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Wrayth protocol

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The Wrayth protocol is the XML protocol used to pass information between the game and a front end. It is currently used by the official Wrayth front end as well as the unofficial front ends Nexus and EclipseFE.


Tag name Description Parameters Example Contents Notes
<a> Displays a link that is clickable to obtain a menu of interaction options or to send a command
  • exist - A unique identifier for the object, for use in menus
  • noun - The noun of the object, for use in menus or commands
  • coord - An identifier for a command (optional)
a <a exist="-26211" noun="door">heavy ironwood door</a>

<a exist="-10374531" coord="2524,1741" noun="ARMOR">ARMOR</a>

Displays the contents as a clickable link Does not suppress following newlines

If coord is not specified, it is a menu, and exist and noun refer to the target of the menu. If it is specified, it is a command, and the exist and noun may be used in the command.

<clearContainer> Removes all text within the specified container window
  • id - The id of the container window
<clearContainer id="stow"/> No contents
<clearStream> Removes all text within the specified window
  • id - The identifier for the window to remove text from
<clearStream id="spellfront"/> No contents
<d> Displays a link that is clickable to send a command to the game
  • cmd - The command to send to the game (optional)
<d cmd='gaze Ildran'>GAZE {self}</d> Displays the contents as a clickable link If the cmd parameter is omitted, will send the contents of the tag
<inv> Adds text to a container window
  • id - The id of the container window
<inv id='stow'> a <a exist="675003" noun="cards">deck of red and green cards</a></inv> Appends contents (plus a newline) to the container window specified


Changes the text of the left and right hand panels
  • exist - Same as in <a>
  • noun - Same as in <a>
<right exist="674831" noun="dagger">dagger</right> Sends the contents to the left or right hand panel
<menu> Designates a menu
  • id - A numerical id for the menu
  • path - A path to the object being specified
  • cat_list - The ordering of the menu item categories
<menu id="0" path=" in #84744238" cat_list="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"><mi coord="2524,1613"/><mi coord="2524,1651"/>...<mi coord="2524,1740"/></menu> The contents should be a sequence of <mi> tags id appears to cycle through the numbers 0-9

The path is the location of the item

<mi> Designates an item in a menu
  • coord - The command to be executed, same as in <a>
<mi coord="2524,1573"/> No contents
<mode> Changes the execution mode
  • id - The id of the new mode
<mode id="CMGR"/> No contents Valid modes appear to be "GAME" (the usual execution mode) and "CMGR" (ignore all tags except another <mode> tag)
<output> Changes the typeface
  • class - The typeface to be used
<output class="mono"/> No contents Only valid values for class appear to be "mono" (fixed-width font) and "" (normal font)
<prompt> Signals a prompt
  • time - A timestamp for the prompt
<prompt time="1134928732">R&gt;</prompt> Sends the contents to the story window


Makes text bold until a matching <popBold> tag


<pushBold/>You have unread news articles.<popBold/> No contents Does not suppress following newlines

May nest



Sends text to specified window if it exists (story window instead) until next <popStream> tag
  • id - The identifier of the window to send text to
<pushStream id="logons"/> * <a exist="-10374531" noun="Ildran">Ildran</a> joins the adventure.
No contents May nest
<spell> Changes the text of the prepared spell panel
  • exist - Same as in <a>
<spell exist='spell'>Spirit Warding I</spell> Sends the contents to the prepared spell panel

Special handling

  • Tags followed by newlines suppress the newline output to the screen except where noted above.