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Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-03-16 - Ta'Illistim Interview Session 3 (log)
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Charlatos 16, 5123: Ta'Illistim. Inquisitors interviewed Jaysehn, Eruien, Aendir, and Orelwen.
This log contains only the interviews from the evening.
Inquisitor Eshenesra just went through a duo of heavy-handled doors. Vaelynsa nods. Aeriadrn nods. Aeriadrn says, "Fair evening." Vaelynsa says, "To you as well, Seneschal." Ciradyl wanders in. Vaelynsa says, "Master Inquistor." Vaelynsa nods to Ciradyl in greeting. Eshenesra joins Ciradyl's group. Ciradyl claps her hands together, awakening her tome. It bends its covers back as though stretching and returns within her reach. Eshenesra nods at Ciradyl. Vaelynsa says, speaking to herself, "Flying books. I'd like to interrogate the mage who invented that." Ciradyl recites: "Ladies, Lords, and honored guests, we thank you for joining us for our third inquiry. As I have stated before, we are simply here to gather the pieces of a puzzle, carefully laying each to the next until we can find justice for Lady Malwind." Ciradyl recites: "And with that...we shall begin with Inquisitor Eshenesra and her guest." Ciradyl nods at Eshenesra. Eshenesra bows her head slightly as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy. Inquisitor Eshenesra just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door. Syearris folds his hands behind his back.
Jaysehn Ranshai
Inquisitor Eshenesra's group just came through a multi-locked blued imflass door. Eshenesra says, speaking to Jaysehn, "Please have a seat." Jaysehn glances around the room. Eshenesra indicates a pavonated silk-cushioned chair as a possible option. Jaysehn nods gratefully. Eshenesra joins Ciradyl's group. Jaysehn says, "Thank you, I shall." Jaysehn slowly approaches the silk-cushioned chair, his steps echoing against the marble floor as he sits down. Ciradyl nods in greeting. Syearris nods once at Jaysehn. Aeriadrn scratches his stylus across his parchment as he watches the proceedings. Eshenesra says, speaking to Jaysehn, "For the Hall of Records, could you please state your name, where you are from, and your profession of choice." Jaysehn nods. Jaysehn says, "I was given the name Jaysehn, of the House Ranshai. I am Commodore of the Sentinel Fleet, which serves the mission of the Order of Voln. I come from the east, beyond the shores of Jontara; lands that have no name among your people. My duty to my Order is my profession." Jaysehn says, "Also, please accept my apologies for forcing you to conduct this conversation within the limits of the Common tongue." Eshenesra smiles lightly. Eshenesra says, "As the victim of this heinous crime is human, it is only polite and acceptible to speak in the common tongue." Jaysehn nods graciously. Jaysehn says, "Lady Kasendra's light is missed." Eshenesra paces back and forth, muttering something about left. Eshenesra asks, "Master Ranshai, what is your status within Ta'Illistim?" Jaysehn ponders. Jaysehn says, "I have no legal status within the Shining City. I am a friend of the Elven Nations and the Ancients that founded them. The world is made brighter by your presence and I am grateful for the hospitality I am shown by your city, it's people and the Argent." Eshenesra asks, "You say you are Commodore, is it? Of the Sentinel Fleet?" Syearris joins Ciradyl's group. Jaysehn says, "That is so." Jaysehn nods. Eshenesra asks, "And is the Sentinel Fleet a recognized navy?" Eshenesra raises an eyebrow in Jaysehn's direction. Jaysehn says, "Our headquarters are within the Freeport of Solhaven. My Lady wife has secured several trade agreements with notable Nalfein interests. In addition, King Qalinor himself, of your mighty neighbor Ta'Vaalor, has granted us his personal blessing to trade in his port." Eshenesra asks, "Lots of elven parties there. Do hold such treaties with the Turamzyrrian Empire?" Jaysehn says, "I am welcome in any coastal port we frequent, though not for official trade as such." Eshenesra asks, "And this land that we have no name for that you hail from, do they have treaties with the Turamzyrrian Empire?" Jaysehn says, "I very much doubt it." Jaysehn says, "I have not been there in some years." Eshenesra says, "Your home land, has no treaties with the Empire and none with the Shining City or any of her sister cities." Eshenesra asks, speaking bluntly to Jaysehn, "Are you a spy, Master Ranshai?" Jaysehn says, "You will find my skills are very much not inclined to such things. I have no talent for skullduggery." Eshenesra asks, "I would posit that it is possible for you to be. You hail from a land that we do not have treaties with, your father-in-law is a trained Nalfein agent and survivor of the Elven Wars. Are you saying you have gained nothing from your prestigious marriage?" Aeriadrn writes quickly before pausing to read his parchment. Jaysehn says, "I have gained the love of the person I most deeply respect in the world." Jaysehn says, "There is no grander prize." Eshenesra says, "How noble." Jaysehn shrugs. Eshenesra says, "There is a woman that we lost track of some seven years ago. A villainous woman who pilfered the dead and robbed, much to their family members despair, body parts from their resting place. Nothing was sacred to her, including the hidden groves of the Elven Families. Two years ago, she resurfaced." Jaysehn nods. Jaysehn says, "Crondi." Eshenesra says, "So you are familiar with her." Jaysehn says, "Very." Eshenesra nods at Ciradyl. Ciradyl murmurs, "Interesting." Eshenesra asks, "We have been informed by a River's Rest operative that you rescued her. Rescued this vile creature, someone we have hunted until she was hidden in mist. You proclaim that you are a Master of Voln honoring life and those that deserve the peace of beyond. How do you reconcile this rescue?" Jaysehn asks, "How many ships did Ilistim send to Caligos to save the innocents, the merchants, the children and the distressed that were doomed to die there?" Jaysehn says, "Answer my question and I shall answer yours." Syearris stares at Jaysehn. Jaysehn says, "You may count the flesh trader against me. Count the others while you are at it." Eshenesra asks, "Illistim is landlocked, how many would you have licked us to send? Perhaps an airship so that we could have it battered and beaten by the storms that ravaged that land? Sending our own to now be victims?" Jaysehn says, "Of course. Perhaps it is the way of other elven houses to be ....aggressive in their heroics. Restraint is a virtue, I'm sure." Eshenesra asks, "Let us try another angle, shall we?" Jaysehn says, "I am here to serve." Jaysehn nods. Eshenesra asks, "Are you familiar with the Vampires that are now running amok in the frozen North?" Jaysehn says, "Terribly so. Yes." Eshenesra asks, "Don't you find it suspicious that some 18 months after you rescued a mysterious, umbrella-hiding woman from the ill-fated Caligos Isles that such a thing would come to pass? Was it part of your plan to sow discourse in the North? Making them vulnerable for attack?" Syearris raises an eyebrow in Jaysehn's direction. Jaysehn says, "I would suggest your sources need better information. My credibility as a hunter of the dead is beyond question. I have slain hundreds of those vampires. And I have defended Icemule from the horrors of the Hinterwilds as well." Jaysehn says, "Icemule's troubles, such as they are, are their own." Eshenesra says, "Indeed. And alone they may find themselves." Eshenesra takes a few steps to her left. Jaysehn says, "The Order of Voln will always help those assailed by the dead." Jaysehn nods. Eshenesra says, "So you say... but ..." Eshenesra asks, "Let us recap, you rescued a vampire and now the Frozen North is beleaguered by them. You rescued a known, wanted fugitive of the great Elven Nations. Someone known to dishonor and plunder the graves of our dearly departed, and yet claim to work in the Honor and Glory of the Order of Voln. Is there some secret mandate that this order has in its hidden texts that only Masters are able to read?" Eshenesra says, "Please ignore that last question, it was rather leading." Jaysehn says, "If you seek instruction in our mysteries, I can see you well provided for." Jaysehn nods understandingly. Eshenesra says, "Moving right along, in the timeline of your life, you arrive on our continent. Rescue some villainous personages that continue to cause havoc and mayhem wherever they go, and then marry a formidable fire mage out of the Wyrdeep. A place full of hatred for the Turamzyrrian Empire. A place that houses a father-in-law who has survived two elven wars." Jaysehn says, "And I cannot look her Lord husband in the eye because of it. I am grieved that it was not his honor, some many years down the line." Jaysehn says, "Lady Kasendra spoke of missing him." Jaysehn says, "And...." Syearris gazes at Jaysehn. Jaysehn says, "Expressed something like caution over the presence of Lady Leisette." Jaysehn says, "The Lady seemed unnerved by her." Syearris glances up toward the railings above. Eshenesra says, "And then she was gone. Simply gone." Eshenesra asks, "Did you note anyone leaving with her?" Jaysehn says, "No. She left alone. I told her I recognized that I was a poor substitute for her noble husband. She smiled graciously and left." Eshenesra nods slowly. Eshenesra asks, "Did you notice any there that had ill intent towards her that night?" Jaysehn says, "I cannot say that I did. I know her presence in the court was controversial....but she had been there for some time already by that point." Jaysehn says, "News of her death stunned me." Eshenesra says, "As it did all of us." Syearris nods once. Jaysehn says, "Lady Sayilla had only just completed a memorial to her father. My wife sent Lady Kasendra a sketch of it, to warm her memories." Jaysehn frowns. Jaysehn says, "Terrible days." Eshenesra nods. Eshenesra says, "Indeed." Eshenesra says, "We thank you for your time, Commodore Ranshai. You have given us much to think on." Jaysehn nods. Jaysehn asks, "Am I free of my duty to this matter?" Eshenesra says, "We may have need to call you back." Jaysehn stands up. Eshenesra says, "As we may on any of the others." Jaysehn says, " that case." Jaysehn turns to face Vaelynsa. Jaysehn says, "My Lady..." Syearris raises an eyebrow in Jaysehn's direction. Cupping the face of her ebony mask, Vaelynsa unties the ties and remove it. Jaysehn says, "How much time have you spent at sea looking for Lady Javilerre? My Lady wife, who you crudely attempted to disgrace, discredit and discard, has spent weeks in this effort. Weeks." Vaelynsa glances at Jaysehn. Vaelynsa says, "Do not think to question the questioners." Jaysehn says, "She has coordinated the efforts of our entire fleet and other ships in the region as well. She has barely slept since Lady Sayilla was attacked and has bent every effort to finding her and helping to uncover the toxins that were used in the attack against her." Vaelynsa says, "We serve an authority and a purpose." Jaysehn asks, "Do you?" Jaysehn says, "Your House values knowledge above all, does it not? What knowledge did you demonstrate in your malicious drubbing against her, other than how poorly you represent your House and its values. You, who hide behind a mask, baselessly declared a proven servant of the Argent and a citizen of this city to be a deluded fraud and murderer, in full view of the public." Vaelynsa says, "As I attempted to tell your wife this eve before she faded out of view, she comported herself excellently." Vaelynsa says, "We had little use to question her farther as she stood well." Vaelynsa says, "And that is all I shall say on that." Ciradyl calmly reminds, "We are simply here to provoke and uncover truths that may have been hidden beneath a veneer of civility." Eshenesra says, speaking to Jaysehn, "You may not agree with the methods we employ." Cupping the face of her ebony mask, Vaelynsa settles it on her face before tying it in place with a set of simple ties. Jaysehn glances at Aeriadrn. Jaysehn says, "Perhaps if you were more interested in the task you were given and less in the sleeping arrangements of my wife and I, you might actually live up to the example the world has come to expect from the Shining City. You have debased your office and your superiors should be ashamed of your behavior." Jaysehn says, "Let that suffice." Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat. Syearris raises an eyebrow in Jaysehn's direction. Commodore Jaysehn just went through a duo of heavy-handled doors. Ciradyl simply says, "Thank you for your time, Commodore." Ciradyl murmurs, "...I did try." Vaelynsa laughs gently. Vaelynsa says, "It is of no consequence. She was distressed, but she did not show it during questioning, that is a good thing." Aeriadrn nods. Syearris shrugs. Eshenesra frowns. Eshenesra nods once. Aeriadrn marks several things on his parchment. Vaelynsa says, "The lack of understanding is to be expected." Syearris says, "If that is the view he wishes us to have of him at the end of the questioning, then that is his choice." Vaelynsa nods at Syearris. Vaelynsa asks, "Shall I bring the next person in, Master Inquisitor?" Syearris nods at Vaelynsa. Ciradyl calmly says, "It is our duty to uncover the truth, information is our weapon, I suppose." Ciradyl nods once at Vaelynsa. Inquisitor Vaelynsa just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door.
