Life After Death," in Vol. 1, No. 9 given by Vizier quoting Kayla in the of the KE, is useful, though much KE, Vol. 1, No. 12, is this: has changed since then. 100 silver per level The gods now allow you ten "free" +100 silver per number of deeds deaths in the first year of training you already have (Level 1). They may not SEEM free, +101 silver because you may lose your gear when you depart and have to re-equip. Now Agates count 500 silver towards a if someone is on hand to get your deed and tourmalines count 1000. I stuff, the DRAG command allows the don't know how much topaz and opals good soul to fill your sack or back- are worth; I've never found any. pack with your equipment and drag it into town, even if it is too full to Here's how you get a deed: take your pick up. offering (agate, silver, etc.) into the temple. "Go black arch," and What makes these deaths "free" is then go behind the tapestry ("go the fact that you do not lose a deed tap"). Strike the hollow brass chime when you die, you do not lose your two times ("hit chime with mallet"). character and wind up back in the Tyriyn will tell you to kneel and Character Manager, and your stats prepare your offering. Kneel, drop are not affected when you reach your agate or silver ("drop agate," Level 2. Everything changes once you "drop 500 coins"), then hit the train for Level 2, though. Death chime with the mallet one more time. becomes a much bigger deal. If you If your offering is acceptable, your depart, some of your stats will most your deed will be recorded. Type EXP likely be randomly lowered when you to see how many deeds you have. train at your next level. Potential stats are not changed; you will gain Now you're ready to die. Here's what back the points eventually. Still, will happen. Say you underestimate the loss can affect your ability to a troll: function. Think before you depart. * Aegyptia just bit the dust! -8- More... A message will tell you how long you right afterward. The cleric usually have before your soul automatically casts Lifekeeping first, to allow departs. This period of time depends time to tend your injuries and/or to on your race as follows: Common Man, drag you to a safe place for the 8 minutes; High Man, 7 minutes; Half rez. If the preliminary steps take a Elf and other Elf races, 4 minutes; long time and the spell wears off, Dwarf and Halfling, 10 minutes each. you still have as much time left as A cleric with the Lifekeeping spell remained before the spell was cast. can give you 30 seconds more for Lifekeep can be re-cast as often as each level of the casting cleric. necessary. You can stay Lifekept More about this later. even if the attending cleric doesn't have the resurrection spell. When you die, you drop any items in your hands, but you do not drop the Resurrecting in the wilds is risky things you are wearing. As long as for the cleric as well as for the you don't depart, your clothing and victim. While LifeKEEPING can be backpack or sack will be safe, along cast with no risk to the cleric, with rings, anything you wear around LifeGIVING will leave both the your neck, and your shield, if you cleric and the newly raised person happen to be wearing it. Ask someone low in life levels and with in your party to get your weapon and dangerously lowered defenses against shield. If you are alone, you can attack. In addition, the cleric will wait and hope someone will find you, be stunned for about 45 seconds. but don't wait too long. You can lose everything if you depart. In an area with monsters, the cleric will probably calm everything in Your best chance of a quick sight. If you hunters see calmed resurrection is to exit and go to monsters, try to find out if a the Temple Room in the Muliplayer resurrection is in progress. If it Games Round Table, at page 1045;2. is, don't attack a calmed monster. When you are prompted for a room, type 9. Usually, someone will show Ideally, you and the cleric both up there within a few minutes and ring back to safety as soon as you help arrange for a resurrection, or are able to move. If you have no "rez." If no one shows, go to the ring, you will have to make other MPG Bulletin Board, page 1045;1, arrangements, perhaps borrowing a Category 17, Topic 9, and post a shield from someone whose defenses notice that you need resurrecting. are in better shape than yours. The Some clerics will make appointments improvements to the DRAG command, for resurrection by e-mail. however, mean your cleric or friends will try to drag your body to safety Be sure to leave basic information before a rez is even attempted. Work about where you died, as exactly as out the details ahead of time, and you can remember (room exits too, if all will go smoothly and safely. you know them). Also say something -*- about the injuries that killed you, Merchant's Wagon - Cont. from Page 7 so you can be tended or healed when ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ you come back to life. Otherwise, goods, I recovered a black leather you will simply die all over again. knapsack that I now wear as a remin- At present, instant death criticals der of the gypsy merchant wagon and don't bleed and won't kill you a the horrifying adventure that lay in second time, but that could change. wait for the curious that day. I Disease also will not kill you a don't know if she and Dolph are second time, but poison can. alive, dead or -- undead. Though I hope our paths never cross again, When you've made your arrangements, the encounter brought me comrades the cleric and party will want to be and gave me the will to become the on the spot before you log back into best healer I can be and to share my the game or near enough to find you knowledge and skill with others. -9- _____________ Tips for Healers / \ _________ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \@| ||=|=|=|| | by Jhembryn Durrock | ~~ |_| ~~ | _| |_| | his list is intended ambitious, and that is great! But I /@| _|_|_ | to be advice to low am 7th level, and need all the exper \_/__________/ level healers about ience I can get. Take turns if there good healing practices, training, is more than one healer around. and survival. 6.) Take care when you transfer con- 1.) Download Kelfour Edition No.7, cussion points, keeping a sharp eye Dec. 90. It is available in the on how many you have left. You can Multiplayer-Games Library in several die from transfering too many. Don't formats, file numbers 14-17. On page be offended if someone you are heal- 9, you will find a complete list of ing says to be careful. They have herbs and what they do. For you probably seen a healer heal himself younger healers, a neck injury is to death. You can transfer 5 points treated as a head injury. per level, so watch it at second! 2.) Always carry Edram Moss, Mad Glimmering Arfandas Stem, and Pasamar Grass. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These three herbs will keep a person by Rhea Sibex live long enough to get them to a better healer, and they do not leave I see it it's gleaming nasty scars! I want it it's sheening I hides so's to catch it 3.) Keep up training in the healers' I know I'm no match yet list and worry about closed and open channeling after you can succesfully I'll wait in these shadows heal any wound. It is also important Till I see my chance an to train every time in channeling. I don't think I'm strong e Your skill levels determine not only 'nuff to make attack yet. the percentage of power points you can successfully send but your abil- So I'll wait - ears a twitch ity to receive points as well. For the footfall and swish Of a warrior fine, 4.) On a hunt, always travel with a To make its treasure mine fighter-type person or a mage or sorcerer. At lower levels we need Whats that! Why's it sniffing? the help. Also, stop along the way How come its a stiff'ning and check for wounded. Sometimes I scrunch myself smaller newer people don't have amulets and Kaedena! It's taller cannot call for help. Worse, some don't even realize they are hurt! Mouth snarling - Teeth gaping It raises its axe an 5.) You know, I wouldn't believe No time to leap back as this if I had not seen it. I have It starts to attack - ah! seen healers get upset with each other over who gets to heal who! It's skewered in time by Come on folks, we all need A warrior's blade who's experience; let's not fight over it! Just entered this glade an Any respectable healer will advise Has my scruffy hide saved! you to trade off. Take what you can and call for help on what you cannot Before he can blink or handle. Me stop to think I take Its treasure to clink in Even Lords need experience, but they My loot sack and will give you a chance, just let Slink... Away! them. I know, you young healers are Whats that? Is it gleaming... -10- High Sorcery: Correction! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _________ by Dartaghan Darkstar / \ _____ \ \@| ~| |~ | | |~| | _| |~| | it has been discovered Disruption. These spells will not /@| _|~|_ | that a gang of nefarious only make you very powerful but very \_/ ~~~~~ / elves broke into the KE popular when hunting parties are ~~~~~~~~ Building the night before forming. the July print run and hacked the last three paragraphs from the High If, however, you want to be as Sorcery Part Two: Guide to Power destructive as possible, as most article. They then pasted on their Ultimate Destroyers do, then look to own stuff asserting that sorcerers the Sorcerer's base list. Mind Jolt should train in ambush. This is and Mind Shock can stun your foes. absolutely false! Sorcerers should Word of Panic will make anyone -NOT- train in the ambush skill. helpless before you. Demonic Ass- The ambush skill only applies to assin can offer you companionship if weapon attacks. Spell attacks like your destructive nature makes it TOD do not derive any benefit hard to find hunting parties to whatsoever from training in Ambush. join. Shatter may free you even Hiding on the other hand can be use- from that thief Larton. If you take ful skill even without the benefit this path to high sorcery, learn the of Ambushing. Since casting attack first three spells in the Open spells do not have round times, a Channeling list. Protect 1, Air- sorcerer can come out of hiding, wall, and Aura protect you from cast TOD at a target, and then hide physical and magical attacks. The again before he can be attacked. more daring might want to train in With the right macros, and enough Hiding. With the right macros, such hiding skill, this tactic might make a sorcerer can attack from hiding a sorcerer invincible in a player v. and hide again before anything can player battle. return the attack. To make this work, you have to train in hiding Readers should cut the last three every level. Otherwise, you will paragraphs from High Sorcery Part not be able to hide near monsters Two and paste the following cor- and players with high perception. rected paragraphs in place: Perhaps the sorcerer taking this path should only train once per level in Directed spells, thus Which spell lists to learn and in freeing up five development points what order is a tough question. for the Hiding skill. Every sorcerer should have Touch of Disruption by level two. TOD will If your goal is to be the most des- become your primary form of attack tructive of all the mortals adven- as you approach lord level. Of the turing in the Shadow World, this is two proposed spell lists in the the path for you. Even the bravest tomes, Sorcerer's base list and the hobbit mage would not be able to Open Essence, the Open is more stand for long before the Ultimate versatile and perhaps even more Destroyer casting Disruption True powerful for the sorcerer training from hiding. to use elemental attack wands. ______________________________ Spells such as Essence wave, Word of / REWARD! \ Opening, Essence Blast, Guarding, | A tidy reward is offered by | Essence Blade, Inbed and True Strike | the Author for information | makes the Open Essence spell list | leading to the capture of the | the one that a sorcerer should con- | Nefarious Gang of Elves guilty | centrate on once he has Touch of | of this dastardly editing. | -11- \______________________________/ Of Arms and Their Evolution _____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ _________ \ by Melchion Merdaen \@| ||=|=|=|| | | ~~ |_| ~~ | _| |_| | here is available to and cutting, or a narrow pointed /@| _|_|_ | us in GemStone III a blade purely for thrusting. The cut \_/__________/ rather wide array of of a straight blade was more of a weaponry. While the choices are not hacking cut than that of the curved as staggering as a look at the blade. Examples: standard "Long entire history of arms, at the out- Sword," short sword, Claymore, set you must still choose from 7 Rapier. types of edged weapons, 2 crushing weapons and 2 polearms. Through the The different blade types can be course of adventuring, more types seen to be associated with certain become available. Why the great var- geographical regions. With some ex- iety? While functional improvement ceptions, the curved, slicing blade often played a large part in the predominates in the east and middle- history of a weapon, changes in east. Warfare from horseback and fashion could also result in change Chariots was common, and the curved in weapon design. I would like to blade is much better suited to this. offer some insight into the func- Armor was also generally lighter, tional differences of weapon types and a broad, heavy sword was not in a group. By no means am I an ex- needed to penetrate it. expert in this field, and this arti- cle is not meant to be the defini- The broad, hacking blade predomin- tive work on the topic. ated in Europe. Heavier and sturd- ier than the curved, it could pene- The sword has been been held in the trate the heavier armors associated highest regard through out history, with the region. Early European as an art form, an heirloom, a swords had blunted points and were symbol of war, justice and honor. effective only for cutting. Later, Of variable gender; he, she or it the blade began to taper to a point, has been worshipped, has been the giving the ability to thrust. favored gift of the gods and endowed Curved and half-curved blades, in- with human and super-human qual- fluenced by eastern weapons, began ities. It has been said to sing, appearing in Europe after the speak and dance, and been lovingly crusades. named and cared for. At its most basic, the sword is a long metal It can also be seen, again with some blade, designed to cut, thrust or exceptions, that there was a varia- both, with a grip at one end. Blade tion in sword types from north to types typically fall into 2 forms: south. People of the southern lati- tudes were generally active and Curved: When the curve is inside, agile races of light build and _com- this blade is particularly efficient paritively_ small strength. They at cutting, while a poor choice for have been seen to have generally thrusting. Example: Scimitar. preferred pointed swords, whose thrust can deleivered without re- Less common is the ouside curve. quiring a great deal of strength and These weapons were commonly broader weight; whereas the people of the and heavier at the front and made north, often larger and stronger, excellent chopping weapons. Exam- chose the long, straight blade more ple: Kukri. suited to their power and stature. Straight: one or two handed. A Following is a list (hopefully com- broad, blunted blade for cutting, a plete) of the edged weapons avail- broad pointed blade for thrusting able in GemStone and some comments -12- Continued on Page 14 ____________ The New IBM Front End / \ ____ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \@| /~/~~\\ | By Altor Arlington ||~| ~~ | _||~| |==| | emstone's new Front from a room, as well as UP, DOWN, /@| \~\__// | End has the potential and OUT. Bar graphs which represent \_/ ~~~~~ / to show beautiful CP's, PP's, life levels, parry per- ~~~~~~~~~~~ detailed illustrations centage, and round time appear here. and graphic creatures. I hope this article will help you decide if the In the top right window, the actual program enhancement is something graphic interface begins to unfold. which would interest you. In this corner, illustrations of the forest, Upper