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Wehnimer's Landing Town Hall - Charlatos 15, 5118
Charlatos 15, 5118
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
[Helga's, Dining Hall]
Tinted glass oil lamps hang from iron sconces, casting a dim glow over the smoke-stained walls of the low-ceilinged room. Several tables and an oaken sideboard, bearing traces of the previous day's meals, are flanked by a long wooden bench and a few smaller chairs. A leaded glass window, its dusty panes half-covered by filmy curtains, looks out on the dark street, and a brick hearth smolders against the north wall.
Also here: Semiera, Lady Wintersylph, Mentor Heartfire, Commander Roblar, Lady in Waiting Rendena, Maiden Tyrrah, Talinvor, Dirra, Chairman Logeerkamer, Kasgar, Xorus, Rhayveign, Mayor Cruxophim, Goblyn, Maiden Balley, Zosopage, Lady Authriea who is sitting, Lady Lornieh who is sitting, Fahlo who is sitting on a wooden chair, Riend, Stonmel, Gavrien, Shinann, Sweetsin, Lady Lylia, Lady in Waiting Lynaera, Irar, Lisbethany, Corzek, Jhenni, Puptilian, Eiliriel, Grand Lord Cyar, Pukk, Matriarch Berkana, Magister Raelee, Lady Luxelle, Lord Nazarr, Chaoswynd, Aurourra
You recite:
"Good evening and welcome to tonight's Town Hall meeting discussing current events in the Landing!"
Cruxophim grins at Riend.
Cruxophim raises an open palm to his mouth, purses his lips, and blows a gentle kiss in Riend's direction.
Riend whispers something to Cruxophim.
You recite:
"I'm Leafi, your host on behalf of the TownCrier, and I'm happy to tell you that it's this month's Open Stage Night! That means we'll get to your questions more quickly than usual and hope to take more of them than usual!" [or, as the case actually turned out, we'd have fewer questions but go more in depth]
Riend can offer Cruxophim only a blank expression.
Cruxophim gives you a strong, encouraging smile.
You flash a quick grin at Cruxophim.
You recite:
"Still, there is time for introductions..."
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Riend!
You recite:
"First, please give a warm welcome to our moderator Lady Luxelle!"
You turn to face Luxelle.
Lylia applauds Luxelle.
Cruxophim applauds Luxelle warmly.
Irar turns to Luxelle and cheers!
You applaud Luxelle.
Shinann smiles at Luxelle.
Riend smiles at Luxelle.
Cruxophim amusedly notes, "The pets offer a warm welcome."
You recite:
"When you have a question for one of our panelists, simply RAISE your HAND. Lady Luxelle will add you to the queue, then will later tell you when you have the floor."
Raelee gets a distant look in her eyes.
Cruxophim wiggles his eyebrows at Riend.
You add, "You can raise your hand even now, if you already have a question in mind."
You nod.
Riend blinks at Cruxophim.
Nazarr raises his hand.
Luxelle nods at Nazarr.
You recite:
"As for our panelists, we have with us tonight Mayor Cruxophim, former Mayor Puptilian, mayoral advisor and candidate Lady Lylia, mayoral advisor Lord Xorus, Captain Shinann of the Landing militia, Deacon Irar of the Church of Koar, and Magister Raelee of the Hall of Mages!"
Cruxophim snuggles Goblyn, who responds by cradling an arm around him.
Cruxophim gives Lylia a strong, encouraging smile.
Cruxophim glances at Puptilian and clasps his hands in a reverent gesture.
Cruxophim glances at Shinann and clasps his hands in a reverent gesture.
Puptilian nods once.
Cruxophim turns to Raelee and bows low, spreading his wings for all to see.
Lylia inclines her head.
Lylia gazes fondly at Ysharra.
Lylia kisses Ysharra tenderly on the cheek.
You recite:
"When you have a question, you may ask it to any one, two, or three panelists of your choosing--or simply ask your question openly and our panelists will decide who answers."
Cruxophim removes some rusted black metal tongs flecked with nidorous stains from in his shadow cloak.
Kasgar exclaims, "Quite the panel!"
Cruxophim tries to eat his black metal tongs.
Lylia smiles at Kasgar.
Cruxophim attends to his black metal tongs, picking off stuck bits of some gory unknown substance.
Cruxophim put some rusted black metal tongs flecked with nidorous stains in his shadow cloak.
You recite:
"Please note that panelists may decline to answer even if asked, and likewise they may offer an answer even if not asked."
Cruxophim gives Ysharra a lingering kiss on the cheek.
You recite:
"And with that said... we'll get right to your questions about the past, present, or even the expected future of the Landing!"
You nod to Logeerkamer in greeting.
Lylia nods in greeting at Dirra.
You curtsy gracefully to Dirra.
Irar nods to Dirra in greeting.
Cruxophim gives Dirra a strong, encouraging smile.
Dirra smiles at Cruxophim.
You say, "The floor is open--please raise your hand to ask anything that's on your mind regarding the Landing."
Luxelle says, "Remember to raise your hand if you have a question. We will start first with..."
You nod at Luxelle.
Question #1, From Nazarr, Answered By Shinann and Xorus: Followup with the Captives
Luxelle says, "Nazarr has the floor for the next question."
Luxelle nods at Nazarr.
Nazarr says, "This is for everyone."
Lylia smiles at Nazarr.
Irar nods at Nazarr.
Nazarr asks, "I'd like to know more about the people who were found in the tunnel beneath the hut in Shanty Town. Do we know their names or professions? Are they local or do they come from a different region? Do we know what weapons and spells caused their injuries?"
Cruxophim turns an inquisitive ear toward Nazarr.
You nod understandingly at Nazarr.
Xorus nods slightly.
Nazarr asks, "Is there any evidence that anyone has tampered with their memories? Are any of them suffering from amnesia? Do any of them or any of their family members have a history with the Mayor prior to the alleged torture?"
Nazarr says, "Because so far, all we have is a he said/they said situation--one which began with one of the Rones slipping into that hut and then vanishing, presumably down that tunnel. And we know that the people imitating the Rones are prone to dislike the Mayor and to believe the worst of him on these people's say-so."
Nazarr says, "So I'd like to know more, if possible."
You nod understandingly at Nazarr.
Speaking to Nazarr, Shinann says, "I have made a request to talk to each of them. Something was off about all of that. The Order of the Silver Gryphon is looking over them and when they are more stable, I plan to interview each."
Nazarr nods at Shinann.
Speaking to Nazarr, Shinann says, "Since I also have pretty much the same questions."
You nod in agreement at Shinann.
Nazarr says, "Oh, good. It's not just me."
Lylia nods at Cruxophim.
Shinann says, "Not at all."
Shinann nods at Nazarr.
Shinann says, "I am trying to gain access as soon as I can."
Shinann nods.
Lylia smiles at Talinvor.
Talinvor nods to Lylia in greeting.
Xorus says, "It is seemingly uncharacteristic of this 'Rone' to paint Cruxophim as the heart of darkness only to allege false charges, and yet these victims are suspect with a crime scene we were led to that seemed more than a little staged. It is something of a paradox."
Lylia nods at Xorus.
You thoughtfully tap a finger against your lips.
Nazarr nods at Xorus.
Cruxophim nods absently at Shinann.
Xorus says, "Supposing Cruxophim were guilty of killing and eating these people, I do not believe these witnesses would even exist."
You nod in agreement at Xorus.
Nazarr says, "Good point."
Cruxophim wryly admits, "While this is not an official comment, it does seem a bit of an obvious contradition."
Xorus says, "I suspect these people are not who they claim to be, though they might believe it if they have implanted memories, or if they did exist they may be flesh golems with vestiges of memories of the original."
Cruxophim looks thoughtfully at Xorus.
Lylia smiles at Roblar.
Xorus says, "The latter case would potentially be consistent with the strange way those priests were butchered."
Shinann says, "I do have questions for them and that does not mean I am agreeing with these statements."
Cruxophim calmly reminds, "And of course, I will fully comply with anything needed for the investigation."
You give Cruxophim a strong, encouraging smile.
Lylia nods at Cruxophim.
Xorus says, "If my conjecture that this Rone has somehow tapped into Granthem as a 'beacon' of mentalism, it may be that the psychic link even indirectly with Stone has spilled back into Rone himself."
Lylia gazes with interest at Xorus.
You ponder the meaning of Xorus's existence.
Xorus says, "Rone may be doing things unconsciously, with skills he may not know he possesses."
Shinann shifts her weight.
Luxelle gulps.
Xorus says, "This is all quite wild speculation. We do not know much. We will have to question these alleged victims."
Cruxophim stares into space, appearing to ponder multiple possibilities and potential nuances.
Cruxophim flicks at the end of the dark spike in his lip thoughtfully with his tongue.
Shinann says, "Exactly."
Puptilian says, "Or we can all simply agree that no one here has had the time to talk to any of them outside that night and we all know nothing and are making guesses...."
Xorus nods.
Lylia shifts her eyes to Puptilian.
Puptilian grins at Lylia.
Speaking bemusedly to Puptilian, Cruxophim wonders, "What else can one do, really, in the face of a lack of evidence?"
You acknowledge, "All guesses and ideas are welcome. We've seen some very outlandish things in these parts."
You grin.
Cruxophim starts chuckling at you!
Cruxophim nods firmly to you.
Lylia notes, "Educated theories are not 'guesses.'."
Xorus says, "Their memories sounded hazy at best that night."
Lornieh says, "Yeah, didn't seem much like memories so much as screaming and terror."
You nod faintly.
Irar mutters raisethemhands.
(Luxelle looks around for all the hands to be raised with ... questions.)
Irar whistles tunelessly to himself.
You grin at Luxelle.
Shinann says, "Again, all conjuncture until I can talk to them."
Cruxophim nods grimly at Lornieh.
Puptilian winks at Irar.
You lightly say, "It seems we've covered that topic to the best of our ability--admittedly not much right now until we can interview them."
You add, "If anyone else has questions, now is the time to ask!"
You flash a quick grin.
Lylia surveys the area.
Lylia raises an eyebrow.
Speaking deeply to Lylia, Roblar asks, "Aye, grease or mud?"
Roblar glances between Lylia and yourself.
Cruxophim glances at Luxelle and raises his hand.
Luxelle nods.
Lylia raises her voice at Roblar in merry laughter.
Roblar flashes a quick grin.
Cruxophim chuckles.
You gaze in amusement at Roblar.
Lylia says, "Grease."
Luxelle chuckles.
Lylia smiles quietly to herself.
Roblar nods at Lylia.
Roblar deeply says, "Noted."
Roblar whistles tunelessly to himself.
Irar nods to Roblar in greeting.
A Brief Word From the Mayor: Pillar Plans
You mention, "It seems the Mayor has a word for us before we continue... Mayor?"
Cruxophim gazes in amusement at his surroundings.
You tilt your head slightly toward Cruxophim, noting the subtle changes in his muscles and breathing.
Cruxophim amicably states, "Less a question, and more an inquiry of those gathered. As you may have heard, the Town Council has approved my measure to begin step one of the process to build wards for our town."
Shinann frowns.
You take a moment to observe everything you can about Cruxophim.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin asks, "With a public posting board in town square?"
Cruxophim shakes his head at Sweetsin and clucks his tongue.
Sweetsin frowns at Cruxophim.
Speaking wryly to Sweetsin, Cruxophim scolds, "Like a dog with a bone."
Cruxophim grins at Sweetsin.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "I will gnaw it to death too."
Cruxophim affably requests, "To aid with that, we're looking for any individuals who may have ventured -into- the Shadow Realm, either when we confronted Althedeus or when we entered the lesser echo created by Teuriz recently, where we rescued Acorn?"
You chortle at Sweetsin.
Cruxophim glances appraisingly around the room.
You ponder the meaning of Cruxophim's existence.
Lylia nods at Cruxophim.
Speaking gently to Sweetsin, Cruxophim assures, "I'm aware."
Lylia says, "I ventured there both times."
Speaking amicably to Lylia, Cruxophim notes, "And you'd be willing to aid, of course?"
Lylia replies, "Of course. For the town's defense? Anything I can do."
Lylia folds her hands.
Cruxophim calmly explains, "We want volunteers for a simple procedure, which will be absolutely harmless, and will help us lay the needed groundwork."
Speaking carefully to Cruxophim, you say, "I did enter this most recent time, but only very briefly--we'd heard news of attacks in the Rook tunnels and I returned to see about that. If I can help, I'll do what I can."
Lornieh says, "Um.. I went there, but not sure if I'm supposed to talk or.... raise my hand."
Lornieh smirks.
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Lornieh!
You laugh out loud!
Shinann grins.
Cruxophim amusedly assures, "You'll both do fine, if you'd like. I'll post more information soon, just wanted to let folks know. Spread the word!"
You lightly say, "Ah... right, might just want to give a nod for this one or use your words."
Lylia nods at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim gives Sweetsin a playful bite.
You grin at Lornieh.
Cruxophim kisses Sweetsin tenderly on the cheek.
Cruxophim grins at Lornieh.
You nod understandingly at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim gives you a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Lornieh chuckles.
Lornieh nods.
Sweetsin begins chuckling at Cruxophim!
Shinann asks, "I will only be there to watch... do we know which council member will be along?"
Shinann raises an eyebrow in Cruxophim's direction.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you inquire, "Do we know when we can start acting on the plan? A rough timeline, at least?"
Speaking pleasantly to Shinann, Cruxophim informs, "Not yes, I would guess Pylasar, but who knows? They may not have decided yet."
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Shinann!
Shinann nods.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "You should spread the word on that post you're going to put up in town square and dedicate to me."
You acknowledge, "Last I heard, I believe the only word was after this weekend some time."
Shinann says, "I would like to see the purple wizard."
You grin at Shinann.
Speaking thoughtfully to you, Cruxophim concludes, "Possibly Restday or Volnes, no sooner however. We are still making preparation. It will be a very simple matter, but safety is, of course, of the utmost priority."
You nod understandingly at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim amicably suggests, "Please keep an eye on the town boards for more info, if you wish."
Sweetsin says, "And Moonshine manor flilers."
Cruxophim grins at Sweetsin.
You glance appraisingly around the room.
Cruxophim nods in greeting at Fahlo.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "And your artwork of course."
Cruxophim flashes Sweetsin a toothy grin.
You curiously ask, "Nobody else was there in the shadow valence who would like to help with the plan?"
Speaking to Sweetsin, Talinvor says, "It would get plastered quickly, I would expect."
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph says, "I have a suggestion to your request."
Semiera says, "I don't think I'd be willing to, no."
Speaking amicably to you, Cruxophim explains, "We've probably got plenty already, but would certainly welcome more."
You nod in agreement at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim cocks his head at Wintersylph.
Speaking to you, Zosopage says, "If I was there it was ages ago."
Lylia turns to face Wintersylph.
Cruxophim turns an inquisitive ear toward Wintersylph.
Cruxophim gives Wintersylph a strong, encouraging smile.
You tilt your head slightly toward Wintersylph, noting the subtle changes in her muscles and breathing.
Talinvor smirks.
Cruxophim nods faintly at Talinvor.
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph says, "That we contact the Spiritcaller Akhash as he as built the best wards in the lands and is experienced in warding portal type magics."
Speaking gently to Zosopage, Cruxophim assures, "Ages ago is fine, the energy tends to permeate and stick around."
Speaking amusedly to Wintersylph, Cruxophim explains, "I have consulted with him already, and many others."
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph says, "Akhash is a Tehir."
You nod approvingly at Cruxophim.
Speaking amicably to Wintersylph, Cruxophim agrees, "Good idea, of course."
Cruxophim kisses Lisbethany tenderly on the cheek.
Cruxophim nods to Lisbethany in greeting.
Lylia smiles at Lisbethany.
Lisbethany gives Cruxophim a quick little smooch.
Lisbethany bobs a quick curtsy to Lylia.
Speaking gently to Wintersylph, Cruxophim agrees, "I am aware, some of my best friends are Tehir."
Cruxophim looks at Wintersylph and breaks into a cheeky grin.
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph says, "The last ritual he did, was actaully sort of Blood Magic and those wards protected the land quite well untill Stone unraveled them ofcourse."
Xorus clarifies, "For those who do not know, Grishom used those bone pillars to smash the wards over the town that were formed by Akhash, with the aid of the spirit of Estrion."
You nod at Xorus.
Speaking gently to Wintersylph, Cruxophim notes, "Of course. One should never refuse information from any source, wisdom comes from all places."
Cruxophim nods in agreement at Xorus.
Lylia nods in agreement at Cruxophim.
Speaking seriously to Xorus, Cruxophim agrees, "Powerful magics, indeed."
Speaking softly to Xorus, Wintersylph asks, "Are we not attempting to use those very same Bone Pillars?"
Sweetsin whispers something to Cruxophim.
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Sweetsin!
Speaking to Cruxophim, Xorus mentions, "I did recommend seeking Akhash to do much the same thing with the Ithzir invasion, but we chose to use plinite with the pylons instead and... well, history."
Xorus nods at Wintersylph.
Sweetsin whispers something to Cruxophim.
You grin at Xorus.
Xorus says, "Adapting them."
Sweetsin nods at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim nods understandingly.
Lylia whispers something to Xorus.
Xorus whispers something to Lylia.
Cruxophim glances appraisingly around the room.
Lylia nods.
Lylia smiles quietly to herself.
You thoughtfully say, "The pylons are probably a good comparison to the plan with the pillars... usually we think of pylons as weapons to fire, but Dennet was able to repurpose them to sustain Reannah's life. Magic can be adapted."
Cruxophim tosses you knowing glance, taps his nose, and then points at you.
Speaking pleasantly to you, Cruxophim praises, "Very well said, Leafi."
Raelee adds, "The pylons, in essence, are nothing more than conduits."
You nod at Raelee.
Xorus murmurs, "Echoes in history. Larsya sustained in the shadow of the Reach."
Speaking slowly to Raelee, Cruxophim admits, "Somehow, I misheard that as them being nothing more than donuts."
Cruxophim wiggles his ears, causing his obsidian coffin nails to rock back and forth a bit.
Cruxophim frowns.
Lylia gazes in amusement at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim nods slowly at Xorus.
You lightly say, "Lots of talk about conduits lately, whether pylons or last week's discussion of blood marble."
Raelee narrows her eyes and gives Cruxophim a dirty look.
You grin.
Shinann shifts her weight.
Cruxophim flashes a wide grin.
Speaking gently to Raelee, Cruxophim assures, "A little levity, Magister."
You curiously ask, "Does anyone else have questions this evening, since it seems we've covered this one thoroughly?"
Deep in thought, Lylia laces her fingers before her.
Cruxophim eagerly encourages, "Please, do ask away!"
Cruxophim glances appraisingly around the room.
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph says, "According to the fifth rule of Leaf magic, those pylons can become Donuts, so there's hope."
Cruxophim raises his voice at Wintersylph in merry laughter.
You glance appraisingly around the room.
Xorus says, "Cruxophim's 'noabolic fields' with the bone pillars is more of a matter of amplification. Resonance. Like pushing a child on a swing at just the right timing."
Cruxophim nods sagely at Xorus.
Lylia asks, "Do you mean 'pushing a child off a swing,' perhaps?"
Cruxophim amusedly praises, "The Professor understands the principle quite well."
Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "Eventually."
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Lylia!
Lylia says, "Oh, I see."
Lylia nods.
Irar removes a polished whalebone drinking horn from in his roa'ter skin swordbelt.
Irar takes a drink from his drinking horn.
Xorus says, "With the child on the swing you lose energy by pushing off the frequency of the system."
Xorus says, "But with it just so, it amplifies and stores more, to greater and greater extents."
You nod understandingly at Xorus.
Xorus says, "Of course, if you exceed its capacity, the child goes flying. The swing whipping around in circles."
Speaking softly to Xorus, Wintersylph says, "If you remember, those pillars acted much like Urnon, in that when sentinent beings are nearby, they bend, and also extract blood form humanoid sources, so timimg is gonna be a tough issue, dey just don't stand still."
Cruxophim cocks his head at Ysharra.
Xorus nods.
Speaking amusedly to Wintersylph, Cruxophim assures, "They generally have from my experience... which is quite considerable."
Cruxophim chuckles.
Xorus says, "On the scale of hundreds of leagues they are fairly fixed in position."
Speaking to Wintersylph, you note, "They all stood still except that one, though, and it only moved the one time. The timing might not be all that difficult."
Cruxophim tosses a knowing glance toward Zosopage, taps his nose, and then points at him.
Zosopage nods.
You gaze in amusement at Xorus.
Xorus says, "It is the field that is in resonance, in any event, rather than the pillars themselves as such."
Speaking amusedly to Wintersylph, Cruxophim explains, "I think that may have been a bit of a... fluke occurrence, likely a sudden reaction to certain elements."
Speaking to you, Fahlo says, "There were several in the group at the time who had been 'exposed'... most likely the pillar responded because of that."
Speaking softly to you, Wintersylph says, "Well you saw three that were still broke, so they nae moved, and they only move when sentinent beings are near, so you're right, Cruxophim is safe."
Speaking thoughtfully to Wintersylph, you say, "Then we should be alright, since we're only activating the inert ones."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Fahlo asks, "It was one you've all made a bit less 'inert', right?"
You grin.
Speaking amusedly to Wintersylph, Cruxophim inquires, "Are you suggesting I'm not sentient?"
Cruxophim nods at Fahlo.
Xorus admits, "I do wonder if they will try to feed on blood as they become more activated."
Lylia says, "Only for that brief time you were turned to stone."
Lylia nods at Cruxophim.
Luxelle shifts her weight.
Irar snickers.
Cruxophim looks over at Xorus and shakes his head.
You wave to Bellicia.
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph says, "No, did I say that, specifically."
Bellicia gives you a friendly hug.
You hug Bellicia, who wraps you in a warm embrace.
Speaking thoughtfully to Xorus, Cruxophim explains, "It would require far more tinkering than we'll be doing for that to occur."
Cruxophim chuckles.
Lylia nods at Bellicia.
Xorus nods at Cruxophim.
Speaking curiously to Cruxophim, Ysharra asks, "So you're considering safe now?"
Lylia smiles.
Sweetsin begins chortling at Ysharra.
Speaking to Ysharra, Sweetsin asks, "You believe that?"
Ysharra winks at Sweetsin.
Speaking amicably to Xorus, Cruxophim explains, "Eventually, yes, but one presumes consensually or under certain parameters, nothing dangerous."
Lylia narrows her eyes.
Speaking to Sweetsin, Ysharra says, "I might have some opinions."
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Shinann!
Cruxophim cocks his head at Ysharra.
Speaking innocently to Ysharra, Cruxophim wonders, "Why would I not be considered safe?"
Ysharra folds her hands behind her back.
Cruxophim gives Ysharra a strong, encouraging smile.
You gaze in amusement at your surroundings.
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph says, "You know as well as I, those pillars caused bleeding and they move and bend and shift the longer sentinent life is near them, beause that one moved the other night it might be safe to assume that ability is still dormant in them."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "I didn't say I was sharing those opinions."
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Logeerkamer!
Lylia thoughtfully taps a finger against her lips.
Logeerkamer flashes a quick grin at Cruxophim.
Lylia says, "No endeavor is wholly without danger. You could rise from bed and slip on the rug. You could drown in your bath."
Lylia looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Speaking calmly to Wintersylph, Cruxophim repeats, "They won't be harmful. You have my assurance, and the assurance of those who have studied such as well."
Lylia says, "The pillars may become more active. But that is not necessarily a flaw. We will learn more about them."
Irar squints at Lylia.
You smile at Cruxophim.
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph asks, "Whether the pillars detect your sentinence is a question to ask them?"
Speaking amusedly to Lylia, Cruxophim remarks, "Also true, but every measure of precaution conceivable has been taken."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Lylia says, "Naturally. You move the rug away and do not drop the soap."
Speaking to Lylia, Irar asks, "So what you're saying is we should take extra caution in our dealings with rugs and baths?"
Lylia says, "Precautionary measures only make sense."
Speaking calmly to Wintersylph, Cruxophim deadpans, "I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Shocking, I know."
Lylia gives a sigh of resignation.
Cruxophim flashes Wintersylph a toothy grin.
Lylia wearily says, "It was a metaphor."
Irar snickers.
Dirra raises her hand.
Luxelle nods at Dirra.
Speaking sympathetically to Lylia, Cruxophim assures, "I'm right there with you."
Cruxophim grins at Lylia.
You earnestly say, "The concerns are all appreciated, of course, but as I understand it, the Mayor has been planning this for several months--it's no hasty decision."
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph says, "The Arcane Eye abolished such research into the type of magics in those Pilliars, because it was unstable and unpredictable."
Shinann folds her hands behind her back.
Question #2, From Dirra, Answered By Raelee: Risks and Benefits With the Pillars
Luxelle exclaims, "Well, now that we have a hand raised!"
Luxelle beams happily at Dirra!
You grin at Luxelle.
Luxelle says, "Dirra has the floor for the next question."
Luxelle nods at Dirra.
Shinann smiles at Dirra.
Lylia gazes with interest at Dirra.
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Wintersylph!
You tilt your head slightly toward Dirra, noting the subtle changes in her muscles and breathing.
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph says, "True story, once upon a time."
Speaking dubiously to Wintersylph, Cruxophim notes, "Mm-hmmm."
Cruxophim turns to face Dirra.
Cruxophim gives Dirra a strong, encouraging smile.
Luxelle turns an inquisitive ear toward Dirra.
Sweetsin turns over her chunk of stone.
Sweetsin shows Cruxophim her chunk of stone.
Cruxophim nods slowly at Sweetsin.
You glance at Dirra and fold your hands.
Luxelle frets.
Dirra says, "My question is for Magister Svala. We know the Lord Mayor is confident in his plan as he is self proclaimed an expert in blood magic, Master Xorus has explained it well as a swing, a child and manipulating it. Curious what the Magister assesses as risks and benefits to the proposed plan. She is no expert in blood but she is a gifted scholar."
You nod understandingly.
You turn to face Raelee.
Raelee raises an eyebrow.
Cruxophim nods faintly at Sweetsin.
Cruxophim turns to face Raelee.
Irar smiles.
Irar turns to face Raelee.
Cruxophim whispers something to Sweetsin.
(Raelee refrains from speaking for an awkwardly long time.)
Raelee furrows her brow.
Cruxophim turns an inquisitive ear toward Raelee.
You cock your head.
Luxelle turns an inquisitive ear toward Raelee.
Speaking gently to Dirra, Cruxophim teases, "You've put the poor Magister on the spot."
Cruxophim chuckles.
Raelee says, "The benefits are not my concern."
Speaking jokingly to Dirra, Cruxophim whispers aloud, "She's not used to having people around here actually listen to her advice."
(Raelee pauses again.)
Dirra begins chuckling at Cruxophim!
Cruxophim looks thoughtfully at Raelee.
Shinann clears her throat.
Raelee slowly says, "... nor are the risks, not truly."
Speaking calmly to Raelee, Cruxophim inquires, "Do the calculations hold, Magister?"
Cruxophim gives Raelee a strong, encouraging smile.
Raelee says, "I do not think I am going to address this question."
Raelee looks over at Dirra and shakes her head.
You nod understandingly.
Cruxophim nods understandingly at Raelee.
You amicably say, "That is your right."
You ponder the meaning of Cruxophim's existence.
Speaking to Raelee, Dirra says, "Very well."
Dirra sinks down in a deep curtsy before Raelee, her lashes lowered.
Irar nods.
Speaking thoughtfully to Cruxophim, you wonder, "Still, since she says the benefits aren't of her concern... can we take that to mean the field of protection likely won't extend near the outpost? According to plan, anyway?"
Cruxophim whispers something to Raelee.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee says, "Say what you want."
Irar grins at you.
Irar asks, "If you don't mind I add something?"
Speaking absently to you, Cruxophim assures, "Oh, absolutely not. It would cover the entirety of the Landing, at best, or more focused areas if needed."
Dirra cocks her head at Cruxophim.
You nod understandingly at Cruxophim.
You simply say, "Then her position is very understandable, indeed."
Dirra cocks her head at Irar.
You turn to face Irar.
Speaking gently to Dirra, Cruxophim informs, "Raelee was actually quite invaluable with aiding with several of the more complex formulae involved."
Cruxophim nods understandingly at Irar.
Irar says, "I'd just like to add that I think the benefits and risks are very much the Magister's concern."
You cock your head at Irar.
Lylia raises an eyebrow.
Dirra cocks her head at Cruxophim.
Speaking to Raelee, Irar asks, "Do you have any idea how bored you'd get without us around to bother you?"
Speaking respectfully to Dirra, Cruxophim assures, "I absolutely value and respect her contributions, however."
Irar ducks his head.
You gaze heavenward.
Lylia hides her face in her upturned palm and slowly shakes her head. After a barely audible sigh, she regards Irar with world-weary gaze.
Speaking mildly to Dirra, Cruxophim states, "I hope to return the favor with Larsya."
Irar chuckles.
You grin at Cruxophim.
(Raelee regards Irar with a rapidly-cooling gaze.)
Dirra says, "Thanks all of you esteemed for indulging a question."
Dirra sinks into a deep curtsy.
Speaking to Irar, you acknowledge, "Somehow I didn't see that coming."
Irar grins.
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Irar!
You flash a quick grin.
Speaking gently to Dirra, Cruxophim assures, "Of course, it was a fine question -- there are no bad ones."
You nod in agreement at Cruxophim.
Luxelle begins chuckling at Irar!
Cruxophim nods faintly at Zosopage.
Raelee clenches her jaw.
A pale golden verlok feather falls to the ground off of a shimmering mithglin verlok'cina.
Irar grins at Raelee.
Lylia picks up a pale golden verlok feather.
Irar nods to you.
Lylia nods to the mithglin verlok'cina.
Lylia put a pale golden verlok feather in her wrap.
Speaking amicably to Dirra, Cruxophim explains, "And Raelee was but one of many who aided with the research, they all have my thanks."
Raelee clenches her jaw.
Luxelle exclaims, "Are there any others with questions tonight? There is no line in front of you!"
You nod in agreement at Luxelle.
You glance appraisingly around the room.
Cruxophim looks at Raelee with concern.
Dirra smiles at Cruxophim.
Lylia nods knowingly at Eiliriel.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Raelee.
Speaking to Luxelle, Dirra asks, "I am known for my nickname Wren, I could ask a few thousand if you wish?"
Irar ponders.
Irar raises his hand.
Luxelle nods at Irar.
Luxelle says, "Well, that might be too many."
Speaking to Dirra, you say, "Since we still have a little bit of time allotted tonight and nobody else wants the floor... certainly, if you wish."
You grin.
Cruxophim grins at Dirra.
Question #3, From Irar, Answered by Leafiara and Lylia: Campaign Season
Luxelle says, "Irar has the floor for the next question."
Luxelle nods at Irar.
You tilt your head slightly toward Irar, noting the subtle changes in his muscles and breathing.
Speaking to herself, Dirra says, "But we shall save the audience from my curiosities."
Lylia glances at Stonmel.
Irar says, "Unorthodox, I know, me being a panelist, but I do have a question."
Irar says, "To any on the panel who would care to answer."
Irar smiles.
Lylia nods at Irar.
Xorus nods.
Cruxophim gives Irar a strong, encouraging smile.
You ponder the meaning of Irar's existence.
Shinann glances around the room.
Cruxophim leans on Lylia, giving her a companionable grin.
Irar asks, "How have you found this election season to differ from those we've experienced previously?"
Speaking teasingly to Irar, Cruxophim jests, "I'm not running?"
Cruxophim snickers.
You simply answer, "Busier."
Irar thumps Cruxophim!
You chuckle.
Cruxophim nods.
Lylia smiles quietly to herself.
Speaking softly to Irar, Wintersylph says, "That means you can answer your own question, which is pretty smart."
Irar looks over at Wintersylph and shakes his head.
Speaking to Irar, Shinann says, "They both seem sane and civil..."
Lylia says, "Greater depth to the questions. I believe our populace has become more politically astute."
Shinann clears her throat.
Irar peers quizzically at Lylia.
Lylia smiles at Shinann.
Shinann grins at Lylia.
Cruxophim nods understandingly at Lylia.
Lylia cocks her head at Irar.
Irar shrugs.
Xorus chuckles.
You glance appraisingly around the room.
Speaking to Irar, Lylia says, "You seemed displeased with the answer, Irar."
Lylia chuckles.
Speaking to Lylia, Irar asks, "I was hoping you could expound a bit upon that. How so?"
Lylia quips, "Asking me to expound is like asking a fish to swim."
Irar says, "And no... this isn't the follow-up interview yet."
Lylia cracks her knuckles!
Irar grins at Lylia.
Cruxophim gives Dirra a strong, encouraging smile.
Shinann chuckles.
You tilt your head slightly toward Lylia, noting the subtle changes in her muscles and breathing.
Speaking softly to Lylia, Wintersylph asks, "So we didn't ask good questions in the Past? And what, Cruxophim benefited from our unastuteness?"
Dirra nods at Cruxophim.
Xorus grins.
Cruxophim grins at Logeerkamer.
Cruxophim cocks his head at Wintersylph.
Lylia says, "I meant that with two candidates, people seem keenly interested in exploring opinions in detail. I feel I have been put very much more on the spot than in my first run. And of course, I enjoy it."
Lylia smiles.
Irar nods at Lylia.
You nod at Lylia.
Lylia says, "We have, as Leafiara noted, also been a good bit busier."
Lylia chuckles.
Lylia says, "You should see the notebook in which I track all of these dates and times."
You add, "A very helpful thing so questions that might have been ignored have venues to get asked."
You grin.
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Lylia!
Speaking to Irar, Lylia says, "I hope that answers your question more fully."
Irar nods eagerly at Lylia.
Lylia nods at Stonmel.
Cruxophim thoughtfully suggests, "Perhaps the current climate has caused some to take a greater interest in our guiding politics."
Cruxophim chuckles.
Speaking to you, Dirra says, "I have put you on the spot more than twice for clarifications. Apologize if my questions were too pointed."
Speaking to Cruxophim, you note, "But not running for office themselves, which I do find surprising."
You smile at Dirra.
Speaking lightly to Dirra, you assure, "Not at all. I don't know if there's such a thing as a question too pointed."
Cruxophim nods absently to you.
Speaking wryly to you, Cruxophim jests, "Heavy is the head...."
You grin at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim collects a chalice of sanguine liquid from a large compartment inside the ebonwood kit.
Cruxophim raises his sanguine liquid skyward!
Lylia gazes in amusement at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim brings the liquid to his lips and tilts his head back, his eyes closing as he takes a deep drink of sanguine in a reverent fashion.
Lylia reaches out and touches her elaborate chain webwork.
Cruxophim plops a chalice of sanguine liquid into a large compartment inside the ebonwood kit.
Irar takes a drink from his drinking horn.
Irar put a polished whalebone drinking horn in his roa'ter skin swordbelt.
Lylia gingerly pats her hand along the top of her head and gently smooths her waist-length hair into place.
Irar says, "Thanks for the answers, panelists."
Irar smiles.
You smile at Irar.
Irar bows.
You curtsy to Irar.
Luxelle smiles.
Luxelle nods.
Lylia inclines her head.
Cruxophim gives Irar a strong, encouraging smile.
Shinann shifts her weight.
Speaking affably to Irar, Cruxophim responds, "Thank you for being here, Deacon."
Irar nods at Cruxophim.
Irar says, "Of course."
You lightly ask, "It seems we're only a few minutes from the end of our allotted time, so are there any final questions this eve?"
You nod encouragingly.
Cruxophim glances appraisingly around the room.
Question #4, From Dirra, Answered by Cruxophim, Xorus, Lylia, Raelee, and Shinann: Evacuation Contingency
Dirra raises her hand.
Luxelle nods at Dirra.
You give Dirra a strong, encouraging smile.
Luxelle says, "Dirra has the floor for the next question."
Luxelle nods at Dirra.
Cruxophim gives Dirra a strong, encouraging smile.
Dirra says, "The plan seems well thought out. I am not privy to the research behind it, so hard for me to evaluate. Have you a mass evacuation, fall back contingency if the pillars....."
Dirra says, "Become lively."
Dirra says, "Question to all of you."
Xorus smiles slightly.
Cruxophim folds his hands behind his back.
You curiously ask, "Becoming lively meaning... what? What is your fear?"
You cock your head.
You add, "So our panelists and audience understand what's being asked and answered."
You grin.
Speaking amusedly to Dirra, Cruxophim assures, "The plans, save for a certain security contingency, are entirely public. You are welcome to seek out the Clerk for access, or I can send you a copy if you would like... as least, what is reviewed thus far, and pertinent to the task at hand."
Dirra says, "Should they revert to previous purpose."
Dirra says, "Always the chance for blood to awaken blood."
You nod understandingly.
Speaking gently to Dirra, Cruxophim reminds, "They will not. I think people are greatly overexagerating what we are setting out to do here. This is not "activating" them, merely making them not inert. Actually make them do as they once did would require a HUGE sacrifice, on a scale not likely to be accidentally accomplished."
Cruxophim chuckles.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Dirra says, "Well then nothing to worry about at all."
Xorus says, "Grishom had Erythro Island at the time, after all."
Cruxophim nods in agreement at Xorus.
Speaking to Xorus, Dirra says, "True."
Dirra cocks her head at you.
You smile at Dirra.
Dirra cocks her head at Lylia.
Speaking patiently to Dirra, Cruxophim admits, "I certainly understand people's concerns, which is why this research has been conducted so thoroughly for the last few weeks, in addition to research I was doing long before anyways."
Speaking to Luxelle, Dirra says, "Resting better already."
Dirra smiles at Luxelle.
Lylia counters, "There is always a concern, particularly among those who have not yet read these publicly available plans, but as I noted before, one must always act with due caution. Why are these so much more frightening than the magical energies we handle daily?"
Luxelle beams happily at Dirra!
Xorus says, "The hazard is I think proportionate to the power being infused into it."
Lylia nods once at Xorus.
Raelee quietly says, "... but even the most thorough research can be flawed. Risk is always present."
Cruxophim nods absently at Xorus.
Lylia says, "Exactly."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Shinann says, "You cannot say will not on something that has never been tried, no matter how much paperwork there is. And, that is all I am going to say right now."
Shinann nods at Raelee.
Dirra nods at Lylia.
Lylia nods at Raelee.
Dirra nods at Raelee.
You ponder the meaning of Raelee's existence.
Speaking amusedly to Dirra, Cruxophim explains, "In essence, we're merely making them... resonate slightly."
Lylia says, "But your question is not whether something will go wrong. it was whether there are plans for what may happen if it did."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Dirra says, "So as my Dad would say, tickling a cricket to sing a bit."
Speaking slowly to Shinann, Cruxophim inquires, "So you refuse to believe in empirical evidence? In science, or fact?"
Cruxophim peers quizzically at Shinann.
Speaking thoughtfully to Cruxophim, you ask, "The Magister does have a fair point, which goes to Miss Dirra's question--are there contingency plans just in case, putting aside unlikelihood?"
Dirra cocks her head at you.
You cock your head at Cruxophim.
Shinann says, "I did not say that."
Cruxophim grins at Dirra.
Speaking to Dirra, Lylia says, "The primary concern, of course, is the safety of the people of the Landing and its environs. Again, these plans are widely available -- and people may leave if they feel unsafe. A purely voluntary plan."
Speaking amusedly to you, Cruxophim suggests, "I suppose we could blow them up. Or just kick one of them over."
Shinann says, "Raelee said there is always a risk. I basically said the same."
Cruxophim starts chuckling at you!
Lylia says, "I plan to stay."
Lylia puts her hands on her hips.
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Eiliriel!
Eiliriel nods in agreement at Cruxophim.
You ponder.
Dirra smiles at Lylia.
Xorus darkly jests, "The worst case scenario of the utter annihilation of Melgorehn's Reach, ripping apart the veil and all of time, would make concerns for evacuation quite unnecessary."
Dirra says, "Thank you for your candor Lady Rashere."
Speaking to Dirra, Shinann says, "I know of no plans and that would fall under the mayor to do so."
Speaking calmly to Shinann, Cruxophim reminds, "Well, yes.. in the infinite vastness of the universe, there is always a tiny sliver of likelihood of the unexpected happening."
Xorus amusedly says, "I suppose we should just not use them that way."
Dirra sinks down in a deep curtsy before Lylia, her lashes lowered.
Speaking to Shinann, Dirra says, "So none."
Lylia gazes in amusement at Xorus.
Cruxophim gazes in amusement at Xorus.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you admit, "Well, I suppose we're no strangers to blowing up powerful magical artifacts or entire areas. You do have a point."
You nod.
Lylia bows to Dirra.
Irar starts chuckling at you!
Speaking to Dirra, Lylia says, "I do strive to be forthright."
Lylia smiles.
Speaking to Lylia, Dirra says, "Respect that greatly."
Lylia inclines her head.
Speaking to Luxelle, Dirra says, "Question asked and answered."
Speaking to Dirra, Shinann says, "There is none."
Speaking thoughtfully to Dirra, Cruxophim explains, "There are no plans for evactuation because I have no reason to believe there's any more chance of that happening as there is a portal in the sky opening and confetti raining down."
Dirra curtsies to Luxelle.
Shinann says, "That is up to the mayor to arrange."
Cruxophim looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Lylia looks like she was about to say something to Cruxophim, but she hesitates, obviously having changed her mind.
Xorus admits, "Octaven does not seem one for confetti."
You lightly note, "Portals in the sky around here usually rain down things much worse than confetti."
You nod at Xorus.
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Xorus!
Raelee narrows her eyes.
Cruxophim gently explains, "I think the matter is far more trivial than people are making it out to be, really."
Cruxophim looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Eiliriel says, "I suppose he did not specify what the confetti would be wrought from."
Berkana says, "Shards of glass..."
Irar says, "Roa'ters."
Shinann says, "I do not take anything about the Shadow Realm as trivial."
Lylia says, "It is always easier to become frightened without understanding. All the more reason to understand more -- and fear less."
Cruxophim seriously states, "The important and actually potentially dangerous stuff comes later, after far more research and due diligence is done."
You nod understandingly at Cruxophim.
Speaking amusedly to Shinann, Cruxophim inquires, "And yes, you had no problems with Teuriz ripping a hole there?"
Cruxophim grins at Shinann.
Fahlo raises his hand.
Luxelle nods at Fahlo.
Xorus says, "Mm. Oblivion quartz rainbow of sky prisms."
Speaking grimly to Irar, Cruxophim agrees, "Roa'ters."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Shinann asks, "I did not say that did I?"
Irar nods once at Cruxophim.
Shinann nods at Dirra.
Speaking amicably to Shinann, Cruxophim clarifies, "No, honest question, did you?"
Speaking curiously to Shinann, you ask, "I understand that, but at the same time... do you have concerns about dark energy lingering in people? Since many of us have been there?"
Cruxophim cocks his head at Shinann.
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
You add, "Or shadow energy or whatever one would like to call it."
Question #5, From Fahlo, Answered by Cruxophim, Leafiara, Xorus, Lylia, and Raelee: More About Contingency
Fahlo says, "This is just a follow up suggestion off of Dirra's question, and is for Mayor Cruxophim."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Shinann says, "I trusted the people of the town to follow his instructions to the letter. They did not."
