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RWShop:Ostler's Den/2023
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a simple brown canvas tent, [Map Room 23], Room# u8208723, Lich# 28051, go brown tent
The Ostler's Den
[The Ostler's Den - 8209233] | |
Sycamore poles coated with tar provide support for the simple brown canvas walls that form the sprawling tent. Two cots are arranged along the western wall away from the foot traffic and entry, the blanket-laden frames tall enough to require a step stool to access. Sealed storage trunks are laden with river reed baskets in the forefront of the room, while wrought iron lanterns dangle from above to provide ample lighting. You also see a dapper erithian groomer. | |
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast, out |
In the basket you see: a crisp white note.
a crisp white note In the Common language, it reads: Find the Ostler, he knows the way.For individual mount feature options see:
>look at dapper erithian groomer Dressed in clothes tailored from fine silk, the groomer carries himself with grace and dignity and is void of any outwardly apparent arrogance. His atiki is clasped with a silver tortoise polished to a glossy sheen, its shell carved from a smooth, multihued green agate. Pure white linen is a stark contrast to the elaborate embroidery decorating his ataniki, and he occasionally pulls along the hem at his garment's opening, adjusting its placement on his figure. >ask groomer about buy A dapper erithian groomer says, "I am most appreciative of your business. But, in order to do my job properly, I must be fully informed about the mount in question. Do you have a summoning device?" He waves toward your right hand. >ask groomer about clear A dapper erithian groomer shrugs slightly and says, "Sure, if you really want that. I can't perform that service for everything, but if you see that option when you peruse my services, know that it will remove any fancy work that has been done previously. It's still gonna cost ya, though!" >ask groomer about cost "It's an important question," says the erithian groomer. "I feel my charges are quite reasonable given the knowledge required to understand and handle all these different breeds! I actually pride myself on how much I've learned over the years." He flashes a grin in your general direction. "Anyway, here at Rumor Woods, I charge only 1000 raikhen for my service. Extremely reasonable in my humble opinion." >ask groomer about features A dapper erithian groomer says, "I am most appreciative of your business. But, in order to do my job properly, I must be fully informed about the mount in question. Do you have a summoning device?" He waves toward your right hand. >ask groomer about gender A dapper erithian groomer says, "I am most appreciative of your business. But, in order to do my job properly, I must be fully informed about the mount in question. Do you have a summoning device?" He waves toward your right hand. >ask groomer about mounts A dapper erithian groomer says, "I am most appreciative of your business. But, in order to do my job properly, I must be fully informed about the mount in question. Do you have a summoning device?" He waves toward your right hand. >ask groomer about refund "We do not offer any refunds for this particular type of service. Be sure these modifications are what you want BEFORE you approve my work." He points to a "No Refunds" sign posted on a nearby wall.
The Ostler's Den
[The Ostler's Den - 8209234] | |
Resembling the interior of an apothecary, the cramped tent room is filled with small and large jars arranged on bookcases of varying heights and widths. A single lantern hangs from the central post to provide ample illumination for a desk that is covered with implements used for painting and polishing. Heavy vellum certificates fill a square reed basket that rests amid the various crafting tools upon the desk. | |
Obvious exits: southwest |
In the basket you see: a heavy vellum certificate.
a heavy vellum certificate In the Common language, it reads: The ways of the past should always be improved for the future.
The Ostler's Den
[The Ostler's Den - 8209235] | |
Laden with grooming tools, the small subsection of the tent is crafted of brown canvas walls and carpeted with thick woolen rugs. Curry combs, shedding blades, sweat scrapers, clippers, and scissors dangle from metal hooks arranged upon storage racks, while baskets beneath are filled with bot knives, brushes, and sponges. A small wooden table and chair occupy the center of the space. | |
Obvious exits: northwest |
On the table you see: a flower-edged white porcelain teapot.
On a small wooden table a teacup of fragrant tea free