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Landing Events - 2019-01-21 - Art Dis-Sway (log)

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Lormesta 21-22, 5119

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]], with an addition from Darcena


  • A wagon barrels into [[::Wehnimer's Landing|the Landing]] through the north gate and through town, but the rider loses control of the reins and slams into the side of Helga's tavern. Town defenders investigate to find some fallen crates labeled Copper, Spice, and Silk, until a scraggy human comes along, scowling at the wagon before running off.
  • The rider appears elsewhere and screams as two men grab him, and pursuit all across town begins as stray bandits are spotted along South Ring Road and West Ring Road, the latter falling unconscious and appearing as if knocked out by an invisible force.
  • Elsewhere, other bandits pursue a wounded, running, screaming rider. Things come to a head as one last thug comes flying out of the House Clerk's window from the second floor of Moot Hall and dangles from a rope tied around his leg. A slender figure in white body armor and a white mask is seen watching, then walks away with the wagon rider.
  • A crowd gathers to question the dangling man, who claims innocence (with no accusation having come from the crowd), saying he was just looking for the surname registry when the 'white thing' pushed him. Cruxophim cuts the rope to let him down and he says he's no bandit, his name is Art, and asks why no one's going after the 'white thing.' He says he doesn't know why he was pushed out a window and wasn't chasing any wagon or man.
  • People press for details and Art says he couldn't see a face because of the mask and that its gauntlets were cold, then asks again why nobody's chasing after it. He says the figure didn't speak and, when asked if he resides in the Landing, just says he's "here and there." Eventually he leaves.
  • Shortly afterward, the wagon outside Helga's is set on fire. Secondhand reports say Maylan did it!


Felita asks, "Why ye hanging outside the Mayor's window?"
Speaking to Felita, Lylia says, "Every mayor has hangers-on."
The scruffy human says, "Why am I still here? Why ain't you chasing that damn freak!"
Leafiara seriously repeats, "We have lots of trouble finding white figures with magical gauntlets. We'll get around to it eventually."
Xorus says, "We have found it best to let them flit about for a few months and catch them later with some dramatic flare at the end."
Kupaka sagely says, "I suppose we just wait till a clue falls in our lap. Searching is hard work."
The wagon breaks apart as the flames consume it, crackling in the night.  Nearby, some townspeople come by and warm their hands amidst the dying flames.
Hapenlok says, "I just want it noted, for the record: I was at Moot Hall the whole time."


Crashing at the Tavern

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.

A wagon pulled by two horses comes barreling through the north gate, its wheels slipping slightly from the wet earth and the rain above. The rider shouts, slapping the reins as he pushes the horses on hard. He shouts again, constantly looking back over his head as if in pursuit. He suddenly loses control, the wagon sliding about the road as townspeople hurry to get out of its way. He loses control of the reins and the horses break loose, galloping off while the wagon and rider slam into the side of Helga's tavern with a loud crash!

[People go to investigate to find...]

[Wehnimer's, Stormarm St.]

This intersection links the bazaar routes with those bisecting and encircling the Landing. A few ruddyfaced sailors, loudmouthed dockworkers, and off-duty soldiers linger along the wall of a tavern, which is set back from the side of the road up a slight incline. A shaky wooden stairway, the bane of many an overimbiber's existence, leads up to the tavern door. You also see a battered wooden wagon and a large painted sign.

[...nothing in particular, as we prod and poke at the wagon but can't get inside.]

Shinann asks, "I wonder where the driver is?"

Hapenlok says, "In the bar. I would be after that crash."

[But the driver's not in the bar either.]

[Helga's Tavern, Barroom]

The blended odors of ale, sweat, leather, perfume and hearty stew fill the stifling air of the tavern. Disheveled regulars and road-weary travelers rub elbows at the wooden bar, which looks recently varnished but already bears a variety of stains and grime. Helga, the ancient, obese proprietor, moves behind the bar, wiping glasses with a dirty towel as she keeps a beady eye on the patrons. A small fireplace in one corner burns feebly, adding little light or warmth to the room. You also see Helga, an overturned creel, a huge cast iron stewpot, a set of swinging doors and a tattered menu.

Speaking to Helga, Lylia says, "Have you seen -- well, no, I doubt you would notice."

Luxelle asks, "Miss Helga are you all right?"

Speaking to Helga, Shinann says, "You sure are calm with a wagon running into the building."

Leafiara casually asks, "Happens all the time around here, no?"

Zosopage [over the amunet]: "Archers in pursuit of the driver."

Elphieya quietly says, "I don't think anything flusters Helga."

Leafiara: "Isn't that a bit much? What if it was an accident?"

[Wehnimer's, Stormarm St.]

This intersection links the bazaar routes with those bisecting and encircling the Landing. A few ruddyfaced sailors, loudmouthed dockworkers, and off-duty soldiers linger along the wall of a tavern, which is set back from the side of the road up a slight incline. A shaky wooden stairway, the bane of many an overimbiber's existence, leads up to the tavern door. You also see a battered wooden wagon and a large painted sign.

Lylia: "Clearly."

A scraggy human bandit ambles in.

Elphieya: "It seemed like they lost control."

A scraggy human bandit searches around nervously.

A scraggy human bandit glances around, sure that he has missed something...

Speaking to a scraggy human bandit, Ysharra says, "He ran off."

The bandit looks around, and scowls at the wagon. He runs off!

Lylia says, "Join me if you like. I am not about to do the guards' jobs for them, however, and chase this man like a dog through the streets."

Tetreves exclaims, "Bandits!"

Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "Seeings how there is no Cryheart..."

Xorus says, "Spices."

Speaking softly to Elphieya, Ensayn says, "Now is your chance to feed a bandit."

Pukk recites quietly:

"Join Madam Mayor!"

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "I'm not that bored. And it's not my fight."

Maylan says, "Seems we're better served guarding the wagon anyhow."

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "I noticed. I smelled the cinnamon."

>examine wag

The wagon has been damaged, appearing to have most recently crashed into the side of Helga's Tavern. The reins have snapped, the horses once pulling it having now run off. Some crates have fallen out of the wagon and onto the road, each one labeled with things like "Copper, Spice, and Silk."

Lylia haughtily says, "Or more accurately, cassia. Cheaper product, lesser bark."

Hapenlok says, "Okay, I lied, I *AM* that bored, but I usually do this stuff for coins anymore..."

[Multiple search parties split up and pursue the rider.]

The rider appears again in the distance, stumbling out of the darkness between two buildings. He screams as two men grab him from behind, and pull him out of sight.

Elphieya quietly asks, "What are we looking for?"

[Searching continues.]

[Wehnimer's, Stormarm St.]

This intersection links the bazaar routes with those bisecting and encircling the Landing. A few ruddyfaced sailors, loudmouthed dockworkers, and off-duty soldiers linger along the wall of a tavern, which is set back from the side of the road up a slight incline. A shaky wooden stairway, the bane of many an overimbiber's existence, leads up to the tavern door. You also see the Telsire disk, a battered wooden wagon and a large painted sign.

