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The Long Sleep

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The Long Sleep is an Official GemStone IV Document, and it is protected from editing.

The Long Sleep

Wood sprites experience a unique phenomenon called the Long Sleep -- a time for their mortal forms to rest and their spirits to thrive within the safety of their tree. Some describe it as a time of heightened awareness with each member of the collective joined in thought and dream. While there is no written history of the sprites, when engaged, they have been known to relate tales of their past. Through these encounters, scholars have concluded that there is no known timeline for when the sleep occurs. The sprites relayed that they just "know" when the event is impending.

There is much speculation about what the sprites experience and how the Long Sleep affects them. Some speak of sprites claiming their glades becoming stronger, not only as a collective and community, but their trees themselves had grown sturdier and healthier. Others tell of sprites awakening and finding a need to reach out and connect with others, inviting in outsiders to their glade openly in the spirit of friendship and building bonds through trade.

It is rumored that during this most recent phenomenon, the protected grove stood silent. At times, the trees seemed agitated and would sway and tremble, but there would be weeks or months where they stood completely still and the sprites dreamed. It is noted that many relay an awareness of roots entwined and a feeling of peace and unity.

The Life Tree

Claims exist that after the Long Sleep new species of trees were discovered. Recently, this was discovered to be accurate. During their slumber, the wood sprites' energies are drawn together and used to nurture their grove. When focused upon a new sapling, this allows its roots to twist and twine with those of the other trees in the glade. This expands the unique relationship of the grove, connecting and binding them all together. After waking, the sprites will care for the new tree and nurture its growth and strengthen its connections with other trees. This is done through a careful process of melding branches, limbs, and pieces of other woods to the new sapling, blending old and new.

The most recent Sleep brought forth a new sapling which was aided not only by the sprites of the glade, but by the many guests and visitors to their grove. The result is known as the lomselea tree, which loosely translates to Tree of Unity or Tree of Many.

OOC Notes & Credits

Created by GM Valyrka, 2024.

A special thank you to APM Tivvy, GM Lydil, SGM Xynwen and GM Mariath for their help and support.
Thank you to SGM Tamuz for coding the tree used in the release and SGM Xayle for assisting with the tree descriptions.