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RWShop:Ferocious Eyes/2021
a mottled canvas tent, [Map Room 6], Lich# 28050, go track, se, se, ne, ne, go canvas tent
Ferocious Eyes
[Ferocious Eyes -] | |
Anchored by spikes hidden amid a ring of river reed baskets, a central support posts rises from the center of the space to create a peak of mottled canvas. Tiny glaesine orbs dangle from braided hemp coils that spiral out from the tall post towards the smooth walls, each blinking as if fireflies are trapped within them. The dim lighting is just enough to make out the various parchments stored on a nearby oak table and within a towering oak bookcase. | |
Obvious exits: out |
On the oak table you see: a charcoal grey mask, a gauzy indigo mask, a thin blue mask, a gauzy cotton mask, a transparent chainsil mask, a smooth plum mask, a smooth violet mask, a flimsy silk mask and a thin off-white eye mask.
a charcoal grey mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the grey mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A charcoal grey mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has icy blue-striated charcoal grey eyes.
Custom Color 1: charcoal grey
Custom Color 2: charcoal grey
Custom Characteristic 1: icy blue-striated
Custom Characteristic 2: icy blue-striated
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a gauzy indigo mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the indigo mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A gauzy indigo mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has ebon-striated indigo eyes.
Custom Color 1: indigo
Custom Color 2: indigo
Custom Characteristic 1: ebon-striated
Custom Characteristic 2: ebon-striated
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a thin blue mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the blue mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A thin blue mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has white-flecked cobalt blue eyes.
Custom Color 1: cobalt blue
Custom Color 2: cobalt blue
Custom Characteristic 1: white-flecked
Custom Characteristic 2: white-flecked
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a gauzy cotton mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the cotton mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A gauzy cotton mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has honey-hued amber eyes.
Custom Color 1: amber
Custom Color 2: amber
Custom Characteristic 1: honey-hued
Custom Characteristic 2: honey-hued
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a transparent chainsil mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the chainsil mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A transparent chainsil mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has yellow-striated cornflower blue eyes.
Custom Color 1: cornflower blue
Custom Color 2: cornflower blue
Custom Characteristic 1: yellow-striated
Custom Characteristic 2: yellow-striated
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a smooth plum mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the plum mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A smooth plum mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has pewter-haloed periwinkle blue eyes.
Custom Color 1: periwinkle blue
Custom Color 2: periwinkle blue
Custom Characteristic 1: pewter-haloed
Custom Characteristic 2: pewter-haloed
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a smooth violet mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the violet mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A smooth violet mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has gold-haloed aubergine eyes.
Custom Color 1: aubergine
Custom Color 2: aubergine
Custom Characteristic 1: gold-haloed
Custom Characteristic 2: gold-haloed
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a flimsy silk mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the silk mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A flimsy silk mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has honey starburst-striated chestnut brown eyes.
Custom Color 1: chestnut brown
Custom Color 2: chestnut brown
Custom Characteristic 1: honey starburst-striated
Custom Characteristic 2: honey starburst-striated
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a thin off-white eye mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the off-white eye mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A thin off-white eye mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has starburst-striated winter grey eyes.
Custom Color 1: winter grey
Custom Color 2: winter grey
Custom Characteristic 1: starburst-striated
Custom Characteristic 2: starburst-striated
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 In the river reed baskets you see: an ebon-haloed green parchment, a grey-flecked blue parchment and a straited ebon parchment.
an ebon-haloed green parchment Weight: <1 pound Ferocious Eyes mask analyze, examineAnalyze:
Your parchment is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your parchment will unlock your Ferocious Eyes Mask to tier 4.
You need only RAISE your parchment while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your parchment may not be altered or changed in any way.
You glance at the green parchment.
You notice something written on it...
An ebon-haloed green parchment will unlock your "Feriocious Eyes" mask from tier 3 to tier 4.750 a grey-flecked blue parchment Weight: <1 pound Ferocious Eyes mask analyze, examineAnalyze:
Your parchment is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your parchment will unlock your Ferocious Eyes Mask to tier 3.
You need only RAISE your parchment while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your parchment may not be altered or changed in any way.
You glance at the blue parchment.
You notice something written on it...
A grey-flecked blue parchment will unlock your "Feriocious Eyes" mask from tier 2 to tier 3.750 a straited ebon parchment Weight: <1 pound Ferocious Eyes mask analyze, examineAnalyze:
Your parchment is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your parchment will unlock your Ferocious Eyes Mask to tier 2.
You need only RAISE your parchment while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your parchment may not be altered or changed in any way.
You glance at the ebon parchment.
You notice something written on it...
A straited ebon parchment will unlock your "Feriocious Eyes" mask from tier 1 to tier 2.750 In the oak bookcase you see: a coppery organza mask, a loose bourde mask, a soft green linen mask, a fragile brown mask, a see-through blue mask, a diaphanous sable mask, a gossamer arctic blue mask, a thin warm brown mask and a transparent gold organza mask.
a coppery organza mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the organza mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A coppery organza mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has copper-haloed tawny brown eyes.
Custom Color 1: tawny brown
Custom Color 2: tawny brown
Custom Characteristic 1: copper-haloed
Custom Characteristic 2: copper-haloed
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a loose bourde mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the bourde mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A loose bourde mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has pewter and violet-flecked lagoon blue eyes.
Custom Color 1: lagoon blue
Custom Color 2: lagoon blue
Custom Characteristic 1: pewter and violet-flecked
Custom Characteristic 2: pewter and violet-flecked
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a soft green linen mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the green linen mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A soft green linen mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has brown and blue-flecked green hazel eyes.
Custom Color 1: green hazel
Custom Color 2: green hazel
Custom Characteristic 1: brown and blue-flecked
Custom Characteristic 2: brown and blue-flecked
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a fragile brown mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the brown mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A fragile brown mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has teak-haloed umber eyes.
Custom Color 1: umber
Custom Color 2: umber
Custom Characteristic 1: teak-haloed
Custom Characteristic 2: teak-haloed
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a see-through blue mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the blue mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A see-through blue mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has turquoise-haloed aquamarine eyes.
Custom Color 1: aquamarine
Custom Color 2: aquamarine
Custom Characteristic 1: turquoise-haloed
Custom Characteristic 2: turquoise-haloed
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a diaphanous sable mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the sable mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A diaphanous sable mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has honey-flecked sable eyes.
Custom Color 1: sable
Custom Color 2: sable
Custom Characteristic 1: honey-flecked
Custom Characteristic 2: honey-flecked
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a gossamer arctic blue mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the arctic blue mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A gossamer arctic blue mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has white starburst-striated arctic blue eyes.
Custom Color 1: arctic blue
Custom Color 2: arctic blue
Custom Characteristic 1: white starburst-striated
Custom Characteristic 2: white starburst-striated
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a thin warm brown mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the warm brown mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A thin warm brown mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has green starburst-striated chocolate brown eyes.
Custom Color 1: chocolate brown
Custom Color 2: chocolate brown
Custom Characteristic 1: green starburst-striated
Custom Characteristic 2: green starburst-striated
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000 a transparent gold organza mask Weight: <1 pound pin-worn Ferocious Eyes mask analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the gold organza mask and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A transparent gold organza mask is part of the Ferocious Eyes Series sold at Rumor Woods in the year of 5121. Once worn, it will change your eye characteristic or color based on the customized selection that you decide upon before wearing it. Furthermore, the mask will instantly become invisible and give you additional eye-interacting verbs.
It is currently tier 1 out of 4, which grants it 2 customizations. It has access to the following verbs: flip*, raise, remove, touch, turn**, twitch, and wear.
*Cycles through the mask's eye characteristic choices.
**Cycles through the mask's eye color choices.
***Denotes demeanor-based verbs.
Alteration Rules: You may alter this freely provided you adhere to the rules under the ALTER verb for Feature Alterations.
Current Settings: She has amber-infused forest green eyes.
Custom Color 1: forest green
Custom Color 2: forest green
Custom Characteristic 1: amber-infused
Custom Characteristic 2: amber-infused
If you wish to transfer your natural eye characteristic and eye color to the Custom 1 slots, simply RAISE the mask. Be warned, it will erase the customization there.1,000