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Nevrek encounters the Vishmiir: Part 3
The arrival of Blades at the peak of the Vishmiir Panic provided an interesting evening. I spoke of them, knowing fully that Blades would want to “meet” one of the Void-Things. After the presence behaved inappropriately toward Titaniia, Blades would demand satisfaction. To the shrine of His Lordship Luukos we went, so that our annihilation could be stayed due to Blades’ strong affiliation to the place and its Lord….
I say, "Remember."
I say, "I do not think they are of His Lordship."
Camulos says, "Nor do i Nevrek."
Blades says, "Protection."
I say, "Understood."
Camulos continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Wadsworth gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
I see Blades Clanners the Dark Elf.
He appears to be in his 160's, has short, wavy white hair, green eyes, and dark skin. He has a tattooed symbol of Luukos on his finger, a tattoo of crimson barbed wire running down his cheek and coiled around his neck, and a tattoo of a white skull on a field of black on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a viper staff in his right hand.
He is wearing a platinum cobra pendant, a crown forged of the purest gold with five points, each topped with a shimmering rune-etched soulstone, a ring made of the purest golvern with a tinge of veniom leaf decorating it, a flowing dark elven cloak trimmed with silvery death runes and clasped by the claw of a lich, a tattered black vruul-skin pouch stained with darkened blood and trimmed with glistening shards of onyx, a pair of form fitting leather pants in shades of black and grey that seem to meld with the shadows, some centaur hide boots in black and shades of grey that give the impression of flowing shadows, a black braided belt with hand-tooled symbols of chaos and fastened by a black ora buckle, some flame etched venium bracers with several titanium spikes protruding from them, a pair of veniom gauntlets with razor-sharp titanium blades protruding from them, a braided white hair bracelet, a sinister black eye patch embroidered with a hypnotic white spiral that gives the illusion of constant swirling, a black rolaren key suspended on a grey silk cord, a glowing crystal ball, a golden skull earring with ruby eyes that appear to glare outwards malevolently, a thick band of black ora inset with a sparkling soulstone bearing an emerald seal of House Faendryl upon it, a hideous black shoulder scabbard enscribed with images of death and destruction, a glowing amulet, a grey velvet sack, a black galvorn-bound shield emblazoned with a serpent with ruby eyes that seem to pierce your soul, and some vaalin battle armor as black as death and trimmed with razor-sharp spikes.
Blades is clearly a sharply dressed man.
Wadsworth gestures.
Wadsworth looks charged with power.
Titaniia places her hand on her stone Meyno symbol.
Camulos grins.
I survey the area.
Camulos stands up.
Camulos stands in front of a small altar.
I whisper quietly to Blades, “Keep in mind.. you’ll most likely die.”
Camulos kneels down and begins to recite prayers.
Blades says, "Lord Luukos, I seek the knowledge of these beasts none will speak of."
Blades whispers, "what else is new."
I whisper quietly to Blades, “Well, I survived when I said it. It's not definite”
I place my hand on my bronze medallion.
Blades just touched a small altar.
Blades stares blankly about and I notice his eyes are slitted! A long forked tongue slips out of his mouth, tasting the air.
Blades continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Nofret's spirit appears to be lifted by the singing.
Nofret renews her songs.
Titaniia mutters something about tongues.
Like we don’t know, Tani.
Nofret shivers.
Blades says, "These beasts, The Vishmiir as I am told."
Blades lets out an ear-piercing scream and holds his head!
(My eyes dart westward to the only entrance into the shrine.)
And so it begins...they have heard Blades say the name that should not be said…
Wadsworth frowns.
I glance at Blades.
Titaniia blinks.
Titaniia frowns.
Wadsworth gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Wadsworth gestures at Blades.
The glazed look leaves Blades.
Titaniia asks, "Love?"
Titaniia rubs a crystal amulet.
Titaniia gets an odd look on her face.
Titaniia rubs a crystal amulet.
(Blades holds his head.)
I touch one finger to my lips.
Wadsworth raises an eyebrow.
Titaniia rubs Blades gently.
Blades says, "Wonderful feeling."
Camulos nods to Blades.
I survey the area.
Camulos asks, "Any knowledge?"
Blades says, "Felt like I had leeches crawling in my brain."
Blades is in such a state of bodily harmony that he can precisely define the sensation of the Vishmiir invading his mind. Clearly they felt like leeches, not grubs or slugs.
Wadsworth begins to twitch.
Nofret says, "How pleasant."
I say, "Hmm."
Blades says, "Much hatred within these beasts."
Camulos asks, "aye?"
Camulos assists…
Blades nods.
Titaniia frowns.
Camulos asks, "Is it a directed hatred?"
Titaniia asks, "What is they?"
I say, "Perhaps ve should consider ourselves lucky."
Camulos asks, "Or Just A general Aura about them?"
I say, "Should one haff appeared.."
This was foreshadowing, since I was quite aware of where this was headed…
I shake my head.
Nofret says, "Only in the sense that they intend to wipe all life from the face of Elanith."
Blades says, "If you care for your life I suggest walkin out, otherwise I'm pressing forward."
What did I say?
Camulos grins.
Wadsworth nods to Blades.
Camulos says, "Again blades, Death is the only constant."
Camulos says, "And Change is bitter sweet."
I am still unsure of what he meant by Change as Bittersweet. Alteration of the normal, or the currency remainder from a purchase?
Blades nods.
I grin at Camulos.
I say, "The sveet sanctity of death is not something I fear."
It really is a calming thing, being detached from the body and its sensations. This isn’t me being The Spooky Guy, I assure you.
Camulos grins.
Nofret asks, "Before you go forward--what about arranging for a cleric to come get us, after we all drop dead?"
I say, "Oh Nofret."
Insert bemused grin, here.
Camulos grins.
Nofret asks, "What, too practical?"
Very much so. Live a little! It’s just certain death!
Blades yells, "Vishmiir, I feel your sickness and your hatred, but death and pain is favorable to a servant of Lord Luukos."
Nofret's spirit appears to be lifted by the singing. Nofret renews her songs.
We note, now, how Nofret can flawlessly carry a tune in such a dire situation.
Blades continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
I survey the area.
I suddenly feel a palpable sense of energy building, making the hairs stand on the back of my neck.
For the sake of journalism (or whatever this can be called) I have maintained the feeling felt by all, though I do not have hairs on the back of my neck. Just felt tingly to me.
I feel that nervous twitch starting up again.
Blades stares blankly about and I notice his eyes are slitted! A long forked tongue slips out of his mouth, tasting the air.
Nofret says, "Uh-oh."
Camulos continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Nofret removes a silver-edged black rolaren backsword from in her threaded harness.
We note, now, that Nofret was the first person to bring blade to bear. Heh heh…
Wadsworth blinks.
Nofret removes a black vultite shield from in her threaded harness.
Camulos put a veniom-hilted dark steel stiletto in his black hood.
I say, "Stay your ground."
Nofret says, "It's coming..."
Camulos says, "Oh blast"
Wadsworth raises an eyebrow.
Darkness shrouds the area like a thick fog, and shadows glide across the walls like water.
Camulos says, "Im about to loose my eye"
Camulos suddenly begins clutching at the side of his face. I see a fresh trail of blood seeping from beneath his hands.
Waves of pain seem to catch Camulos as he twitches and claws at his eye socket.
I clench my fist.
Blades narrows his eyes.
I glance at Camulos.
Blades just touched a small altar.
A pained expression crosses Titaniia's face.
Camulos continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Wadsworth sniffs.
Blades says, "Show yourselves."
Nofret softly hums a merry tune, embellishing upon the melody's jaunty lilt.
Camulos growls ferociously!
(My hand twitches suddenly.)
I hear an icily cold voice speak in my mind, "Foolish... little one. Calling... upon things... you can... never... understand."
The brilliant aura fades away from Blades.
Blades appears less confident.
It seems like that spell always wears off that the worst time.
[Underground, Hidden Wing]
This appears to be a small shrine of some sort. Against the east wall is an altar with tarnished religious symbols on it. The covering is tattered and the three pews here are dry and rotted. For the first time I notice that the thick dust on the floor is punctuated by shallow footprints, leading me to think that this place is not as abandoned as I first imagined.
Also in the room: Lady Titaniia, Lord Camulos who is kneeling, Wadsworth, Nofret, Blades who is kneeling
Obvious exits: west.
So far so good… still clear…
Titaniia frowns.
Wadsworth shifts his weight.
