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Redux formulas and tables

Primary Formulas

Redux Floor = 265 + Trunc(550/(Level + 1))
Total Redux Points = Trunc(Primary ranks*2.5 + Secondary ranks + Tertiary ranks*0.75)
Redux Percentage = Round((1-(264/RP))/.02

1. Redux Floor is the minimum number of points required to activate redux per level.
2. Total Redux Points is the sum of primary + secondary + tertiary ranks.
3. Redux Percentage rounds to the nearest hundredth XX.XX Example I: 24.11765 →24.12%, Example II: 19.44444 →19.44%
4. Redux Percentage formula only applies to redux points <=880 (35% redux) and does not include spell knowledge penalties.


Redux Spell Penalty Tables

The following tables contain a complete list of the redux spell penalty percentages for characters level 30 to 100. The penalties are located at the intersection of a character's level (top row) and total spell ranks known (left column). A cell entry of 0 indicates that there is no penalty for that spell rank. Example, L96 with knowledge of 4 total spells has no redux penalty. but will have a 6% penalty upon learning one additional spell. Conversely, a cell entry of 100% signifies that the character has no redux. Example, a L100 character with 197 spell ranks.

Levels 30 to 49

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Levels 50 to 69

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Levels 70 to 89

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Levels 90 to 100

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Redux Floor Table

This level-based table lists the minimum number of redux points required to activate redux. A character with less than the minimum number of RPs will receive the following messaging when checking out of character creation inns: Current skills bonus is insufficient to gain DF reduction.

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Spell Penalty Calculation based on Tier

There are two unique spell penalty calculations used for penalties, dependent upon whether or not we're looking at below or above 1x.

  • Below 1x:
Penalty = 100 - 5.5615X + .5444X^2 - 0.0303X^3 + 0.0006X^4
  • Between 1x and 2x:
Penalty = 60 - 5.7959X + .1979X^2 - .0031X^3
  • Above 2x: No Redux

The chart below shows these equations in action:

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