Peacock Gazette/Issue 10

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This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Peacock Gazette: Issue 10

Author: Various

The Peacock Gazette
Created by Rohese's player using Midjourney AI.

Headline: Changing Fortunes: This Author's Thoughts on the Latest Court Fashions

Avid readers, gather round, for we have been given a peek into the sumptuous delights to be expected at next week's coronation. And my, what a dazzling spectacle it will be! The Peacock Court, already renowned for its style and elegance, will be extending its penchant for opulence into their wardrobes. Yes, you heard it here first - Lord Clessar Ryvvuel, the Mirror's First Couturier has made it known that our soon-to-be new sovereign wishes her court to exude an air of indulgence, leaving us all gasping for breath and clutching our pearls tightly in awe as we realise we have quite a challenge ahead of us over the coming days. Let's be honest, the last few years have seen an era of austerity when it comes to court fashion; no longer!

Let us begin with a regal silhouette, shall we? For no true lady of the court would ever be caught without a proper, structured gown. These creations, darlings, are no mere garments but architectural wonders: bodices cinched tightly to create the coveted hourglass shape, with skirts swelling into grandiose affairs - the bigger, the better, I assure you - and layers; let's not forget the petticoats and underskirts. Who could possibly miss the ladies as they sweep across the floor, skirts billowing like ships in full sail?

And the fabrics—divine! Only the richest silks, velvets, and brocades will do for marking this new era, all of which are to be embroidered with gold and silver thread, naturally. One could hardly make an appearance without gleaming from head-to-toe in such finery, lest one be mistaken for a commoner (perish the thought). And, of course, it would be positively scandalous to ignore the colours. Bright jewelled hues are about to become all the rage, signalling not only wealth but power. After all, only the Peacock Court could get away with flaunting such extravagance.

Now, let us not forget the accessories, dearest readers, for what is fashion without a little sparkle? It seems the nobility have a particular fondness for unique glass - adorned on gowns, woven into elaborate hairstyles with geldaralads and fancy ferronieres, and dripping from the necks and ears of the fashionable elite. If one does not sparkle brighter than the Argentate chandeliers, one simply is not trying hard enough.

And how could I resist mentioning the men, those dashing elven lords in their capes, doublets and high-collared tunics? Velvet, satin, and brocade are also their go-to choices, trimmed with the finest embroidery and ornamental closures. The rising Peacock Court is truly an equal-opportunity fashion battlefield, where even the gentlemen can indulge in the competitive art of sartorial display.

In short, embrace extravagance, elegance, and, most importantly, a keen understanding of how to make an entrance. I trust you will all take note, as such a lesson never goes out of style. Until next time, remember, a well-placed ruffle or jewel could very well change your fortunes!

Headline: An Underestimated Picture of Elven Grace

All eyes have turned to the Shining City and its upcoming celebrations. Enter Lady Sayilla Javilerre Illistim, a name that, like the finest elven wine, is both intoxicating and delicate, evoking mystery and sophistication in equal measure.

Sayilla, a noble of the illustrious Javilerre family - whose knowledge rivals that of any library in the land - has recently become the centre of conversation in the Elven Nations. Her intellect, sharp as a rapier, has won her much admiration among her people, but, dare I say, there are whispers of more than just study occupying her mind.

Rumour has it, dear reader, that the Lady has developed quite a penchant for the diplomatic arts. Tales from the Elven court suggest she may have been charmingly instrumental in soothing the ruffled feathers of our neighbours in Vaalor. Is this but another example of her genteel wit, or are there deeper currents beneath the surface? Is it possible that a certain Vaalorian noble has captured her attention?

Of course, one must not forget this Lady's famed penchant for elegant gowns and opulent jewelry too. She dazzled the court at her last appearance in a lapis nacre velvet gown with a train of flora-gilded silk that could make even the stars weep with envy. How very fitting for a lady of such lofty intellect to also possess a beauty that inspires poetry and song.

But beware, for those who believe Sayilla to be all beauty and charm are sorely mistaken. Beneath her polished exterior lies a mind as quick as any, ready to navigate the complexities of court intrigue with the skill of a seasoned strategist. Indeed, few can match her wit and her carefully calculated moves in the great game of politics.

So, dearest reader, as the world turns and new scandals arise, let us keep an eye on our new Mirror. For, with a mind as sharp as hers and a heart as mysterious as the Illistim archives, she is sure to leave her mark on the pages of Elanthian history. Oh, and we implore you all – envoys, citizens and visitors alike - leave your poisons and blades at home. Remember, her uncle is none other than Lord Commander Murstyr Javilerre of the Sapphire Guard.

Headline: A Thread of Courting Couturiers

Revelations about what to wear were not the only thing that caused whispers at the recent discussion of Coronation Court Fashion, as a silent buzz filled the pavilion. Do not think that your Gazette correspondents in any way missed the stuttering and fumbling of words from Lord Ryvvuel Illistim in the presence of his apprentice, the lovely Loenthran, Lady Caisandoral. And after all, who could blame him, around a figure of such beauty and grace?

But it was not all one-sided, as the Lady Caisandoral displayed a familiarity not often shared between Apprentice and Mentor. As the Couturier stumbled with his speech at time, the Seamstress was quick to teasingly correct him and add crucial information, in addition to ensuring his throat was cared for with the offering of drink in manner reminiscent of one working the art of seduction.

Really, though, who could blame such a bond forming? As they both stated, there were untold hours spent in the archives, scouring any records they could find of past coronations for an idea of what one should wear to this rare event. It would be only natural for these two to lean into each other as the hours and shadows grow long

Headline: Court Circulars and Announcements

Celebration! The Council of Thrones and the esteemed citizens and inhabitants of Ta'Illistim invite one and all to the Shining City for the coronation of Lady Sayilla Javilerre on Restday the 22nd day of Imaerasta. The processional will begin on the Ta'Illistim Green at the Hour of Phoen.

The noble Illistim houses invite citizens of the Shining City and entrepreneurial visitors to join together at The Wisteria Markets as part of these celebrations. The markets will be open starting the Day of the Huntress and extending into the evening hours of Restday.