Kelfour Edition volume I number XI

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|   |                                How to START playing SMART! Page 6   |
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 |    GemStone III's                                      April 1991   |
 |                                                      Vol.1, No.11   |
 |               _   _           _    ___                              |
 |              / ) / )         / )  / __)                             |
 |             / /_/ /  ____   / / _/ (   ____   __  __  ____          |
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 |           / /\ \   / ___/ / /  / /   / (/ / / (_/ / / /             |
 |          (_/  \_) (____) (_(  (_(   (____/ (_____( (_(              |
 |                    _____      _    _    _    _                      |
 |_     ___          / ____)    / )  (/  _/ )  (/                      |
  /     \_/         / (__   ___/ /  _   (  _) _   ____   ____          |
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 |    (/ : \)     / (__   / (/ /  / /  / /  / / / (/ / / /) /          |
 |    |\___/|    (_____) (____(  (_(  (_(  (_( (____/ (_((_(           |
 |    \/   \/                                                          |
 |     \ : /                The Kronicles of Kulthea                   |
 |      |:|                                                            |
 |                                                                     |
 |      Open Wide! ................. Editorial by Usul Lu'Nak   1      |
 |      So You Want to be a Mage ............. Dagmar Istarii   2      |
 |      KE Back Issues and Forthcoming Index ................   3      |
 |      Mathematical Parry ................... Viszier Wazara   4      |
 |      Starting Out Smart with *MAP* ...... Torgas Thonteros   6      |
 |      To Be An Adventurer ........... Aeeirnell L'aerlaneir  11      |
 |      Critical Hits: Spells ............... Valeria Deering  13      |
 |      Weapons of Power ...................... Lythe L'Green  15      |
 |      BIG Like Everyone Else ...... Avondale de|{nightSaber  18      |
 |      Ode to Healers ......................... Jochme Ytier  20      |
 |      KE Contributors Earn FREE WEEKENDS in GemStone III ..  20      |
 |      GSIII is ............................................  21      |
 |      Hall of FAME ........................................  21      |
 |      Understanding the Silence ............... Chad Eberle  22      |
 |      Pwyll, Prince of Annwfn, Part II ........ Eron Kulsen  24     _|
 |      Klassifieds .........................................  27     \
 |      The Malevolent Meddler ....... Miss Louvella Parsnips  28      |
 |                                                                     |
 |                   \\_________________________________               |
 |          (ZZZZZZZZZI________________________________/               |
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 |  The Kelfour Edition of the Kronicles of Kulthea is  devoted to the |
 |  multiplayer roleplaying game GemStone III on the GEnie Information |
 |  Network.  Submissions  are  welcome and may be  edited  for space, |
 |_ accuracy and  readability.  Contact Editor-in-Chief  Usul  Lu'Nak, |
  / or Publisher Phaedra Bleu via GEMail to P.HERRINGTON  for details. |
 |                                                 Banner art by Yonah |
 |   __________________________________________________________________|___
 |  /                                                                     /

 _____________                   Open  Wide!
/ \ _________ \                  """""""""""
\@| ||-|-|-|| |                  Usul Lu'Nak
 _| ~~ |~| ~~ |
/@|    |~|    |here  is  no point  in  First lesson: she  LOOKS  at  things.
\_/   ~~~~~   / skirting  the  issue:  She swallows them  whole,  eyes  open
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~  I've  found  a  Guru!  wide as can be,  looking at the world
After a year  of  playing GSIII  with  as intensely and perfectly as if just
carefully  tended skepticism & strict  looking  were  enough  for life, with
avoidance  of membership in any orga-  nothing else needed.  Tis a look that
nized  Society, House, or Lord-of-the  sees  everything  fresh,  even  those
Month Club -- a year  in which I have  things  it is beginning to recognize.
been  content to preach from my Ivory  Tis a look allowing all possibilities
Tower,  priding myself on having been  and passing  no immediate judgements.
raised  right-smackdab-inna-middle of  When  her eyes lock onto something, I
the Roleplay/Rollplay line in a Show-  can feel the  raw  blaze of discovery
Me- But-At-A-Safe-Distance- State-of-  like electricity in the air. When she
Mind,  today  I stand revealed before  locks onto ME, it...well... it seemed
you, an  unashamedly dazzled convert.  possible for a moment  to  throw  out
                                       the  old cast iron  familiarity,   to
I am now a Newbist. Or maybe the cor-  forget everything known, to fill that
rect term is "Newbite."  I'm not sure  yawning  gap  with  something  wholly
which tag is better.  One is informal  new.  It _is_ a wonderful look,  with
and a tad dry,   the other respectful  every second of it full of wonder.
but punchy.   As a proper follower of
the Way,   I should cede this sort of  The second lesson  I  learned from my
PR decision to a higher authority but  Newbie  Guru  has  to do with ratios.
at  the  moment,  I'm  my Guru's only  Right now everything she  learns is a
avowed follower.  For although  while  Really Big Concept.  Each new spell &
clear on many things,   my  Guru  has  skill, each new command or act, while
not yet  gotten  the  point  that she  disguised within  simple  patterns of
_can_ make her presence known.         perception  and  response,  is a step
                                       that takes her leagues.  On  its own,
I mean, she _is_ only a newbie.        the  difference  between  parry-tag &
                                       berzerk is a tiny  fact.  Compared to
Okay, okay.  So call me  development-  her total collection of knowledge, it
ally deprived.  Until  recently,  the  is an immense paradigm, and  when she
last  extensive   truck   I  had with  acquires it she advances accordingly.
newbies   was   when  I  was a newbie  At tenth level her understanding will
myself,  and  recollections  of those  be many magnitudes greater,  and that
times are necessarily scattered. Then  fact will be so small it will  hardly
as now,  newbies  were other people's  register, and  learning  it  will not
business;  save for brief encounters-  move her nearly  as  far.  So Ratios:
mostly involving queries about  deeds  maybe we don't actually stop learning
in the  temple,  or at the merchants-  as we advance in levels.  It just may
they  were   not _my_ responsibility.  seem that way, because we measure the
                                       depth  of  the  pool  instead  of the
But when I met her,  she  captured me  width  and  speed  of the stream that
with her  open  gaze  and  smile. And  feeds it.
suddenly,  I  had a Guru.(And I'm not
talking  about an  AMIGA here, though  Real Soon Now,  my Guru will be ready
she _is_ my friend!) <g>               to  face  the Real World  outside the
                                       Landing.   I hope I can help her stay
Not that she knows it, of course. But  on the path she is already on and not
that doesn't matter. I've been Guru'd  deflect her, cause watching her watch
all the same. And, I  wish  to  share  the world  (and thereby watching ME),
with you two of her valuable lessons.  I'm moved. And I learn. So open wide!
                         So You Want To Be a Mage
 ___________                by Dagmar Istarii
/ \  ______ \
\@| /~/~~\_\ | o you  want  to  be a   especially if you plan to go to Lord
  | \~\____  | mage.   Good  choice.   level.   A  potential of at least 95
 _|  ~~~~\~\ | Mages  have   a  nice   is recommended for AG and QU.  90 or
/@| \~\__/~/ | blend  of   offensive   so for ST, 80 or more for EQ and CO.
\_/  ~~~~~~ /  and defensive  spells   Be flexible, if you get a second 100
  ~~~~~~~~~~  and spells  like  Call   in  AG then you might want to accept
Familiar  (my  favorite)  that  make   a stat lower then 95 for QU.
playing a lot of fun.  Before you go
to the character manager you need to   So  you  got  decent potential rolls
think   about  your  goals  and  re-   and  have  about 33 or so DEV points
sources.  How you roll and develop a   to   start   with   and   perhaps  a
mage   depends   on   a   number  of   potential  around  40, so which race
variables  such  as:  Do you plan to   is  best  for  you.   If you plan to
take  your  mage  to  Lord level and   take your mage to Lord level and can
beyond, or just want to have fun for   afford  a  slow  rate of advancement
a few levels and then reroll?          when  young,  the halfling is by far
                                       the  best  race  for all magic users
"Playing  the  Mage" by Lythe in the   except  healers.   Not  only  is the
9th  issue of Kelfour's Edition is a   halfling  AG  bonus  +15,  his bonus
good  starting  point.  I agree with   against  non-elemental magic attacks
most   of  Lythe's  points  and  his   is  +50.  That +50 is very important
article  has useful information like   at  higher levels when monsters cast
the  spell  list  and what Stats are   spells  like  weapons  fire  or boil
important  to a mage.  The following   earth. A half-elf has an AG bonus of
guide  to  rolling  and developing a   +5  a  racial stat penalty of -5 for
mage is meant to complement "Playing   resisting  spells  like  boil earth!
the Mage" so read Lythe's article.     If you cannot afford the extra hours
                                       getting  to  level 7 or 8 or plan to
You   can   spend   a  week  in  the   reroll  after a few levels, then the
character  manager  and  get  killer   half-elf is best.
stats but with some luck and finesse
you  can get very good if not superb   Which  spell list to learn and where
set  of  stats in less than 3 hours.   to invest the DEV points depend on a
The  trick  is to only rearrange the   number  of  factors  including role-
rolls if you get a 100 and two other   playing.   If you plan to go to Lord
numbers that are 90+.  Otherwise use   level  then  you  should  distribute
a  macro  or  quick fingers to get a   your  DEV  points  to  maximize your
new set of D100 rolls.  When you get   abilities once you reach Lord level.
the  100 and the 90+s put the 100 in   If roleplaying is more  important to
EM,  next highest in AG, then QU and   you then you should learn the spells
in  descending order put the rest of   that  fit your persona.  Train in 1H
the  numbers  in ST, EQ, CO, SD, IN,   edged  weapons at each level.  Train
PR  and  the  lowest  number  in RE.   2  times in directed spells at every
Some  may want to reversed the order   level  and only 1 time in staves and
of  AG  and  QU  and also EQ and CO.   wands.   If  you  plan to go to Lord
But  after  a mage gets a few spells   level its a waste of 4 DEV points to
like  blur and deflection, DB is not   train  the second time in staves and
a   problem.    So  put  the  second   wands. If you have enough DEV points
highest number in AG.  EQ along with   to train in all the essential skills
RE  determines  rate  of  experience   and have 4 DEV points left over then
absorption.   Since  it  costs $6 an   you  might  want  to double train in
hour  whether  you are in the temple   staves and wands a few times.
or  out  adventuring  a good EQ is a
must.   Keep  in  mind the potential   Try  to develop your body each level
stats  are   the  ones  that  count,   until   you   get  about  80  or  90
                                    -2-                             More...
concussion   points   if   you're  a         KE Back Issues and Index
halfling,  and  at  least a 100 if a         """"""""""""""""""""""""
half-elf.    I   have  skipped  body   Back  issues  of Kelfour Edition are
development a couple times when very   available  in GEnie's MPGames Round-
young but try to avoid doing so.  If   Table  Library on Page 1046.  Except
possible  put  10  in spell list but   for  files with .TXT name extensions
now  and then you may forced to risk   (which can be read by all PCs), they
it   and  put  8  or  9  in  it.   I   are   compressed  for  faster  down-
recommend  putting 10 in spell list.   loading,  and  MUST  be decompressed
If  you  have  some Dev points left,   with  the appropriate utility before
investing  in  climbing, perception,   you  can  read  them.  ARC files are
runes,  channeling,  first  aid  and   for  Amiga  and IBM-compatibles, BXY
trading   is  recommended.   As  you   for Apple, SIT & CPT for Macintosh.