Kaldesfang, Lower When you load the interface for the Dragonsfang, the temple, and other first time, you will be asked to go places appear. The pictures are through a setup menu for baud rate, well-designed, and they load from ports, and colors and fonts for the resource files that come with the FE program's windows. You also set up and can be updated. My only a Chronicles function to capture all complaint with them is that there of your session to a file for later are not enough of them! Although reading/grimacing. monsters have not been added to the pictures yet, I am sure they will be The graphical part of the Front End sooner or later. takes control when you enter Kulthea from Option 3 of the Gemstone III The bottom two-thirds of the screen, menu. There are three main sections not counting a border, is devoted to to the interface: a window in the the interface you are used to top left, one in the top right, and seeing. It has been enhanced to let one that covers the bottom 2/3 of you set certain lines in bold, such the screen. as the "Also here" line you see when you enter a room or LOOK. The window The top left corner window gives you can be split, so that your familiar graphics that tell you about your will have its own window. character's position in the game. There are graphics of your left and The border around this window right hands and a hand with fingers changes with respect to where your extended. These graphics represent character is in the game. For respectively what you have in your instance, when you are in the left hand, right hand, and what forest, the window has tree branches spells you have ready for casting. surrounding it. You can see at a glance what you have readied for combat without Surprising and fun little animations using the INV command. The only show up here when you least expect error I have found with this section them. Once when I was in the city, a is that it does not update your little dragon ran across the top of right hand when your weapon is of the border, shooting flames. knocked from your grasp. It served the purpose of amusing me, is worth it. There are small and large icons that look like your character. The small You can create a variety of macros icon represents what your character with the FE, up to 480 of them, each is physically doing; if you are with up to 512 characters. These can kneeling, the small icon adopts a include returns, pauses, wait for a kneeling pose. This is a neat gadget particular character, or wait for a to play with while you rest in round time to finish, to mention a the temple. The larger icon shows few. I use these macros to parry up, any permanent or current damage to parry down, parry tag, attack, to your character. A compass-like prepare and cast spells, and log on graphic shows you the obvious exits to GemStone. -13- More... The Front End also lets you use the Of Arms & Evolution -- From Page 12 keys on your number keypad to move ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in compass directions. The center on their relationship to similarly (5) key is OUT. Each of these edged weapons in history: keystrokes is automatically followed by a return. The number keys used The Short Sword: Probably most with a macro set up around the DRAG closely resembles the Roman Gladius command make it easy to move a or European Spatha; a double edged friend's body to safety or pull a blade of approximately 50cm. LARGE sack of loot back to town. The Scimitar: As described earlier, Another aspect of the front end an Eastern weapon composed of a which is useful in combat is a curved, single edged blade of programmable icon bar that can be approximately 80cm. One of the most put at the bottom of your edit efficient cutting designs ever. window. Some icons duplicate what is already on the screen, but some, The Two Handed Sword: A heavy (some like the Room Name, are not. examples weigh close to 20 pounds), long (up to 6 feet total length), New resource packets should be bladed sword, single or double coming along soon that will let you edged, designed to smash through hear sounds, add new pictures and heavy armor by sheer weight and animations, and perhaps give you momentum. Remained in use on the even more information such as battlefield into the 16th century. companions in your group or items in your sack or backpack. A nice The Rapier: A long, narrow bladed feature for Simutronics to work on thrusting sword from about the 15th is a button bar (for function keys) century. Elaborate systems of use and a compass which you can use with developed around this sword, and it the mouse. As it is now, a mouse is was an item of high fashion. not really implemented to any great degree in the FE. The Broadsword: As it appears in GemStone, the broadsword seems indi- As more resource files and other cative of the standard European enhancements are produced, I will fighting sword; a blade of approx- review them as well. This Front End imately 70-80 cm., double edged, is a great start for the game and with any of a variety of hilt and undoubtedly makes it more fun to pommel designs. The swords actually play. I would recommend it to anyone called "broadswords" in history who has an IBM compatible computer showed great variety: they could be and a VGA display. It is not only of straight or half curved design, entertaining, but also helps you be single or double edged, with plain more productive while you are in to elaborate "basket" style hilts. Gemstone III. The Falchion: A sword with a heavy _______________________________ blade of aproximately 60cm., with a / \ single, curved edge. The back could | FREE WEEKENDS in KULTHEA! | be straight, curved or clipped near | ========================= | the point. The over-all appearance | Earn an entire FREE WEEKEND | is that of a very long Bowie knife. | to spend as you wish anywhere | A formible chopping type sword, the | in Kelfour's Landing or the | effect was probaly much like a large | surrounding wilds. | meat cleaver. | | | How? By contributing to the | I have left the dagger out of my | Kelfour Edition. Send GE Mail | discussion. While it is one of the | to P.HERRINGTON for details! | oldest edged weapons known, I \_______________________________/ question its practicality in combat, except as a last ditch effort. -14- ______________________________________________________________________ / \ \ |@/____________________________________________________________________/ | | | COASTAL CLIFFS--go road--X Entrance Gate to Arena | | \ | | ,X -===- | | / \ Jousting IMMEDIATE ENVIRONS | | N / X Area of Kelfour's Landing | | W + E , |\ (often ASCII Map by | | S | X \closed) Aegyptia Nyctadaemus | | | / \ with thanks to | | | go path,\ Trebor, Zepath, | | ============= | / ne \ Elzbeth and Torgas | | | Beware of | | X \ -===- | | | Karnelins | | \ \ | | ============= | go arch \ X | | | \ \ | | | go path X \ go dinghy | | go | Wedding \ | | | X--dep/---X | one Glade \ X--X--X | | up / \ | way W \ / | | / X XX<-|-------X--go path--OUTSIDE---X | | Karnelins X | XX--X | TOWN GATE | | \ X | /| go | (go gate) | | go \ /| |/ `------>X | | path---X | X path | Torkaan | | to up/ / (one way) X Row X--X | | CLAEDSBRIM down X | North OLD | | | CASTLE | | X MINE ROAD X | | X--X--X Kobolds | & MONASTERY | | | \ | <---- X | X-go | | ============== \| | climb | trail | | | Beware of | X Torkaans X bank X to | | | Wolverines | | ----> / \ go | / Grave- | | ============== X X X--X--X--bridge--X--X yard | | | | | | | X X X | | Kobolds & /| \ | | Karnelins / | X | | / | | Torkaan Row South | | X | X | | | | \ | | go X---X go X go | | trail \ / path | X--opening/--X | | WERE- X | out Iorak's | | BEARS. | go Gate | | . X path House | | . | | | | ======================= . X X IORAK'S | | | Note: Werebears are | . / / REACH | | | much more dangerous | . X--X (Reasonably safe) | | | than Wolverines | . | | | ======================= . X <--go path to return north | | . | | | WEREBEARS------X To Hobland, Danjirland, | | and Grey Orcs, \ Greater Orcs, Manticores, | _| go clearning Threks, Hill Trolls, Glacier, | /@| to return Stalkers and Lava Flows | \_/_____________________________________________________________________/ Wearbear Revenge ____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ __ \ by Thellra Dumas \@| / "| | | //|"| | _| //=|"| | hunter I'll never be. dismay, it wasn't a tree. I almost /@| // |"| | Oh, I try. I guess fell over as the huge shape moved \_/ ~~ ~~~ / I'm a middlin' kind away a few paces, towering over me. ~~~~~~~~~~~ of hunter. My trophy I froze, gazing helplessly at that case has more than a few skins: giant werebear frothing at the orcs, hobgoblins, trolls and pumas. mouth... such a cavernous mouth... My pride and joy, however, is the long razor-sharp teeth dripping with backpack I had made from the hide of slime... darkness. a ferocious werebear. I still cannot believe I made it out I remember when I first arrived in with my life. The werebear must town. A young and innocent little have tired of playing with my almost thing I was. Kind folks tried to lifeless body, and I regained set me straight on armor, weapons, consciousness in the temple, pain- and the most likely places for an fully aware of being the center of amateur to hunt. I only listened attention. A beautiful Healer with with half an ear though, impatient long dark curls was soothing my to be out on my own. Yes, I thought terrible wounds while a few others I was a legend in the making. milled around, trying to get a Dreaming of the epic poetry I would glimpse of the young fool that went inspire, I dashed right out into the up against a werebear. forest without rations, a map, or the name of a healer...just in case. I felt weak, coming so close to "Just in case of what?" I laughed to death, but I thanked the Healer and myself, "I won't be needing anyone's made my escape from the temple. help this day!" Anything to be away from those pitying looks everyone was giving Wielding a rusty second-hand broad- me. Retreating into my wretched sword, I stomped into a clearing, room at the inn, I checked myself bold as can be. I caught a glimpse over. The Healer had done a fine of a kobold hiding behind a huge job. Only a few pink scars were rock. It appeared that it was try- evidence of the horrible wounds that ing to close a sort of wooden trunk, the werebear had inflicted on me. but the latch was giving trouble. All of my possessions were gone save a fair quality lockpick tucked into "Treasure!!!" I screamed with glee, my boot and the bloodstained running toward the creature. It clothing upon my back. Woe is me! took one glance in my direction, grabbed the trunk, and disappeared Needless to say, I managed to into a stand of windak trees. survive. With the help of some good friends, I regained my self confi- "That treasure will be mine!" I dence. I immersed myself in train- snarled and took up the chase. It ing and even managed to save enough seemed that just as I was gaining on money for a decent weapon. I was that ugly kobold, it would slip cautioned many times, and for once I away, taunting me as it ran. listened to the lessons the older folks told. I bought a map and Before I knew it, I was in a dark, started hunting in groups. To my dead part of the woods. There was surprise I made even more friends no sign of the fleeing kobold or its and I could always glean something wooden trunk, so I took the oppor- useful from their experience. I tunity to lean back against a sturdy slowly honed my skills and became a tree to catch my breath. To my better hunter. Still not a great -16- Continued on Page 23 Quest of Love: The Resolution ____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ ________ \ By Bolivar DiGriz \@| ~|~|~~\~\ | | |~|__/~/ | | |~ __ < | olivar awoke to the Bolivar looked around the main _| |~| \~\ | sound of birds sing- chapel of the temple attempting to /@| |~|__/~/ | ing merrily and fro- sort out the confusing mass of \_/ ~~~~~~~~ / licking in the air. sights and sounds as the many ~~~~~~~~~~~ adventurers of Kelfour's Landing met "Such a beautiful morn," he thought, their friends and planned for the folding his arms behind his head. days adventures. "I wonder what adventures might come my way today?" He saw Natasha the kindly, seasoned healer speaking to Jhembryn, a good- Rubbing the last of dredges of sleep natured and relative novice in the from his eyes, he stretched lazily trade. He noticed Garret the notor- and hopped out of bed. Reaching ious cannibal, and his newly wed under his pillow he withdrew his wife, Galauriel, who apparently copper sheath, admiring its engraved enjoyed his affectionate nibblings. design and the craftsmanship of the The noble Lords Gallenod and Whilder item. He withdrew the drake fal- were also present, quietly discus- chion contained within and tested sing their recent exploits in the its sharpness. land of the Golems; Lord Whilder was gently stroking his pet bluebird. "Hobgoblins beware!" he chuckled. Before he could continue his observations, Bolivar was awestruck. Quickly dressing in his camouflage His eyes instantly became focused on tunic and accessories, Bolivar the most beautiful of fair elves he pulled a large treasure sack from had ever chanced to see. under his bed. Peering inside he saw his black laen lockpick and a Bolivar's eyes strained to their golden ring. limit, admiring the long, flowing white hair that caressed the "Alas! I spend all my money on voluptuous curves of the wondrous these blasted picks." Bolivar mut- fair elf's body with every head tered, smiling wearily at his tool movement. He nudged Gandalf. of trade. Then, holding up the golden ring, he stared at it admir- "Who, by Elyssa, is that gorgeous ingly. "But my wonderful Naviga- maiden," he whispered. tor's ring has saved me many times!" Gandalf blinked and followed Slipping the ring on his finger, he Bolivar's gaze. "Why that, my gave it a little turn to set its friend, is Elyria Blythe. A most destination to his home. Tapping stunning lady, indeed." his purse to make sure he still had some silver, he stepped outside and Bolivar stared intently at Elyria, made his way to the temple. Upon noticing the charming beauty of her arriving, he strolled inside the violet eyes, and the pearly white- magnificent structure, quickly spot- ness of her fair skin, as it teased ting his good friend, Gandalf. his imagination through the various openings in her armor. Surprised, "Hello Gandalf! How are you today?" Bolivar suddenly realized he was a asked Bolivar, smiling broadly. victim of love at first sight. His heart was beating at an alarming "Ah, Bolivar! Just resting up a bit rate and blood was racing through before I go to hunt some orcs." his veins. Gandalf replied. More... -17- "Will she take just a common human, colors, reminding Bolivar of the a thief with no riches, fame or confusion of his emotions. He was power as a husband?" he wondered. standing back in his home. Flinging Suppressing his doubts he thought, himself on the bed he began crying, "It isn't relevant. I must have wracking sobs shaking his body. her, as no other will ever do for me now." "Never shall I give up on her," he cried. "If I must wait till my death Frowning at Gandalf's knowing smile, death bed, so be it. I shall never Bolivar said, "I must get to know love another." The day wasn't so her better." beautiful after all." "I can see by your face that you will not give up until you have won Life of a Mage her hand." Gandalf responded, chuck- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ling and nodding his head. by Llorien Silvanestii "You know me too well Gandalf." Dedicated to sighed Bolivar, his gaze never Lords Odds and Whilder leaving the lovely Elyria. There he was, in the forest With the stealth and subtlety only His wand shiny and new one of the thief profession has, Knees shaking at the thought Bolivar quietly melded into the Of the kobold he must hew. shadows and began sneaking his way toward Elyria. Picking his way A rustle in the bushes around pews and columns, he suddenly A disturbance of leaves saw her turn towards him and smile. A swing of his sword Blinking dumbfoundedly, wondering The kobold family grieves. how she could have ever noticed he was there, he suddenly realized she The thrill of killing wasn't looking at him. She