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Kraet Styles chiton/saved posts
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13285
Author: GameMaster Thandiwe
Date: 07/30/2021 04:57 AM CDT
Subject: Pinned and Pleated
analyze my cloth You analyze your green linen cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information: Welcome to Kraet Styles, the premiere place to find Kraet styles and clothing. A folded linen cloth dyed verdigris green can be worn as a chiton and can be styled in one of three utility forms. They are the Gladiator, the Observer, and the Worker. Each style will provide basic comfort and freedom of movement for the tasks at hand. The cloth can be customized by adding pins or cording to it but they must be from the Kraet Style line in order for them to work. Currently, the cloth is set to be worn in the observer style. It has a border of dark trellis-patterned and is fashioned of linen that is dyed verdigris green. There is a pair of simple pins affixed to it, which will display as cloth-pinned when the garment is worn. There is a braided gold cord wrapped about it, which will display as -corded when the garment is worn. You may change how the pins are worn by using TWIST to add new ones. You may change how the cord is worn by using WRAP to add new ones. Altering instructions: The cloth may have its color, fabric type, and border altered. It will always have a stock long description and any show must make sense when the item is not worn. Tiering: The cloth is currently tier 1 of 2. The cloth has access to the following verbs: Pinch (removes pin), Remove, Turn (changes style), Twist (adds pin), Wear, Wrap (adds cord), and Unwrap (removes cord)
analyze my leaves You analyze your pale opal leaves and sense that the creator has provided the following information: Welcome to Kraet Styles, the premiere place to find Kraet styles and clothing. A pair of pale opal leaves can only be used with a Kraet Style chiton. To do so, you must TWIST the chiton while holding the leaves. The leaves have the following custom styles: Custom Material: (Must match base item) gemstone Custom Descriptor: pale opal leaf Custom Pin-type: leaf It is currently set to display as pale opal leaf-pinned, which can be changed by using TURN. Altering Instructions: The leaves can be completely changed, but please note that only the custom areas above will ever be displayed when it is in use. The custom material must always be whatever the base material of the item is, but it can be wood, metal, or gemstone. Usage: With the leaves in hand, TWIST the chiton to add the leaves. To remove the leaves, PINCH the chiton. You get no sense of whether or not the leaves may be further lightened. twist my cloth Opening the hasps of your pale opal leaves, you twist them into the cloth.
analyze my cord You analyze your sage jute cord and sense that the creator has provided the following information: Welcome to Kraet Styles, the premiere place to find Kraet styles and clothing. A dusty sage jute cord can only be used with a Kreat Style chiton. To do so, you must TWIST the chiton while holding the cord. The cord has the following custom styles: Custom Material: jute Custom Color: dusty sage It is currently set to display as jute-waisted, which can be changed by using TURN. Altering Instructions: The cord can be completely changed, but please note that only the custom areas above will ever be displayed when it is in use. The custom material must always be whatever the base material of the item is, but it can be wood, metal, or gemstone. Usage: With the cord in hand, WRAP the chiton to add the cord. To remove the cord, UNWRAP the chiton. You get no sense of whether or not the cord may be further lightened. You carefully wrap a dusty sage jute cord around your linen cloth.
Look Cloth Two lengths of linen cloth are tidily folded together and dyed verdigris green with a dark trellis-patterned border. A pair of pale opal leaves are pinned to the edge and ready for use, while a dusty sage jute cord is wrapped around the bundle. WEAR MY CLOTH - Observer Style a pale opal leaf-pinned verdigris green linen chiton topped in a dark trellis-patterned overlay WEAR MY CLOTH - Worker Style a sage green-waisted linen chiton with pale opal leaf-pinned verdigris green sleeves WEAR MY CLOTH - Gladiator Style a pale opal leaf-pinned verdigris green linen chiton torso-wrapped in sage green cording
- TURN cloth will change the style the cloth is worn in.
- TURN pin will change the way the pins are worn in the cloth.
- TURN cord will change the way the cord is worn in the cloth.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13290
Author: GameMaster Thandiwe
Date: 07/31/2021 12:51 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Pinned and Pleated
A very good question was asked on Discord.
Is there a mechanical benefit to the chiton, pins, or cords?
The answer is no. This is just a fluff item. The pins and cords are strictly to further customize/change your chiton to your desired output. You can change the pins or cords anytime you like, which will change the long description of your chiton.
