RWShop:Vaunt It and Flaunt It/2022

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< RWShop:Vaunt It and Flaunt It
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a glossy silk tent with an elaborate tiered awning, [Map Room 2], Lich# 27981, go glossy tent

Vaunt It and Flaunt It

[Vaunt It and Flaunt It - 8209301]
Panels made of a glossy silk, their surface rippling slightly with any passing breeze, enclose this small tent. Set against one wall is a table with a branching metal jewelry tree and a velvet-lined ring box positioned neatly on top of it, while across from it is a glass-topped mahogany display counter. Soft rugs made of textured cotton have been spread over the floor, muffling any footfalls within the space. The subtle aroma of cinnamon and cloves permeates the air from a few discreetly placed candles. You also see a carved oak chest lacquered to a glossy sheen and an elegant scrollwork sign.
Obvious exits: out
an elegant scrollwork sign

In the Common language, it reads:
Welcome to Vaunt It and Flaunt It.
The jewelry here is quite special and will allow you to be better able to show everyone exactly where you are wearing that coveted accessory.
In addition, jewelry can look different when worn than it does when not, so be sure to check the notes, parchments, or placards in each display to see how they will appear.
The slip in the chest will unlock the jewelry's further potential, letting you perform even more fabulous actions with them.
The scroll in the chest will allow a piece of jewelry to store an extra design that you can trigger the item to morph into later by TURNing it.  Initially the new design will be very plain, but you can have it altered by any merchant to your specifications.
    NOTE: Each item can only use 4 of these scrolls, allowing a max of five (5) designs stored.  Each design must have the same material and general location, but they can have different specific locations.
    IE, no, your ring CAN't turn into a bracelet, but you could switch to a different finger in the next design.
Thank you,
~ Management

In the chest you see: a pale blue-toned scroll and a cream-hued parchment slip.

In a carved oak chest lacquered to a glossy sheen
Item Type Weight Details Price
a pale blue-toned scroll unlock certificate This scroll will add 1 extra side to a piece of Look at Me Jewelry. 1,000
a cream-hued parchment slip unlock certificate This slip will unlock Look at Me Jewelry from T1/OTS to T2. 1,000

In the box you see: a folded placard, a silver knotwork engagement ring, a thin gold wedding band, a chunky silver signet ring, and a stack of interlocked platinum bands.

a folded placard

In the Common language, it reads:
Full Designs
* silver engagement ring - a silver knotwork engagement ring worn on the left ring finger
* gold wedding band - a thin gold wedding band worn on the left ring finger
* silver signet ring - a chunky silver signet ring worn prominently on the right thumb
* platinum bands - a stack of interlocked platinum bands encircling the right ring finger

In a velvet-lined ring box
Item Type Weight Details Price
a silver knotwork engagement ring finger-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This ring is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this ring has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This ring currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn on a finger, with the specific wear location being on the left ring finger.
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: left ring finger, left middle finger, left index finger, left pinky, left thumb, right ring finger, right middle finger, right index finger, right pinky, right thumb.
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a silver,engagement,ring
    * Unworn Long Description: a silver knotwork engagement ring
    * Worn 15/15/15: a silver,engagement,ring
    * Worn Long Description: a silver knotwork engagement ring worn on the left ring finger
a thin gold wedding band finger-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This band is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this band has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This band currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn on a finger, with the specific wear location being on the left ring finger.
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: left ring finger, left middle finger, left index finger, left pinky, left thumb, right ring finger, right middle finger, right index finger, right pinky, right thumb.
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a thin,gold wedding,band
    * Worn 15/15/15: a thin,gold wedding,band
    * Worn Long Description: a thin gold wedding band worn on the left ring finger
a chunky silver signet ring finger-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This ring is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this ring has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This ring currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn on a finger, with the specific wear location being on the right thumb.
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: left ring finger, left middle finger, left index finger, left pinky, left thumb, right ring finger, right middle finger, right index finger, right pinky, right thumb.
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a chunky,silver signet,ring
    * Worn 15/15/15: a chunky,silver signet,ring
    * Worn Long Description: a chunky silver signet ring worn prominently on the right thumb
a stack of interlocked platinum bands finger-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This bands is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this bands has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This bands currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn on a finger, with the specific wear location being on the right ring finger.
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: left ring finger, left middle finger, left index finger, left pinky, left thumb, right ring finger, right middle finger, right index finger, right pinky, right thumb.
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a stack of,platinum,bands
    * Unworn Long Description: a stack of interlocked platinum bands
    * Worn 15/15/15: a stack of,platinum,bands
    * Worn Long Description: a stack of interlocked platinum bands encircling the right ring finger

On the tree you see: a hanging scribbled note, some braided leather cords, a pair of velvet-lined silver manacles, a trio of wide hammered gold bangles, a segmented dragon-shaped iron choker, and a braided wire cuff caging a unicorn-shaped opal.

a hanging scribbled note

In the Common language, it reads:
Full Designs
* dragon-shaped choker - a segmented dragon-shaped iron choker coiled tightly around the neck
* hammered gold bangles - a trio of hammered gold bangles stacked on each wrist
* silver manacles - a pair of velvet-lined silver manacles securely fastened around both wrists
* wire cuff - a braided wire cuff caging a unicorn-shaped opal worn around the left wrist
* braided leather cords - some braided leather cords laced in a complicated latticework around both ankles

On a branching metal jewelry tree
Item Type Weight Details Price
some braided leather cords ankle-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This cords is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this cords has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This cords currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn on an ankle, with the specific wear location being on both ankles (tight fit/cuffs).
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: left ankle (loose), left ankle (tight fit/cuff), right ankle (loose), right ankle(tight fit/cuff), both ankles (loose), both ankles (tight fit/cuffs).
    * Unworn 15/15/15: some,braided leather,cords
    * Worn 15/15/15: some,braided leather,cords
    * Worn Long Description: some braided leather cords laced in a complicated latticework around both ankles
a pair of velvet-lined silver manacles wrist-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This manacles is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this manacles has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This manacles currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn on a wrist, with the specific wear location being on both wrists (tight fit/cuffs).
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: left wrist (loose), left wrist (tight fit/cuff), right wrist (loose), right wrist (tight fit/cuff), both wrists (loose), both wrists (tight fit/cuffs).
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a pair of,silver,manacles
    * Unworn Long Description: a pair of velvet-lined silver manacles
    * Worn 15/15/15: a pair of,silver,manacles
    * Worn Long Description: a pair of velvet-lined silver manacles securely fastened around both wrists
a trio of wide hammered gold bangles wrist-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This bangles is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this bangles has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This bangles currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn on a wrist, with the specific wear location being on both wrists (loose fit).
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: left wrist (loose), left wrist (tight fit/cuff), right wrist (loose), right wrist (tight fit/cuff), both wrists (loose), both wrists (tight fit/cuffs).
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a trio of wide,hammered gold,bangles
    * Worn 15/15/15: a trio of wide,hammered gold,bangles
    * Worn Long Description: a trio of wide hammered gold bangles stacked on each wrist
a segmented dragon-shaped iron choker neck-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This choker is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this choker has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This choker currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn around the neck, with the specific wear location being on the neck (tight fit/choker).
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: loose fit, tight fit/choker.
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a segmented,iron,choker
    * Unworn Long Description: a segmented dragon-shaped iron choker
    * Worn 15/15/15: a segmented,iron,choker
    * Worn Long Description: a segmented dragon-shaped iron choker coiled tightly around the neck
a braided wire cuff caging a unicorn-shaped opal wrist-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This cuff is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this cuff has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This cuff currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn on a wrist, with the specific wear location being on the left wrist (cuff).
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: left wrist (loose), left wrist (tight fit/cuff), right wrist (loose), right wrist (tight fit/cuff), both wrists (loose), both wrists (tight fit/cuffs).
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a braided,wire,cuff
    * Unworn Long Description: a braided wire cuff caging a unicorn-shaped opal
    * Worn 15/15/15: a braided,wire,cuff
    * Worn Long Description: a braided wire cuff caging a unicorn-shaped opal worn around the left wrist

On the counter you see: a creased parchment, a blackened steel orchid pin with wide obsidian-set petals, a delicate dragonfly earcuff with metal-framed crystal wings, some chandelier earrings crafted from a spiral of amber beads, and a length of ahmdir blue linen.

a creased parchment

In the Common language, it reads:
Full Designs
* orchid pin - a blackened steel orchid pin with wide obsidian-set petals displayed on the center of the chest
* dragonfly earcuff - a delicate dragonfly earcuff with metal-framed crystal wings perched on the upper ridge of the left ear
* chandelier earrings - some chandelier earrings crafted from a spiral of amber beads dangling from both ears
* ahmdir blue linen - a braided length of ahmdir blue linen tied in a complicated knot around the upper right arm

On a glass-topped mahogany display counter
Item Type Weight Details Price
a blackened steel orchid pin with wide obsidian-set petals pin-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This pin is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this pin has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This pin currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn anywhere on the body, with the specific wear location being on the center of the chest (pin/brooch).
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: right chest (pin), left chest (pin), center of chest (pin), upper right arm (armband), left upper arm (armband).
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a blackened,steel orchid,pin
    * Unworn Long Description: a blackened steel orchid pin with wide obsidian-set petals
    * Worn 15/15/15: a blackened,steel orchid,pin
    * Worn Long Description: a blackened steel orchid pin with wide obsidian-set petals displayed on the center of the chest
a delicate dragonfly earcuff with metal-framed crystal wings 1-earring-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This earcuff is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this earcuff has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This earcuff currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn on a single ear, with the specific wear location being on the left upper ear.
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: left earlobe, left upper ear, left back of ear, right earlobe, right upper ear, right back of ear.
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a delicate,dragonfly,earcuff
    * Unworn Long Description: a delicate dragonfly earcuff with metal-framed crystal wings
    * Worn 15/15/15: a delicate,dragonfly,earcuff
    * Worn Long Description: a delicate dragonfly earcuff with metal-framed crystal wings perched on the upper ridge of the left ear
some chandelier earrings crafted from a spiral of amber beads 2-earrings-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This earrings is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this earrings has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This earrings currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn on both ears, with the specific wear location being on both earlobes (dangling).
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: dangling, studs.
    * Unworn 15/15/15: some,chandelier,earrings
    * Unworn Long Description: some chandelier earrings crafted from a spiral of amber beads
    * Worn 15/15/15: some,chandelier,earrings
    * Worn Long Description: some chandelier earrings crafted from a spiral of amber beads dangling from both ears
a length of ahmdir blue linen pin-worn < 1 lb
          --LOOK AT ME JEWELRY--
~General Script Information~
    This is special jewelry that indicates more precise locations of where and how it is being worn in messaging.
    It can have a separate description when it is worn, allowing more flexibility in how it looks.
    For example, a ring using this script could indicate it was being worn on the left thumb in its worn description.
    Each type of jewelry can only be set to specific positions.
    Jewelry can have "sides" unlocked to store more designs/specific positions.
   This linen is currently unlocked to: Tier 1 of 2 (OTS)
    At this tier, this linen has access to the verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    This linen currently has access to 1 side.
~Alteration Guidelines~
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this item can be freely altered.
    * This item can have separate descriptions when being worn, as well as when being held.
    * Any willing merchant should be able to change the specific position this item can be worn, but not the main area it is worn on.
      For example, a ring could be changed to be worn on the left index finger, but NOT be changed to be worn on the wrist.
~Current Settings~
    * This item is meant to be worn anywhere on the body, with the specific wear location being on the right upper arm (single armband).
    Possible specific wear positions for this type of item are: right chest (pin), left chest (pin), center of chest (pin), upper right arm (armband), left upper arm (armband).
    * Unworn 15/15/15: a length of,ahmdir blue,linen
    * Worn 15/15/15: a length of,ahmdir blue,linen
    * Worn Long Description: a braided length of ahmdir blue linen tied in a complicated knot around the upper right arm