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Mist Harbor Library Lectures - 2024-05-19 - Igaeshan Divination (log)
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The following was a part of the Mist Harbor Library lecture series, where Lylia took her first turn as a guest speaker. This was presented on 19th Ivastaen, 5124. The lecture discussed the complexities of Igaeshan Divination Practices.
The log has been edited to remove excess noise and chatter.
[Library, Meeting Hall] A trio of wide stairs lead down from a wide archway into this brightly lit room. A small podium stands atop a small dais opposite the archway, and several cushioned benches have been arranged throughout the space, each offering an excellent line of sight. A number of elliptical windows line the walls of the hall, and a rich crimson-patterned carpet covers the entirety of the floor underfoot. You also see a makeshift table of linden planks propped on stacks of old books with some stuff on it and a small table with some stuff on it. Also here: Loremaster Rohese, Lord Kothos who is sitting, Rivienne who is sitting, Xorus who is sitting, Myharl who is sitting, Corlyne who is sitting, Yunni who is sitting, Lord Teveriel who is sitting, Bathcwyn Missoni who is sitting, Meril who is sitting, Strategist Agathilea who is sitting Rohese brightly explains, "As I'm sure you are all aware by now, the aim is to provide a platform for imparting knowledge and encouraging discussion." Rohese wrinkles her nose. Rohese gently reminds, "I ask that everyone be considerate to our speaker, as well as those who comment or ask questions." Rohese nods appreciatively. Rohese softly continues, "All opinions are welcome and indeed encouraged, as long as they are courteously expressed." Rohese excitedly says, "I am especially delighted that our speaker agreed to be here today." Rohese softly says, "We have had so many wonderful speakers over the years and I often wonder if they can be bettered." Rohese softly says, "Well ..." Rohese smiles quietly to herself. Lylia murmurs, "With an introduction like that..." Lylia gazes fondly at Rohese. Lylia puts her hand to her heart and inclines her head in an eloquent gesture of acknowledgement. Lylia warmly says, "Thank you. Thank you all for the welcome." Lylia carefully places her black wooden easel on the floor. Lylia carefully places a hand-painted white schematic on the floor. Lylia says, "Today, I would like to speak to you on Igaeshian reading, a form of Faendryl divination." Lylia says, "It is the nature of every thinking being with a sense of past and future to seek a greater understanding of these, yet while we can know much of the former, the latter is veiled to our sight." Lylia says, "Yet we are not content with mere acceptance of what may come." Lylia passionately says, "We burn to pierce that veil, to tear it away and see what our future holds, either personally or collectively." Lylia muses, "I cannot offhand think of any extant culture, nor any to my knowledge that have perished, that did not have some means of foretelling, however hazy such readings may be. There is always that hunger to know the unknowable." (Lylia paces from behind the podium as she talks, clearly warming to the subject.) Lylia says, "Let us consider divination methods. Think of krolvin haruspicy, in which the entrails of beasts or vanquished foes are the means through which the future purportedly reveals itself. Look at Aldoran stone-tenders and their colorful gems. The Nalfein have their deck of the Black Rose, reading futures in flowers." Lylia says, "Although their methods could hardly be more different, all would-be fortunetellers ascribe meaning to signs and portents revealed by the tools they use. Indeed, the tools hardly matter, and almost anything can be used for divination." Lylia grabs a glass sigil-etched vial from inside her cutwork leather satchel. Lylia continues, "Dice, dachre images, flower-strewn cards, scrying mirrors, crystal spheres, knuckle-bones, seed pods..." She turns the bejeweled glass and metal vessel in her hand, displaying its notched lid. The slender vessel's base fits neatly into her palm, and the glass chamber is about as long as her forearm. "...and in the case of the Faendryl, demons." Lylia says, "Welcome to the newcomers. We are talking of Faendryl divination today." Lylia says, "Specifically, Igaeshian reading." Lylia says, "Igaeshian reading is the traditional practice of seeing the future written in smoke and mist, the trails of an Igaesha fleeing its glass-walled chamber and leaving a message that skilled readers may interpret." Lylia says, "This is an Igaeshian vial, expertly wrought to contain the summoned entity until it makes its way back to its own valence, leaving only traces of its passage within the vessel." Lylia tilts her sigil-etched vial side to side, making the light play off it. Lylia explains, "Igaesha are not simply objects like coins or cards. They are alive in some sense of the word, and they are not woven of the same matter as our world." Lylia says, "They are a kind of demon, drifting through alien skies in Lorae'tyr, a