was In his mouth sits tart looking past him. He pledges his life To refinement of his art. Curious, he turned his head and looked back over his shoulder. He His power ever growing noticed the handsome and honorable Onward the mage goes figure of Lord Baram filling the Shock bolt, fire bolt temple entrance. With utter horror Vanguishing all his foes. and dismay he watched as Elyria ran towards Baram, her arms flung Soon even the trolls fear outward, smiling sweetly at him and The one who casts stun cloud calling his name lovingly the way The orcs run screaming only one truly in love can do. From the mage who stands proud. Cruel and sharp, comprehension slow- He wanders with impunity ly grabbed hold of Bolivar's mind. Nothing he cannot fell A feeling of great sadness washed "One more lich", he says over him, like a wave upon a sand "And I have yet another spell." castle, sweeping away the hopeful and happy feelings he had felt a Having done his training moment before, leaving him empty And telling all his friends inside. He could not bear to see He has failed to consider them meet. With tears in his eyes, What it all portends. Bolivar removed and replaced the golden ring on his hand. Now he sits in the temple Deep in contemplation The world suddenly faded out and was Wondering about the merits replaced by a myriad of swirling Of ET concatenation. -18- _________ A Midsummer Night's Dream / \ _____ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \@| ~|_|~ | by Elyria Blythe | |~| | _| |~| | t had been a rough day. shiny depression at the top of the /@| _|~|_ | I was hitting poorly, my cave's entrance, but failing to find \_/ ~~~~~ / ax as ineffective as a a way up to it, we ignored it and ~~~~~~~~ dull knife. It seemed my passed on into the cave. my companions had far surpassed me in strength and skill, for they were Inside it was odd to my eyes, and I having more success than I. Wearily could see that Bolivar had furrowed I went home, but sleep was not his brow. The walls were curved and easily found. Tossing and turning we could dimly see a tunnel twisting produced only a restless doze. away into the darkness. Arches supported the walls and ceiling at I awoke what seemed like only regular intervals, fostering a minutes later to some sound or luminous moss that gave off sickly movement I could not identify. Soft green light. Our steps, magnified breathing in the shadows nearby by the echoes, competed with the caught my ear; I turned my head rustling sounds of animals scurrying toward the sound as a dark shape around in the dark. Once our eyes detached itself from the deep adjusted to the dim light, Bolivar shadows and knelt by my bedside. began to notice depressions in the walls just about at waist height. "Elyria. Elyria, it's me, Bolivar," the shape whispered into my ear. It was as he was pointing one out to "Look outside. Something strange is me that a finger-length projectile happening outside." He pulled gently shot out from it, striking my heavy at my sleeve. hide. It became a snake, hissing as it hit the floor and slithering off I dragged myself from the warmth of under cover of the darkness. The my bed and went to the window, weaving and undulating tunnel had pulling on my various armors and a calming, almost hypnotic effect on placing my cloak over my shoulders. us, making it hard to respond to the Out the window thin, glowing attacks upon us by rats and spiders tendrils of mist stretched away and other denizens of the tunnel toward the town gates, weaving complex. These creatures were not patterns of phosphorescent light. particularly dangerous, but the tunnel's lulling rhythm made our I took Bolivar's hand in mine and responses slow and weak. led him outside, intent on following the tendrils wherever they led. We The constant barrage of creatures walked for what seemed like forever and attacks by hissing snakes took until we were completely lost, with their toll on us while we slashed only the shifting mists to guide us. our way on, dispatching each Abruptly, we came into a clearing. creature as it appeared. We had Directly ahead up a slightly rising risen an estimated three levels in incline, was a dark cave, its height above the entrance when I shadows deepened in contrast with noticed that the quality of the the pale silvery light of the moon. light had changed in the distance. The entrance was shrouded with moss I tapped Bolivar lightly on the hanging in strands, and fingers of shoulder and nodded in the direction fog disappeared inside. of the light. He squeezed my hand in response and we went on. It was at We heard no sound at all as we this point that it occurred to me approached the cave; no footsteps, that neither of us had spoken since no breath, no animal life, nothing. he had come to me in my room. Bolivar pointed out a semi-circular More... -19- "Bolivar," I whispered, "what is object never fell from its tenuous this all about?" He shook his head hold. We heard a noise, soft at at me and tugged again at my arm. I first, then louder, ominous. It was sighed and shrugged and we went on. hissing at us in a peculiarly jerky The light around us became silvery manner, almost as if it were again as we entered the end of the laughing. I frowned at it, not tunnel. Silhouetted by the light, taking my eyes from the object I two stalactites curved down over the could see more clearly now. It was exit from the tunnel. A slow drip a pendant of some sort. came from their direction punctuated by an occasional bubbling hiss. "I think I'm going to have to try to steal it from that beast," Bolivar We edged carefully past them, but I said. "Just in case something goes was splashed by a drop of fluid, and wrong, I'll have my ring ready." He it burned when it touched my skin. then removed a brass and gold ring A gasp escaped my lips, causing from his finger. Edging even closer, Bolivar to spin about and look he prepared himself for the moment searchingly at me, his eyes ahead. Drawing several deep gleaming. I shook my head at him and breaths, he relaxed, then with a gestured toward the light. lightning quick movement, he snatched the pendant from the jaws We emerged onto a broad platform, of the cobra. Its jaws just missed the view revealing the lands below him as they closed with a loud snap. us. A movement off to my side stole It began to sway back and forth upon my attention from the surrounding the altar, hissing and sensing the lands, and I saw what had alerted air with its tongue. Its body began Bolivar. There was an altar in restlessly to slide against itself front of us. Upon the altar lay as we backed away from it. I coiled a giant cobra. Depending prepared myself to fight, but the from its open jaws was a shiny creature merely lowered itself to object, swinging slightly in the the platform and slithered into the cool breeze, points of light darkness. striking off it as it moved. The eyes of the cobra glittered in the "Stash that thing and let's get out pale moonlight, seeming to watch us of here," I hissed. closely, bespeaking an intelligence I had not yet encountered in the As we turned, I noticed a faint snakes I had already fought. trail highlighted in the moonlight, so I nudged Bolivar in that "Bolivar," I whispered, "I don't direction. We climbed the trail, think I can get that thing, whatever arriving out onto the top of the it is. You're a thief, can you?" tunnel. Next to us, sloping down and away into the darkness, was He cocked his head to the side, another semi-circular depression considering, then nodded at me once. like the one we had seen earlier. We both edged closer to the object, Looking back toward the altar, I squinting against the darkness, happened to glance down. Below me trying to see what it was. Bolivar were two hugely glittering eyes, drew his drake and attempted to gazing sightlessly over the altar. cleave the cobra in half. He was Below them was a gaping jaw with two stunned by the reverberations sent dripping fangs. We had traveled to coursing through his arm when the this place through the body of a falchion not only bounced off the rock snake. I shook my head with cobra, but actually shattered in his