Krolgeh Language

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Krolgeh Language is an Official GemStone IV Document, and it is protected from editing.

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The language of the krolvin, both spoken and written, is referred to as krolgeh.



To make a krolvin term past tense, add ‘kt’ at the end. For example, ungbok means “fight” and ungbokt means “fought.” Junda means “to spit” (or, more correctly, to expel a bodily fluid) and jundakt means “spat.”

Future tense is denoted by ‘tik’ preceding the term. Therefore tik’ungbok means “will fight” and tik’junda means “will spit.”


The addition of ‘te’ to the end of a krolvin term may indicate the negative of that term. In effect, ‘te’ can be interpreted as “not.” For example, tuz means “can” and tuzte means “cannot.” Similarly, gno means “belongs to” or “is of” and gno’te means “does not belong to” or “is not of.” When the term ends in a vowel (as in the previous example) an apostrophe is used to denote the separate sound of ‘te.’


An opposite (as opposed to a negative) condition is commonly indicated by the addition of the suffix ‘kra’ at the end of a term. For example, kref means “before” and krefkra means “after” or “behind.” Similarly, vosk means “up” and voskra means “down.”

Opposition terms tend to be relational or comparative (this is related or can be compared against that). Negative terms tend to be conditional (not this is the negative condition of this). Front is the opposite of back, not the negative of it.

As in Common, there are separate Krolgeh terms for many opposing concepts, such as night and day, long and short. However, the implications of the Krolgeh use of grammatical opposites offers some insight into Krolvin psychology. Opposites suggest a there is a default view. In Common there is a word for “up” and a word for “down.” In Krolgeh the word for “up” (vosk) has an expression that means “the opposite of up” (voskra) which can be interpreted as “down.” Therefore the default view of the Krolvin world is “up.” “Down” is only relevant in terms of its relationship to “up.”


A question is often identified by the expression k’pla at the end of a sentence. For example, the phrase Jod tikte tschok means “We will not stop” whereas Jod tikte tschok k’pla? means “Will we not stop?”


For the most part Krolgeh doesn’t recognize possessive terms. There is, for example, no distinction between “you” and “your,” both are q’ap. Nor is there any distinction between ‘he,’ ‘him’ and ‘his’ or ‘she,’ ‘her’ and ‘hers.’ The only clear exception is the personal possessive gno’ap (mine).


To indicate one who engages in an action, the prefix cz is added. For example, zag means “bring” (or to bring) and czag means “one who brings” or bringer. Similarly, falz means “lose” (or to lose) and cz’falz means “one who loses” or loser.


Gender is applied to a krolvin term through the addition of ‘do’ to refer to male and ‘so’ to refer to female. For example, apdo means ‘he’ and apso means ‘she.’ Similarly clezag means “parent” but clezagdo refers to a male parent whereas clezagso refers to a female parent. Dush refers to a sibling; dushdo refers to a male sibling and dushso to a female sibling.


The expression to (pronounced toe) at the end of a sentence is a verbal indication of emphasis. Since krolgeh is often spoken in barking tones, it’s sometimes necessary to include an aural indicator of exclamation. For example, Q’ap tikte means “You will not” whereas Q’ap tikte to would be interpreted as “You most definitely will not!” Similarly, Sto kak tuug goort means “That’s a good ship” but Sto kak tuug goort to would indicate “That’s a damned fine ship!” And Sto kak gno'ap simply means “That’s mine” whereas Sto kak gno'ap to would be translated as “That’s mine and you’d best keep your knobby hands off it!”

Common to Krolgeh


Common Krolgeh Notes
above / below lut / lutkra
after / before krefkra / kref
alley aun'terokt
am / are (am not / are not) tezt (tezte)
and t’
appreciate onnag Enjoy


Common Krolgeh Notes
bad tuugkra Statement of quality, not a moral stance.
before / after kref / krefkra
belonging to gno
below / after lutkra / lut
big enoork
blue lalk
boot(s) klot
brave moradg
bright pritz'to Very light
bring zag
bringer czag
building currarik


