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Kelfour Edition volume II number I
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_______________________________________________________________________ / \ \ | | Filled with Fiction and Fun | @_/_____________________________________________________________________/ | | | GemStone III's | | _ _ _ ___ | | / ) / ) / ) / __) June 1991 | | / /_/ / ____ / / _/ ( ____ __ __ ___ Vol.2, No.1 | | / __/ / __ ) / / ( __) / _ ) / / / / / __) | | / /\ \ / ___/ / / / / / (/ / / (_/ / / / | | (_/ \_) (____) (_( (_( (____/ (_____( (_( | | _____ _ _ _ _ _______________________ | / ____) / ) (/ _/ ) (/ ) ~~~~~~~ / ~~~~~~~~ ~) | / (__ ___/ / _ ( _) _ ____ ___/ ~~~~~~ / ~~~~~~~~ / | / ____) / _ / / ) / / / ) / _ ) / / ~~~~ / ~~~~~~~~~ /| | / (__ / (/ / / / / / / / / (/ / / // ______ / ~~~~~~~~~~ / | | (_____) (____( (_( (_( (_( (____/ (_(/ / | ) ~~~~~~~~~~ / | | / / / / ~~~~~~~~~ / | | / / / / ~~~~~~~~~~/ | | The Kronicles of Kulthea / /=======@\ ~~~~~~ / | | / / / / ( \ / | |______________________________________(_// \\ \/__ ) )_______(_______| |_______________________________________(((@)))/__ ( ( _______________| | \\_// _)_) | | | | Local News .......................................... 1 | | Holy Wars!! ............................ Henna Harper 2 | | Takeover ..................... by Wisraith Winterwind 5 | | Easy as Skinning a Tork .............. Dagmar Istarii 6 | | For You ............................. Kalagay Halatil 8 | | A-Hunting We Shall Go ................. Dane RedLance 9 | | Hall of Fame ........................................ 10 | | What GSIII Means to Me ............... Inyigo Montoya 11 | | The Great Kitten Quest .............. Elwyn Moonstorm 12 | | Hint for Beginners No. 1 ......... Samwell Hawkholder 13 | | Shopping at Sen's ............... Lady Kayla Kyndhart 14 | | News of Kulthea .................... Alton Alianthas 16 | | Heraldry Tutor .................. Delvian Kel'Bathian 18 | | Tales of the Unknown ................ Flint Thalassar 19 | | Wanted: Dead or Alive .............................. 21 | | Kalagay and the Pickpocket .......... Kalagay Halatil 22 | | Dream Weaver ................... Balladeer Carpentere 24 | | The Defensive Method ................. Inyigo Montoya 25 | | Letters Home ...................... Belladonna Atropa 28 | | | |_____________________________________________________________________| | | | Kelfour Edition of the Kronicles of Kulthea is devoted to the multi-| | player roleplaying game GemStone III on GEnie Information Network. | | Submissions may be edited for space, accuracy and readability. | | Contact news stringers Samwell Hawkholder and Lythe L'Green, or | |_Publisher Phaedra Bleu by GE Mail to P.HERRINGTON for details. | / Banner letters by Yonah; Art by Taarna | | __________________________________________________________________|___ | / / \_/_____________________________________________________________________/ Local News """""""""" Auction Raises ___________________________________ 3.5 Million Silvers //+ +\ """"""""""""""""""" || KELFOUR EDITION | KE has been informed that last || ================= | month's auction, which took place || | in brightly colored tents just off || Publisher Phaedra Bleu | Town Square, raised an excess of || | 3.5 million silvers. Among dozens || Serving the Citizens of Kulthea | of special items posted in the || | Tomes were three kittens, stolen || This plaque commemorates the | fiendishly by minions of the || First Anniversary of the | Unlife moments before the auction || Kelfour Edition | began. The first part of the || | story of their rescue (held in the || For information on submissions to | MPGRT conference area) is pub- || the monthly publication, send | lished in this edition. || GE Mail to the Publisher | ||+ at P.HERRINGTON +| Magical Sword Found \\___________________________________/ """"""""""""""""""" A new, mystical weapon recently ap- Plaque Awarded Kelfour Edition peared in the lands. Hidden by a """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" playful god, Lord Talon Elessidil Officially commemorating its first stumbled upon it after a hectic year of publication, local gods search, and is now the proud owner. recently presented KE Publisher Similar to the Drake Falchion, this Phaedra Blue with the above shown unique weapon is called an Ice plaque now mounted in the Newsroom Blade. On occasion it produces a of the new KE Building situated just cold attack, with resultant damages south of the General Store. coming from the cold critical table. Advertisers and residents are invit- Unfortunately, the Ice Blade is more ed to visit KE's offices where, on breakable than most, but is nonethe- occasion, they will meet some of the less effective against Steel Golems. contributors whose works have made KE an award-winning publication. Outlaws Propose Government """""""""""""""""""""""""" An Index to KE's first 12 editions, Formation of a local government was cross-referenced by subject and proposed at a hastily convened town author, is available in the MPGames meeting last month, presided over by Library, file #248. Thief Allanon deLion and the mad Mage, Lord Lythe L'Green. Spells Available """""""""""""""" Soundly scoffed by those attendees As local Sorcerers anxiously await aware of the pair's backgrounds, availability of their spell list residents pockets were picked while (which we understand will be Real they listened to them generously Soon Now), other professions are offer to rule the lands whilst draw- casting about anew. Healers, in ing up a body of laws, after which particular, are enjoying use of they would ostensibly rescind lead- Shockbolt (spell 207 from the Closed ership to duely elected officials Channeling list) while Rangers are whose powers would be backed up by hiding more efficiently with use of unknown means. their Hues spell. -1- Holy Wars!! """"""""""" By Henna Harper ______________ / \ ____ ___ \ \@| ~|~| /~/~ |ulthea stands div- struck down by Cearnach who claims | |~|_/~/ | ided as it prepares he then conversed with L'Green's _| |~|~\~\ | to enter into what ghost. "He [L'Green] told me he /@| _|~| \~\_ | may well become the would have to deal with me in a \_/ ~~~~ ~~~~ / bloodiest civil war "permanent manner". Despite this ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in its history. On threat I did not interfere with his one side stand those shrouded by resurrection by Sindar although I allegiance to the unlife, on the knew precisely when it was being other, those who have vowed to drive effected and still had my ring set all unlife from Kulthea. to the location. It would have been a simple task but I stayed my hand." It started innocently enough, with a Cearnach said. letter being nailed to the oak tree in Kelfour's Landing Town Square. A confidential source told Kelfour This letter began: Edition that L'Green was, on another ________________________________________________________ / \ | "Wake up Kulthea!! Members of the Council of Light | | do not serve the undead unwittingly. We are not so | | thickheaded. We know our services will aid the cause | | of the undead. We also know that our services will | | ultimately be rewarded... In the end we will all die." | \_________________________________________________________/ Laeg Cearnach, professional thief occasion, slain by famous thief, and admitted author of this missive Lady Valeria Deering. Deering states, "Because of the publication apparently claimed vengeance for the of this letter Lythe [Lord L'Green] murder of Cearnach as her motive. murdered me in the Claedesbrim Unfortunately, this event is unsub- dungeon without warning or provi- stantiated and Lady Deering could cation. He then proceeded to drag not be reached for comment. my still warm corpse about the dungeon to prevent a cleric who was In yet another battle, Lythe trailing behind from providing aid." L'Green's younger brother, Lerek, struck Cearnach approximately eight Kelfour Edition spoke with accused times with a wand, only to be murderer, Lord Lythe L'Green. "I himself viciously slain by the angry slew Laeg because he embraced the thief. "I hewed him down with one Shadow, stated he would work to swipe of my dark laen broadsword," further the Unlife and that he would Cearnach said. corrupt others if he could," L'Green said. "I do not believe that I have In his justification of the murder committed murder; I believe what I of Laeg Cearnach, Lythe L'Green has have done is right and just, and said, "This is not murder. This is that all who wish Life to prosper on war, and a primal struggle between Kulthea must join in the battle the most basic choice: Life, or against the Unlife and those who Unlife. Those who league themselves serve it." with the Lord of the Grave shall fall before the Light as wheat Shortly after the murder of Laeg before the scythe." Cearnach, L'Green, on a hunting expedition in Upper Kaldsfang, was Under pressure, L'Green and Cearnach More... -2- drew up a treaty which would serve "I had no desire to kill Rune, for I as a token of peace. Said treaty, know that she suffers from bouts of however, was ultimately rejected by what seem as madness to me, though both sides, and Kulthea hurtled ever she would ever claim otherwise. I closer towards Civil War. could see no other explanation for this attack, and she offered no Renowned ranger Martin Kinzan was other one as replacement. None- overheard saying, "Is it possible we theless, with her summoning of the may be on the brink of civil war powers of Shadow, my life was at here?? Will it no longer be safe to risk, and defensive measures were walk the streets of Kelfour???" called for." Winterwind told KE. "I destroyed her weapon to try and Hasty meetings were called on both prevent her doing me harm. This I sides. Lady Wisraith Winterwind, did three times, after three sep- Chairperson of The House of the arate attacks, one of which did me Rising Phoenix issued a public hurt." statement: "At this point I would like to say that all of the talk of Arundel's attack on Winterwind is 'war' I have heard, and all the believed to have been a personal warnings that 'war' is going to vendetta with no relation to an break out have NOT come from the organized group. However, sources House of the Rising Phoenix." reveal that Arundel stated before the attack: "[Winterwind] has Lady Valeria Deering, spokesperson called me evil once too often. I for one group, said in response to alone take full responsibility for that statement: "If Wisraith my actions in an effort to quell the shields Lythe behind the mantle of vicious tongue of the Phoenix and the Rising Phoenix, then the Phoenix its chairperson." protects a murderer and it is the Phoenix who will begin the final Winterwind stated, "Arundel has confrontation." publicly apologized to me for the attack, and I hold no particular "The confrontation draws near," Lord animosity towards her, even if, to Maruko