wonder. Bolivar started to chuckle hand. softly, his body shaking. The cobra never moved, its glittery Bolivar sat down at the top end of eyes never closed, and the dangling the depression, patting the space in -20- More... front of him and smiling. I glanced der of its body spiraled around the back one last time at the altar, and leg of the cross. Its eyes were noticed that there was another giant blood red ruby chips and its fangs cobra coiled upon it, still as were smooth white bone. stone, a shiny object depending from its jaws. Bolivar draped the pendant around my neck with a tired gesture. I I sat down in the vee of Bolivar's indicated that he could stay, as it legs and he held me tightly, our was too far for him to walk home in weight giving the impetus to start his condition. I fell into my bed, us on a slippery journey down the fully dressed, too tired to care. back of the rock snake. It was Strong arms wrapped around me as swift and cold on the way down, even Bolivar joined me, his warm breath slightly nauseating the way it on my neck a contrast to the icy twisted and dipped. We shot off the cold of the pendant against my end and landed in a bed of soft chest. moss, where we had begun our quest only an hour earlier. When I awoke I was alone in my room. I sat up in a flash of memory and Fog now billowed up over the scrabbled at my neck. There was entrance to the cave, pushing us nothing there. I was as I had been back to the trail we had followed when I had first gone to sleep, not earlier. We were guided away as wearing armor or jewelry of any kind before by wisps stretching in but for my ring. Things were all tendrils, lost in an endless weaving neatly stacked where I had left them pattern of glowing mist, until we the night before. saw before us the gates of town. Back in my room, we lit a lamp to I reached out my thoughts to Bolivar examine our prize. It was the and was answered by a sleepy echo in oddest thing I had ever seen, a my mind. He had never left his own snake ankh pendant, a pale oak room in the night and was puzzled as colored t-piece of mithril, to why I was contacting him so surmounted by a glittery deep green early. I let him go, telling him snake. The snake's body formed the I'd see him later, and merely sat on arch of the ankh, with its head the window ledge, gazing out into positioned at the juxtaposition of the dawn, feeling the ghostly the leg and arms of the cross, mouth impression of ice against my chest. opened as if to strike. The remain- Barriers ~~~~~~~~ by Elyria Blythe Even the ice encasing your heart Is not enough to cool my love Which burns so hot it sears the sky Perhaps enough to warm your soul. Even the dark engulfing your soul Is not enough to dim my love Which shines so bright it lights the sky Perhaps enough to illuminate your mind. Even the wall surrounding your mind Is not enough to hold back my love Which burrows deep between the cracks Perhaps enough to capture your heart. -21- ___________ A Wight's Revenge / \ _____ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \@| ~|_|~ | by Elminester Silvanisty | |~| | _| |~| __ | ong months had gone After checking my account, I headed /@| |~|__|| | since I came close to to the city gates. It had been a \_/ ~~~~~~~/ my dismissal from while since I called upon my art, so ~~~~~~~~~~ this world, five of I felt I should practice on a puny them if my memory doesn't fail me. creature before hunting big game. I I came face to face with death called on my invisibility spell and itself and I survived, though the lurked in the grassland waiting for memory still sends chills through my a wolverine or torkaan to come along. bones. Just looking at my new leg Later, confident that I still knew reminds me of how close it was. the spells, I left the body of a torkaan smoking behind me. A check of my bank balance showed me that I had spent too many months and Invisible again, I reached the ruins too much of my wealth drinking in where I had been so close to death. the taverns, forgetting my studies, I looked nervously around, knowing trying to shake my fear. Now it was that the old man might still be time to go back to work! there. Sometimes I wonder if my chosen path will bring me to the I needed to adventure for wealth and same end as him, servant of a Lord to continue my search for power. How of Unlife. I shudder at the thought. much I have paid for the power that Surely I've heard rumors about the I wield! Not many know of the dark master of my guild but he never has shadow that follows me everywhere. ordered me to harm an inhabitant of Still, I don't regret paying the Kelfour's Landing. price, for it brings me incredible power at little cost. Then I saw it, a steel golem but not a common one. It was much larger, Power hunger! That is how I was and glowed around its metal body and raised, the son of a noble fair elf eyes. It looked straight at me. and a high human. I was raised by my father in the way of the Silvanisty Suddenly a woman came from behind family, a struggle between all the me, and with a gesture she dispelled sons of the family for supremacy my magic. I turned my head and saw over the rest. Masters of the what she was. During my time in essence are the Silvanisty. Though town, I heard about the mountain I followed the family trade from an hags but thought of them as some early age, being half-breed meant overblown tale. Looking at her was that I could never hope to achieve a mistake because the golem moved anything more than the rank of with incredible speed, casting a captain in the Clan's army. As soon wind that threw me to the floor. The as I was of age, I fled the conclave last thing that I remembered was and went to the fair elven capital. the golem lifting its huge hand and aiming at my head. The Silvanisty don't look kindly on traitors. They sent a group of arch- I woke in a dark cell, my hands ers to "discipline" me. To make it chained to the wall. The smell was short, I was able to escape and get nauseating. I could see huge forms to the main city of Palia in Mazo- around magic wards that call a minor berruna. There I used gold to flee spell of light. To my horror, I saw to the north. I hired a Navigator to the still forms of various creatues. bring me to this frontier town, and here I remain, still thirsty for Most were from the goblinoid races, power, still keeping the Silvanisty but I could see dwarves, elves and name up to its reputation. humans, too. I shuddered because -22- More... each body had all its skin removed. Werebear Revenge - Cont from Page 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sudden pain made me realize my head hunter, but I learned. was throbbing where the golem struck me. But I was not badly injured. A few months ago, I left town on a personal quest. I snuck through the The sound of keys brought me to forest so quietly that not even the notice the opening door. A man in blades of grass I crept upon knew I black robes came in. It was the old was there. It took me several days, man of my nightmare! For how many but at last I found myself near the sleepless nights had I dreaded this lair of the old werebear. From my moment! He lit a torch, mostly for hiding place, I surveyed the area. my sake, I assumed. The way he Broken shields littered the ground, walked in the dark hinted that he evidence that I had not been the had a spell of light. Of course, he only victim. could not know that I did also. The sound of a snapping twig broke He approached me smiling. "Welcome the silence like a thunderbolt. I to my humble home, master Elmin- whirled around and there was my long ester," he said. He laughed when I awaited foe, not ten paces away. looked at him with hatred. "You The werebear glared at me with a have noticed the bodies. Fear not, growl of recognition and advanced. my good mage, they are not dead. Holding my blessed broadsword in Yet!" front of me, I held my breath, took aim, and swung with all my might. His eyes glowed as he went on, "I My whole body shook as my sword hit see you don't understand, master bone. It cleaved through the were- Elminester. You see, to create the bear's flesh like a swimmer