Also here: Hapenlok

Elphieya and Saranja followed.

Hapenlok says, "They just ran into a bandit, and promptly wasted him."

Speaking mischievously to Elphieya, Leafiara says, "Trouble."

[Searching continues.]

A muffled scream comes from nearby!

[Searching continues.]

[Stone Baths, Rooftop Garden]

Brass handrails rise up along the edges of the bathhouse's stone rooftop, enclosing a wide flat surface that is mostly dominated by vivid flowerbeds, brightened by the moon's silvery rays. The view from the garden is expansive, revealing the shadowy streets of Wehnimer's Landing and the dark forests beyond the town. You also see a grey wolf and a wooden hatch.

Also here: Lady Adene who is kneeling

Elphieya and Saranja followed.

Shinann just climbed up a long rope.

Speaking casually to Adene, Leafiara says, "Don't mind us, just searching for--well, who even knows what, exactly..."

[Searching continues.]

Hapenlok: "...what a pain."

A bandit can be seen rushing along South Ring Road.

[Searching continues, this time along South Ring Road and in the shops, but either nobody finds anything or nobody reports finding anything.

Elphieya: "Any luck?"

Stormyrain: "Nothing in the alleys we've checked."

Hapenlok mutters, "What a pain in the ass. i don't miss this."

Leafiara says, "Didn't see anyone in any of the shops along this road..."

Speaking disdainfully to Chaoswynd, Cruxophim states, "Why would I need a mirror? I know I'm beautiful."

Leafiara: "No one in the South Ring Road shops I've checked."

Dominikov: "Tough to see in all this rain as it is."

A bandit runs by along West Ring Road, and suddenly turns, as if struck by something, and falls to the ground unconscious.

[Wehnimer's, West Ring Rd.]

Traffic is almost nonexistent at night on this portion of West Ring Road. Most of the people still out in the streets seem to be using the busier roads that lie to the north and south, leading to the square. A few warehouses and smaller shops line the way here. You also see a scraggy human bandit that appears immobilized, a dark ladder leaning against a large iron-plated tower and a reinforced large wooden gate.

Ysharra says, "Perhaps they're looking for Stephos."

Leafiara: "Here, on West Ring Road."

Madmountan says, "Interesting."

Speaking to a scraggy human bandit, Maylan says, "You got a boo boo."

>poke bandit

A scraggy human bandit avoids your touch!

Cruxophim pays close attention to a scraggy human bandit.

Maylan just edged a little closer to the bandit!

Cruxophim raises an arm and leans towards the human bandit, playfully making a dusting motion in his direction.

Speaking to a scraggy human bandit, Ysharra asks, "Why are you here?"

Osellan asks, "Looks like we found a bandit, can we question him?"

Neovik barks wildly at a scraggy human bandit!

Nairena reaches for the human bandit, but can't seem to grab ahold!

Cruxophim greets a scraggy human bandit. Perhaps they're in cahoots!

Balley softly asks, "Did we ever find the rider?"

Claudaro says, "Whose got a bounty to share for 'em."

Elphieya quietly says, "That is one very large bandit."

Speaking curiously to a scraggy human bandit, Leafiara asks, "You alright there? Conscious? Sober?"

>appr band

The human bandit is medium in size and about nine feet high in his current state.

The bandit is too easy for the likes of you!

Another bandit and thug are seen pursuing a wounded rider, who now seems to have been freed, and is running and screaming! He heads towards the heart of town with the others in pursuit.

Speaking to a scraggy human bandit, Nairena says, "Hi."

Speaking to Osellan, Lylia says, "I was intending to, yes."

[Searching continues, leaving behind the unconscious bandit, but again either nobody finds anything or nobody reports finding anything.]

Lylia: "Tell me if you encounter him, and spare his life."

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.

Lyrna says, "I've not seen him either."

Lyrna asks, "The center of town is usually considered Town Square isn't it?"

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "I'd thought so too, yes, but..."

[Nothing there. Searching continues.]

Berost deeply says, "That was not pleasant."

Leafiara muses, "Some kind of escape artist."

Giantphang just arrived.

Giantphang exclaims, "Hello mister everybody!"

Speaking brightly to Giantphang, Leafiara greets, "Evenin' Phang!"

Lyrna says, "I'll be back."

Berost deeply asks, "Now, we got bandits in town?"

Chase's End

There is a loud commotion near Moot Hall, and suddenly a glass window on the second floor of the House Clerk's office shatters! A scruffy thug goes flying out of the window, perhaps thrown, but just before hitting the ground his body jerks upwards as a rope around his leg tightens, preventing his death. Standing in the arch of the broken window is a slender figure garbed in some curved white body armor and a pale white mask. The figure watches as the thug squirms and fights at his binding. The figure turns to face a wounded rider in the office, and then a moment later both rider and white figure walk out of sight.

Leafiara casually says, "Only a couple."

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, a vacillating lake spirit that is flying around, a bone-framed bulletin board, a large purple wooden barrel and a giant mound of snow.

Balley softly says, "Oh wow."

Nisugi aims down the polished grey crystal sights and squeezes the trigger of his mechanical crossbow, the brass gears snapping into action!

Nisugi fires a bone white heavy crossbow bolt at a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope!

In the nick of time, the human thug interposes his small shield between himself and the missile!

Leafiara calls upon the local spirits and directs them through the area...

Leafiara gestures.

A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.

Giantphang exclaims, "You're upside down!"

Giantphang exclaims, "Get downside up!"

The thug squirms and spits, growling. "Get me down!"

Speaking curiously to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Leafiara asks, "So, do -you- have any idea what's going on around here?"

Chaoswynd slowly says, "Well... that's not something you see often."

Stormyrain: "Madame Mayor we have a thug hanging from a Moot Hall Window."

Mayor Lylia's group just arrived.

Stormyrain says, "We will wait for the Mayor to speak to you first."

Leafiara: "There's a thug dangling from his foot here outside Moot Hall."

Hapenlok says, "Now wait."

The thug squirms and spits, growling. "Get me down!"

Giantphang exclaims, "Hello miss phieya!"

Hapenlok says, "If you cut him down, he'll bolt."

Leafiara: "Ah... the Captain thought it first."

Lylia says, "First things first."

Elphieya quietly exclaims, "At least this one is talking!"

Giantphang exclaims, "That the good order!"

Teews says, "Kind of a long drop."

Felita exclaims, "Ha thall teach ye!"

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Ysharra asks, "What were you thinking, lad?"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Pukk says, "Hang in there."

Lylia mildly asks, "You have broken my window. What shall I break of yours, do you think?"

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Hapenlok advises, "Talk first."

Altheren darkly says, "Guards removed the bandit."

Claudaro asks, "Why is everyone following this fool's orders?"

Berkana asks, "Are they eviscerating him?"

The thug says, "I'm innocent..."

Shinann asks, "Of?"

Leafiara curiously prompts, "Of...?"

The thug says, "That...that thing pushed me..."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Ysharra says, "I would be quick and careful about what you say."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Nodyre asks, "What thing?"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Elphieya says, "I don't think you've been accused yet."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Nairena says, "Think you need to work on your landing."

Teews says, "The prisons are full of the innocent."

Xorus says, "Birds. Always smashing into windows."

(Maylan pushes the human thug gently, causing him to swing like a pendulum.)

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Pukk asks, "Aren't there somedays you just wish you didn't get up in the morning?"

Felita asks, "Why ye hanging outside the Mayor's window?"

Maylan says, "Weeeee."

Speaking calmly to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Cruxophim notes, "Of what? We ent accused you anything yet."

Berost deeply says, "While hangin' from his little toe ..."

Speaking darkly to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Altheren says, "Probably should have not been in that office to begin with."

Speaking to Felita, Lylia says, "Every mayor has hangers-on."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Ysharra says, "There are many here who are far better at lies than you, both in telling and detecting them."

Speaking to Xorus, Shiril says, "Yes. Birds."

Speaking to Lylia, Stormyrain asks, "Did you get a look at the figure that did this, perchance?"

Ensayn says, "You clearly murdered that window."

The thug says, "That thing pushed me! I was just looking for the surname registry...."

Berkana says, "Evisceration would take care of the overcrowding."

Osellan says, "The sounds of an inncoent man "I AM INNOCENT, I SWEAR" While he hangs from a rope."

Leafiara nonchalantly says, "Eh, story checks out."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Shinann asks, "What thing?"

Lylia says, "The surname registry has signs clearly marked."

Speaking wistfully to Shinann, Cruxophim muses, "I recall getting thrown out a window once. Good times."

Elphieya quietly asks, "Did they move the registry office recently?"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Pukk says, "Sounds believable."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Ysharra says, "Speak, or I'll tell Munin here it's supper time."

The thug says, "That white thing."

Speaking to Lylia, Stormyrain asks, "Did you get a look at the figure that did this, perchance?"

Tetreves asks, "Surnames? Why did you need those?"

Speaking confusedly to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Cruxophim ventures, "White thing? You mean Pukk?"

Osellan asks, "Did you forget to pay taxes again?"

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Shinann asks, "Did it talk?"

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Pietra says, "Questionin' your parentage, then? Most of us do."

Pukk quietly asks, "I'm....a thing?"

Giantphang exclaims, "It funny because your head is turn red from upside down!"

The thug says, "Cut me down, my leg hurts. I can feel the blood to my head...I'mm....dizzy...."

Speaking to Lylia, Stormyrain says, "White mask. White bone armor."

Teews says, "Looks as you were only partially defenistrated. l."

Speaking mildly to Pukk, Cruxophim answers, "Yes."

Pukk quietly says, "All this time...."

Berost deeply says, "Aye. We all are at one point er another."

Vonnor quietly exclaims, "I am a person, not a thing!"

Speaking quietly to Pukk, Saranja says, "At least."

Cruxophim draws a serrated steel bonesaw knife from one of the slots on his black harness.

Lylia says, "A moment, then, a moment."

Lylia removes a sable-bladed vultite butcher knife from in her wrap.

Speaking smoothly to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Shiril says, "That blood to your head will do you some good."

Nodyre says, "Someone remove his leg, eh? that'll untangle him."

Dominikov reasons, "We ought to cut him down, before he loses consciousness."

(Cruxophim begins to saw at the rope with the steel bonesaw knife.)

Cruxophim snaps his steel bonesaw knife up, displaying it for all to see.

Cruxophim points his steel bonesaw knife at a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, taunting him.

Speaking to a scruffy human thug dangling upside down from Moot Hall with his foot tied in a rope, Claudaro asks, "If we cut you down, you'll likely fall into Crux's mouth, and be devoured whole. Ya sure you want down?"

Altheren darkly says, "Like a bubble."

Leafiara pragmatically says, "Just make sure to surround where he'll land."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Nodyre says, "That's the idea."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug, Lylia says, "Try to run, and you will not move a pace before you drop. Painfully. Limb disruption is not a kind spell when used...'off-market,' shall we say."

Altheren darkly says, "The pressure builds...until."

Tetreves says, "Let him hang there as a reminder to other thieves."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human thug, Pukk whispers aloud, "First you need a better excuse, then you need to bribe me...."

Altheren darkly exclaims, "POP!"

Speaking to Lylia, Stormyrain says, "Had the driver with them when they finished with this thug."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug, Ysharra asks, "You know the sort of things ravens like to eat, I take it?"

(Cruxophim stands under the human thug and opens his mouth wide.)

Cruxophim flashes an evil grin. The tips of his sharply filed fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip. His eyes suddenly glow with a shadow-infused sickly yellow hue.

Weary Queries

The thug falls once Cruxophim cuts the rope. He lands awkwardly on his shoulder, and slowly rises up.

Speaking to Claudaro, Ensayn says, "No eating people. That is what I'm told."

Maylan gestures at a scruffy human thug.

CS: +445 - TD: +101 + CvA: +20 + d100: +17 == +381

Warding failed!

A scruffy human thug suddenly stops all movement.

[Roll result: 282 (open d100: 95)]

Pukk crouches, sweeps a leg at a scruffy human thug and connects!

A scruffy human thug falls to the ground! Pukk deftly regains his footing.

Speaking to Madmountan, Lylia says, "Ah, I see someone already took care of it for me."

Speaking to Chaoswynd, Maylan exclaims, "For good measure!"

Speaking raspily to a scruffy human thug, Cruxophim purrs, "Hiiiiii."

The thug says, "I ain't goin' no where..."

Lyrna says, "That's what I was thinking too."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Nairena says, "We will need to tenderize him first."

Nodyre says, "Okay, he's surrounded."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug, Maylan says, "Clearly not."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug, Ysharra says, "Talk. You've already lived longer than most bandits who meet this lot."

The thug says, "I ain't no bandit."

Speaking in Guildspeak, Telsire asks something you don't understand.

[Roll result: 191 (open d100: 85)]

Felita spins quickly behind a scruffy human thug and delivers a well placed kick!

The human thug appears enraged!

Speaking to a scruffy human thug, Pietra asks, "Why the surname registry, though?"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human thug, Pukk says, "Ysharra thorns like blood, so you better talk."

Telsire asks, "Man, you guys are kinda bullying this one guy arent ya?"

Nisugi asks, "Thug, bandit, what's the difference really?"

Lylia says, "Then tell us a bit about yourself."

Speaking to a scruffy human thug, Ysharra says, "You are. And that should be your last lie, if you know what's good for you."

Speaking dryly to Pietra, Shiril asks, "He's upset with his current one?"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human thug, Elphieya asks, "What are you then?"

Speaking to a scruffy human thug, Ysharra asks, "Why are you here?"

Zosopage asks, "What were you going to makeyour name Thug what?"

Speaking affably to Lylia, Cruxophim inquires, "Mayor? What shall we do with him?"

Speaking to Lylia, Osellan asks, "Is this the new tax collection program?"

Claudaro says, "We here kill lots of folks daily, hundreds, maybe thousands, ya look a lot like one of 'em."

Shinann says, "Please do not hit this person... we are not barbarians... well... mostly."

Nodyre asks, "Howsabout we let the mayor do the questioning?"

Berkana asks, "What's your name?"

Speaking to Osellan, Lylia says, "No. If I upend people, it will be rich ones so more silvers fall from their pockets."

The scruffy human says, "Maybe you see what you want to see...."

The scruffy human says, "I ain't no bandit."

Nodyre exclaims, "A human! Get him!"

Teews says, "But you're sure scruffy."

Dominikov asks, "He has a story to tell. Are we any worse than those we kill if we refuse to let him tell his tale?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Maylan asks, "Who ARE you?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Ysharra asks, "Then give us something else to call you. Hm?"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Pukk says, "Oh, why didn't you say so in the first place."

The scruffy human says, "Maybe you rush to judgment. See a man with a hairy face, and I must be a bandit huh?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Osellan asks, "So are you going to tell us why he hung you from the building?"

Cirkas says, "Or a brewer."

Shinann asks, "Can you tell me why you were thrown out of a window?"

Cruxophim calmly suggests, "Pete? You look like a Pete."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Erienne says, "You look more like you've fallen on hard times to me."

The scruffy human says, "My name is Art."

Elphieya quietly says, "The town is on edge. Everyone here is happy to listen to what you have to say."

Madmountan says, "Art."

Nisugi asks, "Who are you then? Where did you come from?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Shiril says, "Get to the point of what you are if you aren't, in fact, a bandit."

Chaoswynd amusedly says, "Scruffy Art. Fair enough."

Giantphang exclaims, "Art!"

Giantphang exclaims, "Like mister vantos!"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Neovik says, "Hello Art the bandit."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Lylia says, "Well, then, Art. Tell me a bit about the surname registry, and why you were seeking it at such an hour."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Ysharra says, "I'd say the fact that you were chasing a driver of a wagon with costly items in it is a stronger indication than the fuzz on your face."

Speaking confusedly to a scruffy human, Cruxophim ventures, "Pet-art? Did you mean... Peter?"

Giantphang removes a Lord Avantos portrait from in his black canvas hip-bag.

Giantphang points at his Avantos portrait.

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Pukk says, "Well Art, these folks rush to judgement all the time. Especially when people come flying of windows."

Giantphang says, "This art too."

The scruffy human says, "Why you bugging me?"

Maylan says, "Art the Unbandit."

Speaking to Saranja, Ghianna says, "Because you hang Art on a wall..."

The scruffy human says, "Why ain't you going after that thing that tossed me through a window?"

Zosopage asks, "Any idea why someone would do that to you?"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Elphieya says, "It's not often we find someone dangling from Moot hall. Call us curious."

Felita asks, "Ye flew out the window, are ye a bird?"

The scruffy human says, "What, am I not rich enough for you to care about?"

Lyrna asks, "Who or waht tossed you out the window?"

Lylia dryly remarks, "Because you are in front of me, and the 'thing' is not."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Shinann asks, "Why were you pushed out a window?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Osellan asks, "Art why were you thrown out of the building?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Maylan says, "We could be if you would tell us who they are, Art the Unbandit."

Altheren darkly says, "Didn't see where he went."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Stormyrain says, "We are trying to gather information so we can decide what actions to take next."

The scruffy human says, "I don't know! Did you see that freak!"

Leafiara remarks, "We've had alot of trouble catching figures in white around here in less than two months... we'll get to it eventually."

Speaking to Ouni, Darcena says, "I'm not sure if I believe him or not yet."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Ysharra says, "Freak? Do tell."

Lyrna dryly asks, "Evidently not, what did you see?"

Dominikov quietly asks, "He has a point. Are there any folks investigating his claim?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Maylan says, "No, that's why we're questioning you."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Pukk says, "I didn't throw you out the window...but I am a freak..sometimes."

Speaking to Ouni, Darcena says, "Still doesn't explain what he was doing in there."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Shinann says, "Not closely... you can describe them if you wish."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok whispers aloud, "Oh, I've about had enough of this."

The scruffy human says, "I wasn't chasing no wagon or man...."

Speaking slowly to Lylia, Cruxophim ventures, "Guess I'll go look for that white thing?"

Nairena says, "Someone should check the upstairs."

Lyrna says, "I did look around in there and didn't see anything."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Maylan asks, "Who said anything about a wagon?"

Speaking to Darcena, Shiril muses, "Sorting through older records, perhaps?"

The scruffy human says, "I was just minding my own business in the Hall..."

Speaking curiously to a scruffy human, Cruxophim ventures, "Where did you see this white thing last?"

Nisugi says, "You sure have a lot of answers for what you're not, but none for what you are."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Osellan says, "I saw you hanging from yer feet. I doubt that somebody would do that out of the blue."

Cirkas says, "Thank ya."

Speaking concernedly to Shiril, Darcena asks, "What would he need with that?"

Lyrna says, "I'll look further."

Xorus asks, "Was the freak wearing white armor... white cloak, masked?"

Elphieya quietly says, "I've been lost in the hall before, maybe he's telling the truth."

Speaking to Darcena, Shiril says, "I haven't an inkling."

Speaking darkly to a scruffy human, Altheren asks, "What name were you searching for?"

Teews says, "Seems fishy that'd you'd be defenested like that if it was just normal business."

Speaking softly to a scruffy human, Balley says, "If you did nothing wrong why were you running and chasing people and getting tossed out of a window. Normal people do not do that."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Ysharra asks, "You normally come to put in your civic duty past midnight?"

Speaking to Darcena, Shiril says, "But records are in surname registry offices."

Tetreves says, "You don't think..."

The scruffy human says, "Yeah some mask, I couldn't see no face."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Ysharra asks, "In the cold?"

The voice of Kenstrom says, "It grabbed me, its gauntlets were cold, probably like its soul! And it done tossed me."

Osellan asks, "He going to run?"

Darcena says, "Hopefully not my old name."

Speaking to Darcena, Lylia says, "Ah, I am glad to see you. Regrettable misunderstanding of mine the other evening. I apologize, and I hope that you and your keen nose could tell us more about Art here. And whether he smells of cassia to you."


Xorus says, "Well, then I have no idea."

Claudaro recites:

"Art for Mayor - Making the Landing safe from people being called a bandit!"

The scruffy human says, "It grabbed me, its gauntlets were cold, probably like its soul! And it done tossed me."

Elphieya quietly says, "We're all up and about at this hour. Surely the time of day is not enough to condem him."

Giantphang asks, "Mister rt? Afore you was throw from window...must had rope tie to foot...elsewise you not would be upside down. whyfor Rope?"

Xorus says, "Artuero for Mayor? This sounds familiar."

Darcena says, "I can get close."

Darcena takes a few steps toward a scruffy human.

Darcena kneels down.

Speaking to a scruffy human, Shinann asks, "Did it speak?"

Art imitating Life?

Madmountan says, "I'd have been more scared if the gauntlets were warm."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Ysharra says, "Are you wounded? We have healers here."

(Darcena leans her face real, real, real close to Art and inhales.)

Speaking quietly to Ouni, Saranja says, "Join Leafi... you'll be safer with us."

Pukk quietly says, "I say you eat him and we will sort out the facts later..."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Lylia says, "No need for that."

Speaking nonchalantly to Saranja, Leafiara says, "I appreciate it, but we're not in much danger here, anyway..."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Maylan asks, "Why did you want to change your name, anyhow? Not happy with your Surname?"

Ensayn says, "Let's reenact the crime. Perhaps we can learn something."

Giantphang says, "Not think that mister is for eating."

Pukk quietly says, "I guess Crux isn't here."

Nodyre asks, "How about we try to locate the wagoneer?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Maylan asks, "Or perhaps you're getting hitched?"

The scruffy human says, "Why am I still here? Why ain't you chasing that damn freak!"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Elphieya says, "Or hungry? I have a cookie if you need to gain some strength back to tell your whole story. We got the part with the white figure and the dangling."

Ensayn asks, "Anyone have some rope and a window handy?"

Speaking to Nodyre, Lylia says, "Others are working on that."

Speaking to Lylia, Darcena asks, "What scent are you looking for again?"

Hapenlok asks, "Do none of you know the not so gentle art of interoggation?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Pietra says, "Thanks a damned good question."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Nodyre says, "Your description leaves much to the imagination."

Balley softly asks, "Why do you call him a freak again?"

Cirkas says, "Some weird stuff happened last time there were freaks around."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Lylia says, "Because we have a whole town at our disposal, and yet we choose to spend it here with you."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Dominikov explains, "I believe there's a group of folk investigating the claim..."

Lylia asks, "Now, are you not gratified?"

Leafiara seriously repeats, "We have lots of trouble finding white figures with magical gauntlets. We'll get around to it eventually."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Pukk says, "Typical red tape...they need to discuss, and re-discuss and then drink a couple of ales first."

Xorus says, "We have found it best to let them flit about for a few months and catch them later with some dramatic flare at the end."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok whispers aloud, "My turn."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Nairena asks, "Did you see the freak and where it might have gone.. before he tossed you out the window?"

Speaking darkly to Hapenlok, Altheren says, "Don't."

Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "About the time we think to burn a gemshop or such."

Speaking to Chaoswynd, Ghianna says, "I think I saw this guy lying in a ditch, but then his name was Phil."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Elphieya says, "It's there if you get hungry."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Lylia says, "Let me see if I have this were seeking the office of house deeds, minding your business, and --"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Osellan asks, "Any idea where he went?"

A scruffy human says, "No."

Speaking to Ghianna, Chaoswynd says, "No, that's Muddy Phil. This is Scruffy Art, apparently."

A scruffy human says, "Surname registry."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Osellan asks, "What was he doing in the office before he tossed you?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Pietra asks, "What is your family name, Art?"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Elphieya asks, "What name were you planning to register, Art?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Maylan asks, "Yes but why were you at the surname registry? Do you have a very silly last name?"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Pukk says, "Maybe you can brib....I mean donate some silvers to the mayors vacation funds."

Teews asks, "What are your family names?"

Lylia offhandedly says, "Ah, yes, that was it. Most unusual hour for it, but I keep unusual hours too."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Maylan asks, "Does your last name rhyme with your first name, and does it start with the letter F?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Nairena says, "You must have a horrible last name to want to change it at this hour."

Leafiara muses, "Maybe he's an orphan and didn't have a surname."

Hapenlok quietly mutters, "Oh, this is rich."

Vonnor quietly says, "Bandits and freaks and thugs and flower girls, if only there were a wall to keep these things out....."

Speaking to Chaoswynd, Ghianna asks, "Does he know Wet Bob out in the harbor?"

A scruffy human says, "I didn't have one just yet, was thinking of one..."

Giantphang exclaims, "Orphans make paper hats!"

Giantphang beams happily at Leafiara!

A scruffy human says, "Maybe Full."

Kupaka sagely asks, "Is it Vandelay?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Claudaro says, "I'd go with Vandelay, it just sounds right."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Maylan says, "We've already decided that your surname is Unbandit."

Speaking jokingly to a scruffy human, Leafiara says, "I might have thrown you out the window too if I knew that was your plan."

Speaking amusedly to a scruffy human, Elphieya asks, "Art Full?"

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "Make it so."

Dominikov ponders, "Perhaps his last name is East... Yes, Art East...."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Pukk says, "You should pay for the window at least."

Ososis says, "Maybe hes related to one of the taskmasters and didn't want to get strung up in the streets...oh."

Saranja quietly says, "I suspect our friend was looking for someone with a changed surname."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Pietra says, "You have to be a dodger to really pull that name off, though."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Zosopage says, "Istic might work."

A scruffy human says, "I'm done answering your questions. I told you what I know."

A scruffy human says, "I've business to do, it's late, and you're just...standing around."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Saranja asks, "Is that it?"

Osellan says, "Told us nothing."

Claudaro asks, "If he's done talking can we kill him?"

Nairena says, "I'm sure some people wish to remain hidden in plain sight."

Leafiara nonchalantly says, "Fair enough."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Shinann asks, "You have not answered me... did that person speak or not?"

Altheren darkly says, "Cold gauntlets. White mask."

Speaking to Lylia, Darcena says, "He smells like you, other humans, and something acrid."

A scruffy human says, "No."

Elphieya quietly says, "Surely we won't just kill him."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Erienne asks, "Do you need any assistance?"

Speaking to a scruffy human, Lylia prompts, "And while seeking the surname registry, what occurred?"

A scruffy human says, "Didn't speak at all."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Nairena says, "It's not nice to go sneaking around."

A scruffy human says, "Just grabbed me and tossed."

Giantphang says, "And ropefoot."

Elphieya quietly says, "His only crime is being pushed out a window, that we can confirm at least."

Giantphang says, "Not forget the ropefoot."

Speaking darkly to Darcena, Altheren says, "Acrid. Perhaps an alchemist should investigate."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Shinann asks, "What did the other person look like that was with them?"

Speaking to Giantphang, Leafiara marvels, "You -do- have a way with words."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Pukk says, "This here is our great system at work. Relax and enjoy your time."

Saranja quietly asks, "We should kill him and do more?"

Speaking to herself, Erienne says, "I guess not."

A scruffy human says, "I was minding my own business and then BAM! Those gauntlet hands grabbed me, and whoosh! I thought I was a dead man."

Speaking to Elphieya, Lylia says, "Indeed. He is not accused of a crime. But as a possible witness to one, he must be questioned. We still have no cart driver."

Speaking to Saranja, Nairena says, "Thats the last option."

Giantphang says, "Everymister is forget the ropefoot, elsewise that mister will be downside up when we meeting him."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Ysharra says, "It's nothing short of shocking that you're not dead, really."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Osellan says, "Don't be so fast. He may yet come back and finish the job."

Xorus says, "From a greater height the sudden stop of the rope alone would have killed you."

Speaking to Saranja, Ghianna asks, "Cold gauntlets, white mask, homicidal?"

Berkana says, "Sounds like a normal night in town, well, at least for Shanty Town."

Speaking darkly to a scruffy human, Altheren asks, "Forgot my manners in the excitement. What is your name?"

Zosopage says, "Well this made for one ell of a distraction anyways."

Neovik says, "I bet ya his name isn't even Art."

Speaking quietly to Lylia, Elphieya says, "Yes, Madam Mayor. Some just lust for blood a little too much. I am glad you have a cooler head on your shoulders."

Ensayn says, "Perhaps a lock on the door might be helpful. Seems anyone can stroll in at any hour."

Nairena says, "His name is Art."

Altheren darkly says, "Oh yes Art."

Altheren darkly asks, "But no last name?"

Saranja quietly says, "Sounds like me in a white mask."

Darcena says, "Istick."

Altheren darkly says, "Maybe picking one out then."

Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk asks, "Maybe the tosser was trying to stop Art from looking something up?"

Lylia says, "I would not have much of a town left if I were to kill everyone who did not answer my questions quickly enough."

A scruffy human asks, "Am I free to go? Or you going to stab me in the back when I turn to go?"

Claudaro says, "Hmm..."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Darcena says, "Look out for that one."

Darcena points at Hapenlok.

Berost deeply says, "Bah. Got me real bandits harrassing folk on the way to tha Mule and this "Art" be distrupting town."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Elphieya asks, "Where do you need to get to so desperately?"

Claudaro asks, "If you were looking into a surname, that normally is costly, and coin is normally taken, not a note, yes?"

Dominikov thoughtfully adds, "Speaking of which, should we get an empath to look at his ankle? That could have been a major tweak if it got caught in a rope like that..."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Ysharra says, "Not up to me. For that you should be glad."

Saranja quietly asks, "Has he been searched?"

Maylan says, "He's fine."

Luxelle says, "I remember coming to town to register my surname, so everyone would know where I came from. It really is a maze in there."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Pukk says, "I apologize, really I do. They are a suspicious bunch. With all the mess that has happened. Try to be a little patient with them."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Nairena says, "You can at least understand our need for answers after seeing you hanging from the window."

Speaking to Elphieya, Ensayn says, "Probably to get some food."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Shinann says, "Are you employed? We might need to speak with you again."

Kupaka sagely says, "Gotto kill him to search."

The scruffy human looks over at Shinann and Stormyrain.

Ensayn says, "Or change his leathers."

Stormyrain raises her eyebrow, the dark bloodjewel half-ring set within only enhancing her skeptical expression.

A scruffy human asks, "Am I free to go?"

Pukk quietly says, "I say we let him go."

Neopuron asks, "Where are you trying to go?"

Saranja quietly asks, "Has he been searched?"

Kupaka sagely says, "No, you're being detained."

Lylia says, "A moment. Walk with us, Art."

A scruffy human says, "No I ain't employed. I work from time to time."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Elphieya asks, "Do you call the Landing your home, Art?"

Lyrna says, "I found no evidence of anything on the second floor of Moot Hall."

Felita asks, "Why ye tryin to leave so fast?"

A scruffy human says, "No, I ain't going no where with this mob."

Lylia says, "We shall go to Helga's. Buy you a drink, and talk somewhere more civilized than in the middle of a storm."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Maylan says, "You're already somewhere with the mob."

Speaking darkly to a scruffy human, Altheren asks, "What is your trade?"

Nairena says, "Bunch of ruffians."

A scruffy human says, "No thank you."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Shinann says, "Where do you reside? If you want justice we might need to speak with you again."

Teews says, "I'm not very mob like."

Speaking soothingly to a scruffy human, Elphieya says, "There are enough here with cool heads and calm minds that you need not fear."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Zosopage says, "Lylia will not let harm come to you."

Nairena says, "And hooligans."

Teews says, "Pretty tiny actually."

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Pukk says, "They ain't so bad really...well...except Crux...but he will eat you either might as well come along."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna asks, "Shouldn't we kill him and then investigate his claim...if he's innocent we can get him raised....right?"

Luxelle whispers aloud, "Mob. We are a mob now?"

A scruffy human says, "I'm a bit here and there, like the wind."

Saranja quietly says, "Now you're getting rude."

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "You could drag him. He's still got that rope tied to his ankle."

Lylia mildly says, "No? Do you often refer to a group of townsfolk as a 'mob?' Why, if I did that as mayor, I would be hanging from a window at Moot Hall...and not by my ankle."

Speaking cautiously to Ghianna, Leafiara say, "It doesn't -quite- work that way... not everyone can be raised..."

Kupaka sagely says, "Mayhaps we ought to search the town? And take him with us."

A scruffy human says, "I'm going to go now."

Giantphang exclaims, "Ropeneck!"

A scruffy human says, "Maybe you can have better luck seeking out real justice."

Lylia smiles with little warmth and says, "Oh, but I insist, we cannot leave you in such a state..."

Pukk laughs at a scruffy human!

Pukk quietly says, "Good joke."

Speaking calmly to a scruffy human, Leafiara suggests, "Well, you can always let the militia or town guard know in the future if you see anything more."

A scruffy human says, "I sure will..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna says, "I'm sorry...I'm new to the "mob mentality"."

Nairena says, "I like the way the mayor thinks."

A scruffy human says, "I'll look for them right here, standing around, doing nothing, like usual."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Ysharra says, "You'll be dead soon, I bet. He'll come back."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Zosopage says, "We'll buy you a drink at Helga's."

Speaking dryly to Ghianna, Shiril asks, "It's quite refreshing, isn't it?"

Speaking quietly to a scruffy human, Saranja says, "You should run for office... no useful answers, only insults."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Lylia says, "She has a point."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Hapenlok whispers aloud, "You're lucky. I would have tortured you."

Speaking to a scruffy human, Ysharra says, "Shame you're walking off where who knows might find you."

Lylia says, "If you fear the 'thing' that did this to would be safer in a crowd."

Pukk recites quietly:

"Zosopage is buying a round of drinks for everybody!"

The scruffy human marches off, grumbling, but not before bumping into Hapenlok and muttering, "Move it runt." The human disappears down a street.


Nisugi says, "I saw no sign of a struggle upstairs."

Vonnor quietly says, "Since when do going out of windows go out the window? Doors are too mainstream."

Lylia murmurs, "A pity. Who knows what could happen to him?"

Elphieya quietly says, "Well that's probably the last we'll see of him."

Osellan says, "Such a nice man."

Ghianna offers Shiril a bottle of aged scotch.

Ysharra says, "Well, I tried."

Shiril accepts Ghianna's aged scotch.

Lylia says, "You did."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara say, "Ya killed off one of your mockers and gained a new one..."

Speaking warmly to Ghianna, Shiril purrs, "One of my favorites. How did you know?"

Lyrna says, "None of the clerks saw anything, of course."

Nairena says, "He's gone now."

Speaking to Shiril, Ghianna says, "I know stuff."

Tlaja says, "Well that was an interesting night cap."

Lylia says, "That wagon bears a closer look."

Speaking helpfully to Lylia, Cruxophim brags, "I didn't eat him."

Speaking quietly to Zosopage, Pukk says, "We all really appreciate the drinks."

Osellan asks, "So how do we find a white cloaked man now?"

Speaking to Lyrna, Shinann says, "Thank you for checking with them."

Zosopage says, "Now I guess we need to keep an eye out for this masked figure as if we don't have enough of them."

Altheren darkly says, "It is time for me to be off."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lylia says, "I know."

Speaking pleasantly to Lylia, Cruxophim states, "You're welcome."

Speaking to Osellan, Leafiara muses, "The last few times, they found us."

Hapenlok says, "See, I bet you it was a friend of a friend that had him in that Hall, if you catch my meaning."

Speaking pleasantly to Lyrna, Cruxophim wishes, "Good luck with the application!"

Nairena says, "So white armor, white mask, cold to the touch."

Ensayn says, "But what name will he choose . . ."

Speaking quietly to Ouni, Saranja says, "Stay safe."

Ouni nods at Saranja.

Speaking affably to Stormyrain, Cruxophim remarks, "Good one, there."

Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Pukk asks, "So two friends?"

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "I'm going to check on that wagon."

Ouni bows.

Speaking to Nairena, Lylia says, "It is a tale we have heard before."

Kupaka sagely says, "I suppose we just wait till a clue falls in our lap. Searching is hard work."

Mayor Lylia's group just went north.

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a black-tipped majestic snow leopard, a bone white faewood bolt tipped with a steel broadhead cap, an amber verlok feather, the Tlaja disk, the Luxelle disk, the Balley disk, a cloudy-eyed air wyrdling, a bone-framed bulletin board, a large purple wooden barrel and a giant mound of snow. Also here: Lyrna, Lady Kyaloria, Shiril, Attalynx, Shinann, Eyswin, Tlaja, Kupaka, Giantphang, Lady Erienne, Mistress Ghianna, Conquerer of Reim Luxelle, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Zosopage, Hapenlok, Stormyrain, Vonnor, Chaoswynd, Ososis, Saranja, Arena Heroine Leafiara

Speaking bemusedly to Hapenlok, Shiril says, "When you put it that way..."

Lyrna says, "In fact, none of the windows were broken and 'no-one saw anything'."

Lyrna says, "No rope left tied inside."

Speaking to Lyrna, Ghianna says, "We have 'self-healing' windows here in the Landing."

Hapenlok says, "I saw one person running for the hall, then I thought I saw another person in pursuit. Then this fella gets defenestrated."

Lyrna says, "The only place I didn't look was the closed door."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara muses, "I give that a two out of ten on strange nights in the Landing."

Shiril smoothly says, "Just curious to know what the captain and ... the sylvan are giving each other knowing looks about."

Ghianna asks, "Hey! Where'd the rest of the Mob?"

Kupaka sagely says, "I say we spread out and search, alone in dark alleys."

Hapenlok says, "Interrogation was one of my favorite things. But, I didn't exactly want to waste him."


Hapenlok says, "Oh, bloody hell."

Speaking to Shiril, Stormyrain says, "We're actually having a discussion as a group, along with the other Captain and another fellow."

Hapenlok says, "Captains, the wagon appears to have spontaneously combusted."

Speaking shortly to Stormyrain, Shiril says, "I see."

[Most of those lingering outside Moot Hall head back to Helga's...]

[Wehnimer's, Stormarm St.]

This intersection links the bazaar routes with those bisecting and encircling the Landing. A few ruddyfaced sailors, loudmouthed dockworkers, and off-duty soldiers linger along the wall of a tavern, which is set back from the side of the road up a slight incline. A shaky wooden stairway, the bane of many an overimbiber's existence, leads up to the tavern door. You also see a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a burning wooden wagon and a large painted sign.

Neovik says, "If it burns down Helga's so many lives will be saved from her stew."

Cruxophim yells, "IT'S FINE!! THIS IS FINE!!"

Leafiara surprisedly says, "Huh."

Cruxophim loudly protests, "FREE MAYLAN!!" [I'm told through secondhand reports that Maylan set the fire!]

Darcena exclaims, "This is not fine!"

[Fire fighting ensues.]

Claudaro exclaims, "Kill Art! Free Maylan!"

Osellan says, "Fire and a breeze, what luck."

Darcena exclaims, "The gemshop JUST stopped smoldering!"

Ghianna says, "Woot! The mob's reunited....stronger togther."

Nairena says, "The mayor can pardon."

Pukk quietly exclaims, "Down with the mayor!"

The wagon breaks apart as the flames consume it, crackling in the night. Nearby, some townspeople come by and warm their hands amidst the dying flames.

Nairena asks, "Right?"

Pukk quietly says, "Er....nevermind."

Leafiara praises, "Ah, some Landing townspeople are so practical."

Xorus wryly says, "Now we will have burn flesh golems when they wake up in those crates."

Lylia growls, "The mayor has no desire to pardon someone whom she called to be arrested."

Hapenlok says, "I just want it noted, for the record: I was at Moot Hall the whole time."

Shiril pours some of her scotch on the ground. A puddle of golden liquid forms, and then quickly evaporates.

Speaking to Shiril, Darcena says, "Not helpful."

Ensayn says, "Hey careful with the water . . you'll ruin my pie."

Hapenlok says, "And I should have gone with my gut, and grabbed him and shook him up."

Tetreves exclaims, "The scotch!"

Speaking to Shiril, Nairena says, "Don't waste scotch."

Shinann heaves an iron bucket onto the fire, which sputters and hisses!

The fire goes out completely with a final searing hiss!

The fire goes quietly out as a last wisp of smoke rises from it and dissipates into the air.

Speaking to Darcena, Shiril asks, "Who said I was trying to be helpful?"

Speaking to Shiril, Nairena says, "Use mead or ale."

Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk asks, "You had her arrested?"

Speaking to Nairena, Shiril says, "Good idea. My apologies."

Lylia says, "Arson. Hooliganism. Destroying evidence in a possible crime."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Hapenlok asks, "You like breathing?"

Claudaro says, "People who set wagons on fire get arrested, people who are bandits who can speak their name on the fly get let free."

Claudaro says, "Landing way."

Speaking to her aged scotch, Nairena says, "It's okay. Look away."

Balley softly says, "It was nice to see you all."

Madmountan agrees with Claudaro.

Madmountan says, "Isn't it great."

Madmountan cackles!

Arson Arrest - Report From Darcena

[Wehnimer's, Stormarm St.]

This intersection links the bazaar routes with those bisecting and encircling the Landing. A few ruddyfaced sailors, loudmouthed dockworkers, and off-duty soldiers linger along the wall of a tavern, which is set back from the side of the road up a slight incline. A shaky wooden stairway, the bane of many an overimbiber's existence, leads up to the tavern door. You also see a battered wooden wagon and a large painted sign. Also here: Land Pirate Maylan, Tetreves, Lady Nairena, Envoy Neopuron, Mistress Berkana, Pietra, Relic Hunter Madmountan, Ensayn, Cabal, Pukk, Getho, Ouni, Great Lord Repaire, Felita, Ysharra, Eheylien, Elphieya, Vice Chancellor Xorus, Claudaro, Conquerer of Reim Neovik, Master Altheren, Osellan, Rimo, Cruxophim, Nisugi, Mayor Lylia

Obvious paths: north, south, west

Maylan knocks on a battered wooden wagon.

Knotting her hand into a fist, Maylan sharply raps her knuckles against her dusky leather pauldrons in a quirky series of hollow beats, finishing the tune with a punctuated flit of her wings.

Claudaro whispers the words to his spell, tracing his fingers across the sky. A vibrant stream of rainbow colors burst forth, streaming alongside his motions before dispersing into an imperceptible mist.

Claudaro gestures at a battered wooden wagon.

Nothing happens.

Maylan says, "I say we light it on fire."

Neovik scans the ground and his immediate surroundings.

Ouni gazes thoughtfully at a battered wooden wagon.

Cruxophim fluidly extends his arms and rolls his shoulders forward, rearranging the drape of his ebon leather pauldrons.

A blood red mist leaks from Maylan's palms as she prepares a spell...

Lylia firmly says, "No."

Maylan gestures at a battered wooden wagon.

Maylan launched a flare at a battered wooden wagon!

The wooden wagon grows warm to the touch then quickly cools off.

Ysharra sniffs at a battered wooden wagon.

Maylan whines at Lylia!

A burst of flames erupts from the ground and soon a furious fire begins consuming anything combustible there.

Now and again, resin in some burning wood is ignited by the flames and the fire hisses loudly. The sharp smell of the scorched resin permeates the air and invades your nostrils.

Lylia glares at Maylan.

The flames from Maylan's spell quickly ignite the wagon!

Lylia asks, "Why in the abyss would you do this?"

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Ysharra glances at Maylan.

Maylan says, "TOO LATE."

Madmountan cackles at Maylan!

Cruxophim fans his blood red-veined deep black wings and sweeps them forcefully in the direction of a crackling fire, but the sudden breeze does nothing to dislodge it.

Tetreves blinks at Maylan.

Claudaro turns to Maylan and cheers!

Neovik snickers.

Cruxophim fans his blood red-veined deep black wings and sweeps them forcefully in the direction of a crackling fire, but the sudden breeze does nothing to dislodge it.

Cruxophim fans his blood red-veined deep black wings and sweeps them forcefully in the direction of a crackling fire, but the sudden breeze does nothing to dislodge it.

Nairena pushes the hood of her spidersilk cloak back and lets it fall across her shoulders.

Cruxophim glances at a crackling fire and slowly exhales.

Cruxophim glances at a crackling fire and slowly exhales.

Speaking quietly to Maylan, Pukk exclaims, "You didn't let us loot through it first!"

Cruxophim glances at a crackling fire and slowly exhales.

Cruxophim glances at a crackling fire and slowly exhales.

Berost just came trudging in.

Pukk flails his arms about.

Cruxophim glances at a crackling fire and slowly exhales.

Flashes of gold illuminate the shadows momentarily.

Cruxophim bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.

Claudaro whispers the words to his spell, tracing his fingers across the sky. A vibrant stream of rainbow colors burst forth, streaming alongside his motions before dispersing into an imperceptible mist.

Cruxophim just went north.

Elphieya quietly says, "I checked inside it. I didn't see anything."

Ysharra says, "I wouldn't light many fires this close to Helga's."

(Lylia raises her voice to call to some passing guards.)

Speaking to Pukk, Maylan exclaims, "Feel free to loot through it now!"

Lylia firmly exclaims, "Arrest that woman for arson!"

The battered wagon begins to glow like a giant bonfire as the fire spreads across it.

You exclaim, "Someone, cast water on it!"

Pukk quietly exclaims, "I am alergic to fire!"

Rimo glances at a burning wooden wagon and slowly exhales.

Felita nods.

You remove an aquamarine wand from in your grey satchel.

Xorus removes an aquamarine wand from in his xenium-threaded backpack.

Claudaro looks at a crackling fire and cheers!

Tetreves asks, "Anyone have buckets yet?"

Elphieya's wings flutter, trembling slightly.

Xorus waves an aquamarine wand at a crackling fire.

Nothing happens.

You wave your aquamarine wand at a burning wooden wagon.

The aquamarine wand vibrates for a moment, then stops.

Tetreves gazes up into the sky.

High above Wehnimer's Landing a burst of fiery-orange light erupts in the sky, radiating outward and shining with intensity. The searing glow lingers in the air for a few moments before fading away. Suddenly militiamen take to the streets, rushing off in different directions as orders are shouted out amongst them.

You wave the aquamarine wand at a crackling fire.

The aquamarine wand vibrates for a moment, then stops.

Osellan says, "Oh boy. We need buckets."

Reciting the mystical phrases of his elemental spell, a rime of frost suddenly encircles Neopuron's ice blue eyes and infuses the whites of his ocular cavity with icy blue energy that dissipates as he releases his spell.

Neovik chuckles.

Lylia removes an aquamarine wand from in her wrap.

Elphieya quietly says, "Oh no."

Xorus waves an aquamarine wand at a crackling fire.

Nothing happens.

You put an aquamarine wand in your grey satchel.

Ensayn says, "Well atleast it's not smashed up against a bunch of buildings."

Tetreves says, "The rain has let up, too."

Nisugi makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...

Xorus raises an eyebrow.

Nisugi gestures.

Neopuron utters a phrase of magic as his fingertips drip with condensation.

Claudaro asks, "Do we?"

A strong breeze suddenly picks up and begins to blow around in different directions through the area!

Tetreves gazes up into the sky.

Cruxophim just arrived.

Cruxophim heaves an iron bucket onto the fire, which sputters and hisses!

Pukk quietly exclaims, "Quick everybody drink a bunch of ale and try to put out the fire!"

A nearby goodwife screams, "Hooliganism!"

Ysharra says, "I think it's too late."

Nairena's hands glow with power as she summons elemental energy to her command...

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Neopuron laughs!

Cruxophim heaves an iron bucket onto the fire, which sputters and hisses!

Claudaro glances at Maylan.

The night watchman, leading a group of deputies, strides swiftly in.

With great ease, the night watchman grabs Maylan and shackles her wrists.

"There you are! We don't tolerate your crimes in Wehnimer's Landing, no we don't! Come along now!" says the night watchman.

The night watchman then drags her off.