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PURR is a roleplaying verb. It has several additional options.
Purr help:
>purr help Usage: PURR - Make a purring sound PURR {self} - Make a low, rumbling sound PURR {target} - Purrs at a target PURR SET [option] - Shows or sets the PURR verb options available. PURR {animal} - Imitate the purr of a particular animal PURR RANDOM - Imitate the purr of a random animal Where {animal} is one of the following: ARCTIC PUMA BLACK LEOPARD BOBCAT CARACAL CAT CHEETAH COUGAR FELID FIRE CAT JAGUAR JAGUARUNDI KODKOD LEOPARD LION LYNX MARGAY MASTODONIC LEOPARD MOUNTAIN LION MUDCAT OCELOT PANTHER PLAINS LION PUMA SABRE-TOOTH TIGER SERVAL SNOWCAT SNOW LEOPARD TIGER TUNNELCAT VEERCAT WILDCAT PURR allows you to purr in various ways. You can use PURR alone to emit a generic purr, PURR at a target to purr at them, or you may use PURR to do imitations.
Verb Info
Verb info purr:
Verb information for verb "PURR": People targets: CATHEDRAL WEDDING - You lean over and purr in (targets) ear softly, evoking a soft chuckle from him/her. WAVEDANCER WEDDING - You eye (target) up and down before purring in approval. STANDARD - You glance at (target) and make a little purring sound. Self target: You make a low, rumbling sound deep in your throat. Object targets: You glance at the (object) and make a little purring sound. Creature targets: You glance at the (creature) and make a purring sound. NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.