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Verb:TUCK/saved posts
Topic: Game Systems
Message #: 918
Author: GS4-NAIKEN
Date: 12/03/2021 12:50 PM CST
Subject: TUCK, UNTUCK, and Leggings
We are excited to announce two new verbs, TUCK and UNTUCK, as well as the new Leggings worn inventory slot! All three updates are live in Platinum and Test and should go live in Prime this weekend.
The Leggings slot is in addition to the two existing leg slots (pants and leg greaves), and all three can be used simultaneously. You don’t need to fuss with removing pants and greaves before wearing leggings or vice versa. Only one Leggings item can be worn at a time, but it can be functional. The Leggings slot is currently restricted to these nouns: leggings, stockings, petticoat(s), underskirt(s), and hosen.
The TUCK verb has specific functionality for held and worn items, as well as roleplay messaging for other situations. For worn items, it attempts to “hide” an item beneath another worn item so others won’t see it when LOOKing at you. With the exception of pinworn items, in order to tuck an item, you must be wearing something in a different location that the item can be tucked under. Not all worn location combinations are eligible (see chart below).
Tucked items don’t go anywhere, and you can still interact with them normally. When using INVENTORY, a “(tucked)” label will appear next to the item’s description.
When used on a held item, TUCK’s default ability is to toggle an item property. Outside of item scripts, this verb currently supports toggling the worn location of Legs (pants) and Leggings garments. This is a two-way toggle, so you can freely switch back and forth. Any Leggings item can be toggled to the pants slot, and pants items with a permitted Leggings noun can be toggled to the Leggings slot. Nothing changes with the noun. The pants-worn garment must already have a permitted Leggings noun. Support for additional default toggles may be added in the future.
>wear shield You sling an imflass shield over your shoulder.
>tuck shield You tuck your imflass shield underneath your large cloak.
>inv You are wearing an imflass shield (tucked), some leather slippers, a large cloak, a decorative pin (tucked)...
>remove leg
Removing your canvas trousers for a moment, you slip out of some cotton leggings.
>tuck leg You arrange your cotton leggings to be pulled on over your legs.
>tuck leg You arrange your cotton leggings for your legs to slip into.
Using UNTUCK on a tucked item will, you guessed it, untuck the item so others can see it using LOOK.
Given the complexity of items in the game, some items/nouns may seem odd for certain combinations. We didn’t want to add more layers of validation and restriction, so try to exercise some latitude. However, you may BUG/BUGITEM particularly strange situations for us to review.
Current eligible combinations:
PIN | Always TUCKable | Imagination not recommended |
BACK | Shoulders (cloak) | |
WAIST | Cannot be TUCKed | |
HEAD | Cannot be TUCKed | |
SHOULDER (shield) | Shoulders (cloak) | |
SHOULDERS (cloak) | Cannot be TUCKed | |
LEGS (pants) | Cannot be TUCKed | |
TORSO (armor) | Cannot be TUCKed | |
WRIST | Arms, Hands | |
FINGER | Hands | |
FEET (shoes) | Cannot be TUCKed | |
NECK | Shoulders (cloak), Torso, Front, Undershirt | |
BELT | Cannot be TUCKed | |
ARMS | Cannot be TUCKed | |
LEGS (greaves) | Cannot be TUCKed | |
EARLOBE(S) | Head (armor) | |
ANKLE | Feet (shoes), Feet (socks) | |
FRONT | Cannot be TUCKed | |
HANDS | Cannot be TUCKed | |
FEET (socks) | Feet (shoes) | LayerClothing must be off |
HAIR | Head | |
UNDERSHIRT | Shoulders (cloak), Torso (armor) | |
LEGGINGS | Legs (pants) | LayerClothing must be off |