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Obelin (prime)/Informal Fireside Forum - 2022-09-16

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Imaerasta 16, 5122

Informal Fireside Forum On the subjects of Obelin and River's Rest.



You stroll into a small dark hole, leaving a fading trail of cerulean footprints in your wake.

[Lunule Weald, Zelia's Shrine]

Worms and insects ooze out of the dirt walls and creep along the floor in this small, squat chamber. In the center of the chamber is a circle of black rocks, the top of each rock is painted with a silver crescent moon. Inside the circle of rocks sits a stone sculpture of a woman with wild hair driving a chariot pulled by four stallions. Moonlight streams in from the opening in the short ceiling, striking the sculpture and casting the shadow of a wild-haired woman on the dirt walls. You also see an iron-banded oak keg of plum and honey mead, an iron-banded linden keg of spiced Vornavian apple beer and a violet sapphire.

Also here: Draelor, Squire Legionnaire Iskandr who is sitting

Obvious exits: none

Iskandr says, "Perhaps everyone is afraid to come. I know Yardie would be."

You wave.

Iskandr waves to you.

Iskandr says, "Evening."

You gaze heavenward.

In a perfect imitation of you, the voice of Dendum says, ""It is a dangerous place to gather to be sure."

You deeply say, "Is it? Oh, good."

You hum happily to yourself.

Iskandr says, "Perhaps I have chosen the least popular place to visit ever."

You gaze about with intense interest, your void black eyes pausing to briefly inspect the situation in their path.

Iskandr says, "Or at least a place snooty elves don't feel like visiting."

You deeply say, "S'probly just the tree spirits."

You deeply say, "Used to hide in here."

Iskandr says, "Well, I will get to it none the less."

You try hard not to grin.

Iskandr says, "And if people are late, they are late."

In a perfect imitation of you, the voice of Dendum says, ""One is as likely to gather as much boon as horror in such a place, however the elves have never paid enough respect to such things so it is odd they fear it."

Lady Starletdawn just came out of a small opening.

Iskandr says, "And if people don't make it, only three of us will know the true secrets of River's Rest."

Starletdawn smiles.

You wave to Starletdawn.

Iskandr exclaims, "Ah, four!"

Starletdawn nods to you in greeting.

Iskandr says, "Four of us will know the secrets of River's Rest."

Iskandr chuckles.

Starletdawn curtsies to Iskandr.

Iskandr nods at Starletdawn.

Feeling a bit smug, you slowly tap your index finger against your temple as a knowing expression spreads across your face.

Iskandr says, "Well, I mean to get right into it."

You hum happily to yourself.

Iskandr says, "Though I do realize I promised fireside chats and failed to make a fire, though I also don't want to see what Zelia does with a fire."

Iskandr says, "But the kegs still have alcohol as far as I can tell."

You nod in agreement to the oak keg.

You pour yourself a mug of plum and honey mead.

Iskandr says, "There was a time some months ago when we hosted a person from Icemule that was once from River's Rest."

You raise your plum and honey mead in a toast to River's Rest!

You nod in agreement.

You deeply say, "Warrants expire."

You take a drink from your plum and honey mead. Smooth and warm, the sweet honey taste of the mead is subtly flavored with exotic herbs and spices.

Iskandr says, "Their initial tales of River's Rest made it seem almost a more worthy topic."

Iskandr says, "And so I contacted something of a River's Rest legend to come and talk about the place."

Iskandr says, "And here he is tonight."

You preen.

Iskandr points at you!

Starletdawn grins.

You pause, waiting for applause.

Starletdawn applauds you.

You cough.

Iskandr says, "He suggested this shrine might fit the character of the Rest."

You nod gratefully at Starletdawn.

You deeply ask, "Did I?"

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Iskandr says, "No, I'm lying for dramatic effect."

You nod sympathetically.

Starletdawn begins chuckling at Iskandr!

You deeply say, "S'pose it's best to prepare the audience."

Iskandr nods.

You elbow Starletdawn in the ribs in a playful sort of way.

Speaking deliberately to Starletdawn, you whisper aloud, "That's you."

Iskandr says, "But let us get to it then."

Starletdawn glances at you.

Starletdawn sets about preparing herself to be as presentable as possible.

In a perfect imitation of you, the voice of Dendum exclaims, ""Dont forget the light of the moon!"

You nod with satisfaction.

Cocking your eyebrow and narrowing your opposite void black eye, you display your skepticism.

Starletdawn smiles.

You cough.

You take a drink from your plum and honey mead. The warmth of the spicy mead permeates your body as you swallow.

You deeply say, "Yes. For those who don't know me."

Starletdawn sits down.

You deeply say, "I'm Lord Obelin Nunya of River's Rest, Captain of the Grim Cerulean Corsair and Rescuer Extraordinaire. I am a generally well-regarded Leyan cleric and handle corpse retrieval and repair from Solhaven and the Rift to River's Rest, and a licensed privateer operating in Maelstrom Bay and surrounding waters."

You place your hands on your leather harness and strike a dashing pose.

You flex your powerful muscles.

You strike a heroic pose.

You deeply say, "But I suppose you all knew that."

You try hard not to grin.

You nod at Iskandr.

Starletdawn grins.

You show everyone your linen armband.

Embroidery along the armband reads, "Lord Obelin, Rescuer Extraordinaire." Somehow, it's still readable beneath all the stains.

Iskandr asks, "Why does it sometimes seem like there are more than one of you?"

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Starletdawn nods approvingly to you.

You glance down.

You deeply say, "Do you mean song of mirrors? I'm not even humming right now."

You attempt to hum a merry little tune.

You squint at Iskandr.

In a perfect imitation of you, from behind a stone sculpture, a voice asks, ""You are lying cleric?"

You wave a hand at the stone sculpture, dismissing it indifferently.

Iskandr says, "Perhaps you are such a whirlwind of rescues that it just seems there are many of you."

You nod sympathetically.

You deeply say, "I can see how it would get confusing. I wear many hats."

Iskandr says, "For those of us here who are not familiar with River's Rest, tell us a bit about it and your experiences there."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

You deeply say, "Well, River's Rest is pretty great! I've lived there off and on for about thirty years, although I've lived all over."

Draelor pours himself a mug of plum and honey mead.

Draelor takes a drink from his plum and honey mead.

You deeply say, "I actually spent a few years out here after I was asked to leave school. Used to hide in here from the tree spirits."

You deeply say, "It's a good place to live if you like getting angry at being told what to do. Or at least ignoring it."

You deeply say, "Or if you're not worried about the undead. Or trolls. Or krolvin. Snakes. The occasional mid-summer blizzard. The empire."

You sheepishly admit, "I'm not sure where I left it on worrying, but the important thing is that there's no reason to."

You deeply say, "It's easy to find things, being just a little island."

You wave to Yardie.

Yardie blinks at Starletdawn.

Yardie waves to you.

Starletdawn winks at Yardie.

You deeply say, "I'm told the fishing is worth a visit."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Iskandr says, "I've always enjoyed it, but I think I just like anywhere that I can magically get to by boot."

You nod enthusiastically!

Fetid fumes, intermingled with the scent of rot and decay, suddenly flood the area.

You deeply say, "Yes, fixing the log helped a lot with visitors."

You sniff.

Iskandr asks, "Did you grow up there? If not, how did you find yourself there?"

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

You deeply say, "S'pose I did, yeah."

You deeply say, "Probably, right? I must have. That makes sense."

You cough.

Fetid fumes, intermingled with the scent of rot and decay, suddenly flood the area.

You squint at Yardie.

Starletdawn covers her nose tightly.

You deeply say, "After school, I did spend some time here for a bit, but that was back before all the fuss about gold rings and papers."

Yardie says, "It's not me."

You wink at Yardie.

Iskandr says, "Yes, I suppose Ta'Vaalor is quite the opposite of the Rest."

You deeply say, "After that, spent a bit down with the dwarves. The roa'ter finally chased me off there."

You nod in agreement.

You deeply say, "More arrests, certainly."

You deeply say, "I'm told I lived in Icemule for some time."

Starletdawn grins.

You shrug.

You deeply say, "No reason to doubt that."

You deeply say, "Just sort of always gravitated back to the Rest, though."

You deeply say, "S'where I keep all my stuff."

Iskandr asks, "What do you consider your role or job there?"

You work your fingers under your tricorn and scratch your head.

You deeply say, "Rescuer, I s'pose. Maybe freelance bum."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

You deeply say, "Occasional town cleric, when we're short."

Iskandr nods.

You shrug.

Iskandr asks, "When Sam is on vacation?"

You deeply ask, "Sam?"

Your face goes blank.

Missoni flounces out of a small opening amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.

You wave to Missoni.

Iskandr asks, "Yes, that odd one, Saltwater Sam?"

You cackle deep in your throat, your voice rising in chilling laughter.

You deeply say, "Sal."

You deeply say, "Saltwater Sal."

Iskandr says, "Oh yes."

You nod understandingly.

Missoni murmurs, "Please pardon my tardiness."

Iskandr says, "MY mistake."

You wave a hand at Missoni, dismissing her indifferently.

You nod to the oak keg.

Draelor says, "The one who takes muffins for raising dead children? Odd one that."

Missoni pours herself a mug of plum and honey mead.

You nod sympathetically at Iskandr.

You deeply say, "S'pose I fill in for Sal on occasion, yeah."

In a perfect imitation of Missoni, from behind a stone sculpture, a voice exclaims, "You are pardoned for being tardy!"

Speaking to Missoni, Iskandr says, "Things are a bit Zelian this eve."

You deeply say, "I mostly just sort of tool around a bit, make corpses, repair corpses, chase off the occasional pirate or grimswarm or elemental."

Missoni nods understandingly at Iskandr.

You reach inside one of the myriad cracked porcelain vessels hanging from the leather harness and grab the ivory license.

Missoni says, "Appropriate, given the location."

You show everyone your ivory license.

Elaborately curlicued calligraphy borders this crisp ivory vellum document, but the attention to detail ends with the over the top decoration. Scratch marks and errors litter the text, specifying the "Pry-Vateering" permissions granted to the holder by one "Count Klayboarn." Evidence of the author's attempts to spell "Turamzzyrian Empire" properly are smudged near the bottom, resulting in a messy inkblot above which, in minute letters, they resorted to scribbling "Countey of Torry" instead.

Missoni looks thoughtfully at you.

You hum happily to yourself.

Starletdawn smiles at you.

You toss the ivory license into one of the myriad cracked porcelain vessels hanging from your leather harness.

You take a drink from your plum and honey mead.

Yardie blinks at you.

You deeply say, "Not much more to it than that."

You laugh out loud!

Speaking to you, Iskandr says, "What keeps you in the Rest? Beyond that it's an island I suppose."

You deeply say, "S'pose I'm in charge of immigration."

You glance at Iskandr and rub your chin thoughtfully.

You deeply say, "Well, I don't think I'm wanted anywhere else at the moment."

You try hard not to grin.

You deeply say, "But despite that, it's where I keep my stuff. And my boat."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

You deeply say, "I guess I can take that anywhere. It's a boat. Well, any port."


Iskandr asks, "How do River s Rest people feel about the other peoples of the realms?"

You deeply say, "Start at the top and work their way down."

You cough.

Missoni bites her lip.

Starletdawn softly giggles.

You deeply say, "I don't know that they do. I've never really thought about it before."

You shrug.

Iskandr ponders.

You do your best at humming a joyful tune.

Iskandr asks, "Who do they have the biggest beef with?"

Standing tall and puffing out your chest in a grand display of bravado, you carefully attend to your tricorn then glance around nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed.

You deeply say, "Well, if it's not me, it's got to be the Fleet Captain."

You deeply say, "Or the Duke."

You deeply say, "The Empire, probably."

Missoni furrows her brow.

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

You deeply say, "River's Rest, certainly."

You deeply say, "The Gnome."

Iskandr chuckles.

You attempt to hum a merry little tune.

You deeply say, "The Count, of course."

You deeply say, "Anyone who tries to collect taxes."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

You deeply say, "And anyone who refuses to pay the bay tax."

You deeply say, "That bartender in Icemule, tried to copy our recipe for winterberry ale."

You deeply say, "That really raffled some fetters."

Iskandr asks, "What peoples do they have the best relationship with?"

You attempt to hum a merry little tune.

You deeply say, "We do a fair amount of business with Knaydl, who runs the Live Bait back and forth to Solhaven."

You deeply say, "And of course the snugglers."

You ponder.

You deeply say, "Moomph, maybe. Or Byron."

Iskandr asks, "What could we here in the East, specifically us Vaalor-folk do to forge better relations with the people of River's Rest?"

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

You bravely hold back your tears, your eyes glistening with pain.

You deeply say, "Do you not like Resters? We like you."

Iskandr asks, "What do you personally see as River s Rest role within the world as a whole?"

Your face goes blank.

You deeply ask, "It's more of an island, really?"

You slowly ask, "Did you think it was a hole?"

You squint at Iskandr.

You deeply say, "It's at the mouth of the Maelstrom Bay."

Missoni giggles.

You deeply say, "You know. Trade. Boats. Jungle."

Iskandr chuckles.

In a perfect imitation of you, from behind a stone sculpture, a voice says, ""Very well said."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

You deeply ask, "Are you thinking of Zul Logoth?"

You deeply say, "Not sure they'd appreciate it being called a hole either."

You shake your head at Iskandr and cluck your tongue.

You reach inside one of the myriad cracked porcelain vessels hanging from the leather harness and grab the dark purple spleen.

Iskandr says, "I saw it on a tourist pamphlet, "hole of the Empire!"."

You drop a puckered dark purple spleen.

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Missoni gawks at Iskandr.

Missoni tilts her head down.

You deeply say, "That does sound plausible."

You nod at Iskandr.


Iskandr says, "Now we can get to more fun bits."

Iskandr says, "Now that we took global politics off the board."

You try hard not to grin.

Iskandr asks, "What of the cultural traditions of River s Rest?"

You deeply say, "Oh, we don't have culture. You have to bring your own."

You wave your hand in a dismissive gesture.

You deeply say, "Well. Wobbly's usually got some yogurt."

You laugh out loud!

You deeply say, "Oh, excuse me a moment, I think I may be dying."

You suddenly feel less protected.

You feel the protection of your deity's influence fade.

An ethereal golden collection bowl drifts out of your body, then vanishes.

You place your left hand upon your head and pat it, while simultaneously rubbing your stomach.

Starletdawn cocks her head at you.

You feel the inner strength leave you.

Missoni looks at you with concern.

You feel the aura of confidence leave you.

The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around you.

Missoni murmurs, "You look alright."

You nod with satisfaction.

Speaking to a lazy wild deep red dog, Iskandr says, "Probably just Zelia."

Speaking deeply to Missoni, you say, "S'pose you're right."

You sneeze, trying vainly to keep from spraying everyone.

You take a drink from your plum and honey mead.

You nod with satisfaction.

Speaking to you, Missoni wishes, "Ah, good health to you."

Speaking deeply to Iskandr, you ask, "Apologies. What were we talking about?"

Iskandr asks, "Food, what do you all eat there?"

You grimace.

You deeply say, "I actually ate before I came, thank you though."

You reach inside one of the myriad cracked porcelain vessels hanging from the leather harness and grab the fleshy black heart.

You take a bite of your fleshy black heart. Completely raw and oozing with blood, the fleshy black heart has a stringy texture and coppery taste.

You toss the fleshy black heart into one of the myriad cracked porcelain vessels hanging from your leather harness.

Starletdawn grins.

You hum happily to yourself.

Iskandr asks, "The black hearts of....fallen enemies?"

You blink.

You deeply ask, "What?"

You glance down.

You nod slowly at Iskandr.

Iskandr asks, "What arts do the people there create?"

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

You deeply say, "Well."

You deeply say, "We've got the picklesmith of course."

You deeply say, "And the winterberry ale."

Missoni nods approvingly.

You deeply say, "And the stitched together former kobold tending bar."

You deeply say, "And the halflings."

You deeply exclaim, "And the goats!"

You scratch at your clothing. Time for a bath?

You deeply say, "I suppose we're mostly known for our games of chance."

You deeply say, "Gem of fate, dodge the void, dock diving."

You shrug.

Iskandr says, "Ah! That would lead me to what you all do for fun, do continue."

You deeply say, "Always a good time. You can learn a lot about people when they're losing a game."

You nod in agreement.

Iskandr asks, "How do these games work?"

You try hard not to grin.

You poke your bolt badge, shooting a stream of water directly into Draelor's eye!

You nod at Draelor.

You rummage inside one of the tattered children's shoes hanging from your leather harness and procure a nebulous emerald.

Missoni glances warily at you.

Speaking deeply to Draelor, you exclaim, "You win!"

Draelor blinks.

Starletdawn applauds Draelor.

Draelor has accepted your offer and is now holding a nebulous emerald.

You hum happily to yourself.

Draelor asks, "I....thanks?"

Starletdawn grins.

You remove an ice blue diamond from in your ivory white sack.

Speaking to Draelor, Missoni says, "Well done."

You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Curse...

You pronounce a foul curse upon an ice blue diamond.

A wisp of brackish blue magic flows from you toward the ice blue diamond. It wraps itself around the diamond, swirling momentarily before disappearing within it.

Starletdawn agrees with Missoni.

You poke your bolt badge, succeeding in shooting a stream of water directly into your face!

You cough.

.... Hmmph!

You scowl at your bolt badge.

Yardie turns to Draelor and cheers!

Starletdawn starts chuckling at you!

Iskandr asks, "You....won?"

You deeply say, "That happens from time to time."

You deeply say, "Looks like the gems don't want to play."

You carefully place an ice blue diamond on the floor.

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor says, "I think that fog might be after you."

You dust off your hands.

Iskandr says, "I suppose Zelia is playing with you in not giving you what she wanted."

Starletdawn begins chuckling at Draelor!

You deeply say, "One never knows what she might find funny."

You shrug.

Iskandr asks, "So you enjoy playing deadly games?"

You hold up your hand and tilt it side to side in a so-so gesture.

You deeply say, "I'm not sure I'd even go as far as calling them deadly."

Iskandr asks, "Or perhaps you enjoy winning deadly games where you are not the one to die?"

You deeply say, "We mostly try to keep it light-hearted these days."

You grin.

Iskandr nods.

You shrug helplessly.

You deeply say, "Not that death holds any meaning."

You elbow Missoni in the ribs in a playful sort of way.

Missoni looks thoughtfully at you.

Iskandr asks, "What kind of festivals do you hold?"

Missoni furrows her brow.

You nod slowly.

You deeply say, "Well, we just had the goat fest recently. And occasionally there's the pickle fest."

You deeply continue, "To celebrate goats and pickles, respectively."

You deeply say, "And the Beacon Hall Archive hosts a brunch every Restday."

Iskandr asks, "So goats and pickles are the most popular things in the Rest?"

You deeply say, "No, not remotely."

You wave your hand in a dismissive gesture.

Starletdawn grins.

You hum happily to yourself.

Iskandr says, "You seem like a well-traveled soul. Tell us about some of your recent adventures."

In a perfect imitation of you, the voice of Dendum says, ""It is said Obelin recently adventured over to Ta'vaalor."

You try hard not to grin.

You deeply say, "Well, I think you've heard the story of that time the Illoke wiped out Icemule."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Missoni glances appraisingly around the room.

You deeply say, "We've recently had a visitor in the Rest."

You deeply say, "Well, they seem to think it's a visit."

You shake your head, clucking your tongue.

You deeply say, "Banished, most likely."

You deeply say, "On a mission to find a cocktail that cures hangovers, of all things."

Missoni clears her throat.

Iskandr says, "Seems important."

You deeply say, "Sampled a few last night."

You shake your head at Iskandr and cluck your tongue.

You deeply say, "Seems impossible."

You deeply say, "The one full of gravel was too crunchy."

Iskandr says, "Would be perhaps the wonder of all science and magic."

You deeply say, "And the poison was awful, I only had four."

You pour yourself a mug of spiced apple beer.

You take a drink from your spiced apple beer. Tart apple flavors break through the heady foam of the smooth, sweet beer.

Starletdawn bites her lip.

Yardie muses, "Only."

You nod at Yardie.

Iskandr asks, "Anything you have seen that is cause of worry in these realms?"

Your face goes blank.

You deeply say, "No, never."

You peer quizzically at Iskandr.

Fetid fumes, intermingled with the scent of rot and decay, suddenly flood the area.

You squint at Yardie.

You cough.

Iskandr says, "I want to give ample time for questions, so will move to my last bit of questions."

You nod appreciatively.

Iskandr asks, "You are known as an aficionado of Spirit Beasts. Tell us more about that. What in the realms are they?"

You blink.

You raise a hand into the air, calling within to your Questionable Warcat spirit. Spiraling wisps of essence wind up your arm and into the air overhead, taking on the shape of an incorporeal armored tabby, which moves to hover over your shoulder.

Missoni claps her hands.

You point at an incorporeal armored tabby.

You deeply ask, "Those?"

Missoni gazes in amusement at an incorporeal armored tabby.

Fetid fumes, intermingled with the scent of rot and decay, suddenly flood the area.

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

You deeply say, "No idea, really. Lixil explained, I think."

Feeling slightly flustered, you lift your tricorn up just long enough to sweep your other hand over your brunette hair. You quickly return the tricorn to your head as you offer the world a sheepish grin.

You deeply ask, "They're a bit like ghosts or spirits, but not precisely?"

You deeply say, "More like echoes, or memories."

Prowling slowly under the weight of its heavy armor, your incorporeal armored tabby scratches with a tiny claw at an imaginary opponent!

You shrug helplessly.

You deeply say, "Just a little wisp of an awareness left behind somewhere."

You deeply say, "Doesn't even have to be dead."

Iskandr asks, "Who had a memory of an armored kitty?"

You shrug.

You deeply say, "S'pose the kitty did."

Iskandr says, "Makes sense."

You ponder.

You deeply say, "Maybe they're dead, I don't know."

Iskandr asks, "Should we be worried that their numbers grow in these realms?"

Meril just came out of a small opening.

Iskandr asks, "Will we have to get voln after them?"

You deeply say, "Should we? Oh, dear."

Meril glances around the room.

You wave to Meril.

You deeply say, "I didn't even realize their numbers were growing."

You deeply say, "I wouldn't worry about it, you put two of them near each other and they'll wrestle a bit."

Iskandr asks, "How does one become involved with these strange creatures?"

Meril asks, "What are folk looking for, in this place at this time of night?"

You gaze about with intense interest, your void black eyes pausing to briefly inspect the situation in their path.

Speaking deeply to Meril, you exclaim, "Oh!"

Speaking to Meril, Iskandr exclaims, "For you, and we found you!"

You nod in agreement at Iskandr.

You deeply say, "Used to hide here from the tree spirits when I was younger."

Meril waves at an incorporeal armored tabby.

In a perfect imitation of Meril, from behind a stone sculpture, a voice says, "Wisdom is sought and found and lost and found again."

You nod in agreement to the stone sculpture.

Meril gazes thoughtfully at a stone sculpture.

Draelor says, "Don't mind the sculpture, it's likely drunk."

Speaking deeply to Iskandr, you say, "You really just need one of Lixil's talismans to bring them into focus, bind a copy."

Meril says, "Statues are not usually thirsty."

You deeply say, "S'that kind of shrine."

You shrug at Meril.

You deeply say, "I've got some spares if anyone needs one. A group of us'll be meeting at Talondown Arena in the morning to practice, but they'll scrap just about anywhere."

Iskandr says, "I have a spirit friend panda, but I do believe it hates me right now. We've had some good runs and some bad runs, but we are currently not happy with eachother's performance as either spirit combatant or coach."

You nod sympathetically at Iskandr.

You glance to your left.

You glance to your right.

Iskandr says, "But let me turn things over to everyone else."

Speaking deeply to Iskandr, you ask, "Have you tried offering it blood?"

Iskandr says, "I'll give it blood eventually but am playing hard to get....blood...."

You spuriously offer, "Of course. I understand completely."

Questions and Responses

Iskandr asks, "So who has questions about Obelin or the Rest?"

You raise your spiced apple beer in a toast to River's Rest!

You take a drink from your spiced apple beer. Tart apple flavors break through the heady foam of the smooth, sweet beer.

Missoni raises her spiced apple beer in a toast!

Iskandr says, "Raise a hand and I'll nod at you to ask."

Missoni raises her hand.

Iskandr nods at Missoni.

You turn to face Missoni.

Missoni sheepishly says, "Apologies if you covered this during my absence."

You wave your hand in a dismissive gesture.

You deeply say, "I can't remember anything I've said."

Speaking to you, Missoni asks, "But what brought you to River's Rest. Were you born there?"

You nod enthusiastically!

You deeply say, "Oh, yes, very much so. Born and raised, this is actually one of the few times I've left."

You deeply say, "Everything you could need in the Rest."

Feeling a bit smug, you cast a glance at Missoni and slowly tap your index finger against your temple as a knowing expression spreads across your face.

In a perfect imitation of you, from behind a stone sculpture, a voice exclaims, ""You just said you spent time everywhere else!"

Starletdawn softly giggles.

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Missoni flashes a quick grin.

You sheepishly admit, "That could be the case."

Missoni says, "The sculpture disagrees."

Missoni reaches out and pats a stone sculpture.

You nod in agreement at Missoni.

You deeply say, "She's a bit disagreeable from time to time."

Iskandr exclaims, "Oh, I have a question I just thought of!"

Missoni adopts an agreeable expression.

You deeply exclaim, "Question!"

Iskandr asks, "What happened to your friend Lance?"

You nod understandingly.

You deeply say, "Lance is currently imprisoned back in the Rest."

You shake your head, clucking your tongue.

You deeply say, "Murder, and I expect the charges will stick."

You deeply say, "Dead to rights, they've got 'em."

Missoni furrows her brow.

Iskandr chuckles.

You deeply say, "Right in the Commons, in front of everyone."

You deeply say, "Probly have to spend an hour in the stocks."

You sigh.

Missoni murmurs, "Oh dear."

You take a drink from your spiced apple beer.

You shrug.

You deeply say, "S'alright, though."

You deeply say, "Makes folks a bit nervous, you understand."

Iskandr asks, "Any further questions?"

Missoni exclaims, "Oh!"

Missoni raises her hand.

You glance to your left.

Starletdawn grins at Missoni.

You glance to your right.

Iskandr nods at Missoni.

Missoni whispers aloud, "I always have questions."

You grin.

Stormyrain just came out of a small opening.

You slap your open hand tattoo, the sting briefly reminding you of the burn of the tattooing process. In that instance, you think about when the scattered ruins, which bear a deep resemblance to the Citadel of River's Rest, first graced your freckled flesh and how it felt when the ink was injected.

The voice of Nyaranya exclaims, "I have a question!"

Your incorporeal armored tabby scratches with a tiny claw at an imaginary opponent!

You wave to Stormyrain.

Speaking to you, Missoni says, "I have heard it said... ah..."

Stormyrain smiles at you.

Speaking deeply to Missoni, you say, "Absolutely true, every word."

You nod with satisfaction.

The voice of Nyaranya asks, "What are you all doing in the crazy cave?"

Starletdawn starts chuckling at you!

Missoni sheepishly says, "I was not done."

You cough.

Iskandr nods at Missoni.

You glance over yourself, making sure you are a presentable River Rat.

Iskandr points at Missoni.

Missoni continues, "That there are some untoward trading practices within the town."

Missoni whispers aloud, "Like smuggling."

You deeply ask, "S'wrong with snuggling?"

Speaking to you, Missoni asks, "Could you speak about that at all?"

You peer quizzically at Missoni.

You deeply say, "Seems perfectly normal to me."

Missoni says, "Well, it is illegal! But I suppose it could be an ethical grey area."

Cocking your eyebrow and narrowing your opposite void black eye, you display your skepticism.

Missoni asks, "What sorts of goods are often smuggled?"

You deeply ask, "Illegal? To snuggle?"

You shake your head at Missoni and cluck your tongue.

Missoni confusedly asks, "It is not illegal?"

Stormyrain gazes in amusement at Missoni.

You deeply say, "Don't think I'll ever understand the Faendryl."

Stormyrain whispers something to Missoni.

Stormyrain folds her hands behind her back.

Speaking to you, Missoni says, "We are very orderly."

You nod sympathetically.

Missoni blinks at Stormyrain.

You deeply say, "No, it's certainly not illegal to snuggle in River's Rest."

Stormyrain chuckles to herself.

Stormyrain nods in agreement to you.

Iskandr says, "I think legal and illegal trade is a very grey area there."

Stormyrain says, "Nor in the Landing, I'd wager."

You nod in agreement at Stormyrain.

Missoni says, "No, no. Not snuggle. Smuggle."

You deeply say, "There's a certain establishment by the docks which encourages it."

Starletdawn cackles!

Missoni clarifies, "S - M - U...."

Speaking deeply to Missoni, you ask, "What?"

The voice of Nyaranya asks, "What are you all doing in the crazy cave?"

You glance around the room.

Missoni repeats, "Smuggle. To move goods away from the eye of the law."

Iskandr says, "That's a very good question."

You deeply ask, "I believe we're behaving perfectly normally?"

Speaking deeply to Missoni, you say, "Oh! Yes, we're quite good at that."

You deeply say, "Though I don't know about the snuggling."

You squint at Missoni.

You deeply say, "We mustly just do it via ship."

Speaking to you, Missoni says, "Fluffy is good at that."

The green tree frog flicks his tongue out, snatching an insect from the air.

The green tree frog croaks.

You nod in agreement.

Missoni asks, "You snuggle via ship? Or?"

Yardie exclaims, "Gahh!!"

Yardie asks, "You!?"

Missoni looks completely lost.

You peer quizzically at Missoni.

You deeply ask, "Who would snuggle a ship?"

Missoni diplomatically says, "I think my question has been answered."

Yardie asks, "Where did she go?!?"

You deeply say, "Oh, good."

You nod with satisfaction.

Iskandr says, "We're here because Zelia seems to favor the Rest, seemed like a perfect match."

Iskandr says, "Indeed."

Missoni snaps her fingers, and the dog moves to her side obediently.

Missoni shakes her head, clucking her tongue.

Tendrils of mist float around a cloud of pale green fog.

You chuckle.

Iskandr asks, "Any other questions?"

You deeply say, "Fogs and frogs and dogs."

You hum happily to yourself.

Meril asks, "What manner of goods would be... illegal?"

Meril furrows her brow.

Iskandr nods at Meril.

You shrug helplessly at Meril.

Iskandr says, "That's a good question."

You glance to your left.

You glance to your right.

Speaking deliberately to Meril, you whisper aloud, "Why, what do you need?"

Yardie exclaims, "Come out person!"

You whistle a carefree tune, the perfect picture of innocence.

You take a drink from your spiced apple beer. Tart apple flavors break through the heady foam of the smooth, sweet beer.

Stormyrain casually glances at Yardie.

You peer quizzically at Yardie.

Speaking to you, Meril says, "Nothing that could be bought or sold, I fear."

Missoni looks at Yardie with concern.

Yardie exclaims, "She's here!!"

You wink at Meril.

Feeling a bit smug, you cast a glance at Meril and slowly tap your index finger against your temple as a knowing expression spreads across your face.

Missoni looks thoughtfully at Meril.

You reach inside one of the myriad cracked porcelain vessels hanging from the leather harness and grab the fleshy black heart.

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor asks, "What are you on about?"

Meril has accepted your offer and is now holding a fat-laced fleshy black heart.

Speaking deeply to Draelor, you say, "Strangers."

Meril squints at a fat-laced fleshy black heart.

Draelor shakes his head.

Iskandr says, "One more question perhaps and then I will let things devolve into outright unreined chaos."

Yardie exclaims, "The wizard with the frog! She's here!"

Tendrils of mist float around a cloud of pale green fog.

Starletdawn begins chuckling at Iskandr!

You peer quizzically at a cloud of pale green fog.

The green tree frog croaks.

You squint at a lazy wild deep red dog.

Yardie points at a green tree frog.

Missoni pets a green tree frog, which nuzzles her hand softly.

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor asks, "You're....afraid of frogs now?"

Speaking to a green tree frog, Yardie exclaims, "!"

The green tree frog turns in place a few times.

You gaze in amusement at a green tree frog.

Iskandr asks, "Any further questions?"

Speaking to Draelor, Yardie says, "I am not."

Missoni says, "What a charming amphibian."

Draelor says, "It's a frog..."

Speaking deeply to Missoni, you say, "Certainly no farming champion."

The green tree frog moves closer to Draelor.

The green tree frog croaks at Draelor.

Speaking to you, Missoni agrees, "Certainly not."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

The green tree frog hops around the room, stopping occasionally to snatch a stray insect from the air with his tongue.

You deeply say, "It does appear to be a frog."

You nod in agreement at Draelor.

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor asks, "See? Doing frog things. Why are you so upset?"

Stormyrain adds, "A hungry one it seems."

Missoni gently rubs the top of the green tree frog's head with the tip of her finger.

You hum happily to yourself.

Speaking to Draelor, Yardie exclaims, "Because she's here!"

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor asks, "The...frog?"

Iskandr says, "Then I will call it an official end, as we are at the hour mark that I like to keep to, let chaos reign. Thank you Obelin for traveling all this way and telling us of your life and the Rest."

Yardie says, "C'mon out here Nyar.....Nyar....Nyarana."

You nod gratefully at Iskandr.

Starletdawn applauds you.

Missoni applauds you.

Starletdawn applauds.

Draelor applauds.

Missoni raises her spiced apple beer in a toast!


You place your hands on your leather harness and strike a dashing pose.

Iskandr says, "Now we can watch Yardie go insane."

You hear someone applauding from the shadows.

Yardie applauds.

Draelor nods.

Yardie exclaims, "Gah!!"

You slap your open hand tattoo, the sting briefly reminding you of the burn of the tattooing process. In that instance, you think about when the scattered ruins, which bear a deep resemblance to the Citadel of River's Rest, first graced your freckled flesh and how it felt when the ink was injected.

You grin.

Yardie exclaims, "Someone dispel the...gah!!"

Draelor says, "Calling out frogs as wizards apparently."

Speaking to you, Missoni exclaims, "That was quite informative, thank you!"

Yardie exclaims, "Someone dispel the invisibility!"

You nod appreciatively at Missoni.

Iskandr nods at Missoni.

Yardie exclaims, "Sunspot!"

Stormyrain gazes in amusement at Yardie.

Yardie says, "Whatever it's called."

Yardie exclaims, "She's here!!"

Speaking deeply to Missoni, you exclaim, "I had no idea snuggling was so frowned upon!"

Draelor says, ""

Yardie staggers as if he were just hit with a large object! Nearby, you hear someone giggling madly!

You deeply say, "Learn something every day."

Yardie exclaims, "Gahhh!"

Speaking to you, Missoni says, "I suppose it is in some circles."

You nod sympathetically at Missoni.

Missoni looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Speaking to Draelor, Yardie asks, "Will you sunburst already?"

Iskandr asks, "Why is he such a mess?"

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor asks, "Will I what?"

Starletdawn gazes with interest at Yardie.

Speaking to Draelor, Yardie exclaims, "Sunburst, please!"

Iskandr asks, "Did they kick him out of his pal Ester's school?"

Missoni says, "Oh, that sounds awfully bright."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie exclaims, "No!"

Yardie snaps around suddenly and looks about suspiciously.

You deeply ask, "Al pastor?"

Missoni frets.

You peer quizzically at Iskandr.

Yardie exclaims, "Owwww!"

Iskandr nods to you.

You nod understandingly.

Draelor says, "Perhaps he's seeing ghosts."

You squint at a green tree frog.

Iskandr asks, "Maybe his son or daughter is about?"

Starletdawn agrees with Draelor.

You deeply say, "Seems healthy enough. For a frog."

The green tree frog croaks at you.

Draelor says, " ghosts."

Speaking to Draelor, Yardie asks, "Will you sunburst already?"

Speaking to Draelor, Yardie says, "I'm not going crazy. Please."

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor asks, "Why would I use sunburst?"

Speaking to Draelor, Yardie says, "Someone his hiding."

The green tree frog blinks slowly.

Missoni says, "I must go rest."

Speaking to you, Missoni says, "Thank you again."

You nod gratefully at Missoni.

Missoni exclaims, "And fair eve, everyone!"

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr asks, "Aren't you very well skilled at finding things in the dark?"

Speaking deeply to Missoni, you say, "Of course! And you."

Missoni flounces into a small opening amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.

You shrug helplessly at Yardie.

Draelor gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "Not with magic, because magic is cheating."

Draelor gestures.

Nyaranya is discovered by Draelor!

Nyaranya lets out a yelp!

Nyaranya traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...

Nyaranya gestures.

Nyaranya suddenly disappears.

Draelor says, "Oh, that."

Starletdawn chuckles.

Yardie exclaims, "Hah!"

Yardie suddenly snaps around, looking confused and rubbing his arm.

Yardie exclaims, "Oowwwwwwww!!"

You hear someone summoning elemental energy to her command...

Water sprays forth and scours Draelor clean!

Starletdawn clasps her hand over her mouth.

Stormyrain raises her eyebrow, the bloodjewel half-ring set within only enhancing her skeptical expression.

Draelor says, "Well that's clearly Yardie's fault."

You chuckle.

Yardie gasps.

A drop of water slides down the tip of Draelor's nose and plops with a "Plonk!" to the ground.

Yardie asks, "How?!?"

The voice of Nyaranya says, "Sorry I was aiming at Yardie."

You poke your bolt badge, shooting a stream of water directly into Draelor's eye!

Iskandr chuckles.

You burst into a fit of insane laughter!

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor says, "Clearly you brought this."

Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at you.

Speaking to Draelor, Yardie exclaims, "I did not!"

Thick runnels of water dribble down Draelor's face and pool around his collar bone.

Water sprays forth and scours Yardie clean!

A large splash of water drenches Yardie from head to toe!

You shrug helplessly at Stormyrain.

Yardie exclaims, "Gahhh!!!"

Stormyrain nods understandingly to you.

Yardie exclaims, "Not again!!"

Damp trickles of water drip from the ends of Yardie's hair.

You chuckle.

Nyaranya hurls a small surge of electricity at Yardie, causing a crackling halo of static to swirl about his head, standing all his hair straight on end. How silly!

Yardie's hair suddenly stands straight up!

Iskandr says, "These often devolve into this, but I have to say Zelia is giving this one a bit of an extra zing."

Speaking to you, Dendum says, ""Seems you brought spirit of rest to the east."

You hear someone giggling.

Draelor gestures.

Large drops of water drip from Yardie's chin.

Dendum nods to you.

Starletdawn grins.

You nod in agreement at Dendum.

Speaking to you, Dendum remarks, ""Very good."

Stormyrain gazes in amusement at Dendum.

Yardie says, "This is giving me terrible memories."

Meril taps a stone sculpture.

Speaking deeply to Dendum, you say, "And hardly anyone died."

Iskandr says, "Yet."

You nod sagely.

Yardie says, "Blink."

Speaking to you, Dendum remarks, ""Eh...night is still young moons still hang high in the sky."

Yardie blinks.

Dendum glances at a small opening.

Yardie glances at Dendum.

The voice of Draelor says, "I don't know why every Yardie engagement ends in chaos."

Speaking to Dendum, Yardie exclaims, "When did you get here?!"

Yardie exclaims, "Why am I to blame?!"

Speaking deeply to Yardie, you ask, "The statue?"

You peer closely at a stone sculpture, but see nothing of interest. Maybe if you examined it closely, you would see more.

The voice of Nyaranya asks, "You didn't see him walk in?"

The voice of Draelor says, "There were no frogs or craziness until you arrived, so clearly it's your doing."

Speaking deeply to Yardie, you say, "It's a statue. They're traditionally stationary."

Iskandr says, "He was there the whole time."

Yardie shivers.

Speaking to Iskandr, Dendum informs, ""Many thanks for gathering."

Stormyrain gazes with interest at Starletdawn.

Starletdawn laughs at you!

You nod in agreement at Starletdawn.

You nod in agreement at Dendum.

Starletdawn winks at Stormyrain.

Stormyrain looks lost in thought.

Stormyrain nods slowly.

Speaking deeply to Iskandr, you exclaim, "Yes, I appreciate the invitation!"

Nyaranya suddenly fades into view.

Nyaranya flutters her wings lazily.

Yardie says, "I should be going. Tomorrow a big day."

You deeply say, "Any excuse to share the tragic tale of my childhood among the elves."

Iskandr exclaims, "You did indeed bring the Rest with you, thank you for coming!"

You grin.

You nod in agreement.

You grasp the edges of your pure white greatcloak and fling up your arms with a theatrical flourish! The cendal surges around you in a tight spiral, shimmering and growing transparent as it does so. Your skin tingles with arcane feedback from your invocation of invisibility, but you know the concealment won't last long.

You stroll into a small opening, leaving a fading trail of cerulean footprints in your wake.

Using some fine crystalline chalk, you outline the shape of a summoning circle upon the ground.

You study your leather book for a long moment, imprinting the complex pattern of a set of jagged twilight grey "mer-lu-eks" signs upon your mind, and then you focus upon your summoning circle as you begin to draw the runes. When all three runes are complete, you draw a defensive sigil at the center of the circle. The circle is prepared, but inert, awaiting the touch of your mana to activate it.

Your words awaken the summoning circle, and the space above it ripples and wavers like a hot desert horizon, bleeding waves of nauseating twilight grey energy as it seems to pull at the very fabric of reality around it. Without warning, the distortion rapidly expands and pulls you into its depths, sending you hurtling through a tunnel of seemingly infinite length! The tunnel snaps back and out of existence as you find yourself at your destination...

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Carran disk, a sharp-nosed golden brown wolf, the Cataclysm disk, the Locklee disk, the Brayda disk, a fluffy white cat, an ivy-covered white monir tower, a red cedar sign that reads, "Kiyna. A better Landing, one small step at a time!", some wide stone benches with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and a round silver-banded barrel.

Also here: Carran, Ykay, Jadedragan, Lord Nomdelaern, High Lord Cataclysm who is sitting, Great Lord Locklee, Lady Brayda who is sitting, Xexzion, Andromalius who is sitting, Lord Zachriel

Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest

You deeply exclaim, "Good evening, Town Square full of witnesses who will remember I was here at this time!"

You deeply exclaim, "Remember, alibi!"

[General] Jadedragan thinks, "Whatever it is, remeber Obelin did it."