Morph Banishment Experiment

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Morph Banishment Experiment

This log is from the viewpoint of Iscikella Zinnonn. All second person references, therefore, refer to said character.

Leyan, day 11 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5103

[Foothills, Snowy Trail] The curving hillside is covered with pine and maple, their snow burdened branches creaking in the fierce winds. The only break in the forest is along the barren face of a sheer rock slope just to the north. At its base, a deep mound of snow buries all but the roots of a few splintered trees. Eastwards, a snowy trail winds its way across the foothills. You also see the Errethe disk, a lesser ice giant, a swirling mist, a snowshoe hare that is sitting, a rock ptarmigan that is flying around, a v'reen morph that appears stunned and a narrow gorge to the south. Also here: Errethe, Mekthros, Lord Maeror, Pheyrmerrin, Desorceri, Tayre, Great Lord Khaitiff Obvious paths: east

Khaitiff coldly says, "I'm good"

Tayre traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition... Tayre gestures. A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.

Pheyrmerrin traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Khaitiff traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Mekthros exclaims, "Tayre!"

The cold arctic winds begin to whip around you violently!

Daina steps out of the swirling mist. The swirling mist begins to speed up as it spirals back into the opening and fades away.

Tayre says, "It's bound"

Tayre says, "And stunned."

Tayre says, "Etc."

Errethe calmly says, "Well done"

Pheyrmerrin asks, "Keep it pinned! Who sanctified the place?"

Mekthros says, "We can't re-stun it now."

Desorceri says, "we need it stay bound"

Tayre says, "I did."

Tayre stares off into space.

Mekthros says, "Tayre, out."

You say, "Not me."

Tayre says, "Iscikella can bind in a sanct."

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

Mekthros nods.

Mekthros says, "Very well."

Desorceri traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Khaitiff traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Pheyrmerrin says, "Perhaps she can, but I did not practice in a sanctuary. The spiritual forces surrounding one might cause problems."

Desorceri says, "We need to attack it after the ritual"

Tayre says, "I didn't want another critter killing it."

(Errethe moves out of Pheyrmerrin's way.)

Tayre says, "Ah"

Tayre says, "well then."

Pheyrmerrin nods to Tayre.

Mekthros says, "Drop the sanctuary."

Tayre says, "Let me know when it falls"

Daina nods to Tayre.

Tayre just went east.

Mekthros nods.

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Hold it well."

Pheyrmerrin nods to you.

Maeror utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid... Maeror gestures at a v'reen morph. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph avoids a little of the webbing.

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

The webs dissolve from around a v'reen morph.

Maeror utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid... Maeror gestures at a v'reen morph. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards a v'reen morph. Warded off! A v'reen morph avoids the webbing.

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

Desorceri utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid... Desorceri gestures at a v'reen morph. Strands of webbing shoot forth towards a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph is firmly webbed in place.

Desorceri gulps.

With the tip of his staff, Pheyrmerrin quickly traces a circle around the perimeter of the v'reen morph, stepping inside the circle's boundary as he finishes it.

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Now, then... it just requires this sanctuary to fail."

You say, "That could take a bit unfortunately."

Maeror asks, "would it drop faster if i killed tayre..?"

Khaitiff chuckles.

You look at Maeror and shake your head.

Desorceri grins at Maeror.

Desorceri chuckles.

Mekthros says, "It drops two minutes after the caster leaves the area."

Maeror says, "it should drop soon"

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

Mekthros says, "So soon."

A v'reen morph is able to move again. The webs dissolve from around a v'reen moph.

Pheyrmerrin inspects one of the lines creating the containment circle.

Pheyrmerrin exclaims, "Hold it!"

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

Desorceri sighs.

Pheyrmerrin gives a sigh of relief.

The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.

Mekthros says, "I am going to have to beat Tayre after this."

Khaitiff gestures at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is badly stunned!

Pheyrmerrin scuffs out the containment line and then redraws it again more carefully.

Daina says, "There it goes"

Maeror says, "ah there we go"

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

Maeror yells, "tayre!"

Pheyrmerrin says, "Someone yell for him."

Daina says, "Sanct is gone"

Tayre just arrived.

Daina grins at Tayre.

Pheyrmerrin takes a deep breath.

You see a fairly typical v'reen morph. It appears to be in good shape. It is stunned. It appears to be frozen in place. It has a tendril of amorphous goo.

Tayre yawns.

Pheyrmerrin dips his hand inside a pocket of his cloak and then quickly dusts the morph's gooey body with a fine, faintly silvery-green powder.

Flashes of iridescence burst from the morph's body as the powder strikes its flesh, and the creature twists and keens miserably, though it cannot escape its bonds.

Tayre says, "I think.. it's frozen..."

The ground begins to ripple and a v'reen morph flows upward out of it!

Tayre says, "Oh"

Mekthros traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Mekthros gestures at a v'reen morph. Warded off!

Daina says, "Eep"

Tayre gibbers incoherently.

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

Desorceri traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Desorceri gestures at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is massively stunned!

Pheyrmerrin places his palm flat against the morph's gelatinous forehead, shuddering in disgust as he does so, and then chants a litany of twisting arcane syllables.

Tayre traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment... Tayre gestures at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

Tayre says, "Weee."

A bolt of iridescent energy lashes from the v'reen morph within the circle to strike the v'reen morph outside the circle. The second v'reen morph is frozen!

Mekthros says, "Keep the second one stunned."

You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell... You gesture at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! A v'reen morph suddenly stops all movement.

Daina hoots.

Desorceri traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Desorceri gestures at a v'reen morph. Warding failed! Its eyes flash with a searing jolt of light! It is massively stunned!

Pheyrmerrin says, "No need..."

Pheyrmerrin says, "They are both frozen, now."

Khaitiff coldly says, "Excellent"

You say, "Good."

Khaitiff chuckles.

Pheyrmerrin says, "I had not been certain that would work, but the containment of the first will hold the second, so long as the circle is unbroken."

Tayre yawns.

Tayre says, "It's frozen."

Tayre gives Desorceri a little prod between the shoulder blades.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Now, then..."

Pheyrmerrin takes a deep breath.

Pheyrmerrin raises his staff high overhead as he completes his incantation.

Desorceri says, "I'm doing as advised."

The body of the v'reen morph within the circle shimmers slowly out of existence.

Maeror says, "hmm..."

Maeror rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Pheyrmerrin quickly steps out of the circle.

Mekthros ponders.

You say, "Hmmm..."

Tayre says, "I didn't do it."

You say, "One gone."

Pheyrmerrin says, "Brace yourselves. The fragment should appear in a moment."

Mekthros asks, "Where is the remainder?"

Mekthros nods.

Desorceri nods to Pheyrmerrin.

The cold arctic winds begin to whip around you violently!

Pheyrmerrin shivers in the freezing wind. A frosty blow to the neck. Bet that smarts! Pheyrmerrin has been injured by the gale!

Khaitiff shivers in the freezing wind. Khaitiff winces at the cold blast to the left arm. Khaitiff has been injured by the gale!

Tayre says, "Ick"

A pillar of shadow swirls into existence in the center of the circle of protection, and coalesces into the form of a v'reen morph, which gazes out of the circle with dark red, hate-filled eyes.

Daina says, "Bah, stupid wind."

Zosopage's group climbed up a narrow gorge to the south.

Mekthros says, "So who wants to attack it first."

Errethe calmly says, "I think its mad."

Maeror says, "there it is"

Tazelhoffe gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid... Tazelhoffe gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. Nothing happens.

Maeror points at a shadowy v'reen morph.

Pheyrmerrin inspects the shadowy v'reen morph carefully.

Daina stares at a shadowy v'reen morph.

Tazelhoffe gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid... Sraven gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. Nothing happens.

Svardin says, "hmm"

Tazelhoffe starts chortling.

Tayre blinks.

Mekthros glances at Pheyrmerrin.

Svardin peers quizzically at Pheyrmerrin.

Desorceri begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones... Desorceri gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. Nothing happens.

Khaitiff coldly says, "I wouldnt cast at it yet"

Theogrim ponders.

Pheyrmerrin traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. Nothing happens.

Cromellach lunges forth and ambushes an unsuspecting mound of snow mercilessly but to little effect.

Errethe points at a shadowy v'reen morph.

Pheyrmerrin frowns.

Errethe glances at a shadowy v'reen morph.

Daina says, "Erm..."

Pheyrmerrin begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones... Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. Nothing happens.

Khaitiff rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Zosopage says, "Atoyoz, scout for an opening"

Daina draws an intricately glowing pattern in the air before her. Warding failed! A v'reen morph appears to relax and become calm. Warding failed! Jystema's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over her. Jystema is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Keloin's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him. Keloin is unaffected by the patterns. Warded off! Maeror is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Sherysse's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over her. Sherysse is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Tayre's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him. Tayre is unaffected by the patterns. Warded off! Sraven is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Josslyn's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over her. Josslyn is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Mythos's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him. Mythos is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Scaxton's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him. Scaxton is unaffected by the patterns. Warded off! Desorceri is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Sapphirea's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over her. Sapphirea is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Svardin's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him. Svardin is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Evelith's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over her. Evelith is unaffected by the patterns. Warded off! Tazelhoffe is unaffected by the patterns. Warded off! Atoyoz is unaffected by the patterns. Warded off! Pheyrmerrin is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Codwyr's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him. Codwyr is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Ichiko's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over her. Ichiko is unaffected by the patterns. Warded off! Khaitiff is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Valqon's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him. Valqon is unaffected by the patterns. Warded off! Mekthros is unaffected by the patterns. Warded off! You are unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Errethe's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him. Errethe is unaffected by the patterns. Warded off! Zosopage is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Theogrim's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him. Theogrim is unaffected by the patterns. Warding failed! Cromellach's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him. Cromellach is unaffected by the patterns.

Desorceri gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. Nothing happens.

Cromellach says, "Oho. My sword ain't effective against it."

Tazelhoffe makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase... Tazelhoffe gestures. A calm washes over a v'reen morph.

Atoyoz blinks.

Errethe just touched a shadowy v'reen morph.

Atoyoz searches around for a moment.

Mekthros glances at Daina.

Sraven traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment... Sraven gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. Nothing happens.

Tayre gives Daina a little prod between the shoulder blades.

Desorceri mutters under his breath.

Tayre grins.

Maeror glances at Daina.

Errethe just tried to pull a shadowy v'reen morph.

Tazelhoffe gestures at a v'reen morph. A v'reen morph is enraged by Tazelhoffe's attack! Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath a v'reen morph! Several of the thorns jab into the morph! Shot shatters hip and severs right leg! A v'reen morph falls to the ground grasping its mangled right leg! Shot shatters shoulder and severs left arm! Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!

Atoyoz just went east.

Daina says, "Bah I'm sorry"

Tazelhoffe gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid... Tazelhoffe gestures at a v'reen morph. Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath a v'reen morph! Several of the thorns jab into the morph! Strike to wrist severs right hand! The morph's amorphous goo falls to the ground. A v'reen morph collapses into a quivering gelatinous mass that finally stops shaking.

Daina says, "Didn't realize I was no longer in the group"

Cromellach says, "that will do it."

The gelatinous blob that was a v'reen morph dries up and collapses into a heap of dust.

Pheyrmerrin says, "Ah! That's doing something."

Desorceri utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid... Desorceri gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. Desorceri launched a flare at a shadowy v'reen morph! The v'reen morph grows warm to the touch then quickly cools off.

Tazelhoffe nods.

Tazelhoffe says, "oh."

Pheyrmerrin says, "Dark..."

Pheyrmerrin frowns.

Tayre says, "Eh"

Pheyrmerrin inspects the v'reen morph carefully.

Pheyrmerrin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Theogrim asks, "what the heck?"

Errethe calmly says, "Its no longer a creature."

Theogrim's jaw drops.

The flames on a shadowy v'reen morph sputter and flicker out.

Tayre taps a shadowy v'reen morph.

Errethe calmly says, "I cant kick it"

Mekthros asks, "Which spell are you using, specifically?"

Pheyrmerrin says, "Try casting spells such as Lesser Shroud at it... ones that invoke light."

Mekthros peers quizzically at Pheyrmerrin.

Tayre gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Tayre gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Mekthros gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Mekthros gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tazelhoffe cocks his head and examines the v'reen morph.

Tayre gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Tayre gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Maeror gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Maeror gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Atoyoz begins to twitch.

Mekthros gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Mekthros gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Desorceri gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Desorceri gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Cromellach says, "Aha."

Desorceri gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Desorceri gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Maeror gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Maeror gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Daina nods.

Mekthros gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Mekthros gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. Nothing happens.

Khaitiff gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre says, "Outta mana."

Errethe prods a shadowy v'reen morph with the tip of his finger.

Desorceri gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Desorceri gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Evelith glances at Pheyrmerrin.

Errethe leans against a shadowy v'reen morph.

Khaitiff gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Maeror gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Maeror gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Daina faces Tayre, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them! Daina opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.

Desorceri gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Desorceri gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Pheyrmerrin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Pheyrmerrin gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Tayre gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

You say, "Hmmm... that might be dangrerous, but."

Desorceri gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Desorceri gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. Nothing happens.

Khaitiff gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Desorceri gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Desorceri gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Maeror gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Maeror gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Khaitiff gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Khaitiff gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Desorceri gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Desorceri gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

Tayre gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Tayre gestures at a shadowy v'reen morph. White light lashes out at a shadowy v'reen morph, dispelling some of its darkness!

The v'reen morph begins to fade away, its inky blackness being completely shattered by the light!

Tayre says, "Wee."

Tayre says, "I am the taker of light."

A shroud of brilliant rainbow light abruptly blazes around a shadowy v'reen morph, almost blindingly bright in intensity. Before there is time to blink, the center of the rainbow shroud turns to a pure white hue, and then shroud and morph alike have vanished entirely.

Errethe calmly says, "that seems to have done it"

Tazelhoffe says, "hm"

Ichiko blinks.

Desorceri smiles.

Daina says, "Well now"

Khaitiff coldly says, "Well done Tayre"

Cromellach lets out a cheer!

Desorceri says, "Well done, everyone."

Pheyrmerrin softly says, "Successful."

See Also

The Archmage in the Alchemists