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Quiet (prime)

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You see Lord Quiet Pheonix the Halfling Rogue.

He appears to be in his 100's, has short, curly white hair, dark eyes, and very dark skin.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a gold ring, a crystal amulet, some soft white leathers trimmed with green embroidery, a glistening pure white rose, a beautiful lute charm, a black vultite shield, a pair of midnight blue trousers clasped with silver buttons fashioned as tiny lockpicks, a red dreamstone bracelet, a tightly woven spidersilk sack, a bright mithril shield talisman, a small silver star, a delicate ruby pin in the shape of a flute, a black basilisk mask, and a flame-red suede cloak.

Lord Quiet Entertains

The following was scribed, edited and submitted by house member Jjustinian. The audience was edited out for length.

[House Brigatta, Common Room]

Also in the room: Lady Lorissia, Lord Tenser, Lady Katrinia, Kytaara who is seated, Ylandra who is seated, Enfar who is seated, Lord Psionix, Luky, Geraldd who is seated, Bialstoc who is seated, Lady Titaniia who is seated, Lady Gwendolyne, Lord Enterobios who is seated, Lord Higlac, Delashio, Tecilar who is seated, Lady Lascivia who is seated, Lady Allequerie who is seated, Lord Quiet who is seated, Lord Barlimoeur, Kencyrath who is seated

Obvious exits: south, east.


Quiet asks, "tell you what - would you like to hear a story?"


Quiet says, "this is the one that I told in the festival"


Quiet says, "it got me to finals"


Quiet says, "'I don't mind you making noise - audience appreciation is always nice"


Quiet says, "unless of course - you do things that are distracting"


Quiet grins.


Quiet says, "ok"


Quiet says, "I have come here today to tell a story."


Quiet says, "I would like you to take a trip with me back in time; back to the time of my youth. It was when I was but a lad, never having journeyed beyond the edges of my village. It was a typical hobbit village, with all of us happy and joyful."


(Quiet brings his hand to his mouth, holding something quite small. You hear a pure note and his hand falls to his side, quite empty. You wonder where he could have put the instrument, but realize he must have palmed it with a deft hand.)


Quiet sings:

"Thistle-foot and Green-eyes, heroes of the dale Met the invaders, faces quite pale.

Only the brave and pure of heart

Could ensure hobbits kept their tarts."


Quiet sings: "Green-eyes paid with her life To save the village from the knife

Of the dark elf horde. They say,

For only one followed the hobbit way."


Quiet says, "As you enter the village from the central green, the community garden grows to the left."


Quiet smiles in remembrance as he gestures left.


Quiet says, "The melons are starting to turn yellow and green, swelling with the sweet taste of summer. The moist air crossing the stream brings the smell of moss and cool damp earth, refreshing and clean."


Quiet smiles with a deep breath as he gestures right.


Quiet says, "To your right, a well tended small burrow covered with a fine green grass, beckons with a small open door. The smell of fresh summer tarts baking in a stone oven almost irresistibly calls you inside."


Quiet removes a flaky chocolate tart from inside his suede cloak.


Quiet sniffs at his chocolate tart.


Quiet sighs reflectively.


Quiet put a flaky chocolate tart inside his suede cloak.


Quiet says, "The gentle sounds of singing and laughing fill the air inside the gentle home."


Quiet smiles with a gentle smile, gesturing around the room.


Quiet says, "Choosing to pass the entry house, you walk a soft dirt path to a tall modwir tree. The branches stretch in all directions as if to shelter all below its canopy."


Quiet says, "Here the shade is mottled by the light passing among the leaves. The songs of birds and the chitter of squirrels give the air a gaiety not found in more urban surroundings."


Quiet says, "A squirrel spirals up the tree, the gentle sunlight playing across his fur, dancing like a faery party. Dislodging a nut, no doubt planned for the winter, he chitters in frustration as the nut drops on the head of passing hobbit."


Quiet says, "This was my village where I grew up. But,"


Quiet sighs remorsefully.


Quiet says, "when I was but a wee lad, an evil took place that forever changed, not just my life, but the lives of everyone in the village."


Quiet says, "It was an autumn day. The clouds grew dark and heavy. The air was laden with anticipation of the storm about to hit. Hair stood on end."


Quiet says, "Little did we know what this storm would bring. Some were out harvesting vegetables that might be ripe, but most of us just closed our doors and windows for the night."


Quiet says, "The storm was loud."

Thunder echoes across the room, distant, but foreboding."


Quiet cowers.


Quiet says, "The sound of thunder filled the air. Wind swept down, bringing with it a vile smell, the smell of death and decay. I was too young to understand, but the wise hobbits knew well the meaning of the portent."


Quiet says, "Brownie Thistle-foot, elder of the shire, went out into the night. Alone he braved the storm and what lay beyond. Some of you might think this foolish or stupid. But this is the way of hobbits."


Quiet says, "The worst fears were realized. The village was under attack. A band of dark elves invaded our home, destroying the fields and taking valuables by the sack."


(Quiet cowers and raises his hand as if to ward off an attack.)


Quiet says, "Nobody resisted. Many cried. My mother told me to hide."


Quiet says, "I saw what transpired as I hid in the shed. Thinking about it today still causes me dread."


Quiet says, "Brownie approached the tallest of the elves, the leader of the marauding band."


(Quiet passes a hand in front of his face, becoming some other hobbit, perhaps Thistle-foot.)


Quiet recites:

"Beyond me you shall not pass."


(Quiet seems to grow, taller than a hobbit, almost slender by comparison.)


Quiet recites:

"And who are you to deny the elves our payment for the use of our lands"

In a voice grating and harsh, "oh little one?"


(Quiet shrinks, horrified at something he sees to his left.)


Quiet recites:

"Your lands!? Why, we have held these lands for seven generations. You have no right to take what is ours!"


(Quiet grows again, his face turning ugly, a dark shadow cast across his face.)


Quiet recites:

"Who are you to tell us what right we have. You are small and useless. My band tires of you tart eaters."


Quiet recites: "However, I would not want it said that we were unreasonable. We will take everything you possess, but we will allow you to live, assuming of course, that you continue to be sheep, and resist us not."


(Quiet shrinks back down, but now, a courage seems to seep into his frame. His eyes begin to glow with a hidden power. He seems stronger, somehow, in some way you can't quite define.)


Quiet recites:

"I Brownie Thistle-foot resist you. I challenge you to single combat. If I win, you shall leave. If I lose, do as you will."


Quiet sings: "Thistle-foot and Green-eyes, heroes of the dale Met the invaders, faces quite pale.

Only the brave and pure of heart

Could ensure hobbits kept their tarts."


Quiet sings: "Green-eyes paid with her life To save the village from the knife

Of the dark elf horde. They say,

For only one followed the hobbit way."


Quiet says, "Lightning struck the ground not far away, lighting the pair >in an eerie tableau of half life."


Quiet says, "I would love to say that there followed a horrible, but close fought battle. But in truth, I cannot. For this battle lasted but one cut from the elf lord blade. Brownie Thistle-foot was no more."


(Quiet pauses, a small tear almost leaving his eye.)


Quiet says, "Wet with rain, looking more like an urchin than a hobbit lass, Green-eyes stepped from her home. She entered the battle site drifting above the rain soaked puddles and gently closed Brownie's eyes."


(Quiet kneels down and places his hand gently on an unseen face.)


Quiet recites:

"In her eyes a sadness eternal. But she would not stop.

She could not stop."

>(Quiet stands back up, but not so strong anymore. Instead, he seems calm >and great in a way that doesn't involve strength. You find that he seems >more powerful this way than a few moments ago.) >

Quiet recites:

"You have your blood."

In a voice barely above the rain, but somehow clear all the same.

"You have your silver.

The strawberries are wrecked, the melons are slivers."


Quiet recites: "Continue as you will, and nothing will be left. An alternative I have to offer, before more are bereft."


Quiet recites: "You wish treasure, fruit, and sport. In our village this you find. However, as proposed, you leave us nothing behind."


Quiet recites: "With trade your riches beyond imagining Could fill, each year, a large wagon."


Quiet says, "The dark elf lord was surprised that anyone could speak in such a manner, let alone one so much shorter than the high lord." >

Quiet says, "He raised his sword, about to smite the hobbit lass. With the storm reflecting red in his eyes, his leadership was questioned in front of the horde."


Quiet recites:

"I will not fight you, that is not the hobbit way. But if you kill me, nobody will win this day."


Quiet recites: "One at a time, we will plead our case Till you have left, or extinguished our race."


Quiet says, "The elf lord was sorely tempted. To rid the world of hobbits might be a service."


Quiet smiles at some hidden jest.


Quiet says, "But he realized he might go deaf from the talking before he finished. His stance softened, but the light of calculations filled his eyes."


Quiet says, "The storm paused with an indrawn breath. This, the center of the storm could bring ruin, or a spring morning."


(Quiet raises back up, and places his hands upon his sword.)


Quiet recites:

"Very well, I will save your village. We will establish trade, but to ensure your good will, you must stay with us as our prisoner, and my servant."


Quiet says, "So it came to pass."


Quiet sings:

"Green-eyes left with the elves, Brownie was dead. That she was his wife, she never had said.

She lived with his killer, to the end of her days,

But always she lived by the hobbit ways."


Quiet sings: "The village prospered, the strawberries ripened, The grapes grew heavy, the nut trees were lightened

By agile young hobbits, climbing the trees

As others picked carrots down on their knees."


Quiet sings: "So elves and hobbits learned to trade And Brownie is gone, buried where he laid.

For love and peace is the hobbit way."


Quiet recites: "For love and peace is the hobbit way."


Quiet bows.


Quiet winks.


Quiet sits down.