Aendir Silithyr
Inquisitor Vaelynsa's group just came through a multi-locked blued imflass door. (Aendir releases his hand from Vaelynsa's with a look of disdain on his face.) Vaelynsa says, "Please be seated." (Aendir takes a few steps into the room, glass of whiskey in hand. He wanders over briefly to a particularly large mirror shard embedded within the wall, peering into it intently before brushing a hand through his hair and adjusting his cravat. He then turns to the inquisitors and gives an apologetic nod.) Aendir takes a drink from his honey-gold whiskey. Aendir looks rather relaxed. Ciradyl laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Aendir curiously asks, "Thank you. Is it against protocol if I choose to remain standing?" Eshenesra says, "Yes." (Aendir moves to stand behind the chair, placing his hands at the top of it.) Eshenesra stares at Aendir. Aendir thoughtfully asks, "Is it against the law?" Ciradyl lightly mentions, "The Law of Decorum." Eshenesra asks, "It is against protocol. Will you comply or should we seek methods to ensure you do sit?" Aendir says, speaking to Eshenesra, "Come now. You've summoned me, an innocent Elf, at a place and time of your choosing. Let's dispense of this and move on." Aeriadrn scratches his stylus across his parchment as he watches the proceedings. Vaelynsa says, speaking to Aendir, "And this is a questionning to solve the murder of a noble of the human empire." Eshenesra says, speaking to Aendir, "Sit, or be removed for non-compliance. Those are your options." Vaelynsa asks, "Would you disrespect her so?" Aendir says, "Is what I have to say important enough that we'd end our session early? I'd say no, but that's up to you all to decide." Vaelynsa says, "We can question elsewhere and elsewhen, of course." Syearris says, "You will be removed from the chamber, not from the expectation of questioning." Vaelynsa says, "If you choose to disrespect the death of the Lady Malwind by not following protocol in these proceedings." Ciradyl curiously asks, "Is this a form of informational blackmail?" Aendir asks, speaking amusedly to Ciradyl, "What say yhou?" Aendir amusedly says, "I have no information of actual value to you all and I prefer to stand." Eshenesra says, "'Then we will prefer to question you from behind bars." Ciradyl says, speaking pointedly to Aendir, "It could be the whiskey, but I would advise to at least sit and share your information with us. It would do the Syndicate little honor to continue to behave as such." Aendir says, speaking pointedly to Eshenesra, "I am calling your bluff." Vaelynsa says, "Inquisitors rarely bluff in matters of protocol." Aendir says, speaking to Ciradyl, "I do not have a favorable opinion of your investigation. The simple fact that I am here at all is a favor to you all." Ciradyl reminds, speaking to Aendir, "To the life of Lady Malwind, unless you have an unfavorable opinion of her." Aendir dismissively says, "I have no opinion of the Lady Malwind. Favorable or unfavorable." Vaelynsa asks, "I have been told her mourning husband sits above watching this. Would you be so cruel and petty as to refuse to assist?" Aeriadrn says, "Lord Aendir, it is just some simple questions, please sit and answer them and then we can all be on our way." Aendir says, speaking to Vaelynsa, "As I said, I have no information of value to you." Ciradyl continues, speaking slowly to Aendir, "The treaties signed during the Valley of Gold, they were controversial, were they not?" Vaelynsa says, "We are the judge of that." Aendir says, speaking to Aeriadrn, "I have stated I will not sit. Yet I haven't left." Aendir asks, speaking to Ciradyl, "There are varied and broadly ranging opinions on the Valley of Gold. Are you asking mine?" Ciradyl says, speaking casually to Aendir, "Certainly you have an opinion one way or the other, Lord Silithyr." Ciradyl says, speaking to Aendir, "I do not think you would be the type of man who wouldn't speak his mind." Aendir says, speaking slowly to Ciradyl, "I am a member of House Loenthra. It is not up to me to determine how other Houses conduct their affairs." The Guard Captain, leading a group of guardsmen, strides purposefully in. With great ease, the Guard Captain grabs Aendir and shackles his wrists. "Ah-ha! Them boys at the air docks said I might find something interesting here," says the Guard Captain. The Guard Captain then drags him off. Ciradyl agrees, "It would be difficult to ascertain your opinion if you-" Syearris shrugs. Ciradyl glances at a duo of heavy-handled doors. Ciradyl amusedly says, "I had thought I was making headway." Vaelynsa says, "An interesting choice." Syearris says, "It certainly puts him on the top of my list of suspects." Eshenesra agrees with Syearris. Aeriadrn sighs. Aeriadrn shakes his head. Vaelynsa says, "Well, he can deal with the city guard for now, and we can make our more detailed arrangements later." Syearris nods at Vaelynsa. Ciradyl says, speaking to Syearris, "I am uncertain, but I would like another chance to at least attempt to ask our questions." Vaelynsa says, "Perhaps, however, we had best consider this syndicate he belongs to as well." Syearris quietly says, "The disregard shown for Lady Kasendra was... concerning." Vaelynsa says, "Quite." Vaelynsa says, "Ah well, onwards and upwards it is." Syearris says, "Yes, let's move on." Eshenesra says, "Perhaps time in a cell will cool his defiance and posturing." Aeriadrn nods. Ciradyl tugs lightly at her robes with a small sigh. Vaelynsa says, "I find it rarely does with that sort." Ciradyl says, "I suppose it is my turn." Vaelynsa says, "But perhaps he needs to be run out of another city-state." Master Inquisitor Ciradyl just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door.
Eruien Lithavir
Master Inquisitor Ciradyl's group just came through a multi-locked blued imflass door. Syearris asks, speaking to Vaelynsa, "And inflict him on somewhere else?" Eruien quickly moves over to a chair. Eruien slowly approaches the silk-cushioned chair, his steps echoing against the marble floor as he sits down. Ciradyl politely continues, "If you would have a seat over here, Lord Lithvair, so we may begin." Ciradyl nods. Ciradyl reminds, speaking kindly to Eruien, "You may breathe sir, I fear you may pass out before we begin." Eruien whispers aloud, speaking to Ciradyl, "It's the corset." Ciradyl laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Ciradyl agrees, speaking to Eruien, "Quite uncomfortable things." Ciradyl murmurs, "Now..." Ciradyl snaps upwards, her tome flying towards her as it hovers before her hands. She taps her quill once and it begins to scrawl across the open page as she speaks. Ciradyl says, speaking clearly to Eruien, "For the Hall of Records, could you please state your name, where you are from, and your profession of choice." Eruien states, "Lord Eruien Lithavir Loenthra, the Living Canvas and Representative of House Loenthra." Aeriadrn marks several things on his parchment. Ciradyl mentions, "Lord Lithvair, if I am not mistaken...weren't there two delegates who arrived from Ta'Loenthra?" Ciradyl flips back through her tome, scanning the page with her fingertip. Eruien says, "Yes, though the other was rather late to arrive." Ciradyl clearly says, "A Lady Callalor Iristil Loenthra." Eruien nods at Ciradyl. Ciradyl says, speaking to Eruien, "I am more interested in her sudden departure, however." Ciradyl says, speaking to Eruien, "She seems to have simply disappeared after her initial arrival." Eruien agrees, speaking to Ciradyl, "So she has." Ciradyl murmurs, "And you seem wholly unconcerned with that fact." Ciradyl quickly says, "But let us move onto the next question." Eruien casually explains, "I assumed perhaps she felt jealous, what with all the attention the other lovely ladies have been receiving." Eruien adds, "It does seem a disease sweeping the keep, after all." Eruien says, speaking to Ciradyl, "Oh, sorry. Go on." Ciradyl says, speaking amusedly to Eruien, "Speaking of disease, I have heard you've spent many an evening with a number of our delegates." Ciradyl asks, speaking to Eruien, "Evening discussions between closed doors oft produce interesting plots, do they not?" Eruien agrees, speaking to Ciradyl, "If there are discussions being had, I am sure." Ciradyl chuckles to herself. Eruien says, "But it is true I used my time here wisely to build relations with my fellow delegates, for the benefit of House Loenthra." Syearris gives a sidelong glance at Eruien. Ciradyl asks, speaking to Eruien, "You and your fellow delegates have had ample time to discuss many a subject, perhaps your purpose for your conjoined arrivals?" Eruien nods at Ciradyl. Ciradyl asks, speaking curiously to Eruien, "And what, praytell is that purpose if I may ask?" Aeriadrn writes quickly before pausing to read his parchment. Eruien says, "There was not one singular purpose among us all, if that's what you mean. Though, I admit, my goals aligned quite similarly with Lady Asja." Ciradyl repeats, "To investigate..." She flips through her tome. "...the presence of Lady Malwind within the Mirror's court, yes?" Eruien nods at Ciradyl. Eruien adds, "And..." Eruien waves one hand as he tries to find the words. Eruien says, "Concern the Argent Mirror was spreading herself too thin with her progressive policies." Eruien says, "I'm ashamed to say my purpose was not as well-fulfilled as my evenings." Ciradyl nods briefly. Ciradyl asks, speaking to Eruien, "So, may I ask what your feelings were toward Lady Malwind?" Eruien glances to the railing, then back to Ciradyl. Eruien says, "With no disrespect meant to her or her grieving spouse, indifference." Ciradyl nods. Eruien says, "As I said, I was unable to fulfill my initial intent for being here." Eruien says, "I hardly saw her, and the only information I could gather was from rumors." Ciradyl simply says, "It is a truthful answer." Eruien glances at a multi-locked blued imflass door. Ciradyl says, speaking evenly to Eruien, "Now, Lord Lithvair, the ball on the evening of Fashantos." Ciradyl says, speaking to Eruien, "You were seen to be frequently leaving and returning to the ballroom floor." Eruien nods at Ciradyl. Eruien says, "I had left for some fresh air after a dance with Miss Lithyia--to cool down some. After I came back, I realized I had left my drink behind." Eruien says, "So I went to get it." Eruien ponders. Ciradyl asks, speaking to Eruien, "Perhaps dodging an unwanted dance partner or meeting for a clandestine rendezvous?" Eruien says, speaking to Ciradyl, "I admit I did think someone may pressure me to dance." Eruien furtively glances at a multi-locked blued imflass door. Ciradyl casually glances at a multi-locked blued imflass door. Ciradyl asks, speaking to Eruien, "And did you decline for any particular reason?" Eruien says, speaking to Ciradyl, "I was not asked, but I would have not declined. That's not very gentlemanly." Ciradyl says, speaking politely to Eruien, "That is very gentlemanly of you, Lord Lithvair." Eruien nods. Ciradyl says, speaking to Eruien, "One last question, though." Eruien nods at Ciradyl. Ciradyl asks, speaking to Eruien, "Whilst you were walking about for fresh air, did you happen to hear or see anything off?" Ciradyl continues, speaking to Eruien, "Whispered rumors, odd persons in odd places." Eruien says, "I had seen the handmaiden Orelwen pass through on one of my journeys out--maybe when I was looking for my drink? Perhaps before--but I assume she was overcome and leaving the ball because of it." Ciradyl murmurs, "Ah, the Lady Greyvael." Eruien nods slightly. Ciradyl says, speaking politely to Eruien, "Thank you for your time." Eruien stands up. Eruien asks, speaking to Ciradyl, "I can stand, right?" Ciradyl laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Ciradyl says, speaking to Eruien, "Now you may stand." Eruien nods. Eruien dusts off his fig purple pants. Eruien whispers aloud, "Can I also leave?" Ciradyl chuckles. Vaelynsa starts chortling. Ciradyl says, "Yes, you may also leave." Ciradyl bows to Eruien. Aeriadrn nods. Syearris bows to Eruien. Eruien nods. Vaelynsa asks, "Shall I bring in our final guest?" Eruien says, "I wish you well in finding the culprit." Lord Eruien just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door. Lord Eruien just came through a multi-locked blued imflass door. Eshenesra nods. Eruien raises his voice in merry laughter. Eruien says, "Wrong door." Aeriadrn writes a few sentences before blowing lightly on his parchment. Lord Eruien just went through a duo of heavy-handled doors. Eshenesra points at a duo of heavy-handled doors. Ciradyl says, "I thought he had wanted to be questioned a second time." Vaelynsa smirks. Cupping the face of her ebony mask, Vaelynsa settles it on her face before tying it in place with a set of simple ties. Inquisitor Vaelynsa just went through a multi-locked blued imflass door.
Orelwen Greyvael
Inquisitor Vaelynsa's group just came through a multi-locked blued imflass door. Vaelynsa nods to a pavonated silk-cushioned chair. Straightening her back, Orelwen gives a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, giving a brief nod. Vaelynsa says, "Please, take a seat." Aeriadrn says, "Handmaiden." Orelwen mentions, "Oh, we match." Orelwen slowly approaches the silk-cushioned chair, her steps echoing against the marble floor as she sits down. Vaelynsa says, "For the Hall of Records, could you please state your name, where you are from, and your profession of choice." Orelwen primly says, "Lady Orelwen Greyvael Illistim, of House Illistim, Handmaiden to the Argent Mirror, and trained performative dancer." Vaelynsa turns her back on Orelwen, ignoring her completely for a moment. Without turning, she suddenly speaks. Vaelynsa abruptly says, "Given the permanent disfigurement you suffered because of the Mirror's politics, disrupting some of that by removing a noblewoman makes sense." Vaelynsa asks, "A payback for a payback. What say you?" Vaelynsa removes a twisted vaalorn bodice dagger from in her ebon-corsetted gown. Vaelynsa turns back around slowly, then leans casually against a mirrored wall as she twirls her dagger expertly in one hand. Syearris gazes at Orelwen. Orelwen's pleasant expression fades briefly before she adopts a smile once again. Orelwen melodically says, "Well, we are starting off strong with the sharp questions, I see." Orelwen serenely says, "Lady Malwind was not the cause of my near-death experience, so I am unsure what reason I would have to offer her payback." Orelwen thoughtfully says, "She was not a painter from House Loenthra, after all." Vaelynsa says, speaking to herself, "Dancing then, not thinking." Vaelynsa says, "Perhaps I should be more clear." Vaelynsa says, "The Mirror's policies led to it." Syearris nods at Vaelynsa. Vaelynsa says, "And thus, some blame lies at her feet." Vaelynsa says, "These same egalitarian tendencies brought the Lady Malwind here. Disrupting that would be...fortuitous if one were seeking revenge." Vaelynsa glances at Orelwen. Orelwen says, "Oh, certainly, if one was seeking revenge..." pausing to offer Vaelynsa an almost defiant gaze before glancing away and repeating, "If one was seeking revenge." Vaelynsa flatly asks, "And were you?" Eshenesra leans forward. Orelwen asks, speaking to Vaelynsa, "Should I have been?" She touches a finger to her lips and asks, "I wonder why no inquisition was started to this level when I was so dreadfully poisoned at the Valley of Gold, or continues to suffer from it after the fact? Would it have been better if I had died then?" Syearris looks thoughtfully at Orelwen. Vaelynsa says, "Those are questions best posed to the Mirror." Vaelynsa says, speaking to herself, "If she were revenge-oriented, she clearly would need assistance." Vaelynsa asks, "You have ties to the Silithyrs. One of whom just refused to be questioned and is known to be here under an alias and rumored to be opposed to the treaty that cost you your looks. What did you plot with them?" Orelwen says, speaking dismissively to Vaelynsa, "Oh, I do not like him. He has been tolerable, I'm sure. My only tie was briefly to his cousin. Briefly." Orelwen regretfully echoes, "Very briefly." Vaelynsa asks, "The one he is marrying?" Orelwen quickly says, "NOT his fiance-cousin, no, the other one. The cute one." Vaelynsa nods at Syearris. Syearris says, speaking to Orelwen, "As I understand, that cousin is attached to another... This leads to my questions." Orelwen says, speaking to Vaelynsa, "I wouldn't say he took care of me, but he did see to send me letters inquiring of my status and care, pictures he sketched. It was all very nice." Orelwen says, speaking dryly to Syearris, "Yes, he did get attached to another. That is fine, and understandable... I hold no ill will with him." Orelwen folds her hands in her lap. Syearris says, speaking to Orelwen, "With the object of your affections attached to another... and the fact your... "dance card," as they say, was empty at the ball..." Orelwen's pleasant expression drops again, longer this time. She smiles, though it is clearly forced. Vaelynsa put a twisted vaalorn bodice dagger in her ebon-corsetted gown. Syearris continues, "How did you feel when Lady Malwind was