Ashimine, member of the House this day, I still totally fail to of the Rising Phoenix, is reported understand her motives or what to have said. benefits she believed would surface as a result of my death. I consider Events took a turn for the worse the matter entirely closed." shortly thereafter when notorious ranger Rune Arundel was overheard The attempted assassination of the saying, "I'd like to throw preaching Chairperson of the House of the Wisraith in the bottomless well." Rising Phoenix may have been Following this statement, Arundel interpreted as a gesture of war if attempted to murder Winterwind while not for the statement issued by the on an excursion in Upper Kaldsfang. young ranger, Arborious Dragonson. Says Winterwind: "She [Arundel] "Rune's attack on Wisraith was of said before she struck that she HER own feelings at the time. We thought Kelfour's would be best had no hand in it. Rune's attack served by having me slain." Events MAY NOT be used by the House of the leading up to the assassination Rising Phoenix as an excuse to attempt on Winterwind are unclear. pursue all out war." KE spoke with Arundel about the situation. "Wisraith Winterwind is It appears that many of the events a spineless coward," was Arundel's have been carried out under the comment. guise of "sudden madness." Is there More... -3- some plague raging through Kulthea As KE went to press, a seemingly that affects personages at different unrelated incident occurred in which times? KE spoke with noted healer two more Kelfourians lost their and psychoanalyst, Surtey Akrash. lives. Whether this new rash of "There is indeed a madness in the murders signifies discontent within land and I am growing rich on the the ranks of the Council of Light, payment for services required or is just another example of the because of this madness," Akrash madness that has struck Kulthea said. "There is no cure, except remains to be seen. Allanon DeLion, perhaps the execution of those who younger brother of Lord Riverwind appear to have been overcome by it." Entreri, challenged Alhana Way- finder, sister of noted cleric, Lady Both sides appear to be doing Taarna Wayfinder, to a duel to the everything diplomatically possible death. Wayfinder accepted only to to avert what could become a recoil in shock as DeLion struck massacre. Sources claim the down first Garette Dayne, a young respected House of Argent Aspis will bard, then slew Mikhail Minnehan, a perhaps enter into the war. fellow thief. As Minnehan fell, Strategists have determined that DeLion snatched his valuable even the powerful House of the scimitar and made away with it. Rising Phoenix cannot stand against the combined forces of the DeLion met his death at the hands of opposition. Lady Wayfinder shortly thereafter and his gruesome mace and shield Respected healer, Rhys Corwinson, were taken as bargaining tools. At stated the supposed position of almost the same moment, Lady Deering Kelfour's other clerics and healers. (again?) slew Lord L'Green in the "I would strongly ask those of you town square. All parties were later preparing to engage in warfare to resurrected, weapons were returned consider the effect of the joint to their rightful owners, and peace withdrawal for a time of all the appeared to have been restored. The lifegiving Clerics and Healers from patronage of Eissa's Temple grows the land." ever greater as those who leave this place of sanctuary do so in fear for Brother against brother, friends their very lives. destroying friends - Kulthea is indeed on the brink of a holy war to The boundaries dim, enemies fight end all wars. Who will triumph, the side by side, and friends have slain forces that declare themselves to friends. The crusade continues as follow the path of 'evil' or those darkness descends on fair Kulthea. who stand in defense of the forces A final plea from one who wishes to of 'good'? The very fact that anonymity: "Will there ever be an residents of Kelfour's Landing must end to this madness? How many more live in fear of assassinations, senseless murders must occur before retributions, robbery and torture we realize we are heading for anarchy because of their religious beliefs and the total annihilation of that bodes ill indeed. is dear to us? In the name of Eissa let this madness end." Diplomatic negotiations are in __ art by progress. Duels have been announced (__) Taarna although whether they will be fought || is unknown. Meanwhile, subterfuge || continues and those in power on both %%%%%%%% % sides have been warned to be alert / ~* ~ \ % % to assassination attempts. / *~ ~ ~ * \ % % ( *~ * ~* ~ ) % % (%%%%%%%%%%%%) % % (%%%%%%%%%%%%) -4- \%%%%%%%%%%/ Takeover """""""" by Wisraith Winterwind _____________ / \ _________ \ \@| ||=|=|=|| |he large man seated to the floor around her, Wisraith | ~~ |_| ~~ | at the mahogany desk watched the dazed figure of the _| |_| | glanced up as the leader of the Council of Light slump /@| _|_|_ | woman in white came to the floor. \_/__________/ through the door of his office. Head bowed, she spoke "Nice work," said the Ranger at the before he could utter a word. "My door. "Tie him up quickly and don't Lord, with time and thought I have let him up. I'm weak now; I'll be come to realize that ever were you back in a few minutes after I get right. My attempts to fight you back some power." have been in vain. Please, I beg of you, let me join your ranks." She set to work as the Ranger departed. While binding his wrists His impenetrable eyes registered and ankles as tightly as she might, what might have been surprise but he hatred was plain on her face. smiled broadly, his studied expres- "Murdering your predecessor wasn't sion calculated to set her ease. "I enough. You can believe I won't knew, my dear, that you would come stop fighting the Unlife that to me someday. Your lack of power destroyed Quellbourne and everything frustrates you, doesn't it? Those of my family stood for, and which has fewer years and less training wield- ensnared and transformed good and ing more powerful magic than your noble folk. I will stop challenging own. Well, now can you put them in only when you and your putrid ilk their places." Chuckling softly, he are gone from Kulthea, or breath and added, "Quite the best spy I could heartbeat forever leave this body. find in the House of the Rising My magic may no longer work here, Phoenix, the Chairman herself, your masters learned that lesson the Wisraith Winterwind." hard way too, but I can hold you, prevent your saving yourself, until He stood and, stepping closer, he who's magic you overlooked forced her to retreat until she was returns." nearly pinned against his desk. As he reached toward her, his face Wisraith frowned that the man did assumed a darkness that belied his not struggle. Then, as the Ranger earlier joviality. "Come closer, my slipped back into the office, she dear, that I may administer your bent and hissed into the bound man's oath to me." ear, "For my family's sake, and for slaughtered and enslaved innocents, As she faced him rigidly she saw, I will gladly watch you die." from the edge of her vision, the Returning to the Ranger's side, her door slowly open. "My Lord, I have pale face was cold and stern as first for you a surprise." She sculpted ice. glanced over his shoulder, "Look..." Fireball after fireball struck the As he turned, the elven woman threw prone man, yet he did not die. herself over the desk, praying it Flames burnt his arms, legs and would shield her from the barrage of back, until he was engulfed in fire. fire she knew was at that instant Still he lived, ever that impene- flying from the fingers of the man trable gaze unwavering from his who had quietly entered moments assailants. The heat charred his before. A weight hit the desk, and face, distorting it beyond recog- as smoldering papers finally settled nition. At last, a powerfully Continued on Page 8 -5- Easy as Skinning a Tork """"""""""""""""""""""" By Dagmar Istarii ____________ / \ ____ \ \@| /~/~~\\ |etting started in Gem- GemStone game mechanics are based on ||~| ~~ |Stone III can be easy. I.C.E. Role Master RPG game system. _||~| |==| |Roll a character and Buying Role Master Character Law /@| \~\__// |take a look around. from your local hobby store is \_/ ~~~~~ / Don't spend a lot of recommended. I.C.E. also has ~~~~~~~~~~~ time getting good publishes other books, Spell Law and stats for your first character. various modules like Shadow World as Just try to have at least a 90 or well. If you really want the most higher in ST and QU. ST bonus is accurate info on critical tables, added to your weapons training and damage tables etc., then get the affects your ability to hit monsters series of Role Master Companions. with your weapon. QU bonus is added Simutronics uses the tables from the to your defensive bonus which Companion series. affects your ability to avoid getting hit by a monsters. Once you The Characters get equipped with heavy hide armor, """""""""""""" shield, helm, greaves, avental, There are 8 professions and 8 races weapon and a backpack, go to the to choose from. Until the racial main gate or the temple. Ask if stat bonus are adjusted, the anyone could show a newbie a good half-elf race has the best set of place to hunt. After a few sessions stat bonus. A halfling Mage or of this, you probably want to Sorcerer would be awesome once he reroll. Before you do get as much gets past level 10 or so but the information on rolling and dev- halfling has a ST penalty of -20. eloping a character as you can. Very difficult to develop a halfling and a new player should stick with a Background Materials half-elf or one of the other tall """""""""""""""""""" races. Fighters and Thieves are the The Multiplayer Games RoundTable on most powerful weapon users and both Page 1045 is a must-read for all are good at opening chests. Rangers serious GemStone players, Categories and Bards are almost as good at 17 through 20. Players and GMs talk weapons and can learn magic spells about various aspects of the game easier than Fighters and Thieves. there, from the mechanics to Mages have the most interesting roleplaying. You can also download spells, including those which pro- maps of Kulthea and informative tect and enhance a hunting party's guides dealing on rolling and capabilities. Sorcerers have power- developing characters. Past Kelfour ful spells of destruction. If you Editions, the players newsletter, like destroying monsters with are also in the Libraries. They powerful magic, then a sorcerer is have articles touching on most your choice. Clerics have spells to aspects of rolling and developing a battle the undead and resurrect character as well. The April issue fallen comrades. Healers are the has a couple articles on getting hardest profession to play and it started, plus a map of the forest takes a truly special person to and grasslands just outside of town stick with it for more than a few where a new player can