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Sylvan Shenanigans (storyline)/Ma'Henrith Cavern Joint Statement (vignette)
A Joint Statement on the Ma'Henrith Caverns Artifacts
The Loremasters of the Library Aies and the Museum Alerreth jointly released the following statement on the 31st of Lormestra, 5125
For centuries, the vantael of Ta'Illistim has focused on knowledge. During the reign of Myasara Illistim and now during that of Sayilla Illistim, the Shining City and its peoples are focused more than ever on knowledge of the world from *all perspectives*, not just those of elves, and the importance of understanding and appreciating those who are not Illistimi is paramount. It was with that in mind that the Ma'Henrith Exhibit was designed; this was an opportunity to finally bring to light those artifacts long stored away and to shine the spotlight on our friends and brethren -- the sylvans.
Years of research by scholars and experts, including sylvans, went into identifying and carefully and respectfully cataloguing and preserving these items. Unfortunately, as history will teach us time and time again, even the best of intentions will have unanticipated effects and consequences.
While one could argue that we should have foreseen the reaction at the exhibit's opening, we did not. And while the reaction was of but a few sylvans present, we recognize the Argent Mirror's wise words and actions in requesting the exhibit be closed while we reach out to determine the best course of action going forward. We wished to immediately quell any rumors or accusations of elven disrespect of other cultures, and as such, we took this immediate action.
We must needs then determine the appropriate entities to speak for sylvankind on this matter. We hope that it is understood this is not an attempt at disrespect or delay, but it is rather a sincere desire to ensure these treasured artifacts are not further embroiled in controversy by giving them to one unauthorized.
It is our understanding that after the exhibit, those few sylvans in attendance met and one of their number revealed themselves to be from a heretofore unknown sylvan government in exile.
We have appointed Lady Laevynia Savitel Illistim, the Museum Alerreth's archivist as our representative. A note from her follows.
Signed by our hands,
the Loremasters of the Library Aies and Museum Alerreth
Another statement follows
As member of the Loremasters and the head archivist for the Museum Alerreth, I would like to state my support for the Argent Mirror's decision and the joint declaration above. I appreciate the opportunity to assist in this matter.
First, I welcome any and all communication on this matter. I may not be able to respond individually to all commentary, but please know that your opinions are valuable and are being heard and discussed.
Next, I implore the sylvan who has stated they represent a government of sylvankind to please reach out to me. We would like to open lines of communication.
Finally, I will be working with others to research our next steps so the artifacts may be returned to the sylvan.
Thank you,
Lady Laevynia Savitel Illistim
Loremaster, Elder of Lore
Museum Archivist and Assistant Curator
OOC: From an OOC perspective, you can consider the 2 statements common knowledge shared officially in Ta'Illistim, so you can determine what your PC would know or not. The Peacock Grapevine would also be abuzz in TI over this.