through golem we must use a living water, separating its ugly head from creature." He gestured toward one of its body. The head flew away to land the orc bodies. "Common golems you in the grass, but the body didn't have seen come from the goblinoid notice. One step, then two... races. However, with much research, finally it collapsed at my feet. I have found a way to use the intelligent races to make golems of I let out a war cry that must have greater quality. The process calls been heard for miles: "Wahoooooooo!" for the intense suffering of the I kissed my sword, sheathed it, and creature without it dying. Then, danced around the fallen creature. using runes of great power, I meld After a minute or so, feeling rather the body in there," he pointed silly, I stopped dancing and pulled toward a huge cauldron, "with a out my skinning knife. Skinning the magical mix of steel." He laughed. corpse quickly, lest another were- "The golem that you saw outside was bear was lurking around, I rolled up my first try -- a mage heading your the hide and tucked it under my arm. city who got lost in the woods. He put up quite a fight." Back safely in town, I swaggered to the gypsy's tent and ordered a I snorted at him. "What do you want beautiful azure backpack to be made with me, old man?" of the werebear hide. That evening I hosted a celebration at Helga's, He got close to me and whispered, but that's another story. "Not I, master Elminester. Him." Today I wear that backpack proudly, He pointed, and from the shadows a but also as a reminder of how impat- familiar form appeared... the Wight ient and foolish I can be. I'm not Lord! cured of these qualities (as many Healers and Clerics can attest) but (To Be continued) I believe I have grown a bit wiser. -23- Every Little Bit Helps (or I Think, Therefore I'm in Trouble) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _________ by Celestin Drowstar / \ _____ \ \@| ~|_|~ | | |~| | am pretty much a loner headed down the trail to where the _| |~| | so I like to hunt on the greater orcs lived, Gorcland. /@| _|~|_ | mine road for goblins, \_/ ~~~~~ / lesser orcs, and kobolds After crossing the bridge where the ~~~~~~~~ because I seldom see cockatrices hang out, I wandered anyone else there. With my laen about for a bit without encountering shield and my quickness, not even anything. I got a good idea where the orcs up there could touch me everything was, and found the anymore, so I began to think about cottage and pool easily enough, and bigger game -- like greater orcs. the fringes of the swamp. I didn't want to go into the swamp, not even The more I thought about it, the to chase a wounded creature, so I more I was convinced that as long as was glad I found it ahead of time. I was faster than a greater orc I could survive going up against one. As I wandered around, I came upon a My skills had developed so that I forest troll. He was armed with a could now parry well enough to keep dagger that he wasn't very good greater orcs from hitting me. So with, so I decided to attack him early one morning I decided to give with my axe. Cutting through his it a shot and head on out for heavy hide armor was hard, but I Gorcland. I asked if anyone wanted scored a few decent hits. to tag along, but there were no takers. Others were going after He was bleeding in a few places, and larger game than I was ready for. he started to concentrate more on defending himself than attacking me. I really didn't like the idea of After a while I was unable to hit going into new territory alone, him with my axe, so I prepared a because of the danger of losing the touch of disruption spell and cast. shaalk axe that I'd just bought. The troll resisted the spell, so I Still, I had gone into new areas pulled a metal wand from my sack. before without any trouble. As I Quickly I waved the wand and was getting ready to leave the released a cold ball at the troll. temple, a friendly lord chanted and It blasted his leg, knocking him to cast a spell of protection on a few the ground. I finished him off with of us who were heading out into the my axe before he could get up. wilds. We thanked him and left for the gates of town. From there, each I hurriedly put my wand back in my of us went our separate ways into sack, and readied my shield in case the wilderness. some other creature might be lurking about. Searching the troll turned According to other hunters, greater up a few silver coins. orcs are strong enough to break laen shields. I couldn't afford to buy Before going on, I paused to think another one after spending most of about the battle just ended. I had my hard-earned money on my new axe, used only one charge from a metal so I walked through the grass-lands wand and a couple of power points toward hobgoblin territory to get a for a spell. "This is going to be a wooden shield. It didn't take long breeze!" I thought. to find a hobgoblin I could kill without much trouble. I dispatched With that in mind I set out looking him, took his shield, double checked for more quarry. It wasn't long to be sure I had enough wands, and before I came upon a greater orc. I -24- More... decided not to rush this fight, so I greater orc, stunning him, and then would only attack only once after took a quick swing with my axe. I each of his attacks. The fight went missed, and before I could recover about the same as it did with the my defenses, he came out of his troll, but a lot slower. stunned condition and attacked me with a mace! This time I used four power points for spells and seven charges on my He hit me really hard and took metal wand before finally finishing almost quarter of the damage that I him off. It was costly, but I was could sustain. Luckily, he didn't happy since this was the first injure me critically before I got my greater orc I had ever fought and defenses back up. I'd beaten him! He didn't have any coins but he wore a chain hauberk Right after that, the protection that I knew could be pawned for a spell cast on me earlier at the goodly amount. I set out to find temple stopped working. Since I am more of his kind. a wood elf and a not-so-high-level sorcerer (who has been known to I found and dispatched two more neglect body development training to greater orcs in much the same way as insure the learning of a spell), it the first and grew yet more con- dawned on me that I could be pushing fident in my ability to fight them. my luck to stick around. I turned I even figured out that I didn't back toward town, to visit the need to use my axe, since I could pawnshop and bank before going to wait until an orc attacked, wear my rest my numbed mind at the temple. shield, get a wand from my sack, wave it at him, put my wand back in When I think about that fight now, I my sack, and ready my shield before realize that if I hadn't had a he could attack again. I ran out of protection spell on me, that orc charges on my metal wand while would have landed a critical strike fighting the first of this pair, so that could been fatal. The more I I tried out a silver wand. That think about it, the more appre- worked really well, and it did a ciative I am of those who are good job of stunning him, too. generous in protecting others, even when they are not asked to. Thanks! I used the silver wand on the next Every little bit helps. | / \ | / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ________ / \ | _ | / ____ \ | | | / \ | | | | | | | \ | | / | |____| | \ / || || \ / | | || || | | | | | ||___|| | | __ | | / \ | | | | | |_| | _ _ ( ) | | _ _ _ | | _ | | | |_| |__\ /_____| | | |_| |_| |__| |_| | | |_| |____| | | ____ | | / \ | | / \ | | | | | ____| |________| _________________________________ |____ -25- The Story of My Coming, Part II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Iomadh Dauphin, Unbeliever ___________ Bearer of the White Gold / \ _____ \ \@| ~|_|~ | | |~| |uckily I had the fore- serenity, as opposed to the Drow _| |~| __ |thought - and the mat- ideal of destruction and rage), but /@| |~|__|| |erials - to keep a still shaking inside, not knowing \_/ ~~~~~~~/ journal of my travels. what to expect. The elders of my ~~~~~~~~~~ This journal may be of race have made it forbidden to talk some small interest to you. Of about the ceremony of 'Moksha,' the course, now that I read it again, I Drow coming of age; the time when realize my reckoning of time will the boy becomes a man, the girl a mean little to you, especially those woman -- even to each other. I had of you that do not descend from no idea what to expect. Elven stock. But perhaps I can pro- vide some small assistance in this At any rate, I am no longer bound by matter: a Drow shanra is called by the Drow elders, so I tell you this: you a 'day.' A cushanra is roughly I still remember this day clearly. equivalent to your week. A lemshan There I was on the dais, alone, corresponds to your concept of shaking, not knowing what to expect. 