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RWShop:The Colorful Carapace/2024
a wide green-on-brown tent with colorful pennons, [Map Room 18], Room# 8208729, Lich# LXX, go green tent
The Colorful Carapace
[The Colorful Carapace - 8209261] | |
A stout central pole of white oak supports the high canopy of this airy tent. Canvas-draped tables have been neatly arranged around the shop to allow ample space between them to accommodate crowds. Placed prominently in front, a whimsical tortoise sculpture greets would-be customers, crafted into the bulky bodies of three tortoises balancing atop each other, the topmost holding a large sign in its beak. | |
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, out |
a large sign In the Common language, it reads: ~ Welcome to the Colorful Carapace ~ We sell a wide array of paints to decorate the shells of tortoises in an amazing variety of patterns! We also sell a colorful assortment of cloths for your cleaning needs. Enjoy! ~ The Proprietress
The Colorful Carapace
[The Colorful Carapace - 8209262] | |
Various shapes of testudinal glass dangle from twine suspended between the tent's central support and several of the side poles. Light plays off the delicate ornaments, casting colorful shifting patterns upon the ground and walls. You also see a yellow canvas-covered table and a brightly painted sign. | |
Obvious exits: southwest, northwest |
a brightly painted sign In the Common language, it reads: The paints here have the following colors and designs: spotted jar - some plum claw marks fluted jar - a pattern of charcoal grey towers glossy jar - criss-crossing lime green stripes carved jar - some simple alabaster crowns glazed jar - a dense cluster of beige feathers flecked jar - some ornate cinnabar rosettes striated jar - taupe stylized bat silhouettes simple jar - some small coral rosebuds
Prices in raikhen.
On the canvas-covered table you see: a small simple jar of paint, a small striated jar of paint, a small flecked jar of paint, a small glazed jar of paint, a small carved jar of paint, a small glossy jar of paint, a small fluted jar of paint, and a small spotted jar of paint.
Item Type Info Details Price a small simple jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is some small Tortoise Shell paint rosebuds. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is some small Tortoise Shell paint rosebuds.40 a small striated jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is Tortoise Shell paint stylized bat silhouettes. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is Tortoise Shell paint stylized bat silhouettes.40 a small flecked jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is some ornate Tortoise Shell paint rosettes. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is some ornate Tortoise Shell paint rosettes.40 a small glazed jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is a dense cluster of Tortoise Shell paint feathers. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is a dense cluster of Tortoise Shell paint feathers.40 a small carved jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is some simple Tortoise Shell paint crowns. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is some simple Tortoise Shell paint crowns.40 a small glossy jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is criss-crossing Tortoise Shell paint stripes. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is criss-crossing Tortoise Shell paint stripes.40 a small fluted jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is a pattern of Tortoise Shell paint towers. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is a pattern of Tortoise Shell paint towers.40 a small spotted jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is some Tortoise Shell paint claw marks. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is some Tortoise Shell paint claw marks.40
The Colorful Carapace
[The Colorful Carapace - 8209263] | |
Beautifully colored patterns have been painted on sheets of parchment and pinned in an orderly fashion along the nearest tent wall. Small gauze pouches of dried herbs hang between the side poles, releasing their delicate fragrance into the air. You also see a red canvas-covered table and a brightly painted sign. | |
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast |
a brightly painted sign In the Common language, it reads: The paints here have the following colors and designs: speckled jar - some orange maple leaves etched jar - some simple cornflower blue crosses tinted jar - green clovers of varying sizes ornate jar - a light steel blue crossed chain pattern striped jar - a tight spiral of orchid sigils dappled jar - some silver stylized sunbursts pitted jar - a series of concentric bright yellow waves marbled jar - a sienna horseshoe pattern
Prices in raikhen.
On the canvas-covered table you see: a small marbled jar of paint, a small pitted jar of paint, a small dappled jar of paint, a small striped jar of paint, a small ornate jar of paint, a small tinted jar of paint, a small etched jar of paint, and a small speckled jar of paint.
Item Type Info Details Price a small marbled jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is a Tortoise Shell paint horseshoe pattern. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is a Tortoise Shell paint horseshoe pattern.40 a small pitted jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is a series of concentric Tortoise Shell paint waves. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is a series of concentric Tortoise Shell paint waves.40 a small dappled jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is some Tortoise Shell paint stylized sunbursts. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is some Tortoise Shell paint stylized sunbursts.40 a small striped jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is a tight spiral of Tortoise Shell paint sigils. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is a tight spiral of Tortoise Shell paint sigils.40 a small ornate jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is a Tortoise Shell paint crossed chain pattern. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is a Tortoise Shell paint crossed chain pattern.40 a small tinted jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is Tortoise Shell paint clovers of varying sizes. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is Tortoise Shell paint clovers of varying sizes.40 a small etched jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is some simple Tortoise Shell paint crosses. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is some simple Tortoise Shell paint crosses.40 a small speckled jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is some Tortoise Shell paint maple leaves. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is some Tortoise Shell paint maple leaves.40
The Colorful Carapace
[The Colorful Carapace - 8209264] | |
Several wooden planks line the back of the tent, serving as workstations for creating colorful pigments. A particularly wide shelf has been neatly stocked with a multitude of glass jars holding raw materials: flowers, berries, vegetables, and an assortment of minerals. Set off to the side, a few colorful cloths are neatly folded and displayed on a short wooden rack. You also see a blue canvas-covered table and a brightly painted sign. | |
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest |
a brightly painted sign In the Common language, it reads: The paints here have the following colors and designs: shiny jar - some rounded chartreuse squares spangled jar - a series of plumed snow white helmets stippled jar - a conjoined circle design in deep pink frosted jar - a series of large jet black brush strokes dull jar - some blue-violet hearts checked jar - some crenulated saffron lines matte jar - a series of entwined lavender thorns mottled jar - an intricate pattern of rose gold arabesques
Prices in raikhen.
On the canvas-covered table you see: a small mottled jar of paint, a small matte jar of paint, a small checked jar of paint, a small dull jar of paint, a small frosted jar of paint, a small stippled jar of paint, a small spangled jar of paint, and a small shiny jar of paint.
Item Type Info Details Price a small mottled jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is an intricate pattern of Tortoise Shell paint arabesques. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is an intricate pattern of Tortoise Shell paint arabesques.40 a small matte jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is a series of entwined Tortoise Shell paint thorns. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is a series of entwined Tortoise Shell paint thorns.40 a small checked jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is some crenulated Tortoise Shell paint lines. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is some crenulated Tortoise Shell paint lines.40 a small dull jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is some Tortoise Shell paint hearts. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is some Tortoise Shell paint hearts.40 a small frosted jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is a series of large Tortoise Shell paint brush strokes. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is a series of large Tortoise Shell paint brush strokes.40 a small stippled jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is a conjoined circle design in Tortoise Shell paint. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is a conjoined circle design in Tortoise Shell paint.40 a small spangled jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is a series of plumed Tortoise Shell paint helmets. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is a series of plumed Tortoise Shell paint helmets.40 a small shiny jar of paint < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tortoise Mounts - Artfully painted on its shell is some rounded Tortoise Shell paint squares. Lizard Mounts - Artfully pained on its flank is some rounded Tortoise Shell paint squares.40
On the wooden rack you see: a flocked auburn linen cloth, a grey-stitched olive cotton cloth, a checkered azure linen cloth, a puce and grey cotton cloth, a dusty rose linen cloth, a tightly woven peach cotton cloth, a ribbon-edged navy blue linen cloth, and a simple salmon cotton cloth.
Item Type Info Details Price a flocked auburn linen cloth < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Paint Removing Cloth100 a grey-stitched olive cotton cloth < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Paint Removing Cloth100 a checkered azure linen cloth < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Paint Removing Cloth100 a puce and grey cotton cloth < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Paint Removing Cloth100 a dusty rose linen cloth < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Paint Removing Cloth100 a tightly woven peach cotton cloth < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Paint Removing Cloth100 a ribbon-edged navy blue linen cloth < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Paint Removing Cloth100 a simple salmon cotton cloth < 1 lb Tortoise Shell paint
AnalyzeAnalyze:Paint Removing Cloth100