Blades says, "Foolish perhaps, But it is because I wish to understand."
Titaniia says, "that...that doan sound good."
I want to note that Deaf and Tone-Deaf are entirely different things. She can clearly hear, she just cannot carry a tune.
(I turn my head to the side, shutting my eyes under my furrowed brow.)
Camulos nods.
Nofret nods to Titaniia.
I rub my eyes.
The darkness in the room shifts and converges into the hazy silhouette of a shadowy creature.
[Underground, Hidden Wing]
This appears to be a small shrine of some sort. Against the east wall is an altar with tarnished religious symbols on it. The covering is tattered and the three pews here are dry and rotted. For the first time I notice that the thick dust on the floor is punctuated by shallow footprints, leading me to think that this place is not as abandoned as I first imagined. I also see a shadowy vishmiir.
Also in the room: Lady Titaniia, Lord Camulos who is kneeling, Wadsworth, Nofret, Blades who is kneeling
Obvious exits: west.
This is where the “Fun” starts. Do take note.
Camulos says, "Must look out for luukos's best intrests"
I say, "It is here."
Camulos nods to Blades.
Camulos nods to the shadowy vishmiir.
I take a few steps to my left.
Blades nods to the shadowy vishmiir.
Titaniia gazes in amazement at a shadowy vishmiir.
I walk behind a shadowy vishmiir.
Blades bows to the shadowy vishmiir.
Wadsworth nods to the shadowy vishmiir.
That’s right, everyone nod a greeting to the thing that wants to feed us our spleens. I am more practical, and realize a good look at this Void-Thing is necessary.
I see a fairly typical shadowy vishmiir. It appears to be in good shape. It has nothing at this time.
The shadowy vishmiir is a nightmarish vision of pure evil, appearing from the shadows like a disconcerting fragment of thought that haunts me relentlessly. The shadowy vishmiir's eyes shine out of its ephemeral silhouette like twin coals, radiating hatred and hunger. The monstrous apparition is as big as it is misshapen, towering over a tall giantman as it moves in rapid spurts that defy the eye's ability to follow its progress. As it conjures and strikes, its extremities contort and blur through each other, amplifying its grotesque demeanor.
I glance at Blades.
A shadowy vishmiir says in an icily cold voice that is heard more in my mind, "There... is a price... to pay... for speaking... the name, little... one. Foolish... are you... who... called... us."
Camulos sways side to side on his knees.
What is Camulos doing?
Nofret's spirit appears to be lifted by the singing.
Nofret renews her songs.
A shadowy vishmiir locks eyes with Blades!
Blades pales visibly!
Titaniia frowns.
I clench my fist.
Wadsworth raises an eyebrow.
Titaniia says, "Ain no reason fer that."
That’s a good Titaniia. Raise not a finger, but proclaim the indecency of staring. Impolite thing to do, really.
Camulos just touched Blades.
I say, "Blades, rise.."
Camulos says, "It cannot harm you"
It now becomes obvious that Camulos is not a participant in the same situation as I am, and I am clearly experiencing a different set of stimuli than he. Bizarre.
A shadowy vishmiir says in an icily cold voice that is heard more in my mind, "All... of you... shall pay... for this... little one's... mistake."
Hoooold on now!
Camulos says, "Dont let it in, think not of it"
Camulos stands up.
Titaniia moves to stand in front of Blades.
Camulos removes a veniom-hilted dark steel stiletto from in his black hood.
I narrow my eyes.
Wadsworth frowns.
I remove an iron-hilted filthy black rolaren backsword from in my spidersilk cloak.
I remove a dark elven warshield emblazoned with shadowy runes of the house of Faendryl from in my spidersilk cloak.
In a split second, I am ready to stand right where I was, just with weapon and shield at hand. Such an empty gesture, in the end… ah well.
Camulos shakes his head.
A shadowy vishmiir raises its long dark claws upward.
Blades says, "I speak your name, to gain your knowledge, not to stand in your way."
A shadowy vishmiir notices my attempt to hide! Drat! Roundtime: 3 sec.
I scowl.
That’ll show ‘im.
Camulos nods to Blades.
I say, "It is done speaking, Blades."
Titaniia asks, "What kinda creature is ya that is so skeered of yer own name ?"
