Kelfour Edition volume III number VII

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 / \                                                                     \
|   |                                       Dragon Sighted!  See Page 1   |
 |                                                                     |
 |                                                                     |
 |    GemStone III(tm)                                 December 1992   |
 |                                                       Vol.3, No.7   |
 |               _   _           _    ___                              |
 |              / ) / )         / )  / __)                             |
 |             / /_/ /  ____   / / _/ (   ____   __  __  ____          |
 |            /   __/  / __ ) / / (  __) / _  ) / / / / / ___)         |
 |           / /\ \   / ___/ / /  / /   / (/ / / (_/ / / /             |
 |          (_/  \_) (____) (_(  (_(   (____/ (_____( (_(              |
 |     ..,a@@@a,a@@@a,..         _    _    _    _                      |
 |  .,;*;;@@@@@a@@@@@;;;;,.     / )  (/  _/ )  (/                      |
 | ;;;;;;;;;a@@^@@a;;;*;;;;; __/ /  _   (  _) _   ____   ____          |
 |;;;;*;;;a@@@   @@@a;;;;*;;;   /  / )  / /  / ) / _  ) /    )         |
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 ;;;;;;@@;;@@   `@ ;;@;;;*;;;;                                         |
 |;;;*;;@;;;;@;;;;;*;;;;;;;;;         The Kronicles of Kulthea         |
 |`;;;;;;*;;;;;;;;;;;*;;;;'                                            |
 |                                                                     |
 |  Local News ................................................     1  |
 |  Making Money the Easy Way ........................ Darkseed     2  |
 |  Not for Newbies Only .................. Llorien Silvanestii     3  |
 |  Up From the Muck ......................... Celestin Drowstar    4  |
 |  The Art of Dying ............................. Gwen Belanger    5  |
 |  The Flesh Against Itself ................ Elyssa Lightstrong    6  |
 |  Who Are You? ............................... Kalagay Halatil    7  |
 |  The Dark is Patient ..................... Elyssa Lightstrong    7  |
 |  A Letter from Pelan Lightstrong ......... Elyssa Lightstrong    8  |
 |  Monster Chronicles: Goblins ................. Jarran Terraxx    9  |
 |  Puzzling Kulthean Words ..................... Jarran Terraxx   10  |
 |  Deja Vu: Life Generously Forfeited ............. Eron Kulsen   11  |
 |  The Real Thieves Guild .................. Lord Stanyon Sting   12  |
 |  Strange Occurrences ...................... Jhembryne Ilystin   13  |
 |  Babe in the Woods ............................ Thellra Dumas   14  |
 |  Torkaan Stew ............................. Solanum Dulcamara   15  |
 |  Undermining Kelfour's, Part 3 .......... Llorien Silvanestii   16  |
 |  Cycles (Conclusion) ................. Lord Whilder Planrathe   21  |
 |  Kralling Back Home to Momma ............... Lloyd Llowd, PhD   25  |
 |                                                                     |
 | Kelfour Edition of the Kronicles of Kulthea is devoted to the multi-|
 | player roleplaying game  GemStone III on GEnie.  Submissions may be |
 | edited for space, accuracy  and readability.  Contact our Assistant |
 | Editors Kalagay Halatil, Jarran Terraxx, or  Publisher Phaedra Bleu |
 | by GE Mail to P.HERRINGTON for details.                             |
 |    _________________________________________________________________|__
 |   |                                                                    |

          Dragon Sighted!                      ___________________________/[
          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     ()____) )_______) )_________ [
The shock wave of an explosion star-                | |       | |         \[
tles you. Across town, visible above           _____|_|_______|_|____      |
the rooftops, you can see a red dra-          //     ~         ~     \     |
gon swooping low and blasting build-         ||   Kelfour's Landing   |
ings apart  with a merciless,  fiery         ||      Local News       |
attack!                                       \\_____________________/
You're  dashing  through the streets
toward it  when you  hear a pounding    The dragon glides off to the east.
sound from high above you.
                                        You hear a  roaring sound from  high
A large red dragon flying high above    in the air. You glance up to see the
pulls  up  sharply and  lofts itself    red  dragon has  dipped  dangerously
into the clouds,  vanishing for sev-    close to  the  town and  is exhaling
eral anxious  moments before dipping    volumes of fire from  its snout!  It
into view again.                        banks  into a  steep turn, extending
                                        its  wings  to  their  full  span in
It is an adult red, probably a Great    order to glide gingerly on some ris-
Fire Drake. The beast belongs to the    ing air currents.
most noble, mysterious  and terrible
race in  Kulthea.   This  particular    That thing is so high, it's even be-
specimen  must  measure  90 feet  in    yond a bow shot!
length and  have  a wingspan of over
140 feet, making it one  of the big-
gest you've ever heard tale of.  The
creature  has been  flying  overhead          \      \
for some time now, and shows the un-           \\     \\
usual  characteristic  of seeming to          ) \ \  ) \ \          Great
be looking  for  something  specific         \   \  \____ \         ~~~~~
below.  It's extremely agile but has         ) \ /  __     _\     Fire Drake
the scars of a  savage fighter  with        \   /  (_@\   (_@)    ~~~~~~~~~~
more  than  a  little  experience in          \(             \
staying alive.                            /^\   \     <<     _\_
                                        / //\ \   \___  \\       \
High above, the great red dragon      // //  \__\/     \  \\   ^ ^)
heads off to the south. A large     //  // /            (___\/\__/  _
shadow rushes by you.             //   // /                 \ _    / \
                                //   //__/                   \ \  (   \
The dragon, which has been    // ___// /        /|  |         \ \  >   )
flying high above, suddenly  //   / / (       _/ |             \ \/   /
pulls up sharply, pounding  / ___// // \     <   |  |           \    /
its wings with great       /// / / /     \     \ |               \  /
strength to hold its pos-  ///            |     \|  |             \/
ition. You see what looks       _________/    ___|                 \
like a small figure atop it    /         \   /   (  |           \   )
lean over, seemingly to       /           \__\_\(   (       *    )   )
examine the terrain below.   /      ______/   / \(__  (_________)    )
You can't tell much about   |      (         /    (                 )
this figure except that it  |      |        /      \               /
has human form and may be   |      (_______/       /\     |^|     |
controlling the beast much  |                    _/__\    / \     /__
like you would control a    |            _ /^\__/         \ /        \__/^\
horse.  This would be        \__________/ |/\_____/\______/ \______/\____/\|
unbelievable if you weren't
seeing it with your own eyes!

 ____________            Making Money the Easy Way
/ \   ____   \           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@| /~/~~\\  |                  by Darkseed
  ||~|    ~~ |
 _||~|  |==| | ood even  to you all.   At that point you  can do one of two
/@| \~\__//  | Tonight  I bring  you   things.  You  can  either  turn  the
\_/  ~~~~~   / lore  of how  to gain   ring, resetting it, or you can leave
  ~~~~~~~~~~~ silvers in a quick and   it on  your finger.  If you turn the
easy way.  Many old adventurers have   ring, you  will feel that same pulse
heard of and used this method, but I   setting the  ring once more.  But if
will share it with newcomers, too.     you do  not turn the ring, something
                                       different will  occur. If  you  wear
Those of  us who have hunted for any   the ring again from  that same room,
time know the Upper Kaldsfang, where   you  will go  back to where you wore
hobgoblins, lesser  orcs, and forest   the ring to teleport.  If you are in
trolls roam.  We  know  the  silver,   any other room, you will teleport to
armor, and  chests  these  creatures   the original room once more.
leave in  their wake.   But there is
much more  that can  be gained here,   Now, on with the money - making. The
and all  it takes  is one small item   steps in the process  are simple. Go
and some time.                         to the pawn shop  on Widow-Wart Road
                                       and  set  your  ring in  it. Walk to
Many of  you know  the item called a   hobs, taking  only  the  essentials:
gold ring. You  use  it to  teleport   armor, shield, weapon, and backpack.
back and  forth from places to  save   The  less you bring, the  more  room
time.  This  device  can be  used to   you will have to  carry things. Once
make a  lot of  silver for those who   in the field, pick up everything you
are in need.  For the benefit of the   see, not  just  metal  breastplates.
newer adventurers, we will see where   Pick  up everything  except  perhaps
we can get a gold ring.                the greaves.  Though the battle axes
                                       some  of  the hobgoblins  carry  are
Gold rings  are  commonly  found  in   only worth 50, these weapons can add
chests  throughout  the  lands. Your   up quickly.
best bet is to find a gold ring in a
chest or buy one from another player   Once your  backpack is full of metal
who  might  have  extras.  They  are   and  leather   breastplates,   heavy
usually  sold  around  town  by some   hide, battle  axes, and  so on,  use
adventurer or  other. You can expect   your ring  back to the pawn shop and
to pay anywhere from one thousand to   sell off  all the items.  You should
three thousand  silvers.  Do  not be   make  a   tidy   profit,   and   the
discouraged if  you  cannot  find  a   traveling time  will be quite short.
gold ring. Ask around and keep look-   From there,  you can  either make  a
ing for it. They are out there.        quick run  to the  bank  to  deposit
                                       your new-found  money or simply ring
The first  step in  learning to  use   back to  hobs and  do it  all again.
the gold  ring is  to understand its
workings.  The   system   may   seem   This method  is very  quick.  You go
complicated, but  once you  get  the   back and forth picking up everything
hang  of   using  it,  it  is  quite   you find. Although  individually the
simple. When  you put  the  ring  on   items are  not worth  much, when you
your finger  for the first time, you   have so  many the  load has  a  high
feel a  tiny pulse  which means that   value. You  can  probably  pick up a
you have  "set" the  ring  for  that   minimum five  hundred silvers' worth
place. Once you travel anywhere else   of stuff  each  visit.  If  you  are
(save  for   certain  magical  rooms   ringing back  and forth  for say, an
which bar the  rings' usage), remove   hour,  you  can  make  a  good  four
the ring  and wear  it again.   This   thousand silver easily.