For example the default on these:
Observer Style
a brooch-pinned verdigris green linen chiton topped in a dark trellis-patterned overlay
Worker Style
a gold-waisted linen chiton with pale opal leaf-pinned verdigris green sleeves
Gladiator Style
a brooch-pinned verdigris green linen chiton torso-wrapped in gold cording
Pin and Cord Style 1 with the leaves and sage green cording:
You fiddle with a dusty sage jute cord for a moment, causing it to appear dusty sage-waisted or dusty sage-corded when worn with a chiton.
Observer Style
a pale opal leaf-pinned verdigris green linen chiton topped in a dark trellis-patterned overlay
Worker Style
a sage green-waisted linen chiton with pale opal leaf-pinned verdigris green sleeves
Gladiator Style
a pale opal leaf-pinned verdigris green linen chiton torso-wrapped in sage green cording
Pin and Cord Style 2 with leaves and sage green cording:
You fiddle with a dusty sage jute cord for a moment, causing it to appear jute-waisted or jute-corded when worn with a chiton.
You fiddle with a pair of pale opal leaves for a moment, causing it to appear leaf-pinned when worn on a chiton.
Observer Style
a leaf-pinned verdigris green linen chiton topped in a dark trellis-patterned overlay
Worker Style
a jute-waisted linen chiton with leaf-pinned verdigris green sleeves
Gladiator Style
a leaf-pinned verdigris green linen chiton torso-wrapped in jute cording
There are 2 tears for the chiton. Here is the analyze on the 2nd tier:
You analyze your linen chiton and sense that the creator has provided the following information: Welcome to Kraet Styles, the premiere place to find Kraet styles and clothing. A leaf-pinned verdigris green linen chiton topped in a dark trellis-patterned overlay can be worn as a chiton and can be styled in one of three utility forms. They are the Gladiator, the Observer, and the Worker. Each style will provide basic comfort and freedom of movement for the tasks at hand. The chiton can be customized by adding pins or cording to it but they must be from the Kraet Style line in order for them to work. Currently, the chiton is set to be worn in the observer style. It has a border of dark trellis-patterned and is fashioned of linen that is dyed verdigris green. There is a pair of pale opal leaves affixed to it, which will display as chit-pinned when the garment is worn. There is a dusty sage jute cord wrapped about it, which will display as jute-corded when the garment is worn. You may change how the pins are worn by using PINCH to remove them. You may change how the cord is worn by using UNWRAP to remove it. Altering instructions: The chiton may have its color, fabric-type, and border altered. It will always have a stock long description and any show must make sense when the item is not worn. Tiering: The chiton is currently tier 2 of 2. The chiton has access to the following verbs: Kneel, Pinch (removes pin), Pull, Push, Remove, Sit, Turn (changes style), Twist (adds pin), Wear, Wrap (adds cord), and Unwrap (removes cord) You get no sense of whether or not the chiton may be further lightened.
Here are two of the 4 verbs. Please note, each verb is slightly different and 1 cloth has access to all three styles.
PUSH - Observer Style (from sitting)
Rushing to your feet, you raise your right arm into the air, the overlay of your linen chiton parting as you hold your closed fist out in front of you for the measure of three heartbeats. You pause a moment longer, your gaze sweeping on all around you, and slowly extend your thumb downwards.
PULL - Observer Style
You raise your right arm into the air, the overlay of your linen chiton parting as you hold your closed fist out in front of you for the measure of three heartbeats. You pause a moment longer, your gaze sweeping on all around you, and slowly extend your thumb upwards.
PUSH - Gladiator Style
You lift your gaze skyward, the skirting of your linen chiton swaying as you jut your arm into the air to draw attention. With a sweeping gaze, you slowly form a fist with your thumb pointed down and wait for a sign of approval.
PULL - Gladiator Style
You lift your gaze skyward, the skirting of your linen chiton swaying as you jut your arm into the air to draw attention. With a sweeping gaze, you slowly form a fist with your thumb pointed up and wait for a sign of approval.
PUSH - Worker Style
You raise your arm before you, the sleeves of your linen chiton slipping back from your wrist to the elbow, and hold your hand closed into a fist for the briefest of moments before letting your thumb escape and jut downward.
PULL - Worker Style
You raise your arm before you, the sleeves of your linen chiton slipping back from your wrist to the elbow, and hold your hand closed into a fist for the briefest of moments before letting your thumb escape and jut upward.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events