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The POUT verb allows the character to pout. There are different styles available.
- General verb help information
>help pout Usage: POUT [style] - You pout. POUT [style] {target} - Glance at a target and pout. POUT SET [option] - Shows or sets the POUT verb options available. Where [style] is one of the following: STARE SASSY UGLY BITE JOKING SULK >verb info pout Verb information for verb "POUT": People targets: STANDARD - You glance at (target) and pout. No target: STANDARD - You pout. Self target: STANDARD - You whimper as you lower bottom lip trembles. Object targets: STANDARD - You glance at the (object) and pout. Creature targets: STANDARD - You glance at (creature) and pout. Styles available: STARE - You stare off into the distance as you pout slightly. SASSY - You make an audible huffing noise as you pout. UGLY - You scrunch up your face and pout. BITE - You bite your lower lip before pushing your lips into a pout. JOKING - You pout while attempting to hide your grin. SULK - You lower your head and sulk in an attempt to pout. NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.
- Sample POUT output
>pout You pout. Vanah pouts. >pout STARE You stare off into the distance as you pout slightly. Vanah stares off into the distance as she pouts slightly. >pout UGLY You scrunch up your face and pout. Vanah scrunches up her face and pouts. >pout JOKING You pout while attempting to hide your grin. Vanah pouts while attempting to hide her grin. >pout SASSY You make an audible huffing noise as you pout. Vanah makes an audible huffling noise as she pouts. >pout BITE You bite your lower lip before pursing your lips into a pout. Vanah bites her lower lip before pursing her lips into a pout. >pout SULK You lower your head and sulk in an attempt to pout. Vanah lowers her head and sulks in an attempt to pout. >pout vanah You whimper as your bottom lip trembles. Vanah whimpers as her bottom lip trembles. >pout Wyrom You glance at Wyrom and pout. Vanah glances at you and pouts. Vanah glances at Wyrom and pouts. >pout stare Wyrom You stare at Wyrom as you pout slightly. Vanah stares at you as she pouts slightly. Vanah stares at Wyrom as she pouts slightly. >pout ugly Wyrom You scrunch up your face at Wyrom and pout. Vanah scrunches up her face at you and pouts. Vanah scrunches up her face at Wyrom and pouts. >pout joking Wyrom You pout at Wyrom while attempting to hide your grin. Vanah pouts at you while attempting to hide her grin. Vanah pouts at Wyromwhile attempting to hide her grin. >pout sassy Wyrom You make an audible huffing noise as you pout at Wyrom. Vanah makes an audible huffing noise as she pouts at you. Vanah makes an audible huffing noise as she pouts at Wyrom. >pout bite Wyrom You bite your lower lip before pursing your lips into a pout at Wyrom. Vanah bites her lower lip before pursing her lips into a pout at you. Vanah bites her lower lip before pursing her lips into a pout at Wyrom. >pout sulk Wyrom You lower your head and sulk away from Wyrom in an attempt to pout. >Vanah lowers her head and sulks away from you in an attempt to pout. Vanah lowers her head and sulks away from Wyrom in an attempt to pout.