Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-03-14 - Ta'Illistim Interview Session 2 (log)

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Charlatos 14, 5123: Ta'Illistim. Inquisitors interviewed Akenna, Traiva, Elaejia, Fennelis and Naevys.

This log contains only the interviews from the evening.

Akenna Laeraun-Ranshai

Vaelynsa says, "The Lady Akenna."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Oh.."
Naevys takes a moment to observe Vaelynsa.
Akenna nods.
Vaelynsa says, "Follow me please."
Akenna stands up.
Vaelynsa grabs Akenna's hand.
Akenna blinks.
Inquisitor Vaelynsa's group just came through a multi-locked blued imflass door.
Vaelynsa says, "Please be seated."
Vaelynsa nods at Akenna.
Fennelis says, "We'll have to make sure she gets her drinks back."
Naevys says, "In the interim, though."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna asks, "I would offer you libation as it is custom in the Wyrdeep... but that is not recognized here?"
Akenna nods slowly.
Akenna slowly approaches the silk-cushioned chair, her steps echoing against the marble floor as she sits down.
Vaelynsa says, "I am fine without."
Akenna cheerfully says, "Of course."
Vaelynsa says, "You may imbibe as you see fit."
Akenna folds her hands in her lap.
Vaelynsa says, "For the Hall of Records, state your name, where you are from, and your profession of choice."
Syearris gazes at Akenna, an impassive expression on his face.
Akenna states, "Akenna Laeraun-Ranshai, I hail from the settlement of Nen Eresse in the Wyrdeep forest. As for profession, I have a lucrative cobbling business. I also act as Chief Navigator for the Sentinel Fleet."
Aeriadrn moves his stylus over his parchment, writing with fast, neat strokes.
Vaelynsa nods.
Vaelynsa stares impassively at Akenna.
Vaelynsa measuredly says, ""It is a known fact that you suffer delusions."
Speaking coldly to Akenna, Vaelynsa asks, ""When did your delusions expand from being some sort of fae..." She pauses pointedly, "..entity.. to Kasendra needing to be removed from the playing field?"
Akenna asks, "Delusions?"
Vaelynsa says, "We ask the questions here."
Akenna says, "No, please elaborate on my delusions."
Akenna folds her hands in her lap.
Akenna cocks her head.
Vaelynsa says, "I did so."
Akenna asks, "Lady Malwind was a kind soul, why would I ever desire to remove her from anything?"
Vaelynsa says, "Questions again. Do try to find an answer somewhere."
Akenna says, "My only goal has ever been a path to unity between the east and the west."
Vaelynsa yawns loudly and with great exaggeration.
Vaelynsa asks, "And the dance with the Vaalorian Master of Spies...what did you discuss when deep in his arms?"
Aeriadrn scratches a few sentences on his parchment.
(Akenna muffles a giggle and clears her throat.)
Akenna says, "Generally about how officers learn to dance as apart of their training and his wife."
Vaelynsa nods.
Akenna says, "Who I would like to meet one day, she sounds charming."
Vaelynsa removes a sharp razern bodice dagger from in her ebon-corsetted gown.
Vaelynsa idly files her nails with the point of her dagger.
Vaelynsa boredly says, "Yes, yes. Now, tell me again your part in the death of an Imperial noble who was a guest of the Throne."
Akenna says, "I had no part in it. Lady Malwind was always kind to me, even at our first meeting at the Valley of Gold. We tasted wine together, I was proud, I didn't get drunk."
Akenna smiles charmingly.
Vaelynsa nods.
Vaelynsa says, "A feat, I am certain."
Vaelynsa asks, "We note that you left early, before the Lady Kasendra, can you explain why and what the purpose was?"
Akenna says, "Yes, I left with my husband, we retired to the Moonglae Inn, which I'm sure their staff can verify."
Vaelynsa says archly, "Loud, were you?"
Vaelynsa says, "We can verify that."
Akenna raises an eyebrow.
Ciradyl coughs politely.
Aeriadrn blinks.
Speaking to Aeriadrn, Vaelynsa asks, "Make a note of that, since you are adept with a quill, would you, Seneschal?"
Akenna says, "I'm sure you can."
Akenna folds her hands in her lap.
Aeriadrn moves to write something down and pauses a moment.
Akenna smiles.
Vaelynsa says, "I find you guilty of triteness, but little else, including knowledge of anything of note. You are dismissed unless my compatriots have additional questions."
Vaelynsa turns her back on Akenna and takes a few steps away, idly flipping the dagger in her hand as she pointedly ignores Akenna and waits for her to leave.
Aeriadrn writes a long line with a flourish.
Syearris shakes his head.
Akenna stands up.
Ciradyl gestures at her tome, causing the quill to scrawl a few notes upon the pages.
Akenna says, "I thank the esteemed inquisitors for their time."
Akenna inclines her head.
Speaking to Akenna, Ciradyl says, "Oh, one question."
Akenna nods at Ciradyl.
You evenly say, "Tonight's inquisitor is borne straight of Phoen's quiver."
Akenna says, "Yes, of course."
Speaking to Akenna, Ciradyl asks, "As you were leaving the ball, was there anything out of sorts upon your exit?"
Ciradyl asks, "A guest out of place, a servant perhaps?"
Speaking to Ciradyl, Akenna notes, "I was trying to secure a dance for Lady Orelwen, but then she suddenly left."
Akenna says, "I don't know why."
Ciradyl murmurs, "Interesting."
Ciradyl nods to her tome as it continues to write.
Vaelynsa says, "Probably found an interesting cheesecake."
Syearris says, "Interesting, indeed."
Speaking politely to Akenna, Ciradyl says, "I thank you then, for your patience in this matter, you may join your friends in the observation area if you'd like."
Akenna smiles at Ciradyl.
Aeriadrn says, "She does like her cheesecake."
Akenna says, "May I go back to the room... I need to secure something before I was dragged out."
Ciradyl nods at Akenna.
Akenna inclines her head.
Lady Akenna just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door.
Vaelynsa put a sharp razern bodice dagger in her ebon-corsetted gown.
Ciradyl comments, "Quite the effect with the dagger, Inquisitor Vaelynsa."
Speaking to Ciradyl, Vaelynsa says, "I find it useful."
Ciradyl whispers something to Syearris.
Aeriadrn writes a few more things before turning his parchment over.
Syearris nods at Ciradyl.
Ciradyl glances between Syearris and Vaelynsa.
Ciradyl slowly asks, "If I may?"
Syearris nods at Ciradyl.

Traiva Verethundi

Master Inquisitor Ciradyl just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door.
Ciradyl formally asks, "Lady Verethundi, if you would follow me?"
Traiva joins Ciradyl's group.
Ciradyl bows.
Master Inquisitor Ciradyl's group just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door.
Traiva curtsies gracefully.
Speaking to Traiva, Ciradyl says, "Lady Verethundi, please feel free to take a seat over here."
Ciradyl nods to a pavonated silk-cushioned chair.
Vaelynsa whispers sotto voce to Syearris, "As if we would count her desires."
Speaking graciously to Ciradyl, Traiva says, "Thank you."
Traiva slowly approaches the silk-cushioned chair, her steps echoing against the marble floor as she sits down.
Speaking politely to Traiva, Ciradyl says, "Of course."
Cupping the face of her ivory mask, Vaelynsa unties the ties and remove it.
Ciradyl snaps her fingers at her tome and it comes to rest beside her, the quill pointed upon the vellum pages.
Speaking slowly to Traiva, Ciradyl says, "For the Hall of Records, could you please state your name, where you are from, and your profession of choice, please."
Traiva nods at Ciradyl.
Ciradyl smiles at Traiva.
Traiva states, "I am Traiva Verethundi, Aelotoi of Clan Mrae'ni. I was born on Bre'naere and lived there until the portal brought the Aelotoi to the lush woods near Ta'Illistim. After some time here, I went with my parents to the hospitality of Ta'Vaalor, until I left to explore the West and study in Wehnimer's Landing."
Syearris looks thoughtfully at Traiva.
Traiva lightly says, "When I am not working as the Keeper of Keys and Herder of Cats for House Paupers..."
Aeriadrn slowly writes each word, before gazing at the parchment.
Traiva evenly continues, "I often work as a healer."
Syearris whispers something to Ciradyl.
Ciradyl glances at her tome and it flips it's pages quickly, stopping abruptly as she places her finger down against the vellum.
Speaking curiously to Traiva, Ciradyl asks, "L'Naere, if I may assume?"
Speaking to Ciradyl, Traiva clarifies, "L'Naereen?"
Traiva replies, "No, I have learned a find appreciation of the Arkati here of Elanthia."
Traiva clears her throat.
Speaking to Traiva, Ciradyl continues, "It must have been difficult traversing the West."
Traiva quietly corrects, "Fond appreciation."
Ciradyl smiles.
Traiva says, "As difficult as any new land."
Ciradyl nods briefly.
Traiva says, "But I have been fortunate to find warm welcome in many lands."
Traiva smiles warmly.
Ciradyl continues to turn the pages of her volume, scanning with her pointer finger.
Syearris keeps his eyes on Traiva as he paces through the chamber, his footsteps echoing quietly.
Speaking to Traiva, Ciradyl says, "And quite a welcome it has been, the Chatelaine of..." She leans over her tome. "...House of Paupers, I see."
Traiva nods at Ciradyl.
Ciradyl amusedly says, "Moreso a tongue-in-cheek name for an established house, I'm sure."
Traiva laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Traiva amusedly says, "Yes, so it is, for its many, varied riches."
Traiva calmly flutters her wings to an unheard rhythm.
Ciradyl nods slowly.
The volume attempts to shake in excitement, flipping pages as it brings itself eye level to Ciradyl.
Ciradyl blinks.
Ciradyl says, "Oh, that's quite interesting."
(Traiva gazes curiously at Ciradyl's volume.)
Speaking to Traiva, Ciradyl says, "Married to Lord Tolwynn Verethundi, a known worshipper of...Ivas."
Speaking fondly to Ciradyl, Traiva says, "Just so."
Ciradyl carefully mentions, "An Arakti of jealousy, distrust, and hatred brought upon those seduced."
Ciradyl clears her throat once again, brushing her tome aside.
Traiva evenly repeats, "Upon those seduced."
Speaking evenly to Ciradyl, Traiva says, "Yes."
Ciradyl quickly says, "But I digress."
Aeriadrn writes several sentences quickly as he listens.
Speaking to Traiva, Ciradyl asks, "Lady Verethundi, what are your feelings towards the Lady Malwind?"
Ciradyl continues, "Were you acquainted with her work between the East and West?"
Traiva smiles faintly, a hint of sadness in her eyes.
Traiva says, "I was not overly acquainted, but I know of it, and greatly admire it. The few times I had occasion to be in the Lady Malwind's presence, I found her very pleasant."
Speaking sincerely to Traiva, Ciradyl says, "We simply want to bring the perpetrator or perpetrators to justice."
Speaking to Ciradyl, Traiva agrees, "Of course. I very much wish the same."
The tome nudges Ciradyl slightly as the quill starts to point at the page.
Ciradyl amusedly says, "Ah, yes."
Traiva cocks her head at Ciradyl.
Speaking to Traiva, Ciradyl asks, "Lady Verethundi, what were your reasons for leaving the ball early on Fashantos the 4th?"
Traiva slowly empties her lungs.
Traiva regretfully says, "I fear I suddenly felt very poorly. I had not been feeling well for much of the day, as hard as I tried to fight it."
Traiva quickly adds, "It was nothing from the Ball itself."
Ciradyl mentions, "There had been previous issues with some unsavory poisons."
Ciradyl looks thoughtfully at Traiva.
Speaking to Ciradyl, Traiva says, "That is why I note that it was a continuation from the day."
Ciradyl nods once.
Speaking politely to Traiva, Ciradyl asks, "Before I dismiss you, Lady Verethundi, did you happen to see anything out-of-place upon your early departure?"
Ciradyl asks, "A misplaced guest or guests?"
Vaelynsa gazes at Traiva, her face as inscrutable as if she were still wearing the mask.
Speaking sincerely to Ciradyl, Traiva says, "I wish I had, that this matter may be solved quickly."
Traiva says, "But I fear I was so focused on my own unwell feeling, I did not notice anything at all."
Traiva tilts her head down.
Speaking reassuringly to Traiva, Ciradyl says, "One's own health is quite important, I do hope it does not return again."
Speaking politely to Traiva, Ciradyl says, "A moment."
Speaking to Ciradyl, Traiva says, "As long as you need, of course."
Ciradyl turns to Syearris and Vaelynsa as each one nods in turn.
Ciradyl turns to face Traiva.
Syearris nods at Ciradyl.
Aeriadrn glances at Ciradyl.
Speaking to Traiva, Ciradyl says, "Lady Verethundi, I thank you for your time and your answers, you may return to your friends in the observartion rooms if you so choose."
Ciradyl bows to Traiva.
Traiva nods at Ciradyl.
Traiva stands up.
Vaelynsa nods at Traiva.
Traiva sinks into a deep curtsy.
Traiva sincerely says, "I do hope we find the perpetrator, and bring them to justice."
Ciradyl nods in agreement at Traiva.
Chatelaine Traiva just went through a duo of heavy-handled doors.
Fennelis says, "I was thinking they could wrestle."
Syearris glances at Ciradyl.
Aeriadrn writes a few more lines before pulling a fresh parchment from his portfolio.
Ciradyl nods at Syearris.
Syearris nods at Ciradyl.
Inquisitor Syearris just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door.

Elaejia Silithyr

Syearris states, "Lady Elaejia Silithyr."
Naevys takes a moment to observe Syearris.
Vaelynsa traces a fingertip down the side of her ebon-corsetted gown, emphasizing its fitted, flattering lines.
You incline your head.
Syearris furtively glances at Naevys.
You join Syearris.
Inquisitor Syearris's group just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door.
[The Mirrored Chamber]
The open-air chamber is framed in a quartet of mirrored walls, the partitions casting reflected images of the heavy-handled doors flanked by silver-throated vases filled with pale irises. An elongated table of lacquered glowbark stands at the center of the room, the desk encircled by a grouping of silk-cushioned chairs, each one facing the blued imflass door set below the observation railings above. A single scale of electrum-chained cloisonne sits in the middle of the table, its surface traced in a feather-like motif.
Also here: Inquisitor Syearris, Master Inquisitor Ciradyl, Inquisitor Vaelynsa, Lord Aeriadrn
Obvious exits: none
Ciradyl calls her quill, grasping it within her hand as she whispers. It drifts back up and begins to write upon the tome.
Speaking to you, Syearris says, "Please take a seat."
You stride a few steps forward.
You slowly walk towards the silk-cushioned chair, your steps echoing against the marble floor as you sit down.
Aeriadrn frowns.
Syearris says, "For the Hall of Records, could you please state your name, where you are from, and your profession of choice."
Vaelynsa leans against a mirrored wall, giving you a careful once over.
(Elaejia leans against the chairback, face impassive.)
You clearly say, "Elaejia Silithyr Loenthra, hailing from the same. Principally, I am patron of the arts."
Syearris nods slightly.
Aeriadrn scratches his stylus over the parchment writing down a few notes.
Speaking to you, Syearris remarks, "Silithyr... the first of two to be questioned."
You cock your head.
Speaking to you, Syearris asks, "Your cousin, being the other, of course. Or do you prefer fiance?"
Elaejia smiles thinly.
You pleasantly say, "Fiance will do quite well."
Speaking to you, Syearris says, "Share with us the circumstances which brought you from the fine city of Ta'Loenthra to our city, particularly as a patron of the arts. It would seem you'd have greater success there."
Syearris raises an eyebrow in your direction.
You simply say, "Queen Cadhla encourages all her people to take part in bringing the benefits of the arts to the wider world."
Syearris nods slowly.
Vaelynsa leans over and whispers something to Syearris.
Syearris says, "Here, I thought it would be for your cousin, given your unique relationship with him. His exit from Ta'Loenthra seemed most unusual. Thank you for clarifying."
Syearris looks thoughtfully at you.
You gaze at Syearris.
Speaking to you, Syearris asks, "Speaking on that topic, again. You are obviously very close with your cousin. Do you feel you share a lot of his values?"
You say, "The Silithyr family values are quite typical of most, I should think."
Syearris nods.
Speaking to you, Syearris says, "So..."
Speaking to you, Syearris asks, "It's become fairly obvious in our investigation that your cousin seems to be displeased with events that have transpired, such as the Valley of Gold and Lady Kasendra Malwind's time here in the city, under the watch of the Argent Mirror. Do you share those opinions, then, given that you have the same shared familial values?"
Syearris raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Aeriadrn writes a large paragraph as he watches Lady Elaejia.
Vaelynsa glances at you.
You agree, "What happened to the Lady Malwind under watch of the Argent Mirror is indeed a great shame, but as a member of House Loenthra, we Silithyrs are agnostic on the subject of the Valley of Gold."
Syearris vaguely remarks, "Perhaps *you* are."
Elaejia smiles slightly.
Speaking to you, Syearris asks, "You also are an officer of the Ilyan Syndicate, which we have previously established is meant to further elven culture. Do you feel Lady Malwind's presence here was a hindrance to the goals of your... syndicate?"
You ponder the meaning of Syearris's existence.
You evenly ask, "May I be frank?"
Speaking to you, Syearris says, "I would welcome it."
You say, "On all the opportunities I had to observe the Lady Malwind, I cannot recall a single instance of her voicing an opinion of any kind."
Syearris looks thoughtfully at you.
Syearris nods once.
You say, "In light of this, I felt her presence at court to be quite benign indeed."
Syearris whispers something to Ciradyl.
Ciradyl nods once at Syearris.
Speaking to you, Syearris says, "Understood."
You fold your hands in your lap.
Speaking to you, Syearris says, "Since you claim to not share the same disgust we heard your cous--er, my apologies--your fiance seemed to have over the Valley of Gold treaty, and you have been rather frank and clear in your opinion of Lady Malwind... I have only a few more questions."
You incline your head.
Speaking to you, Syearris asks, "Why did you and your fiance leave the ball early, and where did you go?"
You give a sidelong glance at Vaelynsa.
You evenly say, "My fiance and I tired of the ball and departed to spend time alone."
Vaelynsa stares impassively at you.
Vaelynsa smirks.
Elaejia smiles like a cat with a bowl of cream.
Ciradyl chuckles to herself.
Vaelynsa says, "One hopes it was more enjoyable than the ball."
Speaking to you, Syearris asks, "Did your cou--fiance leave the Keep at the same time as you?"
Syearris gives a sidelong glance at Vaelynsa.
You say, "Indeed."
Syearris asks, "Did you notice anyone or anything out of place before you left or as you were leaving?"
You say, "I am afraid the ball seemed quite typical of any other of its ilk in the Shining City."
Syearris turns to Ciradyl and Vaelynsa, leaning in to whisper to them.
Vaelynsa nods at Syearris.
Ciradyl nods once at Syearris.
Ciradyl whispers something to Syearris.
Vaelynsa asks, "May I?"
Syearris nods at Vaelynsa.
Vaelynsa says, "You've extemporized a bit, but then turned frank, which, of course, we appreciate."
Vaelynsa asks, "What are you leaving out?"
Vaelynsa glances at you.
You gaze with interest at Vaelynsa.
You say, "Do you have a specific question? I could elaborate on the dancing, or the wine..."
You note, "Lord Jaranzair is quite an able dancer."
Vaelynsa says, "One does not dodge so many direct answers without trying to avoid stating something."
Vaelynsa says, "So, what is it you do not wish to state? It is our sole purpose for being here."
Vaelynsa says, "To seek out that which may be relevant."
You nod understandingly.
Ciradyl politely reminds, "All information is important to our inquiry, regardless of how small."
Syearris gazes at you.
You say, "I did remark to my friends in the waiting area that I found it interesting that we do not see the servants upon the list of parties to be questioned."
You say, "Servants enjoy a degree of freedom that is often overlooked."
Vaelynsa says, "True."
Vaelynsa nods.
Speaking to Syearris, Vaelynsa says, "I have no further questions."
Syearris nods.
Ciradyl simply says, "We have plans to speak to them, although their schedules do not align with our evening events."
You lightly agree, "Of course."
Speaking to you, Syearris says, "Thank you for your time and cooperation. It was made clear in your investigations that you and your fiance both were avoiding the city after our initial letters were sent. I hope you will ensure that your fiance shows up for his turn, if that is within your power."
Vaelynsa says, "One hopes they have noticed more than these folk."
Speaking to you, Syearris says, "You are free to join the others in the observation rooms."
You evenly say, "We do intend to assist with the court's investigation."
Syearris nods to you.
Syearris says, "I am glad you came to that decision."
Ciradyl inclines her head.
Syearris says, "It is much easier when people come to it on their own."
Aeriadrn scratches a few more lines on his parchment.
Speaking to you, Syearris says, "You can exit through the doors. Thank you, again."
Aeriadrn's bow to you is graceful, if perfunctory. He follows the bow with a brief nod of his head before straightening to his normal posture.
You agree, "For a pleasant evening of questions, indeed."
You incline your head.

Fennelis Asja

Fennelis slowly approaches the silk-cushioned chair, her steps echoing against the marble floor as she sits down.
Aeriadrn nods.
Ciradyl gestures subtly, causing her tome to drift down to her side.
Fennelis raises an eyebrow.
Speaking calmly to Fennelis, Ciradyl says, "For the Hall of Records, could you please state your name, where you are from, and your profession of choice, please."
Speaking to Ciradyl, Fennelis says, "I am Fennelis Asja Ardenai, and I hail from the Ta'Ardenai, naturally. I am an envoy of the Evergreen Court."
Speaking to Fennelis, Ciradyl continues, "And Lady Asja, may I inquire as to why the Evergreen Court sent a delegate to the Shining City?" She takes her quill in hand and flips a page, tapping the nib upon the vellum. "It's quite interesting that Lord Lithvair was unable to fully give us a proper response to the same question."
Fennelis says, "You could say my purpose is much the same as yours, for I am here as a finder of fact."
Speaking to Fennelis, Ciradyl reassures, "Then we share a common quest."
Speaking curiously to Fennelis, Ciradyl asks, "And if I may ask, what particular facts were you in search of?"
Speaking to Ciradyl, Fennelis says, "On the basis of understanding that our two houses have a mutual defense treaty, as you do with the Vaalor, my purpose here was to determine how oeverexposed the Illistim were."
Ciradyl inclines her head.
Fennelis says, "And if the increasing closeness between the Illistim and the Empire might cause some trouble from the west to spill over to our side of the Dragonspine and get us embroiled in a conflict not of our choosing."
Fennelis says, "We would, of course, honor our treaty with the Illistim. We care as much about honor as our Vaalor cousins, but I hope you understand our need to know."
Speaking calmly to Fennelis, Ciradyl says, "Your facts come as no surprise, as we are aware of the thin thread holding the accord together."
Avawren says, "I have missed the Ardenai preference for clarity."
Fennelis nods slightly at Ciradyl.
Aeriadrn writes a few notes before watching the questioning.
Speaking evenly to Fennelis, Ciradyl says, "Very much so, Lady Asja, your timely arrivals only confirmed our hypotheses."
Speaking to Fennelis, Ciradyl continues, "But please, after a prolonged stay within the Shining City, what are your feelings toward Lady Malwind?"
Speaking to Ciradyl, Fennelis says, "I have no particular feelings to her in any direction, it was what she represented that I was interested in."
Fennelis says, "That said, I feel it would have been nice to get to know her better, she might have provided some clarity."
Speaking to Fennelis, Ciradyl asks, "Do you have any particular feelings about the treaties of the Valley of Gold?"
Speaking to Ciradyl, Fennelis says, "I believe it is an Illistim matter and I would not dare to suggest how the Illistim conduct their own business. We are aware that the Illstim have shouldered the majority of the burdern in dealing with the west, and we thank them for it."
Speaking jokingly to Fennelis, Ciradyl says, "A perfectly diplomatic answer."
Fennelis chuckles to herself.
Ciradyl nods to her tome and it flips its pages quickly.
Fennelis says, "And a true one. The Valley of Gold Accord might blossom into something greater, time will tell."
Ciradyl nods at Syearris.
Speaking to Fennelis, Syearris asks, "You used the terminology "dealing with the west." Does this mean you feel they are a problem meant to be dealt with, and if so, did that extend to Lady Malwind?"
Speaking to Syearris, Fennelis says, "I feel the west is.. unstable. Perhaps this is due to the shortened lifespans of those that reside there, or something in the water, but it has been a source of pain and conflict on the continent for the last few decades."
Speaking to Fennelis, Syearris asks, "Did you feel Lady Malwind was part of this instability?"
Fennelis says, "In her own way, yes. But I don't feel the impetus of change she fostered was one that encouraged suffering and anger."
Syearris nods slowly at Fennelis.
Speaking to Fennelis, Ciradyl continues, "Lady Asja, could you explain what occurred on that evening in Fashantos?"
Fennelis rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Fennelis says, "We were invited to a ball, some people danced, others did not."
Vaelynsa smirks.
Ciradyl chuckles to herself.
Fennelis says, "I did not, but I was happy to mingle and chat with those I was saying goodbye to."
Fennelis says, "Little did I know I would still be here."
Speaking interestedly to Fennelis, Ciradyl asks, "And between these dancers and wallflowers, were there any particular oddities?"
Fennelis says, "Not that I can recall, though I did leave at one point to clear my head."
Fennelis says, "The solarium provided a nice reprieve, though the peafowl in there are quite loud."
Speaking interestedly to Fennelis, Ciradyl says, "And may I inquire as to where you-ah."
Speaking to Fennelis, Ciradyl asks, "Do you happen to pass by any other guests?"
Fennelis shakes her head.
Fennelis says, "I was alone in the hallway at the time, though I did see Lady Ruin depart, but she's already shared her reasons for that."
Ciradyl nods once.
Speaking politely to Fennelis, Ciradyl says, "I thank you for your time then, Lady Asja." She glances at Syearris and Vaelynsa and nods to each in turn. "You may return to the observation room at your leisure, if you so prefer."
Syearris whispers something to Ciradyl.
Ciradyl nods in agreement at Syearris.
Vaelynsa nods.
Fennelis smiles.
Ciradyl bows to Fennelis.
Ciradyl whispers something to Syearris.
Syearris nods at Ciradyl.
Vaelynsa says, "I shall get our final...guest."
Fennelis asks, "Oh, do you know where your Lord Commander went the other day?"
Inquisitor Vaelynsa just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door.
Fennelis says, "Just curious."
Lady Fennelis just went through a duo of heavy-handled doors.
Ciradyl surreptitiously glances at Syearris.

Naevys Eilstina

Inquisitor Vaelynsa's group just came through a multi-locked blued imflass door.
Syearris glances at Ciradyl.
Vaelynsa says, "Have a seat."
Vaelynsa nods to a pavonated silk-cushioned chair.
Naevys amusedly says, "I had already made my way there."
Naevys slowly approaches the silk-cushioned chair, her steps echoing against the marble floor as she sits down.
Vaelynsa says, "For the Hall of Records, state your name, where you are from, and your profession of choice."
Naevys states, "I am Lady Naevys Eilstina, daughter of the port master of Ta'Nalfein and Representative of the Rose Throne."
Vaelynsa leans almost casually against one wall, face hidden behind her mask, eyes glittering as she stares down at Naevys.
Vaelynsa says, "Your city-state suffers, perhaps, from a potentially misplaced reputation. Be that as it may, reputations derive from something. So here we are."
Vaelynsa nods once curtly.
Naevys gazes back at Vaelynsa.
Vaelynsa says companionably, "What's your favorite tea?"
Speaking diplomatically to Vaelynsa, Naevys says, "Whatever is being served."
Vaelynsa nods at Naevys and says almost cheerfully, "And the lady Leisette? What is her favorite tea?"
Naevys jokingly answers, "Whatever is being served and unpoisoned."
Vaelynsa leans forward, nodding again, as if the answer makes perfect sense.
Vaelynsa asks, "What were you drinking when the two of you plotted against Lady Malwind?"
Vaelynsa removes a sharp razern bodice dagger from in her ebon-corsetted gown.
Vaelynsa idly picks at her nails with the dagger.
Naevys laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Speaking to Vaelynsa, Naevys replies, "Whatever is stronger than what you have clearly consumed this evening."
Vaelynsa asks, "Not quite an answer, but a perhaps admission?"
Naevys plainly says, "It would be too cliche for it to be me, I would hope you believed me more dangerous."
Vaelynsa nods.
Vaelynsa asks, "When did Leisette leave the ball?"
Naevys answers, "Whenever she pleases, I would assume."
Naevys continues, "She is not beholden to being my accessory all evening."
Vaelynsa asks, "What agenda was she beholden to that evening?"
Speaking to Vaelynsa, Naevys says, "It's quite serious..." She gestures with her hand as she leans forward towards Vaelynsa. "...I told her to enjoy herself, for we were leaving the next morning."
Vaelynsa's long ebon-corsetted skirts rustle softly as she shifts her weight from one side to the other.
Vaelynsa asks, "And her enjoyment, does it perhaps include political unease?"
Vaelynsa asks, "And what about yours?"
Naevys glances up at the observation rooms and subtly smirks.
Naevys lightly says, "Politics is work, we are merely here to enjoy the Shining City."
Vaelynsa asks, "Don't tell involves more loud noises we'll have to have Aeriadrn track down?"
Vaelynsa says, "A rhetorical jest, as it were, no need to answer."
Vaelynsa says, "Describe anything of the night in question that stands out now, in hindsight."
Naevys simply says, "I did note several attendees were leaving for brief moments, but I clearly followed and discovered the night air was quite lovely."
Vaelynsa asks, "Any attendees whose names have not hit our rolls?"
Speaking thoughtfully to Vaelynsa, Naevys says, "None that have come to mind, although I am sure you've questioned the staff as well."
Vaelynsa says, "A work in progress, but yes."
Vaelynsa asks, "Finally, why do you think you are here and not your fellow Nalfein?"
Vaelynsa put a sharp razern bodice dagger in her ebon-corsetted gown.
Speaking calmly to Vaelynsa, Naevys says, "Lady Leisette has far more freedom to roam as her leisure..."
Vaelynsa leans over and whispers to Ciradyl and Syearris, nodding to Ciradyl.
Naevys simply continues, "...which gives her the ability to do the more mundane activities."
Naevys says, "Small discussions with staff, more correspondance across the Dragonspine..."
Vaelynsa nods.
Vaelynsa asks, "Master Inquisitor?"
Naevys concludes, "If Lady Leisette had simply wanted to commit this would have never known we were even set to arrive here."
Naevys dismissively says, "And I am horrible at devious deeds, unless you consider arguing with importers devious."
Ciradyl whispers something to Vaelynsa.
Vaelynsa nods.
Aeriadrn scratches his stylus over the parchment writing down a few notes.
Vaelynsa says, "Very well. You are dismissed."
Vaelynsa says, "It is appreciated."
Vaelynsa says, "And all the other niceties."
Vaelynsa waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.
Naevys laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Naevys stands up.
Naevys sincerely says, "A pleasure."
With a graceful movement of her hands, Naevys lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Vaelynsa.
Aeriadrn makes a few final notes before tucking his parchment in his portfolio.
Syearris nods slightly.
Cupping the face of her ivory mask, Vaelynsa unties the ties and remove it.
Naevys curtsies politely.
Lady Naevys just went through a duo of heavy-handled doors.
Speaking to Ciradyl, Vaelynsa says, "That was our last subject for the evening, Master Ciradyl."
Aeriadrn says, "I will send my report off to the Argent Mirror."
Syearris glances at Aeriadrn.
Vaelynsa says, "We will follow with the official report from our office as well."
Vaelynsa nods.
Aeriadrn says, "Excellent."
Aeriadrn's bow is graceful, if perfunctory. He follows the bow with a brief nod of his head.
Lord Aeriadrn just went through a duo of heavy-handled doors.
Ciradyl laughs as her tome loops around in the air as though offended.
Ciradyl politely says, "Have a good evening."
Vaelynsa says, "You as well."
Master Inquisitor Ciradyl just went through a duo of heavy-handled doors.
Vaelynsa says, "And those who are, I assume, even now watching with heavy interest."
Vaelynsa smirks.