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Spring Spectacular

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The Spring Spectacular was a roll out of new releases into the game. This started on Monday, April 23rd 2019 and lasted 15 days.

Spring Spectacular: Player Shop Catalog and Urchin Runners


The Player Shop system has been updated to include some new features now available through the SHOP verb!

You may have used urchin runners in the past to perform tasks on your behalf, such as visiting your town locker to fetch an item or perhaps in dealing with the local bank. Now you may find these same urchin runners eager to visit some locally (player) run businesses on your behalf!

There is no additional cost outside of contracting with the urchin runners for performing this service locally, though a service fee of 5000 silvers will be required for any request to do business in another town for the day (this covers contracting costs with the Chronomages to ensure swift delivery.)


The SHOP verb has been updated to add some new options to allow players to browse through and (with the help of an urchin runner) purchase items from Player Shops from areas near and in town!

The SHOP DIRECTORY command allows players to display which player shops are open for business in a given town.

The SHOP BROWSE command allows players to display the inventory and other information about a specific shop.

The SHOP INSPECT command allows players to get information about an inventory item as if they were in the shop and were to GET, LOOK, READ, INSPECT, and ANALYZE that item.

The SHOP PURCHASE command allows player to purchase a specified item from a player shop if they have an active urchin runner available.

When using SHOP PURCHASE the necessary funds will first be drawn from silver in the player's pocket, then using a local bank note in hand (first right, then left), and finally using the player's local bank account if the player is willing to consume another use of their urchin runner contract.

Note: Items for sale in player shops will not be eligible for purchase via SHOP PURCHASE for one (1) hour after being listed for sale. These new items are indicated as being new in SHOP BROWSE inventory listings.

Finally, a reminder that you may gain access to an urchin runner by redeeming a login reward (by typing BOOST RUNNERS in-game) or by purchasing contracts in the SimuCoin Store for 30 days ( or 60 uses (

-- Naos

This message was originally posted in General GemStone IV Discussion, Game Systems. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Trap Disarming RT Changes


Hi everybody,

I couldn't think of a catchy title for this change so you get that awkward one.

Trap detection and disarming, and lock measuring through Lock Mastery using calipers have had their roundtime costs significantly decreased - as long as you are in a reasonably civilized place.

In addition, the Water Lore benefit for spell 404 (Disarm Enhancement) has been changed - when you fail to disarm a trap, it will now provide phantom ranks (at a seed 1 rate) when determining if you failed badly enough to set off the trap.


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Spring Spectacular: Bane/Smite (302) Update!


Bane/Smite (302) will no longer deal half the normal damage when casting against alignment. It will still cost double the mana (4), but you should find it to be respectable damage even at that mana cost.

GameMaster Estild

This message was originally posted in Professions, Cleric. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Automatic Imprinting!


Hi everybody!

Today we've added automation to imprinting! As of now, when a transfer effect expires the empath will automatically attempt an imprint on the player they were healing at no spirit cost. The IMPRINT verb can still be used as before if desired.

Have a great day!

~ Konacon

This message was originally posted in Professions, Empath. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Elemental Lore: Fire and Elemental Bolts


Elemental Lore: Fire (EL:F) has been updated to reinforce its offensive nature by allowing it to be substituted for any other Elemental Lore when calculating the lore bonus to Damage Factors (DF) for an elemental bolt. i.e. Elemental Lore: Earth normally increases the DF of Hurl Boulder (510), but if you have more ranks in Elemental Lore: Fire, those ranks will be used instead. Hybrid bolts that already use EL:F are not affected since they will always just use your EL:F and the other lore type. Hybrid bolts that don't use EL:F can have it replace the lore with the ranks they have the least in amount of ranks trained.

GameMaster Estild

This message was originally posted in Professions, Wizard. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Holy Bolt (Living) (306)


In addition to the existing lore benefits of Holy Bolt (306), also at 30 ranks of Spiritual Lore: Religion, clerics can now unlock a version of Holy Bolt that is more effective against the living. To use this version, the cleric must EVOKE the spell.

It uses the plasma critical table. The AvD and damage factor matches that of the 6 mana version of Telekinesis (1206), which puts it a bit under Minor Fire (906). Additional training in Spiritual Lore: Religion does increase the damage factor using the same scale as other bolts, but the first 30 ranks don't count since those are used to unlock the new version.

GameMaster Estild

This message was originally posted in Professions, Cleric. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Obvious Hiding flag


Hi everybody,

I've released a new flag, ObviousHiding. When at least 1 person who is hidden in the room has this flag turned on, it will be readily apparent to everybody else in the room by way of some extra text in the room description. The text is always the same and not dependent on perception or hiding or any other skill checks, and it has no effect on creatures sniffing you out or anything like that.


This message was originally posted in General GemStone IV Discussion, Game Systems. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: New Condemn (309) Spell


Condemn (309) has been released as a new attack spell for clerics with deity specific messaging. When cast, it will subject the target to a maneuver roll (SMRv2) that uses the caster's Cleric spell and Spell Aiming ranks. If successful, the target will take concussion and deity specific critical damage. The damage will repeat every 2 seconds for a total of 5 rounds. Each time a target takes damage, they also receive a debuff that lowers its DS by 5 and TD 3, stacking up to a maximum of -25/-15, which persists for 15 seconds after the last round.

If a target is killed while under the effects of Condemn, the cleric will build up holy magic to be able to cast an empowered version of 309. Evoking the spell will cast the empowered version and causes all Damage over Time (DoT) rounds of the spell to immediately trigger. It takes 10 kills (of targets under the effect of the spell) to earn 1 charge. Training in Spiritual Lore: Religion reduces the number of kills needed by -1 per 50 skill. A cleric may only store 1 charge of holy magic for an empowered Condemn by default, but training in Spiritual Lore: Blessings increases that by +1 per seed 10 summation. You may view the number of stored charges with the SPELL verb.

Neutralize Curse has moved to the Arcane circle in spell slot 1716, and is available on scrolls and arcane trinkets that can be found in the treasure system. Clerics may also evoke Remove Curse (315) to cast the old Neutralize Curse. For the next 30 days, any magic item or scroll with 309 will automatically convert to 1716 when used.

Bless (304) may now be used to open the Graveyard gate near Wehnimer's Landing.

GameMaster Estild

This message was originally posted in Professions, Cleric. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Empathy (1108) vs Undead!


Hi everybody!

Today's update brings a chance for Empathy (1108) to affect the undead in the same manner as Sympathy (1120). This means that if the caster has at least half of an undead's level in ranks of Mental Lore, Telepathy, they have a chance to affect the undead target with 1108. This scales up to a 100% chance when the caster has at least the undead target's level in ranks of ML, Telepathy.

Along with this, the undead are still more resistant to the effects, so the undead's level is subtracted from the caster's ranks in Telepathy for the chances of immobilization/instant kill.

Let me know if you have any questions!

~ Konacon

This message was originally posted in Professions, Empath. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Divine Wrath (335) Update


Divine Wrath (335) has been updated to remove the previous Spiritual Lore: Spirit Summoning benefit. The first 3 rounds of the spell now immediately trigger when cast, which results in damage (from round 3 - rounds 1 and 2 are just messaging). Rounds 4 and 5 then trigger 6 seconds apart and also deal damage (as before).

GameMaster Estild

This message was originally posted in Professions, Cleric. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: New Speech Verbs and Tones


Hi everybody,

The following speech verbs and tones have been added to the available options - hopefully you'll find them useful in adequately expressing yourself!

Speech Verbs: agonize attest conspire denounce deter distract flatter hint hum moan press rebuke recall reinforce reiterate

Speech Tones: agonizingly conspiratorially diligently furtively painfully raptly reticently


This message was originally posted in General GemStone IV Discussion, General Discussion about Gemstone IV. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: TICKET Update


The TICKET verb has been revamped to have some new options. Below is the new usage.

Usage: TICKET BALANCE - Check current balances of all alternative currencies. TICKET WITHDRAW [#] [scrip type] - Withdraw [#] number of the alternative currency. TICKET DEPOSIT - Redeems the alternative currency in hand. Mimics REDEEM.

There is now the SCRIP verb as well, which just mimics TICKET. Both just do the same thing, TICKET is just a little obscure to type if you don't remember we started with tickets.

The NPC that unredeemed scrip is retired, since the scrip system has evolved quite a bit from it's initial concept. This also means the scrip pouches are just show pieces moving forward. You can keep using them, but using the verb is much safer when it comes to item loss. Plus, no encumbrance.

Wyrom, PM

This message was originally posted in Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins, General Discussions of Paid Events. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: FISHING Verb


The FISHING verb has been released to give you your catching stats. Compare notes to discover when certain titles are earned.

Wyrom, PM

This message was originally posted in General GemStone IV Discussion, Game Systems. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: SAFERDROP and NOMARKEDDROP flags


Two new player FLAGS have been added to help you keep items from unintentionally leaving your hands or inventory. Both flags are implemented as a part of the PUT/DROP/PLACE verbs and do NOT constitute any guarantee that your inventory items are perfectly safe.

The SaferDrop flag, if enabled, will prompt you to confirm that you really want to move an item out of your hands or inventory and to the room or any containers that are ultimately a part of the room via the PUR/DROP/PLACE verbs.

The NoMarkedDrop flag, if enabled, will prevent items marked as unsellable (see MARK verb) from being moved out of your hands or inventory and to the room or any containers that are ultimately a part of the room via the PUT/DROP/PLACE verbs.

These features should also function for drag and drop functionality in StormFront.

Again, these flags are tools to help you avoid unintentionally moving items out of your inventory or hands, but mechanics can and will do this and there is no guarantee that having these flags set will keep you one hundred percent safe.

Please GET and DROP responsibly.


Here are some samples to illustrate these new flags in action!

>set saferdrop on
You will be prompted to confirm any PUT, DROP, or PLACE command that would move an item out of your inventory.
You remove a faded scroll from in your clearly stolen bag.
You are about to move a faded scroll out of your inventory and into the room. If you are sure this is what you want, repeat the command in the next 10 seconds.
[You can disable this feature by using the SET SAFERDROP OFF command at any time.]
Roundtime: 12 sec.
>drop scroll
You are about to move a faded scroll out of your inventory and into the room. If you are sure this is what you want, repeat the command in the next 10 seconds.
[You can disable this feature by using the SET SAFERDROP OFF command at any time.]
>drop scroll
You drop a faded scroll.

>mark scroll
You carefully mark your faded scroll as unsellable.
>set nomarkeddrop on
You will be prevented from using PUT, DROP, or PLACE to move an item with your MARK out of your inventory.
>drop scroll
You notice that the faded scroll is marked as unsellable and stop yourself.
[You can disable this feature by using the SET NOMARKEDDROP OFF command at any time.]

-- Naos

This message was originally posted in General GemStone IV Discussion, Game Systems. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Miracle (350) Updated


Miracle (350) has been updated so that it always provides a powerful chrism effect to the cleric. Spiritual Lore: Blessings will now provide a chance (5% per seed 2 summation) for a free MANA SPELLUP after the cleric is resurrected. Lastly, clerics can now BESEECH TELEPORT so that they are teleported, then raised at the realm's location where corpses end up after decaying. In order for the teleport to work, it's subject to the same restrictions as creating the minor sanctuary in the room they died in. So if there are no creatures, it's guaranteed success, but if there are a lot of creatures, it's a skill check and can fail. Enjoy!

GameMaster Estild

This message was originally posted in Professions, Cleric. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Enchant (925) Updated


Spell 925, Enchant Item has been reworked! Say goodbye to your temper potions and forget the days of waiting, this new spell will immediately increase the bonus of a piece of gear by 1 on a successful attempt! However, such speed and ease requires more magical oomph, and that comes in the form of essence. Wizards will find that they can now SENSE how much essence they have accumulated and how strong of an enchantment that will allow them to complete.

Essence is gathered by spending mana when casting offensive spells at enemies of an appropriate level for the caster to earn experience by killing them. Offensive spells generally include anything you can't cast in a sanctuary. Each cast generates a sort of magical static which clings to the caster; being well trained in Elemental Mana Control helps a Wizard gather more static. On a mana pulse, a portion of that static is absorbed as essence for enchanting; being well trained in Harness Power and Elemental Lore: Water increases the maximum amount of essence that can be absorbed this way. Any unabsorbed static is generally lost, but if the Wizard is trained in Elemental Lore: Air a portion will carry over to the next mana pulse. Wizards trained in Elemental Lore: Fire will find their spell casting yields additional essence on average.

Casting spell 925 will allow a Wizard to evaluate their chance to successfully enchant the targeted item. This will prompt the caster to CHANNEL the spell to make a proper attempt. On a successful attempt, the bonus of the item is increased by 1. On a failed attempt the Wizard loses 10% of the essence the attempt would have cost if it had succeeded.

The essence costs for each cast follow a simple pattern. If the current bonus of the item is less than 25, the cost is 100 essence per point of bonus. If the current bonus of the item is 25 or higher, the cost is 2400 essence plus 2400 per point above 24. This is the cost to increase the bonus of the item by 1 point. e.g. from +24 to +25 costs 2400 essence; from +49 to +50 costs 62400 essence; from +0 to +1 costs zero essence. The amount of essence a Wizard can gather and store is capped weekly at 16000 and overal at 64000.

While tempering items is a thing of the past, potions still play a role with the new Enchant spell. The enchanting potential of an item must be unlocked before any casts of the spell will be successful. New common potions are available in Wizard Guild shops which cover the range of enchanting up through +35; enchanting beyond this will still require the use of rare potions.

The new enchanting potions increase the maximum bonus to which that item may be enchanted with this spell. As an example, a 0x item has a maximum bonus of +0. Pouring an undiluted green ayan'eth potion on this item will increase its maximum enchantable bonus by 5 points to +5; this particular potion can unlock an item up to a maximum of +20 so it could be poured three more times on that same item to do that, increasing the maximum by 5 per dose. Casting Elemental Detection (405) at a potion will give you details about what its effect will be if you know the Enchant (925) spell.

For more information about this release and details about what is happening with the old enchanting system and related topics see the follow up post.

-- Naos

This message was originally posted in Professions, Wizard. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: APPRAISE updates and links for empaths!


Hi everybody!

Today is a hodgepodge of quality of life updates all centered around an update to APPRAISE!

We've added APPRAISE GROUP as an option to let you appraise everyone in your group all at once. We've also added APPRAISE TARGET in case you want to do that.

For empaths specifically, we figured that when APPRAISE GROUP was used there might be a lot of wounds to take care of, so we made all wounds/scars that can be transferred by the empath in appraise show up as point and click links! While we were doing that, we figured we might as well add point and click transferring to DIAGNOSE, IMPRINT, and Solace (1140) as well, and point and click CUREing from HEALTH.

While we were looking at APPRAISE, we also decided to completely remove the RT associated with appraising skins and gems. As a result of this, we also had to remove the roll for success on checking appraisal and instead just made it require 25 ranks of trading to see a detailed appraisal. Rangers get 1/4 their level in free trading ranks for this check with skins.

Let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy!

~ Konacon

This message was originally posted in General GemStone IV Discussion, Game Systems. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Combat Maneuver Roundtime


Hi everybody,

The following set of combat maneuvers have been adjusted to reduce the minimum roundtime given to the user:

Dirtkick 3 2
Twin Hammerfists 4 3
Sweep 5 3
Tackle 7 4
Haymaker 5 3
Subdue 5 3
Cheapshots - -
footstomp 4 3
knee bash 5 4
throatchop 5 4
swiftkick 5 4
Groin Kick 5 3
Sucker Punch 3 2
Bull Rush 5 3
Trip 5 3
Cutthroat 5 4

Here's dirt in your eye!


This message was originally posted in Combat, Magic, and Character Mechanics, Character Creation, Stats, and Skills. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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Spring Spectacular: Channeled Dispels


Spirit Dispel (119), Spiritual Abolition (230), Elemental Dispel (417), Elemental Disjunction (530), and Mental Dispel (1218) have been updated so they can now be channeled to remove only negative effects from a target. Doing so always costs the base amount of mana for the spell, incurs 5 seconds of RT, and forces the caster into offensive stance. Channeling these spells is possible in a sanctuary and will not cause the target to lose a prepared spell or mana.

Today marks the last day of Spring Spectacular. We hope you've enjoyed it!

GameMaster Estild

This message was originally posted in Combat, Magic, and Character Mechanics, Magic. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

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