Common Krolgeh Notes
can / cannot tuz / tuzte
care hoont
cause pluuk to make happen
cemetary moradg burzarik Cemetary for those who died from battle.
cemetary burzarik Cemetary for those who died of natural causes.
central / middle quozlav
change f’ploak
chop pulct
chopsticks pul'crigzta literally "food stick"
come / go karzkra / karz
corpse burzka
coward / cowardly arrorak
cower rroak
cry / weep brefta


Common Krolgeh Notes
dark pritzkra in terms of illumination
day lup
die burzmorad to die while fighting
die burzgafk to die any other way.
dead burzmokt dead from fighting.
dead burzgafkt dead from other causes.
death quoab prozd "The Long Night"
dim pritz'tokra not bright (in regard to light)
do (does) / did / will do dur / durkt / tik’dur
do not / did not / will not do dur’te / durkte / tik’durte
does not dur’te
down / up voskkra / vosk


Common Krolgeh Notes
enjoy onnag
everybody / nobody tulg / tulgte


Common Krolgeh Notes
family pla’dush
fear mordg
fester d’ton
Festival of the Dead Burzkailt
fight ungbok
flee akril
food pulta
foot (feet) ispuk


Common Krolgeh Notes
get tor
give ep
go / come karz / karzkra
good / well tuug statement of quality, not a moral stance.
goodbye urgha word of leaving


Common Krolgeh Notes
he / him apdo
hello (word of greeting) irkuk
how leb


Common Krolgeh Notes
I / me ap
in / out av / avkra
intelligent / intelligence awrda
internal organs grawel
is-was / is not-was not kak / kakte
it / that / this sto


Common Krolgeh Notes
kill ilburz
kill (in a blood feud) mrodburz
kill (in a war) d’braburz


Common Krolgeh Notes
large enoork
laugh b’rua
leave / stay d’karzte / d’karz
light pritz in terms of illumination
little enoorkra
long quoab
lose falz
loser cz’falz


Common Krolgeh Notes
make happen pluuk Cause to happen.
market (place) mizklog
me ap
meal / food pulta
and t’
merchant (male) mizklog'do
middle / central quozlav
my / mine gno'ap


Common Krolgeh Notes
night prozd
no / yes bilte / bil
nobody / everybody tulgte / tulg
non-krolvin grarrog


Common Krolgeh Notes
of (belonging to) gno
on ik
oppose jirwawk
or / nor pra
out / in avkra / av
over / under lut / lutkra


Common Krolgeh Notes
pain gzadmor
parent (male / female) clezag (clezagdo / clezagso)
pig etka
put melg
putrefy d’ton


Common Krolgeh Notes
quick (quickly) fut


Common Krolgeh Notes
rot d’ton


Common Krolgeh Notes
sea (ocean) v’koort
see koask
she / her apso
ship goort (warship = goort dubra)
short aun
sibling (male / female) dush (dushdo / dushso)
skin renqua
slave p'tuu
sleep burz'dalep
slow (slowly) futkra
small enoorkra
smell hrusk
spit/urinate/expel bodily fluids junda
square cridluzk
star(s) herndrok
stay / leave d’karz / d’karzkra
stick crigzta (similar to criga, thorn
stop (halt or cease) tschok
stop (prevent) pluukte
street terokt
suffer morgil


Common Krolgeh Notes
take shkela
they / them jodte
thorn criga


Common Krolgeh Notes
understand / do not understand plisk / pliskte
under / over lutkra / lut
up / down vosk / voskkra
us / we jod


Common Krolgeh Notes
war dubra
was-is / was-is not kak / kakte
we / us jod
what olt
when huup
where sunt
who q’ri
will / will not tik / tikte
with tra


Common Krolgeh Notes
yes / no bil / bilte
you /your q’ap

Krolgeh to Common


Krolgeh Common Notes
akril flee
ap I / me
apdo he
apso she
arrorak coward / cowardly
aun short
aun'terokt alley
av / avkra in / out
awrda intelligent / intelligence


Krolgeh Common Notes
bil / bilte yes / no
brefta weep
brakakt insulting term (literally: a slug that mates with itself)
b’rua laugh
burz'dalep sleep
burzarik cemetary For those who died of natural causes.
burzka corpse
burzgafk die Ti die by anything else but fighting.
Burzkailt Festival of the Dead
burzmorad die To die while fighting.