will transport you back to the place
where you originally wore it.          The downside  is getting  caught  by
                                    -2-                 Continued on Page 6
 _________                 Not for Newbies Only
/ \ _____ \                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@| ~|_|~ |               by Llorien Silvanestii
  |  |~|  |
 _|  |~|  | have been asked to write   of stepping  on hobgoblins  for  the
/@| _|~|_ | a few words  about House   past month,  who wishes to test some
\_/ ~~~~~ / Argent  Aspis's  monthly   undead in  the graveyard  or perhaps
  ~~~~~~~~  orientation night.  Most   venture deeper  into  Kaldsfang  and
people are  under the  misconception   fight it out with orcs, is more than
that all  we do  is take raw rookies   welcome to  come to  the orientation
out and  teach  them  how  to  fight   nights as  well. We  can  set  up  a
torkaans. The orientation we provide   group accompanied  by an experienced
is much more than that.                fighter and  a healer,  and let them
                                       head  out   to  parts   unknown   to
It is true that we take newcomers in   experience the  thrill we  all  felt
hand and  teach them basic  survival   when we  first ventured  in gorcs or
and hunting techniques. We also talk   ran into  a cockatrice  and saw  our
about  hunting  courtesy, the proper   friend decide  to  become  a  living
procedure  for  dying  and   getting   statue.
brought back to the land of the liv-
ing, and  the use  of such items  as   These groups will be offered tips on
amulets. We give tips on rolling and   the best  weapons  to  use  for  the
training  of  characters.   We  also   occasion or  other tactics that have
stress  the  roleplaying  aspects of   proven useful.  How many new players
the  game and introduce them  to the   out there  know that  a forest troll
commands available for this as well.   will sit down and begin tending it's
                                       bleeding wounds if you hide,  making
Most importantly though, new players   it much easier to hit? Or that there
get to meet others of the same level   is a  ridge line above the mine road
and ability with  whom they may form   that has  some rich  little  goblins
hunting  parties in  the  future and   running around on it?
share the comraderie that I think is
the primary  reason any  of us  even   We at  Aspis  urge  the  experienced
journey to Kelfour's Landing.          players  out   there  to   let   the
                                       newcomers know  of our  program. The
We  try  to  include  a  variety  of   sooner  these  newcomers  learn  how
professions in  our working team, so   things work,  the more  pleasant the
that  a   new  player  can  talk  to   game is  for everyone. If you think,
someone who has already gone through   "Well, they  will learn eventually,"
the trials  and tribulations  of the   just remember the last time a newbie
earlier stages and get tips based on   scooped  a  900  coin  chest in  the
experience. The  house has  recently   temple  (25  at  a  time), while ten
recruited  many   new   members   to   people tried to talk.
further flesh  out our  team and can     ________________________________
now boast  of having 2 clerics and a    /                                \
number of  healers ready to patch up   |               FREE               |
the unfortunate  ones who, by system   |        Vacation in Kulthea!      |
hiccup or  their own  eagerness, end   |        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      |
up on  the wrong end of an encounter   | Enjoy the Weekend of your Dreams |
with one  of the  many  denizens  of   | in Kulthea  --  Absolutely FREE! |
Kelfour's forests.                     |                                  |
                                       | Kill,  maim  and destroy to your |
So why is this article entitled "Not   | heart's content, or lay back and |
For Newbies  Only"? Most people seem   | cool it. All you need do is have |
to believe  that newcomers  are  the   | three articles published here in |
only   ones   we   help   on   these   | Kelfour Edition. Contact Phaedra |
orientation nights. However, we will   | Bleu by GE Mail to  P.HERRINGTON |
also take  out players  that wish to   | for details. No obligation!      |
explore a  new area. A player, tired    \________________________________/
                              Up From the Muck
 ____________               by Celestin Drowstar
/ \ _________\
\@| ||=|=|=|| |
  | ~~ |_| ~~ |
 _|    |_|    |his last spring found    The biggest threat are the Sohlougir
/@|   _|_|_   | the  reptiles around    Cheiftains.  They can  make you lose
\_/__________/  Kelfour's   emerging    your footing by slamming their tails
from their  winter slumber.  Usually    on the  ground.  If  you  miss  your
reptiles  are  not  so  bad, but the    maneuver  roll you'll  become prone,
ones  that moved  into the sea caves    and may sustain  damage in the fall.
off from the coastal cliffs area are    The  lizardmen are not as tough, but
not so nice.  The information I have    they have a  tendency to  breed like
on  these   creatures  is   kind  of    rabbits.  Even  though  the  area is
sketchy (due mostly to the fact that    pretty  dangerous, the  lure of  the
I  keep  getting  killed  by  them),    level  two  chests  found  here have
though it should be fairly accurate.    attracted many adventurers.
          Chieftain, Sohlougir: 10th Level, fast speed, tail slam,
            Morning Star (95 OB), shield (65 DB).
          Lizardman, Sohlougir: 7th Level, fast speed,
            Trident (80 OB), shield (40 DB).
 / \                                                                        \
 |                                                                         |
 | A - A: go path            ( )-( )-( )                                   |
 |                          /           \             Coastal Cliff Area   |
 |           ( )-( )-( )-( )             ( )                               |
 |          /             |                 \                              |
 | <-(A)-( )                                 ( )-( )-( )-( )               |
 |    :                                                 /   \              |
 | <-(A)-(B)................                                 ( )-( )-(C)-> |
 |        | u/d            :                                               |
 |       ( )               :                       C: Merchant Road to     |
 |        | u/d            :  B - B: go crevice       and from Kelfour's   |
 |       ( )               :                          (go road)            |
 |        | u/d            :                                               |
 |       ( )               :..............................                 |
 |                                                       :      N          |
 |    F - G: go hole        ( )                          :      |          |
 |    G - F: up          u/d | \                         :    W-+-E        |
 |               ( )         |  \    D - E: go bridge    :      |          |
 |           u/d  |    (F)--( )  \                       :      S          |
 |               ( )    :         (D)<--(E)-->(D)--( )--(B)                |
 |           u/d  |    (G)       /                                         |
 |               (H)  __________/                                          |
 |                :  /                              u/d = up and down      |
 |                : /    H - I: down                      instead of       |
 |          ( )--(I)     I - H: climb stone               north and south  |
 |         /                                                               |
 | (J)--( )                                                                |
 |  :       J - K: go fissure                                              |
 | (K)      K - J: out                                                     |
/|                                                                         |
 ____________                The Art of Dying
/ \  ______  \               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@| /~/~~\~\ |               by Gwen Belanger
  ||~|    |~||
 _||~|    |~||
/@| \~\__/~/ | ver the  years that I    goes  ten  times over  during death.
\_/  ~~~~~~  / have  read  Kelfours'    The  During  Death  circumstance  is
  ~~~~~~~~~~~ Edition, I  have  seen    what  you  do  while  you  are being
many of the "How To" guides. "How to    hacked,  mangled, stomped,  drowned,
Skin Torkaans" and  "How to Get Lost    bludgeoned or otherwise killed. Here
in  the  Swamp"  and  so  on  and so    we make  our last  desperate attempt
forth, but I have yet to see a guide    at  life.  Certain  things  such  as
on the all important art of dying.      bringing  down  your guard, dropping
                                        your  shield, swapping  your  hands,
One night I was waiting  for a  rez,    falling  down,  making  your  helmet
sitting  around with  Kalagay in the    fall over your eyes when you're just
uh.. ghost hang out. At which time I    about to strike  (hey, it happens!),
had  made  some  comment  about  the    and  my personal  favorite, swearing
method  of  my  skillful  demise and    at  the  foe  while  they  are  busy
Kalagay  had suggested that I  write    cutting  you  into  pieces  (but you
an article  about it.  However, that    sure told him!).
would hardly do  the topic of artis-
tic downfall justice, so I  composed    Last but not least, the After Death.
this article on The Art of Dying.       It is important for us heroing types
                                        to try and  maintain our pride; that
There are three  specific attributes    way when we  make complete fools out
which  make up  the perfect  demise:    of ourselves it's twice as funny. It
the Before Death, the During  Death,    is,  therefore,  essential that  the
and the After Death. I have  greater    complete  death  be  followed  by  a
experience in this  topic mainly due    complete  loss  of control.  When we
to the  fact that  unlike high level    die, it  is important that we curse,
characters, most  anything  can kill    scream  and swear  at our  assailant
me.  I have  fully  explored, though    (what's  he gonna  do?  Kill  you?).
much to  my  dismay, each  of  these    Although we  can not  snarl or growl
three categories.  We  will  discuss    when we're dead, we must say that we
each attribute in detail and observe    would snarl and  growl if we weren't
how each  makes up one  partition of    dead.  This can be done like so:
the complete death.
                                        The ghost of Gwen says, "Growl"
First off, we have the Before Death.
This is  the condition we're in just    The affect of such a vocal onslaught
before  we  enter  a  difficult  and    can  be  devastating to  the one who
potentially dangerous  circumstance.    fell  you, and  might cause  them to
In other  words, how  you are before    flee, or maybe cause them to relieve
you  are about  to die.  The  Before    themselves  upon  your  corpse.  Use
Death  is the sum  of the flaws that    caution when speaking from the After
will  lead  to  our  eminent demise.    Death  for  this  reason, as  I  can
Therefore, such things as weapons in    assure you it is an unpleasant thing
the wrong hands, no weapons  at all,    (especially  when  you  can't  close
no attempt at parrying due to either    your eyes).
surprise  or  carelessness,  walking
with your  eyes  closed, or crawling    Now I will  show an example.  Try to
on your hands and knees into a fight    find the three attributes:
fit into this category.
                                        Gwen is  in  hobs. He  just killed a
Now comes the most important part of    forest troll  and is a little  weary
all; the  During  Death.  It is very    (long day  for Gwen).  He decides to
important that the hero maintain his    take a  quick run  down near greater
or her indignity at all times.  This    orcs  before  he  calls it  a night.
Going down the path, Gwen  discovers   Making Money the Easy Way:  From P.2
an orc. Hah! Gwen prepares to attack   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
only to find  that the  orc is a tad   Navigators while  using  your  ring.
quicker.  Gwen knows he was hit, but   You  could find yourself yanked into
thinks  nothing of it.   He has been   a strange  room where  your ring and
hurt a  number of  times and  hardly   all  your pocket  cash will be taken
even notices anymore. He attempts to   (a good  reason  to  bank  your cash
hack at  the orc, but finds  that he   each trip). It doesn't happen often,
has no left arm.                       but it is annoying.  My  best advice
                                       is to get a new ring and go on.
Gwen blinks.
                                       I hope you have enjoyed this hunting
This presents a bit of a problem for   tip, and that you can use it to your
our claymore wielding hero. Stunned,   advantage. If  you find  this method
Gwen decides  to try his best not to   usable and enjoyable, tell any other
die.  He swears and curses and makes   friends  who  might  not  read  this
various references  to orc heritage.   article.  Hobs is  an area  that can
This results in  more orcs coming to   offer  many  things.  We  are indeed
help  Gwen die.  But wait!  The stun   blessed  that  the  Gods saw fit  to
has passed and now  Gwen makes a mad   create such a place.
dash for  the trail.  What a  break!
The  orc  should've  killed  him, he
thinks, but Gwen wont complain.             The Flesh Against Itself
Whoops.                                       by Elyssa Lightstrong
Gwen  happens to  slip on the  trail   Winding my way
and comes tumbling down.  Seeing the   through black and grey hills,
orcs  converging  on him, Gwen tries   the stars are my guides,
again to  climb the trail,  although   shining their cold light on the path
he  forgot  to  stand up.  The orcs,
with a considerable offensive advan-   Stopping among gardens,
tage over Gwen, who by this time has   black and red roses glittering
only  one  arm, lying  on  his back,   with reflected light,
bleeding and  without a weapon, pro-   their scent heady.
ceed  to  make  coffee  and  have an
early dinner.                          Onward past rivers,
                                       black and silver waters rushing,
Ow.                                    movement unstoppable
                                       singing in the night.
Gwen  yells  and screams and swears.
He even growls.                        And through a village small,
                                       black and brown huts squatting,
The ghost of Gwen says, "Growl."       resting together
                                       like bread and fish and a warm fire.
All  to no avail.  The orcs kick and
spit on Gwen.  Refusing to take this   Until a precipice tall,
abuse  (Gwen  _is_  in  the  Union),   black and white stark,
retires to ghost heaven.               and wind
                                       to raise the flesh against itself.
Did  you notice the three attributes
mentioned?   Now  you  can duplicate
this  model yourself.  The possibil-
ities  are  nearly  endless  and the     _________________________________
variety  of monsters allows for many    /                                \\
excruciatingly  painful applications   |          Happy Holidays          ||
of  the  model.  So try and remember   |              from                ||
what  you've  read  in this informa-   |          Kelfour Edition         ||
tive guide on The Art of Dying!         \________________________________//
                               Who Are You?
 ____________                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ \  ______  \          Editorial by Kalagay Halatil
\@| /~/~~\~\ |
  ||~|    |~||
 _||~|    |~|| nce  in  a  while  an   Landing? Are  you gentry, riff-raff,
/@| \~\__/~/ | imagined   population   parvenu?
\_/  ~~~~~~  / becomes vivid in back
  ~~~~~~~~~~~ of  your eyes, and the   "Do  you  wear  finery  or warrior's
scrolling  of text gives way to pic-   battle dress? Where do you take your
tures  only you can  see, because of   dinner when you can choose? Where do
someone on the other end of a  phone   you sleep when it is time: temple or
line.  Players new to Gemstone right   tavern,  camp  or cottonwood  bough?
now have a chance to learn from role
players which  has not been  equaled   "Are   you    lightsome,   friendly,
in  the Landing in a long  time.  To   battle-loving? Are you dark, driven,
long time. To our delight they seize   alone?  Rich   in  money,   rich  in
any chance  to  make  living  beings   things? Who  loves you?  And who  do
from  their imaginings.  Generously,   you love?
they make these beings live  for all
all of us as well as for themselves.   Roleplayers ask questions like these
                                       of  their   own  creations  as  they
Think of  the  memorable  characters   journey in  The Wilds Land. They ask
who have  crossed your trail just in   the  same questions of you. It's the
the past couple of months.  Each one   sense that  you  came from somewhere
knows  where  she  came  from.  Each   and are going  somewhere that  keeps
remembers relatives or his fostering   you "in character," even in the most
and getting old enough to survive in   technical,  mechanical   discussion.
The Wilds on his own.  You may never   If  you will  answer  them  solidly,
hear the  story, but  each character   with the sharp  edges of clear know-
which impressed you knows where  she   ledge, then  you can share  some  of
lives and what she likes best to eat   yourself  with  the rest  of us. The
and  drink  and  wear.  Each  has  a   community takes on texture, and  all
favorite flower,  color, jewel, pair   of us  learn from all  of us how our
of boots, or place to catch a catnap   characters can more truly be.
or  lurk  in  ambush  for  the  next
critter or pickpocket's mark.
                                               The Dark is Patient
For  those players whose other  self           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
is still locked  into an  unsharable          by Elyssa Lightstrong
dark, there  are ways and words that
can bring unique life into  the com-
munity  of  Kelfour's  Landing.  Ask     What evil we fight.
your character questions like these:
                                         Sorrow in the night,
"How do you differ from the elf next     so easy to hide,
to  you, how  is  your  dwarfishness     they feed on it.
your own and not someone else's? Did
you ever tell yourself  the story of     The moonlight sometimes
your own life?                           will illuminate,
                                         light the pain with pain with its
"What shaped  you into  the fighter,       soft glow.
the tender, the mage, the scholar or
singer that you are? And are you the     The monsters wait,
best you  can be  at it,  or are you     step back,
still learning?                          until clouds pass before the moon's
                                           bright once more.
"Did you come from far away, or were
you  born  right  here in  Kelfour's     What evil we fight.
 _______________       A Letter From Pelan Lightstrong
/ \ ____    ____\      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@| +|~~\  /~~|+|           by Elyssa Lightstrong
  |  |~\~\/~/~| |
 _|  |~|\~~/|~| |
/@| _|~| ~~ |~|_|y parents died when    action that  I take that flows  from
\_/ ~~~~    ~~~~/ I was  very young,    any of  these  ideals is  considered
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and my uncle  Pelan    right and appropriate.
took me in and  cared for me as if I
were his own. He is, for all intents    Right action  is, also, dependent on
and purposes, my father.  When I was    what  I call the  harmony of nature.
old  enough  to  be  apprenticed, he    This takes into account the plans of
went  off  to Kelfour's  Landing, we    the gods  in their  creation  of our
tried to  stay in  touch by a steady    world.  This harmony is important in
correspondence.                         that it provides  us with a means of
                                        measuring  ourselves that  lies out-
In the letters we would send to each    side of ourselves. Action must be in
other,  we'd cover  many topics:  we    accord with this harmony if it is to
talked about day to day lives,  he'd    be right in the greater sense of the
tell  me about  life  in a  frontier    word.  The  difficulty,  of  course,
town,  and  many  times we'd discuss    lies in determining what exactly the
philosophy, this  particular subject    gods planned, as we are not gods and
being important  to me  as a  recent    don't mentate at their level.
apprentice to a clerical order.
                                        However, keeping in mind the will of
The following is  one of the letters    the gods does eliminate evil actions
containing part of our discussion on    as being  appropriate, because while
appropriate  behavior.  I thought it    those  actions  might  fit  in  with
might  be of interest  to some, so I    the ideals of the  individual,  evil
have asked to  have it printed here.    is  detrimental  to the  harmony  of
I hope you find it interesting.         nature. Here, I refer to evil in the
                                        true  sense  of the  word: those who
Hello Elyssa,                           would  destroy  life and  oppose and
I hope  this letter  finds you happy    distort the harmony of nature.
and well.  I'd  received  your  last
letter after much  anticipation, and    So,  now we  have  this  definition.
I  am  glad  to  hear  that  matters    Appropriate  action  is  the  maint-
concerning that particular misunder-    enance  of  one's  ideal  throughout
standing have been settled.  I  only    life, the being of such ideals  from
regret  not  being  there  to  help.    day to day, and is action that is in
Although, I  hope  life will go more    keeping with the  harmony of nature,
smoothly  for you now  and that your    that  seeks to  foster life  and the
studies proceed without hindrance.      greater plan of  those powers  above
                                        us.  We may  now  continue  with the
Now, referring to the second part of    discussion  and  know  of  what  the
your last letter  and our continuing    other speaks when we talk  about it.
discussion  of  philosophy,  we must
first stop  and define  what we mean    It  seems that  I have  gone on  for
by  appropriate   or  right  action.    much too long, for I have run out of
Otherwise,  neither  of  us  will be    paper.  Our discussion will continue
able to agree  on anything,  for our    with your response to my definition.
understanding of each other shall be    I am positive you will have one.  So
faulty.  Appropriate  action,  as  I    I will  end this here.  Take care of
understand is  that which  maintains    yourself, dear  Elyssa.  I miss  you
the  ideals  of  whatever individual    and your  brother very much.  I hope
performs such actions.  What I  mean    hope to  see you both soon.
is this:  let us say that I  believe
the ideal man is just, wise, strong,                   With Love,
kind,  and brave.  For me, then, any                   Pelan Lightstrong
                          Monster Chronicles: Goblins
 ____________             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ \  ______  \                  Jarran Terraxx
\@| /~/~~\~\ |
  ||~|    |~||
 _||~|    |~||ne of Kelfours weakest    In battle they may  appear tough but
/@| \~\__/~/ |and smallest creatures    that is far from  the fact.  Goblins
\_/  ~~~~~~  / is the Goblin.  These    are not  known for the bravery, they
  ~~~~~~~~~~~  small  ugly  monsters    are more  frightened of running into
somewhat  resemble  short  and stout    an adventurer then  any first  level
humanoids.  Although, they  are  far    adventurer is of  running into them.
from  human  and not  even  close to    Odds are  that the  moment that ugly
being considered good looking by the    guy realizes  how far outmatched  he
humans or  elves.  Their skin colors    is, then you're  gonna have  quite a
range anywhere from yellow through a    chase on  your hands  as it's  going
dull  orange to a  brick red. Due to    to take off  running just as fast as
their bright skin it's very unlikely    its little legs  are going to allow.
that you could miss them, so a sneak    After all, they arent  called yellow
attack by  one is  hardly  possible.    bellies for nothing.
The  texture of  their skin is rough    Finally, when you do manage to catch
and somewhat rubbery although hardly    him, and put his wailing out of your
as dense as rubber. They are usually    misery, and you go to  see if he has
very dirty, as they believe that the    any  treasure,  well,  don't  get to
skin  loses  some of its  resistance    dissapointed,  because  if  you  get
everytime they bathe.  Usually dirt,    anything off  them at all, five gold
mud, hair, and  pieces of food cling    will bet you  that it's  only a good
to their skin.   These  particles of    case of skin lice.   Goblins  hardly
grime  are  the  biggest  reason why    ever carry  anything  worth value, a
they  can be  smelled  coming from a    good  example  is their  weapons and
mile  away.  They  tend to  dress in    armor, notice that  they are in need
dark, drab and soiled-looking colors    of some serious repair. After you've
the most favorite of the colors  are    taken care of dispatching them, then
anywhere  from  an  ugly  brown to a    at least try skinning them.  Despite
dirty gray or stained maroon.           the  lice, the  skin is  worth  some
                                        35 silvers at the  pawnshop, and its
Their eyes are large and oval,  with    rumored that they're worth something
pupils that range  from a reddish to    to another establishment as well.
a lemon yellow, with a whitish color
surrounding  the outside of the eye.    So remember, the  next  time you see
Their noses are flat and broad,  and    this four foot,  ugly, yellow, wimpy
it looks as if they  had been hit in    critter  come running  down the path
the nose once to many times, perhaps    at you, odds  are he's  running from
they  had  chased one to many rocks.    something else,  and just made a big
                                        mistake when he came towards you.
They mostly prefer  dwelling in such
places as  the graveyard, mine  road    The Goblins are level two  creatures
or  Gorcs, they  prefer these places    and are rather easy to hit, not very
mostly  due to  their  weakness, and    fast, and usually they wont even get
feel  much  safer in the  company of    close to hitting you. They prefer to
bigger and  stronger  allies such as    use flails  and have  sometimes been
the orcs and  undead.  They are very    seen  using  scimitars.  Beyond that
light in  weight  mostly  due to the    though, they are  hardly a threat by
fact they  rarely  get  much to eat,    by themselves.  Sometimes, like once
there isn't many  creatures they can    in a great while, you might actually
defeat  easily, so they usually wind    find a chest on one of them, but the
up only eating  things that they can    odds of this are  very rare, so dont
scrounge up like adventurer remains.    hold your breath.
 / \                                                                      \
 | @/______________________Puzzling Kulthean Words________________________/
 |                                                                  _    |
 |    by Jarran Terraxx                                            |_|   |
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 |  Instructions:                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_|_              |
 |  Fill in the squares with           |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|             |
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 |  @\                                                                     \
  /                                                                       \
 |   Enter some of these words in spaces on the preceeding page so that    |
 |   they fit together and are spelled properly. How long will it take?    |
 |     --------------------------------------------------------------      |
 |  Ghoul  Charon  Centaur  Assassin  Sohleugir  Curfalakai  Loremasters   |
 |  Giant  Mikori  Mammoth  Wifurwif  Kladsfang  Necropolis  Dragonsfang   |
 |  Gnoll  Tlilok  Bounder  Basilisk  Wolverine  Bloodbeast  Interregnum   |
 |  Golem  Hegheg  Essence  Revenant  Manticore  Navigators  Trelkinaark   |
 |  Threk  Hrassk  Blototh  Torkland  Catacombs  Channeling                |
 |  Eissa  Spider  Spectre  Cemetary  Stonehold  Troglodyte                |
 |  Wight  Marmot  Smatoth  Gemsting  Labyrinth  Deathwoods                |
 |  Orhan  Zephyr  Kulthea  Seoltang  Arnuminas  Apparition                |
 |  Varin          Stalker            Mausoleum  Cladesbrim                |
 |  Mummy                                        Dangirland                |
 |                                               SilverLake                |
 |                                               Tatzelwurm                |
 ____________        Deja Vu: Life Generously Forfeited
/ \      __  \       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@|     / "|  |                by Eron Kulsen
  |    //|"|  |
 _|   //=|"|  |long  with  the likes   down  like a twelve - year - old and
/@|  //  |"|  |of  the Lords Dagmar,   pointed at Eron's empty right  hand.
\_/ ~~   ~~~ / Strom,  Moonpie,  and   That  is  about  all  Eron  ever saw
  ~~~~~~~~~~~  Landreth, young  Eron   after that.
followed  along  eagerly to find the
recently discovered  Spider  Temple.       A centaur stomps at Eron!
Moonpie led  the  party  to the mine         OB:  190  vs.  DB:  58
road  where  a  new  trail appeared.         THT: 49  DRoll 100: 80
Swords  in hand  and fear put aside,     Modified: (Too high  for Eron's
they  entered  unfamiliar   terrain.     health!) Shattering blow to the
Landreth lead the party  and  mapped     skull!  Eron is hit for 56 cps!
their progress among abandoned huts.
                                       Eron's head was squashed to a bloody
Moonpie asked,  "I wonder  what kind   pulp, sending  the  cerebral  cortex
of critters inhabit this area?"        flying in multiple directions!
Strom said,  "I don't  know,  but  I   ** Eron just bit the dust!
hope they're a high enough level for
some good experience."                 Dagmar moaned while Strom commented,
                                       "OB of 190."
Eron  followed meekly, hiding behind
Dagmar while  fishing in  his hooded   Moonpie  said,  "Yeah, and a THT  of
cloak for more statues. Of a sudden,   of 49  against heavy hide.  You get-
an evil-looking  red centaur crashed   ting all this down, Landreth?"
out of some nearby bushes.  Landreth
exclaimed,  "Wow!  That's impressive   Landreth nodded  while absently wip-
looking, eh?"                          ing Eron's brains off his boot.
Moonpie said, "Maybe we should parry   Eron's  ghost  seemed to  remember a
up until we find out its OB."  Strom   similar  day long ago.  Something to
nodded, and  Dagmar  jumped  up  and   do with a baby dragon.
 ____________             The Real Thieves Guild
/ \      __  \            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@|     / "|  |            by Lord Stanyon Sting
  |    //|"|  |          Minister of Public Affairs
 _|   //=|"|  |
/@|  //  |"|  |n idea  starts in the   scoops fair?  You decide.
\_/ ~~   ~~~ /  mind  of one  person
  ~~~~~~~~~~~  and  if that  idea is   Falsehood  #3:   The only reason for
good,  others join to make it become   joining  the  Guild  is  fellowship.
reality.   That's what happened when   False!   Thieves are individuals and
Lords Mikhail and Artuero approached   join   the   Guild   for  their  own
their  fellow  thieves with the idea   reasons.  Kahsmire is mistaken if he
of  creating  a  guild, and response   thinks  he speaks for all thieves in
was   overwhelming.   I  myself  was   this matter.
taken  by the concept, and together,
we went to work in forming it.         Falsehood #4:  Thief Lords will come
                                       to  assassinate  you  if  you have a
I will not bore you with accounts of   dispute with a Guild member.  False!
the  painstaking  meetings that were   Let  me  state  this  here  and now:
held  to determine the policy of the   THERE IS  NO POLICY WITHIN THE GUILD
Guild.   Suffice  to  say that after   THAT  CONDONES  ASSASSINATIONS!   If
all  was  said  and  done, a general   this  were  so,  Kahsmire  would  no
policy was formed, with the approval   longer   be  alive.   He  has  never
of  all the membership.  That policy   attended  a meeting and, to my know-
is a good one for Kulthea overall.     ledge, has not been asked to join.
As Minister of Public Affairs of the   The  Guild  steps in when there is a
Thieves  Guild,  it is my job to see   dispute  between  Guild members, but
that all information about the guild   player  conflicts  do not and should
is   accurate  and  factual.   After   not  concern the Guild.  Now if some
reading  the  article published last   hostile group should start attacking
month  about  the Guild by Kahsmire,   Guild members because they are Guild
who is  mis-informed,  this point by   members and for no other reason than
point  response is designed to clear   their being Guild members, that is a
the air of his misconceptions.         different story.  The Guild reserves
                                       the right to defend its existence.
Falsehood  #1:   The  Guild requires
its  members  to take two scoops and   Falsehood  #5:   The Guild pressures
three   if  the  chest  is  trapped.   thieves  to  join.   False!  When we
False!  The Guild requests one scoop   approach  a  thief and offer member-
from  any chest; none if it contains   ship  to  him/her, we naturally give
under  100  silvers.  Any additional   our   reasons   for  their  joining,
scoops  taken  is  the policy of the   stating  the advantages and benefits
individual picker.                     of  membership.   Should  the  thief
                                       decline,  that is that.  Lord Bleys,
Falsehood   #2:   Are  scoops  fair?   Lord  Winter,  Galauriel  and others
After  all,  you  did  all the work!   have  declined membership.  Ask them
False!  When healers are called upon   if they have ever been threatened or
to  heal,  and clerics to save life,   coerced about joining.
they  are  amply  rewarded for their
time  and  sacrifice.  No one in the   It  is natural for thieves to have a
land  is  called  upon for help more   guild.   It  is  natural  for  other
than  the  thief for the chests, and   professions to have guilds, too.  We
we  are  the ones who can open them.   all know guild speak -- why not have
It is a time-consuming task, fraught   a guild to go along with it?
with  danger, and the experience you
get is laughable.  Every day a thief   There  is  nothing  preventing other
dies  trying  to  open a chest.  Are   professions   from  forming  guilds.
                                    -12-               Continued on Page 20
/ \   ____   \              Strange Occurrences
\@| /~/~~\\  |              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ||~|    ~~ |             by Jhembryne Illystin
 _||~|  |==| |
/@| \~\__//  |reetings, Kelfourians.   to  lose my  strength and my will to
\_/  ~~~~~   / Most of  you who have   live; eventually, I succumbed to the
  ~~~~~~~~~~~  been here for a while   welcome comfort of unconsciousness.
may remember me as Jhembryn Durrock.
But, my friends, some strange things   My next recollection is of waking on
have happened.                         the shore by Kelfour's near the dock
                                       where  my ship would have landed. In
I departed a while ago on an expedi-   tring to stand, I  found my left leg
tion to  learn  new healing  methods   twisted at  a strange  angle; it was
and explore other parts  of Kulthea.   broken badly.  Simple, I  thought. A
My journey was  both  enjoyable  and   low level healing spell would easily
enlightening; however, the voyage to   take  care of  it.  But I could  not
here was a bit more (ahem) eventful.   remember how to cast it. I knew what
                                       to  do; I just  couldn't do it.  All
The journey back to  Kelfour's began   but the simplest of spells were lost
in a small harbor town, the  name of   to me.  My healing ability was gone.
which I  have  mercifully forgotten.
Our vessel looked sturdy enough, but   It was then that I realized the loss
as we  know, looks can be deceiving.   of my weapons,  armor,  jewelry, and
                                       clothing.  Some quickly grabbed rags
We sailed  for several  weeks, and I   covered enough  of me  that I  would
became  tired of oceans. I spent any   not be jailed by  the constable.  No
spare time  on  deck  exercising  or   problem,  I  thought  again. I  have
practicing my  healing incantations.   70,000 silvers in the bank. But when
Then,  when  we were  but days  from   I got there, it was all gone. I also
port, I  saw a strange  form  on the   found my locker to be empty.
horizon, approaching quickly.
                                       I spent the next hours in the temple
I called it to the  attention of the   alone, waiting for any familiar face
captain, who  quickly  identified it   to show up and help me figure things
as a  dragon, and  ordered me below.   out.  Finally my  old friend  Larisa
Adamantly, I demanded  that he allow   came  in,  saw  me,  and  could  not
me to  lend whatever help I could in   believe  her eyes.  Sharlan, another
the impending  attack, and  began to   friend from the past, loaned me some
prepare a barrage of healing spells.   silver to  get started again. Larisa
                                       and  I went shopping  for  new armor
My first thought, upon a closer look   and weaponry.
at the dragon, was of its beauty and
grace.  But awe turned to dread when   Then I visited a place I thought I'd
he  made his first  attack.  He used   never see  again, the catacombs. The
only  one claw, but killed three men   giant rats were easy enough to kill,
instantly, and put another close  to   but not nearly as easy as they ought
death. I went to  his  side at once,   to have been. It seemed I was start-
to take his  wounds upon  myself and   ing over. I changed my name a bit by
heal them as quickly  as I ever had.   adding  a letter  to the  first, and
                                       taking my mother's maiden name as my
Now that I look back on  it, perhaps   own, since my father is dead.
it would have been kinder to let him
die.  On the dragon's next pass, its   So, hello again, sort of. I hope all
flaming breath  engulfed  the  ship,   my old  hunting partners and friends
destroying it utterly. I jumped free   can  forget  my  apparent  youth and
into  the water  with no  worse than   inexperience, and  remember  that an
minor  injuries, but  there  was  no   aged  and  wise  mind occupies  this
sign of  rescue.  Slowly, I began to   young body.
 ___________                 Babe in the Woods
/ \  ______ \                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@| /~/~~\_\ |                by Thellra Dumas
  | \~\____~ |
 _| _~~~~\~\ | omeone once  told me,   were   especially  mean.   And  they
/@| \~\__/~/ | "Beware  of what  you   rarely left their babies unattended.
\_/  ~~~~~~ / pick up traveling. You   I circled the area and found a blood
  ~~~~~~~~~~  may not be able to get   trail.  "Oh, no!  If the  mother  is
rid  of it!"  I  never really under-   wounded, she's  going  to be  really
stood before just how true that is.    mad. I've got to  get out  of here!"
                                       I said to myself.
On my  way home  from  hunting  Grey
Orcs a  few months ago, I  came upon   I turned around, and there before me
a  curious object lying in my  path.   was a  broken  cudgel,  bloodstained
I  bent  over  to  examine  it  more   grass, and  worst  of  all,  a  dead
closely. It was  a child's rag doll,   troll.   Rolling  my  eyes  skyward,
and a very unusual one. Instead of a   I asked "Why me?" and walked back to
smiling  face,  there  was a troll's   the squealing  baby  troll, mumbling
fierce visage crudely drawn on it.     loudly  about  ignorant  poachers. I
                                       couldn't just leave the baby  there.
"A troll!?"  I wondered.  "Who would   I've had  my fair share  of  battles
make a  troll doll?"  It appeared to   with  trolls, but I couldn't imagine
be made  of a sack stuffed with hay,   leaving any  kind of baby alone in a
and it  was well-worn.  A little bit   dangerous wood.
of hay stuck out of one side, making
the   body  look  quite   misshapen.   I reached  into my  pack and brought
"Or maybe that's the way troll dolls   out a  sturdy pair  of thick  gloves
are supposed to look," I thought  to   and the  raggedy troll  doll  I  had
myself, grinning.                      found earlier. "I guess this belongs
                                       to you," I told the trollie baby. It
Thinking that  my  friends  in  town   grabbed the doll and started chewing
might have  a good  laugh over it, I   on it,  saliva dripping  all over. I
stuck the  raggedy troll  doll in my   grimaced, and  gingerly reached out,
pack. Before  I could continue on my   picking up the little troll. With my
way, however, I heard a keening that   falchion in  one hand and the orphan
made my ears hurt. Immediately on my   troll in the other, I walked back to
guard, I  brought my falchion up and   town, wondering  all  the  way  just
tightened my  grip on my shield. The   what I  was going to do with my new-
sound came again, from the direction   found bundle of teeth and claws.
of a  large rock  to  my  left.  The
wailing sounded  like a  nail  being   I'm still  wondering. All  I've been
drawn out  of a  plank  of  wood.  I   able to find out is that trolls have
peeked warily around the side of the   a huge  appetite, and elvenfolk seem
boulder.                               to be  a favorite  food. The trollie
                                       baby  has  latched  onto  me,  quite
There  on  the  ground  was  a  tiny   literally. It sank its teeth into my
creature,   no    bigger   than   my   leg this  morning and  won't let go.
backpack. "How  could a  sound  that   There's more blood on the floor than
painful come from a thing so small?"   in  my  poor  wounded  body,  so  if
I asked  myself. I  carefully nudged   there's a  healer about, please stop
the creature  with  my boot, turning   by.  We   can  talk  about  quantity
it over on its  back.  A baby troll!   discounts.
Its eyes  were wide with fright, and
it clutched  my boot  with small but   By the  way, if  anyone knows how to
razor-sharp claws.                     get rid  of this  pesky critter, I'm
                                       all ears. Well, I'm all one ear. The
I had  never even seen a baby  troll   troll ate  my other  one. Anyone out
before, but I did know troll mothers   there?  Anyone at all?  Help!
 _______________               Torkaan Stew
/ \ ____    ____\              ~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@| +|~| __ |~|+|          by Solanum Dulcamara
  |  |~|/~~\|~| |
 _|  |~/~/\~\~| | hat's  breakfast?"   By that time, the drops I've slipped
/@| _|__/  \__|_|                      in his drink take effect, and I  can
\_/_____________/ I  look  into  the   roll him  into bed and  have a party
the pot on the stove and think for a   tearing up the sheets. He'll wake up
minute.  Telling  the truth would be   and  never admit he's forgotten  his
fun, but then he might not want any.   part  in  the  most  "unforgettable"
                                       night of my life.
"Torkaan stew,"  I  answer.  It does
have some torkaan in it, though most   The hound eying me from the bed now,
people don't cook the eyes.            though, hadn't  missed a  thing.  He
                                       wasn't terribly  imposing,  but  I'd
"Torkaan stew?   What  I left in the   given him  the  usual  three  drops.
pot last night?"                       Rose root  drops usually  hit  about
                                       ten minutes  after consumption, with
"It's a new batch," I offer.  "I can   one distressing  side  effect  which
add some lodfa'al eggs if you like."   always makes the moonlight walk more
He hesitates. "And some moss?  I got   entertaining.  I do  enjoy  watching
it just this morning."  A bit before   Romeo  squirm while  he  fights  the
sunrise, in fact: if lace moss could   urges to  curl up and  sleep  and to
survive   even   indirect  sunlight,   run off  behind the bushes before he
there  wouldn't be  any forests.  An   soils his clothes. We tend to arrive
hour before  sunrise is best, before   at his house  quickly, even though a
predawn  light  sends  it  withering   curious exception to the  ten minute
into  day-long winter, to be  reborn   rule is that, when  mixed with alco-
from the lacy ruins the next night.    hol, the  drops  don't  take  effect
                                       till the alcohol wears off.
Grinning in  memory of  last night's
conquest, he  assents.  "If you were   Last night's  Romeo must  have  been
charging  me,   I'd  want  something   drinking  for a  while  before I got
better, but  I guess  it'll do."  He   there, unfortunately.  He  persisted
probably hopes that remark  hurt me.   the entire way home, which took near
Stupid man.                            an hour and a half, and survived the
                                       first hour in bed quite  deliriously
My own  memories of last night would   happy. I'd begun  to worry  that the
leave me  with  no  real  reason  to   drops weren't working when his whole
smile if  things  weren't  going  so   body went  stiff against me for  one
well this morning.                     agonizing moment.  Just as  his eyes
                                       crossed and  began to  roll  back in
It started  the same  way it  always   his  head, I caught the  faint whiff
does.  I arrive at a local tavern, I   of a  rather  foul  odor, and  some-
let  a local  buy  me a  drink.  The   thing warm struck my bare leg.
tavern  keeper  doctors  the  drink,
always giving the man the same know-   Not  that  I didn't  take  immediate
ing  smile.  I  drink   it   without   advantage: the stew needed something
"noticing" (it makes the  next parts   gathered  from   the  victim  to  be
a lot easier). The lead hound of the   effective.  I was out of  bed before
local  pack  makes  suggestions,  we   he landed, and  after rolling him in
slip off  as quietly as  his ego can   his mess once for  luck, I'd  yanked
tolerate, and I spend  the next half   the ruined sheets off the bed, found
hour  or  so  eluding  his  advances   the pot for the morning's breakfast,
till he finally relents and takes me   and shaken a bit of the mess into it
to his home.                           before thrusting  the sheet into the
                                       stove for  the fire the next day.  I
If they would  only put up more of a   usually just  give  the  man  a  few
fight, the evening might be fun.       healthy scratches  across  his  back
                                    -15-                            More...
and clean my nails into the pot, but   "Water!" I  cry in  dismay, stopping
I can't help smiling when I think of   his fork  in midair.   After  a slow
serving today's steaming plate.        look around  the table,  he fixes me
                                       with a  glower, saying nothing.  "Is
I lower the egg gently into the pot,   there a well nearby?"
careful  not  to  break  the  shell.
Lodfa'al  eggs   are  probably   the   "You'll have  to run  to the  river.
hardest part of the entire recipe to   Better make it quick, too. This stew
come by,  even though  it's easy  to   looks plenty  hot, and  I think it's
find the lodfa'al.  Anyway, it's not   burnt."
hard to let them find you. Having no
hearts, the  lodfa'al need an almost   I  grab  a  pail  and  dart  quickly
constant supply  of blood.    Elves,   through the door.  Once on the other
humans and  bears are their favorite   side, though,  I'm in  no hurry.   I
prey.  Lodfa'al  eggs,  though,  can   wander in  and out  among the trees,
only be  gathered two  ways:  before   whistling answers to the birds.  One
implantation you  can  extract  them   circle around the cottage, resisting
from  the   dead  mother,  or  after   the temptation  to peep  in  through
implantation you  can  extract  them   the unshuttered  window, and  I step
from the  dead host.  The second way   through  the  doorway,  letting  the
is easier,  but  finding  a  willing   smile run over my face.
host is almost impossible.
                                       He sits  as I  left him,  facing the
He watches, unsmiling, as I stir the   stove.   I fling the water pail into
concoction with  a long  bone.  Lots   the room.    It  strikes  the  floor
of people  stew the  bones,  tossing   noisily, just  behind his chair.  He
them into  the pot  and cooking them   doesn't move.   I  glide to the back
until the meat peels off, but I stir   of the  chair, wrap  my arms  around
instead.   He has to know everything   him and  kiss his cold cheek.  "Miss
that goes into the stew, but I don't   me?" I whisper, quickly checking his
have to  tell him  what kind of bone   pockets.
this is. He sees it in the stew, and
that's enough.    It's  much  easier   Pretty  much   empty,  no   surprise
that way,  really.  If I had to tell   there.   I search the entire cottage
him what  I put in, I don't know how   in a  matter of  minutes.   I  could
I'd explain  a basilisk's  rib as an   have sold the lodfa'al egg for more.
entree,  without   even  trying   to   Still, this  is much more enjoyable.
explain  why  I  really  needed  the   Scattering a  handful of  leaves  on
marrow more than anything else.        the table, I make my way back to the
The pot  bubbles noisily.    "Almost
ready," I smile.                       My friend  Jima  loans  me  her  cat
                                       stick again.   She says she's always
"It's about  time. I'm  starved," he   luckier with  the thing  after  I've
growls.                                used it once or twice, and she and I
                                       are both  firm  believers  in  luck.
"What's  your  hurry?"  I  think  to   I've almost  rubbed all the luck out
myself, turning quickly to the stove   of it by the time anybody finds him,
so he  won't wonder  about the smile   but it's always worth the wait.
on my  lips.   There is a pop inside
the  pot,  and  blue  flames  slowly   "How long  do you  think  he's  been
spread over  the bubbling  stew.   I   dead?" an  elf in  a blue cloak asks
quickly cover  the pot,  and drag it   his stouter  companion,  who's  been
off the  stove.                        prodding the deceased with a stick.
"It's ready," I announce needlessly,   "I don't  know," answers  the  round
almost knocking the plate out of his   one.   "A while."  He glances around
outstretched hand  as I turn towards   the room,  then looks  on the table.
the table.                             "What are those leaves?"
                                    -16-               Continued on Page 20
 ____________          Undermining Kelfour's (Part 3)
/ \ ________ \         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@| ~|_|~~|~||            by Llorien Silvanestii
  |  |~|__|~||
 _|  |~|--// |terelas stuck a  torch   Pterelas frowned and said, "I'm sure
/@|  |~|     | into  the  opening in   I saw something move. There, again!"
\_/ ~~~~     / the dry well, illumi-   We strained our eyes to see.
  ~~~~~~~~~~~ nating a steep tunnel.
Cautiously  he entered the  passage,   "Why  don't  we  just  go  over  and
closely followed by the rest of us.    investigate?"  suggested  Penna  and
                                       strode  over  to  the  rock  with us
"Look  here," said  Inyigo, pointing   right behind her. Something peculiar
to footprints in  the scuffled  dust   caught our  notice, two emeralds set
of the floor. Two lines trailed down   into the rock. Pterelas sheathed his
down into  the earth. "Looks  like a   sword  with a smile and pulled out a
group  of people were dragging some-   dagger to  pry one  of the  emeralds
thing. Or someone."                    loose. The  bright gem  blinked like
                                       an eye.
"Well, let's go then," I motioned to
Inyigo.  "It's   obvious  that  it's   "What  the   heck--."  In  surprise,
Ignatius they were dragging."          Pterelas jumped,  lost his  balance,
                                       and dropped  his dagger.  His  voice
Single file, our hearty band started   echoed through  the  cavern,  "Rocks
down to  whatever awaited us. It was   with eyes?"
beginning to  seem as  if the tunnel
had no  end when  Pterelas  suddenly   Aegyptia pressed the surface of the
stopped. "The  passage opens up into   rock with one finger. It gave a bit
a cavern,  folks," he  said, "but  I   at  her touch; she  said excitedly,
don't see or hear anything."           "This is not a rock. It's alive!"
Penna prudently  surrounded each  of   We were  further  amazed  to  see  a
us  with   one  of   her  protective   small figure, perfectly stone - like
spells, and  we entered  the immense   in  coloring  and  markings,  detach
cavern, staying  along the wall. Our   itself  from  the  stalagmite,  walk
astonished eyes saw intricate forma-   around to the other side, and attach
tions  of rock standing  everywhere,   itself to the rock once more. In the
formations like sculpture but almost   place vacated by the mysterious lit-
as if they lived.  Not the  likeness   tle creature, we saw a  new addition
of anything we  had seen before, but   to the carved formation.
mesmerizing. "Could these be natural
formations?" asked  Aegyptia.  "They   "It's a  gallery, a  bloody artist's
are beautiful!"                        studio," Inyigo stated emphatically.
                                       "The little  critter is carving  all
"I don't think so, Aegyptia," Inyigo   this stuff."
answered. "Although the forest is my
home, I  have  ventured into  caves,   I thought, "This is an  awful lot of
but  never  have I come  across any-   work  for one  small creature. Maybe
thing even remotely  like this." He    magic will show me if  there are any
was  just starting  to  relate  his    others."  My  eyes  glazed; I became
hoary encounter with fire guardians    aware of more of the little beings.
when Pterelas pointed  to a near-by
stalagmite  which was partly formed    "We  are  not  alone,"  I  told  the
into a sculpture.                      others. "There  are  many  of  them,
                                       alive and  aware. But  they take  no
"What was that?" he said. "Something   notice of us, I don't know why."
moved by that rock."
                                       As we wandered through the carvings,
"I don't  see anything,  you foolish   we spotted many sets  of eyes, as we
thief," I mumbled.                     now  knew them to be. If we  stopped
                                    -17-                            More...
at a carving long enough and stared,   The two ladies chanted and gestured.
we could  see  slight  movement,  so   Meanwhile, we  got close  enough  to
slow that it was barely perceptible.   the creature  to start  swinging  at
                                       it. Pterelas  landed a nasty blow to
We were  so enchanted  by the cavern   the side  of its  head, only  to see
that we forgot our purpose; that is,   his sword  glance off  the hard body
until an awful rending  reverberated   armor. I  thrust my  falchion at its
through the cavern.  With a crash, a   midsection,  numbing my  entire arm.
section of the wall collapsed into a   The  creature, evidently enraged  at
heap of stone and dust. A scrabbling   having  dinner  interrupted,  turned
noise reached  our ears from the new   and  flailed  at Inyigo.  One of its
opening into the cavern. Through the   claws connected; Inyigo  fell  back,
settling dust, a figure appeared.      clutching  at the  bleeding  gash in
                                       his chest.
Shambling  upright on  two hind legs
was a nightmare to scare anyone. Its   Aegyptia pointed  at the  beast. Its
chitinous  body  scraped  along  the   eyes glazed  over, and  it began  to
rock. Its  four arms, each ending in   stumble blindly. Then Penna gestured
a vicious  claw,  were  scooping  up   and a look of calm and  peacefulness
debris and pushing it into a maw big   seemed to wash  over it. It  stopped
enough to  hold a hobbit's foot. Two   in its tracks.
mandibles, the size of scimitars and
wickedly  serrated,   crushed  large   Penna  rushed  to Inyigo  to examine
pieces into  smaller chunks  to eat.   the  extent  of  the  poor  ranger's
The   thing's    multifaceted   eyes   injuries.  She closed  her eyes  and
scanned the  cavern, then  it  fixed   laid  her hands on the ragged wound,
its gaze  upon one of the formations   which closed  up and  reappeared  on
and  lurched  towards  the  delicate   her own  chest. She staggered  for a
structure.                             moment and  then the wound  began to
                                       heal, leaving only a fresh scar.
"You don't  suppose it  means to--,"
Penna's voice  trailed off. The hor-   Meanwhile, the rest of us watched in
ror encircled the slender spire with   amazement as  the little  grey  ones
its  mandibles, and  lopped  off the   gathered closely around  the  beast.
top part.  As it  did so, the cavern   They knelt  and lay  their  hands on
shuddered as if in pain. All  around   the ground. A low  thrum filled  the
the  cavern, small figures  detached   air, and the rock beneath  the crea-
themselves from their workplaces and   ture's  feet began to  liquefy. Soon
moved  slowly  toward the  creature.   it was half-immersed in molten rock,
Not satisfied with  one work of art,   and the grey ones  stopped. The rock
it reached for the next sculpture.     hardened, trapping the  monster  for
                                       all time. They then scooped rock out
"If those little  guys don't  hurry,   of the ground like  clay and encased
that  thing is going to destroy  all   the  creature in it.  Another sculp-
their work," Inyigo  said.  "Perhaps   ture, a grotesque one this time, was
we  should   give  them   a   hand?"   added to the gallery.
Brandishing his  sword,  he  stepped
forward and Pterelas and I followed.   Having stopped  the threat  to their
                                       work, the little stone beings turned
"You three  are going  to take  down   their attention  to us, or rather to
that hideous beast?" asked Aegyptia.   Penna and Aegyptia.
She turned  to  Penna. "Why  do  men
always  think that  the only  way to   "Careful, ladies,"  I cautioned.  "I
deal with a problem is to hack it up   don't relish  the idea  of  you  two
into little pieces?"                   becoming    permanent    attractions
"I don't know," sighed Penna. "Maybe
we'd better  step in  and save  them   "They  don't   seem  to  be  hostile
from themselves."                      toward  us,  Llorien,"  said  Penna.
                                    -18-                            More...
The grey  ones stationed  themselves   "I think  that it  only likes girls,
around the  two ladies,  and a  dark   Llorien," chuckled Pterelas.
slate-colored one  stepped a  little
closer than the others.                "Have you  seen any of the dark ones
                                       recently?" asked Penna.
"Thgsb  erty  dfygg,"  it  said  and
bowed.  It   looked  expectantly  at   "Yes, there  was a  group that  came
them, awaiting a reply.                through here not long ago." answered
                                       the  rock   man.  "They  were  going
Aegyptia,   scratching   her   head,   toward their dwellings."
looked over  at Penna.  "What did he
say?"                                  "Do  you  know  this  place?"  asked
Penna  shrugged.  "You  got  me.  My
knowledge of  stone-talking is a bit   "We know  of it  but do  not venture
rusty."                                there," answered  the rock man. "The
The creature  perked up at the sound   way is  through the  tunnel  on  the
of the  ladies'  voices.  Haltingly,   other  side   of  the   cavern.  But
with a  voice unaccustomed to making   beware. They are a harsh people, not
such sounds,  it said  in a  strange   at all in tune with the stone."
dialect of  elven, "We thank you for   "In tune  with  the  stone?"  echoed
your help.  We would have eventually   Penna.
stopped it ourselves, but not before
it had ruined much work."              "Yes, unlike  you who  use the power
                                       in  the  rock.  You  use  the  power
"Oh, you're  quite welcome,"  smiled   differently  than  we  do,  but  the
Penna.                                 source is the same."
The  little   one  squatted  on  its   "I  think  he  means  the  flows  of
haunches. "What  are you doing here?   essence,  Penna,"   said   Aegyptia.
You look  like the  others, but your   Penna nodded.
surface is lighter in hue."
                                       "Do you mean to go there?" asked the
We  immediately   gathered   closer.   little one.
"What other  ones?" asked  Pterelas.
The rock  being either  did not hear   "I'm afraid we have to," said Penna.
Pterelas or chose to ignore him.       "One of  our friends  has been taken
                                       by them."
Aegyptia asked  the rock  man again,
"What other ones?"                     "Their place  seems to  be devoid of
                                       the power.  You will be hard pressed
"The dark  ones,"  the  being  said.   there should  you  require  to  draw
"The ones who live below."             upon it."  said the rock man. "Allow
                                       us to give you something to aid you,
Inyigo and  I looked  at each other,   in return  for  your  assistance  to
and shook  our heads. "Why didn't he   us."
just  answer   Pterelas?  "   Inyigo
wondered.                              He gathered  the others  around him,
                                       then knelt  and scooped  up some  of
"Let me  try something,"  I said.  I   the rock  and began  somehow to mold
turned to  the rock  man and  asked,   the solid  stone.  Soon  he  held  a
"What was  that creature?"  As  with   small  replica   of  the  formations
Pterelas, I  got no  response. "Your   adorning  the  cavern.  He  held  it
mother was a torkaan and your father   above  his   head,  and  the  others
smelled  of   windak   berries,"   I   placed their  hands on it, chanting.
taunted the strange being, hoping to   A sonorous  song began  to form, the
get  a   response.  The   rock   man   vibrations carrying through the rock
continued  to  be  oblivious  to  my   itself. A coruscating light engulfed
presence.                              the group  of little  people and was
                                    -19-                            More...
absorbed  into  the  sculpture.  The   The Real Thieves Guild -From Page 12
procedure was repeated by the little   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ones,  and   soon  there   were  two   Thieves,  perhaps  more  than others
delicate sculptures. The darker rock   since   we  have  formed  the  first
man  stood   and  gave  one  of  the   guild,  feel  a  sense  of comradery
figurines to each of the ladies.       among  themselves.   But  the  Guild
                                       doesn't  exist merely for ourselves.
"They are  limited,  but  they  help   We  offer  valuable  services to all
when you need to  access the power,"   who adventure in Kulthea.
the  rock man said. He then bowed to
each lady in turn. "Just rub it."      New  in  the  lands?   Need a guide?
                                       Want  to  transport  large  sums  of
Penna and  Aegyptia curtsied  to the   silver?   Need  a  lock  picked on a
strange little  man. "I  wonder what   chest?   From  the graveyard gate to
he means  by that?"  Aegyptia asked.   Iorak's  Reach, the Thieves Guild is
"Only one way to find out, I guess."   willing  and ready to help anyone in
She rubbed  the little  figurine and   need,  especially on those dangerous
immediately felt the flow of essence   missions when no one else is anxious
power into her body. "Yikes!" excla-   to lend a hand.
imed  Aegyptia.  "It's like a porta-                    \    /
ble node, or a power storage item!"                     __/\__
                                                        \    /
"A most  gracious gift,  kind  sir,"                   / |/\| \
said Penna to the rock man.                               **
He lead us toward the  other side of                      **
the cavern to a  tunnel leading fur-                     */**
ther into its depths. The ladies bid                     ****
farewell  to the rock beings, and we                    ()**\*
headed deeper into we knew not what.                    ||****
The last thing we heard before being                   *||*****
swallowed up  by the  tunnel was the                   *~~***\\
rock man's voice calling out, "Knock                  **********
upon the rock  if you ever have need                  **********
of us Pekhs."                                        ******()**\\
          (To Be Continued)                         *******||*****
     Torkaan Stew    From Page 15                  *||***********()
     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                 **||**//*******||*
"Dwale," pronounces Blue, upon quick              **~~***********||*
examination.  "But from the  look on             ****************~~**
his face he died of a heart attack."            //******()******\\***
"Did you  see that  gal he  left the            **//****||**********()
tavern with?  If he'd  died  in bed,           *********~~**********||*
I'd say you were right."                      ()********************||*
"Think she might be involved?"               *||*************||*********
"Nah.  Looks like  she did her thing       ******************~~**********
and left.  Not enough stew for two."     **()***********************()****
They spend  a few more minutes going   ****||*******//**************||******
things, but they  don't  find much I    ***~~******/ ***| ***  *****~~**\\*
didn't.  I send the cat running into     **/***        *|  |*    *********
the woods and, once it's safely away                    |  |
from the torkaan stew, I let it go.                  ~~~~~~~~~~~
 _______________           Cycles (Conclusion)
/ \ ____    ____\          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@| +|~| __ |~|+|        by Lord Whilder Planrathe
  |  |~|/~~\|~| |
 _|  |~/~/\~\~| | hilder  ran   head   through it.  She saw the strength of
/@| _|__/  \__|_| on into the invis-   the  barrier.   And  the   weakness.
\_/_____________/ barrier.   Had  he   Without  a   second   thought,   she
been mortal, every  bone in his body   snapped her  wings up  and dived  at
would have  broken.   As it  was, he   the weak  area, her talons stretched
simply  stopped  and looked  around.   before  her.     Talons  that  would
Then  he saw It, seeming an eternity   strike and slay.
away, yet  he  knew  he  could reach
through the barrier and touch It.      "No," whispered Whilder. "I will not
                                       join you.  I may be destroyed, but I
Chance saw  the wolf's  sudden  stop   will not help you."
and immediately  wheeled  away.  She
could not  see what  had stopped him   "But brother,  you misunderstand me.
but she  knew  there  was  something   I do not mean you, personally, shall
there.   She began  a  long  circle,   slay Life.   But  the energy of your
looking for her opening, the time to   soul will  be used  to destroy  many
strike.                                living beings.   You  will cease  to
                                       exist in  a moment,  but  your  soul
It considered  the  two  before  It.   will destroy."
Surely, Its  immense  size  must  be
intimidating them  already.  And the   Whilder  suddenly  pushed,  straight
barrier would  keep them  from doing   armed, against the barrier, the dull
It any  harm.   Now was the time for   look in his eyes replaced by  deter-
It  to  bring  forth  the  wonderful   mination. The hawk's piercing talons
agony It  enjoyed so much.  It would   struck  the  barrier, and  instantly
feed well from these two.              the barrier ceased to exist.
Whilder's  form   suddenly  changed.   Whilder fell between his  father and
Where  a  moment  before  stood  the   brother. Before they could stop him,
wolf, now  his naked soul stood as a   he  pushed  forth  a  bolt  of  pure
Fair Elf.   From  the corner  of his   essence  energy, a  bolt  that  tore
eye he  saw  the  hawk  continue  to   into the thing waiting beyond.
                                       The tinkerer  watched the storm rage
Something shifted  on the other side   just beyond  the  coast.    Terrible
of the  barrier.   Shifted,  formed,   bolts of  lightning struck the ocean
and became his brother and father.     and the  rain  looked  like  a  grey
                                       wall. Yet,  for all  its  fury,  the
"Welcome home,  Wild Luck," said his   storm seemed to move no closer.  And
father.                                above  the  leading  clouds  of  the
                                       storm, the  glow of  Orhan appeared.
"You will  now  join  us,  eternally   Perhaps he  would  get  his  desire;
destroying  that   which  you  love.   perhaps he would gaze upon Orhan one
That which is called Life," said his   last time.
                                       It  screamed.  The  essence  pouring
The  words  struck  Whilder  like  a   through  It was pure poison.  It had
physical blow.   He  staggered.   He   to  have energy NOW. It took the two
placed the  palm of his hand against   hollow  souls  that It  had  kept in
the   barrier,    holding    himself   slight existence.  They would not be
upright.                               much,  but  they  were  better  than
                                       nothing against the pain.
She  saw   the  mage   almost   fall
forward.   As his  hand touched  the   She was slammed back by the noise of
barrier  she   saw  a   wave  ripple   Its scream,  like  a  physical  blow
                                    -21-                            More...
shoving her  away from  the  strange   placed on  the  shelf  until  needed
being.     Helplessly,  she  tumbled   again.    She  searched  once  more,
through the  nothingness, unable  to   hoping  to   find   something   left
stop herself.  Then she saw the mage   behind.   A trinket to take with her
spinning and  tumbling along  beside   to remind  her in her waking moments
her.   She  realized  his  soul  was   of the mage. She found nothing.
ebbing into the nothingness, for she
could see  through him  as though he   Weakly, she  made her  way from  the
were made  of gauze.   She  glimpsed   lab.   She looked  upon  her  armor,
him twisting  and turning, trying to   standing silent  vigil over the room
reach her  and then  he brushed  the   outside the  lab.   The cycle of her
tip of her wing with the palm of his   soul being  trapped within was over.
right hand.                            Now began  the cycle  of service  to
                                       the Gods.  She made  her way through
She was  suddenly rocketing  through   the hallways  to  the  door  of  the
the nothingness.    Straight  as  an   keep.   Silently she  hoped the Gods
arrow she  sped. Across  an  eternal   would not  erase  her  knowledge  of
distance. She saw her construct body   what she now was.
and the  mage's body  and  then  she
slammed to  a  stop,  like  she  had   The tinkerer  slowly stood.   Sadly,
fallen a  great  distance  onto  the   he looked  once more at the spot the
ground.  She  realized then that her   mage had  left so long ago.  Looking
soul  was in  the  construct  again.   up at Orhan, he prayed to Eissa that
She felt  as though  she had  fought   the  mage's  soul  had  been  saved.
for  days with no rest.  Weakly, she   That it was within her realm and not
watched the strange black opening in   destroyed like so many others.  Like
the  wall  fade,  until  it  was  no   a man  who had  the  weight  of  the
longer  there.    She  attempted  to   world  suddenly   dropped  upon  his
move, but the effort was too much.     shoulders, the  tinkerer walked  off
                                       into the darkness.
As    blackness     overtook     her
consciousness, she  knew one  thing.   Slowly, It  healed itself.  Energies
The mage was not breathing.            freely given  by Its  followers were
                                       repairing the  damage  done  by  the
The tinkerer  watched as  the  storm   accursed mage.   The  mage may  have
quickly  broke  up.    The  fury  of   been an elf, but the life span of an
moments before  was replaced  by the   elf  was  nothing  compared  to  It.
stars of  the night  sky.  And above   Carefully It  probed the place where
it all  shown Orhan.   He  felt  the   the portal had been.
evil power  that had  been  building
suddenly ebb.   The  mage must  have   Gone.   No matter to It.  There were
succeeded, but had he survived?  The   other ways, other plans and schemes.
tinkerer turned  his attention  back   And to  a being  that  measured  the
to  the  spot  where  the  mage  had   lifespan  of   a  star  as  a  human
teleported.  He feared the worst.      measured the  blink of an eye, there
                                       was always plenty of time.
Slowly she  clawed her way back from
the blackness.  She  awoke  and  lay   She crossed  over the  fallen  door,
gathering strength.   She  stared at   out into  the night.    She  spotted
the spot  where the  mage's body had   Orhan, high  overhead.  Silently she
been, but  there was  nothing  there   waited for  the  Gods  to  take  her
now.  What had happened? Scavengers?   back.   Long minutes  passed.    She
                                       shifted her  stance ever  so slowly,
Perhaps.    Perhaps  they  were  not   her  feet  and  legs  tired.    More
interested in her construct body and   minutes passed.    She  shifted  her
simply took  the mage.   Perhaps her   legs again.
body did  not register  at all  with
them.  It did not matter.  She would   And then it struck her.  Her muscles
be  taken  up  by  the  Gods  again,   were cramping from standing.
                                    -22-                            More...
But that was impossible! She gave an   raying silently  they  were  wrong.
involuntary gasp at the thought. And   Long moments  passed and  then  they
then she felt it.  A  heart, beating   began  speaking.      Slowly,   they
regularly  within her breast.          managed to  piece together the story
                                       of their return.
The  steel   statue  maintained  its
silent vigil.   It  watched  without   She did  not tell  him that  she had
emotion as  the mage's  invisibility   been sent  by the  Gods of Orhan. He
spell wore  off.   It watched as the   did not  tell her  he knew  she  was
mage slowly  awoke and  crawled  out   sent by the Gods of Orhan. They fell
from under  the table  where he  had   together,  laughing  at  the  danger
dragged himself before the blackness   they had  faced.   Laughing  at  the
overtook him.                          thought of  utter destruction of the
                                       soul.  They suddenly found life, and
Whilder  looked  around.    Chance's   the comfort  of  their  arms  around
body was gone.  He had tried to help   each other.
her.  The strain of keeping his soul
with hers  and guiding  her back had   "You teleported  into the room.  Why
been  too   much.     He  remembered   did you not leave the same way?"
arriving back  in his  own body.  He
remembered crawling  over to her, of   Whilder laughed.   "The  way I  left
finding   neither    heartbeat   nor   the Landing,  there may  have bowmen
breathing. He knew then that she had   ready  to   slay  me  the  moment  I
not made  it. Knowing  that he would   appeared.   Much safer to walk up to
soon lose  consciousness, he crawled   the gates  and tell  the city  watch
under    the    table    and    cast   that I  had been  attacked  and  was
invisibility upon  himself until the   merely defending  myself.   With any
darkness came.   How  long the spell   luck, by  now other  mages will have
had endured he did not know.           explained that  the spell I cast was
                                       one of defense, not destruction."
Silently he spoke to Eissa, then set
himself to  insuring that the portal   She frowned.   Then nodded.  "I will
was truly gone.                        tell them what happened."
She stood watching Orhan race across   "No."
the night  sky, tears streaming down
her face.   She  was flesh and blood   "No?"
again.   A new  cycle of  life would
begin for  her, just  as the  mage's   "We will  think of something else to
cycle had ended.                       tell them  before we arrive.  I will
                                       feel safer  the fewer  who are aware
It was unfair.  It was unjust.         of the  portal's  existence  or  its
                                       location," Whilder said.
At a  sound behind  her,  she  spun,
drawing her rapier.                    "But, it is gone.  You said yourself
                                       you checked."
Whilder walked  tiredly  across  the
fallen door,  his  feet  stirring up   Whilder shook  his head  and  looked
thick dust. As  he  stepped  through   back into  the doorway.  "It may be.
the  opening,  his   exhausted  mind   It also  may be  a weak point in the
registered  the  sound  of  movement   essence flows.   The  fewer who  are
accompanied by the swish of a blade.   aware of  this, the  fewer who  will
                                       try to reopen it."
Without conscious thought, he called
forth a spell of destruction.          She nodded,  then  smiled  impishly.
                                       "If you  think few should know, Wild
They stared  at each other, the mage   Luck, then perhaps you should keep a
and the  guardswoman.   Each certain   close eye on me.  I might be tempted
that the  other was  a ghost.   Each   to tell."   She  stared deeply  into
                                    -23-                            More...
his light grey eyes.  Grey eyes that   man's  shoulders.    He  begged  and
seemed to  shimmer with the power of   cajoled them  for  information,  but
the essence itself.                    they would  simply tell him nothing.
                                       They had  no idea  that anything had
He slipped  an arm  about her waist.   happened  last   night.  At   least,
Slowly they began down the mountain.   nothing more  than a  storm off  the
"I always  keep a  very close eye on   coast that bypassed the town.
my Chance."
                                       Whilder repeated  his story of being
Her green  eyes sparkled, reflecting   attacked  by  an  unseen  force  and
the light  from Orhan. Eyes as green   using his  teleport  ring  to  avoid
as the morning sun softly touching a   bringing a  battle into the heart of
dew covered leaf in the spring.        the town, where many innocent people
                                       could have  been killed.  His unseen
             Epilogue                  foe had attacked him again, he said.
             ~~~~~~~~                  He had  driven the  attacker off but
They arrived  at the  gates  to  the   would  need   to  be  wary  in  case
Landing the next morning. It was far   whoever  it  was  came  back.    The
into the afternoon before the guards   tinkerer knew the story to be  false
were satisfied with the mage's story   but  wisely said  nothing.  Someday,
of his actions the afternoon before.   perhaps, he  would regain the mage's
Two guards escorted them through the   trust and learn the true tale.
town  to keep people from  panicking
again.  The sight of the mage  under   Early  that   evening,  as   a  maid
guard  would  reassure  most.          carried a  serving tray  past one of
                                       the many  doors, she  heard  a  male
They saw  the tinkerer  as they were   voice  from   within  exclaim,   "So
checking into  The Raging  Threk Inn   that's where your birthmark is!"
that  afternoon.   For  some  reason
Whilder could not understand,  years   And the laughter  followed  her down
seemed to  drop from the strange old   the hall and into the night.
              ()                                     /\
             _/\_                                   /  \
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      / o ^  o  ^  ^  o\                            \  /
     /__________________\                            \/
       Merry Christmas!                        Happy Hanukkah!
                          And a Joyous New Year!
 _____________          Kralling Back Home to Momma
/ \ _________ \         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\@| ||=|=|=|| |             by Lloyd Llowd, PhD
  | ~~ |_| ~~ |
 _|    |_|    |hanks   for  all  the   out the  trash  might  be  a  better
/@|   _|_|_   | letters  in response   description.  Excepting  the healer,
\_/__________/  to  my first column.   we'd  never miss  the riff-raff  the
I found them  thoroughly  absorbent.   Kral wandered  off with.
My parrot  likes  them, too.  It's a
nice  change from shredded newspaper   It's probably  just as well the Kral
in her cage.                           didn't try  to use  them  for  their
                                       boat dedication  ceremony.  Offering
To answer  a few  of your questions:   those characters  to the  Gods might
No, PhD  does not  stand  for "phony   have   precipitated   the   greatest
dork." Yes, my parents were married.   deitical rampage since Akbar the Mad
No, they  weren't cousins.   And the   tried to  pass off three ladies from
death threat  from the  Hobbit Anti-   Mother   Oberloytner's    House   of
Defamation League  was  interesting,   Passion as  vestal virgins  during a
though I'd  probably  take  it  more   visit by  Veritia,  Demi-Goddess  of
seriously if  it weren't  written in   Purity.
                                       All in all, my second month here was
Well, the  Kral invaded  last month,   marginally less entertaining than my
if you  could call  it an  invasion.   first.  The  only  bright  spot  was
Judging from the size and ability of   watching  the  constable  trying  to
the invading  force, I'd  say  their   arrest a  rather  unusual  half-elf,
king, Walfeor  "Wallflower" Gal'Kel,   half-horse creature for not carrying
just sent  a few of his servants out   a little  scoop to  clean  up  after
for  burritos  and  they  got  lost.   herself.  He couldn't figure out how
Everyone knows  you go to Jaiman for   to  get  the  manacles  on  her  and
fast food, not here.                   eventually just  let her  off with a
                                       stern warning  not to leave any more
It was pathetic. The Kral had every-   little "presents" outside.
thing going for them.  The defenders
were led  by some thieves, a  ranger           School Daze (Reprise)
with  a  messiah  complex,  and  one           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
fighter who later impaled himself on   A few  more scholastic snapshots for
his own sword.  They could've bought   your albums:
off the thieves and hidden  the ran-
ger's soap  box, which  might  have,   Lord   Lairaerrykthrok    TykilVuul:
mercifully, shut him up.               Earned his  diploma when  he finally
                                       learned to  spell his own name after
Most  of  the  more  powerful  Lords   18 years. Liked  to pass out  shaded
couldn't even be bothered to get out   eyewear to  protect his friends from
of bed,  though I  do understand the   his "blinding" personality.
hobbits' problem. The invasion  came
well past bedtime, and their mothers   Lord Gallenod Varynesti:  Voted Most
wouldn't let them out to play.         Likely   to   Fold,   Spindle,   and
                                       Mutilate.  A fascination  with sharp
The dragon was more entertaining.  I   edges started  him on  a  career  in
enjoyed the  aerial show,  though  I   origami, though  he failed his Black
never did figure out who the fat git   Scissors exam  when he failed to cut
on  his  back  was.  Or how the poor   his way out of a wet paper bag.
dragon managed  to stay  in the  air
with all that weight on him.           Lord Elvanion  Darkholt:    Was  the
                                       trainer for every female sports team
All in all, it  was  a complete bust   in the school. Never actually played
as far as  invasions  go.  And  then   any sports,  but was  KPS #42's All-
there was the kidnapping. Taking out   Time Scoring Champ.

See Also: