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RWShop:Charmed, I'm Sure/2021
a narrow gauzy silk pavilion with a charm-fringed awning, [Map Room C], Lich#28029, go gauzy pavilion
Charmed, I'm Sure
[Charmed, I'm Sure -] | |
Strings of beads hang from every wall of this small pavilion, accenting the colorful silk with gaudy pops of color at random intervals. A long table, its surface home to a branching silver jewelry tree and a squat wooden box, takes up most of the room, while a wide glass display case is squeezed next to it. Various rugs and pillows decorate the floor, each one a different fabric or texture. | |
Obvious exits: out |
charm-adorned wooden sign
While you may have seen charm bracelets before, the ones on the jewelry tree have been newly improved. You can find notes to upgrade the potential of this jewelry in the box. Special charms commemorating your time here can be found in the case. If you POKE your bracelet while it is focused on one of these attached charms, they can do something special. The lion and stag charms will produce a tiny banner of light to show your allegiance to your chosen side. The stallion, dragonfly, fox, and knight charms will produce appropriate sounds to their shape. The clematis and astrantia charms produce floral scents. The Summit Academy and tortoise charms just look nice. If you happen to have any "charms" from prior events, you will find they work with this jewelry, as well. ~ Management
In the wide glass display case you see: a pale white astrantia charm with star-shaped opal petals, a rich purple clematis charm with carved amethyst petals, a detailed Summit Academy charm with glass-inset windows, a rotund tortoise charm carved from mottled jade, a charging stallion charm molded from polished metal, a delicate dragonfly charm crafted from opalescent glass, a bat-eared fox charm covered in a dull red patina, an intricate lance-wielding knight charm, a shiny gold stag charm with emerald eyes and a glossy platinum lion charm with ruby eyes.
a pale white astrantia charm with star-shaped opal petals Weight: <1 pound Smelly Charm analyzeAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a pale white astrantia charm with star-shaped opal petals.
You analyze the astrantia charm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
----Smelly Charm----
This is a special charm that can be attached to a charm bracelet or other piece of charm jewelry.
When it is played with while on the bracelet, it can produce a smell.
Current Smell: a heady floral scent
-Alteration Guidelines-
You can alter the 15/15/15, long, and show of this astrantia charm, though the noun must remain "charm."
As this is meant to be attached to a bracelet, this should always be considered to be tiny/small.
Certain merchants may be able to change the smell this item produces.
200 a rich purple clematis charm with carved amethyst petals Weight: <1 pound Smelly Charm analyzeAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a rich purple clematis charm with carved amethyst petals.
You analyze the clematis charm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
----Smelly Charm----
This is a special charm that can be attached to a charm bracelet or other piece of charm jewelry.
When it is played with while on the bracelet, it can produce a smell.
Current Smell: a sweetly floral scent
-Alteration Guidelines-
You can alter the 15/15/15, long, and show of this clematis charm, though the noun must remain "charm."
As this is meant to be attached to a bracelet, this should always be considered to be tiny/small.
Certain merchants may be able to change the smell this item produces.
200 a detailed Summit Academy charm with glass-inset windows Weight: <1 pound Basic Charm analyzeAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a detailed Summit Academy charm with glass-inset windows.
You analyze the Summit Academy charm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
---- Basic Charm ----
This is a basic charm that can be attached to a charm bracelet.
Alterations are fine, as long as the noun remains "charm" and respects the fact this item is meant to be very small and attached to a bracelet.
100 a rotund tortoise charm carved from mottled jade Weight: <1 pound Basic Charm analyzeAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a rotund tortoise charm carved from mottled jade.
You analyze the tortoise charm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
---- Basic Charm ----
This is a basic charm that can be attached to a charm bracelet.
Alterations are fine, as long as the noun remains "charm" and respects the fact this item is meant to be very small and attached to a bracelet.
100 a charging stallion charm molded from polished metal Weight: <1 pound Sound Charm Analyze:
You take a closer look at a charging stallion charm molded from polished metal.
You analyze the stallion charm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
----Sound Charm----
This is a special charm that can be attached to a charm bracelet or other piece of charm jewelry.
When it is played with while on the bracelet, it can make a sound.
Current Sound: the rapid staccato beat of clopping hooves
-Alteration Guidelines-
You can alter the 15/15/15, long, and show of this stallion charm, though the noun must remain "charm."
As this is meant to be attached to a bracelet, this should always be considered to be tiny/small.
Certain merchants may be able to change the sound this item makes.
200 a delicate dragonfly charm crafted from opalescent glass Weight: <1 pound Sound Charm analyzeAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a delicate dragonfly charm crafted from opalescent glass.
You analyze the dragonfly charm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
----Sound Charm----
This is a special charm that can be attached to a charm bracelet or other piece of charm jewelry.
When it is played with while on the bracelet, it can make a sound.
Current Sound: the droning buzz of insect wings
-Alteration Guidelines-
You can alter the 15/15/15, long, and show of this dragonfly charm, though the noun must remain "charm."
As this is meant to be attached to a bracelet, this should always be considered to be tiny/small.
Certain merchants may be able to change the sound this item makes.
200 a bat-eared fox charm covered in a dull red patina Weight: <1 pound Sound Charm analyzeAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a bat-eared fox charm covered in a dull red patina.
You analyze the fox charm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
----Sound Charm----
This is a special charm that can be attached to a charm bracelet or other piece of charm jewelry.
When it is played with while on the bracelet, it can make a sound.
Current Sound: a high-pitched yip
-Alteration Guidelines-
You can alter the 15/15/15, long, and show of this fox charm, though the noun must remain "charm."
As this is meant to be attached to a bracelet, this should always be considered to be tiny/small.
Certain merchants may be able to change the sound this item makes.
200 an intricate lance-wielding knight charm Weight: <1 pound Sound Charm analyzeAnalyze:
You take a closer look at an intricate lance-wielding knight charm.
You analyze the knight charm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
----Sound Charm----
This is a special charm that can be attached to a charm bracelet or other piece of charm jewelry.
When it is played with while on the bracelet, it can make a sound.
Current Sound: the ringing clang of metal
-Alteration Guidelines-
You can alter the 15/15/15, long, and show of this knight charm, though the noun must remain "charm."
As this is meant to be attached to a bracelet, this should always be considered to be tiny/small.
Certain merchants may be able to change the sound this item makes.
200 a shiny gold stag charm with emerald eyes Weight: <1 pound Banner Charm analyzeAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a shiny gold stag charm with emerald eyes.
You analyze the gold stag charm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
----Banner Charm----
This is a special charm that can be attached to a charm bracelet or other piece of charm jewelry.
When it is played with while on the bracelet, it can produce a tiny banner of light.
Banner Color: green
Banner Image: a running stag
Banner Image Color: gold
-Alteration Guidelines-
Alterations to the 15/15/15, long, and show of this charm are fine, but the noun must remain "charm."
The produced banner of light *MUST* have a base color, but it is optional whether it can have an image. The secondary color is used as an accent on banners without an image, and as the color of the image for those with one, though it is not required.
Merchants who are comfortable can change the colors and the image of the produced banner.
200 a glossy platinum lion charm with ruby eyes Weight: <1 pound Banner Charm analyzeAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a glossy platinum lion charm with ruby eyes.
You analyze the platinum lion charm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
----Banner Charm----
This is a special charm that can be attached to a charm bracelet or other piece of charm jewelry.
When it is played with while on the bracelet, it can produce a tiny banner of light.
Banner Color: red
Banner Image: a roaring lion
Banner Image Color: platinum
-Alteration Guidelines-
Alterations to the 15/15/15, long, and show of this charm are fine, but the noun must remain "charm."
The produced banner of light *MUST* have a base color, but it is optional whether it can have an image. The secondary color is used as an accent on banners without an image, and as the color of the image for those with one, though it is not required.
Merchants who are comfortable can change the colors and the image of the produced banner.
200 In the squat wooden box you see: a large green note and a small red note.
a large green note Weight: <1 pound analyze, examineAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a large green note.
Your note is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
This note will unlock Charm Jewelry from T2 to T3.
You need only RAISE your note while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your note may not be altered or changed in any way.
Unlocks a piece of Charm Jewelry from T2 to T3.1,000 a small red note Weight: <1 pound analyze, examineAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a small red note.
Your note is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
This note will unlock Charm Jewelry from T1/OTS to T2.
You need only RAISE your note while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your note may not be altered or changed in any way.
Unlocks a piece of Charm Jewelry from T1 (OTS) to T2.1,000 On the branching silver jewelry tree you see: a thin charm necklace fashioned from a braided silver chain, a twisted silver charm anklet and a slim silver charm bracelet with leaf-shaped links.
a thin charm necklace fashioned from a braided silver chain Weight: <1 pound neck-worn Charm Jewelry analyze, examineAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a thin charm necklace fashioned from a braided silver chain.
You analyze the charm necklace and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
--- Charm Jewelry ---
This is a piece of jewelry that can hold various types of charms.
Charms do not have to be specifically made for this item, but MUST:
* Be light enough (less than 1 pound).
* Have the noun 'charm'.
You can attach up to a maximum of 20 charms to this charm necklace.
This charm necklace currently has 0 charm(s) attached.
You can use INSPECT to see all the charms attached.
To remove a charm, TURN to the specific charm and PULL to remove it.
To add a charm, hold the appropriate charm in your right hand and PUSH the charm necklace.
You can POKE the bracelet to play with the currently selected attached charm.
This charm necklace is currently at Tier 1 of 3 (OTS).
At this tier, you have access to the following verbs: TURN, PUSH, PULL, POKE.
-Alteration Guidelines-
You can alter the long, show, or both of this charm necklace, though keep in mind that a portion of the show about what charms are attached will always be appended.
This should always be something that holds charms, IE a charm bracelet, charm anklet, or charm necklace.
There are no charms on the charm necklace.250 a twisted silver charm anklet Weight: <1 pound ankle-worn Charm Jewelry analyze, examineAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a twisted silver charm anklet.
You analyze the silver charm anklet and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
--- Charm Jewelry ---
This is a piece of jewelry that can hold various types of charms.
Charms do not have to be specifically made for this item, but MUST:
* Be light enough (less than 1 pound).
* Have the noun 'charm'.
You can attach up to a maximum of 20 charms to this silver charm anklet.
This silver charm anklet currently has 0 charm(s) attached.
You can use INSPECT to see all the charms attached.
To remove a charm, TURN to the specific charm and PULL to remove it.
To add a charm, hold the appropriate charm in your right hand and PUSH the silver charm anklet.
You can POKE the bracelet to play with the currently selected attached charm.
This silver charm anklet is currently at Tier 1 of 3 (OTS).
At this tier, you have access to the following verbs: TURN, PUSH, PULL, POKE.
-Alteration Guidelines-
You can alter the long, show, or both of this silver charm anklet, though keep in mind that a portion of the show about what charms are attached will always be appended.
This should always be something that holds charms, IE a charm bracelet, charm anklet, or charm necklace.
There are no charms on the silver charm anklet.250 a slim silver charm bracelet with leaf-shaped links Weight: <1 pound wrist-worn Charm Jewelry analyze, examineAnalyze:
You take a closer look at a slim silver charm bracelet with leaf-shaped links.
You analyze the silver charm bracelet and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
--- Charm Jewelry ---
This is a piece of jewelry that can hold various types of charms.
Charms do not have to be specifically made for this item, but MUST:
* Be light enough (less than 1 pound).
* Have the noun 'charm'.
You can attach up to a maximum of 20 charms to this silver charm bracelet.
This silver charm bracelet currently has 0 charm(s) attached.
You can use INSPECT to see all the charms attached.
To remove a charm, TURN to the specific charm and PULL to remove it.
To add a charm, hold the appropriate charm in your right hand and PUSH the silver charm bracelet.
You can POKE the bracelet to play with the currently selected attached charm.
This silver charm bracelet is currently at Tier 1 of 3 (OTS).
At this tier, you have access to the following verbs: TURN, PUSH, PULL, POKE.
-Alteration Guidelines-
You can alter the long, show, or both of this silver charm bracelet, though keep in mind that a portion of the show about what charms are attached will always be appended.
This should always be something that holds charms, IE a charm bracelet, charm anklet, or charm necklace.
There are no charms on the silver charm bracelet.250