Opalina (prime)/Ebon Gate Pyrestarters 2024-10-15: Bonfire of Remembrance (log)

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Ebon Gate Pyrestarters 2024 Contest

Bonfire of Remembrance (log) presented from the perspective of Opalina

Bonfire of Remembrance

>read list

The burnt-edge list contains the following names:

  (1) Opalina
  (2) Kelfyr
  (3) Evii
  (4) Karamilla
  (5) Lylia
  The burnt-edge list is open with room for 5 signups.
  Leaving the game for more than a few minutes is NOT allowed.
  Leaving the room is allowed.  You MUST be back by your turn.

You may only be on ONE list at a time. Joining another will remove you from the first.

Lucraine says, speaking to Kreapy, "Brain always hurts to be honest."

Kreapy suggests, speaking to Lucraine, "Maybe you have leeches in your skull."

Kreapy sniffs.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Lylia removes a sable leather gem pouch with soft silk lining from in her wrap.

Grey and white ash suddenly shifts beneath a drakar-veined stone resting within a banked fire, causing cherry red coals to become exposed.

and glow brightly in the dark of night.

Lucraine asks, speaking to Kreapy, "Do you know a good way to get them out?"

Lylia put a sable leather gem pouch with soft silk lining in her wrap.

Lyracellan giggles at Kreapy.

You quietly say, "Maybe he got a hold of one of those glowworms."

Kreapy asks, speaking to Lucraine, "Why would you wanna?"

Evii glances between Lucraine and Kreapy.

Missoni furrows her brow.

Lyracellan hugs Evii, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Lucraine asks, speaking to Kreapy, "Cause they make my brain hurt?"

Missoni mouths, "Brain leeches."

Lucraine laughs!

Kreapy shifts his weight to one side, the slimy pink earthworm swaying in the glowing amber preservative inside his glass jar.

You gulp.

You casually observe your surroundings.

Lyracellan sets about preparing you to be as presentable as possible.

Amna asks, "Well then, I did say twenty past, yes?"

Lyracellan assures, speaking softly to you, "I checked and didn't see any, you should be good."

Kreapy shrugs at Lucraine.

Missoni agrees, "You did."

Vaella says, "You did exactly."

Vaella twiddles her thumbs.

Kreapy removes a polychromatic lollipop from in his tartan rucksack.

Kreapy licks his polychromatic lollipop.

You praise Lyracellan.

Amna asks, speaking to you, "Opalina! Are you ready to set our first fire?"

Lyracellan surreptitiously glances at Kreapy.

Missoni pours herself a flute of pale moonflower wine.

You nod.

Lyracellan put a slender flute of orange blossom champagne in her blue chainsil cape.

You stand back up.

Kreapy picks some lint off his lollipop and pops it in his mouth.

Kreapy put a polychromatic lollipop in his tartan rucksack.

Amna says, "Excellent. I look forward to it."

Lucraine hoots at you.

Missoni leans forward.

(Opalina clears her throat.)

Amna exclaims, speaking to you, "Opalina ... you may begin!"

Lyracellan removes a sugar-swirled rainbow unicorn lollipop from in her blue chainsil cape.

The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Lucraine.

You somberly say, "As we gather around this bonfire tonight, I can't help but reflect on what transpired last year in Naidem. It all began with Vistix Akrath, lord of Yvaelyst Manor, and his love for Yraelia, the daughter of Tasthera and sister to Samyrha. What seemed like a simple love story soon unraveled into something darker, as Yraelia mysteriously vanished, and a locked room full of heads was discovered in the manor. Suspicion clung to the Vistix like shadows, yet he convinced many that his only goal was to rescue Yraelia."

Lucraine glances around, looking a bit less confident.

You reflectively say, "A ritual was set in motion-one that required Samyrha s help and, most importantly, one that could not be interrupted. But in the chaos that followed, I tried to stop the ritual-not once, but three times-before succeeding. My interference changed everything. A figure, a twisted ancestor of Akrath, pulled himself from the Vistix and was freed, along with his headless brides. Samyrha and Yraelia were both beheaded in a violent storm of coneflowers, and Akrath was dragged into the ground by the very briars that once surrounded his estate."

You truthfully say, "The ancestor, pleased to be free, thanked me for my unwitting assistance and unleashed a wave of undead upon us before locking everyone out of the manor."

You seriously say, "Now, as the flames rise tonight, let us remember the past, for it holds more power over the present than we may care to admit."

(Opalina strides confidently toward the stone circle. With a mischievous smile, Opalina glances at the audience and starts the preparation.)

Missoni narrows her eyes.

Kreapy sits there with his eyes wide open.

You select a log from the rack.

You put a log in a fire-scorched stone circle.

(Opalina crouches down near the stone circle, gently placing down a large wooden log with etchings of twisted vines running along its surface.)

You perspicaciously say, "This log will be the base of our bonfire-it s not just any wood, it s from the Darkwood Groves, soaked in the night air of Naidem, perfect for calling on the spirits."."

(Opalina pulls out a few Plum and red petal-skirted coneflowers, their heads darkened and thorny.

Opalina tears the flowers heads clean off, tossing them into the circle.)

You remove a plum and red petal-skirted coneflower from in your white bearskin coat.

Cupping your petal-skirted coneflower in your fist, your thumb directly under the flower head, you murmur a rhyme that you heard once in Naidem. "Vistix had a bride and her head popped off!" As soon as you say "off" you use your thumb to dislodge the head of your petal-skirted coneflower, causing it to fly through the air and land on the ground!

You put a headless coneflower stem in a fire-scorched stone circle.

You remove a plum and red petal-skirted coneflower from in your white bearskin coat.

Cupping your petal-skirted coneflower in your fist, your thumb directly under the flower head, you murmur a rhyme that you heard once in Naidem. "Vistix had a bride and her head popped off!" As soon as you say "off" you use your thumb to dislodge the head of your petal-skirted coneflower, causing it to fly through the air and land on the ground!

You put a headless coneflower stem in a fire-scorched stone circle.

You will speak sorrowfully on your next message.

You sorrowfully say, "These coneflowers, once symbols of beauty, will fuel the flames, their petals a reminder that all beauty can burn."."

Kreapy stares off into space.

(Opalina digs into her vintage walnut basket tied around the waist and pulls out a handful of red-orange ghost peppers.)

You help yourself to a red-orange ghost pepper.

You quietly say, "Now, these peppers are special. Not for their scent, but for their effect. As they burn, the smoke will carry the heat of their spice, filling the air with a fire so strong, it ll bring tears to even the toughest warrior."."

You put a red-orange ghost pepper in a fire-scorched stone circle.

(Opalina grabs a few twigs-thin, fragile, and brittle. "These twigs are from Naidem s cursed orchards, long abandoned but still full of memories.")

You pluck a twig from the crate.

You put a small twig in a fire-scorched stone circle.

(Opalina carefully lays them atop the decapitated flowers, ensuring the twigs crisscross the log and petals, setting the kindling.)

A pair of hissy female voices, full of rage, sound behind you, "How dare you!"

(Opalina reaches into her vintage walnut basket, and pulls out several sprigs of fresh green sage.)

You help yourself to a sprig of fresh green sage.

You respectfully say, ""For those who pass, I add these sage sprigs for calm. Their scent will soften the sting of the peppers and carry our hopes for peace."."

You put a sprig of fresh green sage in a fire-scorched stone circle.

(Opalina stays focused.)

Lucraine coughs.

(Opalina Standing tall now, removes her long gloves exposing a glowing tattoo on her finger, snapping her fingers with a soft POP, a small flame parks to life.)

You remove some sleek selshis skin gloves with kelyn-reinforced knuckles from your hands.

Removing your gloves uncovers your crimson flame tattoo.

You glance at your crimson flame tattoo and snap your fingers.

You will speak optimistically on your next message.

You optimistically say, ""Let s see how it all burns, shall we?"."

As you begin the incantation for Fire Spirit, the ground beneath you ripples with multihued elemental mana, slowly unfurling into wispy tendrils of colorful light.

Your spell is ready.

You gesture.

A flare leaves your hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into dozens of glittering motes of crystal blue light. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

(Forcing stance down to guarded)

(Opalina gently lowers the flame to the base of the logs, lighting the pile at its core. As the flames catch, they spread upward, enveloping the decapitated flowers, spicy peppers, and brittle twigs. Soon, bright red and orange flames leap into the air, laced with the purple-tinged smoke from the burning sage. The scent of fiery peppers fills the space-intense and searing-causing the first few tears to form in the crowd s eyes. The soft fragrance of sage follows close behind, a bittersweet balance.)

Amna exclaims, "Yes, let us see!"

A colorful flare rises into the air high above Evermore Hollow before exploding into a dizzying array of colorful plasma orbs that streak through the sky trailing tails of gold.

You feel at full magical power again.

A colorful flare rises into the air high above Naidem before exploding into enormous, glittering bursts of breathtaking color held in a miasma of swirling gold and silver.

(Opalina steps back, watching as the flames dance higher, the crackling sound of wood and flowers echoing through the space.)

You slip some sleek selshis skin gloves with kelyn-reinforced knuckles over your hands.

The gloves covers your crimson flame tattoo.

A colorful flare rises into the air high above Naidem before exploding into furiously erratic flashes of deep black light.

You tremble.

