Woody red reishi mushroom

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a woody red reishi mushroom
Foraging syntax red reishi mushroom
Plant type mushroom
Realms found Naidem
Climates Moist
Terrains Cultivated
Found outdoors yes
Grows in daytime yes
Grows at night yes
Edible yes
Special properties minor limb scar
2 bites
Can be bundled no
Can be worn no
Systems used in healing


Reishi mushrooms are a type of bracket fungus, which often grows on a host plant such as a tree or rotting log. It is usually a reddish brown color, with a kidney-shaped cap growing outward from its stem, which gives it a fan-like appearance.


Reishi mushrooms are a real world fungus. While it is traditionally used as an herbal extract, the Elanthian reishi mushroom heals minor limb scars, offering the same effect as cactacae spine.


The woody reishi mushroom can be found only in Naidem. It can most easily be foraged in cultivated or grassy areas of the main Evermore Hollow grounds and in the Innocent's End and Vigil's End neighborhoods.

See Also