taste levels. adventure by battling kobolds and torkaans. Run from any other All professions can learn spells. monster you may see until you gain Pure spell users like Mages and some experience and skill! Clerics can learn a spell per level More... -6- by putting 10 development points in this example, you hit it. If you the spell list. Its harder for a had a d100 roll of 59 or lower you fighter to learn a spell. If a would have missed. fighter puts 20 development points in his spell list he will need a A Wolverine claws at you roll of at least 91 on his spell OB:50 vs DB:60 = -10 gain roll to learn the spell. THT 66, d100 roll: 96, modified: 86 Rangers and Bards can learn spells ...and hits for 7 concusion points easier than Fighters but not as easy of damage as pure magic users. If you fail ...a slashing blow to your neck the spell gain roll then your severing your spine investment is carried over to the extra 3 concussion points of next training session until you get damage the spell. To cast a spell you have to prep <spell number> then cast it *Dartaghan bites the dust* at a target or just cast if it is an area affect spell. Dart had a -10 modifer to the d100 roll, but because the THT was only Tactics 66, he bit the dust. Be very """"""" careful against monsters using claw, GemStone III is a magical but stinger or other non-weapon attacks; violent world. Eventually you will the THT for claw attack versus hide go out into the wilds and have to armor is much lower than if the battle monsters. So what do those monster were using a weapon. numbers mean when you attack or get attacked? When you attack a kobold Critical Hits you will see a display like this: """"""""""""" There are two extra lines in the You swing a sword at a kobold above example that weren't in the OB:30 vs DB:10 = +20 first. They are there because the THT 79, d100 roll:65, modified:85 modified roll was 20 greater than ...and hits for 3 concussion points the THT. If you are wearing heavy hide and a monster gets a modified OB = Offensive bonus, DB = Defensive roll of 11 or greater than your THT bonus, THT = To Hit Threshold. OB there is another d100 roll. Its is the total of your ST bonus and called a critical roll. The result your skill at using that weapon. of that d100 roll is compared to a The monster's DB varies as it gets critical table to determine the kind hurt and the THT is determined by of critical damage Dartaghan suf- the weapon and the armor worn by fered. The D100 roll must have been the target. In the above example a high one cause Dart's spine was the kobold is wearing hide and a severed, an instant death critical. short sword has a THT of 79 on it. Wearing armor like leather breast If you were using a broadsword the plate and ring mail gives you more THT would be 84 or so. d100 roll is protection from criticals but you the roll you get from a 100 sided also have to train in that skill and dice. The results of most (but not in most cases suffer OB and DB all) actions are determined by a penalties. d100 roll. In the above example you had a d100 roll of 65. To that is Parry Tag added the difference of your OB and """"""""" the kob's DB, which is +20. That You can berserk at Parry 0 when gets you to the last number on the battling kobs and torks but when third line, the modified roll. Then hunting more dangerous monsters you that modified roll is compared to must adjust your parry to the the THT. If the modified roll is situation. The basic tactic is greater then the THT as it is in referred to as Parry Tag. When you More... -7- set parry to 100 you are using all Takeover you offensive skill (OB) to parry Continued from Page 5 the monsters attack. When you set your OB to 0, you are using all your accurate blast separated the head offensive skill to hit the monster. from the shoulders; little remained If parry is set to 50 then half your but swirling smoke and acrid fumes. OB is used to hit the monster and half to parry the monsters attack. The tension eased as the two sighed When you attack you normally have a with relief; the decapitated body Round Time of 5 secs. Some (but lay at their feet. Telepathically, again, not all) monsters have a they announced that the the Grand greater Round Time than that, and Poohbah was dead. The Ranger smiled when that happens we Parry Tag. and spoke for the first time since That means we initially have our reentering the office, "Now I, Fxg parry set to 100. We find a Lyon, will rule in his place." monster. Wait for monster to attack Wisraith turned to him, alarmed. and then quicky set Parry to 0 and Meeting her gaze, he shrugged, "I attack the monster. Count five will no longer take orders from seconds and parry 100. Then wait anyone here. I am my own Master and for the monster to attack again and none can tell me what I can or can't repeat the sequence until it's do. My rule will be benign, my defeated. followers able to choose their own paths. Besides, what matter is it Parry tag works for most monsters, to you? You wanted him dead didn't and the ability to embed a Carriage you?" Return in your macro is a big advantage since there's only a few Still concerned at Fxg's words, but seconds difference between your moreso at the consequences of being Round Time and the monster's. Some found with the dead body, Wisraith monsters are too fast for this. For turned to go with Fxg behind her, them, you must adjust your parry so but could not see the door through that while you can hit the monster the pall. If anything the smoke the monster cannot get a critical seemed denser. Soon they could see hit on you. As the monster weakens nothing at all through the haze; you adjust your parry, lowering it most particularly, they could not until you finally ease it to 0 and see the glint in the eyes of the can kill the monster. Of course as head that was without a body. you reach higher levels, monsters get more interesting and more Disoriented and nearly blind, the intelligent and you have to use more two choking allies found the smoke sophisticated tactics. Hmmm, wonder beginning to thin, though the sight how you kill a Red Dragon? :) that greeted their streaming eyes was not at all what they expected. _________________________________ (Conclusion in the next Edition) / \\ | DIRections and ADVice || For You | """"""""""""""""""""" || """"""" | Two important new commands for || by Kalagay Halatil | Level 1 players are DIRections || | and ADVice. || You sing to me in moonlight. | || Your strength is my protection. | The first guides you around || In silver shadows of the night, | town, currently providing DIR- || Defender, sweet perfection. | ections to 15 important places || | while ADVice offers just that || Now stay and I will with you bide | for everything from amulets to || All dazzled with your shine, | wealth. || Till Eissa bid me to her side, \________________________________// Oh, eog broadsword mine. -8- RedLance Ruminations A-Hunting We Shall Go """"""""""""""""""""" by Dane RedLance ____________ / \ ______ \ \@| /~/~~\~\ |ver the course of the friend to aid you in your training. ||~| |~||past few editions, I As a personal aside, I have learned _||~| |~||have concentrated on what little skill I have in the art /@| \~\__/~/ |the fascinating people of fighting from a kind few who were \_/ ~~~~~~ /and places of Kelfours gracious enough to spend a few ~~~~~~~~~~~ Landing. But newly moments helping find my way. My welcomed visitors to Kulthea should first journey here, Lord Talon take note: The pubs and shops of the Ellessidil literally grabbed me by Landing are fine places to spend an the hand and led me through my first eve or two, but for many of us, battle scenes, waiting to come to my especially vagabond sword-swingers aid if need be. So, if you are such as myself, the true import of inexperienced, find someone above this area are the exciting and you and group with him on a short dangerous wilds surrounding the jaunt into the woods. township. This month, I'd like to indulge in a few hints to the There comes a time as you near uninitiated about the dark forests completion of your first level of and grassy plains. training that it seems faster and more productive to venture out on I've noticed that for every success- your own. There is no harm in this, ful hunt, a four part equation must of course, and I rather enjoy solo be completed. Sleep not, my friend, hunting late at night, just myself for I speak not of the science of and the call of the wolverines mathematics! Nay, I mean to say behind me as I run silently (and that there are four decisions to be quickly) away. Just make sure to made each and every time to insure a ask around in the Temple for an rewarding foray. extra amulet in case your 'sparring' partner becomes a little excited. First: Before setting out, or anytime your chance upon a fellow Second, decide where to go. For adventurer in the wilds, a choice first level adventurers, the choice must be made: Group or Solo? Each is both limited and easy. I would has its benefits and drawbacks. For advise all first time visitors to less-experienced fighters, surely venture only in the Wooded areas the best way to learn the nuances of just southwest of town. In these battle here in Quellborne is to woods are plenty of kobolds and study another pioneer and his/her torkaani who will dance with you; no techniques. The best advice anyone need to look for werebears and such can give on your very first hunt is just yet. In fact, the best advice to locate a mentor (as they are here is to stay off the trail/path called), a higher-ranked fighter who that you will happen across at the will show you the proper ways to very southern tip of the forest. attack and skin a kobold. Pass that way, and death will be quick and sure! Another tip is to Yes, I know you trained galore back search the library back at the in your small town, but this is the Landing for any maps of the area. real thing, man! Lest you forget, They make it easier to learn the lay there is no 'armsman' watching your out of this part of the land. every move and calling off the dogs unless you have a more experienced Third, is of course that stage where -9- More... one shouts out, "There it is!!" Many and skins together are worth more, articles published earlier in we sometimes made a mess out of Kelfour Edition can give you far skinning the creatures and thus better help than I could. Articles ruined the pelts, while every kobold by Synyster and Lord Kirc to name a known to me has carried at least a few will show you the ropes of both short sword. Choose your own beginning and advanced combat I variation of that theme, but try to would center this discussion instead maintain some semblance of fairness. on who to kill! Remember, don't even go near wolverines, karnelins Lastly, with your pack full, and or werebears. These creatures get a your head spinning from all of the thrill out of tearing young fighters brawling, head home. You now have a limb from limb; it must be so, two-part mission: Sell, sell, sell, because on any given night there are and then rest, rest, rest. First, a what seems like millions of them in quick trip to the furrier (just the region known as Kobland. But we inside the gates on North Ring Road) are fighters, not librarians, so we to sell the hides, and then a dash mustn't complain no matter how for the Pawn Shop where you can grossly unfair it may seem ;) unload weapons, shields, etc. Count your coins, and then head off to one As for divvying up treasure between of the three hot spots I mentioned members of your group, I do have a in KE12. Remember to put away your few suggestions. An effective shield and sword, and sit/lay down technique that I have done with in wherever you are, because your mind groups is to pick a certain item to rests much quicker that way. By all collect and have each member gather means, catch up with your buddies that one up at every kill. For around the fire at the Inn, around a example, Darien and I went hunting table in the back of Helga's with a once, and while he took all of the cold mug of ale, or laying down skins, pelts and coins, I grabbed watching the monks in the Temple. the short swords. Though the coins For isn't this what we actually have come to the Landing for? ________________________________________________________________________ / \ HALL OF FAME \ |@/______________________________________________________________________/ | Congratulations to Lady Wisraith Winterwind, Lord Enegue Caretaker, | | Lord Karel Tasavalta, Lord Maruko Ashimine, Lord Nastorm Trevin | |_ and Lord Strom O'Berin for achieving Noble Rank! | /---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bard Enegue LionHeart 20 | High Human Benar Stormarm 18 | | Ranger Fxg Lyon 22 | Common Man Beolost Lamontt 19 | | Mage Dagmar Istarii 24 | Dwarf Vesitsa Talchild 16 | | Fighter Kirc Bloodguard 20 | Halfling Xura Viirkort 15 | | Thief Valeria Deering 22 | Wood Elf Zhuge Liang 12 | | Cleric Sindar d'Clairique 21 | High Elf Strom O'Berin 21 | | Sorceror Xura Viirkort 15 | Half Elf Kayla Kyndhart 26 | | Healer Kayla Kyndhart 26 | Fair Elf Valeria Deering 22 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| /@| Current GSIII Fame Rankings by Profession and Race - June 6, 1991 | \_/______________________________________________________________________/ -10- What GSIII Means to Me """""""""""""""""""""" by Inyigo Montoya ____________ / \ ________ \ \@| ~|~|~~|| | unny thought. I know I guess another reason this game has | |~|_ ~~ | GemStone is a game, affected me is the fact that I _| |~|-| | and a good game, but willingly let myself get carried /@| |~| | there are lessons to away with my character. Great \_/ ~~~~~ / be learned here that actors achieve credibility the same ~~~~~~~~~~~ don't apply to the way with their roles, so why not me? real world, yet have a remarkable When Inyigo receives a critical hit, impact on how you deal with reality. I grit my teeth in anguish. When he comes across a life or death sit- Confused? Hope not. I think that a uation, my blood rushes with adren- major lesson I've learned here aline. You may feel the same, or (aside from realizing that I like you may scorn this as lousy "role- playing with numbers) is tolerance. playing." Try it out, though. Try Tolerance, humility, control, pride, feeling Rune's pain as she faces her patience, trust... and friendship. emotions, Lythe's grim nature, No, I'm not a tyrant in real life. Laeg's idealism. It's fascinating I just seem to have expanded these just getting into another char- aspects of myself because of Inyigo. acter's head. Sometimes insults are We each have our own reasons why we directed to the actual person who love this world within a world. pulls his/her character's strings, Some like the release they feel when and sometimes it isn't although it's they slaughter hobgoblins, and misconstrued that way; then again others like the way people deal with sometimes insults are taken only situations, thus creating storylines from one character to another. for aspiring writers. Some people Whatever the case, that is the see it purely as a role-playing game nature of life. One cannot have one with some hand/eye coordination or another. We have to deal with thrown in. I've seen it in a way this as just one of those "things." that has evolved. I just want to say that, even if I I've come across different char- haven't met you in GemStone, you acters, people who breathe life into have changed the way I see life, and their personas making them as in a very positive way. In life, we individual as their creators. With shouldn't take anything for granted. that naturally comes conflict. We should breathe every breath, Conflict can be constructive pro- cherishing it as if it were to be vided you're willing to learn from our last. Live our days to the it. The friends I have made fullest as if there were no more. (Arborius, Joquain, Fenris, Bobus, Shayna, Zepath, Jaraxx, etc.) I feel I'm saddened by the departure of I know personally, yet actually friends here of late (Greyhawk in (with one exception) I really know particular), to some of whom I never nothing about them. There are some got the chance to express my I've wanted to kill, and have on gratitude. Yes, life goes on, but occasion been too close for comfort before ours take us down different to doing so, yet I realize that trails, I'd just like to say thanks killing is not within my con- for being you. You've given me a science's grasp, unless I had no chance to know myself better, and choice. provided memories I'll never forget. -11- The Great Kitten Quest """""""""""""""""""""" Condensed Version of the Accounting by Elwyn Moonstorm _______________ / \ ____ ____\ \@| +|~| __ |~|+|hen it was learned distance from our arrival point. It | |~|/~~\|~| |that Fluffy, Frisky seemed in rather poor condition, but _| |~/~/\~\~| |and Selene, the a sense of indefinable evil hung /@| _|__/ \__|_|three kittens which about it. The walls and battlements \_/_____________/ were to have been were adorned with carven figures of auctioned off by the gypsy traders hideous monstrosities. The moat who so recently visited our town, which surrounded it was overgrown had, in fact, been captured and sent with water plants and pond scum; the to distant Castle Melvehn for evil drawbridge was down. experimentation by minions of the Unlife, it was only natural that a We faced our first opponent as we call should go out for valiant approached the drawbridge. One of adventurers to rescue them. the statues, a sort of horned devil, suddenly animated and dropped to the I don't know that I qualify as a far side, hefting a huge falchion. valiant adventurer, but I do rather Arborius attacked first, loosing an like cats, and so I decided to arrow at it; the missile flew far answer that call. The others who off target though, ricocheting off joined me that morning to meet with of one of the immobile statues atop Miss Sue-Ellen Cowslip of the the wall. Kelfour's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals were Alton His second arrow nearly hit, even as Alianthas, Arborius Dragonson, Glorfindel threw a water bolt at the Glorfindel Yen-Soron and Bobus gargoyle which struck it squarely in Windshadow. We chose Alton, the the shoulder and spun it about. As most experienced warrior among us, it reeled back behind the gateway, as our leader, and dedicated our- the rest of us quickly crossed the selves to the rescue. Thus was the bridge to take advantage of its Kitten Liberation Force born. temporary disorientation. A few more skillful strikes finished it We received some special equipment off, and the creature shattered into -- catnip, a bag of marbles and a thousands of tiny bits of stone. ball of yarn, as well as a number of more practical items -- from the Somehow, during that first battle, KSPCA. Arborius was quite pleased Rhys Corwinson, the healer, had to be given a longbow that had been joined us. I had no idea how, but imported from Jaiman. The rest of had neither time nor inclination to us were somewhat concerned, as he ponder the mystery. Beyond the gate freely admitted how little real was a cobblestoned courtyard sur- skill he had in using it, but there rounded by low buildings. Behind was no disuading him. them stood our destination, the tall keep tower. Miss Cowslip then summoned Raemond, the Navigator who had been hired for A search of the buildings revealed our trip, and he teleported us to nothing of note; however, in the our distant destination. After courtyard, we found the huge corpses explaining to us how to summon him of several animals which fit des- for the return trip, he vanished, criptions I have read of creatures leaving us to our task. from distant lands known as "elephants." What was worrisome was The castle keep was but a short the condition of the corpses. They More... -12- seemed to have been ripped and guardroom beyond the door, a mauled, as though even larger beasts tactical blunder of which we were had been feeding upon them. more than happy to take advantage. Bobus tossed in a flask of oil, We had scarely noted this, though, which was ignited when Glorfindel when we began to hear a high- cast a fireball into the room. When pitched squeaking sound from behind the flames, screams, and stench one of the buildings. Alton and I, began to die down, Rhys and investigating, soon found ourselves Glorfindel both cast coldballs into face-to-snout with the largest rats the room to put out the remaining we had ever seen. We had apparently flames, and we proceeded onward. found the predators which had killed the elephants; now we had to defeat We had gained entrance into the very them. stronghold of the enemy. But what horrors still awaited us in our Alton had fair luck with his. After attempt to free the kittens from Glorfindel distracted it momentarily Melvehn's evil clutches we could with a shockbolt that singed off its only imagine. whiskers, he managed a masterful stroke, nearly severing the rat's Final Confrontation Next Edition neck and killing it instantly. I was not quite so lucky. I got in one good strike, damaging a forepaw, but the rat responded by taking a Hint for Beginners No. 1 large bite out of my side. The """"""""""""""""""""""""" others closed in on it as I from Samwell Hawkholder retreated to tend my bleeding; the rat did not last long. When starting a hunting trip, get in the habit of doing two things. Stop As we finished our search of the outside the main gate and type in courtyard area, I found, behind the INVentory. This will save you from building from whence the rats had the danger and embarrassment of come, a Swiss cheese easily the size getting attacked without a weapon of Surtey's healing tent. I was and shield readied. While you're at tempted to search it, for the gods it, type in PARRY, to double-check only know what treasures may have that you're at full Parry. been hidden in its many holes and tunnels, but the others were anxious to resume our quest. * * * * ____ * * * * * We were unable to gain entrance to / /,,,\ \ * *||| ** * the keep through the stout oaken / / ,, | | * \) / ** * doors on the ground level, those / /| - - \ \ * | | * being securely barred from the | /,,\ | / | * | | * inside, but upon climbing the |/'''' \_~_/ /____*_ /\ / * ivy-covered walls, we discovered a \ '''/\___|/ | * \ \ * secondary entrance from the battle- \/ \ / * \ \ * ment walkway. Our suspicions that / \ / * | | * our arrival was not unexpected were / \ | / * | | * confirmed when, after I unlocked and / -- * -- * | | * carefully opened this door, a volley / ) / | \ * | | * of arrows greeted us. / / | * | | * | |\ \ | & * | | * It is a fair bet that this battle | | \ \| &__________*________*___ did not go as our opponents had | | <==)))==&______________________/ intended. There were a large number \ \ | & | | of them in the relatively small | | | & art by Taarna | | -13- Shopping at Sen's """"""""""""""""" ______________ by Lady Kayla Kyndhart / \ ____ ____ \ \@| ~| | | |~ |ere you are, a newly arrived adventurer looking for herbs | |~|--|~| | before heading into the wilds. You arrive at the local _| |~|--|~| | alchemist only to find a huge, puzzling display. Which do /@| _|~| |~|_ | you need and how do you use them? This guide's for you: \_/ ~~~~ ~~~~ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name What it Heals Eat/Drink/Doses """" """"""""""""" """"""""""""""" Akbutege Leaf Restores 10 concussion pts. Eat/10 Wifurwif Lichen Twitching Eat/4 Belrama Potion Sporadic & Uncontrollable Convulsions Drink/4 Terbas Leaf Slurred Speech Eat/3 Yuth Flower Constant Spasms & Difficult Eat/2 Time Controlling Muscles Arnuminas Leaf Minor Bruises & Laceration on Limbs Eat/4 Edram Moss Fractured & Bleeding Limbs Eat/4 Dagmather Spine Old Battle Scars On Limbs Eat/4 Curfalaka Fruit Mangled Limbs Eat/2 Rewk Potion Bruises On Head and Neck Drink/4 Arfandas Stem Bleeding From the Ears, Snapped Bones, Eat/2 Lacerations and Mild Concussion Hegheg Root Scar Across Face or Neck Eat/4 Bursthelas Potion Several Facial Scars, Old Neck Wounds Drink/2 Terrible Mutilated Wounds Berterin Moss Bruises & Laceration on Chest, Abdomen Eat/4 and Back. Irritation Of the Eye Pasamar Grass Deep Gashes, Serious Bleeding, Deep Eat/2 Laceration of the Chest, Back and Abdomen. Blinded and Swollen Eyes. Tarnas Potion Old Battle Scars on Chest, Back and Drink/4 Abdomen. Black and Blue eye. Wekwek Potion Permanent Mutilated and Painful Looking Drink/2 scars on Chest, Back & Abdomen. Severe swelling and Bruises of the Eye. Baldakur Potion Restores Blinded Eye after Surtey treats Drink/1 Siran Clove Restores a Missing Limb Eat/1 -14- More... That's just half of the puzzle. Knowing how to use the herbs is equally as important. Following are examples are of cures for injuries that have NOT been treated by Surety, the Quack in the tent on North Ring Road. He leaves scars and charges lots of coins, but it's better than dieing if a Healer isn't available. Remember that eating these herbs will put you in Round Time, so make sure you are safe. USE THE HERBS IN THE ORDER GIVE HERE: A Severed Limb: Edram Moss 2 bites Includes arms, Arnuminas Leaf 1 bite legs and hands Siran Clove 1 bite Fractured Limbs Edram Moss 1 bite Includes arms, Arnuminas Leaf 1 bite legs and hands Curfalaka Fruit 1 bite Dagmather Spine 1 bite Deep Gashes: Pasamar Grass 2 bites Includes chest, Berterin Moss 1 bite back and abdomen Wekwek Potion 2 drinks Tarnas Potion 1 drink Deep Lacerations: Pasamar Grass 1 bite Includes chest, Berterin Moss 1 bite back and abdomen Wekwek Potion 1 drink Tarnas Potion 1 drink Twitching: Wifurwif Lichen 1 bite Terbas Leaf 1 bite Sporadic Belrama Potion 1 drink Convulsions Wifurwif Lichen 1 bite Yuth Flower 1 bite Terbas Leaf 1 bite Uncontrollable Belrama Potion 2 drinks Convulsions Wifurwif Lichen 1 bite Yuth Flower 2 bites Terbas Leaf 1 bite Snapped Bones and Arfandas Stem 2 bites Bleeding from Ears Rewk Potion 1 drink Includes neck Bursthelas Potion 2 drinks and head Hegheg Root 1 bite Mild Concussion Arfandas Stem 1 bite and Lacerations Rewk Potion 1 drink Includes neck Bursthelas Potion 1 drink and head Hegheg Root 1 bite Blinded Eye Pasamar Grass 2 bites Berterin Moss 1 bite Baldakur Potion 1 drink Find a Healer to purchase herbs for you; We can buy them cheaper. Carrying herbs as a first-aid kit can save your life. A Healer is your best choice, of course, because we leave NO scars. There are seven healers available on a regular basis: Caretaker D'BoldHome, Elandred Evergreane, Elzbeth Collins, Rhys Corwinson, Silicon Nemisis, Lord Strom O'Berin and Myself. -15- News of Kulthea """"""""""""""" by Alton Alianthas " of beauty, land of riches. "Come one, come all. Fortunes to be made, "Heroes will stand tall in the Land of the "Silver Mist. Come they did, one and all, "and in the light of the sinking sun, "with an ale in hand, they still remember, "the one who stood tallest of all. "A name known far and wide, the first to walk "in the land of mist. "Rame Kelfour, a hero known to all..." ____________ / \ __ \ \@| / "| |s the last lyrical factory, my lords and ladies," said | //|"| | note drifted across Manthon as he shook hands and ex- _| //=|"| | the warm spring night changed hugs all around. /@| // |"| | the crowd burst into \_/ ~~ ~~~ / spontaneous applause. "As always, Manthon, your voice ~~~~~~~~~~~ brings us great joy and happiness," The bard, while making grandiose noted one of the more powerful mages bows to each segment of the in Kelfours, and also one of the appreciative crowd in Kelfour's town's most beautiful ladies. square, thought that only in Quellbourne would the Ballad of Rame "Ahh, my dear, thank you. Of course Kelfour be so appreciated. my songs cannot match the beauty of you nor any of the fairer denizens Manthon Kari was his name. He was a of this town." Manthon smiled at the small, wiry man with distinctive ladies in the group, and noted with gold hair and a voice that many said satisfaction that most of them could lull ferocious trolls into an blushed prettily. peaceful bliss. Many of his contemporaries did not enjoy "Hmmm, yes, of course, Manthon your traveling to the wilds of talents are without peer," said a Quellbourne, but Manthon liked and tall fighter as he moved closer to enjoyed being around the rough, his lady, noticing the looks she was friendly populace of Kelfours giving Manthon. "But could we Landing, and thus made it an point impose upon you for news of to visit the town each spring. happenings outside our hamlet?" The crowd began to disperse as "Of course, my lord.", replied Manthon signaled the performance was Manthon as he sat himself upon an over by packing up his instruments. obliging barrel. He tied the straps on his carrying case and straightened as he felt the The crowd found seats upon benches presence of a someone behind him. and the ground. An ale keg was brought forth and tapped. After Turning with a smile, Manthon saw everyone received a tankard they that the group consisted of some of quieted to wait for him to begin. Kelfour's more notable citizens. He knew all of them, and knew what they They are even quieter than when I wanted. While they enjoy my music, sing, mused Manthon. "What news he thought wryly to himself, they would you hear, ladies and gents?" hunger for my knowledge of events occurring in other parts of Kulthea. "Tell us of the situation in "I hope the performance was satis- Rhakhaan." -16- More... A grim look passed over Manthon's "The Dragonlords are beings that face. "The Usurper, Frelik, has lust for material things, wealth, defeated a large portion of Duke power, dominion. They are evil, Kalen's army at the border. Duke this is true, but they seek not the Kalen is trying to organize remnants destruction of life as the Unlife of his scattered army while calling does. While both are evil, they for help from Emperor Jerrin. have different goals. One can only Emperor Jerrin, despite the hope that they destroy each other." misgivings of those nobles who covet Duke Kalen's land, has authorized "These are dark tidings that you the sending of four cohorts to the bring, Manthon," muttered the lordly north. They may be too late as fighter. "Is there no good news you Frelik is moving with the speed of could impart? I, for one, would lightning, some even say the like to go to sleep knowing there is Magician rides with him." some chance for our world." "The Magician?" "Ahhh, my friend, do not despair," smiled Manthon, "Let your sleep "Yes, the Magician," another frown tonight be filled with dreams of fell upon Manthon's face. "A being, Legion's of Cloudlords filling the who has inveigled himself into Royal sky, sallying forth against evil." courts in Jaiman for nigh onto 4500 years Everytime he appears trouble "What? The Cloudlords of Tanara?" soon follows. He has great interest queried the fighter with a puzzled in the Six Crowns of Jaiman. One look. "Were they not decimated by can only hope that Loremaster the Unlife many years ago?" Andraax can hold him at bay." Manthon nodded to the fighter before Manthon let the murmurs fade before continuing, "Yes, that is what was he continued. "There are dark believed, but there are many tidings from the east as well. Just confirmed reports from Tanara that oer the mountains the Dragonlord, the Cloudlords have ridden into Sulthon Ni'Shaang, has launched his battle against the Yinka peoples, a Lugroki armies into Lu'Nak. He is barbaric race that seeks dominion bent on conquest, and so far has over the three other cultures vanquished many small communities of residing in Tanara. human settlers there. He seems unstoppable unless some of the "If reports are true, and I have no rumors I have heard are true." reason to believe they are not, it can be assumed that the Cloudlords "Of what rumors do you speak?" will drive the evil from Tanara and make it a powerful force for good on "It seems that the Unlife also has Jaiman once again." an stake in Lu'Nak," a wry smirk crossed Manthon's face, "And they As he finished relating his news and are actively resisting the Dragon- the crowd began to disperse, lord and his armies." Manthon, acting on some impulse, raised his voice in song. As the "I thought the Dragonlords were his pleasant voice floated through agents of the Unlife?" said Kelfours the streets and homes of Kelfour's most notable rogue. "Why would they Landing, the residents of the tiny fight each other?" hamlet laid their heads upon their pillows and slept a little easier. "A common misconception, my friend," __________________________________ responded Manthon. "There are many / GemStone III Categories on the \ sides to evil, just because someone | MPGRT bulletin board on page | acts with evil intent does not mean | 1045 of GEnie are #17 through 20. | that he or she serves the Unlife." \__________________________________/ -17- Heraldry