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Meeting Hall Organization/Official MHO Guide/Section 4/Event Ideas

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MHO Event Ideas

Culled from member suggestions and years of CHE and MHO events, here are several ideas in case you need some! Please feel free to add to this list, and as always, remember that the event requirements apply if you want credit (but not every event needs to be about getting credit!).

Service-Oriented Events
Use these alone, or combine services and make one big event! Players are always looking for magic, lockpicking, loresinging, etc.

  • Spell ups - Offer up magic and protections to players.
  • Locksmithing - Open those boxes!
  • Loresinging - Gather up those bards and offer singing services! This is especially useful after festivals like Ebon Gate!
  • Gem purification and chrism making
  • Guild assistance - Offer a master to help others gain ranks in their guild professions
  • Weapon/Armor assessments

Combat-Oriented Events

  • Adventurer's Guild Bounty Night - Take characters on bounty hunts and help them complete those bandit tasks!
  • General Hunting - Travel through different areas suitable to the character levels in your group.
  • Warcamp Night - Everyone loves a good warcamp!
  • Armor/Weapon Discussions and Forums - Everyone has questions about these things!
  • Voln Night - Slay the undead!
  • Fight Night! - CvC at its finest.

Holiday-Themed Events

  • Eve of the Reunion - Hold a ghost story night; Help people prepare for costume creations! Discuss different costume possibilities, brainstorm new and unique ways to get that perfect "look".
  • Day of Voaris and Laethe - Vow renewals, Secret Admirer (allow submission of messages prior to the event, or allow whispers; recite messages without giving away the admirer.)
  • Feast of the Immortals - Gift swaps, Secret "Santa" type events
  • Cholen's Eve - Sing songs, tell limericks, entertain the masses.

Profession/Race/Culture Events

  • <Profession> Night - Talk about the finer details of a specific profession. Discuss (IC, of course) advantages or disadvantages of choices.
  • <Race/Culture> Night - Talk about the races; Give historical information, share stories, discuss different cultures.
  • Animal Companions - Discuss different places a ranger can find that perfect companion.
  • Loresinging Class - So many bards don’t really know how to loresing. Teach ‘em right!
  • Ensorcell - How does this work anyway?
  • Sorcery - There’s lots of evil in sorcery. Discuss those things that only sorcerers know about - like, reanimation.
  • Cobbling - Teach players how to make shoes! Show them where they can find supplies.
  • Alchemy - Everyone loves alchemy, right? Offer up components, trade components, sell components.
  • Enchanting - Discuss various enchanting aspects, and the different tempering potions.
  • Foraging - Discuss different plants and areas you can find some of the more hard-to-find herbs and plants.
  • Plan a Commune

Miscellaneous Events

  • Fishing Tournament - teach people how to fish, hold a contest for the biggest catch.
  • Dart Tournament - teach people how to play darts, hold contests and give away prizes.
  • Siege Miniature Tournament
  • Star Gazing - Give some historical information or share lore about the constellations.
  • Scavenger Hunt - Make a list of random items that can be found. Be aware of the levels of characters that may be participating in the event. Offer prizes! Everyone loves prizes.
  • Storytelling - Share your stories, or have participants share their own stories.
  • Storytelling in the Round - Start the story with one sentence. Have each participant add an additional sentence to the story. Continue through a few rounds of participants until you have a silly story that you can then share.
  • History Night - Share experiences or lore of events in history. (IE: GSS, Kobold Bank Robbery, Grishom Stone Saga) Help bring people up to date!
  • Museum Tours - There are museums in various towns, and they have lots of history in them! Many don't even know the museums exist. Take them on a tour!
  • Walkabouts - These are great ways to share little known facts about different locations in town or the surrounding environs.
  • Dance/Ball - Let people dress up, teach them how to dance
  • Simon Says - Have players copy what you do!
  • Shrine Walk - visit the local shrines, discuss the different deities.
  • Pub Crawls - Do you know about a special drinking hole that has special drinks? Hold a drinking game while you’re there!
  • Rally - Similar to a scavenger hunt, but with checkpoints along the way. These events tend to take more time than some of the other events, and can require help from additional groups.
  • Fortunetelling - Read tea leaves, or use other props to tell everyone what’s in store for them in the future.
  • Gambling Night - How do you gamble, where do you gamble, and how the heck do you play DragonBones?
  • Trivia Night - How much do you REALLY know?