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Tillie is a young freckled merchant.

Shorter than average, the young aelotoi merchant has straw blonde hair drawn up into a bun that is barely visible beneath her wide-brimmed straw hat. Enormous green eyes flecked with gold gaze excitedly at the world around her and a thick smattering of freckles dusts her round, rosy cheeks. Slender in frame, the freckled merchant wears a simple sage green saephua with a floral-patterned matching wrap-skirt that complements the emerald green wings on her back.

Briefly kneeling in the shadows of her cart's umbrella, Tillie reties her sandals.

Laughing at as a young child runs up to her, Tillie politely chats with him until his parent catches up to them. With a wink and a smile, she accepts the silvers the parent offers and provides the child with a treat from her cart.

Round and large, a shimmering gate appears from out of nowhere and a tabby cat slips through.
Gazing at Tillie, the tabby cat's eyes twinkle with a strange intelligence moments before it begins to speak to her.
"How are you today, Tillie?" it asks.
Grinning, she replies, "Oh, very well, Neebert. How are you?"
Lifting one brow, the tabby replies, "I appear to be unchanged from our last communication."
Giggling, Tillie nods and looks as though she may say more, but the tabby slips back into the portal, which closes on its heels.

Slipping her hat from her brow, Tillie frowns as she gazes at the flowers that have wilted within its band. Moving slowly down the sidewalk, she stands in front of some verdant dog rose bushes and plucks several blossoms free. Returning to her cart, she removes the wilted pieces and replaces them with the newer flowers.

Slipping her hat from her brow, Tillie runs her forearm across her forehead and gazes up at the sky. Moments later, she tucks her hair back into her hat and settles it on her head.