dancing with the Commodore?" Syearris raises an eyebrow in Orelwen's direction. Orelwen says, speaking confusedly to Syearris, "Yay for her? I wouldn't want to dance with him." Syearris says, "A visitor to this court, yet able to secure a dance with such a prominent member of the community." Orelwen says, speaking to Syearris, "I wanted to dance, yes, but I am incredibly picky about my dance partners. Not everyone is allowed to dance with me, after all." Syearris says, speaking to Orelwen, "It's less about the partner, and more about the fact there was one at all. It's been said you were, perhaps, jealous of the attention Lady Kasendra Malwind was receiving in court." Orelwen clenches her jaw. Vaelynsa leans forward with interest. Syearris notes, "It would seem that your empty dance card and her punched dance card would be another source of jealousy." Orelwen strainedly says, "Well, she was a rather present figure in court. I am glad that she was receiving attention." Syearris nods at Orelwen. Syearris asks, speaking to Orelwen, "You left the ball after Lady Malwind did. Where did you go?" Orelwen stifles a cough. Orelwen says, "You know, someone had the audacity to ask this very same question of me last evening, and my answer remains. I had a significant amount of wine at the ball. Because of that, I found the need to... express a bit of it privately." Syearris raises an eyebrow. Syearris says, speaking to Orelwen, "I suppose that clears up whether or not you left because you were..." Syearris says, ""Overcome" with jealous, as Lord Lithavir suggested." Syearris asks, speaking to Orelwen, "Did you see anything on your private venture?" Orelwen says, "A mirror, some tiles... a tapestry." Syearris glances at Vaelynsa. Vaelynsa says, "So you were perhaps sad, jealous, and drunk." Vaelynsa says, "Illuminating trifecta." Vaelynsa nods. Syearris nods in agreement at Vaelynsa. Vaelynsa says, "We have been monitoring the mail system for suspicious activity and have noted you received several packages." Orelwen clenches her jaw. Vaelynsa says, "Do explain to us your relationship with this alleged barrister and the coded thoughts therein." Orelwen says, speaking coldly to Vaelynsa, "He tried to curry my favor and serve as counsel for my inquisition." Vaelynsa says, "Fascinating." Orelwen says, speaking bluntly to Vaelynsa, "And really, the absolute and frank audacity after he... HE was the one who attempted to defend the one who almost killed me." Orelwen yells, "THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY!" Vaelynsa boredly asks, "Perhaps you should kill him as well?" Vaelynsa says, "Prone to tempers, I see." Vaelynsa says, "Sad, jealous, drunk, and tempramental." Vaelynsa says, "Excellent, we have learned much." Vaelynsa says, "You are dismissed." Orelwen asks, speaking bitterly to Vaelynsa, "How would you feel if the only thing that was done to someone who tried to kill you and torture you and disfigure you was left off witha merciful beheading?" Orelwen stands up. Vaelynsa says, "That IS the question, isn't it." Orelwen says, "Paerys should have suffered worse... Faerinn should suffer worse for thinking to defend him and thinking he could defend me." Orelwen huffs, "Hmphf." Lady Orelwen just went through a duo of heavy-handled doors. Syearris glances at a duo of heavy-handled doors. Cupping the face of her ebony mask, Vaelynsa unties the ties and remove it. Vaelynsa smirks. Vaelynsa says, "I think we saw some of the true Orelwen there." Syearris murmurs, "Lord Lithavir was astute in that regard." Vaelynsa nods. Ciradyl glances at the heavy-handled doors. "That is...quite a temper." Syearris nods at Vaelynsa. Eshenesra agrees with Ciradyl. Vaelynsa says, "If only we could have questioned Master Aendir this eve rather than later under more unpleasant circumstances." Vaelynsa says, "A pity." Vaelynsa says, "Ah well." Aeriadrn says, "The poor thing." Syearris says, speaking to Vaelynsa, "Perhaps he is nothing but an angry peacock, anyway." Vaelynsa says, speaking to Ciradyl, "Master Inquisitor, we stand at your command." Ciradyl recites: "That concludes our evening activities, we thank you for your patience and understanding." Ciradyl says, speaking to Vaelynsa, "A glass of wine and some deliberation, I believe." Vaelynsa put a featureless ebony mask in her peacock blue cloak.