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Writable Chalkboard

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A writeable chalkboard is a lightly-scripted item used to write and share messages. The chalkboard can be altered to be worn but comes as a handheld item.


You analyze your circular chalkboard and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

A small circular chalkboard with a bamboo frame is a Writable Chalkboard.
To use it:
  WRITE CHALKBOARD; <MESSAGE> -- Will write a player's message.
  RUB CHALKBOARD -- Will erase any previous messages.
  WAVE and POINT -- Fluffy attempts to draw attention.
  LOOK and SHOW are also handled as well.

You may alter it to be wearable, but it must include a cord or rope of some kind if you do.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the circular chalkboard for you or deepen its pockets.


Verb First Third
LOOK There appears to be something written on the chalkboard. In the Common language, it reads: "Hello world!" N/A
POINT (when written upon) You point at a small circular chalkboard with a bamboo frame, trying to draw attention to the message written upon it. XXX points at a small circular chalkboard with a bamboo frame, trying to draw attention to the message written upon it.
RUB You vigorously rub the surface of your chalkboard with the palm of one hand, rapidly cleaning the slate to make room for a new message. XXX vigorously rubs the surface of a small circular chalkboard with a bamboo frame with the palm of one hand, rapidly cleaning the slate to make room for a new message.
SHOW You show XXX your circular chalkboard. XXX shows you a small circular chalkboard with a bamboo frame, which she is holding in her left hand. There appears to be something written on the chalkboard. In the Common language, it reads: "Hello world!"
WAVE (having been written on) You wave your circular chalkboard around, trying to draw attention to the message written upon it. XXX waves a small circular chalkboard with a bamboo frame around, trying to draw attention to the message written upon it.
WRITE Holding your circular chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a length of dark red chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Hello world!" Holding a small circular chalkboard with a bamboo frame steady in her left hand, XXX tightens her grip on a length of dark red chalk and writes a few words upon the slate.
Writable Chalkboard Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep Yes
Restrictions If altered to be worn, must have a cord or rope.
Item Verbs