A colorful fireball rises into the air high above Evermore Hollow before exploding into waterfalls of polychromatic lotus blossoms.

Missoni breathes in slightly.

Amna exclaims, speaking to you, "You have two minutes remaining!"

Wind suddenly tumbles across the drakar-veined stone resting within a pile of fire, causing fire to suddenly flare briefly upon their surface. When the wind dies, the chill of nearby rhimar-veined stones pulls the heat from the flames and the fire settle down.

Lucraine rubs his eyes.

You kneel down.

You beseech Koar for some divine assistance.

Amna says, "Were I not suffering from a mild case of incoporeality, I'm sure my eyes would be burning."

Lyracellan blinks.

Lucraine rubs his crystal blue eyes.

You quietly say, "My fire is complete."

Vaella whispers aloud, speaking to Amna, "I think my nose hairs are singed."

Several severed heads appear out of the shadows and race toward you, drawing a gust of wind with them.

You release a tiny squeak of surprise!

Amna says, speaking to you, "Lovely darling. Thank you for sharing, even if some of our eyes might be complaining."

Missoni breathes in slightly.

Lylia applauds you.

The mirror images surrounding Lucraine undulate and grow stronger.

Lucraine renews his songs.

Rivienne applauds you.

You stand back up.

Kelfyr applauds.

As you take a seat on one of the benches, a childish squeal of laughter drifts by.

The severed heads let out ear-piercing screams and then dive into the shadows.

A colorful flare rises into the air high above Naidem before exploding into a radiant gold capybara encircled by iridescent bubbles.

Missoni winces.

Lyracellan applauds you.

You shiver.

Lucraine applauds you with enthusiasm, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings.

Evii applauds.

Rivienne asks, "How can you beat the summoning of severed heads?"

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Kreapy sneezes on Lyracellan, then wipes at his nose as though it's irritating him.

Lyracellan giggles at Kreapy.

Lucraine's face turns slightly pale.

Lucraine leans to his left slightly.

Missoni takes a drink from her pale moonflower wine.

Missoni looks rather relaxed.

Lyracellan mouths, speaking knowingly to Kreapy, "Ghost peppers."

Lyracellan nods.

>look in circle

In the stone circle:

Food/Drink [2]: a sprig of fresh green sage, a red-orange ghost pepper

Special [2]: a headless coneflower stem (2)

Misc [2]: a small twig, a log

Total items: 6

A colorful fireball rises into the air high above Naidem before exploding into waterfalls of polychromatic lotus blossoms.

Whispers taunt you from the shadows, "Defiler. Cruel monster. Murderer! Murderer! Murderer!"

Missoni nods thoughtfully at Rivienne.

You furrow up your face and wince.

Lylia removes a cracked ember-veined fragment from in her wrap.

You sigh defeated.

(Lyracellan discreet wipes at her shoulder and arm that was next to Kreapy.)

Lylia's eyes glaze over as she stares into the distance.

Lylia stares at her ember-veined fragment, completely unaware of her surroundings. A sailor might say that she had slipped her moorings!

Lylia stares at nothing in particular for several seconds and then reaches up. Her hand simply disappears for a moment, and when she brings it back into view she is holding a split dirt-covered hoof!

Lylia put a cracked ember-veined fragment in her wrap.

Lylia gives a skeptical look at her dirt-covered hoof while placing her hands on her hips.

Lucraine whispers aloud, speaking to Lyracellan, "I think that means he likes you."

Lylia put a split dirt-covered hoof in her wrap.

Lucraine smiles at Kreapy.

Lyracellan beams happily at Kreapy!

Evii squints at Lyracellan.

You remove a sprig of fresh green sage from in a fire-scorched stone circle.

Evii removes a pristine white cotton handkerchief from in her silk hip-purse.

Evii offers Lyracellan a pristine white cotton handkerchief.

You remove a red-orange ghost pepper from in a fire-scorched stone circle.

Lyracellan accepts Evii's white cotton handkerchief.

You put a red-orange ghost pepper in your white bearskin coat.

Missoni flashes a quick grin at Rivienne.

You put a sprig of fresh green sage in your white bearskin coat.

Lyracellan sets about preparing herself to be as presentable as possible.

In the stone circle:

Special [2]: a headless coneflower stem (2)

Misc [2]: a small twig, a log

Total items: 4

You remove a headless coneflower stem from in a fire-scorched stone circle.

You remove a headless coneflower stem from in a fire-scorched stone circle.

You put a headless coneflower stem in your white bearskin coat.

You put a headless coneflower stem in your white bearskin coat.

You remove a small twig from in a fire-scorched stone circle.

You remove a log from in a fire-scorched stone circle.

Kreapy says, "That was too spicy to roast my marshamallows."

You quietly say, "Cleaned up for the next one."