approach Lord level stop training in
1-handed  edge.   Instead   train in   To  download  the back issues you're
brawling.   A  Lord  level mage will   missing, select item #6 on page 1046
have  no  need  for a sword, he will   and  simply  enter  the  appropriate
rely solely on wands and magic.  You   file numbers as shown below:
can  parry  weapon  and claw attacks
with  your  brawling  skill.   After       March 1991        February 1991
reaching  level  19,  Dagmar stopped       """"""""""        """""""""""""
carrying a sword.                      166 KEDITION10.SIT  36 KEDITION9.SIT
                                       165 KEDITION10.BXY  19 KEDITION9.ARC
Learn shockbolt first.  Then get the   164 KEDITION10.ARC  18 KEDITION9.TXT
first  3  spells  in Closed Essence.   163 KEDITION10.TXT
Go  back to Mages list and get magic                         December 1990
edge.   Then  stay in Closed Essence      January 1991       """""""""""""
till  you learn the 12th spell, Slow      """"""""""""     17 KEDITION7.BXY
II.   Then go back to mages and stay    31 KEDITION8.CPT   16 KEDITION7.TXT
there.  Of course if you really must    30 KEDITION8.TXT   15 KEDITION7.ARC
have  a familiar as soon as possible    28 KEDITION8.BXY   14 KEDITION7.SIT
then  just  go  to Haste I in Closed    26 KEDITION8.ARC
Essence and then stay in Mages list.                         October 1990
Having  those  12  spells  in closed      November 1990      """"""""""""
essence    will    not   only   make      """""""""""""    65 KEDITION5.SIT
advancement easier, you will be able    29 KEDITION6.SIT   64 KEDITION5.ARC
to  do  more for your hunting party.    27 KEDITION6.ARC   63 KEDITION5.TXT
                                        25 KEDITION6.BXY
In   time,   implementation  of  the                         August 1990
engagement combat system may require     September 1990      """""""""""
some   adjustments  to  this  guide.     """"""""""""""    50 KEDITION3.SIT
Hopefully   the   multi-spell   gain   47 KEDITION4.SIT    49 KEDITION3.TXT
system    and    the   racial   Stat   46 KEDITION4.ARC    48 KEDITION3.ARC
Bonus/Penalty   Table  proposed  and   45 KEDITION4.TXT
posted  by Riverwind last April will                          June 1990
also  be  implemented  at that time.       July 1990          """""""""
In  any case, we will have to adjust       """""""""       52 KEDITION1.TXT
our  combat tactics once the engage-   57 KEDITION2.SIT
ment  combat  system is implemented.   55 KEDITION2.ARC
I suspect this will rival the inter-   54 KEDITION2.TXT     !!! INDEX !!!
esting  and  challenging time we had                        """""""""""""
last  summer  when we had to discard   KE  plans to publish an index of our
the  combat tactics revolving around   first  year's contents  next  month,
a  mage  casting  Sleep.  I did like   cross-referrenced   by   topic   and
the  way  we tended to hunt in large   author.   Anyone interested in work-
parties  back  then.   Lately I have   ing  on  this  project  should  send
seen  a  trend toward larger parties   GEMail  to  Publisher  Phaedra  Bleu
again, and I hope it continues.        (P.HERRINGTON) before April 30th.
                             Mathematical Parry
                              By Viszier Wazara
/ \ ____    ____\
\@| +|~| __ |~|+| hen I began playing GemStone, I did  what  everyone  does,
  |  |~|/~~\|~| | hunt  kobolds.  But they don't have  much  treasure.  It's
 _|  |~/~/\~\~| | the  tougher  monsters like  hobgoblins  which  have  fair
/@| _|__/  \__|_| amounts of treasure, and I was told  they were very tough.
\_/_____________/ After reading several articles on monsters, I figured they
couldn't  be  THAT  bad,  so  I took my short sword out to Hobland and found
that,  although  I  could easily hit one, it had a 20% chance of hitting me.
And  of  that  20%, half of it will be a critical hit!  I then began playing
with  parry, but couldn't get it down because I was missing some info.  Soon
came  KE8  and  Yashantre's  article  providing,  among other things, what I
needed  on  weapon  ToHit  numbers.   I also discovered that using a handaxe
against  hobs increases my chance to hit and allows me to do more damage.  I
copied  the  combat  reports  and began tweaking numbers.
What  I  came up  with is worksheet that allows you to compute several parry
levels,  determining  which  is  best for you and what monsters to avoid.  I
find that allowing them to score basic hits just short of what they need for
a  critical  hit allows the greatest attack ability with minimal risk.  This
worksheet will show you:
     1. What parry 0% will allow.
     2. What you need to use as parry so you cannot be hit.
     3. What parry setting will allow only minimal hits to occur.
It  can  easily be modified to any monster's scores.  If the monster has two
or  more  attack types, it's best to set your parry so you won't get hurt by
the attack that has the easiest chance to hit you.
In  this  example  I'm  using  my  Ranger's 1st level stats vs.  a hobgoblin
wielding  a  battleaxe.   I'm  wearing heavy hide armor and using a handaxe.
The  numbers  in  [ ] are mine and the hob's figures.  But before you can do
this, you must determine the following about yourself and your prey:
     Your OB & DB at Parry 0 [44,45]
     THT (the number your weapon needs to hit target's armor) [54]
     The number when your armor receives criticals [10/50]
     Your target's OB and DB [50,25]
     MTHT (the number the monster needs to hit your armor) [79]
     The number when your prey's armor receives criticals [20/74]
The worksheet on the next page is divided in two:  half for  You vs. The Hob
and  half  for The Hob vs. You.  Computation  starts on the hobgoblin's side
since defense is a better offense.  In each half there are four sections:
   Section 1:  OB vs DB = the bonus or penalty ToHit Mod,
               Parry Percentage or Amount of OB used for DB
               Has 3 lines Parry 0: a full out attack
                           Parry so it cannot hit you
                           Parry so it can only score minor hits
   Section 2:  THT is the number you have to score or higher ToHit.
               Mod is the bonus/penalty added to a d100 roll.
               Hits on>## is the D100 roll or greater that will
                 actually be a hit
                                    -4-                             More...
   Section 3:  Score 20 or 74 higher than what you need ToHit and
                 you will score a critical on the Hobgoblin
               If it scores 10 or 50 higher than what he needs ToHit
                 the hobgoblin will score a critical on you.
               Numbers in ( ) are the d100 roll you need to score the
               critical for each parry type. If it is over 100 then
               the critical can't be scored.
   Section 4:  Shows Minimum and Maximum "Modified" rolls
Computing and using the worksheet:
   1.  Find out what the monster needs to hit your armor. [79]
   2.  Subtract this from 100 if you don't want it to hit you, [-21]
       or from 92 if you want him to have a slim chance to hit you.
       (Why? So you can have 8 more points to hit with!) [-13]
   3.  This number will help you find what your DB needs to be so
       that you can determine what to set your parry to.
       Original DB[45] - this DB requirement [71 or 63] will give you
       [26 or 18] which is the # of OB points that need to be used for DB.
   4.  Your original OB [44] - [26 or 18] = New OB [18 or 26]
   5.  New OB / Old OB = % of parry needed for these results
As  you  can  see on the left side of the worksheet, parrying this way gives
the  monster  a  disadvantage but leaves you with a large margin for hitting
and scoring basic criticals.
        You vs. a Hobgoblin             |       Hobgoblin vs. You
        """""""""""""""""""             |       """""""""""""""""
 OB   DB           Parry:  %            |OB   DB          Parry: DB+OB
 44 - 25 = Mod+19  Parry:  0            |50 - 45 = Mod+ 5          + 0 OB
 18 - 25 = Mod- 7  Parry: 60 Him-miss   |50 - 71 = Mod-21          +26 OB
 26 - 25 = Mod+ 1  Parry: 40 Him-hitlow |50 - 63 = Mod-13          +18 OB
 THT54 / Mod+19 = Hits on>35 d100 roll  |THT79 / Mod+ 5 = Hits on>74
       / Mod- 7 = Hits on>61            |      / Mod-21 = Hits on>100
       / Mod+ 1 = Hits on>53            |      / Mod-13 = Hits on>92
 Hit >20 = Critical1 ( 55)( 81)( 73)    |Hit >10 = Critical1 (84)(110)(102)
 Hit >74 = Critical2 (109)(135)(127)    |Hit >50 = Critical2 (134)(150)(142)
 Min: 20(- 6)(  2)                      |Min:  6(-20)(-12)
 Max:119( 93)(101)                      |Max:105( 79)( 87)
Thanks to:
Monster Statistics & Listings
     A Beastiary Of Kelfour's by Lythe L'Green(KE7)
Weapon vs. Armor ToHit Numbers
     Everything About Weapons & Armor by Yashantre Spleenbender(KE8)
Monster's claw and spell to hit numbers.
     Spells and Armors by Yashantre Spleenbender(KE9)
                            Starting Out Smart!
                            by Torgas Thonteros
/ \ _________ \
\@| ||-|-|-|| |his article  provides   The   first   five   of   these  are
  | ~~ |~| ~~ |information essential   "Development   Stats";   i.e.   your
 _|    |~|    |to  getting   started   numbers here also determine how many
/@|   _|_|_   |smoothly  and effici-   development  points you get for your
\_/___________/ently in GemStone. It   training  (see below:  II.Training).
touches on several areas that  often   For  extensive discussion of the ten
concern  and  puzzle  new   players.   stats  and their characteristics and
While it is  impossible  to  explain   skills  training, you must read "How
fully here all that you will need to   to  Design  a  Better  Character" by
know,  I  hope  to  provide  a basic   Lythe  L'Green, KE5, p.18.  Consider
foundation  on  which  you can start   it  required,  co-requisite  reading
out on a strong footing.               for  this  section and the next.
I.Rolling Your Character               You  should  go  through  the  whole
  """"""""""""""""""""""               character   generation   process  at
Rolling    a   good   character   is   least  once before seriously rolling
important for short term survival as   a   character,  noting  the  various
well as accession of levels later in   professions'    Realms   and   Prime
your  character's  life.   Quick-Gen   Requisites,   and   also   the  stat
characters are practically worthless   bonuses  for  different races on the
unless  you simply plan on killing a   Race   Selection   Table.   A  Prime
little   time   (and  yourself!)  in   Requisite  stat will be an automatic
Kulthea,  so  choose  Full Character   90  (potentials can still be higher)
Generation.                            unless  the roll you assign there is
                                       greater.    As   you   select   your
Ten  rolls  of  a 100-sided die will   character's    race,    consider   a
provide  the  numbers  for  your ten   particular   race's  advantages  and
stats.   I recommend rerolling until   disadvantages to the stats important
at least 3 or 4 of the ten rolls are   to   both  your  survival  and  your
in  the  high 90's.  This may take a   chosen profession.
while,  but  consider  the  time you
spend  rerolling  will save you much   Following  are  some  suggestions on
more    time   as   your   character   assigning  rolls.   These  are BASIC
develops.   Also,  do NOT settle for   guidelines,  and  you  may  want  to
the  computer's  random organization   deviate  from them depending on what
of your rolls.                         you   want   to   develop   in  your
                                       character.  Basically, put your best
Later    in   the   Full   Character   rolls  in  stats  important  to your
Generation   another  d100  will  be   survival and profession.  Potentials
rolled  for  each  to  determine how   are  worth  waiting  for,  so if you
much  greater  the  potential is for   have  extremely  high  potentials in
each  (at  each  level  stats may be   your  important  stats  and overall,
randomly   increased   until   their   stick  with  it.   STrength Bonus is
potentials  are  fulfilled).   Don't   applied  to  your physical Offensive
give  up  on  a character-generation   Bonus  (OB)  and  QUickness bonus to
attempt  until  after  you have seen   your   Defensive   Bonus  (DB)  (see
the  potentials, unless the original   below:   III.   Fighting),  so it is
d100 rolls were horrendous.  The ten   important  to assign excellent rolls
stats   are  COnstitution,  AGility,   there, particularly if you will rely
Self      Discipline,     EloQuence,   on   physical   offense.    If  your
REasoning,    STrength,   QUickness,   profession     has     Constitution,
PResence,  INtuition,  and  EMpathy.   Reasoning,  or  Eloquence as a prime
                                    -6-                             More...
requisite,  assign  your lowest roll   skills, and are awarded based on the
there.   If  not,  PResence  is  not   value  of  your  development  stats.
particularly important currently, so   The  highest award is 10 development
put  your  lowest  roll there.  Self   points for a stat of 100; thereafter
Discipline  is  also not that useful   as    the    stats    decrease   the
(bonus  against fear spells and gaze   development  points  decrease  in  a
attacks  which  you  won't encounter   smoothed   distribution.   Th  chart
often).   Consider  the  chart  show   below  shows  distribution  for  the
here  as a general overview of where   range  100-41,  which  should  cover
to put your rolls.                     most  players'  stats.  For stats of
                                       100-96,  development points decrease
II. Training Your Character            by  .2  from 10 for each point below
    """""""""""""""""""""""            100;   and   for   stats  of  95-91,
A.   You  train your character three   development  points  decrease  by .1
times when you start.  The first and   from 9.0 for each point below 95:
second  represent  your  training in
your adolescence and apprenticeship,   B.   What follows is basic advice on
respectively.    You  will  see  the   what   to   train   in.    For  full
results  of these trainings when you   explanations  of the skills and more
first  get into GemStone.  The third   comprehensive  advice  on  training,
time  represents the skills you will   again    consult   Lythe   L'Green's
receive upon attaining second level.   article  in  KE5,  p.18.  You should
Upon  attaining second level, and at   train  in the same weapon throughout
each  accession thereafter, you will   every   chance  you  get,  at  least
be able to train again.                through  the  first  several levels.