valence both familiar to the Faendryl and shrouded in mystery." Lylia says, "We have had exciting glimpses of sentience from them, but the nature of that intelligence is so foreign as to be unrecognizable. They are both individual and collective, flocking and parting according to unknown impulses." Lylia briskly says, "Only once to my knowledge has one chosen to communicate, and further studies are limited by Shieltine's Ward, a Faendryl proscription against travel to Lorae'tyr." (Lylia's eyes narrow in a fleeting expression of irritation as she mentions Shieltine's Ward, but she quickly moves on.) Lylia asserts, "One of the most important characteristics of Lorae'tyr is that it does not experience time in a linear fashion as we do. That is, we see time as a single 'now' that moves with us, along with an array of pasts and futures stretching out in ever-widening ripples around that point, a sort of hourglass in which we are forever at the narrowest point." Lylia adds, "I hope you are all comfortable with metaphors, as we shall be sharing space with a great many of them today." Lylia flashes a quick grin. Lylia carefully says, "Now, while I would not presume to speak on other divination methods and their accuracy, I can say that many Faendryl diviners feel they have a particular advantage in using the sole tool of the trade that is outside of time's flow altogether and may therefore offer a truer picture." Lylia says, "If we are within that hourglass at its narrow point, then Lorae'tyr is outside of it altogether." Lylia says, "Or to put it another way..." You bite your lip. Lylia cautions, "Much of the theory is abstruse, and I warn against taking the following metaphor too literally, but think of it thus." Lylia explains, "We may liken our comprehension of time to walking along a shoreline. If we turn and look, our footprints trace our way across the sands, even though distance and the tide may erase a portion of our path from our view." You turn around. Agathilea nods once. (Lylia looks along the path she's just paced.) Lylia says, "Even so, we still know with certainty where we have been, while we can only speculate upon the sands we shall walk ahead. They are as yet unmarked, and we may not know what we shall encounter along the way toward our destination -- or perhaps what that destination may be." Lylia muses, "But how does our walk along the shore look to a ship at sea?" Kothos nods slowly to you. Lylia says, "From that perspective, removed from the linear path we traverse and sailing the dark waters beyond it, a watcher might note landmarks that are not yet in our view. Such an observer would see where we have been and where we are headed in one panoramic sweep of a spy-glass." Lylia admits, "Even this is an imperfect metaphor, bound as it is to time, as our distant observer must watch for a span to take in the entire scene." Agathilea stares into space, appearing to ponder multiple possibilities and potential nuances. Ordim nods knowingly. Lylia offers, "Yet it captures some of the essence of Igaeshian reading: that some entity outside of time leaves traces of its path through our valence, and those traces may have deeper meaning to those with the skill and training to read them." Lylia asks, "Are there any questions so far before I forge ahead with a more in-depth discussion of readings?" Lylia carefully places a glass sigil-etched vial on the floor. Agathilea raises her hand. Lylia asks, "Ah, yes?" Rohese's expression is thoughtful, but her furrowed brow indicates she's working something out for herself. Speaking to Lylia, Agathilea asks, "Just making sure that the vial will contain the contents?" Agathilea says, "Or should I be at the ready." You firmly say, "Yes. Until such time as the Igaesha within flees, that is, and they immediately return to Lorae'tyr." Speaking relievedly to you, Agathilea says, "Thank you." Rohese lets out a sigh of relief. Kothos raises his hand. Rohese relievedly says, "I don't think I could explain the presence of a demon to the librarian." Lylia says, "This vial is empty. Perhaps I can fill it later, if anyone is interested. But today, it is only the vessel with which we concern ourselves." Lylia says, "Of course." Lylia asks, "Yes, lovely?" Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "Thank you, Imperatrix, like calls to like." Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "You mentioned perspective in your example." Speaking to Lylia, Kothos asks, "Is it possible that their native valence's notorious timeshifting gives them a similar point of view?" Kothos asks, "And that we, being creatures of our own universe, see this as a form of prognostication?" Lylia says, "You mean, being from one 'point,' to to speak, they are all working within the same perspective? Well, that is one of the things I wish we could study in greater depth." Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "Not just you." Lylia says, "Shieltine's Ward prevents a great deal of study that we would otherwise..." She trails off. "But of course, I would not gainsay Patriarchal wisdom in this matter." Lylia clears her throat. Lylia says, "But let us pick up the threads of destiny where we have let them lie for a moment." Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "Thank you, my friend." Lylia says, "Now, with no further questions ahead, I shall forge ahead to the specifics of Igaeshian readings and the philosophy behind them." (Lylia gives a haughty little sniff before launching into the next portion of her talk.) Lylia imperiously asserts, "The idea of no longer being masters of our own fate is anathema to the Faendryl as a whole." Lylia counters, "Yet if fortunetelling seeks to provide questioners with a certain grasp of what lies ahead, then it suggests the future is preordained. If that is so, then ineluctable fate controls us, and that cannot be." Lylia asks, "How do we resolve this seeming paradox of looking for guidance about a future we cannot see and yet declaring ourselves unconstrained by the very portents we seek?" Lylia says, "Something my mother told me when I was barely grown is a remarkably good way to resolve such a conflict. She told me that if I had trouble making an important decision, I should flip a coin." Lylia confesses, "I thought this was an outrageous answer, as surely my decisions were more important than a casual coin-flip could decide. She assured me that the coin flip was not deciding for me, but that my own hope as to how it would fall told me which direction I should take." Lylia emphatically says, "The lesson seemed simple, but the guiding principle behind it is one I still embrace: We rule our destiny, and any method of divination is a means of understanding that destiny more clearly, not of being controlled by it." Rohese nods. Rohese nods understandingly. Yunni ponders. Lylia says, "Each Igaeshian reader must confront the question of self-determination, and each must answer for herself whether the symbols she sees are signposts offering guidance or marching orders that must be obeyed. I am of the former opinion." Lylia points out, "I did say 'she,' and for a reason: Igaeshian readers are women, historically. There is no official proscription against male readers, and they are certainly as capable of summoning Igaesha. Yet millennia of custom passed down along matrilineal connections does afford Faendryl women an advantage in knowing the symbols and their significance." Lylia says, "And speaking of these symbols, there are hundreds, some of which are hotly disputed between Igaeshian readers as to their validity and meanings. Other symbols are quite common and known to all readers. My own work has focused mainly on these as they are the most widely understood." Lylia says, "It would be impossible to offer even a brief overview of these symbols today, lest this library lecture last until Lumnea." Rohese softly giggles. Lylia offhandedly adds, "There are texts in the Faendryl Enclave's Alabaster Spire that detail symbols with a great deal of common consensus about their meaning." Lylia says, "Suffice it to say that the symbols are the 'words' of the Igaeshian reading, and a talented reader can put them into sentences and paragraphs that tell a coherent, even eloquent tale, sometimes offering readings that change the course of history." Lylia continues, "If we extend this metaphor, then any language must have syntax and structure. This is what the vial provides, offering as it does nine arcs of influence." Lylia dryly remarks, "I did warn you there would be metaphors." (Lylia indicates the notched surface of the vial's lid and turns to the larger diagram on the easel behind her, pointing at each item on the list as she talks.) Lylia explains, "The nine arcs of influence give context to the images within the vessel. This larger notch here marks where the reader starts so she may know in which arc the symbols appear." Lylia says, "For example, if we were to see conjoined Rings in this arc of romance..." (Lylia moves to the diagram and indicates the fifth segment on its hinged lid with the tap of a manicured nail.) Lylia continues, "It almost certainly portends a marriage. If such a sign were instead in the first arc, the realm of the mind, it may connote a puzzle to be solved. Were it in the arc of wealth, it could suggest a sudden windfall." Lylia says, "Now, let us return to those Rings in the fifth arc. Are they positioned high or low within the vessel, and how close to the center are they? The higher a symbol appears, the greater its import or influence; Rings high within the arc would therefore suggest a propitious match with a successful partner or partners. Such a position could also mean a wedding with far-reaching implications, such as marrying into an influential family." Rohese quietly remarks, "That's already my favourite arc." Lylia says, "I am rather familiar with it myself." Lylia flutters her eyelashes at Xorus. Xorus winks at Lylia. Lylia says, "If those Rings were placed near the center of the vial, such a symbol might mean the questioner is already close to the prospective spouse, or that the seeker may expect a proposal sooner rather than later." You note, "Proximity, as you can see, may reveal either closeness in relationship or in time, status or influence. Context is key, and this is why great Igaeshian readers are highly paid and sought by the most influential Faendryl families." Lylia says, "Some readers are in such demand that they maintain entire rooms of vials, setting alarms on the vessels to alert them to a newly fled Igaesha so the reader may observe the symbols immediately. While symbols may be fixed in wax, they otherwise dissipate over time, so it is vital to read them as soon as possible." You quietly say, "One infamous example of a symbol lost to time that may have changed the course of destiny was a reading for Aralyte Halanori Faendryl, lost to us now for many years in the shadowed realm of Althedeus." Lylia continues, "The reader who was to offer her guidance before she traveled to Wehnimer's Landing delayed her reading until one symbol was too ill-defined to interpret. Could it have offered a means for Blade Aralyte to escape along with us? Could it suggest there may still be some way to reach her? not know." You sorrowfully say, "That knowledge is lost to time, and as we are not in Lorae'tyr, we cannot still time's flow." Lylia closes her eyes for a moment. Lylia briskly says, "But let us turn to our own future and to a specific example. I have here a vial that I prepared with the help of Xorus Kul'shin, who graciously allowed to be the subject of my reading." Lylia says, "I hardly had to twist his arm at all." (Xorus rubs his arm.) Lylia says, "He chose a rather open-ended question, one that leaves a great deal of room for interpretation..." Lylia grabs a glass black steel-set vial filled with a pale silver vapor from inside her cutwork leather satchel. Speaking quietly to Xorus, Kothos says, "You look mostly recovered." Lylia glances meaningfully at Xorus. Lylia remarks, "He asked, 'When will the Faendryl rule this land?' I presume he meant the Landing, as that is where we had this discussion." Rohese raises an eyebrow. Lylia says, "Mist Harbor is probably outside the purview of Patriarchal expansion at this time." Lylia flashes a quick grin. Lylia points out, "Whether the question was ironic or earnest is irrelevant to the reading, by the way. I do not always know myself when Xorus jests, if he was simply seeing the extent of my limited reading capabilities, or if he sought a true vision -- but the symbols within the jar seem to take it all seriously enough." Lylia carefully turns her black steel-set vial around by roughly thirty degrees, taking note of the smoke patterns within. Lylia deadpans, "Two symbols predominate -- indeed, they fill the space. This is not surprising, as what could be more all-encompassing a question than absolute rule?" Lylia holds her black steel-set vial up, stretching her arm out to look at it from a distance, then bringing it back close to herself. [The details in the pale silver vapor banner patterning become much clearer to you when you tilt the vial away from you. Though somewhat triangular in nature, this banner is uneven in areas, the stitching on its fabric clearly done with poor skill and unfinished so that the edges fray horribly. Further, the banner's pole is splintered up the middle. Having gathered information on the first symbol, you shift your eyes to the second pattern that the vapor has left: You dip your gaze slightly, and then re-focus, allowing the smaller intricacies in the pale silver vapor patterning of the grik to better fill your sight. The squat grik, with three talons for fingers on each hand, seems to be standing rigidly still. Its wings are folded against its back, and its slit-pupiled eyes are narrowed between its double eyelids.] Lylia carefully places a glass black steel-set vial filled with a pale silver vapor on the floor. Rohese leans forward. Rohese gazes thoughtfully at a glass black steel-set vial filled with a pale silver vapor. Lylia says, "You may be able to observe some signs within the vial yourselves." Lylia says, "Although from that distance, it may be a challenge." Lylia notes, "You may see within the Banner and the Grik." Rohese disappointedly says, "A wisp of something silvery." Lylia says, "Banners suggest a battle, usually one that involves victory of some sort for the querent. This Banner is in poor condition, however, and the pole upon which it is lofted is riven down its center. Its edges are frayed, drifting into misty tatters." Lylia wryly observes, "I do not think it requires a great deal of skill to suggest that Faendryl triumph is some ways off." Speaking softly to Kothos, Rohese huffs, "I'm clearly not very good at this!" Lylia says, "Specifically, I would say this reading suggests a lack of unity, a split purpose; there is not currently a unified will to draw the northern reaches under the protective Patriarchal aegis." Missoni nods understandingly. Speaking soothingly to Rohese, Kothos says, "Lylia has been at this for centuries now." Speaking to Rohese, Lylia consoles, "It is likely a matter of not having the vial closer." Speaking sympathetically to Rohese, Kothos says, "I cannot see much else, myself." Lylia allows, "This reading fits with other readings from New Ta'Faendryl, and although I am not a reader by profession -- and I have only been at it for decades, not centuries, I must confess, Kothos -- it suffices to say in answer to Xorus' question that the time is not nigh." Speaking softly to Lylia, Rohese says, "More likely I'm not very good at it but thank you for being kind." Lylia says, "And what of the Grik, a sign of internecine conflict or of hard work, depending on how the symbol is favored? This Grik is quiescent; it keeps itself unto itself, folding its wings close to its body. You could almost describe it as having a demeanor of waiting." Lylia says, "So, in offering Xorus this reading, I would say 'no time soon,' but of course offering greater detail would require greater study. I might tell him that more unity of purpose and ambition to bring the region into the full Faendryl embrace is needed, that he must stir the passions of Faendryl in the city and abroad to work toward this common goal -- to mend the Banner, if you will." Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Always asking the big, difficult questions." Lylia grins slowly at Xorus. Lylia cautions, "Igaeshian readers must, however, take care not to advise too strongly nor to serve themselves with their readings. They are expected to share the narrative the symbols suggest, but they should not bend that tale to arrive at their own lucrative ends." Lylia says, "As you can well imagine, it is a position of some power, especially for those who are more...credulous, shall we say." Lylia says, "To do so is punishable by removal from the Readers' guild or worse. With such confidences as Igaeshian readers hold, they must be held to a high standard." Lylia says, "Thus, I could tell Xorus what I saw and suggest some means of resolution, but I could not put myself forward as the one who could mend the Banner as that would be using the reading to advance my own purposes." Lylia quips, "Besides, I have other matters to see to before I conquer all that I survey." Speaking lightly to Lylia, Rohese exclaims, "And an outfit to pick out!" Kothos says, "Made humble by duty." Xorus says, "If only there were a Matriarch Lylia to mend the banner and usher forth destiny..." Lylia offers, "If you wish, now that they have been used for demonstration -- with emphasis on the 'demon' -- please feel free to pick up and examine the vials, both the empty one and the one containing the symbols." Lylia chuckles at Xorus. Ordim gazes thoughtfully at a glass black steel-set vial filled with a pale silver vapor. Tenacity reaches out and touches a glass sigil-etched vial. Tenacity's body is wracked by a sudden fit of convulsions setting her body shaking from wing to toe! Tenacity's face turns slightly pale. Lylia says, "And with that demonstration of an actual reading, made possible by Xorus and his challenging question, I --" Speaking to Tenacity, Lylia asks, "Are you all right?" Tenacity says, "My nerves will not take it I think." Agathilea nods sympathetically at Tenacity. Speaking to Rohese, Kothos asks, "Would you like to have a closer look?" Kothos says, "Lady Elaejia? You have a curious mind, I know." Speaking softly to Kothos, Rohese says, "I wouldn't dream of touching the tools of another practitioner of divination." Lylia says, "Close observation of the vial containing the symbols may reveal more to your sight." Speaking to Kothos, Elaejia says, "I would, indeed." Speaking softly to Elaejia, Rohese cautions, "Have a care, my friend." Speaking to Elaejia, Kothos says, "I don't have any ill effects. Yet. No extra limbs or scales." Lylia says, "Ah, the beauty of Igaeshian vials is that they may be prepared by another for use. They are not resonant with a single diviner but with the entity inside, so they are not so particular about who handles them." (Myharl politely raises his hand.) Lylia nods at Myharl. Speaking curiously to Lylia, Myharl asks, "The future is not all that is brumed in mystery. Much of the past is lost to memory. Being beings outside of time as we experience it, can this method be used to delve the mysteries of the past as well?" Lylia murmurs, "What a fascinating question." Lylia gazes admiringly at Myharl. Elaejia admits, "I arrived late to the talk - is it these light scratches that are observed in the reading?" Lylia says, "Limited experiments on seeing the deep past have been conducted, yes. I am not a member of the Readers' guild, but there have been some promising results." Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air. Speaking quietly to Rohese, Kothos says, "Imagine the landscape of Lorae'tyr, with the horizons laden with the Igaesha." Rohese's face turns slightly pale. Speaking softly to Kothos, Rohese confesses, "I'm trying not to, to be honest." Lylia continues, "It is, of course, a challenge to ascertain whether we see what we wish to see when looking at readings of past events, for after all, we already know the outcome." Speaking to Myharl, Lylia asks, "I hope that answers your question well?" Speaking deeply to Lylia, Myharl says, "Thank you. Perhaps I can delve further into that. I appreciate it." Myharl nods gratefully. Elaejia holds her black steel-set vial away from herself while carefully examining at it, then brings it close to her face, tilting it slightly and staring at it for a long moment. Ordim raises his hand. Speaking to Elaejia, Lylia asks, "Do you see what I described, or are you seeing other figures within the mists?" Speaking slowly to Lylia, Elaejia agrees, "I believe I have the trick of it, now." Elaejia uncertainly says, "Though I would not have been able to identify that creature without your having said it was a grik." Lylia says, "Readers may disagree about some ambiguous symbols, but this one was quite clear to me." Elaejia murmurs, "Quite fascinating. Do they manifest other sorts of creatures as well?" Lylia says, "I believe even the untutored eye may see truths; you would doubtless have recognized its posture even if you could not name its sort." Lylia replies, "Other creatures, even sometimes faces, although that is quite rare and considered a particularly strong portent." Speaking gently to Lylia, Rohese notes, "I believe the little one at the back had a question too." Rohese glances over her shoulder at Ordim. Lylia asks, "Would anyone else wish to look at the vial and observe it more closely?" Elaejia says, "I suspect having been prompted with your expert reading, I may be ill suited to see anything other than what you described." Speaking to Ordim, Lylia asks, "Ah, good -- forgive me for having missed you earlier. What would you like to know?" Lylia says, "That is also the challenge with readings, as to Myharl's question: When we have already had our ideas fixed and pinned to the board, it is harder to see those that may be flitting about our heads still and have not yet been identified." Speaking to Lylia, Ordim asks, "If the Iaegasha experience time differently, wouldn't they know they would be trapped, or rather, willingly allow themselves to be, and thus couldn't it be possible that they would also know about their use and perhaps influence that for their own purposes?" Ordim fidgets. Lylia simply says, "I wish I knew." Speaking softly to Ordim, Rohese commends, "What an interesting insight!" Myharl deeply says, "So bias serves to further obscure." Lylia says, "Igaesha are...a great puzzle and mystery. They do seem to have some degree of sentience, if not sapience -- and we have seen that as well, in fact, albeit vanishingly rarely." Speaking to Myharl, Lylia says, "Yes, we should all be rigorous about being aware of our biases, for I do not think we can ever fully shed them." Kothos says, "Life takes so many amazing forms and forces." Ordim offers, "They make funny noises and have fun colors too." Ordim grins crookedly. Lylia says, "It is possible that they could bend matters to their whims, but we do not know if they even have whims." Speaking softly to you, Rohese says, "Lady Mandaire has indicated that she also has a question if you have the time." Speaking to Ordim, Kothos says, "I have often wondered if the noise they make when they escape is purposefully teasing the reader." Speaking to Rivienne, Lylia says, "I would love to hear it and hope to have an answer." Rivienne asks, "Speaking of bias...The method is undoubtedly different, and there are certainly no otherworldly beings involved, but the actual reading seems remarkably similar to Loenthran tasseomancy. The symbols, their size and location in a vessel. Have you ever noticed any parallels?" Speaking brightly to Rivienne, Rohese agrees, "I had the same thought!" Missoni looks thoughtfully at Rivienne. Speaking quietly to Rivienne, Rohese admits, "Any excuse for a cup of tea." Lylia says, "As a matter of fact, yes -- and I have long wondered whether it is a sign of the ties our Houses once had so long ago or whether it is a case of convergent happenstance, being the most intuitive and logical means to read such signs." Ordim mouths, "Tasseomancy." Lylia says, "I prefer to think it is the former." Ordim works his fingers under his cast iron stew pot and scratches his head. Rivienne says, "As do I." Lylia says, "Tea leaves." Elaejia thoughtfully muses, "I wonder if it might be possible to design questions meant to divine more about the Igaesha themselves." Speaking to Elaejia, Lylia says, "Undoubtedly, there are some Clerisy Readers engaged in that very thing." Lylia says, "Seeing as we cannot go to Lorae'tyr to investigate, we must take the opportunities we can." Lylia purses her lips in disapproval. You ask, "Were there any questions I missed?" Rohese glances around the room. Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "It seems it would give the Faendryl ranger's guild a lot of new tasks...if not for the Ward." Rohese softly notes, "Then it just leaves me to say that it was another fascinating lecture and what excellent discussion today. Thank you, as always." Rohese appreciatively concludes, "I am sure you will all join me in showing your appreciation for our esteemed speaker." Lylia puts her hand to her heart and inclines her head in an eloquent and distinctly Faendryl gesture of acknowledgement. Lylia adds, "And thank you for the fascinating questions! You have given me so much to think about."