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Tremors (909)/saved posts
Tremors and Capped Hunting
Topic: Wizard Spells
Message #: 4095
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 05/11/2017 11:21 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Another Reason Water Lore Should Also Unlock Minor Steam
- It's fairly unreliable, and there are a lot of creatures that can't knock down as you move to capped hunting also.
Even against creatures that are 10 levels above the caster, manually activated 909 is pretty much guaranteed to work. The issue is against creatures that are either directly (liches) or indirectly (flying, can't be knock down, or magic immune) immune to the spell.
In the Scatter, liches, destroyers, crawlers, and cerebralites are immune, which admittedly, is most of the creatures.
In Old Ta'Faendryl, only war griffins and constructs are immune. All the Ithzir are susceptible.
In Nelemar, only spectral triton defenders and sentries are immune. All other tritons, sirens, and elementals are susceptible.
In the Sanctum of Scales, only the sidewinders are immune.
All elementals in the Elemental Confluence are immune.
All undead in the Settlement of Reim are susceptible.
All bandits are susceptible.
All Grimswarm are susceptible.
- The Wiki says the EBP is only reduced if they knock down or if they're already prone and would otherwise have failed the knock down roll. Does this affect creatures that would never knock down (flying, already lying on their bellies)? Specifically asking about war griffins and rift crawlers
It can affect creatures that are already prone, but will not affect creatures that resist or are otherwise immune to the spell (due to flying or not able to be knocked down (rift crawlers)).
GameMaster Estild
Elemental Lore Review
- Main article: ELR
Topic: Wizard Spells
Message #: 1395
Author: GS4-IXIX
Date: 11/01/2015 06:15 PM EST
Subject: ELR - Tremors (909) Updates Released!
Tremors has gained a new self-cast version! To cast Tremors on yourself, PREPARE 909 and EVOKE. The self-cast version has a refreshable duration that is calculated as 20 minutes + (900 circle ranks * 60 seconds). Casting from a scroll will result in 10 minutes + (AS ranks * 30 seconds). Self-cast tremors will allow you to shake the ground once using either TAP while holding an appropriate weapon, such as a runestaff, POUND while holding a maul or other suitable weapon, or STOMP (no weapon needed). You don't need to TAP or POUND your weapon, just the verb by itself is enough.
Self-cast tremors will use up a charge when activated - charges are refreshed along with the duration when cast. The base number of charges is 5, with a bonus charge for 20, 50, 90, 150, and 200 ranks of Elemental Lore: Earth.
In addition to the self-cast version, any targets knocked down by Tremors with either a single activation or the periodic shaking will suffer a penalty to their EBP% of (5 + (seed 4 EL:E summation / 2))% for 10 seconds. Already prone targets can be affected by this as well if they fail the same check that standing targets are subject to.
Topic: Wizard Spells
Message #: 1397
Author: GS4-IXIX
Date: 11/01/2015 06:45 PM EST
Subject: Re: ELR - Tremors (909) Updates Released!
>For informational purposes, a self-cast charge based activation is identical to a period tremor in terms of mechanical effects?
That's correct - including the potential for running afoul of the lawman if you activate it in town.
Topic: Wizard Spells
Message #: 1400
Author: GS4-IXIX
Date: 11/01/2015 07:15 PM EST
Subject: Re: ELR - Tremors (909) Updates Released!
To be more specific - there is a variation in the strength of the shaking from an open cast: they start out stronger and end weaker. There is no training stuff that goes into how strong they start out, it's random. Since the manually activated version only happens once, it has a fixed strength that is fairly average. Some open casts can start stronger, but the last few shakes of every open cast version will always be weaker than a manual one.
Other than that they use the same code to do everything.
Topic: Wizard Spells
Message #: 1407
Author: GS4-IXIX
Date: 11/02/2015 09:31 AM EST
Subject: Re: ELR - Tremors (909) Updates Released!
You can now STOP 909 or STOP TREMORS to end the self-cast version.
I didn't put this into MANA SPELLUP for the reasons mentioned, it's really more a delayed attack than a defensive spell.
For the EBP penalty - you've got it right: If you have a 40% chance to block an attack, but you've been hit by Tremors and are under the effect of a 9% penalty, you now have a 31% chance to block. If you were also hit by Dirtkick and the penalty for that ends up at 7%, you have a 24% chance to block. It is possible to end up with a 0% chance to block.
Penalties to parry and evade work the same way, though not all things necessarily affect all 3 systems or affect all 3 to the exact same degree (Tremors and Dirtkick both do though).
Topic: Wizard Spells
Message #: 1407
Author: GS4-IXIX
Date: 11/06/2015 08:50 PM EST
Subject: Re: ELR - Tremors (909) Updates Released!
Thanks - that's a weird one (editor's note: log off and lose charges issue) but I'll see what I can do. It might take a bit to figure out (but I believe you). As for the mana cost - here's the skinny on that:
Base cost of 5 mana, -1 for 75 ranks of EMC, and another -1 for 150 ranks of EMC.
I just forgot to include it in the announcement is all. Sorry about that!