Krolgeh Common Notes
criga thorn
crigzta stick
currarik building/structure
clezagdo / clezagso parent (male / female)
cridluzk square
czag one who brings


Krolgeh Common Notes
d’braburz kill to kill in combat.
d’karzte / d’karz leave / stay
doitro plant used to cure worms These being Sankir's mind control worms from War of Nations, specifically used by the Archipalego Half-Krolvins.
d’ton fester / putrefy / corrupt / rot
dubra war
dur / durkt / tik’dur do / did / will do
dush sibling
dushdo / dushso sibling (male / female)


Krolgeh Common Notes
enoork / enoorkra big / small
ep give
etka pig
etka grarrog domesticated pig As opposed to feral pigs – often a derogatory term.


Krolgeh Common Notes
falz one who has been defeated Often derogatory.
f’ploak change
ut / futkra quickly, speedily, with alacrity / slowly


Krolgeh Common Notes
gno'ap my
gno of/belonging to
goort ship (warship = goort dubra)
grarrog non-krolvin
grawel guts/internal organs
gzadmor pain


Krolgeh Common Notes
herndrok star(s)
hoont care
huup when


Krolgeh Common Notes
ik on
ilburz kill To kill in any way other than combat or blood feud.
irkuk hello A word of greeting.
ispuk foot (feet)


Krolgeh Common Notes
jirwawk oppose
jod we / us
jodte them / they
junda spit/urinate/expel bodily fluids


Krolgeh Common Notes
kak / kakte is-was / is-was not
karz go
klot boot(s)
koask see/view
kref / krefkra before / after
krol generic term for all krolvin peoples
krolgeh the krolvin language


Krolgeh Common Notes
lalk blue
leb how
lup day
lut / lutkra above (over) / below (under)


Krolgeh Common Notes
melg put
mizklog market (place)
mizklog'do merchant (male)
mordg fear
moradg fearless/brave
moradg burzarik cemetary For those who died in battle.
morgil suffer
mrodburz kill To kill in a blood feud)


Krolgeh Common Notes
olt what
onnag enjoy, appreciate


Krolgeh Common Notes
p'tuu slave
pla’dush family
plisk / pliskte understand / do not understand
pluuk / pluukte cause (make happen) / prevent
pra or / nor pritz'to bright (very light)
pritz'tokra dim (not bright)
pritz light
pritzkra dark
prozd night
pul'crigzta chopsticks Literally "food stick"
pulct chop
pulta meal / food


Krolgeh Common Notes
q’ap you
q’ri who
quoab long
quoab prozd death "The Long Night."
quozlav central / middle


Krolgeh Common Notes
renqua skin
rroak cower


Krolgeh Common Notes
shkela take
sto it / that / this
sunt where


Krolgeh Common Notes
t’ and
tschok halt (stop, cease)
terokt street
tezt am / are
tik / tikte will / will not
tor get
tra with
tuug / tuugkra good / bad Statement of quality, not a moral stance.
tulg / tulgte everybody / nobody
tuz / tuzte can / cannot


Krolgeh Common Notes
ungbok fight
urgha goodbye Word of leaving.


Krolgeh Common Notes
v’koort ocean (sea)
vosk / voskkra up / down

Common Krolgeh Phrases and Sayings

Common Krolgeh Phrases

Krolgeh Common Notes
Ap junda ik burzka! I spit/piss on your corpse!
Morgil, brakakt! Suffer, slug!
Q’ap tik burzmorad av gzadmor! You will die in pain!
Q’ap tik burzmorad breftark! You will die weeping!
Ap b’rua q’ap morgil! I laugh at your suffering!
Q’ap ungbokt tuug. You fought well.

Common Krolgeh Sayings

Krolgeh Common Notes
Herndrok brefta q’ap. The stars weep for you. A rare expression of sympathy.
Prozd gno tulgte The night belongs to nobody. You can’t have everything.
Krol tra klot hoonte sunt apdo melg apdo ispuk. The krolvin with the boots doesn’t care where he puts his feet.
V’koort dur’te f’ploak. The sea never changes.
Enoorkra criga tuz d’ton. A small thorn can fester.
Moradg etka tor pulta. It’s the bold pig that gets the meal.
Lalk gno’ap renqua to! By the blue of my skin. An oath of honesty.