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The Blood that Binds (storyline)/2023-06-12 - Rummaging through Rumors (log)

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This log is from The Blood that Binds on 06/12/2023 from the viewpoint of Daenamaryllis.


Cogsmead Gizmo met with adventurers at the Solhaven Inn and listened to the information they obtained the previous night. Those gathered decided that traveling to Ta'Illistim and making contact with the Mage's Guild would be the most prudent next step in figuring out what happened to Thanela Saxe. Haelly said she would reach out to a Solhaven Mage's Guild member named Liel who had moved to the town recently and ask him for an introduction to the Mage's Guild in Ta'Illisitim.

Characters in Attendance

List of characters linked to their pages using the formatting shown in Help:Character_pages.


[Solhaven Inn, Taproom - 5715] (u4740022)
A highly polished modwir bar runs the length of the room with several stools in front of it.  Brass and crystal wall sconces lend some light to the otherwise dim room.  The wall behind the bar is mirrored, which reflects the myriad bottles of every shape, size, and color that are on the shelf in front of it.  You also see a figured koa slab table bordered in lush lyshaelyn-mosaicked ivy with some stuff on it, the hammered bronze Vyrshkana disk and a quirky lake spirit that is flying around.
Also here: Vyrshkana who is sitting, Lord Banjar, Cythis, Oliviero who is sitting
Obvious exits: north, northeast
Your luck spirit followed.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
Lady Cede just arrived.
Vyrshkana helps herself to a honey-laced biscuit.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her honey-laced biscuit.
Oliviero nods to you.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her honey-laced biscuit.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her honey-laced biscuit.
Cede nods to Oliviero in greeting.
Oliviero says, "Hello."
You sit down next to a figured koa slab table bordered in lush lyshaelyn-mosaicked ivy.
Oliviero nods at Cede.
Cede gazes with interest at a figured koa slab table bordered in lush lyshaelyn-mosaicked ivy.
Banjar helps himself to a wedge of Double Gyldemar cheese.
Speaking to Cede, Oliviero asks, "You seem new to the group. You bring good news about the missing lass?"
Banjar takes a bite of his Double Gyldemar cheese.
Cede shakes her head.
Cede melodically says, "No I'm here to learn about the situation."
Cede smiles quietly to herself.
Oliviero nods.
Cede grabs a fluted glass of sparkling citrus champagne from a small pocket inside of her ramie silk cloak.
Cede takes a drink from her glass of champagne.
Cede helps herself to an apricot truffle.
Cede takes a bite of her apricot truffle.
Jaired just arrived.
Jaired casually glances around the room.
Jaired just went northeast.
Jaired just arrived.
Vyrshkana waves to Jaired.
Vyrshkana taps Jaired lightly on his shoulder.
Vyrshkana says, "I's habinged someting for yous."
Jaired cocks his head.
Cede nods to Jaired in greeting.
Jaired says, "Oh, I have something for you, too."
Vyrshkana removes a silver dancing girl miniature from in her gilt mail carryall.
Vyrshkana offers Jaired a silver dancing girl miniature.
Jaired adopts an agreeable expression.
Cede takes a drink from her glass of champagne.
Jaired says, "Nice one."
Vyrshkana beams!
Cede takes a drink from her glass of champagne.
Jaired says, "Hold on."
Jaired just went northeast.
Vyrshkana nods emphatically!
Vyrshkana squints.
Vyrshkana stares northeastward.
Ominora wanders in.
Ominora tilts her head up.
Vyrshkana waves to Ominora.
Ominora narrows her eyes.
Ominora waves to Vyrshkana.
Speaking to Ominora, Vyrshkana says, "Is beinged hungry?  I's bringinged dinner."
Jaired just arrived.
Vyrshkana points at a figured koa slab table bordered in lush lyshaelyn-mosaicked ivy.
Jaired removes a filigreed rolaren reliquary with a colorful cloisonne lid from in his morduska hide pack.
Jaired offers Vyrshkana a filigreed rolaren reliquary with a colorful cloisonne lid.
Vyrshkana beams!
Jaired accepts Vyrshkana's dancing girl miniature.
Vyrshkana accepts Jaired's rolaren reliquary.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat pads in.
Vyrshkana raises her rolaren reliquary skyward!
Vyrshkana says, "Tank oos."
Jaired finds the miniature agreeable.
Oliviero nods at Ominora.
Ominora shuffles over to the table.
Jaired nods at Vyrshkana.
Vyrshkana nods emphatically at Jaired!
Vyrshkana put a filigreed rolaren reliquary with a colorful cloisonne lid in her spidersilk haversack.
Oliviero says, "Hello."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat's ears suddenly perk as his attention is drawn to something in the distance.  His pupils narrow to vertical slits as he stares for a long, unnerving moment and then indifferently looks away.
Jaired gives a silver dancing girl miniature a quick glance over and drops the miniature into one of the small pouches hanging from his modular leather bandolier.
Banjar takes a bite of his Double Gyldemar cheese.
Speaking to Vyrshkana, Jaired says, "And thank you."
Ominora squeakily exclaims, "I don't mind if I do!"
Vyrshkana nods emphatically at Jaired!
Vyrshkana beams happily at Ominora!
The blue-eyed black cat sits down.
Ominora helps herself to a honey-laced biscuit.
Ominora helps herself to a round of Vaalor pepper cheese.
Ominora smacks her lips.
Ominora takes a bite of her Vaalor pepper cheese.
Cogsmead wanders in.
Ominora takes a bite of her honey-laced biscuit.
Banjar takes a bite of his Double Gyldemar cheese.
Ominora squeakily exclaims, "Oh this is lovely!"
Ominora beams happily at Vyrshkana!
Vyrshkana beams!
Cogsmead says, "Greethings, everyone."
Vyrshkana waves to Cogsmead.
Speaking to Ominora, Oliviero says, "Are you here about the news of the missing lass? I don't recall seeing you gathered with us yesterday."
Cogsmead nods at Vyrshkana.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Vyrshkana says, "I's bringinged dinner."
Jaired nods at Cogsmead.
Oliviero nods at Cogsmead.
Vyrshkana points at a figured koa slab table bordered in lush lyshaelyn-mosaicked ivy.
Oliviero says, "Hello. sir."
Cogsmead says, "Ththank you, buth I already athe."
Haelly wanders in.
Cythis grunts in greeting.
Haelly says, "Oh goodness."
Cythis takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Cythis looks rather relaxed.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "I'm hungry."
Jaired glances at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Oliviero nods at Haelly.
The mirror images surrounding Cede undulate and grow stronger.
Cede renews her songs.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Haelly says, "I didn't see you come in, Inspector.  My apologies."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat unceremoniously plops over onto his side and moves into a languid stretch, his paws splayed out before him while purposefully bringing attention to the soft fur of his stomach.
Speaking to Haelly, Oliviero says, "Hello again."
The powerful look leaves Oliviero.
Cogsmead says, "Quithe alrighth, miss."
Haelly smiles at Oliviero.
Haelly curtsies to Oliviero.
Speaking to Haelly, Vyrshkana says, "I's hopinged yous not mindinged, I's tought to not put more stress on de cooks since dere beinged so much worry."
Haelly smiles at Cogsmead.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat asks, "Can someone with thumbs get me some of that ham looking stuff?"
Vyrshkana giggles.
Vyrshkana helps herself to a pile of folded prosciutto.
Haelly says, "Oh look at that!  How nice of you."
Vyrshkana feeds a sleek blue-eyed black cat a bite of her folded prosciutto.
Haelly smiles at Vyrshkana.
Vyrshkana feeds a sleek blue-eyed black cat a bite of her folded prosciutto.
Haelly glances at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Vyrshkana beams happily at Haelly!
The blue-eyed black cat purrs.
You help yourself to a handful of whiskey drops.
Vyrshkana feeds a sleek blue-eyed black cat the last of her folded prosciutto.
That would most likely be a bad idea.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Thank you."
Ominora takes a bite of her honey-laced biscuit.
Ominora glances at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Ominora lets out a great honking sneeze!
Vyrshkana exclaims, "Is goodly!"
Vyrshkana pets a sleek blue-eyed black cat, which nuzzles her hand softly.
Cogsmead folds his hands behind his back.
Ominora sniffs.
You carefully place a handful of whiskey drops on the floor.
Cede pets a sleek blue-eyed black cat, which nuzzles her hand softly.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "She's not so bad."
Jaired shrugs at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Speaking to Haelly, Oliviero asks, "Is the Saxe lad going to join us tonight?"
The voice of Tanai says, "I see no cake."
You help yourself to a cinnamon hard candy.
You wave.
Haelly grins.
You coax, "I have candy for good little girls."
Haelly says, "Saxe lad.."
Vyrshkana says, "I's beinged sure to fixinged dat before next time."
Vyrshkana frowns.
Haelly chuckles.
You hear the sound of someone snorting.
Speaking to Oliviero, Haelly says, "You must mean Ladicius Saxe."
Vyrshkana taps something in a soft mint spidersilk haversack adorned with a web of pale orange-tipped honeysuckle.
A substantial willow cupcake box seemingly floats up out of Vyrshkana's spidersilk haversack and into her waiting hand.
Speaking to Haelly, Oliviero says, "I am horrible with names."
Vyrshkana removes a Monsoon Jungle rich mocha cupcake from in her willow cupcake box.
Oliviero nods.
You help yourself to a glimmering spun sugar rose.
You take a bite of your spun sugar rose.  It is sweet enough to make your teeth ache.
You have 2 bites left.
Vyrshkana frowns.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her rich mocha cupcake.
Haelly says, "And I am unsure, but perhaps.  I heard he was on his way to Ta'Illistim, though."
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her rich mocha cupcake.
Banjar takes a bite of his Double Gyldemar cheese.
Jaired nods at Haelly.
Speaking to Haelly, Tanai asks, "Does he know you have a thing for him?"
Speaking to Haelly, Jaired says, "Makes sense... seems that is where the trail goes cold."
Cogsmead squints.
You offer your cinnamon hard candy to Tanai, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer.  Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Cogsmead glances between Haelly and Tanai.
Ominora's eyes are wide as she listens to the conversation, noisily eating her biscuit as she does.
Oliviero takes a deep breath, blinking a couple of times before resuming a calm expression.
Tanai glances at you.
Haelly frowns at Tanai.
A series of blue-grey lines suddenly appears on Oliviero's face, quickly racing towards the center of his forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.
Banjar takes a bite of his Double Gyldemar cheese.
Speaking to Tanai, Haelly says, "I really wish you would not say those things."
Cede takes a bite of her apricot truffle.
Cogsmead removes a small black leather journal from in his leather satchel.
Cede takes a bite of her apricot truffle.
Speaking to Haelly, Tanai asks, "Right, but is it true?"
Cede takes a bite of her apricot truffle.
Banjar takes a bite of his Double Gyldemar cheese.
Cogsmead removes a cockatrice feather quill from in his leather satchel.
Tanai has declined the offer.
You take a bite of your spun sugar rose.  It is sweet enough to make your teeth ache.
You have one bite left.
Speaking to you, Tanai says, "I don't know where that's been."
Haelly gives Tanai a blank look and then after a moment, simply turns slowly to address Jaired instead.
Speaking to Tanai, you say, "In a basket."
Speaking to Tanai, Oliviero says, "You might want to grab some candy and wait outside, Miss Hooligan."
You tap a small wicker basket in a sundry carryall.
Banjar helps himself to a delicate mint-chocolate rose.
Speaking to Jaired, Haelly says, "Did you find out much last night?  That's why the Inspector is here."
You take a bite of your spun sugar rose.  You can almost feel the sugar running through your veins.
That was the last of it!
Speaking to Oliviero, Tanai says, "You might want to mind your own business."
Millen just arrived.
Cogsmead bends over his journal and begins writing with his quill.  After a moment, he lifts his head and scans back over what he has written with a critical eye.
Banjar takes a bite of his mint-chocolate rose.
Cogsmead finds the journal agreeable.
Millen gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Ominora glances between Tanai and Oliviero.
Cogsmead carefully opens his leather journal.
Ominora continues to noisily eat the biscuit while she watches Tanai and Oliviero's banter.
You note, "A few things speaking with the locals."
Oliviero turns an inquisitive ear toward Jaired.
Cogsmead put a cockatrice feather quill in his leather satchel.
Cogsmead removes a short black quill from in his leather journal.
Speaking to his black quill, Cogsmead says, "Ththere you are."
Speaking to Haelly, Jaired says, "Mostly about their family and their history."
Vyrshkana mutters strange.
Millen assumingly goes over to the koa slab table and begins picking through its selections.
You remark, "Don't forget the scandals, boozing, and womanizing."
Jaired says, "We might have some answers as to why she's missing, but I fear we didn't find much to indicate where she is..."
Speaking to Haelly, Oliviero says, "The town finds the family a bit odd."
Haelly scoffs.
Speaking to Jaired, you say, "Those 3 could apply to you as well."
Your lips twist in a mocking sneer.
Millen pours himself a chalice of dark Chastonia claret.
Millen helps himself to a honey-laced biscuit.
Haelly says, "People always fear what they don't understand."
Haelly says, "Doesn't make it right."
Speaking to you, Jaired says, "Once."
Cogsmead bends over his journal and begins writing with his quill.  After a moment, he lifts his head and scans back over what he has written with a critical eye.
Tanai examines her fingernails.
Cogsmead nods.
Speaking to Haelly, Oliviero says, "Agreed."
Millen nods in agreement at Haelly.
Millen takes a bite of his honey-laced biscuit.
The mirror images surrounding Cede undulate and grow stronger.
Cede renews her songs.
Cogsmead turns his leather journal over, running his hand lovingly over its cover.
Millen glances at Cogsmead.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Tanai asks, "Know anything about this weird family's blood bond thing?"
Haelly gazes with interest at Jaired.
Millen takes a drink from his dark Chastonia claret.
Cogsmead looks over at Tanai and shakes his head.
The dim aura fades from around Cythis.
Ominora gives Jaired an impressed glance.
Cythis appears less confident.
The brilliant aura fades away from Cythis.
Speaking to Jaired, Haelly asks, "Once?"
The opalescent aura fades from around Cythis.
Millen says, "Saxe family's cursed, if you ask me.  Always messin' around with the way things should be."
Banjar takes a bite of his mint-chocolate rose.
Millen takes a drink from his dark Chastonia claret.
Cythis loses his focused look.
Speaking to Haelly, you say, "Mr Delone is married and reformed."
Cogsmead glances at Millen.
Millen shrugs at Cogsmead.
Cogsmead rapidly flips through the pages of his journal, scanning for a particular passage.
Ominora's head swivels to Millen and she giggles around her mouthful of biscuit, sending crumbs all over.
Speaking to Haelly, Jaired asks, "Wouldn't make much sense to attempt to deny my past, no?"
Cogsmead scans over the notes in his journal.
Haelly says, "Goodness."
Jaired says, "If you own it, it makes it harder for folks to use it against you..."
Speaking to you, Jaired asks, "Right?"
You giggle at Jaired.
Vyrshkana ponders.
Ominora glances between Jaired and yourself.
Tanai leans against a polished modwir bar.
You see Ominora the Washerwoman.
She appears to be a Halfling.
She is tiny.  She appears to be middle-aged.  She has close-set silver eyes and tanned skin.  She has very short, frizzy silver blonde hair with a white streak running through it.  She has a round face, a small nose and thick bushy eyebrows.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a honey-laced biscuit in her right hand and a round of Vaalor pepper cheese in her left hand.
She is wearing a ruffled blue cotton cap with narrow ribbon ties, an embroidered faded linen apron over a collared loose ivory cotton dress with capped sleeves, a small coin pouch, a pair of thick rose-stitched stockings, and some dark leather shoes.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Anyway."
Jaired starts chortling at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Speaking squeakily to Vyrshkana, Ominora whispers aloud, "This is good night.  Dinner and entertainment."
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her rich mocha cupcake.
Ominora nods once.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her rich mocha cupcake.
Ominora takes a bite of her Vaalor pepper cheese.
Tanai snickers.
Jaired asks, "So we're here to share notes, yeah?"
Vyrshkana removes a ganache-frosted Saewehna dark chocolate cupcake from in her willow cupcake box.
Vyrshkana offers Tanai a ganache-frosted Saewehna dark chocolate cupcake.
Cythis loses an aura of resolve.
Cede raises an eyebrow.
Tanai accepts Vyrshkana's dark chocolate cupcake.
Tanai turns toward Vyrshkana and renders a sharp salute with her dark chocolate cupcake.
Cogsmead bends over his journal and begins writing with his quill.  After a moment, he lifts his head and scans back over what he has written with a critical eye.
Tanai adopts an agreeable expression.
Haelly smiles at Cogsmead.
Ominora cocks her head at Cogsmead.
Speaking to Jaired, Millen says, "That's what I've heard, boss."
You see Millen the Fisherman.
He appears to be a Human from Vornavis.
He is average height.  He appears to be in the prime of life.  He has large blue-green eyes and bronze skin.  He has raggedly cut, wavy silver blonde hair with lighter streaks.  He has a clean-shaven face, an aquiline nose and a small mustache.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a chalice of dark Chastonia claret in his right hand and a honey-laced biscuit in his left hand.
He is wearing a tawny scale-trimmed hat, a salt-stained canvas satchel, a short-sleeved light hemp tunic, a small leather pouch, a canvas case, a pair of satin-paned breeches, and a pair of worn leather sandals.
Jaired nods at Millen.
Speaking to Haelly, Oliviero says, "I was hoping to ask sir Saxe a question about his parents. Maybe you know. Have they been reached about the disappearance of their daughter. I would think they would want to come back here."
Speaking to Ominora, Tanai asks, "Here for the gossip, or do you actually know something?"
Tanai takes a bite of her dark chocolate cupcake.
Dark red droplets seep out of Cythis's skin and evaporate.
Speaking to Oliviero, Haelly says, "Oh yes, I'm sure he did. Doubt you'll see them make an appearance though."
Haelly shrugs.
Speaking to Tanai, you say, "The woman looks to be a bit of a watcher to me.  Just here for the bubbly drinks and soapy gossip."
Speaking squeakily to Tanai, Ominora asks, "Who might you be?"
Millen takes a bite of his honey-laced biscuit.
Ominora examines Tanai closely, sizing her up and taking note of all the details.
Millen takes a drink from his dark Chastonia claret.
Speaking to Ominora, Tanai says, "I asked you first."
Tanai smirks.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Cythis suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Cythis seems a bit less imposing.
Jaired casually glances around the room.
Speaking squeakily to Tanai, Ominora says, "No, you asked me if I know something.  You didn't ask who I might be."
Speaking to a sleek blue-eyed black cat, Jaired says, "Guess we should settle in for a long one."
Jaired removes a bronze-banded large oak keg from in his munitions case.
Jaired places a bronze-banded large oak keg on the floor and fiddles with the tap.  Looks like it's party time!
Jaired helps himself to some oak-aged bourbon.
Speaking squeakily to Tanai, Ominora asks, "So who are you?"
Cogsmead jots down several things into his journal.
The light blue glow leaves Cythis.
Jaired pulls his ahmdir blue face-wrap aside.
Jaired takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Jaired looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Ominora, Tanai says, "I asked you a question first."
The powerful look leaves Cythis.
Tanai rolls her eyes.
The deep blue glow leaves Cythis.
Cede chuckles.
Jaired removes a dark brown leather-bound sketchbook from in his black leather hip-satchel.
Haelly appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Millen folds his arms over his chest.
Haelly coughs.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Oliviero says, "My apologies about the lass over there. She didn't get her cake tonight."
Haelly pats her head, trying to get her hair to fall into place.
Cogsmead nods slowly at Oliviero.
Tanai thumps Oliviero!
That is not a valid verb.
Jaired says, "Alright, so..."
Oliviero looks over at Tanai and shakes his head.
Vyrshkana rubs her willow cupcake box.
Ominora stuffs another large bite of biscuit into her mouth and chews noisily.
A quirky lake spirit fades into ethereal form and wafts away.
Speaking to Jaired, Oliviero says, "Yes, please continue."
Speaking defensively to Tanai, Ominora asks, "It's a public gathering right?"
Speaking to Oliviero, Tanai says, "Go ahead and ask boring, pointless, polite questions. See how far you get."
Millen says, "So I saw this flier up at the dockyard about the missing Saxe girl, my colleague Arondar put it up."
Millen asks, "Is this what all the fuss here's about?"
Speaking to Ominora, Tanai says, "Sure. If that's how you want to justify it."
Haelly nods at Millen.
Vyrshkana nods emphatically at Millen!
Speaking to Millen, Oliviero says, "Thank you for that."
Haelly says, "Thanela's gone missing."
Millen nods.
Jaired says, "Thanela Saxe was away at school studying in the Mage's Guild of Ta'Illistim, and didn't return... and she hasn't been seen in some time.  Which I suppose is the primary reason we've been assembled."
The mirror images surrounding Cede undulate and grow stronger.
Cede renews her songs.
Cogsmead nods slowly at Jaired.
Ominora gives Jaired her full attention, listening intently as she smacks on a bite of cheese.
Oliviero nods at Jaired.
Your black acorn amulet flickers various shades of red.
Millen says, "Right, like I was saying before, I've always felt that family's been cursed as they always are muckin' about the natural order."
You say, "An accurate summary."
Jaired says, "I can go over some of their family's interesting history real quick, based on what we learned."
Millen nods understandingly at Jaired.
Speaking to Millen, Tanai asks, "Weird twin bonding things and such?"
Cede turns an inquisitive ear toward Jaired.
Millen says, "Me, I like to fish and make my nut that way.  Natural order of things."
Millen asks, "Y'see?"
Cogsmead asks, "Did she have an escorth?"
Ominora glances at Cogsmead and rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Jaired says, "Thanela is a twin, her brother being one Ladicius Saxe.  He is the one who has... commissioned our efforts.  He is currently on his way to Ta'Illistm."
Speaking to Tanai, Millen says, "Hmmm..."
Millen ponders.
Speaking curiously to Cogsmead, Ominora asks, "Why you speak like that?"
Cogsmead cocks his head at Ominora.
Ominora peers quizzically at Cogsmead.
Cogsmead asks, "Like whath?"
Millen says, "Convenient."
Oliviero agrees with Jaired.
You say, "She was suppose to return for her parent's going away gathering but never made it.  We did not learn when that gathering was suppose to take place and when Thanela may have left the Mage Guild in Ta'Illistim to travel home."
Tanai guesses, "Your lisp."
Ominora squeakily says, "Like thath."
Cogsmead clears his throat.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat languidly stalks the area, making prolonged figure-eights around everything and everyone he passes.
Oliviero nods to you.
Cogsmead asks, "Yes, I have a lisp, is ththath a problem?"
Jaired says, "Some things of note about the Saxe family.  There is always a set of twins born.  And this set undergoes a particular type of blood bond."
Ominora glances at Jaired.
Speaking squeakily to Cogsmead, Ominora whispers aloud, "Wait, he's talkin' about silvers."
Ominora turns an inquisitive ear toward Jaired.
Cogsmead rolls his eyes.
Millen glances around the crowd surreptitiously.
Cogsmead writes down several things into his journal.
Tanai glances at Millen.
Cogsmead turns his leather journal over, running his hand lovingly over its cover.
Cogsmead turns to the next page of his journal.
Millen quietly asks, "Gather a little closer here, will ya?"
Millen quietly says, "Enjoy some snacks..."
Ominora gobbles down her Vaalor pepper cheese in one enormous bite.
Speaking to Ominora, you coax, "Be a good girl and cho-eat this candy."
Millen quietly says, "So..."
You offer your cinnamon hard candy to Ominora, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer.  Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Cogsmead squints at Millen.
Your firewheel flower stretches its petals outward for a moment, sighing softly in contentment.
Jaired says, "This is where things get interesting... it is a long tradition that every thirty-five years the entire family packs it up and leaves.  Where they go?  No one knows.  But one pair of twins always remains behind to take over the estate, start their own families, and begin the process anew."
Ominora glances at you.
Ominora has declined the offer.
You smile at Ominora.
You shrug.
Speaking squeakily to you, Ominora says, "There's something off about you."
Jaired asks, "This occurs when they turn... twenty?"
You take a bite of your cinnamon hard candy.
That was the last of it!
Millen nods slowly at Jaired.
Cogsmead nods slowly at Jaired.
You stare at Ominora.
Ominora shuffles over to the table.
Tanai snickers.
You place one hand up to your forehead, partially covering your face, and just shake your head in disbelief.
Ominora helps herself to a piece of toasted bread layered with roasted vegetables.
Speaking to Jaired, Oliviero says, "I believe that is what was said."
Ominora takes a bite of her toasted bread.
Jaired says, "There is 'always' a set of twins born from both sets of twins... now which pair stays is unclear.  It was explained that it's just... the pair that stays behind."
Haelly glances around the room.
Cogsmead bends over his journal and begins writing with his quill.  After a moment, he lifts his head and scans back over what he has written with a critical eye.
Cede melodically asks, "The twins start a family?"
Cythis takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Cythis looks rather relaxed.
Haelly helps herself to a delicate mint-chocolate rose.
Cede raises an eyebrow.
Tanai asks, "Does no one here believe in interrogation?"
Oliviero nods at Cede.
Jaired nods at Cede.
Tanai cocks her head.
Cogsmead says, "I do."
You ask, "Torture?"
Cogsmead grins.
Tanai shrugs at you.
Cogsmead stares at you.
Cogsmead says, "No."
Tanai says, "Whatever it takes."
You sigh.
Haelly's face turns slightly pale.
Speaking to Cede, Jaired says, "They both have their own families."
The silvery luminescence fades from around Cythis.
Vyrshkana says, "Is gettinged more answers wit honey dan binegar."
Vyrshkana frowns.
The bright luminescence fades from around Cythis.
Speaking to Cede, Oliviero says, "One twin is hoped to have twins of their own. But both can."
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Cythis.
Banjar takes a bite of his mint-chocolate rose.
Ominora surreptitiously whispers aloud, "It's gettin' so interestin'!"
Cogsmead agrees with Vyrshkana.
Speaking to Vyrshkana, Cogsmead says, "Well said."
Speaking to Vyrshkana, you jeer, "You get no answers because no one understands what you're asking."
Tanai rolls her eyes at Ominora.
A vacillating luck spirit fades into ethereal form and wafts away.
Millen whispers something to Tanai.
Jaired says, "The whole family picked up and moved on their mysterious journey to parts unknown, but as was explained... Thanela never made it back."
Cogsmead says, "I understhand her perfecthly."
Tanai looks thoughtfully at Millen.
You see Inspector Cogsmead Gizmo.
He appears to be a Burghal Gnome.
He is short.  He appears to be an adult.  He has gold-flecked green eyes and dark brown skin.  He has chin length, thick black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a small black leather journal in his right hand and a short black quill in his left hand.
He is wearing a tattered dark tweed hat, a tailored dark grey longcoat with black silk lining and a wide belt, a rope-laced leather satchel, an old pair of cropped pants, and a pair of cracked leather boots.
Cythis becomes solid again.
Speaking to Tanai, Vyrshkana asks, "Yous not noticinged last night we's beinged askinged leabinged after dems beinged questioninged about...icky stuffs?  Beinged inbolbinged?"
Cogsmead clears his throat.
Jaired says, "This leaves the brother Ladicius in a predicament, I suspect."
Speaking to Cogsmead, you condescend, "Well, I mean, you're a gnome too."
Haelly glances at Jaired and rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Tanai whispers something to Millen.
Jaired says, "Hence the urgency to have her found."
Millen whispers something to Tanai.
Speaking to Jaired, Cogsmead asks, "Now, did she leave when her parenths lefth, or was she already gone?"
Tanai snorts derisively at Millen!
Ominora squeakily mumbles, "That's not nothin' new though."
Tanai looks over at Millen and shakes her head.
Ominora takes a bite of her toasted bread.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Jaired says, "Its assumed she intended to return, but failed to do so..."
Speaking to Cogsmead, Oliviero says, "It was noted she never attended the going away gathering."
Jaired says, "Thus the trail sort of leads towards Ta'Illistim."
Cogsmead nods.
Cogsmead says, "Ththank you."
Cogsmead writes that down.
Millen whispers something to Tanai.
The mirror images surrounding Cede undulate and grow stronger.
Cede renews her songs.
Haelly interjects, "There's no reason for them to want each other dead."
You mutter, "Elves."
You gaze heavenward.
Ominora glances up at Haelly.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Don't forget about Koar."
Cogsmead nods slowly at Haelly.
Haelly repeats, "Well there's not."
Jaired glances at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Tanai whispers something to Millen.
Haelly takes a bite of her mint-chocolate rose.
Cogsmead asks, "Who's boar?"
Jaired says, "Oh... right.  A few smaller details that may be important."
Millen nods in agreement at Tanai.
Cogsmead nods at Jaired.
Tanai takes a bite of her dark chocolate cupcake.
Haelly takes a bite of her mint-chocolate rose.
You incredulously ask, "You understand her mush mouth but not the cat with clear diction?"
Jaired says, "They are a well respected family, but many folks around here find them rather... odd."
Speaking to Haelly, Oliviero says, "I would hope a family member, let alone your own twin, would want you murdered."
Tanai says, "I think you mean wouldn't."
Tanai smirks.
Haelly frowns at Oliviero.
Jaired says, "They are a religious and strict bunch, and have been followers of Koar for many generations."
Oliviero nods.
Oliviero says, "Wouldn't."
Speaking to Oliviero, Haelly says, "You're a very strange fellow."
Oliviero says, "My apologies."
Your black acorn amulet flickers various shades of red.
Cogsmead bends over his journal and begins writing with his quill.  After a moment, he lifts his head and scans back over what he has written with a critical eye.
Ominora takes a bite of her toasted bread.
Cogsmead nods slowly.
Speaking to Haelly, Oliviero says, "Most likely from being in this town."
Oliviero winks at Haelly.
Ominora squeakily asks, "So what're you lot gonna do about it?"
Ominora pours herself a glass of thick ginger mead.
Ominora takes a drink from her thick ginger mead.
Jaired says, "...this kind of ties in to the discovery that the brother Ladicius is a rather... uh... outgoing individual.  Known for his drinking and womanizing."
Speaking to Ominora, Tanai says, "No, you're definitely not here for the gossip."
Tanai smirks.
Speaking to Ominora, Oliviero says, "Hopefully help locate her whereabouts."
Jaired says, "This may have caused some embarassment for the family."
Speaking squeakily to Oliviero, Ominora comments, "Could be dangerous."
Ominora nods once.
Jaired says, "It should also be noted that Thanela was thought of as kind by many accounts."
Ominora takes a drink from her thick ginger mead.
Ominora squeakily says, "You must be the hero type."
Ominora nods at Oliviero.
Cogsmead asks, "Perhaps a jealous girl ththinking Ththanela is in ththe way?"
Cogsmead ponders.
Cogsmead writes that down.
Millen quietly says, "Like I was tellin' your friend with the tentacle on her ear, I've never done it myself, but I've heard tell that some of the locals 'round here go to the Saxe family for every kind of problem, from healing to curses..."
Millen takes a bite of his honey-laced biscuit.
Haelly comments, "People talk too much about each other here."
Jaired nods at Millen.
Speaking to Ominora, Oliviero says, "I wouldn't go that far."
Millen takes a drink from his dark Chastonia claret.
Cogsmead turns an inquisitive ear toward Millen.
Cogsmead asks, "Oh?"
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Don't forget about the 'Chosen'."
Cogsmead asks, "Is ththat thrue?"
Jaired says, "Oh, right... there was... the part about how despite his womanizing, they're only allowed to marry 'the chosen', or something of that nature."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat's ears suddenly perk as his attention is drawn to something in the distance.  His pupils narrow to vertical slits as he stares for a long, unnerving moment and then indifferently looks away.
Speaking to Haelly, Jaired asks, "Correct?"
Speaking quietly to Cogsmead, Millen says, "Only heard about people with problems going, never been myself to verify."
Speaking to Haelly, Tanai says, "I still have questions for you. Let's hope someone else asks them. Maybe you'll respond to them."
Cogsmead nods slowly at Millen.
Speaking quietly to Cogsmead, Millen says, "Works got me tied up in nets all day."
Haelly coughs on a bite of her chocolate and stares at Jaired.
Speaking to Jaired, Haelly asks, "You're asking me?"
Millen takes a drink from his dark Chastonia claret.
Speaking to Haelly, Jaired says, "You're the one that brought it up last night."
Haelly frowns at Tanai.
Tanai takes a bite of her dark chocolate cupcake.
(Jaired points at the notation in his sketchbook.)
Tanai adopts an agreeable expression.
Haelly distractedly says, "Yeah.  I dunno, they have chosen mates."
Cogsmead bends over his journal and begins writing with his quill.  After a moment, he lifts his head and scans back over what he has written with a critical eye.
Cede melodically asks, "Wait , who is womanizing ?  the brother?"
Tanai says, "You definitely know."
Haelly looks uncomfortable.
Jaired nods at Cede.
Oliviero nods at Cede.
Speaking to Cede, Jaired says, "Yes."
Cogsmead squints at Cede.
Cede melodically says, "Ahh."
Speaking to Cede, Cogsmead says, "Keep up."
Ominora glances between Tanai and Haelly.
Ominora takes a drink from her thick ginger mead.
Ominora looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Haelly, Tanai says, "You know. There is no 'dunno' about it."
Jaired says, "And that's... about all in my little disjointed summary."
Cede nods at Jaired.
Haelly relievedly says, "Thanks so much for sharing that."
Haelly takes a bite of her mint-chocolate rose.
Jaired says, "I think her brother has it right by traveling to Ta'Illistim... that's where we should try and find the trail on the other side."
Ominora giggles.
Banjar takes a bite of his mint-chocolate rose.
Jaired asks, "Meet somewhere in the middle, ya know?"
Cede melodically says, "If you is missing from there, that makes sense."
Cede nods at Jaired.
Ominora squeakily asks, "So you think he did it, don't ya?"
Ominora peers quizzically at Jaired.
Ominora takes a drink from her thick ginger mead.
Ominora looks rather relaxed.
Cogsmead squints at Ominora.
Cede melodically says, "If she is rather."
Speaking to Ominora, Jaired says, "Not at all."
Ominora grins at Jaired.
Jaired says, "There is no evidence to imply such."
Ominora squeakily says, "Yeahhhhh you do."
The mirror images surrounding Cede undulate and grow stronger.
Cede renews her songs.
Speaking to Ominora, Oliviero asks, "Do you?"
Ominora giggles.
Cogsmead says, "Itth's a dangerous thravel bethween here and Tha'Illithim."
Millen agrees with Cogsmead.
Tanai takes a bite of her dark chocolate cupcake.
Millen quietly says, "Whole other world from here to there."
Speaking squeakily to Oliviero, Ominora says, "I don't know much about them Saxes, tah be honest.  But they offered silvers for her return."
Cogsmead nods.
Tanai smirks at Ominora.
Ominora takes a drink from her thick ginger mead.
Tanai says, "Now we know why you're really here."
Jaired says, "If I were to rattle off a theory... the first being that something unfortunate happened, as unfortunate things are want to do.  Malice needn't intervene."
Oliviero agrees with Jaired.
Ominora helps herself to a pile of folded prosciutto.
Ominora takes a bite of her folded prosciutto.
Speaking to Jaired, Cogsmead says, "Were you an inspecthor in a previous life?  You are very good ath ththis."
Cogsmead writes that down.
Jaired begins chuckling at Cogsmead!
Haelly says, "Unfortunate things happen."
Tanai surreptitiously glances at Haelly.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Jaired says, "Something like that."
Jaired says, "But all that said, the whole thing with the twins and starting the family anew is really compelling."
Ominora takes a bite of her folded prosciutto.
Cogsmead says, "Noth sure why ththath's so odd, honesthly."
Cogsmead shrugs.
Jaired asks, "Perhaps without the pair the cycle cannot continue?"
Speaking to Cogsmead, Haelly asks, "Right?"
Haelly agrees with Cogsmead.
You glance at Ominora.
Ominora glances at you.
Cogsmead says, "Ith could be as simple as family thradithion ththaths been going on for a long thime."
Speaking quietly to Jaired, Millen says, "Maybe for the best."
Vyrshkana says, "Well, him sayinged Tanela not beinged dead."
Ominora takes a bite of her folded prosciutto.
Speaking to Ominora, you ask, "How many silvers to make you go away?"
Jaired pulls his ahmdir blue face-wrap aside.
Jaired takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Jaired looks rather relaxed.
Vyrshkana says, "Since dere dat link between dems."
Vyrshkana loses a thorny barrier.
The replenishing effect fades, but you are left with a feeling of well-being.
You remove a ravaged lunatic hand from in your sundry carryall.
Speaking to Millen, Jaired says, "Her brother likely doesn't see it that way."
A small sanguine will-o'-wisp mischievously peeks out from inside your black acorn amulet.
Ominora slowly chews on a mouthful of food, never breaking eye contact with you.
Jaired says, "I got a feelin' a rock is going to get kicked over somewhere and something gonna crawl right out."
Ominora squeakily mumbles, "A lot."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Good times."
Speaking to you, Cogsmead asks, "Do you have anyththing of value tho offer, or do you justh enjoy being rude tho everyone?"
Speaking to Cogsmead, Vyrshkana says, "Rude to ebryone."
Speaking to Cogsmead, you ask, "Is that really a question?"
Jaired pulls his ahmdir blue face-wrap aside.
Jaired takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Jaired looks rather relaxed.
Haelly gives Ominora a distracted glance.
You say, "It's obviously the latter."
Cogsmead sternly asks, "Whath's ththe pointh of being here ththen?"
Jaired pulls his ahmdir blue face-wrap aside.
Jaired takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Vyrshkana asks, "Sharinged information?"
Cogsmead says, "Ththere is a missing woman and you fancy being rude tho oththers."
That is not a valid verb.
Jaired tosses some oak-aged bourbon into one of the containers hanging from his modular leather bandolier.
Jaired studies Haelly as he prepares to sketch.
That is not a valid verb.
Speaking quietly to Jaired, Millen says, "Maybe it'll work out in the middle, the girl's found and they're scared out of this business and move somewhere else with a new career.  Pure speculation but that's what I'd do in their shoes."
You boredly say, "Boredom."
Speaking to you, Cogsmead says, "Go be bored somewhere else ththen.  We're gaththered here to help, you aren'th doing ththath."
Tanai mutters, "Everyone is too polite, asking the same questions over and over again."
Speaking squeakily to Millen, Ominora says, "Never happened before."
Speaking to Millen, Jaired says, "I think Tanai might've been on to something when she implied that maybe Thanela didn't want to be a..."
Cogsmead writes that down.
Speaking to Tanai, Jaired asks, "What'd you call it?  Brood mare?"
Speaking to Cogsmead, you say, "Half the room isn't doing that."
Tanai says, "Brood mare."
Tanai nods at Jaired.
Jaired nods.
Millen blinks at Tanai.
You ask, "Are you even paying attention?"
Jaired agrees with Tanai.
Haelly's jaw drops.
Cede begins chuckling at Tanai!
Haelly says, "Well how awful."
Speaking to Tanai, Cogsmead says, "You'd be surprise how ofthen when asked again, thhe answer changes."
Haelly folds her arms tightly across her chest, clearly annoyed.
Cede melodically says, "Maybe she has a lover."
Speaking to Cogsmead, Tanai says, "Honestly, not really surprised at that."
Cede softly hums a merry tune, embellishing upon the melody's jaunty lilt.
Speaking to you, Cogsmead says, "I am, you justh are ththe mosth vocal."
Tanai grins crookedly.
Millen quietly says, "Good luck with all that, I'd say.  Wouldn't catch me carrying a title like that, no way."
The mirror images surrounding Cede undulate and grow stronger.
Cede renews her songs.
Haelly confusedly asks, "Title?"
Cythis asks, "Maybe we should go ask some questions at the school?"
Millen shivers.
Speaking to Cede, Oliviero says, "I think her brother would know about it if she did. Or other townsfolk. She's not that type. He is."
Ominora helps herself to a thin dark chocolate wafer.
Jaired nods at Cythis.
Ominora takes a bite of her chocolate wafer.
Jaired says, "There could be some benefit to asking some questions in the Mage's Guild before he brother arrives."
Cogsmead says, "In Tha'Illisthim?  Ththath's a long walk."
Cede melodically says, "Well, I thought you said she was in Illistim, maybe her lover is there."
Speaking quietly to Haelly, Millen says, "Yeah, I wouldn't let anyone call me 'Blood' anything, never mind 'Blood Mare'.  Just plain 'Fisherman' by fine with me."
Cede grins at Oliviero.
Cogsmead blinks.
Cogsmead asks, "Ththanela has a lover now?"
Cogsmead acts puzzled.
Tanai says, "It's possible."
Tanai shrugs.
Speaking to Millen, Jaired corrects, "Brood Mare."
Cogsmead asks, "Whath makes you say ththath?"
Millen blinks.
Speaking to Millen, Haelly corrects, "Brood."
Millen takes a drink from his dark Chastonia claret.
Cogsmead bends over his journal and begins writing with his quill.  After a moment, he lifts his head and scans back over what he has written with a critical eye.
Ominora glances between Cogsmead and Tanai.
Jaired reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his modular leather bandolier and grabs some oak-aged bourbon.
Speaking to Haelly, Tanai asks, "Are you one of Luciosio's lovers?"
Ominora takes a bite of her chocolate wafer.
Jaired pulls his ahmdir blue face-wrap aside.
Jaired takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Jaired looks rather relaxed.
Haelly gives Tanai a rather puzzled look.
Millen quietly says, "Pardon my ears.  Too many shots near a cannon in my twenties."
Haelly confusedly asks, "Who?"
Tanai asks, "Lucicus?"
Haelly giggles.
You correct, "Ladicius."
Tanai says, "Yeah, that."
Speaking kindly to Tanai, Jaired corrects, "Ladicius."
Haelly amusedly says, "I'm sorry, I do not know a Lucicus."
Haelly glances sharply at you.
Speaking to you, Haelly says, "You talk too much."
Cede grabs an apricot truffle from a small pocket inside of her ramie silk cloak.
Tanai says, "I'm just going to call him Lad from now on."
Speaking to Tanai, Oliviero says, "She politely wished you to stop."
Cede takes a bite of her apricot truffle.
Tanai rolls her eyes.
Jaired starts chortling.
Speaking to Tanai, Haelly says, "How rude."
You flail your arms about.
Haelly takes a bite of her mint-chocolate rose.
Speaking to Oliviero, Tanai says, "Did you say something? I just heard an annoying drone."
Speaking to a sleek blue-eyed black cat, Jaired says, "And we're off the rails."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Yep."
Haelly noisily licks her fingers and wipes them on her apron.
Speaking to Tanai, Haelly says, "Keep it up and you get it in the ear."
Cogsmead sighs.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat asks, "Do you think Tanai is going to eat her?"
Speaking to Haelly, Tanai says, "Nothing rude about asking questions. Someone has to ask the difficult ones."
Haelly wiggles her wet finger at Tanai.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Oliviero says, "This is what we had to put up with last evening."
Jaired starts chortling at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Speaking to Tanai, Haelly threatens, "I'll do it."
Speaking to a sleek blue-eyed black cat, Jaired says, "Don't bring that up."
Ominora glances at Haelly.
Ominora giggles.
Tanai shrugs.
Cogsmead says, "Iths like herding caths."
Speaking to Haelly, Tanai says, "Go right ahead."
Speaking to a sleek blue-eyed black cat, Cogsmead says, "No offense."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "It's apt."
Speaking to Cogsmead, Oliviero says, "More like roltons."
Speaking to Tanai, Haelly warns, "I'll do it!"
Jaired pulls his ahmdir blue face-wrap aside.
Jaired takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Jaired looks rather relaxed.
Haelly puffs up her shoulders and tries to look threatening.
Speaking to Haelly, Tanai says, "So do it. I still want to know if you're one of his lovers."
Ominora gazes with awe at Haelly.
You roll your eyes.
Cogsmead says, "Miss Haelly doesn'th seem ththe thype."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat arches his back and emits a low and menacing growl, on alert against some unseen menace lurking in the shadows.  He finally relaxes after a moment, the invisible threat apparently having passed.
Haelly suddenly collapses her shoulders and chuckles, waving a hand at Tanai.
Tanai says, "Because you're hiding something."
Speaking to Tanai, Oliviero says, "We know you are. No need to be jealous about it."
Cogsmead says, "She seems honorable, unlike mosth of you here."
Jaired slips his hand under the a sleek blue-eyed black cat's head and lightly scratches at his chin and neck.
Haelly amusedly says, "I'm not hiding anything.  You're just a silly girl."
Speaking to Oliviero, Tanai asks, "Will you shut your trap already?"
I could not find what you were referring to.
Jaired helps himself to a pile of folded prosciutto.
You put a ravaged lunatic hand in your sundry carryall.
Speaking to Tanai, Oliviero says, "You first, Miss Hooligan."
Jaired feeds a sleek blue-eyed black cat a bite of his folded prosciutto.
In the wicker basket:
Food/Drink [4]: a glimmering spun sugar rose, a handful of whiskey drops, a milk chocolate coin, a cinnamon hard candy
Total items: 4
You help yourself to a handful of whiskey drops.
Speaking to Haelly, Tanai asks, "Then why don't you just say 'no, I'm not'?"
You take a bite of your whiskey drops.  A touch of lemon and honey brightens and sweetens the drops.
You have 4 bites left.
Ominora squeakily says, "Oh my."
Oliviero mutters children.
Speaking to Tanai, Haelly says, "Because frankly, it's none of your business."
Tanai smirks.
Tanai says, "Shady lady if you ask me."
Cogsmead says, "Alrighth, alrighth.  Everyone calm down."
Speaking to Jaired, Oliviero asks, "Back to task at hand. Are you going to travel to the Mage Guild?"
Jaired says, "Let 'am cook."
Jaired feeds a sleek blue-eyed black cat a bite of his folded prosciutto.
Millen looks content as he picks through the koa slab table.
Ominora glances expectantly at Jaired.
Speaking to Oliviero, Jaired says, "Eh, probably best a mage handle that... they won't let me in."
The mirror images surrounding Cede undulate and grow stronger.
Cede renews her songs.
Ominora glances expectantly at Oliviero.
Cogsmead says, "I will send a lethther tho ththe mages guild in Tha'Illisthim."
The dim aura fades from around Cede.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "We could get disguises."
Speaking to Ominora, Oliviero says, "I'm not a Mage either."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Robes and hats."
Haelly gazes in amusement at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Ominora gets a blank look on her face.
Vyrshkana squints.
Oliviero nods at Cogsmead.
Cede melodically says, "The elven mages  likely would send a delegate outside the mage guild  to answer our questions though , right."
Ominora squeakily says, "Okay that's enough."
Speaking to Jaired, Vyrshkana says, "Dis soundinged familiar."
Cythis asks, "We can inquire about enchanting weapons?"
Jaired begins chortling at Vyrshkana.
Ominora pushes herself away from the table and shuffles away.
Tanai examines her fingernails.
Cogsmead gives Cythis a rather puzzled look.
Speaking to Cede, Jaired says, "You're probably right."
Haelly glances out.
Cede nods.
The powerful look leaves Cede.
Haelly shakes her head, totally at a loss.
Cythis says, "To get in the Mage Guild."
Oliviero peers quizzically at Vyrshkana.
Cogsmead asks, "Whath does enchanthing weapons have tho do withth ththis?"
Cogsmead says, "Ah, I see now."
Jaired says, "But if a gaggle of outsiders stand around bickering outside of their school it may not be the best look, and they may not be all that forthcoming."
Speaking quietly to Cythis, Millen says, "Not a good idea to multitask usually."
Cede begins chuckling at Jaired!
Cede melodically says, "True."
Vyrshkana grins at Jaired.
Haelly says, "I know an Archmage from the Guild here.  I could ask him to help."
Speaking to Jaired, Vyrshkana asks, "Mebbe we's should go stealinged some pancakes?"
Cogsmead peers quizzically at Haelly.
Jaired nods.
Vyrshkana lets out a cheer!
Speaking to Haelly, Jaired says, "That may prove useful."
Speaking to Haelly, Cogsmead asks, "Who mighth ththath be?"
Speaking to Jaired, Vyrshkana says, "Pancakes always useful."
Speaking to Jaired, Vyrshkana says, "Especially when hungry."
Vyrshkana nods emphatically!
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "We don't have the best luck with Archmages."
Haelly says, "An Archmage named Liel.  He transferred about a year or so ago."
Tanai says, "That name sounds familiar."
Cogsmead ponders.
Vyrshkana asks, "So dis one not askinged for fightinged dolphins?"
Cogsmead agrees with Tanai.
Haelly says, "My brother is friends with him, so I can ask him if you guys need."
Vyrshkana says, "Or dis beinged dat one."
Vyrshkana frowns.
Jaired begins chortling at Vyrshkana.
Speaking to Haelly, Cogsmead asks, "Ththey are in Wehnimer's Landing, yes?"
You chortle.
Speaking to Jaired, Vyrshkana exclaims, "At least dis one not askinged for mammot exploringed!"
Speaking to Vyrshkana, Jaired implies, "Yet."
You incredulously exclaim, "Liel?!"
Haelly says, "He was previously, yes.  He's here now."
Haelly nods at Cogsmead.
Vyrshkana folds her arms over her chest.
Cogsmead says, "Ah, much closer."
Cogsmead agrees with Haelly.
Vyrshkana says, "If dere beinged mammot exploringed, I's NOT de one doinged it."
Vyrshkana says, "SOmeone else can doinged it."
Haelly acts puzzled.
Speaking to Vyrshkana, Tanai says, "I think you're safe."
You ask, "'::liel Isn't that the guy that basically imprisoned your wife and used her as an energy source for a weapon?"
Haelly confusedly asks, "Mammot exploringed?"
You glance at Jaired.
Oliviero peers quizzically at you.
Haelly's jaw drops.
Haelly exclaims, "This is the strangest group!"
Speaking to you, Jaired says, "Yep."
You say, "Thought so."
Your firewheel flower idly twists, spinning its petals like a wheel before slowing to a stop.
Cede glances at Jaired and cringes.
Speaking to Haelly, Cogsmead says, "Yes, please seth ith up.  I would like tho speak withth ththis Liel."
Haelly incredulously says, "And he said yes!  Just..casually yes."
Vyrshkana says, "Dere beinged...trip for gettinged mammot heart.  An um.  I's habinged gettinged de heart out ob de mammot.  Is beinged all ober bloody."
You comment, "Small world."
Haelly shakes her head, totally at a loss.
Oliviero says, "Doesn't sound like a good source to me, then."
Speaking to you, Jaired asks, "We talked it out?"
Vyrshkana taps Jaired lightly on his shoulder.
Jaired glances at Vyrshkana.
Speaking to Jaired, Vyrshkana says, "Explaininged de mammot ting please."
Oliviero shrugs.
Haelly glances at Vyrshkana.
Cede melodically says, "Of all the wizards,"
Jaired cocks his head.
You say, "Oh I don't know, I'd looooove to see Liel again."
Cede starts chortling.
You say, "It's been too long."
Cede grabs a dark walnut cittern painted with wood violets from one of the small pouches lining the inside of her ramie silk cloak.
Speaking quietly to Vyrshkana, Millen asks, "Are you saying 'marmot'?"
Your black acorn amulet suddenly flares a bright shade of red.
Vyrshkana looks over at Millen and shakes her head.
Tanai snickers.
Cede tucks an apricot truffle into a small pocket inside of her ramie silk cloak.
Millen nods understandingly at Vyrshkana.
Speaking slowly to Cogsmead, Haelly says, "Okay, I'll let him know."
Cogsmead nods at Haelly.
Cogsmead says, "Ththank you."
Vyrshkana just opened a pale golden flyrsilk pouch patterned with vines of honeysuckle.
Vyrshkana grumbles.
Vyrshkana says, "Is' not habinged one wit me."
Speaking to Vyrshkana, Jaired asks, "What's there to explain?  There was a mammoth, you went inside of it... uh... things get foggy.  Wasn't there an explosion and then an avalanche?"
Vyrshkana looks downright miserable.
Speaking to Cede, Oliviero says, "Why are you playing music? Makes it a bit hard to hear."
Vyrshkana just closed a pale golden flyrsilk pouch patterned with vines of honeysuckle.
Vyrshkana nods.
Vyrshkana says, "Dat."
Cogsmead says, "Maybe Liel will know someththing, about Ththanela and thhe thravels."
Vyrshkana says, "Mammot exploringed to get de heart."
Vyrshkana says, "An I's not doinged it anymore."
Vyrshkana folds her arms over her chest.
Haelly can offer Vyrshkana only a blank expression.
Cede melodically says, "I'm trying to calm the masses."
Cede grins at Oliviero.
Speaking to Cede, Tanai says, "Good luck with that."
Cede melodically says, "Soothing."
The mirror images surrounding Cede undulate and grow stronger.
Cede renews her songs.
Haelly says, "You know, this job used to be so simple.  Quiet and you know, normal."
Jaired feeds a sleek blue-eyed black cat the last of his folded prosciutto.
Oliviero says, "Noisy."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "I don't trust Liel."
Haelly slowly empties her lungs.
You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Should have left him in that cage."
Speaking to a sleek blue-eyed black cat, Jaired says, "Shhh."
You mutter, "Normal."
You chuckle.
Jaired shakes his head at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Speaking quietly to Haelly, Millen says, "Hope I wasn't any trouble tonight.  Still feel bad about some of the nuisance years back."
Cogsmead says, "Alrighth, if no one else has anyththing of value tho add, I will thake my leave ththen."
Jaired slowly empties his lungs.
Millen adopts an agreeable expression.
Speaking to Millen, Haelly says, "Not at all Millen.  Glad to see you."
You see Millen the Fisherman.
He appears to be a Human from Vornavis.
He is average height.  He appears to be in the prime of life.  He has large blue-green eyes and bronze skin.  He has raggedly cut, wavy silver blonde hair with lighter streaks.  He has a clean-shaven face, an aquiline nose and a small mustache.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a tawny scale-trimmed hat, a salt-stained canvas satchel, a short-sleeved light hemp tunic, a small leather pouch, a canvas case, a pair of satin-paned breeches, and a pair of worn leather sandals.
Millen waves to Cogsmead.
Cede melodically asks, "So, we are headed to Illistim next, with Liel?"
Millen blushes a deep carmine shade at Haelly.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Oliviero asks, "Where can we find you if we catch any new leads?"
Jaired quips, "Oh boy."
Haelly quickly says, "Wait wait now!  I need to get word to him first."
Cogsmead says, "You may send me a lethther anythime.  I check ofthen."
Haelly says, "I'll let you guys know as soon as I have something."
Cogsmead says, "I move around a loth."
Cede nods at Haelly.
Millen quietly says, "Good luck to you all, I'm headed to bed and then back to fishing life around the docks."
Cogsmead nods at Millen.
Vyrshkana nods emphatically at Millen!
Cede waves.
Vyrshkana says, "Tank oos for cominged."
Millen nods.
You whisper aloud, "Why is he moving around a sloth?"
Vyrshkana waves to Millen.
Haelly waves to Millen.
Speaking to Millen, Cogsmead says, "Ththank you for your inputh."
Millen quietly says, "Good snacks tonight."
Vyrshkana beams happily at Millen!
Cede hums an old Elven tune.
Vyrshkana says, "Tank oos."
Speaking quietly to Cogsmead, Millen says, "You got it, Inspector.  Don't envy your job at all."
Speaking to you, Tanai asks, "Lisp, remember?"
Speaking to Haelly, Oliviero asks, "Isn't finding her top priority? Why should we wait?"
Millen whistles tunelessly to himself.
Cogsmead grins at Millen.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Leiana is going to be so mad."
Millen sings:

    "BEeee yaahh booodyy booooo yaaah!"

Speaking to Oliviero, Haelly says, "It's better to be informed, I'd wager."
Haelly shrugs.
Millen just went north.
Speaking melodically to a sleek blue-eyed black cat, Cede says, "So, what else is new."
Cede starts chortling.
Haelly says, "That must be someone's mother."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "She's not always mad.  She gives good baths."
Speaking wryly to a sleek blue-eyed black cat, Jaired says, "Yeah she does."
Cede raises an eyebrow.
You nod in agreement at Jaired.
Haelly says, "Okay maybe not someone's mother."
Haelly chuckles.
Cede gives a short little hum of surprise.
Oliviero whispers something to Jaired.
Looking bored, Jaired drones out a few words in a monotone.
Jaired gestures.
Vyrshkana ponders.
Speaking to Haelly, Cogsmead says, "I would also like tho speak tho you privathely ath some pointh thoo, Miss Haelly."
Speaking to Jaired, Vyrshkana asks, "Pancakes?"
Oliviero shrugs at Jaired.
Tanai examines her fingernails.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "We're not talking about the same thing at all."
Jaired whispers something to Oliviero.
Speaking slowly to Cogsmead, Haelly asks, "Oh..?"
Vyrshkana frowns.
Cogsmead grins at Haelly.
Haelly smiles slightly.
Speaking to Haelly, Cogsmead says, "You are noth in throuble, justh need some clarificathions."
Haelly murmurs, "Okay.."
Haelly nods slightly.
Cogsmead nods.
Tanai surreptitiously glances at Haelly.
Vyrshkana helps herself to some blue cheese wedges.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her blue cheese wedges.
Haelly says, "Welp, it's the end of my shift."
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her blue cheese wedges.
Haelly removes a dark green linen apron with narrow ties that was over her white cotton blouse.
Vyrshkana nods at Haelly.
Oliviero nods at Haelly.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her blue cheese wedges.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her blue cheese wedges.
Haelly says, "Have a lovely evening, most of you."
Tanai says, "Just going to pop off and find Lad and let him know about all this, I suppose."
Cogsmead says, "Ththank you everyone for your inpuths.  Keep an eye ouths and if you learn anyththing new, please writhe me."
Haelly surreptitiously glances at Tanai.
Tanai attempts to hum a merry little tune.
Haelly wanders off.
Vyrshkana snickers.
Vyrshkana removes a whipped cream-topped spiced pumpkin cupcake from in her willow cupcake box.
Cogsmead put a short black quill in his leather journal.
Vyrshkana offers Tanai a whipped cream-topped spiced pumpkin cupcake.
Cogsmead gently closes his leather journal.
Cede nods.
Tanai accepts Vyrshkana's pumpkin cupcake.
Cogsmead carefully placed a small black leather journal in his leather satchel.
Cogsmead says, "Have a good evening, everyone."
Vyrshkana removes a whipped cream-topped strawberry cupcake from in her willow cupcake box.
Cogsmead waves.
Vyrshkana waves to Cogsmead.
Vyrshkana offers Cogsmead a whipped cream-topped strawberry cupcake.
Tanai says, "Lud? I can't remember that blasted name for the life of me."
Vyrshkana asks, "For de road?"
Cogsmead accepts Vyrshkana's strawberry cupcake.
Cogsmead says, "Ththank you."
Cede melodically asks, "Ladicius?"
Vyrshkana nods emphatically!
Vyrshkana removes a zest-dusted blood orange cupcake from in her willow cupcake box.
Cede shrugs.
Vyrshkana offers Cede a zest-dusted blood orange cupcake.
Cede accepts Vyrshkana's blood orange cupcake.
Cede melodically says, "Thanks."
Banjar just left.
Vyrshkana removes a whipped cream-topped spiced pumpkin cupcake from in her willow cupcake box.
Cede takes a bite of her blood orange cupcake.
Speaking to Tanai, Cogsmead exclaims, "L.A.D.I.C.I.U.S!"
Vyrshkana ponders.
Cogsmead grumbles.
Vyrshkana offers Oliviero a whipped cream-topped spiced pumpkin cupcake.
Cogsmead wanders off.
Cede takes a bite of her blood orange cupcake.
You say, "Rude."
Jaired begins chortling at Tanai.
Cede melodically says, "That's what I said."
Tanai snickers.
Oliviero accepts Vyrshkana's pumpkin cupcake.
Cede nods.
Jaired helps himself to some oak-aged bourbon.
The mirror images surrounding Cede undulate and grow stronger.
Cede renews her songs.
Tanai says, "The brother."
Tanai nods once.
Cede nods.
Tanai says, "Brood Stallion."
Banjar just arrived.
Cede chuckles.
You rant, "Little men and big egos."
Please rephrase that command.
Vyrshkana removes a Monsoon Jungle rich mocha cupcake from in her willow cupcake box.
(Daenamaryllis tisks.)
Speaking to Tanai, Jaired says, "Brood st..."
Jaired starts chortling.
Vyrshkana offers Banjar a Monsoon Jungle rich mocha cupcake.
Jaired shakes his head.
For no reason at all you suddenly lurch forward into the dirt!
Banjar accepts Vyrshkana's rich mocha cupcake.
Jaired pulls his ahmdir blue face-wrap aside.
Jaired takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Jaired looks rather relaxed.
Tanai's face breaks into a cheeky grin.
Your jaw drops.
Vyrshkana put a substantial willow cupcake box in her spidersilk haversack.
Cede takes a bite of her blood orange cupcake.
A round thanot pie box seemingly floats up out of Vyrshkana's spidersilk haversack and into her waiting hand.
Vyrshkana rubs her thanot pie box.
Speaking to Tanai, Oliviero says, "For once I agree with you. Something is fishy. And it's not the fishcakes. I still don't think they are lovers, but something is not right with her."
You glance around the room.
Cede melodically exclaims, "Zesty !"
Speaking to Vyrshkana, Banjar says, "Thanks."
You ask, "Who did that?"
Cede glances at a zest-dusted blood orange cupcake in her hand.
Vyrshkana removes a piece of gooey pecan pie from in her thanot pie box.
Cede takes a bite of her blood orange cupcake.
You set about preparing yourself to be as presentable as possible.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat languidly stalks the area, making prolonged figure-eights around everything and everyone he passes.
Cythis helps himself to some oak-aged bourbon.
Vyrshkana frowns.
Banjar takes a bite of his rich mocha cupcake.
Cythis takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Tanai glances at Oliviero.
Vyrshkana put a piece of gooey pecan pie in her thanot pie box.
Vyrshkana put a round thanot pie box in her spidersilk haversack.
Oliviero licks his pumpkin cupcake.
Speaking to Tanai, Jaired says, "I'm calling Jaynon that next time I see him."
Jaired nods once at Tanai.
Tanai bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.
Speaking to Jaired, Tanai says, "Please do."
Tanai flashes a wide grin.
Jaired winks.
Jaired pulls his ahmdir blue face-wrap aside.
Jaired takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Jaired looks rather relaxed.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "I miss Jaynon."
Tanai says, "I'll tell him you said that."
Tanai adopts an agreeable expression.
Oliviero asks, "Is that Miss Hooligan's secret lover?"
Tanai rolls her eyes.
Vyrshkana grumbles.
Tanai says, "I'm wearing a wedding ring, you dolt."
Jaired pulls his ahmdir blue face-wrap aside.
Jaired takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Jaired looks rather relaxed.
Vyrshkana asks, "Ebryone finishinged wit dinner?"
Vyrshkana points at a figured koa slab table bordered in lush lyshaelyn-mosaicked ivy.
Jaired leans against the bar, taking a momentary rest.
Cythis takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Cede nods at Vyrshkana.
Speaking to Tanai, Oliviero says, "That didn't answer the question. One can be married know."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat asks, "So when are we breaking into the Saxe Estate?"
Tinkering with some of the mechanisms on the side of the table, Vyrshkana causes the table to fold in on itself, transforming it into a round river reed basket.
Vyrshkana picks the basket up.
Jaired's black ora manacle pulses and he suddenly looks drained!
Jaired shakes his head at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Vyrshkana put a round river reed basket in her spidersilk haversack.
Cede tucks a dark walnut cittern painted with wood violets into one of the small pouches lining the inside of her ramie silk cloak.
Speaking to Oliviero, Tanai says, "If I had a lover, it wouldn't be secret."
Tanai shrugs.
Speaking quietly to a sleek blue-eyed black cat, Jaired says, "Later."
Vyrshkana stands up.
Cede begins chuckling at Tanai!
Vyrshkana collapses the legs of her mahogany chair and folds it up, tucking it under her arm.
Vyrshkana put a folded mahogany chair in her spidersilk haversack.
Vyrshkana frowns.
Cythis takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Cythis looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Jaired, Vyrshkana says, "I's hopinged I's not beinged inbolbed dis time."
Speaking to Vyrshkana, Jaired asks, "What?  Who's gonna hold the gunpowder?"
Vyrshkana stares at Jaired.
Speaking to Jaired, Vyrshkana says, "Not me."
Oliviero asks, "Guessing you two did this before?"
Oliviero glances between Jaired and Vyrshkana.
Banjar takes a bite of his rich mocha cupcake.
Tanai says, "Well, it's been.... interesting."
Tanai renders a sharp salute with her pumpkin cupcake.
Jaired hums a seemingly random tune.
Jaired nods.
Tanai just went northeast.
Oliviero says, "Sure has."
Oliviero glances nervously around the room.
Oliviero glances northeast.
You take a bite of your whiskey drops.  The peaty whiskey flavors temper the confection's sweetness.
You have 3 bites left.
Vyrshkana grumbles.
Vyrshkana waves.
You say, "Off to find a mammoth I bet."
You wave to Vyrshkana.
Vyrshkana stares at you.
Speaking to you, Vyrshkana says, "No."
Vyrshkana flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words.
The urchin nods to Vyrshkana and takes off, with Vyrshkana in tow.
You smirk.
You stand back up.
The mirror images surrounding Cede undulate and grow stronger.
Cede renews her songs.
Jaired starts chortling.
Jaired says, "...mammoths."
Cythis shrugs.
Jaired pulls his ahmdir blue face-wrap aside.
Jaired takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Cede waves.
Cede melodically says, "Headed out."
Jaired waves to Cede.
Lady Cede just went northeast.
Cythis takes a drink from his oak-aged bourbon.
Oliviero says, "I haven't seen a mammoth in a long time."