A shadowy vishmiir says in an icily cold voice that is heard more in your mind, "You... will feel... the darkness. Knowledge... you are... not... worthy of. You... are a stain... of life. And you... will... die... for it."
A shadowy vishmiir gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Blades's viper staff suddenly crawls up his arm and curls around his neck.
Blades removes a seemingly innocent looking black steel wood axe with several small spikes edging the top from in his elven cloak.
Camulos grins.
Why is he grinning?!
Blades stands up.
Blades slings a black galvorn-bound shield emblazoned with a serpent with ruby eyes that seem to pierce my soul off from over his shoulder.
A shadowy vishmiir notices Blades botch an attempt at concealing himself.
I tighten my grip on my black rolaren backsword.
A shadowy vishmiir gestures mystically.
A shadowy vishmiir hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Titaniia!
AS: +2000 vs DS: +60 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +48 = +2021
... and hits for 356 points of damage!
Hideously bright electrical bolt sends left arm into another universe. Happy traveling.
- Titaniia drops dead at my feet!
…with a resounding THUD!
A shadowy vishmiir hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Camulos!
AS: +2000 vs DS: +155 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +89 = +1984
... and hits for 1946 points of damage!
Horrifying bolt of electricity crystalizes abdominal area. Spiffy but unfortunately also quite deadly.
- Camulos drops dead at my feet!
The deep blue glow leaves Camulos.
The bright luminescence fades from around Camulos.
The air calms down around Camulos.
Camulos becomes solid again.
I duck and weave to the left behind Wadsworth!
A shadowy vishmiir hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Wadsworth!
AS: +2000 vs DS: +495 with AvD: +43 + d100 roll: +93 = +1641
... and hits for 811 points of damage!
Surprisingly large electrical arc destroys neck and moves up around head making a flashy halo. Rather classical death occurs.
- Wadsworth drops dead at my feet!
Wadsworth returns to normal color.
Wadsworth seems to lose an aura of confidence.
Wadsworth seems to lose some internal strength.
The deep blue glow leaves Wadsworth.
Wadsworth seems to lose some dexterity.
Wadsworth appears less powerful.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Wadsworth.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Wadsworth.
The powerful look leaves Wadsworth.
The air about Wadsworth stops shimmering.
The light blue glow leaves Wadsworth.
The bright luminescence fades from around Wadsworth.
It is here my fatal error occurred. As I shielded my eyes from the flood of multi-colored lights flying off of Wadsworth’s corpse, the Vishmiir’s lightning found me.
A shadowy vishmiir hurls a powerful lightning bolt at me!
AS: +2000 vs DS: +250 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +63 = +1853
... and hits for 869 points of damage!
Horrifying bolt of electricity crystalizes abdominal area. Unfortunately, quite deadly.
The buzz of thoughts in my mind subsides.
…fortunately, I can at least say I did not do the same to another person.
It seems I have died, my friend. Although I cannot do anything, I am keenly aware of what is going on around me...
I mentally give a sigh of relief as I remember that the Goddess Lorminstra whores her skills for gems.
...departing in 10 mins...
A shadowy vishmiir hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Nofret!
AS: +2000 vs DS: +226 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +22 = +1835
... and hits for 913 points of damage!
Hideously bright electrical bolt sends left leg into another universe. Happy traveling.
Nofret screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!
- Nofret drops dead at my feet!
The bright luminescence fades from around Nofret.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Nofret.
A shadowy vishmiir hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Blades!
AS: +2000 vs DS: +582 with AvD: +43 + d100 roll: +24 = +1485
... and hits for 728 points of damage!
Hideously bright electrical bolt sends left arm into another universe. Happy traveling.
- Blades drops dead at my feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Blades.
The very powerful look leaves Blades.
The white light leaves Blades.
The bright luminescence fades from around Blades.
Blades glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Blades seems to lose an aura of confidence.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Blades.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Blades.
The deep blue glow leaves Blades.
The light blue glow leaves Blades.
Blades begins to breathe less deeply.
The powerful look leaves Blades.
- Blades just bit the dust!
- Nofret just bit the dust!
- I just bit the dust!
- Wadsworth just bit the dust!
- Camulos just bit the dust!
- Titaniia just bit the dust!
Suddenly I have the strangest feeling that I am being watched. The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Camulos gives a ghostly chuckle.
And now he’s chuckling! He doesn’t have internal organs anymore, and he chuckles!!
Suddenly I have the strangest feeling that I am being watched. The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that I am being watched. The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that I am being watched. The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
A shadowy vishmiir slowly fades away.
Psh. At least take a bow. Poor presentation.
My spirit lets out a faint, ghostly hiss. Roundtime: 5 sec.
I feel myself being pulled away...
[The Void]
All is cold and still and utterly lifeless. Faintly shifting shadows are all you can see.
Also here: the body of Wadsworth who is lying down, the body of Lord Camulos who is lying down, the body of Blades who is lying down, the body of Lady Titaniia who is lying down
Obvious paths: none.
What is this? This has never been mentioned before. What is this place …this place that is not a place? This ..Unplace, a location in the not-middle of Nothing. An emptiness so profound that it is not an emptiness, it simply Is Not, but it IS NOT! It is nothingness made empty, it is and is not Utter Void.
I hear the ghostly voice of Camulos say, "Death is the only constant, vishmiir"
A faint, ghostly hiss emanates from the corpse of Camulos.
I ask, "..Vhere are ve?"
I hear the ghostly voice of Blades say, "Interesting."
I hear the ghostly voice of Titaniia ask, "Love?"
I hear icily cold voices whispering things loudly in my mind, the thoughts too jumbled to hear.
I hear the ghostly voice of Camulos say, "Pleasent."
I hear the ghostly voice of Wadsworth say, "no Voln preservation"
I howl in frustration at my nonliving state!
[The Void]
All is cold and still and utterly lifeless. Faintly shifting shadows are all you can see.
Also here: the body of Nofret who is lying down, the body of Wadsworth who is lying down, the body of Lord Camulos who is lying down, the body of Blades who is lying down, the body of Lady Titaniia who is lying down
Obvious paths: none.
I hear the ghostly voice of Camulos say, "Interesting"
I hear the ghostly voice of Wadsworth say, "I'll see you all at the Temple"
I say, "This.. this is..."
Wadsworth gives a ghostly chuckle.
I say, "If a temple is there for you."
I hear the ghostly voice of Camulos say, "Perhaps Luukos, will revive those loyal to him"
? ? ? ? ? ?
A voice becomes distinct within the haze of mad whispers, speaking, "You... foolish... little ones? See... how... small... your minds are? You... cannot... begin... to comprehend..."
I hear the ghostly voice of Nofret say, "In the future, Blades, if there is one...when we say don't speak a name, don't speak a name."
I say, "Something.. something in the shadows."
I say, "There.. and there.."
I hear the ghostly voice of Camulos say, "Youve not scratched our minds vishmiir"
As evidenced by previous Camulosisms, it is apparent that his mind is unscratchable due to its disappearance, or at least its maladjustment. Can one really scratch jelly?
I hear the ghostly voice of Titaniia say, "Tellin Blades nae ta do somethin is like beggin him ta does it"
A voice becomes distinct within the haze of mad whispers, speaking, "Go... back... to your... pathetic... towns. Know... that we... will not... be stopped."
I hear the ghostly voice of Blades say, "You show nothing but force Vishmiir, I only seeked to learn." I hear the ghostly voice of Camulos say, "Nor do you understand theyre full potential... your time is short."
I feel myself being pulled away...
[Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]
I am scrutinized by vigilant soldiers as I arrive at the wide gateway guarding the land route to Wehnimer's Landing. The frenetic pace of the city to the south is a far cry from the deceptive calm of the wilds of Elanith outside. Two daunting towers survey the countryside and protect the town, flanking the road to the east and west. I also see a wooden barrel.
Also here: the body of Wadsworth who is lying down, the body of Lord Camulos who is lying down, the body of Blades who is lying down, the body of Lady Titaniia who is lying down, Galenok, Merikk, Vespres, Lord Staerin, Eloricth who is lying down
Obvious paths: south.
From the void we were ejected, back to solid ground, out of the place that was not a place, the UnPlace of the Void. This recording marks the first time anyone was pulled into the Vishmiir Nothingness, and is why I believe them, now, to be (and not be) Nothing. They are the Void-Things, the Thralls, the Vishmiir...
We would later find out more about them and their origins, but that is a tale for another person to tell.
- Lord Nevrek Araknathalin