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Summit Academy/2017 saved posts
Questions & Answers
Topic: Summit Academy
Message #: 24
Date: 02/03/2017
Subject: Re: 7 days
What's going to be there?
All the things you had on the College grounds before -- custom logon/logoffs, spell preps, swears, and signature verbs. And maybe a couple other things... The Spire will also be accessible for some shopping and enhancive item work.
Are there limits to how many things we can get per ticket/entry/etc?
Nope... customize away!
How much will it cost?
We'll post those details in the coming days.
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events
Topic: Summit Academy
Message #: 26
Date: 02/03/2017
Subject: Re: 7 days
No enhancive work or hider pins?
The Spire will also be accessible for some shopping and enhancive item work.
The magic item work is handled in the Spire - Sylinar's territory. The customization work is handled on the College grounds. :)
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events
Topic: Summit Academy
Message #: 51
Date: 02/07/2017
Subject: Re: 4 days?
Hey everyone, there will be an email going out later this afternoon/evening. But I'd like to explain what's happening. For years and years, GS has been going about advertising events in the same fashion. In 2015, we started marketing these events to a broader number of players. I was involved in how to go about marketing and branding GS events, and while I didn't agree with everything, the numbers showed otherwise. So we continue to push along into this new territory of advertising events because it's working with a growth rate like we've never seen in GS's history. Could we do some things better? Definitely, but we're working with the same resources we always had. But it's pretty much been proven that announcing with more time from when the event runs equals less participation, almost always.
I think this exact thing might be the reason BMC didn't do well financially.
It has nothing to do with it. BMC had just about max reach in terms of ticketed events. The notion that BMC had poor attendance is a false one. It took too long to plan, it took too many resources, and failed to bring in 1/3rd of our lowest goal. As stated (repeatedly at this point), we'd have to solve a lot to rerun Briarmoon Cove as a pay event or we'd simple run it as part of a world event, which is free.
Relying purely on the reputation of previous events, when it's been intimated that this one is not exactly the same/involves new offerings/etc, may be setting yourself up for failure.
While it may seem we're relying on reputation of this event, this event has an all new approach. So it's not just the same old thing.
That all said, SEF and Sylinar's Spire are being combined and run in a way that we can do a lot more than 25 people at a time. This is not a limited ticket event, but it's SEF and Sylinar's Spire (most of the spire, some things will not be there). Prior to this, we could usually only do 50 to 100 tickets for the entire month. Now, we'll allow everyone who wants to go into the grounds and it will be open for an entire weekend. We're doing this for 2 weekends, so you can consider this weekend as more of a "preview" weekend. That is why it was done in this fashion. The event will speak for itself, better than any announcement.
Wyrom, PM
Topic: Summit Academy
Message #: 83
Date: 02/07/2017
Subject: Re: 4 days?
Hi guys! I wanted to give you a quick look at how things will be automated at this event. I won't give you ALL the scoop here (because I'd much prefer you to see it firsthand at the event), but I want to alleviate any concern about how this will be handled.
These are the first returns from two signs -- Signature Verbs and Spell Preps. All the necessary information is included in the printout from READ.
>read list ~~ Welcome to Summit Academy ~~ I can offer you the following signature verbs: (Please note that for the purpose of messaging display, YOU and the SERVICE LIST are targets. Also, the word in [brackets] is the access word for that signature verb, and "T" means it is a targetted version (object or player). You can only have one of any name, so if you already have a signature verb titled "kick", you must RENAME the old one first. Just ASK ATTENDANT about RENAME. You can rename any of your current signature verbs. [Click on each number to order and/or see full messaging.] #1: [wave] - Scrunching up your face in disgust, you wave your hand in front of your nose. #2: [twirl (T)] - You give Haliste a sideways glance as you point your finger at your temple and twirl it slowly. #3: [roar] - You slap your hand on your thigh as you roar with laughter. #4: [rolleye] - With a loud sigh, you roll your eyes dramatically. #5: [squeak] - You release a tiny squeak of surprise! #6: [spin] - Holding your arms straight out, you rotate them around and around in small circles. #7: [bite] - You bite down on the heel of your hand. #8: [roll (T)] - You prop a hand on your outthrust hip and stare blatantly at Haliste, then roll your eyes skyward in an overtly exaggerated fashion. #9: [roll] - You prop a hand on your outthrust hip and roll your eyes skyward in an overtly exaggerated fashion. #10: [pretend] - Folding your arms, you pretend to be listening intently, nodding from time to time to suggest your agreement. In the back of your mind, you wonder what Helga's dinner special will be tonight. [-- SEE MORE --]
>read list ~~ Welcome to Summit Academy ~~ I have the following spell preps available for you: (Please note: Spell preps limited to a specific circle or profession cannot be purchased if you do not meet these limitations. In SOME cases, specific spell preps without circle or profession limitations can be purchased by anyone.) [Click on each number to see additional information and to order.] #136: You quickly intone a battle chant, imploring your patron to lend you aid. [Profession: Paladin] [Circle: Paladin] #137: You meld a climactic chord into your melody, voice rising in a crescendo as you prepare [spell name]. [Profession: Bard] [Circle: Bard] #139: You murmur a twisting phrase, commanding the elements and spirits in uneasy cooperation, to prepare [spell name]. [Profession: Sorcerer] [Circle: Sorcerer] #142: You invoke a short blessing, hands clasped in prayer, as you prepare [spell name]. [Profession: Cleric] [Circle: Cleric] #145: You chant a short phrase, embers leaping from your fingertips, as you clench your hand into a smoke-shrouded fist. [Profession: Wizard] [519] #146: You intone a mystical phrase, your words flowing in a burst of speed, as your hands move rapidly through the prescribed motions. [Profession: Wizard] [506] #147: You chant a reverent prayer, imploring your patron for aid in restoring the fallen to life. [Profession: Cleric] [318] #148: You whisper the mystical phrases to invoke Wither, as a nebulous haze shimmers into view around your hands, casting them in murky shadows. [Profession: Empath] [1115] #149: You whisper the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter, as pearlescent energy builds around your hands, casting them in an opalescent silhouette. [Profession: Empath] [1106] #150: You utter a sharp phrase, tiny thorns rippling across your arms in a wave that moves toward your hands. [Profession: Ranger] [616] [-- SEE MORE --]
Let me know if you have any questions. See you Friday!
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events
Pricing and Services
Topic: Summit Academy
Message #: [1]
Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 02/08/2017
Subject: Re: Summit Academy: Pricing and Services
While our beloved Summit Academy staff and faculty will not be providing the services directly (which, as has been discussed, will allow a lot more people to get a lot more things, if so desired), you will see them here and there throughout the weekend(s), chatting with visitors in their usual (if it can be described that way), eclectic ways.
Sylinar, Grunditz, Kahlo, Daergron, Varoke, and a couple of new campus staffers should be popping their heads in to add flavor to the event. Sebastian will also be around, but he's not very chatty (unless you're Sylinar, who seems to have a running conversation going with him at any given time).
Customization offerings and lists
Topic: Summit Academy
Message #: 349
Date: 02/24/2017
Subject: Customization offerings and lists
Each list should be displaying 10-offerings at a time, and you can either click the link for [-- SEE MORE --] OR type READ LIST again to get the next set of 10 items. Likewise, you can just type ORDER # to see expanded views and/or order the offering.
The #s listed by each thing may sometimes skip numbers -- this is intended since not all of the existing verbs/preps/swears/etc. are available for this event. (IE: some might be for another event, or maybe one belongs to a player, etc.)
Nonetheless, here's what you should be seeing!
- Signature Verbs: 68
- Swears: 55
- Spell Preps: 126
- Log Phrases: 33
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events
Swear Updates
Topic: Summit Academy
Message #: 368
Date: 02/26/2017
Subject: Swear Updates!
At last, the awaited update to SWEARS has finally arrived! I'd like to introduce you to the new 50-limit swear ability!
See SWEAR HELP or SWEAR MINE (with no arguments) to see the required syntax.
Those of you who had true custom swears (ie: designed specifically by you and/or a GM, OR one not issued at Summit Academy) will notice that it now has a name -- it's called "original". You can hit up the attendant in the Groundskeeper's Cottage and rename it to something you prefer. Or, you can retain the name "original" -- up to you. Any new swears you get will be named, and you can choose to rename them at Summit Academy as you see fit. Those who had previously purchased a swear from Summit Academy will see the appropriate name (rather than "original") and you, too, can rename it to something you would like. There's no charge for the rename service, though it's only available at Summit Academy. Stop by before 11:59PM EST tonight!
Swear away, and enjoy!
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events
Coming soon...
Topic: Summit Academy
Message #: 425
Date: 12/04/2017
Subject: Coming soon...
That's right! Summit Academy will be our December event. Dates are still being finalized, but we will have more information for you very soon.
In addition to the services available at the past event (spell preps, swears, signature verbs, log phrases, feature pavilion [for body, distinguishing mark, and wing quirks], enhancive permanence), we've now added spell customizations to the available services. This pertains to things like Manna, Well of Life, Tangleweed, etc. Most, if not all, of the offerings from the last run are available this time around, and many have more options available.
We will post more information as it becomes available.
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
SGM, Events
Topic: Summit Academy
Message #: 428
Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: Re: Coming soon...
This run of Summit Academy will have all of the customizations offered at the last run, and has updates to the following:
- Spell Preps
- Swears
- Signature Verbs
Log Phrases are still available but had no updates to its options.
In addition, pre-written custom spell options are available as another automated service. This includes options for the following:
- Fire Spirit
- Empathic Assault
- Manna
- Major Sanctuary
- Well of Life
- Raise Dead
- Hand of Tonis
- Balefire
- Animated Disk
- Tangleweed
- Grasp of the Grave
- Call Swarm (no new options)
- Transfer (empath only)
Any custom spell options found in the previous run's treasure cubes are now available from the uniformed attendant in the library of Thurgine Hall.
The feature pavilion will also return, with new feature options for both Body and Wing Quirks. Distinguishing Mark features are also available, but there are no new options.
For the enhancive tokens, existing tokens (ie: those purchased previously or those received in the Simucon Goodie Bags) are eligible for the following enhancive services:
- Enhancive permanence
- Increase mana capacity (10% increments)
- Recharge (10% increments)
Moving forward, enhancive permanence will not be available. Enhancive tokens purchased for this run will be ineligible for use with the enhancive permanence option.
The fusion shaman has been hired by the Academy and will be making his debut appearance. More information to come on this.
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
SGM, Events