                                       If you have the option, train in the
Development  points  are  the  means   weapon you can learn twice per level
with which you "pay" for training in   every chance you get.  Each training
   |                                                                    |
   |       KEY: br=best rolls 97+    hr=high rolls 95+  lr=low roll     |
   |               au=use automatic 90 (put lowest roll)                |
   |   Where nothing is denoted, next highest rolls available are okay  |
   |                                                                    |
   |                                STATS                               |
   |                                """""                               |
   | Prfssion: CO    AG    SD    EQ    RE    ST    QU    PR    IN    EM |
   |                                                                    |
   | Fighter   au    hr    lr                br    br    lr          lr |
   | Thief           hr    lr                br    br    lr    hr    lr |
   | Mage            br    lr          au    hr    br    lr          br |
   | Cleric                lr    au          br    br    lr    br    lr |
   | Healer    hr          lr    au          br    br    lr    br    lr |
   | Sorceror        hr    lr                hr    br    lr    br    br |
   | Ranger    au          lr                br    br    lr    hr    lr |
   | Bard                  lr    au          br    br    lr          hr |
   |                                                                    |
   |                STAT Point conversion to DEV Points                 |
   |                """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""                 |
   |   STAT PTS:|100-96 |  95-91 |  90 | 89-87 | 86-84 | 83-81 | 80-78  |
   |   DEV PTS: | 10-9.2| 9.0-8.6| 8.4 |  8.2  |  8.0  |  7.7  |  7.4   |
   |                                                                    |
   |   STAT PTS:| 77-75 | 74-72 | 71-68 | 67-64 | 63-60 | 59-41         |
   |   DEV PTS: |  7.0  |  6.8  |  6.6  |  6.3  |  6.0  |  5.5          |
                                    -7-                            More...
(for  the  first  ten  times)   will   realm  should also train in Directed
provide  +5 to your Offensive Bonus.   Spells  every  chance  possible,  as
Two-handed  weapons  do  devastating   Directed  Spells  training increases
damage, but wielders must forego the   the  OB  on essence spell (and wand)
use   of   a   shield.    One-handed   attacks.
crushing   weapons   generally  have
better  THT (To HiT) against targets   Staves  and  Wands  is  an excellent
and  inflict  more damage and better   skill  to  learn  if  you can afford
criticals   than   one-handed  edged   both this skill and Directed Spells,
weapons.   One-handed  edged weapons   as wands can be potent weapons.  See
training,   however,   costs   fewer   "The Delicate Art of Waving" by Twie
development points.  Bows and Thrown   Montecristo,   KE9,   p.10   for   a
weapons are not implemented so avoid   comprehensive discussion on wands.
them for now.
                                       Skills   not   particularly  useful,
Training  in  Body Development every   because  they're  not implemented at
chance  you can through lower levels   this  time, are Swimming, Riding and
will  give you the concussion points   Runes.   You  should  avoid spending
("cps")  you  need to help withstand   your  points here.  First Aid, aside
attacks  that  hit  you.   When your   from  allowing  you  to skin animals
concussion  points remaining reaches   better,    helps   you   temporarily
zero,  you  die.   The more you have   staunch   the  flow  of  blood  from
the  longer  you  may  live; it's as   certain  wounds;  healers  do a much
simple  as  that.  Also, if you lose   better   job  of  dealing  with  the
too  many cps, you will experience a   wounded  so  I  usually  avoid first
negative modification of your OB and   aid.    Trading   is  not  necessary
DB, from -10 to -30.  Unless you are   (allows  you  to  get  better prices
a  healer  (who needs cps to restore   from town merchants).  Another skill
cps  to  other  players)  or plan on   which  you may wish to avoid is Pick
wearing  heavier  armor  (see  Armor   Pockets lest it cause you more grief
below) 100 cps or so is enough.        than   good;   offenders  have  been
                                       strictly  punished  in the past, and
Pick  Locks,  Disarm  Traps, Percep-   many  characters  I know consider it
tion,  Stalk/Hide,  Climbing, Ambush   akin to an attack.
and Brawling are excellent skills to
learn  if  they're not too expensive   Armor  training,  if  you  have  the
for  your profession.  Channeling is   spare   points,   can   be   a  good
also  a good skill for spellcasters,   investment.  Rigid Leather and Chain
if  not  too  expensive,  in that it   Mail  are  the most popular choices,
allows  the transfer of power points   respectively.    The   advantage  of
needed for spell-casting to and from   better  armor is that it reduces the
others    trained   in   channeling.   chance  of "criticals" -- blows that
Important  for  healers and clerics,   stun,  maim,  or  kill you outright.
who go through power points quickly.   However,  the  higher  the  AT armor
                                       within  each  class  of  armor,  the
Pure  Spellcasters  should  train in   greater  the restriction on mobility
Spell  Lists  ten times per level to   with  its better THT (To HiT) on you
be  sure  of learning a spell.  Each   for the attacker AND greater loss to
train gives you a ten percent chance   your  OB  and DB.  Training in armor
of  learning  a spell upon accession   serves  to reduce the penalty of the
of the next level.  Semispellcasters   higher    AT   armor   to   specific
should  weigh  their desire to learn   minimums, which you will not be able
spells against their desire to learn   to  avoid.   What  all this means is
other  skills.   Spell List training   that  while  you  are wearing armor,
is  cumulative,  so  if  you  fail a   you  will  be  easier  to  hit;  but
learning   attempt,   the   training   instead  of receiving critical blows
carries  over to the attempt at next   you  may simply lose more concussion
level.   Spellcasters of the essence   points.   Therefore, you will not be
                                    -8-                             More...
able  to use armor effectively until   Defensive  Bonus  (DB).   In combat,
you  can  withstand the loss to your   the  DB  of the target is subtracted
OB  and  DB  AND  endure the loss of   from  the  OB  of  the  attacker  to
concussion    points   (translation:   arrive  at  a  positive  or negative
many  levels  later).   If  you  are   modifier  on  a  roll  of  100.  The
interested in armor, enter the Tomes   modified  roll  is  then compared to
on  page  931,  query  "armor"  then   the   THT  of  the  target;  if  the
choose # 3.  You will find a list of   modified  d100  roll is GREATER than
the armor types and their respective   the  THT  of  the target, the target
characteristics/penalties.   In  the   will  be  hit.   The  extent  of the
armor    table   the   left   column   "cps"  damage  and/or  incidence  of
represents  a penalty to your DB via   "criticals" is dependent on how much
your  quickness bonus.  This penalty   the THT was exceeded by the modified
applies  only  to  your  bonus:  you   roll.  For example:
will    not   receive   a   negative
quickness  "bonus"  if your bonus is   You swing a falchion at a karnelin!
less  than  the penalty.  The middle   OB: 100 vs DB: 45 = +55
column    represents   the   maximum   THT 80, d100 roll: 73, modified: 128
penalty  to  your DB and OB for lack   ...and hit for 20 concussion points
of training:  each train will reduce     of damage! Extra 3 hits!
the  penalty to DB and OB by 5 until   [extra cps damage, for a good hit]
you  reach  the minimums in the left
and right columns.  The right column   Basically,  OB  is  composed of your
represents  a  maneuver  penalty  to   STrength  bonus  and weapon skill or
your DB and OB.  You should also see   brawling skill for physical attacks,
Yashantre   Spellbinder's  extremely   and   Agility   Bonus  and  Directed
helpful articles on armor in KE8 and   Spells  skill  for  elemental attack
KE9   for   armor   performance  vs.   spells.   Your  DB is your QUickness
weapons, attacks and spells.           bonus  plus  shield  bonus  (+20 for
                                       ordinary   shield  against  physical
You  should  start  out  with  heavy   attacks)  minus  the armor penalties
hide.   You  do NOT need training to   if any.  Magic items/spells can also
use heavy hide AT 4 armor, and it is   increase OB and DB.  More important,
so   effective  many  high  levelers   DB is increased by any percentage of
continue   to  use  it.   Also,  use   your  OB that you assign to your DB.
greaves,   helm,   aventail,  and  a   By typing "parry <# from 0-100>" you
shield if you can.  They help reduce   assign that percentage of your OB to
the  severity  of  injuries to their   your  DB.   So if your OB is 100 and
respective locations.                  your DB by itself is 50, by parrying
                                       100  (applying  100%  of  your OB to
III. Fighting                          your   DB)  your  DB  will  be  150.
     """"""""                          Sounds  great,  huh?   "Where's  the
A.   Before you leave town make sure   catch?"  you  may  be  asking.   The
your  weapon  is  in your RIGHT hand   trade-off  is that you can't use the
and your shield, if you have one, is   OB assigned to your DB in an attack.
in   your   LEFT   hand.   Type  INV   In   our   example   above,  if  you
(INVentory)  to  check.  If they are   attacked the karnelin while parrying
not  in  the correct hands, you will   100,  your  OB would be 0!  Needless
NOT  get their bonuses in offense or   to  say, you will not be able to hit
defense!  Type SWAP to swap items in   much   that   way,  much  less  kill
your hands.                            anything.     Successful    fighting
                                       requires   smart  (sometimes  quick)
B. Offensive Bonus/Defensive Bonus     manipulation of the parrying system.

An   integral   part  of  combat  is   It  is  a  good  idea to play "parry
effective   use   of   the  parrying   tag"  at lower levels, until you are
system.   First,  you  need  to know   more  comfortable  with the parrying
about   Offensive   Bonus  (OB)  and   system.    Before  you  encounter  a
                                    -9-                             More...
monster,  make sure you are at PARRY   to...leg"    (2-3    rounds),    and
100,  parrying  with 100% of your OB   "crushing  blow  to...head",  "slash
to  your  DB.   Type  PAR (parry) to   across...eye",  and "severed [limb]"
check where your parry is set.  Type   (10   round  stuns).   Parry  0  and
PAR 100 if you are not parrying 100.   attack   a   stunned  monster  while
When  you  encounter a monster, wait   keeping   track   of  your  attacks.
for   it   to   attack   you,   then   Parry  100  when it is about to come
immediately  type  PAR 0 and attack.   out of the stun.
Then  immediately  PAR 100 again and
wait for the next attack, and so on.   Where   an  attack  is  particularly
While  at  parry 0 you are using all   vicious  (where THT is exceeded by a
of  your  OB  for  the  attack.  The   certain  number,  and  dependent  on
objective  of  this  procedure is to   victim's   armor)   death   may   be
give  you  maximum defense while you   instantaneous!
are   being   attacked  and  maximum
offense   when  you  are  attacking.   IV. Death and Resurrection
Some   monsters   are   faster  than       """"""""""""""""""""""
others,   but   for  most  you  will   At  first level you are allowed nine
initially encounter you will be able   deaths.   If  you die ten times your
to  get  in  one  swing  safely each   character  is  vaporized  (gone for-
time.  When you are more comfortable   ever,  seeya!).   If  you die, ask a
with  parrying,  try  adjusting your   companion  to  get  your stuff, then
parrying   while   waiting  for  the   type  DEPART.   You will be returned
attack  so  as  to allow the monster   to  the  temple  in  a  considerably
between  -5  and +5 above the THT to   weakened  state.   Do  NOT leave the
hit  you.   This  will often prevent   temple until you are back to normal,
the monster from running (some would   as you will have but a tiny fraction
rather  run than fight an unhittable   of   your   OB  and  DB;  type  HEAL
target!)  while  you still can avoid   (health)  to check on your "mod" and
critical hits that will stun you.      do  not  venture  out again until it
                                       says  0.   Note also that if you die
Another  fighting tactic is to fight   more than five times at first level,
with   your   parry   set   at  some   you  will  need deeds (see below) to
percentage   that   allows   you   a   make  up  the  difference before you
sufficient  OB  to  hit  the  target   claim second level, else you will be
frequently  while increasing your DB   vaporized.   Deeds won't prevent you
to   the   point   where   you   are   from  being vaporized at first level
relatively    safe.    This   tactic   at the tenth death, so be careful if
requires   strong   OB   and/or   DB   you're close.
figures,  so  you may not be able to
fight  this way effectively when you   At  and  after second level you have
are starting out.                      no "free deaths," but you may donate
                                       alexandrite  agates in the temple to
C. Criticals                           get   deeds  which  are  essentially
   """""""""                           credits  against death.  However, if
In battle you will eventually stun a   you use a deed, you may experience a
monster   or   (ack!)   be   stunned   stat  loss  upon  attaining the next
yourself.  A stun normally drops the   level    (potentials    are    never
victims's DB by at least 20 (depends   affected),   as  well  as  lose  any
on  the  nature  of the injury) and,   carried   silvers,  carried  posses-
more  importantly,  prevents it from   sions  and  stored experience gained
attacking  or running.  You will not   on the trip.  The BETTER alternative
be  told  specifically  how  long  a   is  to  have a cleric resurrect you.
monster  is  stunned.   You must pay   At  most you will lose items held in
attention  to the type of injury you   your  hands  (which are dropped upon
inflict:   some  of  the more common   death).    Do   NOT   type   DEPART!
are  "painful  blow to the...arm" (1   Instead  have  a  friend  call for a
round    stun),    "crushing    blow   cleric,  type  QUIT  and  go  to the
                                   -10-                             More...
MPGames RTC on p.1045 and wait.  But   your mind, before being converted to
don't  wait long before typing QUIT;   actual   experience   points.   Type
you  have  only  FOUR MINUTES before   EXPerience and check on the state of
you are AUTOMATICALLY departed!        your mind.  When you see the message
                                       "Your  mind  can't take much more of
If alone when killed, you can post a   this!  You must rest!", your mind is
note  describing  your  location and   holding  all  the experience it can.
how   to   coordinate  the  time  of   This   is  frequently  called  being
resurrection on the MPGames Bulletin   "fried",  "maxxed"  or "blown".  The
Board,  p.  1045, Category 17, Topic   EQ stat dictates how much experience
9  (for  911) or try to have someone   your  mind  can  hold.  You will get
arrange for a cleric help you if you   much  less experience for kills made
are at least second level.  You will   during  this  state of mind; at this
be  very  weak after a resurrection,   point you should rest to absorb this
so get to the temple the fastest way   stored    experience   into   actual
possible to recuperate.                numerical  experience.  The best way
                                       to  absorb experience is to put your
V. Experience                          weapon and shield away and lie down,
   """"""""""                          at  the  temple  (where  you  absorb
You  get  experience  points for the   twice  as  fast and are safe).  When
monsters   you  kill.   If  you  are   your  mind is back to clear or fresh
hunting  in  a  group, EACH attacker   and  clear, you should head back out
will  get  FULL  experience  for the   again.   The  RE  stat  controls how
monster     provided    each    does   fast  you  convert stored experience
approximately equal damage, so don't   into  experience  points.   You need
be   greedy!    The   equation   for   10,000  experience points to advance
computing  experience is:  EXP = 100   each level up to and including 5th.
+  (25*[monster  level  - your level
]).   Experience  is first stored in                      More next page...
                           To Be An Adventurer
                    by Aeeirnell "The Poet" L'aerlaneir
             To be an Adventurer is the life for me,
             To roam the lands so wild and free,
             Relying on sword and skill alone,
             With a little luck to see me home.
             To be an Adventurer and set the pace,
             For the thrill of the hunt and need for the chase,
             The gleam of steel, the glory of battle,
             The vanquished foes in my cold, dark shadow.
             To be an Adventurer in a quest for fun,
             To do what I can 'fore my time is done,
             To seek out a foe in his darkest nest,
             And in mortal combat I hope to best.
             To travel, to seek, to quest, and to find,
             To strengthen the body, to broaden the mind,
             In my heart of hearts, what else could there be,
             But to be an Adventurer and to see what's to see.
VI. What and Where to Hunt             If  you  find  yourself accidentally
    """"""""""""""""""""""             in  the  werebear  area  get  out as
You  should  stick  to  torkaans and   quickly  as you can.  Below is a map
kobolds  when  you are starting out.   of  the  hunting  areas  around town
Karnelins  are  a lot tougher, so it   with their usual monsters, listed in
may  be  best to stay away from them   order  of  frequency.  Also included
for  a while.  You should definitely   is  a  direct route to the temple in
avoid   wolverines  as  their  razor   case  you need help or rest, or just
sharp  teeth  and  claws  have  made   want   to   hang   out   and   talk.
short    work    of    many   unwary   Remember, feel free to ask questions
adventurers!    Werebears  are  much   of  other  players.   Most  will  be
worse:     besides   having   savage   happy   to   help  you  if  you  ask
attacks,  they are of the Unlife and   politely.   Good luck, good hunting,
cannot  be  hit by ordinary weapons.   and have fun!
                  Temple to Torkaans, Kobolds, and Karnelins
                                                a-a: go gate
             N                              a-b,b-a: go path
           W + E                                c-c: go path
             S                     [ ]          d-e: west from D,1-way
                                      \           T: go temple
                                     /    \
                                  [c]      [a]
             Karnelins,            |     /    \
             Kobolds,             [ ] [b]      [a]  <--Gate
              Wolverines,        /     |        |
         [ ]   Torkaans   [e]--[ ]   -[d]  [ ]-[ ]
        /   \              |  /        |    |
     [ ]    [ ]           [ ]         [ ]  [ ]
      \      |           /             |    |
      |     [ ]       [ ]             [ ]  [ ]
       \   / |up/dn    |               |     \
        [ ] [ ]--[ ]--[ ]             [ ]      [ ]--[ ]--[ ]--[ ]
                    \  |               |                       |
                      [ ]             [ ]                     [ ]
                       |             /                         |
                      [ ]         [ ]                         [ ]--[ ]
                    /  |           |        \
                 [ ]  [ ]         [ ]      Torkaans,
                  |    |             \      / Kobolds,
                 [f]--[g]             [ ]      occasional Wolverine!
                   \  /                |
    w: Werebear    *[w]*_             [ ]
        area!        *   \               \
                         |                [ ]
    w-f,f-w: go trail    |                 |
    w-g,g-w: go path     |                [ ]    Torkaans, Kobolds,
        w-h: go clearing |                 |    occasional Wolverine!
                         |                [ ]
                         |                 |
                         |                [ ]
                         |               /
                         |            [ ]
                         |             |
                          \           [ ]
                           \           |
                             -------- [h]�

                          Critical Hits: Spells
                           by Valeria Deering
/ \  ______ \
\@| /~/~~\_\ |ince I am not a  spellcaster, I haven't  personally  witnessed
  | \~\____~ | all of these  crits, and your  mileage  may vary.  Note  that
 _| _~~~~\~\ | most  high  level/large  type  monsters are  immune to  stun.
/@| \~\__/~/ | Being  vaporized, while painful, is  not  quite as  bad as it
\_/  ~~~~~~ /  sounds.  Certain weapons (maces, etc.) use  the  Impact  Crit
  ~~~~~~~~~~  Table.  Severity of critical (A,B,... E) is determined identi-
cally  for  spells  as  for  weapon  attacks,  based  on how much the To Hit
Threshold  is  exceeded.   THTs for spells, however, differ wildly from THTs
for weapons.  See last month's KE for a full explanation of Critical Hits.
        HEAT CRITICAL HITS                      COLD CRITICAL HITS
        """"""""""""""""""                      """"""""""""""""""
 < 05  Hot air (no effect)                < 05 Cool breeze (no effect)
06-20 Strong heat (+3 hits)              06-20 Cold blast (+3 hits)
21-35 Minor burns (+8 hits)              21-35 Frosty burn to chest (+7
36-50 Blinded by smoke (+12 hits,               hits)
       1rd stun)                         36-50 Mild frostbite (+5 hits)
51-65 Clothing catches on fire (+12      51-65 Cold strike to back (+9
       hits, 3rd stun, knocked down)             hits, 2rd stun)
66-79 Knocked down by fiery blast        66-79 Low blast (1rd stun)
       (+10 hits, knocked down)             80 Icy blast to head(20rd stun)
   80 Blast to head (+15 hits)           81-86 Strike to leg (3rd stun,
81-86 Fire engulfs back (1rd stun,              knocked down)
       knocked down)                     87-89 Strike to neck and collar(w/
87-89 Strike to head (6rd stun)                 (aventail,10rd stun; death)
   90 Head becomes charred stump            90 Blast freeze-dries head
       (death)                                  (death)
91-96 Shield arm fried (5rd stun)        91-96 Thigh iced (4rd stun)
97-99 Upper leg burn (6rd stun)          97-99 Side strike freezes, shat-
  100 Blast to neck fuses vertebrae             ters pelvis (ouch, death)
       (death)                             100 Head strike, eyes frozen
101-106 Blast to leg                            (20rd stun)
107-109 Head strike (with helm:        101-106 Blast freezes both hands
         20rd stun; without: death)             (5rd stun)
    110 Midsection vaporized (death)   107-109 Heart and lungs frozen
111-116 Blast to chest (+12 hits,               (death)
         3rd stun, knocked down)           110 Shatters chest, freezes
117-119 Fire engulfs body (+25 hits)            bodily fluids (death)
   >120 All that remains are charred   111-116 Icy blast to chest (10rd
  bits of teeth and bone (vaporized)            stun, knocked down)
                                       117-119 Frozen into lifeless statue
     IMPACT CRITICAL HITS                       (death)
     """"""""""""""""""""                  120 Frozen solid, then shatters
    <05 Not even a scratch (no effect)  into thousands of pieces (vaporized)
  06-20 Grazing shot (+5 hits)
  21-35 Staggered by strike to side         ELECTRICITY CRITICAL HITS
         (+10 hits, 1rd stun)               """""""""""""""""""""""""
  36-50 Strike to shoulder, spun about     <05 Hair stands up (no effect)
  51-65 Strike to leg (+8 hits,          06-20 Light charge (+3 hits, 1 stn)
         knocked down)                   21-35 Explosion of light(1rdstun)
  66-79 Blast toshield arm (+10 hits     36-50 Medium charge (+6 hits,2rstn)
    no shield, broken arm, 3rd stun)     51-65 Heavy charge (+9 hits, 3 stn)
     80 Strike to head (+12 hits;        66-79 Strike to shield arm
         if no helm, death)        -13-         (+12 hits)           More...
  81-86 Blow to upper leg, muscles          80 Strike to side devastates
         torn (+15 hits)                        nervous system (death)
  87-89 Blast to collar (+12 hits, 5stn) 81-86 Strike to weapon arm, 6r stn
     90 Strike to neck (+20 hits)        87-89 Permeated by electricity,
  91-96 Blow to knee, knee dis-            nervous system rearranged (death)
       located (+15 hits, 9rd stun)         90 Head strike (w/helm 20 rd
  97-99 Strike abdomen (+18 hits,10 stn)        stun, without death)
    100 Blast tohead fractures skull     91-96 Chest strike (10rd stun)
      (w/helm: 20rd stun; w/o death)     97-99 Electrifying experience,
101-106 Blow to jaw (+15 hits, 7rd st)       massive shock to brain (death)
107-109 Blow to side, bone driven          100 Nervous system acts as super
         into kidneys (death)            conductor, fine light show (death)
    110 Disrupt chest, lungs and       101-106 Strike to face (8rd stun,
   heart explode, very messy (death)            if no helm: knocked down)
111-116 Spun by blow (3rd stun,        107-109 Chest strike destroys heart
         knocked down)                          and lungs (death)
117-119 Blast shatters skull into          110 Head no longer available for
      thousands of particles (death)           use, smoke and ozone (death)
   >120 Blast annihilates entire       111-116 Abdomen strike (7rd stun)
  skeleton, reduced to a gelatinous    117-119 Chest strike destroys both
    pulp, try a spatula (vaporized)             lungs, cut in half (death)
                                          >120 Charge disrupts cell struc-
    GRAPPLING CRITICAL HITS            ture, body turned to dust (vaporized)
    <05 An opportunity lost                 LARGE (SPELL) CRITICAL HITS
  06-20 Passing strike (+2 hits)            """""""""""""""""""""""""""
  21-35 Attack fended off (+3 hits,        <05 Size of creature awes you
         1rd stun)                              (no effect)
  36-50 Attack to upper leg, spun        06-20 +5 hits
         about (1rd stun)                21-35 +8 hits
  51-65 Shield arm entangled             36-50 +10 hits
         (drop shield)                   51-65 +12 hits
  66-79 Weapon arm grasped (2rd          66-79 +15 hits
         stun, drop weapon)                 80 Unbalanced by blast (+15
     80 Both legs entangled (+9                 hits, 2rd stun)
      hits, 10rd stun, knocked down)     81-86 Staggered by strong blast
  81-86 Weapon arm grappled (3rd                (+20 hits, 1rd stun)
         stun, drop weapon)              87-89 Strike to leg (+15 hits,
  87-89 Completely entangled                    2rd stun)
         (knocked down)                     90 Blast into mouth (+30 hits,
     90 Vicious hold around neck                knocked down)
         (10rd stun)                     91-96 Spun by blast (+18 hits,
  91-96 Head grappled (9rd stun)                1rd stun)
  97-99 Both arms entangled              97-99 Side strike (+25 hits, 3 st)
    100 Neck grappled (with aventail       100 Strike to midsection (death)
         3rd stun; without: death)     101-106 Head strike, momentarily
101-106 Chest grasped, ribs broken            confused (+20 hits, 2rd stun)
         (5rd stun)                    107-109 Blast buckles left leg
107-109 Legs entangled, fall and                (+25 hits)
         break weapon arm (+20 hits,       110 Vicious blast, neck crunched
10rdstun, knocked down, drop weapon)            spine severed (death)
    110 Neck grappled (with aventail   111-116 Strike to eyes (+15 hits,
  drop weapon, 5rd stun; w/o: death)            2rd stun)
111-116 Foot entangled, stumble,       117-119 Strike to body destroys
        fall (2rd stun, drop weapon)             variety of organs (death)
117-119 Both legs wrapped up (+20         >120 Superb strike drives rib
      hits, 10rd stun, knocked down)            through heart (death)
    120 Windpipe crushed (death)
                         Kelfour's Weapons of Power
                             by Lythe L'Green
/ \ _________ \
\@| ||=|=|=|| |he weapon shop offers   wicked   critical   injuries  to  an
 _| ~~ |_| ~~ | a variety  of  well-   opponent.     Unfortunately,    even
/@|   _|_|_   | crafted     weapons,   those  skilled  in  the  use of two-
\_/__________/  forged from the fin-   handed   weapons   will   find   the
              est materials  in Kul-   claidhmore   to   be   a   slow  and
thea.  However, these weapons aren't   difficult weapon to wield.
the  only  ones  to  be found:  More
powerful   weapons,   some   unique,   DRAKE  FALCHION:   This weapon could
circulate  the  land in the hands of   be mistaken for a normal falchion if
monsters and fellow adventurers.       it  weren't for the hilt shaped much
                                       like  the  jaws  of  a dragon.  When
I. Rare Weapons of Kelfour             wielded    in    combat,   it   will
   """""""""""""""""""""""             occasionally  flare up with eldritch
ANCIENT  EOG:  Once, there was a day   flames, inflicting terrible burns on
when  the eog mined was purer.  This   an  opponent.   These  old,  magical
eog  was  forged into mighty weapons   blades  are  found on rare  occasion
that  were receptive to magic; mages   in   the   treasure  hordes  of  the
could  enchant  such  eog  blades to   monsters  which inhabit the wilds of
swing  with  even  greater might and   Kulthea.
strength.   Some  of  these  ancient
weapons  still  circulate  the land,   FALCHION:   Long  ago,  the falchion
and  are  highly valued.  Alas, this   was  the favored weapon of the great
ancient    eog  cannot  easily    be   lords    of    Castle   Claedesbrim.
distinguished  from the modern, more   Unfortunately, the delicate forging
crude  variety -- only an attempt at   of  this  deadly,  curved  sword has
enchantment  will  reveal  its  true   been  lost to the smiths of Kelfour.
nature.   Should  such a weapon come   Today,  most  of  the falchions that
into your possession, keep it well.    are  found  must be claimed from the
                                       ancient warriors of Claedesbrim that
BATTLE  AXE  and  FLAIL:  Too often,   now  haunt the depths of its dungeon
the  goblinoid races are regarded as   as hideous wight lords.
stupid by the other races.  However,
this  is simply not true -- they are   MORNING   STAR:    The   masters  of
often  regarded by experts as master   Claedesbrim  certainly  knew  how to
weaponsmiths.   Though their weapons   create  deadly weapons.  The morning
all appear  crude, their deadliness'   star,  a  deadly spike-laden ball at
is all too real.  Orc-crafted flails   the  end  of a chain is the crushing
are    wielded   by   many   goblins   weapon  of  choice  for  the crystal
(especially the clan which frequents   golems  that are still used to guard
the  graveyard)  and some hobgoblins   the upper  reaches  of  the dungeons
favor   the   battle  axe.   Neither   beneath Castle Claedesbrim.
weapon  can  be  purchased  in town.
Both of these two-handed weapons are   NAGINATA:   This  pole-arm  has been
more deadly against heavy armor than   imported  by  Tyron's  Arms  from  a
the two-handed sword, and both offer   distant  seafaring nation far across
a   variety   that   the  discerning   the ocean to the east.  Its blade is
fighter  should  know better than to   terribly  sharp and strong, piercing
pass up.                               armor and flesh alike.  The blade is
                                       also  fine  enough  for the delicate
CLAIDHMORE:   Another  import,  this   extraction  of  arteries  and organs
weapon   is  a  massive   two-handed   from  a  foe.   Even  those who know
sword.   This  weapon  will deal out   little  about pole arms quickly find
huge  amounts  of damage and deliver   that the naginata is easy to use.
                                   -15-                              More...
WAR  MATTOCK:   This  massive  two-   BLADE  OF THE EASTERN LORDS.  Almost
handed  weapon  resembles a pickaxe,   certainly  from  the same lands from
with  blades  on  either  side.  Its   which   the   naginata   originates,
effectiveness against heavy armor is   Maruko  Ashimine  purchased a finely
known by the true experts of combat:   made  katana from a band of gypsies.
Although it cannot be used very well   In  the  lands  it  is  said to come
against  lightly  armored  opponents   from,  this  deadly sword is said to
(who  jump  out of the way from this   be  used  by nobility only.  However
ponderously   slow  weapon)  it  can   it  fell  out of a nobles possession
cleave  through  metal  breastplates   and  travelled  the long distance to
easily,   dealing  out  far  greater   Kelfour   is   something   only  the
wounds  than  even two-handed swords   gypsies who found it might know.
of superior materials.
                                       CRYSTALLINE  AXE:   An axe of finest
II. Contemporary Artifacts             and   purest   laen  is  the  prized
    """"""""""""""""""""""             possession  of Erebor Bordeaux.  The
Across Kelfour may be found the most   transparent  laen  axe  serves  as a
prized   weapons   of   all:   Those   normal  weapon  crafted  of the laen
weapons  which  are  unique  in some   available  at the shops, except that
way. Such weapons often have special   this one is tremendously strong.  It
powers or a story behind them.         is  whispered  that  this weapon was
                                       "found"  as  a result of the stealth
ANCIENT  SHAALK.   One  day,  a wood   of   a  local  fighter  named  Jamel
elfin Ranger by the name of Celeborn   Kaili.
was  travelling  through  the  Upper
Kaldsfang,    when    a    hobgoblin   JEWELED  DEATH:   Yet another weapon
approached  him wielding a weapon of   sold  in  the town of Kelfour by the
immense  power.   How  this creature   gypsies, a flashing jeweled scimitar
located  a magical shaalk broadsword   is  now  wielded  by  Martin.  It is
of the quality it did will always be   crafted  of the finest materials and
a  mystery.   In any event, Celeborn   can deal out greater damage than any
used  his superior skill to slay the   standard scimitar. Since its quality
hobgoblin,  and claimed the sword as   comes  from  the  craftsmanship, not
his   own.   The  shaalk  broadsword   the  type  of  material, this weapon
proved to be three times as powerful   can have enchantments placed on it.
as  any  other  contemporary  shaalk
weapon.                                SWORD IN THE STONE:  One day, as all
                                       was  going  as  usual in the town of
A SWORD FOR A KING:  Surely a weapon   Kelfour,  a mysterious block of laen
from  the troves of a king robbed by   appeared at the town square.  Within
the  gypsies  he  purchased it from,   this   block   was  a  strange  blue
Gilthor  wields  a beautiful jeweled   mithril  broadsword which challenged
two-handed  sword of fine craftsman-   all who approached to free it.  None
ship  and  exceptionally well-forged   were  able, yet a hint was inscribed
steel.                                 on  the  blade, indicating that only
                                       he   who   carried  the  dragonscale
BLACK  SWORD:  A sword of antiquity,   shield  could  release  it.  After a
forged  of hardened black eog is now   short  adventure, Lythe and his wife
born  by Lythe L'Green.  The origins   Maia found the aforementioned shield
of  this  hellblade  are shrouded in   and  claimed  the sword in the stone
mystery; all that is known is rumor.   as theirs.  It proved to be a weapon
The  black  eog broadsword is recep-   of  ancient  quality, and unlike the
tive   to   magic,   and  often  has   mithril used today, was receptive to
enchantments  placed  on  it  by its   enchantment.   This weapon was later
owner  so  that  it might be wielded   sold   to   Karel  Tasavalta  for  a
with    even   greater   might   and   respectable  sum,  though the shield
precision.                             was kept by Lythe.
                                   -16-                             More...
III. Lost Artifacts                    LORE  SWORD:   This great weapon was
     """"""""""""""                    claimed  by  Josh  de  Sacro after a
Lastly,   many   weapons  have  come   confrontation  with  the  evil  war-
through   Kelfour  that  were  used,   lock,  Melgorehn  in  a  quest which
served  their  time,  and  then were   took  place  many  years  ago.   Its
either destroyed or simply lost.       enchantments  allowed Josh to use it
                                       with effectiveness against every foe
ADAMANTINE  FALCHION:   This  mighty   he  met,  yet  one  day, a war troll
falchion,  made of the legendary and   surprised   him  in  Danjirland  and
all  but unbreakable substance known   stole it. It has not been seen since.
as  adamantite,  was once wielded by
Sly Thayer.  One day, it was lost in   RUNIC   BLADE:   Another  broadsword
battle  when  Sly dropped the weapon   purchased from the gypsies, this one
while  confronting  a  barrow wight.   bore  runes  which  enchanted  it to
Valuing   his  life  more  than  his   slay  trolls.  The mighty weapon was
blade,  Sly  fled, losing the weapon   lost   one   day   when  its  owner,
forever.   Though  he  attempted  to   Landreth deLorde, broke it in combat
trick  the  gods themselves into re-   with  a  wight  beneath  the  barrow
turning it, he was never successful.   mound of Bandur Etrevion.
BEJEWELLED   DAGGER:   A  beautiful,   TRUE  MITHRIL RAPIER:  Another great
well-crafted   dagger  once owned by   weapon   taken  from  the  horde  of
Kirc  Bloodguard,  this weapon was a   Melgorehn,  this rapier could strike
deadly  and  effective parrying tool   with  terrible  precision  into  the
despite the fact that it wasn't even   vital  parts of any foe its wielder,
magical.   Yet  due to this fact, it   Tulkas, could find.  Tulkas left the
could be inlaid with enchantments to   Kelfour's  soon  after acquiring the
make  it even more powerful.  It was   rapier, and has not been seen since.
lost when the altruistic Kirc loaned
it  to  Phaedra,  who was slain by a   VORPAL  RAPIER:   Perhaps  the  most
cruel   mountain   ogre   and  later   deadly   weapon   Kelfour  has  ever
immortalized it poetically in KE4.     known,   the  vorpal  rapier  struck
                                       deadly  blows  when it was unleashed
BRILLIANT    FALCHION:    A   weapon   on  an  enemy  by  its  owner, Talon
wielded  by  Valeria, this light and   Elessidil.   One  day it was wielded
deadly   falchion   has   apparently   in  an  attempt  to defeat a dragon.
disappeared  without  a trace.  Some   Talon  was slain, and the rapier was
say  it  now  rests  on  a  wall  in   lost forever.
Valeria's trophy room.  In any case,
it has not been seen in years.         WONDROUS GREATSWORD: This two-handed
                                       sword  was  once  owned by Kirc.  So
ENGRAVED  BROADSWORD:   This  broad-   light  that  it  could be wielded in
sword  was  once  possessed  by  the   only  one hand, it could deal deves-
magess,  Krystal.   It was inscribed   tating damage to an opponent while a
with magical symbols which caused it   shield  was  used in the other hand.
to  swing  true,  yet  it  was not a   Unfortunately,  this  mighty  weapon
strong  blade -- for one day, a hill   was  lost  when  it  was  loaned  to
troll  broke  this  lovely weapon in   Daelis and he was slain by an orc.
twain with a mighty blow of its two-     ________________________________
handed sword.                           /********************************\
                                       |            Tyron's Arms          |
LIGHTNING  WHIP:   Purchased  from a   |            ************          |
band of gypsies that visited Kelfour   |   For the BEST ARMS in Kulthea,  |
many  years  ago,  Dismis found that   |   standard or custom crafting!!  |
the  ordinary bullwhip he had bought   |                                  |
unleashed  terrible  shocks  when it   |  At the NW Corner of Town Square |
struck.                                 \_________________________________/
                     To be BIG Like Everyone Else
                      by Avondale de|{nightSaber
 ____________  From the Junior Question Scroll Collection
/ \  ______  \
\@| /~/~~\~\ | h yes, those were the   to   count,  grampy.   All  you  old
  ||~|    |~|| good days. I remember   people   are  all  alike  saying  we
 _||~|    |~|| all  the  fun  we had   should   be  older  and  stuff,  I'm
/@| \~\__/~/ | and  the  people  who   getting tired of it."
\_/  ~~~~~~  / visited  us.  It  was      "Well, you see, Smelly..."
  ~~~~~~~~~~~ like we were kings and      "Where  do babies come from, huh,
queens.   Grampy,  how  come  no one   grampy?"
comes  by  my  house no more?" asked      Grandpa   gasps.    (How  did  he
big-eyed   Smelly,   the  baby-aged,   change  his mind so fast?  I hate it
little fighting gnome.                 when they ask that question.  Why do
  "Well Smelly, for one thing, those   they always  have  to  ask  me that?
worms  scare everyone off and that's   What should I say?)
why no one comes anymore."                "Bumblefoot  says  we find babies
  "Oh,  how  do  they scare 'em off,   in  the mines on the steps.  Can you
huh,  huh?  Do they growl and scrape   really,   grampy?   I  really  think
the  walls with their pinchers, huh,   Bumblefoot  is  lying and I told him
do they?"                              so and he hit me in my rear, but how
   "Well, Smelly it's been so long."   can  you  get babies, huh gramps?  I
   "Or  do  they just poke them with   mean,  I  don't  think  you can just
their  pinchers  and  then eat them?   find  them  on the steps because Mr.
Bumblefoot says that's how the world   Troll  will  just step on them.  Mr.
runs.   He  says  everything  has  a   Troll is sure big, how'd they get so
place   and   everything  we  do  is   big?   Can  we  have  tea  with them
watched  by  the  gods  and our des-   again?  Can we grampy, can we?"
tinies  are all laid out for us.  He      "Smelly, you talk too much."
says  all we have to do is just wake      "Bumblefoot  says  I  don't  talk
up  and we will follow this path and   enough and even Ms.  Nelson says I'm
stuff.   We also are rated on how we   shy.   Anyways,  we were arguing, me
live  our  lives so I'm gonna be the   and Bumblefoot, about how babies are
best warrior of the village!"          made  and  everyone laughed at me at
   "That's  nice,  Smelly, but those   school  so  that's  why I asked you.
worms  are really dangerous and it's   No  one  believed me that you had to
better not to think of them."          grow  them  with water and stuff and
   "Oh, golly  gee willakers grampy,   they  made  me cry.  That's why they
you're  just  scared.   I mean, if I   have  that  green  soft  slimy stuff
saw  one  now,  I'd  squash  him and   outside right, grampy, right?"
slice   him   up   with   my  trusty      "What?   How do you know there is
uniulator axe here." Smelly helfs up   soil outside?"
an   itty  bitty  wooden  axe  in  a      "What   soil?   The  green  slimy
menacing   way.   "Anyways,  grampy,   stuff?   I  don't  know  about green
where  do  we go when we die?  Do we   slimy  stuff.   I mean, I'd never go
see  the  high score table and do we   outside  through the black door that
get  to  save our name in the record   we  are  not supposed to go through,
books  like  in  all  those games we   or  read  that funny sign with those
have?  Huh, do we, do we?"             squigles  and  that circle of trees.
   "You  see, Smelly, life is not as   Hmm...  How  DO they  get trees like
easy  as  you  think.   When you get   that?"
older you'll understand."                 "You've been outside."
   "Older!   I'm  already  a good 35      "What's   outside?   Me?   No,  I
years old."                            wouldn't  dare.  Mommy says it's bad
   "You're only 34."                   to  go  to outside because these big
   "Naw,   nuh   huh,  No, I'm  not!   funny looking things float around on
You're  just too old to remember how   chairs,  looking  at  this  pool  of
                                   -18-                             More...
water   screen  hitting  this  funny   it,  you  got too much stuff in that
machine  that makes clicking noises.   bag of yours.  Drop some of it."
That  poor  animal  thing  with  all      "Never!   I need these things for
these  veins  and  a  tail and stuff   adventuring.    Let's  see,"  Smelly
will eat you if you go outside."       opens  his backpack up and begins to
   "Hah, I've  got  you now, Smelly!   rummage   through   it.    "Geepers,
You  just  talked  about things that   what's all this stuff doing in here?
are outside!"                          All   these  little  sticks  are  so
   "No,  I didn't.  Grampy, you just   useless.   They  look  nice  but I'd
forgot again! You are really getting   never  kill anything with this funny
old!   Yeah,  you  are,  look at all   looking  metal branch.  You can have
that  hair,  you're  a good 147 year   it, Grampy.
old  bucket  of  goop  (35 at max in      "What?   What'd  I do with a use-
Kulthean   Humanoid  years)  so  you   less  thing  like  that?   You wanna
forget everything now."                give  me  something, gimme that gold
   Grandpa  sighs.   "Kids,  totally   ring and the iron stick..."
worthless.    Can't  talk  to  them,      "Nah,  I  like  this stuff.  This
can't  eat  them.   They are just no   ring  thing  always  slides  off  my
fun  at  all.  I guess that's why we   toes,  but I think it's magic!  I'll
let  a few outside in the mine every   eat this shiny apple soon, I've been
once  in  a  while.   Helps with the   saving it."
population  problem.   And  it still      "Who wants that useless trash?  A
let's us have our fun."                real  adventurer  never carries that
   "What fun,  grampy?  What are you   rubbish and muck.  What's the use of
saying  about kids?  I knew it!  You   that dark, long knife?  They call it
old  maggots  get all the fun making   shaalk  but it's totally useless and
kids.  You get to go outside and get   we  can't even use it to mine stuff!
the  stuff  from  the cracks and the   Hit  it against a wall and kablooey.
water  bottle to plant them!  I knew   C'mon, Smelly, down this rockslide."
I  was  right!   You  get to see Mr.      "I'm tired, grampy.  Are we there
Yellow  and everything!  Grampy, can   yet?  Can't we just make kids here?"
I  make  some  babies, too?  I'm old      "Of  course  not!   You need good
enough  now, I  really am, and I'm a   soil to make good kids."
good kid. I can make a big humongous      "What's this, grampy?  Looks like
warrior!   I  wanna  plant  them and   footprints.
prove  to  everyone  in  class I was      "Footprints?   Hmm... Let's  head
right so I can get them for saying I   back to the mines."
was wrong."                               "Aw,  gramps,  nothing can happen
   "Well,  Smelly,  you got me. Next   here.   Who'd  wanna  eat  something
time  I  make  a  kid,  I'll let you   that smells like me?"
watch."                                   Suddenly,  there's  a crash and a
   "Oh  boy, oh boy, oh boy!  Munga,   greater orc steps in, crushing a few
munga,   cowabunga!    I'll  get  my   trees in the process.
trusty  Devustator  and my stuff and      "Hi there, sir!  Wanna  help make
let's go!  I'll brb."                  some babies?" Smelly asks.
   "Brb?  Hey, none of that language      "Babies? Don't be gross, kid, all
in this house!  Who taught you those   I'm  gonna do is get some experience
vulgar words?"                         and supplies, and you're it!"
   "Bumblefoot   says  it  means  be      "Run, Smelly, run!" cries Grandpa.
right back."                              "Why?  All he wants is experience
   "Hrrmph.   Don't  tell  me you've   and supplies."
fallen down and can't get up again.       Grampy  begins scrambling back up
                                       the  rockslide, murmuring prayers he
   "Ahh, fresh air again. Feels good,  won't get eaten.
eh, Smelly?"                              "You're  hungry?"  asks Smelly of
   "Uh huh. Let's look around. Help,   the  orc.   "I  got  some food here.
grampy!  I'm stuck in a black hole!"   Wait, I know.  Here's the best thing
   "Sheesh,  how can?...  So, that's   I  can  give  you." He begins pawing
                                   -19-                             More...
through his backpack.                            Ode to Healers
   "You  stupid  little  twerp!  Now             """"""""""""""
you die!" cries Arkquis, the greater            by Jochme Ytier
orc  (probably  one  of the best orc
warriors,  at that).  He unslings an      There I was wandering,
eog  mace  and  eyes  Smelly.  "I'll           through forest and field;
make you pay!"                            Looking for treasure,
   Wanting  only  to  get  his  axe,           my sword did I wield.
Smelly,  however,  takes   loads  of
equipment from his bulging backpack,      When to my surprise,
all of it tumbling to the ground.              an orc with a sword;
   "Make me pay, huh?  Hah, that's a      Severed my neck,
good  one.   Last  time someone said           like an old, rotten cord.
that  was  six feet under.  Sure, he
was my tax collector and we just had      As I lay there,
to  meet  in  my  cavern, but hey, I           broken and bleeding;
still  have  an  image  to maintain.      What was that,
Who  would  look  up to me if anyone           I thought I was dreaming.
found out I actually obey the law?"
   "Time to  die,  little one," says      An appearing figure,
Arkquis, raising his mace.                     in shimmering light;
   Fear  suddenly creeps over Smelly      A beautiful lady,
as he realizes life is not so simple           Who'll put things right.
and  easy.   He  stares at his stuff
and begins wondering what his dieing      She gestured and she waved,
wish should be.  Since food has been           Her magic, it was poured;
on  his mind since he was a baby, he      My body, it is mended,
reaches for what looks to him like a           My soul, it is restored.
shiny red apple on a chain and prays
for  the  best, even though he knows      My thanks is immeasurable,
that nothing can save him now.                 She has but to ask;
                                          For her, this bright healer,
         (To be continued)                     I'll do any task.
           ___      ___
          /   \    /   \               (Thanks to  the clerics  and healers
         (  o  |--|  o  )              who've helped me, especially  Taarna
          \___/    \___/               when the orc in question hit me with
               (..)                    a lucky shot.)
     /                                                             \
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    |                                                               |
    |             Rune Arundel            Kalagay Halatil           |
    |           Kirc Bloodguard             Eron Kulsen             |
    |        Delphinia delAssandro         Lythe L'Green            |
    |           Landreth deLorde         Angelique Lovelin          |
    |            Rhys Corwinson              Mauk Mey               |
    |           Valeria Deering           Elor Once-Dark            |
    |       Avondale de|{nightSaber     Airioch Ramthanodox         |
    |       Synyster DIAMOND-NINJA        Nastorm Trevin            |
    |            Vlad Drakulya         Wisraith Winterwind          |
    |                        Caliban Eilorn                         |
    |      Send GEMail to Publisher Phaedra Blue (P.HERRINGTON)     |
    |         for complete details on how YOU can join them.        |
        __                     GSIII is...
       /~~|                    """""""""""
     //_|~| tranquil life is not for me!  What I need is... GSIII!
    //~~|~| So if you want to see me flip, hit me... with a Type E crit!
   //   |~| 'Fraid I'm the kind of guy that beserks all the time!
 ~~~    ~~~ But my DB is such that I end up on my behind!... Oh!
 The same old life is not for me!  What I need is... GSIII!
 Chests and quests! Fortune and fame! My Mastercard will never be the same!
 But don't forget that to get a deed, it's Eissa you must please!
 Unless you satisfy her greed, you'll soon be history!... Oh!
 A routine life is not for me!  What I need is... GSIII!
 I guess I'm one to take a chance!  For me... it's a Sweet Romance!
 One time, with all my might I swung, my rapier at some kobs!
 Right thru the heart!  Skillfully done!  Wow!  Instant SHISKAKOB!... Oh!
 A boring life is not for me!  GSIII is... electricity!
 Do wands & skill provide that thrill?  Not fer me, I must a penalty kill!
 So I put the wand back in the bag, and sang a calm song to a troll.
 But, By Kieron!  What a drag!  Seems he DON'T dig rock and roll!... Oh!
 A loner's life is not for me!  GSIII is... camaraderie!
 Take TimeOut & chat with friends! Be someone else! Tis means not an end!
