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Those Aren't Tears/2018-11-23 Brannogh is Attacked (log)
This log is from premium storyline Those Aren't Tears on November 23, 2018, from the viewpoint of Lady Avawren Fiora Nalfein.
- Brannogh arrives at Gardenia Commons and shortly after starting a conversation:
- A shrill whistle sounds over the raucous noises of the storm. The air seems to buzz with the sound, and a slight metallic tinge is felt at the back of your lower jaw, vibrating in time with the pulse of the whistle. When it ceases, the storm grows noticeably quieter, and the air around you lightens slightly.
- From the corner of your eye, you notice a flash of movement. Before you can identify the source, Brannogh screeches in pain and clutches his shoulder! From between his clenched fingers, rivulets of red form and mix with the rain, running down his tunic. Brannogh's jaw is clenched tight in pain, and he looks around wildly for some sign of his attacker.
- A brilliant white bolt of lightning flashes overhead, and the ground beneath your feet shakes violently at nearly the same instant as a harsh thunderclap fills the area. When the sight and sound fade slightly, the sound of Brannogh screaming become audible. You note that he is on his knees, clenching what appears to be a crossbow bolt protruding from his stomach.
- A dark shape steps out from the shadows and points a small crossbow directly at Brannogh. The injured man notices the shadowy figure and glares his defiance as the figure's finger squeezes the trigger and lets his bolt fly. Brannogh's expression changes from one of defiance to one of pain and fear as the bolt takes him in his right cheek! He crumples, shrieking in pain, and draws himself into a defensive curl.
- Roblar tells him to stop screaming and bite down on his blade, muttering "hoomans."
- Elspie arrives: Elspie rushes to Brannogh's side, crying out in alarm. She notes the crossbow bolts protruding from her husband's body, and turns a suddenly stony expression to the surrounding area. She surveys each shadow with barely suppressed rage, the whole while keeping one hand on Brannogh's shoulder. Her focused perusal of the area halts at one shadow in particular and her eyes narrow. She flings a hand in that direction, and a cloaked figure stumbles into view, dragged by an unseen hand despite his best efforts. When he is fully in view, Elspie clenches a fist and grates out a guttural phrase. When she finishes, the man crumples in on himself, shrieking in pain. He folds inwards again and again, until there is nothing left but the echoes of his last scream.
- A loud cry is heard from nearby, "It's not here! Plan B!" The sudden sound of movement seems to emanate from every shadow around you, rapidly fading away. Elspie looks around in confusion momentarily, glancing from face to face with an expression equal parts murderous rage and desperate panic. She slides her arms underneath Brannogh and lurches to her feet with a grunt. A young man makes to assist her, but she growls in his direction and he takes a careful step backward, holding his hands up in placation.
- A low, pulsing whistle fills the night air. The air regains its metallic tinge, and you note that with each pulse of the whistle, the night grows progressively darker. When the sound finally ceases, a massive bolt of lightning splits the night sky, and a roaring BOOM accompanies it! The rain redoubles its efforts, coming down once more in thick sheets.
- Staggering under Brannogh's weight, Elspie shrieks at the night sky in defiance, then stumbles east, glaring at any who dare to meet her eye.
Adventurers: Lady Avawren, Galenblackbard, Roblar, Warclaidh
Log Snippets
Editor’s note: Many of the ambient noises or individuals interacting with each other outside of the scope of the events of the night have been removed from this retelling. Grammar and spelling has been corrected for ease of understanding. Actions have been combined in places to reduce the length while maintaining the atmosphere. Some conversational pieces that were meant to happen sequentially but did not due to the nature of parsing speech in the game (i.e., player A says one piece of information, player B asks a question, player A continues with more information, then player A answers the question) have been reordered (e.g., player A says both pieces of information, player B asks a question, player A answers the question) in every situation where it makes sense to do so and doesn’t disrupt the actual proceedings.
An Attack
[Gardenia Commons]
The soft, soothing sound of the carved marble fountain that dominates Gardenia Commons breaks the omnipresent silence of night. Bright moonlight dapples the area in a silvery glow and reflects off the water pouring into the fountain, causing ripples of ethereal light to dance across the mist that clings to the cobblestone street. A light, thin layer of dew glistens on the wrought iron benches that encircle the fountain. You also see a wide-mouthed wicker basket.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Lightning streaks down from the sky, crackling and charging the air.
You pull the deep leather edged hood lined with rose patterned ebon silk of your obsidian wool cloak over your head, gaining coverage from the rainfall.
Brannogh just arrived.
Brannogh asks, "What is going on?"
Galenblackbard shrugs at Brannogh.
Roblar chuckles.
Brannogh squints.
Warclaidh says, "Hopefully an army of demons."
A shrill whistle sounds over the raucous noises of the storm. The air seems to buzz with the sound, and a slight metallic tinge is felt at the back of your lower jaw, vibrating in time with the pulse of the whistle. When it ceases, the storm grows noticeably quieter, and the air around you lightens slightly.
Brannogh blinks.
The ground trembles as rolling thunder resounds throughout the sky.
You quietly say, "Goodness."
Speaking to Brannogh, Galenblackbard says, "People are huddling in corners and moving between lightning strikes undercover of darkness i think."
You fasten the onyx-inset jade rose crest on your obsidian wool cloak, protecting yourself from the rainstorm.
From the corner of your eye, you notice a flash of movement. Before you can identify the source, Brannogh screeches in pain and clutches his shoulder! From between his clenched fingers, rivulets of red form and mix with the rain, running down his tunic. Brannogh's jaw is clenched tight in pain, and he looks around wildly for some sign of his attacker.
Brannogh shrieks!
Brannogh suddenly stumbles for no apparent reason.
Galenblackbard winks at Brannogh.
A brilliant white bolt of lightning flashes overhead, and the ground beneath your feet shakes violently at nearly the same instant as a harsh thunderclap fills the area. When the sight and sound fade slightly, the sound of Brannogh screaming become audible. You note that he is on his knees, clenching what appears to be a crossbow bolt protruding from his stomach.
A rush of air blows through the area, bringing a sheet of heavy rain with it.
Brannogh screams!
Roblar deeply says, "Don't scream like a woman."
Roblar deeply says, "Iz just a bolt."
Krinchat blinks at Brannogh.
A dark shape steps out from the shadows and points a small crossbow directly at Brannogh. The injured man notices the shadowy figure and glares his defiance as the figure's finger squeezes the trigger and lets his bolt fly. Brannogh's expression changes from one of defiance to one of pain and fear as the bolt takes him in his right cheek! He crumples, shrieking in pain, and draws himself into a defensive curl.
Brannogh wails!
Brannogh falls over.
Roblar deeply says, "Bite down on yer blade."
Galenblackbard is admiring Brannogh.
Roblar deeply asks, "Want me to pull it out?"
Elspie just arrived.
Roblar squints at Brannogh.
Elspie gasps.
Speaking to Brannogh, Krinchat barks, "Let Krinchat fix! Krinchat is mighty krol shaman!"
Roblar mutters hoomans.
Elspie rushes to Brannogh's side, crying out in alarm. She notes the crossbow bolts protruding from her husband's body, and turns a suddenly stony expression to the surrounding area. She surveys each shadow with barely suppressed rage, the whole while keeping one hand on Brannogh's shoulder. Her focused perusal of the area halts at one shadow in particular and her eyes narrow. She flings a hand in that direction, and a cloaked figure stumbles into view, dragged by an unseen hand despite his best efforts. When he is fully in view, Elspie clenches a fist and grates out a guttural phrase. When she finishes, the man crumples in on himself, shrieking in pain. He folds inwards again and again, until there is nothing left but the echoes of his last scream.
Elspie growls ferociously!
The ground trembles as rolling thunder resounds throughout the sky.
You blink.
Elspie exclaims, "Bran!"
Elspie kneels down.
Brannogh shudders.
A loud cry is heard from nearby, "It's not here! Plan B!" The sudden sound of movement seems to emanate from every shadow around you, rapidly fading away. Elspie looks around in confusion momentarily, glancing from face to face with an expression equal parts murderous rage and desperate panic. She slides her arms underneath Brannogh and lurches to her feet with a grunt. A young man makes to assist her, but she growls in his direction and he takes a careful step backward, holding his hands up in placation.
Elspie stands up.
A low, pulsing whistle fills the night air. The air regains its metallic tinge, and you note that with each pulse of the whistle, the night grows progressively darker. When the sound finally ceases, a massive bolt of lightning splits the night sky, and a roaring BOOM accompanies it! The rain redoubles its efforts, coming down once more in thick sheets.
Elspie scowls.
Staggering under Brannogh's weight, Elspie shrieks at the night sky in defiance, then stumbles east, glaring at any who dare to meet her eye.
Elspie just went east.
You say, "What in the ...."
Roblar deeply comments, "Feisty."
Galenblackbard says, "Wasnt my fault."
Roblar deeply muses, "Maybe she be single soon."
Roblar chuckles to himself.
Roblar glances east.
Your eyes swim momentarily, everything going blurry. The image of a wide, feral grin once more fills your mind's eye. This time there is no laughter, just a glinting, feral grin that slowly fades away.
Several lightning strikes cause the area to be blinded in a searing white light.
You see Brannogh.
He appears to be a Human.
He is very tall and has deep laugh lines. He appears to be in his declining years. He has bright cerulean eyes and ruddy skin. He has a bald head. He has a broad face, a pinched nose and a full grey beard.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a small black leather pouch, some rugged umber boots, some worn blue breeches, and a patched mahogany shirt.
You see Brannogh.
He appears to be a Human.
He is very tall and has deep laugh lines. He appears to be in his declining years. He has bright cerulean eyes and ruddy skin. He has a bald head. He has a broad face, a pinched nose and a full grey beard. He has a dark crossbow bolt protruding from one shoulder!
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a small black leather pouch, some rugged umber boots, some worn blue breeches, and a patched mahogany shirt.