Cruxophim nods at Fahlo.
You nod at Fahlo.
Lylia firmly says, "Some of us may enter such realms and remain inviolate."
Fahlo says, "There are obvious concerns people have. I understand you are confident in what out your setting about doing, and how your going to set about doing it."
Speaking calmly to Shinann, Cruxophim states, "And yet, we're all fine. Funny that."
Fahlo says, "However, what harm is there assuaging the worried minds of your constituency."
Lylia says, "This idea that there is some sort of...of lingering presence -- possibly in some, yes."
Lylia clearly says, "Not in others."
Shinann mutters something about for-now.
Xorus nods at Lylia.
Fahlo says, "I suggest adding a general plan for evacuation to your official plans- if but just for a matter of good will."
Speaking plainly to Fahlo, Cruxophim explains, "I will speak the truth in this matter, and speak it plainly. I have nothing to hide, nor would I wish to."
You mention, "Evia's veins are one of the more known examples of a seeming lingering presence--I'll stress 'seeming'--but yes, most others seem unaffected in the long run."
Lylia narrows her eyes.
Speaking amicably to Fahlo, Cruxophim notes, "Of course, that can certainly be arrranged. I think it unneeded, but it can be arranged."
Lylia says, "The 'veins' were a sort of bruise. Not an...infestation."
Cruxophim nods absently to you.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Fahlo says, "Excellent. Thank you."
You evenly say, "To be fair, we have a large enough number of attacks around here that having a public evacuation plan in place couldn't hurt regardless."
Raelee paces back and forth.
You add, "But I doubt the Landing spirit is ever to retreat."
You flash a quick grin.
Speaking amusedly to Fahlo, Cruxophim admits, "I would assume we would be fairly prepared for anything at this point, really, but yes."
Cruxophim gives Fahlo a strong, encouraging smile.
Xorus remarks, "I would merely point out that evacuations often cause higher casualties in various ways than the incidents themselves."
Speaking to Xorus, Fahlo says, "Poorly planned ones, certainly."
Speaking to Xorus, Irar says, "Our last evacuation to the outpost didn't work out so well."
Lylia nods in agreement at Xorus.
You musingly say, "I suppose it depends where an attack is focused."
Speaking lightly to Fahlo, Cruxophim muses, "I more likened it to a dog knocking over a bucket and setting off the town alarms, which is why I did not, but of course.."
Lylia says, "Just so. Particularly if they are poorly organized and slap-dash."
Speaking to Xorus, Fahlo says, "Though with your consultation I'm sure that wouldn't be problematic."
Raelee quietly says, "... people have minds of their own. They have time. If they wish to leave, they can leave. If they want to stay, they can stay."
Fahlo grins at Cruxophim.
Xorus dryly says, "The Faendryl have some experience in the matter."
Cruxophim nods firmly at Raelee.
Raelee bluntly adds, "They can go where they want."
Speaking to Irar, you counter, "Oh, it worked out--just not in the way the refugees expected, but because we were able to thwart Dennet with Rodnay's help."
Speaking firmly to Raelee, Lylia says, "Thank you, Magister, for once again speaking sense."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Fahlo says, "If only everyone shared in your optimism, Mayor."
You nod at Raelee.
Lylia says, "The townsfolk are not roltons to be herded. They are free thinkers. Decision-makers."
Speaking mildly to Fahlo, Cruxophim corrects, "It's more a refusal to jump at every shadow."
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Fahlo!
Lylia says, "All we can do is see to it that their decisions are based on reason and fact instead of superstition and mania."
Dirra folds her hands behind her back.
Lylia smooths the metallic fabric of her gown, and it glitters in the ambient light.
Speaking mildly to Fahlo, Cruxophim admits, "As explained, I also did not because I did not wish to cause an entirely unfounded panic, because... as you can see, some still have some feelings about such matters."
Cruxophim chuckles.
Thrassus smiles quietly to himself.
Lylia winks at Thrassus.
Speaking affably to Fahlo, Cruxophim concedes, "But, as we also said... it's the Landing way to be prepared for pigs to fly out of just about anyone's posterior, so..... why not?"
Cruxophim looks at Fahlo and breaks into a devilish grin.
You grin crookedly at Cruxophim.
You inquisitively ask, "Panelists, have we covered this last topic to your liking?"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Fahlo says, "It might put those who are a bit more skeptical at ease."
Speaking gently to Fahlo, Cruxophim states, "So it shall be, then."
Speaking amicably to Shinann, Cruxophim requests, "Captain, should you like to be in charge of such?"
Lylia nods.
Speaking playfully to Shinann, Cruxophim suggests, "Given your healthy skepticism."
You glance between Shinann and Cruxophim.
Shinann asks, "An exit plan?"
Cruxophim flashes a quick grin at Shinann.
Cruxophim nods at Shinann.
Speaking to Shinann, you acknowledge, "You did an excellent job organizing a defense plan when we expected Octaven's attack, after all."
Lylia folds her hands.
You grin at Shinann.
Raelee paces back and forth.
Xorus leans on his runestaff.
Shinann asks, "No. I will deal with defense. Where are those bunkers people donated money for?"
Cruxophim nods approvingly at Shinann.
Fahlo leans forward.
You say, "I believe Maylan would know the most about that."
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
Lylia nods.
Speaking wryly to Shinann, Cruxophim reminds, "Still pestering the Council about it."
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Shinann!
Shinann nods.
Shinann says, "Well, a lot of coin was given for them."
Shinann says, "I was not informed about them until the collection was taking place."
Speaking disdainfully to Shinann, Cruxophim mutters, "This Rone business has really slowed down the normally only acceptably slow operations of this town."
Cruxophim chuckles.
Xorus whispers something to Lylia.
You gaze in amusement at Cruxophim.
Speaking amicably to Shinann, Cruxophim praises, "And yes, that was an excellent job during the Octaven incursion."
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Wintersylph says, "I would rather have a contingency plan that would Dispel them if your prodding magics went awry, so the Pillars would become inert again just in case, so mandis shard type antimagic type dispel is what I'm talking about, nae need an evacuation plan because the pilliars are actually in the wilds."
Shinann says, "Thank you... if I could have only foreseen what would happen."
Shinann sighs.
Fahlo whispers something to Shinann.
Shinann nods at Fahlo.
Lylia says, "No one could have, Captain."
Dirra folds her hands behind her back.
Lylia nods at Shinann.
Speaking amicably to Wintersylph, Cruxophim informs, "There will be a killswitch built in, I'm not a complete idiot."
Cruxophim looks at Wintersylph and breaks into a cheeky grin.
You grin at Cruxophim.
Shinann nods slowly at Lylia.
Fahlo whispers something to Shinann.
Speaking amicably to Wintersylph, Cruxophim suggests, "But of course, external dispelling could be useful."
(Wintersylph pulls out a four leaf clover, He's an idiot, he's not, he's an idiot.)
Fahlo nods at Shinann.
Cruxophim gazes in amusement at Wintersylph.
Lylia gazes in amusement at Eiliriel.
Speaking bemusedly to Wintersylph, Cruxophim remarks, "Four leaves? A remarkably low chance of that, how curious."
You snicker.
Wrapping Up
You amicably exclaim, "Well, it would seem we've come to the end of our time tonight, just in time as our esteemed panel has answered this last question--hopefully to everyone's satisfaction!"
You grin.
Lylia inclines her head.
Dirra says, "I thank each of the panel."
Lylia says, "Thank you for organizing these events, and to all those who asked questions."
Cruxophim cheerfully requests, "Big round of applause for the Town Crier and its people, please!"
Cruxophim applauds warmly.
Cruxophim gives you a lingering kiss on the cheek.
You recite:
"The TownCrier would once again like to thank everyone for coming out tonight, and your continued interest in our Town Hall meetings!"
Cruxophim kisses Lylia tenderly on the cheek.
Irar applauds you.
You hug Cruxophim, stirring the scent of dry olibanum, vetiver, and black moss over opoponax and hints of blood from his skin, who wraps you in a warm embrace.
Fahlo whispers something to Shinann.
Irar applauds Luxelle.
Cruxophim kisses Luxelle tenderly on the cheek.
Cruxophim glances at Raelee and clasps his hands in a reverent gesture.
Cruxophim turns toward Xorus and renders a sharp hand salute.
Shinann smiles at Fahlo.
Lylia inclines her head.
Irar exclaims, "Cheers!"
Luxelle says, "You folks bring great questions each week."
Lylia smiles quietly to herself.
Cruxophim glances at Shinann and clasps his hands in a reverent gesture.
Wintersylph applauds Irar.
Irar grins at Wintersylph.
Shinann chuckles.
You recite:
"The next meeting will be held some time next month, with times still to be decided. Public notice will be posted on the blackboard outside the mayor's office, as well as other places."
Shinann smiles.
Speaking gently to Shinann, Cruxophim inquires, "I do hope you don't mind me ribbing you a bit, seems only fair?"
Cruxophim looks at Shinann and breaks into a cheeky grin.
Lylia grins at Berkana.
Cruxophim applauds you warmly.
Luxelle smiles.
Cruxophim glances at Berkana and makes a little purring sound.
Cruxophim recites:
"Good questions, all!"
Cruxophim applauds warmly.
You say, "Though a meeting on the 31st is... not out of the realm of possibility. We'll discuss it."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Shinann says, "I understand."
You nod.
Cruxophim hugs Dirra, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Luxelle applauds.
Cruxophim hugs Fahlo.
Luxelle applauds.
Cruxophim hugs Irar, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Raelee glances at Ysharra.
Fahlo says, "Thank you for all of your answers."
Irar gags.
Luxelle exclaims, "See everyone soon!"
Irar bows to Cruxophim.
Cruxophim grins at Irar.
You recite:
"Thank you once again and have a good eve! Our panelists and audience may remain here a while for further discussion if any would like!"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Dirra says, "Lord Mayor."
You curtsy gracefully.
Lylia nods graciously at Fahlo.
Speaking to Luxelle, Fahlo says, "And thank you for your facilitation."
Dirra smiles at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim gives Dirra a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Shinann says, "Thank you all for coming. Excuse me please. I have paperwork that has to be done."
You give Luxelle a friendly hug.
Shinann mumbles something under her breath.
You nod understandingly at Shinann.
Speaking to Shinann, Lylia says, "Be well."
Shinann waves.
Cruxophim amusedly apologizes, "Hope I didn't offend anyone, I can be a right cheeky bastard."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Irar says, "Where'd your betrothed scurry off to? I hoped she'd join in."
Speaking lightly to Shinann, you wish, "May it go well."
Cruxophim's face breaks into a devilish grin.
Speaking to Luxelle, Dirra says, "Thank you for hosting."
Shinann exclaims, "Thank you!"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Hlendril says, "I thought I'm the biggest bastard of the Landing."
Speaking curiously to Irar, you say, "I'd been hoping so myself..."
You scratch your head.
Hlendril begins chuckling at Cruxophim!
Cruxophim says, "Irar."
You raise an eyebrow in Hlendril's direction.
Cruxophim grins at Irar.
Irar squints at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim raises his voice at Hlendril in merry laughter.
Irar asks, "...What?"
Speaking amicably to Irar, Cruxophim corrects, "Sorry, Deacon... was going to say, can you bless some wine for me?"
Luxelle says, "I am going to go work with Miss Newsby to catch up on the day."
Irar shakes his head.
Cruxophim looks at Irar and breaks into a cheeky grin.
Irar traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
You grin at Luxelle.
Irar gestures at Cruxophim.
Nothing happens.
Speaking gently to Irar, Cruxophim mutters, "Kidding."
Irar says, "Holy words bounce off you, Mayor."
Speaking warmly to Luxelle, you say, "As ever, thank you for all you do and all you are."
You grin.
You give Luxelle a friendly hug.
Cruxophim raises his voice at Irar in merry laughter.
Wintersylph raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Dirra says, "Pleasant eve all."
Dirra curtsies.
Lylia bows to Dirra.
Wintersylph gestures at Cruxophim.
A pure white aura sparkles around Cruxophim.
Irar nods.
Speaking warmly to Luxelle, you wish, "Be well, Miss Luxie."
You gaze in amusement at Wintersylph.
Irar says, "Now to find myself a ranger and a wizard."
You glance expectantly at Cruxophim.
Speaking nonchalantly to Xorus, Cruxophim remarks, "When the Landing is a smoking crater, there will be no one around to complain. It's the perfect crime."
Lylia asks, "No one ever seeks a sorceress. Do you not want to lose an extraneous limb, Irar?"
Lylia gazes in amusement at Irar.
Xorus agrees with Cruxophim.
Cruxophim laughs!
Speaking to Lylia, Irar says, "I'll raincheck on that."
Cruxophim raises his voice at Lylia in merry laughter.
Lylia flashes a quick grin.
Cruxophim glances at Lylia and raises his hand.
Speaking to Lylia, Irar says, "As if you've ever asked a paladin for anything."
Cruxophim waggles his fingers mystically at Lylia. How nice.
Irar scoffs.
Lylia counters, "I try never to ask for anything at all."
Lylia smiles.
Irar grumbles.
Speaking gently to Lylia, Cruxophim urges, "I'll catch up with you on that later, I have a Goblyn to find."
Cruxophim flashes Lylia a toothy grin.
You wink at Cruxophim and flash a sly grin.
Lylia gives Cruxophim a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Cruxophim recites:
"Goodnight, all!"
You hug Cruxophim, who wraps you in a warm embrace.
Cruxophim bows low, spreading his wings for all to see.
Lylia says, "Of course."
Cruxophim gives Luxelle a friendly hug.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Irar says, "Happy hunting."
Cruxophim kisses Luxelle tenderly on the cheek.
Irar says, "Take care, all."
Eiliriel says, "Good night, Mayor."
Cruxophim flirts with Irar, tossing him an inviting smile.
Speaking sincerely to Cruxophim, you say, "May you two find an... interesting time together tonight."
Cruxophim gives Eiliriel a strong, encouraging smile.
You grin.
Irar waves.
Cruxophim kisses Eiliriel on the hand.
Cruxophim hugs you, and you wrap him in a warm embrace.
You hug Cruxophim, who wraps you in a warm embrace.
Cruxophim kisses Lylia tenderly on the cheek.
Reaching over his shoulder, Cruxophim draws his illthorn runestaff from a series of straps on the back of his black harness.
Cruxophim removes a bone chalice wrapped with strips of glistening oily black leather from in his shadow cloak.
Cruxophim's eyes cloud over with dark shadows as he prepares a spell...
There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.
Cruxophim's eyes cloud over with dark shadows as he prepares a spell...
There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.
Cruxophim recites: