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RWShop:The Kindred Plaid/2021
a yellow-edged forest green tent, [Map Room M], Lich#28063, go forest tent
The Kindred Plaid, Entry
[The Kindred Plaid, Entry -] | |
Forest green oilcloth edged in canary yellow falls in unfettered folds from several support posts that are spaced equidistantly apart. Bronze bowls suspended from matching chains house small, fragrant fires that help to illuminate the various wares that are on display. Woven baskets decorate the center of the entry, the carefully arranged containers creating twin pathways opposite them that lead deeper into the tent, while a long quilt rack behind them houses a variety of folded plaid bundles. | |
Obvious exits: southwest, west, out |
On the long quilt rack you see: a soft lamb's wool plaid, a mediumweight mist tartan cloth, a lightweight sun tartan cloth, a heavyweight dark tartan cloth, a mediumweight meadow tartan cloth, a lightweight coinage tartan cloth, a lightweight shadow tartan cloth, a lightweight hunter tartan cloth and a heavyweight winter tartan cloth.
a soft lamb's wool plaid Weight: <1 pound leg-worn analyze, examineAnalyze:
You analyze the lamb's wool plaid and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Great-Kilt" design and can only be worn by males.
A soft lamb's wool plaid cannot support a long description, as it changes when worn, and it cannot have its noun changed.
It is currently tier 1 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
This particular plaid is fashioned of Custom Tartan, which was fashioned as a representation of "Rumor Woods - Tourney of the Lion and the Stag." To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the plaid when it is not worn.
Blended with lamb's wool and flax, the tartan fabric is incredibly soft and has a sky blue base. Horizontal and vertical setts of bright red and platinum hues face forest green and gold setts over an ebon-threaded pivot. Simple knots, bound by banded onyx, finish off the edges to create a short, thumb-thick fringe.500 a mediumweight mist tartan cloth Weight: <1 pound leg-worn analyze, examineAnalyze:
You analyze the mist tartan cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Great-Kilt" design and can only be worn by males.
A mediumweight mist tartan cloth cannot support a long description, as it changes when worn, and it cannot have its noun changed.
It is currently tier 1 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
This particular cloth is fashioned of Mist Tartan, which honors the Vaikalimara Clan. To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the cloth when it is not worn.
Fashion upon a midweight misty grey lamb's wool cloth, the tartan's horizontal pattern is that of narrow lilac pivots forming an alternating pattern with white and amber setts. The vertical plane continues the thematic lilac pivots but replaces the horizontal hues with viridian and ebon.500 a lightweight sun tartan cloth Weight: <1 pound leg-worn analyze, examineAnalyze:
You analyze the sun tartan cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Great-Kilt" design and can only be worn by males.
A lightweight sun tartan cloth cannot support a long description, as it changes when worn, and it cannot have its noun changed.
It is currently tier 1 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
This particular cloth is fashioned of Sun Tartan, which honors the Araime Sun Clan. To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the cloth when it is not worn.
Woven upon a lightweight flaxen lamb's wool, the tartan fabric's horizontal design is that of three repeating setts of ginger, indigo, and umber that are framed by bright white. Conversely, the vertical is comprised entirely of evenly spaced dandelion yellow pivots.500 a heavyweight dark tartan cloth Weight: <1 pound leg-worn analyze, examineAnalyze:
You analyze the dark tartan cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Great-Kilt" design and can only be worn by males.
A heavyweight dark tartan cloth cannot support a long description, as it changes when worn, and it cannot have its noun changed.
It is currently tier 1 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
This particular cloth is fashioned of Dark Tartan, which honors the Grot'Karesh Hammer Clan. To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the cloth when it is not worn.
Fashioned of heavyweight brick red rolton wool, the tartan fabric has a complicated pattern of multiple colors and hues. Devoid of wide bands, the horizontal and vertical design is a repeating display of eight pivots in different hues. They are, in order before repetition, ebon, dark brown, russet, winter white, canary yellow, flaxen, sage, and lilac.500 a mediumweight meadow tartan cloth Weight: <1 pound leg-worn analyze, examineAnalyze:
You analyze the meadow tartan cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Great-Kilt" design and can only be worn by males.
A mediumweight meadow tartan cloth cannot support a long description, as it changes when worn, and it cannot have its noun changed.
It is currently tier 1 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
This particular cloth is fashioned of Meadow Tartan, which honors the Maeramil Wind Runner Clan. To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the cloth when it is not worn.
Woven upon a midweight cornflower blue lamb's wool, the tartan fabric is patterned with horizontal setts of sage and pine green that are flanked by steel grey pivots. The vertical design differs slightly, whereby the sage and pine green hues are pivots and the steel grey forms the bold setts.500 a lightweight coinage tartan cloth Weight: <1 pound leg-worn analyze, examineAnalyze:
You analyze the coinage tartan cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Great-Kilt" design and can only be worn by males.
A lightweight coinage tartan cloth cannot support a long description, as it changes when worn, and it cannot have its noun changed.
It is currently tier 1 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
This particular cloth is fashioned of Coinage Tartan, which honors the Issimir Ogre Clan. To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the cloth when it is not worn.
Fashioned of canary yellow rolton wool, this lightweight tartan fabric has broad stone grey setts in an alternating pattern with pivots of metallic-sheened silver strands. The vertical pivots and setts are equidistantly apart and precisely match those of the horizontal.500 a lightweight shadow tartan cloth Weight: <1 pound leg-worn analyze, examineAnalyze:
You analyze the shadow tartan cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Great-Kilt" design and can only be worn by males.
A lightweight shadow tartan cloth cannot support a long description, as it changes when worn, and it cannot have its noun changed.
It is currently tier 1 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
This particular cloth is fashioned of Shadow Tartan, which honors the Grishknel Wolf Clan. To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the cloth when it is not worn.
Fashioned of lightweight, russet lamb's wool, the tartan fabric's bold design is a play of shadowy colors. A single ebon sett flanked by two smoky grey pivots starts the pattern and is immediately followed by a reverse ebon sett flanked by three more smoky grey pivots on the horizontal. The vertical pattern is simplistic in design, being comprised of a single narrow sett of ebon without any pivots to flank it.500 a lightweight hunter tartan cloth Weight: <1 pound leg-worn analyze, examineAnalyze:
You analyze the hunter tartan cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Great-Kilt" design and can only be worn by males.
A lightweight hunter tartan cloth cannot support a long description, as it changes when worn, and it cannot have its noun changed.
It is currently tier 1 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
This particular cloth is fashioned of Hunter Tartan, which honors the T'Kirem Bear Clan. To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the cloth when it is not worn.
Fashioned of off-white lamb's wool, the tartan fabric's design is a bold pattern that repeats both vertically and horizontally. Four thick setts of cobalt blue flanked by narrow, dark brown pivots stand opposite equally as many dark green setts. As the setts and pivots cross one another, the colors darken and change to create new hues within the fabric.500 a heavyweight winter tartan cloth Weight: <1 pound leg-worn analyze, examineAnalyze:
You analyze the winter tartan cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Great-Kilt" design and can only be worn by males.
A heavyweight winter tartan cloth cannot support a long description, as it changes when worn, and it cannot have its noun changed.
It is currently tier 1 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
This particular cloth is fashioned of Winter Tartan, which honors the Wsalamir Wendigo Clan. To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the cloth when it is not worn.
Fashioned of double-layered, off-white lamb's wool in a heavyweight weave, the tartan fabric's design is a muted pattern of winter white, light blue, and steel grey. Four pivots of steel grey flank a double sett of light blue on the horizontal, while six pivots of steel grey surround three thick setts of winter white on the vertical.500 In the Woven baskets you see: a set of green sewing instructions and a set of yellow sewing instructions.
a set of green sewing instructions Weight: <1 pound Unlock - Kindred Garb Kilt to tier 2 500 a set of yellow sewing instructions Weight: <1 pound Unlock - Kindred Garb Kilt to tier 3 500
The Kindred Plaid, South
[The Kindred Plaid, South -] | |
Lamplight plays upon the rippled oilcloth of the tent's walls, lending them an oily appears that is slightly rainbow-swirled. Large posts keep the ceiling at bay for even the tallest of guests, while mismatched rugs scattered on the ground hide most of the surrounding mud and grass. Sitting kitty-corner to one section of the tent, a copper-bound worn oak footlocker sits with its lid thrown wide to display the pressed and folded linens within. | |
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest |
small wooden sign
~*~ Please visit our sister shop, The Tartan Cloth, for brooches, belts, and additional shirts. ~*~
In the copper-bound worn oak footlocker you see: a crisp white cotton shirt, a thick off-white wool shirt, a light russet cotton leine, a canary yellow silk leine, a dark brick red chainsil shirt, a loose flaxen shirt, a wide-necked cornflower blue leine, a thin mist grey silk leine and a high-collared ebon cotton shirt.
a crisp white cotton shirt Weight: <1 pound layerable analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the white cotton shirt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Plaid Shirt" line of clothing.
A crisp white cotton shirt should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.
It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear
The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, leine, shirt, tunic, or undershirt.
500 a thick off-white wool shirt Weight: <1 pound layerable analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the off-white wool shirt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Plaid Shirt" line of clothing.
A thick off-white wool shirt should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.
It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear
The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, leine, shirt, tunic, or undershirt.
500 a light russet cotton leine Weight: <1 pound layerable analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the russet cotton leine and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Plaid Shirt" line of clothing.
A light russet cotton leine should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.
It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear
The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, leine, shirt, tunic, or undershirt.
500 a canary yellow silk leine Weight: <1 pound layerable analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the yellow silk leine and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Plaid Shirt" line of clothing.
A canary yellow silk leine should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.
It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear
The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, leine, shirt, tunic, or undershirt.
500 a dark brick red chainsil shirt Weight: <1 pound layerable analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the red chainsil shirt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Plaid Shirt" line of clothing.
A dark brick red chainsil shirt should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.
It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear
The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, leine, shirt, tunic, or undershirt.
500 a loose flaxen shirt Weight: <1 pound layerable analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the flaxen shirt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Plaid Shirt" line of clothing.
A loose flaxen shirt should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.
It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear
The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, leine, shirt, tunic, or undershirt.
500 a wide-necked cornflower blue leine Weight: <1 pound layerable analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the cornflower blue leine and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Plaid Shirt" line of clothing.
A wide-necked cornflower blue leine should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.
It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear
The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, leine, shirt, tunic, or undershirt.
500 a thin mist grey silk leine Weight: <1 pound layerable analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the mist grey silk leine and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Plaid Shirt" line of clothing.
A thin mist grey silk leine should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.
It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear
The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, leine, shirt, tunic, or undershirt.
500 a high-collared ebon cotton shirt Weight: <1 pound layerable analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the ebon cotton shirt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Plaid Shirt" line of clothing.
A high-collared ebon cotton shirt should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.
It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear
The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, leine, shirt, tunic, or undershirt.
The Kindred Plaid, West
[The Kindred Plaid, West -] | |
Laid out in layers, bright white rugs rest upon grass green ones to create diamond patterns upon the ground, while heavy wrought iron spheres rest upon the overly long cloth walls in an attempt to keep the arctic winds at bay. A narrow wooden footlocker rests in the center of the room, its lid thrown back to reveal the trinkets and baubles stored within. Not far behind, a long oak table has several river reed baskets stuffed under it, which helps to clear up the center for foot traffic. | |
Obvious exits: east, southeast |
On the long oak table you see: a buff buckskin jerkin, a supple black suede jerkin, a coarse cordovan jerkin, a faded brown leather jerkin, a braid-edged black leather vest, a fringed forest green vest, a charcoal grey tweed vest, a rough homespun vest and a tailored ultramarine vest.
a buff buckskin jerkin Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small sizefront-worn analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the buckskin jerkin and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Vest or Jerkin" accessory.
A buff buckskin jerkin can support a show description, and its noun must be either "vest" or "jerkin".
It is tier 1 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
250 a supple black suede jerkin Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small sizefront-worn analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the black suede jerkin and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Vest or Jerkin" accessory.
A supple black suede jerkin can support a show description, and its noun must be either "vest" or "jerkin".
It is tier 1 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
250 a coarse cordovan jerkin Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small sizefront-worn analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the cordovan jerkin and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Vest or Jerkin" accessory.
A coarse cordovan jerkin can support a show description, and its noun must be either "vest" or "jerkin".
It is tier 1 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
250 a faded brown leather jerkin Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small sizefront-worn analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the brown leather jerkin and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Vest or Jerkin" accessory.
A faded brown leather jerkin can support a show description, and its noun must be either "vest" or "jerkin".
It is tier 1 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
250 a braid-edged black leather vest Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small sizefront-worn analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the black leather vest and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Vest or Jerkin" accessory.
A braid-edged black leather vest can support a show description, and its noun must be either "vest" or "jerkin".
It is tier 1 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
250 a fringed forest green vest Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small sizefront-worn analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the forest green vest and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Vest or Jerkin" accessory.
A fringed forest green vest can support a show description, and its noun must be either "vest" or "jerkin".
It is tier 1 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
250 a charcoal grey tweed vest Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small sizefront-worn analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the grey tweed vest and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Vest or Jerkin" accessory.
A charcoal grey tweed vest can support a show description, and its noun must be either "vest" or "jerkin".
It is tier 1 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
250 a rough homespun vest Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small sizefront-worn analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the homespun vest and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Vest or Jerkin" accessory.
A rough homespun vest can support a show description, and its noun must be either "vest" or "jerkin".
It is tier 1 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
250 a tailored ultramarine vest Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small sizefront-worn analyzeAnalyze:
You analyze the ultramarine vest and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Vest or Jerkin" accessory.
A tailored ultramarine vest can support a show description, and its noun must be either "vest" or "jerkin".
It is tier 1 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear
250 In the river reed baskets you see: a stamped leather voucher.
a stamped leather voucher Weight: <1 pound Unlock - Kindred Garb Vest to tier 2 500 In the narrow wooden footlocker you see: a pair of wooden fasteners, a black jute frog, a polished silver button, a horse-stamped pewter button, a penannular copper clasp, a simple steel clasp, a coin-shaped maoral toggle and a small barrel-shaped toggle.
a pair of wooden fasteners Weight: <1 pound 5 a black jute frog Weight: <1 pound 5 a polished silver button Weight: <1 pound 5 a horse-stamped pewter button Weight: <1 pound 5 a penannular copper clasp Weight: <1 pound 5 a simple steel clasp Weight: <1 pound 5 a coin-shaped maoral toggle Weight: <1 pound 5 a small barrel-shaped toggle Weight: <1 pound 5