 While poetry's  _my_ bread and butter, and Hack'n'slash's my bane,
 Each of us is like no other!  So rollplay, ROLEPLAY. What a game!... Oh!
 A GM's life is not for me!  They need... peace, not controversy!
 Sometimes we see them getting peeved at directed spells on Ye Ole RT!
 We really don't mean to be crass, but our shockbolts get them fumin'.
 I guess they're so much fun to razz, we just forget they're human!
     by Usul (a nod's as good as a wink to a blind Troll) Lu'nak
  / \    HALL OF FAME                                                      \
  |                                                                      |
  |    Congratulations to Lady Taarna Wayfinder, Lady Valeria Deering,   |
  |  Lord Moonpie legend, Lord Corwin D'Amber and Lord Talon Elessidil!  |
  |_                                                                     |
  |  Bard     Enegue LionHeart    16 | High Human Benar Stormarm      16 |
  |  Ranger   Fxg Lyon            22 | Common Man Beolost Lamontt     18 |
  |  Mage     Dagmar Istarii      23 | Dwarf      Vesitsa Talchild    16 |
  |  Fighter  Kirc Bloodguard     17 | Halfling   Whittle Boysenberry 11 |
  |  Thief    Valeria Deering     22 | Wood Elf   Zhuge Liang         11 |
  |  Cleric   Erebor Bordeaux     24 | High Elf   Strom O'Berin       18 |
  |  Sorceror Airioch Ramthanodox 13 | Half Elf   Kayla Kyndhart      24 |
  |  Healer   Kayla Kyndhart      24 | Fair Elf   Erebor Bordeaux     24 |
/@| Belated GSIII Fame Rankings by Profession and Race - March 20, 1991  |
                          Understanding the Silence
                                By Chad Eberle
/ \ ____    ____\
\@| +|~~\  /~~|+|auk! How are you, my      "Two   tankards   of  Golden  Fox
  |  |~\~\/~/~| | friend?"     Miriel  mead," Miriel said to the large woman
 _|  |~|\~~/|~| | reached   over  and  behind  the  bar.   Helga  poured two
/@| _|~| ~~ |~|_| gave a  big hug  to  tankards and slammed them down before
\_/ ~~~~    ~~~~/ Mauk Mey,  who  was  her   patrons.    Miriel  placed  the
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sitting  by  himself  proper   coinage   in   her   chubby,
in a dark corner of the temple.        out-stretched  palm,  and  heard  her
    A  flurry  of  hand signals and a  grunt  in satisfaction as she bustled
bright  smile  replied,  "I  do fine.  away.
Are you good?"                             "That's  Helga," Miriel whispered
    Miriel giggled.  "Fine, as usual,  to  Mauk,  who nodded.  Miriel lifted
you   know   me!"  Then  she  paused,  her  tankard  and took a few swallows
studying  Mauk's  face.  "Why are you  while  Mauk  watched.   Smiling,  she
here in a corner?  Are you sulking?"   motioned for him to do the same.
    Mauk  wrinkled his nose a little,      "What is it taste?" signed Mauk.
and  signed  again.   "Soaking?  I am      "Try it," she urged.
not soaking.  What you mean?"              Mauk drank a bit of his mead, sat
    Miriel   giggled   again.    "No,  motionless  for  a  bit,  then nodded
silly, SULKING!  You don't seem to be  with    satisfaction.    "Good."   he
having  much  fun  by  yourself." She  signed, taking another few gulps.
plopped down beside him, shifting her      "Now  are  you  going  to tell me
dark laen shield in order to sit more  what's  bothering  you?" Miriel asked
comfortably.                           while looking at Mauk earnestly.
    "I  do not know.  I just dreaming      Just    then,    several    local
more, that is all."                    dockworkers  piled in noisily, crowd-
    "More about your parents, eh?"     ing  up  to the counter.  Mauk looked
    "Yes." A swelling of tears formed  about  uneasily  as  the big men with
in his eyes.                           big  mouths  pressed  about  him  and
    "Well,  instead  of  sitting here  Miriel.   Noting  the  change, Miriel
'soaking'  you  should  do  something  gently  grasped  his hand to lead him
about  it!   Why  don't  you  tell me  away  from  the counter.  She glanced
what's troubling that head of yours?"  about the room until her eyes settled
    Mauk   looked   startled  by  the  on an empty table in the corner.
suggestion.   He stood up, stumbled a      "Let's sit over there." she said,
little and shook his head vehemently,  motioning  to  the  table.  Once they
mumbling something in wood elven.      were  seated, she started where she'd
    Miriel  gently pulled him back to  left  off.   "Mauk, does this have to
his  seat.   "What  you need is some-  do with why you hardly ever talk?"
thing  to relax your nerves.  Come to      Mauk  looked  at  her  forlornly,
Helga's for a drink with me?"          then  nodded, resting his chin on his
    Mauk  looked  even more confused.  chest.
"h-e-l-g-u-z?" he spelled the letters      "I  see."  Miriel said in a quiet
out individually.                      tone.   She  drank  the  rest  of her
    "No!  H-e-l-g-a!  That's the name  tankard,  watching  as  Mauk  did the
of the lady who runs the place.  It's  same.  Then she motioned to Helga for
a tavern."                             a  refill.   They  sat  in  silence a
    "T-a-v   U-r-n?"  he  signed  the  moment,  drinking  their  mead,  when
letters individually again.            Mauk  scooted his chair closer to the
    "No.   T-a-v-e-r-n.  It's a place  table.   He  leaned over and blew out
that you can ...  well, come and I'll  the   candle   sitting  in  its  clay
show   you."  Miriel  rose  and  took  holder,  then  slowly turned his gaze
Mauk's  hand,  leading him around the  to Miriel.
temple's visitors, to the doors.           In  a  quiet  whisper, slurred by
                                   -22-                              More...
drunkeness  and his poor grasp of the  pain  of  emotion away, Mauk lay in a
common tongue, Mauk began to tell her  bit  of  his  own  vomit,  nursing  a
the  story  of  the brutal slaying of  massive  hangover.   He sat up to see
his  family,  his  discovery  by  his  where he had 'crashed' this time, but
cousin  Tii,  and  their  trip to the  the  sights  were  not  familiar.  He
temple  which  provided  the means of  could   hear   dishes   being  gently
bringing him to this land.             knocked  together, in the way they do
     Finished,  his  last  few  words  when you wash them.  Then he realized
trailed  off  in  the whisps of smoke  he  was  sitting  behind some stairs,
still  rising  from the  extinguished  and  judging  from the noises, he was
candle.  Miriel, who had been holding  at  Helga's again.  Sunlight streamed
his  hand for moral support, released  through open slits of stairs, just as
it and slumped back in her chair.      it  does  every morning, but today it
    "Well," she murmured, shaking her  brought  no warmth.  Mauk grasped his
head.  "No wonder you never talk."     head  and  moaned, fainted, and slept
    Mauk slouched in his chair, as if  again.
he  was  worn  out from so many words
after  such  a  long time of silence.      He   awoke  to  the  sight  of  a
He  wiped  his eyes with his sleeves,  ghastly  spectre.  Before him stood a
and   shuddered,  sighing.   Then  he  wraith  of  a  man,  pale  white skin
signed,  "I  am  afraid  that I talk,  under  a dark blowing cloak, the hood
someone die."                          of  it  seeming  to  engulf the man's
     "NO, no!  Mauk.  That isn't true  head.   It  appeared  if  the man was
--  not true!" Miriel leaned onto the  seeping  into  the very fibers of the
table again.  "You were so young, how  cloak itself.
could  you  have  known  what  he was      Mauk  shut  his  eyes,  hoping to
going  to do?  It would have happened  block the sight.  When he opened them
whether  or  not  you made any noise.  again,  the man was standing directly
You can't blame yourself!"             above him, the sun blazing around the
    Mauk  stared at her steadily, but  void  of his cloak.  The only hope of
did  not reply.  A few silent moments  avoiding  its  glare  was  to look at
passed,  then  a  strange  expression  this dark visionage before him.  Mauk
crossed  Miriel's  face as she absent  shivered  involuntarily.  He tried to
mindedly  touched  a  crystal  amulet  make  the  sign against evil, but his
hanging from her neck.  As if she had  hands  were shaking from the weakness
been enlightened, she spoke again.     caused  by  lack  of nourishment.  He
    "Oh,  Mauk, I want to stay longer  could  only  pull  his limbs together
but Yuri just came through the gates,  and shiver.
and  I  promised  to meet him there."      The man released the clasp on his
Her  voice  rang  with  true  dissap-  cloak,  removed  it,  then  spread it
pointment.  "I'll have to talk to you  over  the  fetal  Mauk.  Mauk watched
some other time, all right?"           intently as he stretched out his bony
    Mauk nodded morosely.              hand  and  touched  Mauk's  forehead.
    Miriel  smiled  at  Mauk one last  Mauk  didn't  resist, or retreat, for
time,  then  gathered  her things and  there was no where to go.  Instead he
stood.   She  gave  him  the sign for  shut  his  eyes, hoping for it to all
farewell,  which  she  had been prac-  go away.
ticing  for  weeks,  and left through      "...  the dreams..." he heard the
the swinging doors.                    rasping  of the man's voice.  Then he
    Mauk  gestured  to Helga to bring  felt a soothing calm rush through his
another pitcher of mead.               body,  a peace replacing the anxiety.
                                       He slept, again, dreamlessly.
    Weeks  went by, during which Mauk
overindulged  in  the spirits offered      "Mauk?"   somebody   was   gently
at  Helga's.   His  funds  gone,  his  rousing  him.   Opening  his eyes, he
means  of  livelyhood sold to buy the  was startled by another figure.  This
one  thing  he  hoped  would take all  one  lacked  the  malevolence  of the
                                   -23-                 Continued on Page 26
                         Pwyll, Prince of Annwfn
 _____________           Part II by Eron Kulsen
/ \ _________ \
\@| ||=|=|=|| |his is a continuation   When  the time came to go to bed, to
 _| ~~ |_| ~~ | of  a  story  to  be   bed  they went, Pwyll and the queen.
/@|   _|_|_   | sung by all bards in   As  soon  as  they were in bed, how-
\_/__________/  the lands of Kulthea   ever,  Pwyll  turned his face to the
from this time forth.  It tells of a   wall and went to sleep with his back
time  before  the great lords of the   toward  her.   So  it was each night
undead  had  let  loose all of their   from then on to the end of the year.
mignions  and evil creatures.  It is   The  next  day  there was tenderness
a  story  of bravery and magic, best   and affection  between them.  But no
told  from  the  strings  of a harp.   matter  how  affectionate and loving
Hear  then,  if you will, the second   might  be their words to one another
part  of  the story of Pwyll, Prince   by  day, there  was  not  one single
of Annwfn...                           night different from the first.
                                       Pwyll  spent  the  year in festivity
After  the two kings Pwyll and Arawn   and hunting and ruling Arawn's realm
had   been  transfigured  into  each   fairly,   until  the  night  of  the
others  form by Arawn, they both set   foresworn  encounter  with  Grudlwyn
off.   Pwyll  rode deep into Arawn's   Gorr,  a  night  remembered  well by
realm  and  came  at last to Arawn's   even  the  most remote inhabitant of
court,  dwellings,  halls, chambers,   the  kingdom.   He conducted himself
and  buildings -- all the most beau-   to  the  appointed place accompanied
tiful  he had ever seen.  Attendants   by the nobles of his realm.
greeted  him  and  helped him remove
his  hunting  gear,  whereupon  they   The moment they arrived at the ford,
dressed  him  in the finest silk and   a  horseman  arose  and  called in a
conducted  him to a great hall where   loud   voice:   "Men,  listen  well!
he  could  see entering a great war-   This  encounter is between two kings
band,  the  most  splendid  and best   and   between  their  bodies  alone.
equipped  he had ever seen.  To each   Each of them claims the lands of the
was  owned  a  great  shaalk  broad-   other;  therefore,  let us all stand
sword, and a seamless shaalk shield.   aside  and  leave  the fight between
All  wore  shimmering hooded cloaks,   the two.
which  held  their  treasures found,
and also  a few had earned the right   The two kings made for the middle of
to  wear their lord's inscription on   the ford to clash.  Pwyll thrust his
their shields.                         spear  and  struck  Grudylwn Gorr in
                                       the  middle  of  the  boss  of  this
And  the  queen  was  with them, the   shield so that it split in half, and
fairest  woman  of  any  in her day,   Grudlwyn  tumbled  the length of his
dressed  in  a  robe  of  glittering   arm  and  spear over the rump of his
gold,  her  hair shining like bright   horse to the ground, a deep wound in
sunlight  on  a  summer's morn.  The   his chest.
queen took her place at Pwylls right
hand,  and  they  began to converse.   "Lord,  " cried Grudlwyn, "I know no
Pwyll  found her to be the gentlest,   reason  why  you should wish to slay
most considerate, kindly and amiable   me  but as you have started, please,
of  companions.   His  heart  melted   for  the  love  of  Eissa, finish me
toward  her,  and he wished with all   off!"
his  heart  that he had a queen even
half so noble.  They passed the time   "Lord  Grudlwyn," answered Pwyll, "I
with  pleasant  discourse, good food   have come to regret doing what I did
and drink, songs, and entertainments   to  you.   Find someone else to kill
of all kinds.                          you; I will not."
                                   -24-                             More...
"Trusted  lords,"  cried Grudlwyn to   that  for  a  year  and  thought  to
the  assembly,"  take  me  hence; my   herself,  "Upon  my  word!   What  a
death  is assured now, and I will no   different  mind  he has tonight from
longer be able to support you."        what he has had in the past year!"
The  man  who  was  in Arawn's place   And  she  thought  about  this for a
turned  to  the  noble  assembly and   long  time,  and  was still thinking
said,  "My  men, take accounts among   when  Arawn  awoke and spoke to her.
you and discover who owes allegiance   When she did not answer, he spoke to
to me."                                her  again and a third time, saying,
                                       "Woman, why do you not speak to me?"
And  then  he received homage of all
present  and  took possession of the   "I  tell  the  truth," she answered.
disputed  lands.   By  noon the next   "I  have  not spoken this much for a
day  the  two  realms  were  in  his   year under these circumstances!"
power, and so he set out to keep his
tryst  with  Arawn  at the appointed   "My  lady,"  he  said, "I believe we
place.   When  he  came to Glyn Cuch   have talked continually."
again   he   found  Arawn,  King  of
Annwfn,  waiting  for him.  And they   "Shame  on  men," the queen replied,
rejoiced to see each other.            "If  from the moment we went between
                                       the sheets there was either pleasure
"May  the gods repay your friendship   or  talk  between  us,  or  even you
to  me,"  said  Arawn, "I have heard   facing me -- much less anything more
all about your success."               than that!  -- for the past year."

"Yes,"   replied  Pwyll,  "When  you   "Gods  in heaven and earth," thought
reach  your  dominions  you will see   Arawn, "what a unique man I found to
what I have done for you."             befriend   me.    Such   strong  and
                                       unwavering   friendship   shall   be
"Hear me then," said Arawn.  "By way   rewarded." And he explained all that
of  gratitude, anything you may have   had  happened  to  his wife, telling
wished  for  in  my  kingdom will be   her the entire adventure.
                                       "I  confess,"  she  said when he had
Then  Arawn   uttered   strange  and   finished.   "When it comes to fight-
mysterious  words once more and each   ing  temptation  and keeping true to
king  was  restored to his own shape   you,  you  had  a  solid  hold  on a
and semblance, and each took himself   fellow."
once  more to his own kingdom.  When
Arawn  arrived  at his own court, it
gave  him  great pleasure to see his   Meanwhile,  Pwyll  came  to  his own
own retinue and warband and his fair   realm  and began to query his nobles
queen since he had not seen them for   about  how  their fortunes had fared
a  year.   But  for their part, they   during  the  last  year.   "Lord and
had  not felt his loss, so there was   king, " they said, "your discernment
nothing   extraordinary   about  his   has  never  been so good, never have
presence.                              you  been  so  kind and amiable, and
                                       never  more ready to spend your gain
He  passed  the  day in pleasure and   for  the  good  of  your people.  In
joy,  conversing  with  his wife and   truth,  your  rule  has  never  been
lords.   And  after  dining  and the   better  than this past year.  There-
evening's  entertainment when it was   fore, we thank you most heartily."
time to go to bed, to bed they went.
Arawn got into bed and his wife with   "Oh,   do  not  thank  me,"  replied
him.   First  he talked to her, then   Pwyll, "rather thank the man who has
caressed her affectionatly and loved   accomplished   these  things  in  my
her.  She had not been accustomed to   place."   He  saw  their  astonished
                                   -25-                             More...
Understanding the Silence, from P. 23   Pwyll, Prince of Annwfn, from P. 25
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
former visitor. The face of this one   looks  and he began to tell them the
was  deeply shadowed, light from the   entire  story,  saying, "Here it is,
torch  causing them  to  jump  mali-   just as it happened!"
ciously.   Yet beyond the menace was
an expression of concern, a familiar-  And  thus,  because of his living in
ity he couldn't place.                 the Otherworld for a year and ruling
    "Mauk!   What happened  to you?"   it so  successfully, and bringing the
Miriel  asked  as she  brushed a few   two  realms  together  by  virtue of
stray strands of her dark hair.        bravery  and  valor,  he  came to be
    Mauk  now realized  who  it was,   called  Pwyll  Pen  Annwfn,  that is
then  signed with  the difficulty of   Pwyll,   Head   of  the  Otherworld,
his  cold  fingers, "I  dig nop meen   thenceforth.
too."  He blushed  with  shame.  "It
madk thu dreems go way."               Yet,  though  he  was  a  young  and
    "Oh,  Mauk, I should have warned   comely king he had no queen.  And he
you  that  you shouldn't get carried   remembered  the  beautiful  lady who
away with that stuff." Miriel looked   had been his queen in the Otherworld
at him with pity.                      and  he  longed for her, taking long
    "I do  not  see  the  evil if it   walks  in the lonely hill around his
takes away his nightmares," a third,   court.
stoic voice said. It was the spectre
from Mauk's first visit.               One night just after twilight he was
    Noting Mauk's confused stare she   standing  atop  a  mound  gazing out
introduced the  man.  "Mauk, this is   over  his  realm when a man appeared
Deacon Blues, the man who helped you   to  him and said, "It is peculiar to
earlier."                              this place that whosoever should sit
    Mauk,  his  hands  beginning  to   on this mound shall undertake one of
warm, signed a greeting.  "Thank you   two  things:  Either he will receive
sery much, Deacon."                    a grevious wound and die, or he will
   Deacon dismissed the gesture with   see a wonder.
a  nod and  the hint of a smile.  He
helped  Miriel   pull  Mauk  into  a   "Well, in my present state," thought
sitting position. "So. What's a nice   Pwyll, "I care not whether I live or
wood-elf  like you  doing in a place   die,  but it might cheer me to see a
like this?"                            wonder.   Therefore, I will sit upon
    "That's  a long  story, Deacon,"   this mound, and come what may..."
Miriel  giggled, relieved  to find a
lighter subject.   "Let's  take  him           (To be continued)
somewhere  warm  and  stay him with,     _________________________________
all right?"                             /                                 \
    The  two  friends helped Mauk to   |      Are YOU lost in Kulthea?     |
his   feet,  each   taking   an  arm   |      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     |
supportively.   "You  are  almost as   |  Quit stumbling around and find   |
heavy to  bear as your dreams," said   |  yourself in  the weekly Monday   |
Deacon, pretending  to  groan  under   |  and Tuesday night GemStone III   |
Mauk's weight.                         |                                   |
  The three of them left the tavern,   |           LIVE CONFERENCES        |
hobbling  away  down cobbled Jarkart   |                                   |
Street.   Beneath the stairs, beside   |  in the  MPGames  RoundTable at   |
the imprint left by Mauk's body, was   |  page 1045.  Lythe has details.   |
a full  tankard  of mead, touched by    \_________________________________/
/ \                                                                        \
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|-------------------------------------|where art thou? I'm sorry we missed |
| The  Social  Services Department of |our date! I SHAAL seek thee anon... |
| Kelfour's Landing seeks adventurous |                 The MONKey SEEr    |
| individuals  with devious minds who |------------------------------------|
| enjoy working long hours under very |R U Feeling lonely? depressed? Get a|
| strenuous conditions  in return for |life! Feeling rich/schizo? Get a few|
| more long hours, greater stress and |lives! BE THEM ALL AT THE SAME TIME!|
| ever increasing demands.            |------------------------------------|
|                                     | FOR SALE: +?? MIRACLE WHIP, cheap! |
|        DIE-HARD HELPER TYPES        | Eog and Mithril chains available.  |
|           SEND RESUME TO:           |  Positively *NO* questions asked!  |
|     GameMaster's Guild c/o SSD      |See the High Priestess, Orhan Square|
|        12 W.Ring Rd, Kelfours       |------------------------------------|
|              ---------              |Kelfour Edition is NOW ACCEPTING ADS|
|  THIS AD PAID FOR BY THE CITIZENS   |  & PERSONALS!  The lack of arrows  |
|                                  MEETINGS                                |
|  Rolemaster book burning tomorrow;  |*Mondays: Newbie Nites at Lythe's*  |
|Main Square-Bring your Dragon's tooth!  9pm EST Type: M 1045;2 ROOM NO.8  |
                          The Malevolent Meddler
                        by Miss Louvella Parsnips
/ \  ______ \
\@| /~/~~\_\ | hocking  goings on in   having   been  more  than  a  little
  | \~\____~ | Kelfour's  Landing of   curious  in  the past as to why they
 _| _~~~~\~\ | late. We're delighted   wore such well-padded armor.
/@| \~\__/~/ | to  inform  you  of a
\_/  ~~~~~~ /  very public  feud be-   While we are on the subject of these
  ~~~~~~~~~~  tween  a  common   man   diminutively endowed lads, we regret
ranger and one of the members of the   to  inform you (in our usual gleeful
family of a certain lordly mage.  It   manner) that the nuptials which were
seems that this pusillanimous ranger   to    occur    between   a   certain
and  his  consort,  a  silver haired   lascivious healer and a certain lady
lady thief, cold bloodily murdered a   ranger  were  abruptly  and  myster-
rather  small  and  quite  obnoxious   iously  called  off.   Of course, we
sorcerer.    After   this   charming   have  our eager eye on the situation
display,  the  odious pair then made   and   will  report  further  on  the
off  with  the  little fellow's laen   circumstances as they develop.
                                       Our  mailbox  contained  a delicious
Adding fuel to the fire, the big and   piece of information this month.  It
powerful  mage  swore  to avenge his   seems  that  a  rather  long  winded
brother's death and threw his weight   lordly  thief has blown some trouble
around  in  an exceedingly disagree-   into paradise recently.  Apparently,
able  manner.   Our  timorous ranger   this   noxious   fellow  is  earning
and  artless thief were trembling in   himself quite a good living catering
their  boots,  which  of course, did   to some of Kulthea's more robust and
not    stop   them   from   enjoying   sequestered  ladies.   Of course, he
themselves   immensely   behind  the   has  adopted  the creed of love them
ornate    door   at   Threk's   Inn.   and  leave  them,  and  the  spurned
Unfortunately,   and   we  are  most   ladies   are   fleeing   Kulthea  in
disappointed    to   announce,   the   droves.   Hell  hath  no fury like a
vendetta  apparently ended with very   woman  scorned, they say, and we are
little  bloodshed.   The  shield was   eagerly  awaiting  the  day  when we
returned  and  peace appears to have   shall  see  his head on the end of a
been  restored.   We wonder how long   rather pointed spike.
*that* will last.
                                       Now  remember,  dear  readers,  keep
We were scandalized to overhear some   your  eyes open and your ears to the
exceedingly  crass  comments made by   wall  and  send  any rumors, hearsay
several of Kelfour's so called "good   and   prattle   to  MISS.SNOOP  (via
girls,"  although  we most certainly   GEmail)  where  it  will immediately
have  our  doubts  as  to  if any of   reach   our   avid   eyes  and  most
those still remain.  It appears that   certainly   provide  for  delectable
a  certain high man lady sorcerer, a   exposition.
mystical lady healer and an inimical
red-haired  lady  ranger,  were  not   Until  next  month,  happy  calumny-
adverse  to  publicly discussing the   chasing and tra-la for now!
attributes of some of Kelfour's more         _____________________
bombastic  men.   The  word "weenie"        /                     \
was  used  in  regard  to  a certain       |       We want         |
sinister  fighter  and  a particular       |    creepy, crawly     |
half-elf  ranger.   We  do offer our       |                       |
most  scurrilous sympathies to these       |        SPIDERS!       |
poorly  endowed fellows and admit to        \_____________________/
                                   -28-                               [end]
                                                                   KE V1N11

See Also: