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Type Roleplaying
Profession Warrior

Warsalute is a roleplaying verb available only to warriors. With the exception of the weapon style warsalute, all options require a target be specified.


    WARSALUTE {style} {target} - Salute someone or something

Where {style} is one of the following:
    HEAD     MOCK

WARSALUTE may only be used by Warriors.

Style First Third
ARMOR You face XXX and smartly bring your right fist up to your chest. Holding it there, you bow deeply. XXX faces XXXX and smartly brings her right fist up to her chest. Holding it there, she bows deeply.
BARBARIAN You grunt in tribute to XXX as you bang your fist sharply upon your vaalorn metal breastplate in a barbaric salute. XXX grunts in tribute to XXXX as she bangs her fist sharply upon her vaalorn metal breastplate in a barbaric salute.
BOW You bow deeply at the waist, honoring XXX. XXX bows deeply at the waist, honoring XXXX.
CHIVALROUS You face XXX and crisply render a chivalrous salute. XXX faces XXXX and crisply renders a chivalrous salute.
HEAD Your fingers briefly touch your brow as you render a casual salute to XXX. XXX's fingers briefly touch her brow as she renders a casual salute to XXXX.
MOCK You sarcastically render a mocking salute to XXX. XXX renders a mocking salute to XXXX.
SHIELD You face XXX and bash your fist sharply against your crested eahnor shield. XXX faces XXXX and bashes her fist sharply against her crested eahnor shield.
WEAPON (weapon in hand) You bring your vaalorn-hilted falcata up to eye level and then with a quick flick of the wrist bring it back down with a flourish. XXX brings her vaalorn-hilted falcata up to eye level and then with a quick flick of the wrist brings it back down with a flourish.
WEAPON (no weapon) You raise your fist overhead in salute. XXX raises her fist overhead in salute.