'month.' Finally, culem can be tran- After an unbearably long time, the slated as 'year.' Smaller or larger Elders filed into the room, taking units of time are not significant in up positions that completely sur- this account, as I did not bother to rounded me. The only opening they write things hour by hour, nor did I left was quickly filled by a guard. look further than the current culem -- excuse me, I shall try to conform "Iomadh!" I heard my name called. I to your standards of reckoning. looked about, but could not find the Indeed, I did not look beyond the source of the voice. Surely it was current day, as I found rather early one of the now-seated Elders? "You on that looking forward or back too know why you are here," the voice far did me no good. continued. "However, yours will not be a traditional Moksha." My mind One more item before I start: In raced. "This is because you are dif- this account you will find the tales ferent, Iomadh, very different." Did of how I came to be called the I detect a note of derision creeping Unbeliever, and also of the White into the voice? "So different that Gold that I profess to bear. we have no choice. Yes, we have been observing you, Iomadh. So in the name of all that is right and Culem 1, Lemshan 1, Shanra 1 good, in the name off all that Drow My Egress: hold sacred, I hereby try you for the crimes of being GOOD to people, And there I was, standing tall and of loving PEACE, of seeking HAR- proud, just beginning my sixteenth MONY!" I could hear the loathing year. What present do I get? What dripping from the speaker's words boon do I recieve? Not a knife, no, now. "Therefore, I try you also for nor any other implement of destruc- the crimes of being a traitor, a tion. I do not recieve a cloak, man- spy, and a turncoat." The voice tle, even a pair of boots -- instead paused, as my body went slack under I recieve an excommunication! There its influence. I stood, on the dais, wondering how I had made it as far as I had I could not believe the words I was without acquiring disfavour (if you hearing! The voice boomed again: will recall, I am a pacifist at "And I find you GUILTY of these heart; I desire peace, harmony and crimes! Is there anyone to stand -26- More... for Iomadh?" The room was silent; I never thought that I would find nothing stirred at all. And the friends like the ones I have found, voice went on: "The sentence for such as Bolivar, Jhembryn, Rimmer, this is not death, for death is too Alhana, Rory, and a few others that good for one such as yourself. But I am sure I forget at this point. you may wish it had been death, for Certainly, I do not wish to offend; you are to be cast out from this If you, gentle reader, consider place, amongst all the things that yourself my friend, then by all are wild and untamed. You will no means, include yourself in the list. longer have the safety of the war- rens, you will no longer enjoy the And I never dreamed I would find one shelter of our caves, you will no Melissa Douglas, whom I met in longer feel the cool darkness Kelfour's... I tried to protect her within." I did not believe what the and we ended up falling in love. voice was telling me. I did not Ha! A Drow? Love? Surely you jest. believe what was happening to me. I But it is true, yes, a Drow can knew what I believed in, but I had love. At least this one can, in the never heard of anyone being cast out sense that one typically knows the like this! Finally, the voice an- word. Romance, and so on. Ah, the nounced, "Therefore, Iomadh, you are road with Melissa has surely been to be escorted from this place, tumultous, but well worth it. That, never to return. You may take however is another story altogether. nothing except what you carry." Luckily, I thought, I had taken the Rhea's Troll Call Song habit of keeping a knife in my boot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had encountered -dislike- like by Rhea Sibex this before (although on a much smaller scale), so I had had to Come to me my Trollie Baby, learn to defend myself. The last Come to me my Trollie Dear, words I remember the voice saying Let me see your waving ears, were, "Take this half-Drow from our Those flapping wings of Fear. presence! Escort him outside!" Come to me my Trollie Darling, Even when I heard the guards with- Come to me my Trollie Love, draw into the cave, even when I saw I have a gift of steel for you, the forest for the first time, smelt My dusky Turtle Dove. the air that was not stuffy and smelly, I did not believe. My mind I love the way you curl my hair, refused to believe what had happened I shiver and shake in fear, to me -- and to this day, I still do I await your thumping footfall now, not believe that my kin would do Don't make me wait all year. such a thing to me. Therefore, I carry the title 'Unbeliever' -- as Come to me my Trollie Baby, an affirmation to myself that what My fleabags furry delight, happened to me was unspeakable, I only want to show you how, unthinkable. It is a title I give A wand of silver lights. myself, if only to remind me of what happened. Despite my tendencies and All Trolls come now and hug me close, desires, I can never forget where I I promise not to bite, came from. Come to me my Trollie Baby, Come visit me tonight! ________________________________ Upon reading this again, though, I / \ find I must add that I never thought | Rhea Sibex's Troll Call Song and | I would find a place such as Kel- | Mad Glimmering, also in this KE, | four's Landing, where the strong get | won 1st and 2nd Place Prizes in | stronger and the weak die away. It | in the August Bard Competition! | is almost like home in that respect. \________________________________/ -27- The Death Of A Thief ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Tapor Lieff The temple filled with brave, good men A wounded man points to the ground Who'd dare to go where none had been Then moves away without a sound I sat alone The metal glint My thief unknown Gives me a hint I show my pride The breastplate there I type in "hide" I'll quickly wear They laughed at me, all ten Then I was Kobland bound "ANY PICKERS?" calls a vet A Kobold steps into my space "I CAN PICK THAT LOCK I'LL BET" The tension high my thoughts did race A steady hand I'll kill him here My smile grand I'll show no fear I kneel down In just one blow But then I frown I'll let him know "GOT A PICK? I'M STILL IN DEBT" This, of course, was not the case With borrowed tool, and treasure near I was parried up, could not get hurt I searched the chest I knew with death I would not flirt "NO TRAP, ALL CLEAR" He swung a miss I went to pick My sword he'd kiss But wait, no click A parry tag A flash of light A system lag Then all went white He knocked me in the dirt "THE RIFT SEEMS COLD THIS YEAR" But he who fights and runs away I popped back in and soon felt strong Can live to fight another day "COME HUNT WITH ME, I'LL DO NO WRONG" So I went east I grab my shield And met a beast My sword I wield He sure looked mean Then I stop That Wolverine I type in swap On the altar, now, I lay The silence sure was long I go alone, and trust to fate I need no friend, no hunting mate An hour out _________ I'm quite the scout | | I find my prize | R.I.P. | With widened eyes | | "SO THERE'S THE CITY GATE" | | | | -+- | \* | | | |/ | | ,' ~~~``~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KEV3N3 [end] -28-
See Also: