Searching for Answers in the Debris (vignette)

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Oldegarde stared at the window of the key, her eyes roaming to first the garden and then westward and out to sea. Looming on the horizon, invisible to the eye, the threat of the undead pirate was just out of reach but always encroaching. She'd made suggestions, tracked as much information on maritime ruins in the area, and also looked at as many logbooks of lost ships that she could lay her hands on. She'd reached out to Ta'Illistim and tried to find the scholar who had traveled to Ornath but was only left with disappointment.

She clenched her fist, the letter in its grasp crumpling and wrinkling as she did so. Its contents filled her with more frustration. Her hopes of getting her hands on the Illistimi's research on Nereids were dashed when she discovered that the ship had been sunk off the coast of Ta'Nalfein, a victim of the pirate raids there. She had hoped to meet the woman in Ornath and had even booked passage as the local captains said that Mana Storms had been quieter than they’d ever been this year and showed signs of opening the southern ways. Now all of that research was lost to the depths.

Suddenly, the loud sound of a heavy "something" hit the wooden surface of the desk thudded behind her.

Odelgarde looked up from the window to find the grinning face of Jarnsaixa.

"You may want to take a look at that," the giantess said pointing to the waterlogged tome that she’d just thrown on the other woman’s desk.

The magister looked from the tome to the grinning face for several moments before moving over to the desk. She flipped the lid open and began to read. Her eyes quickly widened as she looked up at the still-grinning giantess. "But how..."

Chuckling, Jarnsaixa leaned against the desk, her arms crossed, "My clan trains in the summers over in Ta'Nalfein and some of them are longshoremen. I gave him your coordinates and they went scavenging. They found a bunch of papers floating on the water amid the other debris. I figured you'd want those, too, but they will be here later."

Now grinning herself, Odelgarde slowly lowered herself into her chair and started reading.

"Magister Brindlestraffe," came a familiar voice at the door. The formality of it caused both women to look up at the aging chamberlain.

"News has just reached us from Icemule Trace and Lady Athalia asks that make a trek that way. She says you should bring your Aldoran Healing Stones." As he walked away, Odelgarde felt a resurgence of her frustration. She glanced down at the volume, her fingers tracing the lettering on the side, "The Unfathomable Nereids: Unveiling the Mysteries of Niima's Daughters." Exhaling, she wondered if she could read and ride at the same time.

As if reading her thoughts, Jarnsaixa laughed and said, "Come, I’ll hold you upright in the saddle so you don't fall on the trail."