Tutor: The Origin of Armory """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" by Delvian Kel'Bathian _____________ / \ _________ \ \@| ||=|=|=|| |his is the first in a moved into warmer climates. The | ~~ |_| ~~ | series of articles cloth coat of arms covered metal _| |_| | that will attempt to armor, protecting it from moisture /@| _|_|_ | explain some of the and dust, and protecting the wearer \_/__________/ history, theory and from the effects of the sun. rules governing the art and living history of heraldry. Although I am Once the feudal system became fully by no means an expert in the field, established the right to bear arms I will use my knowledge and a was established. This right was variety of source material to give granted by the ruler of the you a start in creating your own territory to those who were loyal to arms and devices for Houses. All of him. This award of arms entitled this information is from recognized him to rule or govern an area in the authorities in the art of heraldry. name of the sovereign, to manage the Anyone interested in obtaining my finances and farms of the land, to references has but to ask. Perhaps uphold the laws and most importantly once the Engraver is in operation, to pay a tithe of the land to the GameMasters may incorporate some of sovereign in goods or coin. A what I say into their world. We all separate fee was collected from the have our dreams. holder as essentially a display fee for the award of arms. The origin of armory lies in the desire for distinction in hunting or When the territories became so large battle. Proud warriors would adorn that the sovereign could not be themselves with the prizes of their bothered with the collection of conflicts. These prizes could be these fees, a King of Arms was the skins cave bears or wolves, and established with Heralds under him. adornment of dwellings with antlers, These Heralds would collect the fees for example, was a sign of mastery as well as serve as ambassadors for over nature. the sovereign. They were to create local officers for the collection of This symbolism was further extended monies, organize the census, to associating oneself with the establish treaties of matrimony and characteristics of the hunter. You peace between princes of the realm were sly as a fox, strong as a bear and record the events at martial or ran swiftly as a deer, to name tournaments or conflicts. The but a few associations. Naturally Pursuivant or junior officer under a the sons of such hunter/warriors Herald officiated at small would want to follow in the festivals, funerals, marriages and traditional patterns of their court celebrations. Fees were paid fathers. Thus symbols and relics to these officers as their presence would be passed from generation to was a high honor. generation. The father's weapons, armor and possessions became a Heraldry Tutor II source of pride to the family. Once The Achievement the closed helm was invented, heraldry became the principle manner An achievement is a complete award to identify your enemy in conflict. of arms consisting, in its simplist It also served as a symbol for form, of a crest and a shield, troops to rally around. The Coat of but there are many highly prized Arms was developed as heavier armor options which can be added. By became more popular and warfare law, a crest cannot be transferred Continued on page 27 -18- Tales of the Unknown """""""""""""""""""" by Flint Thalassar ____________ / \ ________ \ \@| ~|~|~~|| |lint heard footsteps confused, my friend!" | |~|_ ~~ | approaching purpose- "Am I?" _| |~|-| | fully from behind him "Doubtless you intended to /@| |~| | on the pier, but he refer to Tales of the Unknown: True \_/ ~~~~~ / made no move to turn. incidents of Bravery and Adventure, ~~~~~~~~~~~ He sat crosslegged, told in the finest oral traditions looking out over Claedesbrim Bay. of antiquity." The sun had just crept in over the "Exactly what I meant to say." horizon like a guilty schoolboy Flint rose. "But we are climb- arriving late to class, thus re- ing this morning, are we not? Come sembling Flint himself in his on, I'll tell you on the way." They earlier years. The cool fog that lay started on their walk toward the over the water writhed and twisted, town gates. and Flint imagined the white misty Tess asked if Flint was cold. creature taking sustenance from the He replied that, no, actually it was steam rising off the rim of his looking to be a great day, but still coffee mug. The footsteps halted he tugged at the sleeve of his and a soft, clear voice called out. purple tunic as if the words "Hey, aren't you supposed to be themselves had sent a chill through a Dwarf?" him. Tess found herself imitating Flint smiled at the familiar his motions, then felt self- joke. His name had been quite a conscious and stopped. She tried to source of amusement to his childhood gauge, glancing at Flint, whether he peers, and even now he never went was up early or had simply not long without hearing the old slept. refrain. He turned to see Tess, the Hard to tell. His hair, short teenage daughter of a local mer- but nearly as blond as her own, chant. Like Flint, she was a Half- seemed neatly arranged. His violet Elf. Flint offered her a sip of eyes gave little hint of fatigue. A coffee. short but satisfying night's sleep, "I was once, but I outgrew it." she surmised. But where had the They both chuckled. Seeing Tess coffee come from? Shops were not raise the mug to her lips, Flint let open this early. A mystery. She his gaze trace the outlines of her listened while Flint related his body, thinking -- quite wrongly -- latest misadventure. He had found a that she would not notice. The soft magic wand, and with typical contours of her face, the blond eagerness, rushed off to show it to curls rippling over her shoulders to some of his friends. As he made a splash against the wool of the dark grand gesture with the artifact, it cloak, even the detail of her newly had discharged, singeing his hair polished boots all sent their own with a flashing bolt of energy. messages to Flint. He filed them "Nice way to make an entrance, away under "danger." How could m'Lord," said Tess. anyone look like that at this hour? "It was indeed dramatic." Some pact with the forces of evil, Passing through the gates, they fol- no doubt. And in exchange for never lowed a well-trodden trail and appro looking sleepy or rumpled, I offer ached a bubbling stream in Upper my soul... If only it were that Kaldsfang. The rising sun cast an simple. orange glow throughout the forest. "So Flint, any new stupid thief "Look, we're almost there," stories for me?" said Flint. "You're going to like Flint paused. "You must be this one." More... -19- Tess peered down the stream Flint, still attached to the bank at the rock formation in rock wall, twisted his head around question. A very nice dihedral, to look. Seeing the Orc, he froze. about 25 feet high, starting at His sword and backpack lay in the near-vertical and then arcing out to grass at the base of the climb. A form a challenging overhang. The trembling in his forearms told him crack looked hand-width, finger- that he had to make a decision very width in places. Coming closer, she soon. He hoped it would be the saw that the surrounding face was right one. strewn with tiny ledges and pockets. Tess grabbed for Flint's sword. A perfect climb. It felt heavy, useless. The Orc "This is going to be fun, made a low growling sound and Flint!" lurched toward her, teeth bared. "I'll put on my other shoes and She saw its hand grip the spiked give it a try. You can spot me. hilt of its own weapon. Don't see Then we'll switch off, ok?" Flint him, she thought. Look at me look sat down and removed his backpack at me don't see him I'm right here and sword, then took out a pair of come closer. Absurdly, it occurred soft leather shoes. He had these to her that Flint might fall. The made to order by Sarii. A few sizes Orc unsheathed its sword. It was smaller than he normally wore, the close now, only a few steps away. shoes would hold his toes tightly Trusting his handholds, Flint together for greater strength, and swung his right leg up past his the thin leather would allow him a shoulder and hooked his heel behind good feel for the rock. an outcropping at the top of the Finished lacing the shoes, he formation. He levered his body up sprang up and approached the rock. onto the ledge in a single fluid Wedging hands and feet into the motion, his hands aching and nearly crack, he slithered up the first 10 losing their grip. He turned and feet of the wall. Tess stood below, prepared to leap down onto the Orc. prepared to break his fall should Flint knew, somehow, that this the need arise. Flint moved out wasn't a great idea. His climbing onto the face, his body kept close buddies often measured their alti- to the rock to put the maximum tude by what sort of injury would be amount of weight over his feet. inflicted in a fall. "This is an Soon he was near the most difficult ankle," they would say, or "now I'm section of the overhang. He paused at a leg." Of course, the scale to rest and plan his final moves. became meaningless after a certain Once at the top, he could rest a height, and at that point they would while on a small ledge, then scamper switch to estimating the size and down the other side where the climb- shape of the crater. He was ing was easier. His concentration definitely at around a leg right was interrupted by a strained now, and unsure of what he hoped to whisper. accomplish. Maybe he could supply "Flint!" Tess with a chance to run. His The Orc moved deliberately down muscles tensed to jump. the trail. Tess could see its The next moments seemed to pass breath steaming in the morning with infinite slowness. He noticed sunlight. Maybe it wouldn't notice the grainy texture of the Orc's them. After all, they were in the leather armor, mottled with ancient shade, hidden away in the rocky bloodstains, the footprints it had corner by the stream's edge. She left in the river sand. A puzzled stood still. The creature kept expression crossed its face as it lumbering forward, then came to an looked up to find the source of the abrupt halt and sniffed the air. It sudden noise from above. Tess held turned to look directly at her. the blade out in front of her with "Flint!" both hands, arms outstretched. She More... -20- did not bother to swing the sword, For a brief moment Tess but simply lunged forward fero- wondered if her friend had sustained ciously. The attack would have a blow to the head in the course of looked foolish had it not been so his fall. Then she laughed. Flint effective. The Orc stared up at grinned at her. The two made their Flint, bewildered, almost innocent, way back to town, Flint leaning on until the sword point glided through his companion and limping. Surtey its soft neck and into the brain. would be glad to see him. How was The need to jump, Flint he going to