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To stride is to walk with long, decisive steps. The STRIDE verb is a roleplaying verb with a variety of styles and uses. It is also a movement style.


>stride help

    STRIDE {style} {at|left|right|behind} {target}
                                   - Stride toward, around, or behind a target
    STRIDE {style} {direction}     - Stride in a direction
    STRIDE {style}                 - Take a few strides in a particular style

Where {style} is one of the following:

Verb Info

Verb Info
>verb info stride
Verb information for verb "STRIDE":

No target:
STANDARD    - You stride a few steps forward.
LEFT|RIGHT  - You take a few steps to your (left|right).
BEHIND      - You stride a few steps backward.

People targets:
STANDARD    - You stride over to stand before (target).
LEFT|RIGHT  - You pace to your (left|right), moving in a circle around (target).
BEHIND      - You move to stand behind (target).
AWAY        - You take a few steps away from (target).

Self target:
STANDARD    - You take a few steps in a small circle.
LEFT|RIGHT  - You raise your arms as if you were holding someone, then stride to the (left|right).
BEHIND      - You take a few steps back.

Object and Creature targets:
STANDARD    - You take a few steps toward (target).
LEFT|RIGHT  - You pace to your (left|right), moving in a circle around (target).
BEHIND      - You walk behind (target).
AWAY        - You take a few steps away from (target).

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.


Untargetted Messaging

You stride a few steps forward.
Vanah strides a few steps forward.

>stride left
You take a few steps to your left.
Vanah takes a few steps to her left.

>stride behind
You stride a few steps backward.
Vanah strides a few steps backward.

>stride angry
You angrily stride a few steps forward.
Vanah angrily strides a few steps forward.

>stride bold
You boldly stride a few steps forward.
Vanah boldly strides a few steps forward.

>stride brisk
You briskly stride a few steps forward.
Vanah briskly strides a few steps forward.

>stride confident
You confidently stride a few steps forward.
Vanah confidently strides a few steps forward.

>stride purpose
You purposefully stride a few steps forward.
Vanah purposefully strides a few steps forward.

>stride quick
You quickly stride a few steps forward.
Vanah quickly strides a few steps forward.

>stride reluctant
You reluctantly stride a few steps forward.
Vanah reluctantly strides a few steps forward.

>stride slow
You slowly stride a few steps forward.
Vanah slowly strides a few steps forward.

Targeted Messaging

Note: This is not a complete list of messaging. All of the styles can be used with each of the directional targetting methods.

Self Targetted Messaging

>stride vanah
You take a few steps in a small circle.
Vanah takes a few steps in a small circle.

>stride left vanah
You raise your arms as if you were holding someone, then stride to the left.
Vanah raises her arms to hold an invisible partner, then strides a few steps to her left.

>stride behind vanah
You take a few steps back.
Vanah takes a few steps back.

>stride slow behind vanah
You slowly take a few steps back.
Vanah slowly takes a few steps back.

Player Targetted Messaging

>stride wyrom
You stride over to stand before Wyrom.
Vanah strides over to stand before you.
Vanah strides over to stand before Cupcake.

>stride left wyrom
You pace to your left, moving in a circle around Wyrom.
Vanah paces to her left, moving in a circle around you.
Vanah paces to her left, moving in a circle around Wyrom.

When grouped:
>stride confid right wyrom
You confidently hold Wyrom's hand as you both turn to the right and take a few steps.
Vanah confidently holds your hand as you both turn to the left and take a few steps.
Vanah confidently holds Wyrom's hand as they turn to the right and take a few steps.

>stride behind wyrom
You move to stand behind Wyrom.
Vanah moves to stand behind you.
Vanah moves to stand behind Wyrom.

>stride away wyrom
You take a few steps away from Wyrom.
Vanah takes a few steps away from you.
Vanah takes a few steps away from Wyrom.

>stride {style} at Person
You {style}ly stride over to stand before Person.

Creature & Object Targetted Messaging

>stride kobold
You take a few steps toward a kobold.
Vanah takes a few steps toward a kobold.

>stride left kob
You pace to your left, moving in a circle around a kobold.
Vanah paces to her left, moving in a circle around a kobold.

>stride behind kob
You walk behind a kobold.
Vanah walks to stand behind a kobold.

>stride away kob
You take a few steps away from a kobold.
Vanah takes a few steps away from a kobold.

Movement Targetted Messaging

>stride {style} {direction}
You {style}ly stride away, moving {direction}.

Vanah strides away moving north, her group following close behind.
Vanah just strode in, her group following close behind.

You quickly stride away, moving north.
Vanahho quickly strides away moving north.
Vanah just strode in quickly.