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Small races armor

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The Small Races armor scripts are non-functional zests that appeared at the Frontier Days festival in 2016. The armor was sold in the shop Heart to Tart, were available in gnome, halfling and dwarf varieties, and only these races are able to wear them. Some of the zests were also race-specific.


You analyze your oiled grey leathers and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You sense that any talented merchant can work on some oiled grey leathers rigged with interlocking gears, though the armor cannot be made for larger races.

By inspecting the fit of the leathers closely, you determine that gnomes are the only ones who could comfortably fit into it.  You suppose that the wearer might be able to TAP, SLAP, and PULL the leathers.


Verb Style First Third
PULL You pull at the buckles of your <armor>, adjusting the fit carefully. <Person> pulls at the buckles of his <armor>, adjusting the fit.
REMOVE You work your way out of <armor>. <Person> works his way out of <armor>.
SLAP You slap at the belly of your <armor>. <Person> slaps at the belly of his <armor>.
TAP Gnome You thump on the breast of your <armor> and glare about, stretching up on your tippy toes as you do. When no one notices, you start jumping up and down, waving, trying to attract attention! <Person> thumps on the breast of his <armor> and glares about, stretching up on tippy toes as he does so. Suddenly, he starts jumping up and down and waving, trying to attract your attention.
WEAR You carefully don <armor>, pleased at the fit. You expertly secure the laces, straps, and buckles, girding it for combat. <Person> carefully dons <armor>, and expertly secures the laces, straps, and buckles.
Small races armor Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Armor
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Frontier Days
Original Release Year 2016
Restrictions Small races only
Item Verbs