explain this one, noticed, was now past. It was time though? You fell on that easy to cancel the urgent message he had climb? No, I jumped on purpose. sent to his legs, to regain his Right, Flint. But a dead Orc broke balance. He attempted to step back my fall. Of course it did, Flint. onto the ledge and then realized How was I to know Tess would kill it this was impossible, for he was in a single blow? Boy, Flint, airborne. that's a tough one alright. Flint crashed into the Orc, Flint sniffed. "You know, adding momentum to its collapse, and Tess, if nothing else, this morning hit the ground rolling. He came to has all the makings of a stupid rest in the sand next to the stream. th... a Tale of the Unknown." Tess was standing over the fallen Tess smiled. They would be Orc, a blank expression on her face. back, one day soon, to climb again. She started over to Flint. Amazing. He seemed to have escaped unharmed. ************************************ It was a good thing that luck like * * that accompanied his attraction to * Wanted: Dead or Alive * danger. Flint stood, smiling, took * ________ * a step toward Tess, and fell back * |--------| * into the sand with a thud. * | EDITOR | * So much for appearing heroic. * |--------| * Strange, Flint thought. His left * ~~~~~~~~ * leg was no longer a leg. It looked * for Kelfour Edition * like a leg, alright, but turned out * * to be a loose, spongy thing that * Interested applicants send * could support no weight. Who had * GE Mail to P.HERRINGTON with * stolen his leg and put this cheap * qualifications. Salary is * imitation here in its place? As * practically non-existent but * Tess arrived at his side, he began * the rewards are priceless. * to notice an unpleasant sensation * * burning its way through his ************************************ adrenalin rush. His left ankle was singing to him, something high and shrill. He could not make out the * * words, but they were no doubt of the * * "you done me wrong and now you gonna * _|_ * pay" variety. * __|__ | * "Flint, are you ok?" Tess no * | __|__ * longer held the sword. Her look of * | | * shock was gradually giving way to * | * one of concern. "What you did, I * * * mean trying to save me, it was... _\==================/_ well, it was crazy, but it was... ( _\ __ __ /_ ) well, thank you." ( \ (_ \/ _) / ) "Heh. Truth is, I was _) \_/||\_/ (_ attempting to save the Orc from / || \ you." He looked over at the lifeless art by / || \ body and shook his head sadly. "But Taarna was too late." -21- Kalagay and the Pickpocket """""""""""""""""""""""""" by Kalagay Halatil ____________ / \____ ____\ \@|~|~~\ |~|~|o question about it. Kalagay reviewed her grievance, | |~\~\|~| | Kalagay's heart had examining again the events of one _| |~|\~\~| | been broken by the agitated weekend. The elf began by /@|_|~| \~~|_| bard Tuilin L'Oiseau, picking her pocket, using the cir- \_/~~~~ ~~~~/ the most notorious cumstance to talk her into dinner. ~~~~~~~~~~~ flirt to come through He then paid for the dinner with the Kelfour's gates in months. True, proceeds of his theft. He flattered she felt more like cursing than and cajoled and sighed. Kalagay, crying. True, she felt more like courting-wise as she thought she cutting the impudent cur's elegant was, finally agreed to a rendezvous. throat than like cutting her own. It was not without incident, and she She had to compose a ballad to was feeling pleasantly tormented persuade herself into the proper upon retiring to her rest. Her frame of mind. reveries featured a wedding of the most refined nature. In this melt- A prowl in the general store yielded ing frame of mind, she sent out a a small harp with but one gap in its tender mental call. twelve-string span. She sat on an empty barrel in the sun and worked There was no answer. out a simple melody to set the words of her lament. Finally, she shook Immediately she was assailed by hid- her hair back, lifted her chin, and eous fears for his safety. Some- began to sing "Kalagay's Lament." where out there was _her_ bard, yet he did not answer. Therefore, he was Yon is the Kobold Forest dead or nearly so. Feverishly she With firepit black and old. sent her thought: "Who is with We had a midnight picnic there... Tuilin? Who knows where he is? Is he Today the coals are cold. all right?" Yes, that had a properly gloomy ring Replies began to come: "He was okay to it. She went on: a minute ago." "He is on the cliff over Claedesbrim Bay." A kindly soul You sang me many merry songs, then inserted the knife. "It's all You jested and you teased. right, Kal, he's with Eleni." And You swore you loved but said not another, kinder soul said, "Shut up, who... you cretin..." Kalagay needed no I thought 'twas I who pleased. further information. All her ten- derness turned to bitter ice, and And then the really pathetic part: this is how the warrior Erkasse Berrylip found her. Now stand I in eternal dusk And for your footfall listen. "What's up?" Erkasse asked, shrug- My tongue is still, my heart a ging out of her leather pack. So husk, Kalagay told her friend the story... On my blade heart's blood will glisten. The spring day's weather had run its course, chilly and fickle, into twi- It needed work. Two 'hearts' in as light. Kalagay's enthusiasm for the many lines wouldn't do, and besides hunt waned as her sack grew heavier the whole last verse now sounded as and her broadsword dragged at her though she were waiting in ambush arm. Dinner of a roast beast sand- for the faithless rake, rather than wich and a draught of dark ale contemplating suicide. seemed like quite a good idea; she -22- More... turned toward Helga's directly upon friend was in such pain, so she leaving Dernick's pawnshop. The offered her favorite solution. silvers she had obtained were a "Y'know, I think it's time to perma- satisfying weight in her wallet, and nently reform this jerk and feed the she felt quite grown up and inde- bits to the orcs." pendent. An image rose in Kalagay's mind of A slight jostle from a passerby drew the handsome fellow in tatters of her attention. She stared as an lace and soft leather being distri- elegant elf made her a graceful bow, buted piecemeal to the denizens of one hand on a stiletto and the other The Wild. She restrained her imagin- disposed amid the foam of lace at ation and her bloodthirsty friend. his throat. She hadn't seen anyone It was time to consult Amaryllis so arrogantly gorgeous in her whole Firehand, a friendly mage of much stay in Kelfour's Landing. "Your subtlety, for a plan of retribution. pardon, my lady," he smiled, and walked off. Something, a slight "As I see it," Amaryllis said, sort- smirk, the hint of swagger as he ing through her wands while they sat turned away, made her uneasy. A in the temple, "what we want here is quick touch told her that her that abject humiliation, agreed? Some- her wallet was woefully less thing really beastly that will make substantial than it had been. Most him burn inside when he remembers." of her silver had been taken by the light-fingered dandy. There was not Erkasse licked her teeth and grin- even enough left for dinner. ned. "A trap...He doesn't know you, 'Ryllis. You can be the decoy." Her first reaction was of utter astonishment. As the daughter of a "I love it! Now what would a heart- well-to-do merchant, she had always less flirt wear? Something gauzy been accompanied by three household and Pre-Raphaelite, don't you think, servants, and at least one was large Kal? Kal, honey?" and well-armed. She never consid- ered pickpockets, somehow. Then "Hm? Oh, anything. If you're in a fury overtook her, taking her breath dress he'll be after you like a duck and leaving her eyes stinging with on a June bug. I don't want to talk angry tears. The thief had taken about it anymore." something much more important than silvers. Where had that joyful Still, the whispering and giggling feeling of competence and indepen went on around her for some time. -dence gone? He had no right to Finally they decided on the perfect take that, however gorgeous he might spot for the assignation/ambush, be. She ran after him without ano- Tuilin's favorite overlook onto the ther thought, determined to confront bay. There need be little con- him. triving; he would do all the work toward his own comeuppance. One thing led to another, and... . . . . . . . . . "I will never trust another male!" Kalagay wailed. "I will never, ever Amaryllis wandered into the temple love again!" looking ethereal in floating layers of tissue silk, and quite wonder- Erkasse had little patience for ills fully clueless. She swanned over to she could not cure with her claidh- the bard and smiled straight into mor. "Jiminy, Kal, you sure let his eyes. "I'd love to look at the yourself get suckered," she lectured ocean," she cooed, "but I'm scared tactfully. "Everyone knows what to go all alone. Don't you find the bards are like, and Tuilin L'Oiseau, ocean...exciting?" well!" Still, she was sorry that her More... -23- Precisely on schedule, the pair left cinder. Kalagay gently let him sink the temple and arrived at the cliff- to the ground and tended the slash. top overlook with dizzying speed. 'Idiot..idiot..idiot," she muttered. Indeed, it seemed very much as if he "Why did you _do_ that? We could was in the habit of coming here. In have kept that disgusting creature her hiding place, Kalagay winced and from cutting you. But no! You had looked away as Tuilin whispered to to do something really stupid and.. the mage, then kissed her right on silly.. and gallant." the mouth. Amaryllis nervously rol- led her eyes around looking for her Tuilin looked up with his ingenuous friends, and said in a muffled smile and replied, "I couldn't help mumble, "Um..I have something for it. You know what bards are like." you dear." The bard looked eager. She pulled out a brown and green striped wand and passed it quickly in front of him. "That is 'Earth- ---===* Dream Weaver *===--- fast,' dear, to cool you off a little. And this...'" she drew out by Balladeer Carpentere a black wand, " 'Fear'!" In Kelfour's, near the market stalls, The spells took effect at once. His A magic place exists. feet were rooted to the ground, so A place of yarn and flax and wool, he could not flee when Fear was All spun, in endless twists. cast. Rapier and shield fell to the ground and the bard looked white and An aged weaver works his trade, ill. He looked near to fainting as His carpets, deep and soft. Kalagay and Erkasse came out of And each one holds his magic spell, hiding and walked deliberately to- To dance in flight, aloft. ward him, grim as wolverines. Kalagay drew out her skean dhu and He's spun his wool, for many years, her eyes were yellow with devils. He's spun his flax, for more. She saw him begin to shift and real- His yarn is made of finest silk, ized that Earthfast was wearing off. Not found, in any store. The speech she had prepared was on her tongue, bitter and honed to His carpets, each, hold endless hours, laen sharpness. She was ready to From fingers, tired and old. pursue him and pour the poison of it But never does he pause to rest, into his ears if he fled. He never sleeps, we're told. The orc was a nasty surprise. To those, in love, who buy his rugs, And sleep on them, at night. The mocking smile froze on Kalagay's A special gift they both shall find, lips. Without hesitation Tuilin As rug, and love, take flight. leaped, unarmed and unshielded, between Kalagay and the orc's But when he's asked just how it's done, scimitar. Lace and soft leather He smiles a silent grin. parted across his chest and an The secret way he casts his spells, alarming quantity of blood poured He keeps secure, within. from the ugly gash. "Fool!" hissed Amaryllis. Erkasse said, "I can't But every night, midst minarets, believe you did that..." And Kalagay A chosen few can fly. held him when he began to topple. Upon his carpets, intertwined, In love, aloft, so high. In rapid order Erkasse grabbed bitter leaf from her sack and forced him to chew and swallow it while ------====****====------ Amaryllis reduced the orc to a -24- The Defensive Method """""""""""""""""""" by Inyigo Montoya _________ / \ _____ \ \@| ~|_|~ | was tooling around my PC one day and realized that I could | |~| | write a program to help newer players understand the numbers _| |~| | generated by GSIII. If a BASIC program could be written /@| _|~|_ | that had no randomizers in it (just a d100 roll of 100), \_/ ~~~~~ / parrying, OB, and DB could be better understood. This is in ~~~~~~~~ Microsoft BASIC for the IBM PC, so it should be simple enough. 3 SUGG=100:OPT=100 5 CLS 10 INPUT"What is your base OB ";OB 20 INPUT"What is your base DB ";DB 40 INPUT"What is your THT (i.e. what does the creature need to hit you) ";THT 50 INPUT"What do you need to roll to hit the creature ";CTHT 60 INPUT"What is the creature's OB ";COB 70 INPUT"What is the creature's DB ";CDB 140 INPUT"What are you parrying at ";P 150 INPUT"What is the creature parrying at (0 on first encounter) ";CP 160 MOB=INT(OB*((100-P)/100)):MDB=DB+(OB-MOB) 170 MCOB=INT(COB*((100-CP)/100)):MCDB=CDB+(COB-MCOB) 200 PRINT"Assuming a d100 roll for both" 210 PRINT"You make an attack for the creature" 220 RM=MOB-MCDB 230 PRINT"OB: ";MOB;" vs DB ";MCDB;" = ";RM 240 MODR=100+RM 250 PRINT"THT ";CTHT;", d100 roll: 100, modified";MODR 260 IF MODR>=CTHT THEN GOTO 290 270 PRINT"no hit is scored" 280 GOTO 295 290 PRINT"you have hit" 295 PRINT 300 PRINT"The creature attacks you" 310 CRM=INT(MCOB-MDB) 320 PRINT"OB: ";MCOB;" vs DB ";MDB;" = ";CRM 330 CMOD=100+CRM 340 PRINT"THT ";THT;", d100 roll: 100, modified";CMOD 350 IF CMOD>=THT THEN GOTO 380 360 PRINT"no hit is scored" 370 GOTO 390 380 PRINT"the creature has hit" 385 PRINT 390 FOR I=100 TO 1 STEP -1 400 MOB=INT(OB*((100-I)/100)):MDB=DB+(OB-MOB) 410 CMOD=100+INT(MCOB-MDB) 420 IF CMOD<THT THEN OPT=I 425 IF CMOD=THT+9 THEN SUGG=I 430 NEXT I 432 IF OPT=1 THEN OPT=0 435 IF SUGG=100 AND OPT<100 THEN SUGG=0 440 PRINT"Optimum = ";OPT 445 PRINT"Suggested = ";SUGG 450 IF SUGG=100 AND OPT=100 THEN PRINT"Dangerous!" -25- 460 SUGG=100:OPT=100 500 INPUT"Again (Y/N) ";A$ 510 IF A$="N" THEN END ELSE GOTO 530 520 END 530 CLS 540 PRINT"Your base OB = ";OB 550 PRINT"Your base DB = ";DB 560 GOTO 40 As a reference, I include the THT and OB as well as DB of some creatures you might encounter (using a broadsword). THT OB DB Notes: Torkaan 80 20 0 bite and claw Karnelin 80 see notes 45 stomp 32; bite 41; charge 38 Kobold 80 10 10 short sword Wolverine 80 45 50 bite and claw - dangerous Lesser Orc 84 60 60 cudgel, short sword, mace Goblin 76 40 30 swing Hobgoblin (lea bre) 57 50 25 battle axe (met bre) 31 50 25 short sword Forest Troll 84 36 25 cudgel and claw Now, for them to hit you wearing heavy hide: Weapon THT Bite 69 Claw 66 Stomp 49 -- watch out for this one! Charge 94 Sh. Sword 79 Cudgel 99 Mace 89 Swing 99 Battle axe 84 This is by no means foolproof. It is only a guide to what you can and cannot handle, as well as the parries necessary to not be hit and not be criticalled. Notes: - If you wear heavy hide the crit threshold is 10, change line 425 to another number if you're armor is different (i.e. ring mail is 20, hence replace 9 with 19). - Refer to KE8 page 9, Yashantre's article on Weapon and Armor to get the values of THT of different combinations, as well as his article on Spells and Armor (KE9, page 8) - Refer to KE7 page 21, Lythe's Beastiary article to get the OB and DB values of the different creatures. - For a clearer explanation of the mechanics of parry refer to Viszier's article on Mathematical parry, KE11 page 4. - Remember that DB changes drastically on magical attacks, ask a magic user exactly what this encompasses. I usually just pray and hope for the best. -26- - My thanks to Kirc's article on strategies KE5, page 3. - I still do a parry tag despite this tool, because this is for the patient and for someone who does not want to take chances. - When a monster "turtles" (i.e. parries at 100) the numbers go out the window because IT is under a DBmodifier since some injuries have already taken place by then. Be warned though that as you parry lower and lower for a turtled creature, it notices this, and can immediately parry 0 itself and critical you (I know from expe- rience with a cave troll). - Last but not least, thanx to Grump for his patience and his assistance. (Dwarves aren't so bad :) My usual strategy for fast creatures is to stay at suggested until it starts to turtle. For slow and medium speed I do the same until I can time a tag properly so it hits me, I parry 0, hit the creature, parry so it can't score a critical on me, and continue to strike the creature until it attacks, then do the cycle over again. The line numbers are in a strange progression because my program has a lot of beasts loaded into small sub-routines, creating a huge monster of a program! As you progress within the game, this kind of number crunching will become second nature. Trust me. If you have suggestions, opinions, feedback or comments, feel free to send me GE Mail at M.HERRANZ. Heraldry Tutor: Continued from Page 18 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" without an associated shield, nor can women transfer achievements to their offspring. (So much for the male chauvinistic attitude; this rule obviously does not apply in Kulthea.) The crest has a mantling and a motto. A helmet is on option but is not required. It is usually added by right of inheritance. For example, an official knight may have a visor, a prince a coronet, the monarch a crown. In fact many of the achievements in history have lacked one or more of these options. (After all it might be hard to think up a motto.) Additions may be made to the achievements when special awards are granted. This might correspond to a special mantling which surrounds the original achievement for, say, membership in the Mages Guild. In addition, a special badge may be added for membership in a highly selective order or for performance of a special deed. Similar to the Medal of Honor, special order of knighthood or a specific office (Baron of the Kaldsflag Mountains). Finally there may be decorative elements associated with the offices of knights, bishops, or other nobility called escutcheons. Additional components of achievements are banners and standards, and they will be discussed later. If it seems that many of these decorative components overlap in form and function you are correct. If you want to add a heraldic option which someone else has claimed, the best way to alter the situation is to think up a new term. If you don't, you might end up at war with the offended party. There are literally hundreds of people in England who devote their lives to the study of heraldry so that such conflicts do not arise. -27- ________________________________________________________________________ / \ \ @_/______________________________________________________________________/ | | | Dear Mother, _| | \ | Thanks afterall for getting me that job as assistant ox-tender with | | the caravan. The travel was exciting, and the regular ox-tender was | | a dear man as long as he slept, which was most of the time. | | | | We reached the city of Kelfour's Landing some time ago. The | | ox-tender who took such good care of me on the road proved his | | judgement once again immediately upon our arrival. He introduced me | | to a charming local establishment known as Helga's, where he entered | | into a drinking contest with some local dwarves. I'm sorry to say | | the poor man lost, and the dwarves proceeded to stuff him into a | | large sack, all doubled up with his feet and hands sticking out. | | They bought him from the caravan leader, and plan to give him to | | their king as a gag gift. Evidently, dwarves aren't all bad, though | |_I have been out of a regular job ever since. _| / \ | It's a shame about that. I learned more about tending oxen than you | | can imagine! As you know, I'm only thirty one, young as fair elves | | go, and should I ever marry I know I'll wish I had learned all I | | could from that job. | | | | Speaking of men, there's a local who's been kind and attentive so | | far. I wonder what you'd think of him. He wears an earring, and | | when I met him his feet were wrapped in muddy silk rags he claimed | | were boots. Brown, apparently, is his favorite color, though it has | | occurred to me that whatever color garments he attires himself in | | will quite likely end up brown anyway. It's not his fault, Mother. | | He seems to have grown up without many advantages I've been | | accustomed to. But he did give me a lovely rose, and just recently | |_gave me with an emerald ring. I wonder what you would think I | /should do -- you know how I love green. Besides, all the really | | good ones here are taken, and he IS a fair elf. And Mother, he has | | kept his promise not to steal from people any more while I'm in the | | same room. | | | | I know you don't think men can change, Mother, and with what the | | disappointment Daddy was, who could blame you? But this one is so | | promising. I've only known him three weeks and already he's | | resigned his membership in a secret organization dedicated to the | | UnLife. Oh, Mother, if you could meet him I know you'd approve, but | | it's hard to find people heading back that way (which is one reason | | I haven't sent word since the caravan left two years ago) and what | | with trolls and orcs and such on the roads, it's hardly safe for him _| | to travel all that way alone. \ | | | I hope to hear from you soon. Please tell me what you think I | | should do, Mother. If you wait too long, I'll have to stall him, | | and you know how men hate that! | | Your loving daughter, | | Belladonna | | _____________________________________________________________________|_ \/______________________________________________________________________/ -28- end KE:V2N1
See Also: