The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-15-08 – Mayor Talliver Abducted (log)

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The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-15-08 – Mayor Talliver Abducted (log)

This log is from The Twilight Stratagem on 08-15-2024 from the viewpoint of Opalina


Mayor Talliver has been abducted and held by Rammael, and the Dusk coven. The damands are: Turn over the Orb of Kai or We’ll send Talliver home to his cousin in pieces.

Full Log

Icemule Town Central Bonfire Chat

You settle yourself on the dark stone bench for a moment's rest.

Khaell just strode in.

Khaell's spirits are no longer lifted.

The air stops shimmering around Khaell.

Khaell seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.

Gragerwulf removes some polished light leather from in his skin cloak.

Gragerwulf just went east.

You see a blur out of the corner of your eye, and Dreaven's group suddenly appears.

Dreaven's group just went east.

Tatterclaws's look of renewed cognition fades.

Khaell strides away moving west.

Gragerwulf just arrived.

Gragerwulf put an orc hide vest in his skin cloak.

Tatterclaws slips a sylvan longbow adorned with wild briars into one of the weapon loops sewn inside of his vesperti skin shroud.

Tatterclaws draws a sylvan longbow adorned with wild briars from one of the weapon loops sewn inside of his vesperti skin shroud.

A barrow crow flaps lazily overhead.

Tatterclaws opens his iron treasure chest, then suddenly several articles of clothing fly out of the chest and onto him.

A chill breeze swirls about Tatterclaws as he gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Tatterclaws gestures.

A knobby layer of bark swiftly forms on Tatterclaws.

Tatterclaws flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Tatterclaws and takes off, with Tatterclaws in tow.

A barrow crow flaps her wings once and soars out of sight.

You notice Jonsie moving stealthily into the area.

Jonsie walks over to the bench and settles down.

The bonfire roars higher, tongues of flame stretching almost as high as the mule statue's head.

Amn just arrived.

Amn stows his black rowan staff in his runestaff sling with a blaze of radiant golden light. As it leaves his hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.

Amn's eyes glaze over and he turns pale. In the space between moments, his body grows more and more translucent until you realize he is no longer there!

A capricious aurora spirit hurriedly flits out of sight.

Jonsie stands up.

You notice Jonsie moving stealthily west.

Everything around you seems to distort for a moment.

Sunzun just arrived.

Tatterclaws arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Tatterclaws and quickly takes off.

Tatterclaws slings a sylvan longbow adorned with wild briars over his shoulder.

Tatterclaws opens his iron treasure chest, then suddenly several articles of clothing fly off of him and into the chest.

Tatterclaws reaches into the depths of his lor case. Almost immediately, a low, grinding whir begins to emanate from it.

A barrow crow glides into view.

Tatterclaws flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Tatterclaws and takes off, with Tatterclaws in tow.

A barrow crow flaps her wings once and soars out of sight.

Tatterclaws arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Tatterclaws and quickly takes off.

A barrow crow glides into view.

The knobby layer of bark on Tatterclaws creaks and twists briefly before disintegrating.

Amn slowly fades into view with a gasp of breath and a slightly disoriented look.

A capricious aurora spirit floats in, following Amn.

Tatterclaws flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Tatterclaws and takes off, with Tatterclaws in tow.

A barrow crow flaps her wings once and soars out of sight.

Tatterclaws arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Tatterclaws and quickly takes off.

Drofnas just arrived.

A barrow crow glides into view.

Wind whistles down from the glacier, laden with its bitter chill. Whipped into fury, the flames of the bonfire climb higher, buffeting the town center with answering heat.

Gragerwulf removes an acid-stained villswood runestaff from in his skin cloak.

Gragerwulf gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Gragerwulf gestures.

Gragerwulf suddenly looks a lot more powerful.

Gragerwulf is surrounded by a white light.

Gragerwulf just went south.

Drofnas sits down.

Tatterclaws seems to lose some internal strength.

Tsukuyomi just arrived.

Motes of white light flow in and resolve into Drigler.

Drigler flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Drigler and takes off, with Drigler in tow.

The green and gold energy fades from around Tatterclaws.

Tatterclaws flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Tatterclaws and takes off, with Tatterclaws in tow.

With one last great beat of her wings, a barrow crow soars out of sight.

Thremkin stands up.

Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.

The feeling fades as quickly as it came.

Chronicler Falvicar just arrived.

Thremkin just went west.

Falvicar sits down next to you.

Falvicar grins.

The air stirs around you for a moment.

Falvicar stares at you with an unreadable look of utter blankness.

Tsukuyomi just went north.

Rynner just arrived.

Rynner just left.

Firelight glows merrily in the eyes of townsfolk as they pass.

Jurist of Tail Annarosa just arrived.

Ciddel just arrived.

Ciddel just left.

Annarosa takes a deep breath, blinking a couple of times before resuming a calm expression.

A series of violet lines suddenly appears on Annarosa's face, quickly racing towards the center of her forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.

Annarosa put a pitted golden vultite falchion in her deep violet harness.

The air about Annarosa stops shimmering.

Annarosa seems to lose some dexterity.

Annarosa picks up a wafer of candied seeds.

Annarosa sniffs at her candied seeds.

Annarosa casually tosses a wafer of candied seeds into a woven bark wastebin.

Annarosa picks up a round of fried dough branded with a charred design.

Tsukuyomi just arrived.

You see a blur out of the corner of your eye, and Dreaven's group suddenly appears.

Vonaq put an uncut diamond in his grey cloak.

Vonaq removes a vultite lantern shield from in his grey cloth pack.

Dreaven's group just went east.

Annarosa sniffs at her fried dough.

Tatterclaws arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Tatterclaws and quickly takes off.

Annarosa casually tosses a round of fried dough branded with a charred design into a woven bark wastebin.

A barrow crow glides into view.

Tatterclaws slips a sylvan longbow adorned with wild briars into one of the weapon loops sewn inside of his vesperti skin shroud.

Tatterclaws draws a sylvan longbow adorned with wild briars from one of the weapon loops sewn inside of his vesperti skin shroud.

Tatterclaws opens his iron treasure chest, then suddenly several articles of clothing fly out of the chest and onto him.

The air about Sunzun stops shimmering.

A chill breeze swirls about Tatterclaws as he gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Tatterclaws gestures.

A knobby layer of bark swiftly forms on Tatterclaws.

Tatterclaws flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Tatterclaws and takes off, with Tatterclaws in tow.

A barrow crow flaps her wings once and soars out of sight.

Annarosa turns her pin and slowly fades away.

Lord Dayko just arrived.

Lord Dayko just went east.

Lord Dayko just arrived.

A fat forest mouse scurries in.

Dayko waves to Falvicar.

The forest mouse furiously cleans its face, his tiny hands a blur.

Gragerwulf just arrived.

Gragerwulf put an acid-stained villswood runestaff in his skin cloak.

Gragerwulf just went west.

Sledgem just arrived.

Dayko gently takes hold of Sledgem's hand.

Lord Dayko's group just went west.

Fortinbras just arrived.

Researcher Fortinbras just went east.

Gragerwulf just arrived.

Researcher Fortinbras just arrived.

Researcher Fortinbras just went east.

Researcher Fortinbras just arrived.

Fortinbras just left.

Fluster just arrived.

Crime arrives, glancing suspiciously about.

Wind whistles down from the glacier, laden with its bitter chill. Whipped into fury, the flames of the bonfire climb higher, buffeting the town center with answering heat.

The appearance of great calm leaves Fluster as he looks up and glances around.

Fluster stands up.

Lord Fluster just went east.

Tsukuyomi just went north.

Crime pinches you. Ow!

A pale white aura dances across your plumille houppelande.

Crime thumps Falvicar!

Crime starts chortling.

Gragerwulf just went east.

Gragerwulf just arrived.

A capricious aurora spirit grins innocently as a bright halo of wispy yellow light forms around its head.

Tsukuyomi just arrived.

Skuude just arrived.

Sunzun just went east.

The dully illuminated mantle protecting Skuude begins to falter, then completely fades away.

Tatterclaws arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Tatterclaws and quickly takes off.

Tatterclaws slings a sylvan longbow adorned with wild briars over his shoulder.

A barrow crow glides into view.

Tatterclaws opens his iron treasure chest, then suddenly several articles of clothing fly off of him and into the chest.

Skuude's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.

Tatterclaws flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Tatterclaws and takes off, with Tatterclaws in tow.

Skuude appears less confident and fearless.

A barrow crow flaps her wings once and soars out of sight.

Sunzun just arrived.

Sunzun just went east.

Tatterclaws arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Tatterclaws and quickly takes off.

A barrow crow glides into view.

Tatterclaws flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Tatterclaws and takes off, with Tatterclaws in tow.

Tatterclaws arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Tatterclaws and quickly takes off.

Tatterclaws flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Tatterclaws and takes off, with Tatterclaws in tow.

Tatterclaws arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Tatterclaws and quickly takes off.

Tatterclaws just left.

Gragerwulf just left.

Crime sticks out his tongue and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!

Crime raises his fist defiantly.

Tsukuyomi just went north.

Wind swirls past, laden with the cold of the region, but the fire keeps the worst of its cruelty at bay.

Motes of white light flow in and resolve into Drigler.

Drigler flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Drigler and takes off, with Drigler in tow.

>look crime

You see Lord Crime Roy'al the Assassin.

He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.

He appears to be ancient. He has piercing steel grey eyes and greyish black skin. He has very short, sleek silver hair. He has a cherub-like face and narrow, delicately pointed ears.

He has a snarling necrotic drake tattoo on his wrist, and a rusted shackle tattoo upon a field of pure white on his wrist.

He has some minor cuts and bruises on his right leg, minor cuts and bruises on his chest, minor cuts and bruises on his abdominal area, and some minor cuts and bruises on his left arm.

He is wearing a spiked eye-shaped buckler slung over his shoulder, a wiregrass bracelet, a black leather slouch hat lightly stained with blood, a black skull cap inlaid with tiny kelyn daggers, a rune-etched silver earcuff, an enruned gold earcuff, a golden imflass pegasus symbol with polished lapis eyes, a supple black leather aventail lightly stained with blood, a black hand insignia, a glowing pendant suspended by a leather cord, a black neck guard with a dagger-shaped kelyn latch, a woven silver choker, a supple silver chain, a stark black woven silk cloak clasped with a tiny silver dragon claw, some cunning black leather goggles smudged with dirt and blood, a translucent silvery obsidian clasp, a quintuple orb brooch, a sinuous black leather dagger bandolier interlaced with a thin veniom mesh, a mithril Twilight Hall pin, a small bone periapt, a veniom-bound vultite badge, an enruned pewter stickpin, a bloodstone inset platinum pin, a glyph-etched silver fetish, a simpering painlord totem shackled in urglaes, a sneering orc face pin, a void black spidersilk satchel embroidered with pure white Faendryl runes, some deep black graven scale armor skinned with necrotic urglaes with a fitted black cotton shirt drenched with blood underneath, some supple black leather armbands lightly stained with blood, some black arm greaves with dagger-shaped kelyn latches, a blood red golvern manacle, a star-engraved cobalt blue ora bracer set with a blue crystal, a pair of elegant black leather gloves stitched with black silk thread, an enruned urglaes ring, a grinning dragon-etched black opal ring traced in silver, a narrow leather belt, a veniom bound vruul skin swordbelt inlaid with urglaes fangs, an ora chainmail pouch with a fine-linked invar draw-chain, a silvery mesh coin bag, a silver-stitched black leather hip-kit with rigid seams, some supple black leather pants drenched with blood, some black leg greaves with dagger-shaped kelyn latches, a steel-forged wilted black rose emblem, and a pair of fine black leather boots.


[Icemule Trace, Town Center - 2300] (u4042150)

A tranquil square dusted with snow sprawls beneath a sturdy mule statue standing placidly atop a tall plinth of silver-veined black stone. The brilliance of the stars refracts through the statue, casting prismatic glints over the townsfolk nearby. Some denizens, mostly halflings but with a scattering of other folk mixed in, chatter by a roaring bonfire, lazing on a smooth dark stone bench or stargazing on colorful cloaks spread out on the ground. Others mill around a burled pine message board standing close to a colorful silver-bound barrel. You also see a capricious aurora spirit that is flying around, some acantha leaf, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it and a woven bark wastebin.

Also here: Skuude, Lord Crime, Chronicler Falvicar who is sitting, Drofnas who is sitting, Amn

Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west

Crime prances back and forth energetically, taking light, springy steps.

Eladarmi just strode in.

Eladarmi quickly whips the rusalkoren greatshield off his shoulder and onto his awaiting arm. The surface of the greatshield pulses with white and black energy.

 A small white sprite materializes near the end of his badelaire.  The distorted surface begins to mend as glyphs appear and fade across its surface.  A final pulse of white light reveals a glowing badelaire set with a wing-shaped crossguard.  The white sprite flits just over his shoulder.

Eladarmi draws his badelaire from his silver-toned scabbard and holds it before him, careful of the dangers that may await.

Eladarmi and the sprite flying above his shoulder glow slightly.

Eladarmi adulates his patron in fevered tones as he juts his fist at the earth before him!

Eladarmi just left.

Raising your finger about your head, you draw the words "Tart Power!" in the air with an overly exaggerated flair.

A faint white aura flickers around you.

Tsukuyomi just arrived.

Hococo just arrived.

You help yourself to a kumys-glazed snowberry tart.

You take a bite of your snowberry tart.

You have 3 bites left.

Hococo sits down.

Jurist of Tail Annarosa just arrived.

You take a bite of your snowberry tart. Filled with sweetened snowberries, the tart has a buttery crust with a dash of cinnamon.

You have 2 bites left.

Hococo appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...

Hococo concentrates.

Hococo looks a lot better.

Crime glances at you.

You smack your lips.

Hococo appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...

Hococo concentrates.

Hococo looks a little better.

Annarosa blinks.

You take a bite of your snowberry tart. Filled with sweetened snowberries, the tart has a buttery crust with a dash of cinnamon.

You have one bite left.

You take a bite of your snowberry tart. Slightly sour, the fermented milk glaze on the buttery crust gives way to sweet snowberries inside.

That was the last of it!

Hococo murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Hococo concentrates.

Hococo's left leg looks better.

Annarosa places her dark emerald pill in her mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from her lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around her, wrapping her in protective magic!

Crime exclaims, speaking darkly to you, "Piggy!"

Annarosa removes a pitted golden vultite falchion from in her deep violet harness.

Annarosa removes a mirror-finish golden vultite shield from in her deep violet harness.

Annarosa waves to you.

Hococo murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Hococo concentrates.

Hococo's neck looks better.

You smile at Annarosa.

You wave to Annarosa.

Hococo murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Hococo concentrates.

Hococo's chest looks better.

Jurist of Tail Annarosa just went west.

Hococo murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Hococo concentrates.

Hococo's left arm looks better.

You say, speaking quietly to Crime, "Pig?! it was one tart and I didn't roll around in mud."

Hococo murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Hococo concentrates.

Hococo's left leg looks better.

You glance at Crime and pout.

Hococo murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Hococo concentrates.

Hococo's right leg looks better.

Caper just arrived.

Lord Caper just went north.

You remove a heavy quartz orb from in your white bearskin coat.

Crime simpers.

You rub a heavy quartz orb in your hand.

A sudden clarity of thought comes over you, and you realize that you now understand arcane mysteries that were previously incomprehensible.

The quartz orb suddenly disintegrates!

You reach behind your neck and wind an invisible key. With jerky motions, you alternatingly jolt your forearms up and down as your head turns stiltedly, doing your best impression of a clockwork Half-Elf.

Falvicar rubs his eyes.

A stiff gale shrieks through the town center, quickening the flames. Glimmering cinders swirl up into the air like fireflies, hissing and popping as they alight in the surrounding snow before going out.

Crime recites darkly:


Falvicar says, speaking to you, "Oh look Darling. We're having pig tonight."

Falvicar glances at Crime.

Tsukuyomi just went north.

You gawk at Falvicar.

Falvicar looks at you and hums.

Falvicar says, speaking to you, "As in you and me. We'll add some tarts."

Falvicar nods.

Falvicar nods.

Falvicar wiggles his ears at you.

Crime darkly exclaims, "Fresh meat!"

Preceded by a droning whine, the White Wyrm soars into view as it begins its descent from the skies.

Tatterclaws just arrived.

You chuckle.

A chill breeze swirls about Tatterclaws as he gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Tatterclaws gestures.

Gold-traced pale green ribbons of energy swirl about and coalesce upon Tatterclaws.

Tatterclaws gains a look of renewed cognition of his affairs.

Tatterclaws makes a sharp gesture.

A barrow crow glides into view.

A few withered tendrils of creepers fall away from Tatterclaws.

Falvicar rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Miss Evii just arrived.

Gragerwulf just arrived.

Miss Evii just went east.

The White Wyrm lands nearby, the sound of its engines dimming away.

You ponder.

Falvicar exclaims, "OPalina we can get him some tusks and a piggy tail and even a nose and ears for our skit!"

Gragerwulf removes an acid-stained villswood runestaff from in his skin cloak.

Gragerwulf just went south.

Falvicar grins at you.

Bilfords just arrived.

Bilfords just went east.

Tatterclaws slings a sylvan longbow adorned with wild briars off from over his shoulder.

Tatterclaws flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Tatterclaws and takes off, with Tatterclaws in tow.

A barrow crow flaps her wings once and soars out of sight.

Bilfords just arrived.

Bilfords just went west.

The white light leaves Crime.

The very powerful look leaves Crime.

Drofnas gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Drofnas gestures.

A light blue glow surrounds Drofnas.

Drofnas gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Drofnas gestures.

Drofnas suddenly looks more powerful.

Drofnas raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...

Drofnas gestures.

A pure white aura sparkles around Drofnas.

Drofnas gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Drofnas gestures.

A light blue glow surrounds Drofnas.

Hococo just left.

The Hococo disk goes off in search of its master.

Drofnas gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Drofnas gestures.

Drofnas suddenly looks more powerful.

Drofnas raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...

Drofnas gestures.

A pure white aura sparkles around Drofnas.

Drofnas gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Drofnas gestures.

A light blue glow surrounds Drofnas.

You say, speaking quietly to Falvicar, "I don't think Crime would make a good pig dear."

A faint white aura flickers around you.

Drofnas gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Drofnas gestures.

Drofnas suddenly looks more powerful.

Drofnas raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...

Drofnas gestures.

A pure white aura sparkles around Drofnas.

Drofnas gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Drofnas gestures.

A light blue glow surrounds Drofnas.

Falvicar rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Drofnas gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Drofnas gestures.

Drofnas suddenly looks more powerful.

Drofnas raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...

Drofnas gestures.

A pure white aura sparkles around Drofnas.

You see Lord Crime Roy'al the Assassin.

He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.

He appears to be ancient. He has piercing steel grey eyes and greyish black skin. He has very short, sleek silver hair. He has a cherub-like face and narrow, delicately pointed ears.

He has a snarling necrotic drake tattoo on his wrist, and a rusted shackle tattoo upon a field of pure white on his wrist.

He has some minor cuts and bruises on his right leg, minor cuts and bruises on his chest, minor cuts and bruises on his abdominal area, and some minor cuts and bruises on his left arm.

He is wearing a spiked eye-shaped buckler slung over his shoulder, a wiregrass bracelet, a black leather slouch hat lightly stained with blood, a black skull cap inlaid with tiny kelyn daggers, a rune-etched silver earcuff, an enruned gold earcuff, a golden imflass pegasus symbol with polished lapis eyes, a supple black leather aventail lightly stained with blood, a black hand insignia, a glowing pendant suspended by a leather cord, a black neck guard with a dagger-shaped kelyn latch, a woven silver choker, a supple silver chain, a stark black woven silk cloak clasped with a tiny silver dragon claw, some cunning black leather goggles smudged with dirt and blood, a translucent silvery obsidian clasp, a quintuple orb brooch, a sinuous black leather dagger bandolier interlaced with a thin veniom mesh, a mithril Twilight Hall pin, a small bone periapt, a veniom-bound vultite badge, an enruned pewter stickpin, a bloodstone inset platinum pin, a glyph-etched silver fetish, a simpering painlord totem shackled in urglaes, a sneering orc face pin, a void black spidersilk satchel embroidered with pure white Faendryl runes, some deep black graven scale armor skinned with necrotic urglaes with a fitted black cotton shirt drenched with blood underneath, some supple black leather armbands lightly stained with blood, some black arm greaves with dagger-shaped kelyn latches, a blood red golvern manacle, a star-engraved cobalt blue ora bracer set with a blue crystal, a pair of elegant black leather gloves stitched with black silk thread, an enruned urglaes ring, a grinning dragon-etched black opal ring traced in silver, a narrow leather belt, a veniom bound vruul skin swordbelt inlaid with urglaes fangs, an ora chainmail pouch with a fine-linked invar draw-chain, a silvery mesh coin bag, a silver-stitched black leather hip-kit with rigid seams, some supple black leather pants drenched with blood, some black leg greaves with dagger-shaped kelyn latches, a steel-forged wilted black rose emblem, and a pair of fine black leather boots.

The dull golden nimbus fades from around Crime.

You quietly say, "He a little on the thin side."

Falvicar says, speaking to you, "Hmm.. might be right. It'd be a lil too BOARing...."

Falvicar snickers to himself.

You carefully examine Crime's physique and figure he weighs about 225 pounds.

You carefully examine your physique and figure you weigh about 239 pounds.

Perigourd just arrived.

Perigourd retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent ambrominas from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a drink from his tincture of ambrominas.

Perigourd's left arm looks better.

Researcher Darphin just arrived.

You scoff.

Darphin roars at Crime!

A triumphant symphony of cracks and pops sound from within the bonfire as a pine log's resin succumbs to the flames.

Crime nods at Darphin.

Falvicar pulls you closer.

Perigourd retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent ambrominas from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a drink from his tincture of ambrominas.

Perigourd's right leg looks better.

Falvicar looks at you and hums.

Perigourd retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent ambrominas from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a drink from his tincture of ambrominas.

Perigourd's right hand looks better.

Falvicar gives you a gentle kiss on the lips.

You gaze fondly at Falvicar and your heart swells with love for him. He smiles back in return.

Perigourd retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent basal from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a drink from his tincture of basal.

Perigourd's chest looks better.

A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.

Crime pinches Falvicar!

Perigourd retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent basal from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a drink from his tincture of basal.

Perigourd's abdomen looks better.

Perigourd retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent rose-marrow from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a drink from his tincture of rose-marrow.

Perigourd's head looks better.

Falvicar lets out a yelp!

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Perigourd furrows his brow.

A sudden breeze picks up around Perigourd, blowing dozens of crumpled brown, verdant green, and burnt orange leaves around his body. Lashed together by small vines, the leaves quickly cover his entire body, and a bright flash emanates from within the leafy cocoon. The breeze ceases as quickly as it began, and the cocoon of foliage falls to the ground and vanishes in puffs of grey smoke, leaving no trace of Perigourd.

Falvicar removes a silver sword-shaped pillow with a fringe of blood-red beads along one edge from in his silk-lined cloak.

Falvicar stands up.

Like a faint wisp of a barely-remembered dream, your brief, enhanced comprehension of arcane mysteries slips away.

Falvicar tightens his grip on the pillow and spins around with a fierce growl, smacking Crime right in the head!

You lean back.

You notice Jonsie moving stealthily into the area.

Falvicar nods firmly.

Falvicar sits down next to you.

Jonsie asks, "Is there a healer here?"

Jonsie pants.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

[Icemule Trace, Town Center - 2300] (u4042150)

A tranquil square dusted with snow sprawls beneath a sturdy mule statue standing placidly atop a tall plinth of silver-veined black stone. The brilliance of the stars refracts through the statue, casting prismatic glints over the townsfolk nearby. Some denizens, mostly halflings but with a scattering of other folk mixed in, chatter by a roaring bonfire, lazing on a smooth dark stone bench or stargazing on colorful cloaks spread out on the ground. Others mill around a burled pine message board standing close to a colorful silver-bound barrel. You also see a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, a capricious aurora spirit that is flying around, some acantha leaf, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it and a woven bark wastebin.

Also here: Lord Jonsie, Researcher Darphin, Skuude, Lord Crime, Chronicler Falvicar who is sitting, Drofnas who is sitting, Amn

Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west

You see Drofnas.

He appears to be a Half-Elf from Seareach.

He is average height. He appears to be very young. He has silver-flecked crystal blue eyes and tanned skin. He has raggedly cut, unkempt steel grey hair worn in a single braid. He has an unshaven face, an aquiline nose and a short beard.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a pouch, a tooled grey brushed leather sheath, a gleaming mithril buckler, a thick ebon wolf hide bag, a little round mirror, a crystal amulet, a bone-clasped forest green backpack, a pair of glazed leather boots, some dark silver-buttoned breeches, a silvery green leather cap, and a silver-edged black leather tunic.

Darphin removes a petrified mammoth tusk from in his black leather jacket.

Darphin sniffs at his mammoth tusk.

You quietly say, "None that I know of."

Jonsie nods.

Falvicar rubs his chin thoughtfully.

The Hococo disk arrives in the room, shivering violently. It then disintegrates, dropping a scorched deeply scored coffer with frayed ropes for handles on the ground.

You see Lord Jonsie the Archer.

He appears to be a Paradis Halfling.

He is short. He appears to be mature. He has uneven grey eyes and blotchy skin. He has raggedly cut, tangled ginger hair. He has a weathered face, a crooked nose and deep laugh lines.

He has some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg, deep lacerations across his chest, deep lacerations across his abdominal area, and some minor cuts and bruises on his left arm.

He is bleeding from the abdomen, and from the chest.

He is holding a jet black sephwir light crossbow in his left hand.

He is wearing a broad-brimmed red felt hat, a serpentine dragonfire opal earring, a crimson serge greatcloak, a pair of fiery red gloves, a gold-edged pale white pack, some thick double leather, a dark red belt, and a thigh-strapped slim vaalorn kit.

Crime retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent basal from within his leather hip-kit.

Crime takes a drink from his tincture of basal.

Crime's chest looks better.

Zeminar arrives in a cloud of ash.

Crime retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent basal from within his leather hip-kit.

Crime takes a drink from his tincture of basal.

Crime's abdomen looks better.

Zeminar exits, leaving a rapidly dispersing cloud of dust and ash in his wake.

Crime retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent ambrominas from within his leather hip-kit.

Crime takes a drink from his tincture of ambrominas.

Crime's left arm looks better.

You point at a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins.

Crime retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent ambrominas from within his leather hip-kit.

Crime takes a drink from his tincture of ambrominas.

Crime's right leg looks better.

Crime retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent talneo from within his leather hip-kit.

Crime takes a drink from his tincture of talneo.

Crime's chest looks better.

A sudden whirlwind of verdant green, crumpled brown, and burnt orange leaves blows into the area and begins swirling in a tight circle. The leaves arrange themselves into the rough outline of a humanoid shape, and with a bright flash of light emanating from between the cracks in the leafy cocoon, Perigourd appears in a cloud of grey smoke.

You quietly say, "Welcome to the herbs in the barrel though."

Crime retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent talneo from within his leather hip-kit.

Jonsie removes some acantha leaf from in his pale white pack.

Crime takes a drink from his tincture of talneo.

Crime's abdomen looks better.

Jonsie takes a bite of his acantha leaf.

Jonsie looks a little better.

Perigourd retrieves a small dose of tightly bound cactacae from within his leather kit.

You nod.

Perigourd takes a bite of his dose of cactacae.

Perigourd's right leg looks better.

Crime retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent cactacae from within his leather hip-kit.

Crime takes a drink from his tincture of cactacae.

Crime's left arm looks better.

Darphin asks, speaking to his mammoth tusk, "Why do i have you?"

Crime retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent cactacae from within his leather hip-kit.

Perigourd retrieves a small dose of tightly bound cactacae from within his leather kit.

Crime takes a drink from his tincture of cactacae.

Crime's right leg looks better.

Perigourd takes a bite of his dose of cactacae.

Perigourd's right hand looks better.

Jonsie takes a bite of his acantha leaf.

Jonsie looks a little better.

Crime reaches into the depths of his leather hip-kit. Almost immediately, a low, grinding whir begins to emanate from it.

Perigourd retrieves a small dose of tightly bound cactacae from within his leather kit.

Zeminar arrives in a cloud of ash.

Perigourd takes a bite of his dose of cactacae.

Zeminar exits, leaving a rapidly dispersing cloud of dust and ash in his wake.

Jonsie takes a bite of his acantha leaf.

Jonsie looks a little better.

Perigourd retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent calamia from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a drink from his tincture of calamia.

Perigourd's left arm looks better.

Perigourd retrieves a small dose of tightly bound cactacae from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a bite of his dose of cactacae.

Perigourd's left arm looks better.

Jonsie put some acantha leaf in his pale white pack.

Jonsie removes a tincture of pothinir from in his pale white pack.

Jonsie takes a drink from his tincture of pothinir.

Jonsie makes a horrible face!

Jonsie's chest looks better.

Perigourd retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent talneo from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a drink from his tincture of talneo.

Perigourd's chest looks better.

Darphin glances at a petrified mammoth tusk in his hand as if it really needs a hug.

Perigourd retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent talneo from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a drink from his tincture of talneo.

Perigourd's abdomen looks better.

Falvicar put a silver sword-shaped pillow with a fringe of blood-red beads along one edge in his silk-lined cloak.

Conquerer of Reim Maylan just arrived.

Perigourd retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent haphip from within his leather kit.

Perigourd takes a drink from his tincture of haphip.

Perigourd's head looks better.

Darphin shakes his head at a petrified mammoth tusk.

You notice Jonsie moving stealthily east.

A low hum and prism of light trails Maylan's twining zydris runestaff as she stows it in her runestaff sling.

Motes of white light flow in and resolve into Drigler.

Drigler flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Drigler and takes off, with Drigler in tow.

You notice Jonsie moving stealthily into the area.

Maylan removes a vaalin-laced keyring from her doeskin belt.

Maylan just opened a vaalin-laced keyring.

Maylan detaches a rhimar-edged moonlight silver steel key inset with a green-wisped vermilion butterfly from a vaalin-laced keyring.

A pinpoint of bluish-white light pierces the heavens and strikes Maylan on the top of her head. The light pulses a few times as the shaft expands to fully envelop her. Suddenly, there is a brilliant flash and both Maylan and the light are no more.

You notice Jonsie moving stealthily north.

Perigourd snaps his fingers.

You grab an iridescent quartz cricket box from inside your elesine sack.

You reach into your quartz cricket box and pull out a small cricket.

Darphin says, speaking to his mammoth tusk, "You dont bring me joy, its away you go."

Perigourd dusts himself off.

You absent-mindedly drop an iridescent quartz cricket box into your elesine sack.

Conquerer of Reim Maylan just arrived.

Your pearl white lizard's snout sniffs gently at the air and its eyes suddenly pop open.

Your pearl white lizard sees the cricket and freezes, its eyes locked on the cricket. The very tip of the lizard's tail twitches, and it emits a soft huff of excitement. Suddenly, the lizard darts forward, grasps the cricket in its jaws and gulps it down!

Perigourd turns toward Maylan and renders a sharp hand salute.

Perigourd smooths out his hunter green trousers, attending to their appearance.

Maylan flags down a nearby group of orphans and exchanges a few words. The orphans take off in a burst of giggles, with Maylan in pursuit.

Darphin put a petrified mammoth tusk in his black leather jacket.

Carved from burled pine and stained a rich dark color reminiscent of creamless coffee, the board reads, "Icemule Trace Town Message Board" in bold carved letters.

On the message board, you see:

   a beribboned silvery advertisement bordered by stars posted by Laelithonel

Darphin removes a dark ebon glowworm from in his black leather jacket.

Darphin blinks at a dark ebon glowworm in his hand.

Tatterclaws arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Tatterclaws and quickly takes off.

A barrow crow glides into view.

Darphin sniffs at his dark ebon glowworm.

Darphin asks, speaking to his dark ebon glowworm, "What are you?"

As Darphin pokes the glowworm, it wiggles slightly and begins to glow a soft dark ebon color.

Olgretien just arrived.

Olgretien and Perigourd bash their forearms in greeting.

Perigourd turns toward Olgretien and renders a sharp hand salute.

Olgretien deeply says, "Evnins."

Darphin waves to Olgretien.

Tatterclaws's look of renewed cognition fades.

Darphin tries to eat his dark ebon glowworm.

Perigourd says, speaking to Olgretien, "Fair eve."

Sunzun just arrived.

Perigourd smiles.

Olgretien performs a bow characteristic of those from Icemule Trace before Darphin.

You stifle a yawn.

Sunzun just went east.

Olgretien's fingers briefly touch his vultite greathelm as he renders a casual salute to Crime.

Firelight glows merrily in the eyes of townsfolk as they pass.

The green-gold web of protection surrounding a barrow crow falls away, unraveling as it fades.

Olgretien's spirits are no longer lifted.

The air stops shimmering around Olgretien.

The green-gold web of protection surrounding Tatterclaws falls away, unraveling as it fades.

You sigh at Falvicar.

Olgretien performs a distinctly giantman bow to Falvicar.

Everything around you seems to distort for a moment.

Olgretien hugs you, and you wrap him in a warm embrace.

Darphin's glowworm curls into a loose ball, its dark ebon light flickering. Uncurling itself, the soft light steadies once again.

You quietly whisper to Falvicar, "I am not sure if I will be able to stay awake."

Tatterclaws flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Tatterclaws and takes off, with Tatterclaws in tow.

You smile at Olgretien.

A barrow crow flaps her wings once and soars out of sight.

You give Olgretien a friendly hug.

You see Olgretien Treefeller the Guardian.

He appears to be a Giantman of the Wsalamir Clan.

He appears to be time-worn. He has heavy-lidded hazel eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, steel grey hair. He has a broad nose.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a talon fringed wolverine pelt sheath, an enruned gold ring, an old vultite greathelm, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, a pale gold donut pendant set with a round blueberry-hued crystal, a white owl pendant, a long hooded silver wolfhide cloak, a small cratered white moon, a pair of ermine gloves, a White Haven bear head pin, an engraved golden pin, a silver jester motif pin, a twisted dull black talisman, an ora-bound ebonwood badge, a small four-pointed azure star insignia inset with a golden drake, a squirrel tail, a bear hide weapon sling, a small black vultite target shield, an elk hide journey pack, an elk hide shirt, a suit of silvery steel half plate embossed with a soaring oak tree, a lion-adorned black silk armband, a wolf skin belt, a weathered leather belt, a dark leather locksmith's pouch, an ermine-lined fleece pouch, some deerskin pants, a gold-edged white crystal anklet, and some fur-lined snow boots.

Darphin smiles.

Darphin put a dark ebon glowworm in his black leather jacket.

Olgretien rummages around in his pockets.

Gragerwulf just arrived.

Olgretien rummages through a long hooded silver wolfhide cloak, pausing once in a while and then quickly resuming the search.

Gragerwulf put an acid-stained villswood runestaff in his skin cloak.

Gragerwulf just went east.

High Lord Svardin just arrived.

High Lord Svardin just went east.

Tatterclaws just arrived.

Darphin removes a skein of rusylka yarn from in his black leather jacket.

Gragerwulf just arrived.

Darphin offers you a skein of rusylka yarn. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

A barrow crow glides idly overhead, playing with the various eddying currents in the air.

Gragerwulf's ethereal censer fades away, leaving only a faint lingering scent of incense.

Crime rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Sunzun just arrived.

Perigourd leans against a smooth dark stone bench.

Tatterclaws nods at Darphin.

Falvicar chortles softly at some secret joke.

Perigourd pours himself a mug of marshmallow-topped hot chocolate.

High Lord Svardin just arrived.

Perigourd takes a drink from his hot chocolate.

You notice Jonsie moving stealthily into the area.

Svardin wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Darphin shrugs.

You notice Jonsie moving stealthily east.

Tatterclaws gains a look of renewed cognition of his affairs.

You notice Jonsie moving stealthily into the area.

Miss Evii just arrived.

Evii removes a slender shadowy ebon staff inlaid with a spiral of blue crystal sigils from in her velvet cloak. At her touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.

Darphin says, speaking to you, "No yarn for you."

Darphin put a skein of rusylka yarn in his black leather jacket.

Miss Evii just went west.

You say, speaking quietly to Darphin, "That's ok I have my own yarn."

Svardin utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...

Darphin removes a web-covered electrum device from in his black leather jacket.

Svardin gestures.

A flare leaves Svardin's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a pair of unfurled wings rendered in glittering silver points of light. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.

Olgretien flings himself against Svardin, bounces off of him, and giggles madly!

With a final metallic hum, the whir of gears from within your bear hide pack stutters to a halt.

Svardin says, "I spin me own yarns."

Svardin cackles!

Darphin's offer to you has expired.

You agree with Svardin.

Lady Exchequer Leyann just arrived.

Darphin says, speaking to Svardin, "I have a spider for yarn spinnin."

You say, speaking quietly to Svardin, "Noodle."

Darphin waves his electrum device through the air. A clockwerke eahnor orbweaver skitters in, remarkably stealthily given its size and mechanical nature.

Olgretien pours himself a mug of strong Elanthian coffee.

The dim aura fades from around Gragerwulf.

Olgretien takes a drink from his Elanthian coffee.

Svardin says, "If I want spinnin, Rufus is sure ta oblige."

Svardin glances up.

Leyann removes a wrinkled scarlet coat from under a smooth dark stone bench.

Darphin put a web-covered electrum device in his black leather jacket.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Svardin exclaims, speaking to a sturdy mule statue carved from glacial ice, "No!"

Leyann carefully inspects her scarlet coat.

Perigourd pours himself a leaf-etched mug of hot chocolate.

Perigourd takes a drink from his mug of hot chocolate.

Darphin lifts up a etched plate on an eahnor orbweaver's underside and produces a small oil can. He pumps the handle on the small oiler, applying lubricant to the creature's segmented hind legs. He rubs the oil over the clockwork machinery and stows the can.

Darphin nods to the eahnor orbweaver.

Olgretien takes a drink from his Elanthian coffee.

Leyann put a wrinkled scarlet coat under a smooth dark stone bench.

Falvicar attempts to hum a merry little tune.

The green and gold energy fades from around Tatterclaws.

You remove a table leg from in your eahnor-plated case.

You put a table leg under a smooth dark stone bench.

Crime removes a table leg from under a smooth dark stone bench.

The sky fills with a blanket of low clouds, pale and unmoving. Sounds seem muffled and the air feels thick, taking on a quiet stillness.

Crime raises his table leg skyward!

Lady Exchequer Leyann just went north.

Darphin says, speaking to a clockwerke eahnor orbweaver, "Good girl Kumonga."

Crime exclaims, speaking darkly to you, "I am now a leg up on you!"

Tatterclaws's look of renewed cognition fades.

You laugh out loud!

Tatterclaws touches his lor clasp and gives a slight shudder. A blood red mist surrounds him as his skin begins to peel from his body in thin strips. As the flayed skin unravels, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments beneath begin to unwind and vanish in to the crimson cloud around him. A final shudder runs through the cloud, and it vanishes with a faint popping sound.

Crime prances back and forth energetically, taking light, springy steps.

Perigourd takes a drink from his mug of hot chocolate.

A faint silvery glow fades from around Perigourd.

A capricious aurora spirit dims noticeably as dark clouds spontaneously appear around it.

With one last great beat of her wings, a barrow crow soars out of sight.

Lord Randsford just arrived.

Raising his arms slightly, Perigourd arches his back and gently lets his head rock back.

Hissing slightly, the bonfire flutters and cavorts in a sudden uptick of wind that is riddled with snowflakes.

a young child

Darphin gazes up into the heavens.

Perigourd nods in greeting at Randsford.

You wrap your arms around Falvicar and rest your head on his shoulder.

Inclining his head slightly, Randsford offers the most minimal of bows with an air of utmost politeness.

Sunzun just went west.

Randsford nods to Perigourd in greeting.

Falvicar wraps his arms around you, hugging you warmly.

Svardin asks, "A young chil?"

Darphin says, "Seems late in the year for snow this heavy."

Svardin turns around.

Svardin turns around.

Darphin shrugs.

Your pearl white lizard suddenly hisses at something. When you glance at it to find out what startled it, you see the lizard gazing steadily at you. It obviously has decided you are not paying it enough attention.

Crime offers Darphin a table leg.

Svardin says, "Was somethin odd in dat."

A light snow drifts silently to the ground.

Raythiel arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Raythiel and quickly takes off.

Darphin peers quizzically at Crime.

Olgretien grins at Randsford.

Darphin says, speaking to Crime, "Thank you but i have a few already."

Darphin chuckles.

Barjin just arrived.

Raythiel flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Raythiel and takes off, with Raythiel in tow.

Svardin says, "We is very fer north and quite high."

Randsford gazes up into the heavens.

Crime put a table leg under a smooth dark stone bench.

Lord Barjin just went west.

Olgretien flails his arms about.

Crime gawks at Olgretien.

Darphin removes an onyx-handled lapis lazuli athame from in his black leather jacket.

Olgretien cocks his head at Crime.

Suddenly, the air around you is drawn toward your plumille houppelande.

Darphin carefully inspects his lapis lazuli athame.

Delicate snowflakes cling to your eyelashes.

Crime asks, speaking darkly to Olgretien, "May I interest you in a doomstone?"

Darphin put an onyx-handled lapis lazuli athame in his black leather jacket.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

You see Amn the Pilgrim.

He appears to be a Dwarf.

He is short. He appears to be very young. He has small steel grey eyes and freckled skin. He has very short, frizzy white hair with a black streak running through it. He has a thin nose and thin eyebrows.

He has some minor cuts and bruises on his right arm.

He has an old battle scar across his chest.

A rough sentient potato flourishing a handful of snowberries is settled on his shoulder.

He is wearing a black-lacquered ora Voln symbol, a cloudy grey cire raincoat speckled with opalescent scales, a thin brass pocket chain suspending a wood-framed hourglass, a multifaceted gemstone charm, a crystal-set runestaff sling, a scaled indigo leather knapsack with electrum-tipped ebon cords, a deep ebony pack, a sleek ebon silk vest bound with silver thorns, some ensigiled leather hunts, a white high collared shirt with silver cufflinks, a glacial white smooth glaes armband, some frayed black suede half-gloves, a plain gold ring, a gradient scarlet-to-ebon belt, an ebony kidskin gem pouch with a silvery cord drawstring, a fine ebony satchel, a polished ebonwood stein with a silver-chased belt strap, a cire leather herb kit scuffed at the corners, and some ebon rune-inscribed leather boots set on steel-chained heels.

Olgretien says, speaking deeply to Crime, "No thanks, I already got s one."

Svardin chuckles.

Perigourd takes a drink from his mug of hot chocolate.

Crime nods.

A single command is uttered from the shadows.

Darphin removes a Faendryl brown monir lyre from in his black leather jacket.

Randsford squints.

Crime searches around for a moment.

Falvicar yawns.

Falvicar searches around for a moment.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

Crime appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Svardin makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Svardin gestures.

Svardin appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Svardin laughs!

Brainbonk just arrived.

You hear someone chuckling.

Svardin says, "Shh."

Brainbonk just went north.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Skuude just went east.

Olgretien agrees with Svardin.

Darphin picks up a skein of rusylka yarn.

Crime gestures.

Nothing seems to happen.

Darphin put a skein of rusylka yarn in his black leather jacket.

Skuude just arrived.

Skuude traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...

Skuude gestures.

A whirl of spiritual energy streaks down from above, creating a dully illuminated mantle around Skuude's form.

Wudarn just arrived.

Aliashyrah suddenly fades into view.

Skuude traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...

Skuude gestures.

Rippling cylinders of spiritual force encompass Skuude's arms and the arms of those around him.

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...

Wudarn folds his hands and deeply intones a sonorous mantra...

Wudarn gestures.

Wudarn's skin seems to briefly glow with a dull light that causes his complexion to take on a leathery quality.

Falvicar gestures.

Nothing happens.

Skuude traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...

Skuude gestures.

Skuude appears filled with a confident and fearless composure.

Wudarn folds his hands and deeply intones a sonorous mantra...

Wudarn gestures.

Eyes widening momentarily, Wudarn gazes into the distance before adopting a thoughtful expression.

Skuude just went south.

Darphin says, speaking to a clockwerke eahnor orbweaver, "Thank you."

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...

Falvicar gestures.

Falvicar acquires a look of determination and appears more clearly focused.

Aliashyrah leans on the plinth supporting the mule statue.

Wudarn folds his hands and deeply intones a sonorous mantra...

Wudarn gestures.

A series of milky white lines spirals outward from the center of Wudarn's forehead, but quickly fade away.

Perigourd bows to Aliashyrah.

Cidnor just arrived.

Wudarn folds his hands and deeply intones a sonorous mantra...

Wudarn gestures.

Thick plates of bone grow from Wudarn's forearms.

Wudarn just went east.

Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Perigourd. She inclines her head as well, giving Perigourd a brief nod.

Perigourd takes a drink from his mug of hot chocolate.

Darphin waves to Aliashyrah.

Randsford nods to Aliashyrah in greeting.

A light flurry of snowflakes drifts down from the grey skies.

Olgretien performs a bow characteristic of those from Icemule Trace before Aliashyrah.

Svardin tries humming a joyful tune.

Aliashyrah nods in greeting at Darphin.

Aliashyrah nods in greeting at Randsford.

In his best impression of an irresistible kitten, Falvicar purrs repeatedly at you, hoping to redeem himself of any wrongdoing.

Crime removes a glossy black doomstone from inside a grinning dragon-etched black opal ring traced in silver.

Crime looks a little uneasy.

Crime offers you a glossy black doomstone. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

The bonfire suddenly pops, sending glowing embers to dance in the falling snow above it.

a young child

Olgretien blinks.

Svardin glances at a roaring bonfire.

Randsford stares at a roaring bonfire.

Picking up a discarded branch, Olgretien nudges some of the burning wood back into a roaring bonfire in an attempt to help maintain the size of the fire. Having no further use of it, he discards the branch.

Randsford glances over the bonfire with great interest.

Svardin giggles.

Darphin says, "Um..."

You ponder the meaning of Crime's existence.

Olgretien grins at Svardin.

Darphin asks, "Am i seeing things?"

You quietly say, "Somehow I don't think I want that."

Crime grins.

Falvicar agrees with you.

Svardin says, "Yes."

Crime starts chortling.

Olgretien deeply asks, "We all had de same vishun?"

Svardin glances over the bonfire with great interest.

You quietly exclaim, "I am a good girl I am!"

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Darphin, "I am not certain. You seem to be struggling tonight since you could not even identify a worm."

Svardin says, "I saw dat afore."

You stick out your tongue.

Falvicar nods to you.

Falvicar nods to you.

Randsford says, speaking to a roaring bonfire, "Could have sworn just brought them back..."

Crime says, speaking darkly to you, "You can get doomstone bounties if you have one."

A light snow drifts silently to the ground.

Svardin says, "Kinda hinted it was odd."

Svardin giggles.

Falvicar leans over and whispers, "Mmhmm.. a verry good girl...."

Randsford squints.

Crime's offer to you has expired.

Magister Raelee just arrived.

Leaning closely against you, Falvicar releases a low growl in your ear.

Perigourd nods in greeting at Raelee.

Perigourd takes a drink from his mug of hot chocolate.

Raelee nods slowly at Perigourd.

Crime put a glossy black doomstone in his black opal ring.

A pale-faced coppery barn owl flies in.

Gragerwulf removes an acid-stained villswood runestaff from in his skin cloak.

Gragerwulf traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...

Gragerwulf gestures.

A dim aura surrounds Gragerwulf.

Gragerwulf just went south.

Dipping into a lazy dive, the coppery barn owl glides to the ground and lands.

Darphin says, speaking to Aliashyrah, "Ust unsure where the worm came from and why i have it."

You ponder.

Motes of white light flow in and resolve into Drigler.

Drigler flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Drigler and takes off, with Drigler in tow.

You grab a carved bright red strawberry from inside your elesine sack.

Raelee's hands fade to complete transparency as she intones a spell...

Raelee gestures.

Raelee suddenly disappears.

Motes of white light flow in and resolve into Drigler.

A large raven flies in.

Drigler flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Drigler and takes off, with Drigler in tow.

You offer Crime a tiny round candy from your bright red strawberry. Crime has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

The raven flies off.

Picking up a discarded branch, Olgretien nudges some of the burning wood back into a roaring bonfire in an attempt to help maintain the size of the fire. Having no further use of it, he discards the branch.

Olgretien takes a drink from his Elanthian coffee.

Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.

Crime selects a tiny round candy from your bright red strawberry.

With a brief but appraising look, you inspect a collection of tiny round candies before selecting a single one from a carved bright red strawberry.

First taking a quick breath, Crime pops a tiny round candy into his mouth and chews.

Perigourd pets a pale-faced coppery barn owl, which nuzzles his hand softly.

Crime licks his lips.

Hints of color pulse through the shadows in a harmonious rainbow, and the night seems less dark around you.

Svardin glances around the area.

Perigourd nods thoughtfully.

You offer Falvicar a tiny round candy from your bright red strawberry. Falvicar has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Randsford glances up.

Crime starts chortling.

You quietly exclaim, "Rainbows!"

Svardin says, "Lemme see wha in der."

The brilliant luminescence fades from around Crime.

Falvicar smiles quietly to himself.

The voice of Svardin says, "Move over Rufus."

Here and there a snowflake flutters down.

You absent-mindedly drop a carved bright red strawberry into your elesine sack.

Svardin comes out of hiding.

Svardin suddenly stumbles for no apparent reason.

Perigourd says, "One might guess that Jastevian is about."

The silvery luminescence fades from around Crime.

First taking a quick breath, you pop a tiny round candy into your mouth and chew. The sudden taste of strawberry-infused scotch whiskey floods your senses as the candy melds with your taste buds.

That was the last of it!

Falvicar covers your hand with his own as he places it gently within the crook of his arm.

Your spirit is empowered with an overwhelming sense of determination and resolve.

Svardin chuckles.

Svardin seems a bit more noticeable than before.

Svardin sits down.

Darphin sniffs.

A pale-faced coppery barn owl pecks at a few stray morsels.

Darphin says, "The artist is about, to smear us lowly pigments of paint with his brush."

Darphin shakes his head.

You can feel the pearl white lizard sitting on your shoulder begin to get restless. It shifts its weight from side and side, and lashes its long tail. Soon, the lizard begins clicking its jaws open and closed. Not in the mood for any of the creature's shenanigans, you turn your head and stare at it with eyes narrowed. Alerted by the motion of your head, the lizard stops fidgeting and gazes languidly up at you with wide-eyed innocence. Then, it leans into your neck and gives you an affectionate snuggle.

Svardin says, speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, "Hoot."

The White Wyrm rises into the skies, hovering there for a pregnant moment as the whine of its engines becomes almost deafening. Without warning, it streaks off into the distance!

Falvicar blinks.

The coppery barn owl hoots at Svardin.

Svardin asks, speaking to a clockwerke eahnor orbweaver, "Chitter?"

Falvicar blushes a crimson shade at you, clearing his throat with embarrassment!

Svardin works his fingers under his fiery red hat and scratches his head.

Colored light illuminates a figure in the shadows.

Falvicar places a gentle kiss on your lips.

Olgretien takes a drink from his Elanthian coffee.

Svardin waves to Cidnor.

Svardin says, "Howdy."

Skuude just arrived.

Skuude just went east.

Skuude just arrived.

Olgretien agrees with Perigourd.

Falvicar gently bites you.

A light flurry of snowflakes drifts down from the grey skies.

Svardin loses some awareness.

Crime loses some awareness.

Darphin put a Faendryl brown monir lyre in his black leather jacket.

Perigourd pours himself a leaf-etched mug of hot chocolate.

Perigourd takes a drink from his mug of hot chocolate.

Aliashyrah smiles quietly to herself.

A shape of grey shadows, faintly reflective, divorces itself from the darkness, but its features are a murky haze.

Snowflakes drift lazily through the air, instantly melting on your skin as the heat from the nearby roaring bonfire keeps you warm.

a young child

Crime glances around, looking a bit less confident.

Randsford blinks.

Svardin says, "Moof."

You quietly say, "Hello there little one."

Umber eyes alert and expression wary, Perigourd gazes at his surroundings.

Tsukuyomi just arrived.

The coppery barn owl hoots at Svardin.

Darphin says, "Um, hello."

Svardin barks wildly at a pale-faced coppery barn owl!

Svardin throws his head back and howls!

Aliashyrah says, speaking to you, "That one has been loitering near the fire for a few minutes now. Perhaps just cold because of the snow."

The coppery barn owl hoots at Svardin.

Olgretien lightly places his hand on the coppery barn owl, which responds by moving his body beneath his hand for a thorough rubbing.

You agree with Aliashyrah.

Lord Barjin just arrived.

Barjin just left.

Delicate snowflakes cling to your eyelashes.

Taking a log from a nearby pile, Olgretien gently tosses it onto a roaring bonfire, causing sparks to briefly explode into the air.

A pale-faced coppery barn owl briefly puffs up into a ball of feathers.

Olgretien sticks his tongue out.

The voice of Saradrin mournfully says, "They have moved beneath cover of darkness. A knife and not a sword."

Perigourd furrows his brow. You quietly ask, "They have?"

Perigourd says, "Such is Rammael's way."

Perigourd nods knowingly.

Svardin nods at Olgretien.

Perigourd takes a drink from his mug of hot chocolate.

Randsford folds his arms over his chest.

Darphin smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face.

Randsford searches around for a moment.

Randsford frowns.

Svardin makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Svardin gestures.

Svardin appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Svardin tries humming a joyful tune.

Gragerwulf just arrived.

Gragerwulf put an acid-stained villswood runestaff in his skin cloak.

Gragerwulf just went west.

Perigourd says, "They do seem to shy from a direct confrontation in most cases."

Aliashyrah invitingly says, "Come, join us by the fire. There is no need for you to likewise cling to the shadows."

The voice of Saradrin thoughtfully says, "At times, the paths are so many as to be blinding."

Gragerwulf just arrived.

Darphin says, speaking to himself, "A voice speaks of moving in the shadows."

You nod.

Svardin says, "I just foller da one less traveled den."

Perigourd takes a drink from his mug of hot chocolate.

Svardin grins.

You quietly say, "I agree. It is sometimes hard to choose what is the correct course to follow."

Olgretien deeply says, "If ya come to a fork in de road...take it."

The voice of Saradrin says, "...I must seek focus. The Father of Art will know what to do."

Svardin glances west.

Gragerwulf raises an eyebrow.

The voice and its body fade, merging once more with the darkness.

Perigourd ponders.

Aliashyrah smiles at Sorlu.

You quietly ask, "Will you travel to the temple?"

Svardin says, "Ah."

Sorlu smiles at Aliashyrah.

Svardin nods.

You quietly ask, "Perhaps the temple?"

Perigourd says, speaking to you, "Such would be my gusss."

Gragerwulf deeply asks, "Father of Art, that Jastev?"

Perigourd nods in agreement.

Perigourd turns toward Sorlu and renders a sharp salute with his mug of hot chocolate.

Tsukuyomi just went north.

Svardin says, "Don't tink so."

Chill air punishes the flames of the nearby roaring bonfire, causing them to lower for several moments.

a young child

Randsford glances at Sorlu.

Inclining his head slightly, Sorlu offers the most minimal of bows to Perigourd with an air of utmost politeness.

Pannaka stands up.

Svardin works his fingers under his fiery red hat and scratches his head.

Gragerwulf deeply says, "Pretty sure it's Jastev."

Randsford says, speaking to Sorlu, "One shadow disappears and seems another appears."

Randsford nods to Sorlu in greeting.

Drofnas stands up.

Sorlu grins slowly at Randsford.

Svardin stands up.

High Lord Svardin just went north.

Perigourd says, speaking to Gragerwulf, "He is one of Jastevs, yes."

A quiet rustling noise can be heard for a brief moment.

Aliashyrah curiously asks, "Do you think he would go to the temple?"

Gragerwulf nods in agreement at Perigourd.

Quiet footsteps can be heard for a brief moment.

A quiet tapping noise can be heard for a brief moment.

You quietly say, "Perhaps visit the temple."

You nod.

Sorlu says, speaking to Randsford, "The world always seeks balance, I hear."

Drofnas just went south.

Darphin searches around for a moment.

Randsford nods slowly at Sorlu.

Following Saradrin to the Temple

Perigourd joins your group.

You stand back up.

Perigourd takes a drink from his mug of hot chocolate.

Randsford joins your group.

Randsford nods encouragingly to you.

Olgretien joins your group.

Falvicar leaves your group.

Darphin says, "Waht is that rustling."

Aliashyrah joins your group.

Falvicar covers your hand with his own as he places it gently within the crook of his arm.

Darphin joins your group.

Falvicar stands up.

You quietly say, "If anyone would like to visit the temple I will gladly walk that way."

Darphin picks up a skein of steel-hued veilsylk yarn.

Sorlu joins your group.

Darphin put a skein of steel-hued veilsylk yarn in his black leather jacket.

Randsford says, speaking to you, "No kilt but will follow your lead."

Wudarn just arrived.

Wudarn just went east.

Randsford flashes you a wolfish grin.

Wudarn just arrived.

Sorlu nods appreciatively to you.

Perigourd nods approvingly.

Crime darkly asks, "What temple?"

You quietly say, "Moving."

You pull Falvicar closer to you.

Crime joins your group.

Falvicar places a gentle kiss on your lips.

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Crime, "The one in town."

Raelee joins your group.

Crime just opened a veniom bound vruul skin swordbelt inlaid with urglaes fangs.

As Crime draws a dark sigil-etched blade, luminescent slivers of electricity slither along the blade.

Crime slings a spiked eye-shaped buckler off from over his shoulder.

Crime just closed a veniom bound vruul skin swordbelt inlaid with urglaes fangs.

You point north.

Your pearl white lizard suddenly hisses at something. When you glance at it to find out what startled it, you see the lizard gazing steadily at you. It obviously has decided you are not paying it enough attention.

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Crime, "There are rooms dedicated to the different Arkati."

You quietly say, "The one over there."

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.

Sorlu glances over the bonfire with great interest.

Pannaka stretches.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

Crime stands taller, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence.


[Icemule Trace, North Road - 2301] (u4042022)

The crowd is thinned by the hour, swirling sluggishly past the entrance of an ornate stone edifice with stained glass windows, where a scattering of half-krolvin and giantkin loiter to await a merchant's arrival. Several mages in colorful robes, all of them wearing scarves and mufflers, make their way from the west, while a few priests in more muted cassocks shuffle south toward taverns after a day of prayers. Lamp posts proceed down the roadside in an alternating pattern, casting pools of honeyed light on the cobblestones.

Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.


[Icemule Trace, North Road - 3305] (u4042023)

Wind gusts down from the north, chilling the air along the roadway. Moonlight reflects sullenly off of the glacier, awakening quiet glints of teal and blue in its depths. Above, the temple rises above the town on a hill of colorless ice, watching over the city and shining like polished crystal. Vesper bells sound in the distance, their chiming almost lost in the sounds of the evening foot traffic.

Obvious paths: north, south

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Crime, "Perhaps he seeks council in the one where a statue of Jastev can be found."

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

A brilliant luminescence surrounds Crime.

A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.


[Icemule Trace, North Road - 3306] (u4042024)

Sheets of glassy ice slick the street, forcing foot traffic to the margins of the road, where the bases of lamp posts depict circles of halflings holding hands. The glacier looms over the northern gates and its icy slopes have intruded into the town to either side. Ctizens have taken this in stride, and have dug burrows into the ancient ice. Their round, painted doors dot the slopes.

Obvious paths: north, east, south

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.


[Temple Burrow, Koar Street - 2331] (u4042011)

Cobbled road gives way to solid ice as the pathway scales the edge of one of the glacier's lesser slopes. The ground is slippery, but halflings and the occasional sylvankind pedestrian seem unhindered as they make their way. Dwellings and shops dug out of the ice are fronted by round doors with fresh coats of brightly colored paint, though there seems to be no clear consensus on which colors go together well and which clash. An ice ramp of packed, grated ice leads up and to the east toward the temple.

Obvious paths: north, south, west

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

A bright luminescence surrounds Crime.

>go ramp

[Temple Burrow, Koar and Lumnis - 2332] (u4042012)

The edge of the glacier offers a marvelous view of the walled town below, a mix of burrows in the ice and cold earth and shingled rooftops of aboveground dwellings. The roads are slightly haphazard in layout, but they join eventually with four main streets sprouting from the town center. Above towers the temple, carved from pure ice and haloed by moonlight. An ice ramp descends westward, while an ice staircase leads down to the east and some carved steps plunge to the northwest around an oddly shaped ice flow.

Obvious paths: down

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.

A holy aura radiates from your plumille houppelande.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

A silvery luminescence surrounds Crime.

>go temple

[Icemule Temple, Foyer - 2334] (u4047001)

Carved into the blue-white ice of the glacier, the temple reflects the best of halfling craftsmanship and design. Nineteen columns line each side of the foyer, creating a sense of vast distance between the entrance and the nave to the east. A central ambulatory paved with grey slate leads between the columns past the thirty-six bays, each of which is marked with the symbol of a god or goddess. Some of the bays contain small kiosks where merchants hawk religious wares. You also see an ice blue taper.

Obvious exits: east, down, out

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.


[Icemule Temple, Nave - 2335] (u4047002)

High overhead, an enormous dome has been carved into the encasing glacier. Starlight filters through the thin layer of ice, bathing the circular nave in pale, silvery light. Several dozen pews crafted of dark-stained oak stand in two rows atop a plush red carpet. One row faces north toward a black marble arch, while the other faces south toward a pair of wide mithril doors. You also see a velvet-lined fel donations bin and an ice blue taper.

Obvious exits: east, west

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

Crime suddenly looks a lot more powerful.

Crime is surrounded by a white light.


[Icemule Temple, Chancel Nexus - 2336] (u4047005)

No light of sun or star reaches this chamber deep within the heart of the glacier. Three oil lamps hang from the ceiling, lighting a room clad in various colors of granite. Radiating out from the center of the floor in a pattern reminiscent of the nautilus shell are widening bands of white, black, and silvery-grey stone. The white granite leads up a well-lit stairway to the north, while the black stone descends a dark stairway to the south. The grey leads through the east wall into the shadows beyond. You also see a wall-sized oil painting and an ice blue taper.

Obvious exits: east, west, up, down

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

A dull golden nimbus surrounds Crime.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

A deep blue glow surrounds Crime.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

Crime suddenly looks more powerful.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

A light blue glow surrounds Crime.

Perigourd takes a drink from his mug of hot chocolate.

A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.


[Hall of the Seasons - 2343] (u4047006)

In a loose square at the center of the hall stand four altars clad with jade in the seasonal colors of green, yellow, brown and white. The wall opposite each altar has been lined in a matching wood: supple young hazel at the east, yellow pine to the south, auburn maoral at the west, and white monir to the north. Paintings depicting winter, spring, summer, and autumn hang on the four walls, framed in elaborately carved grey monir.

Obvious exits: north, down

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.


[Hall of the Seas - 2344] (u4047007)

This room is perfectly spherical, like the inside of a crystal ball, except for the circular, sandstone-paved floor. Rather than the depthless blue of glacial ice, these walls reveal a seascape of sand, coral, and waving beds of kelp surrounding you on each side. A small school of herring can be seen swimming here and there, not only behind the walls but overhead as well. You also see a glacial ice altar and a driftwood altar with a leaping grey beryl dolphin figure on it.

Obvious exits: south, up

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.


[Hall of the Crafts - 2345] (u4047008)

The icy walls of this octagonal hall are elaborately carved with scenes of halflings at work. In the center of the room are two large statues of men in attitudes of watchful repose, as if supervising the work going on around around them. Between each statue and the surrounding walls stands a sturdy altar, one wrought of oak and the other carved from blue tanik.

Obvious exits: north, down

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.


[Hall of the Arts - 2346] (u4047009)

Deep shafts cut into the glacial walls bring sunlight streaming into this open gallery. Bright and colorful banners hang from the ceiling, dancing in the gentle swirls of wind that carry down the center of the hall. A harp and voice, unseen, blend melody and harmony in a gentle, joyful song. In the middle of the hall, at the intersection of color, form, and sound, stand three wooden altars in hues of blue, gold, and grey.

Also here: Saradrin who is kneeling, High Lord Svardin

Obvious exits: south, up

Sorlu, Randsford, Olgretien, Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Darphin, Crime and Falvicar followed.

Svardin says, "Light can be distractin."

Aliashyrah nods slightly.

Svardin nods.

Perigourd takes a moment to observe Saradrin.

Falvicar slips a hand to the small of his back, deftly retrieving a silver-edged somnis longknife.

Randsford squints at Saradrin.

A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.

You quietly say, "I believe this is the altar of Jasteve and Tilamaire and Cholen Oh hey look."

Murmuring a soft prayer, Falvicar lifts his longknife and presses the flat of its blade to first his forehead, then over his heart, and lastly to his lips.

Falvicar put a silver-edged somnis longknife in his silk-lined cloak.

Svardin asks, "Look where?"

Aliashyrah whispers something to Sorlu.

Svardin giggles.

Amn just arrived.

Sorlu nods at Aliashyrah.

Perigourd folds his hands behind his back.

Amn draws his black rowan staff from his runestaff sling, tracing an arc of radiant golden aura in its wake. At his touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.

You touch one finger to your lips.

Svardin loses some awareness.

Aliashyrah whispers something to Sorlu.

Svardin asks, speaking to Saradrin, "Ya see anythin beyond da light?"


[Hall of the Arts - 2346] (u4047009)

Deep shafts cut into the glacial walls bring sunlight streaming into this open gallery. Bright and colorful banners hang from the ceiling, dancing in the gentle swirls of wind that carry down the center of the hall. A harp and voice, unseen, blend melody and harmony in a gentle, joyful song. In the middle of the hall, at the intersection of color, form, and sound, stand three wooden altars in hues of blue, gold, and grey. You also see a capricious aurora spirit that is flying around and a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings.

Also here: Amn, Lord Sorlu, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Lord Randsford, Olgretien, Lady Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Researcher Darphin, Lord Crime, Chronicler Falvicar, Saradrin who is kneeling, High Lord Svardin

Obvious exits: south, up

>look altar

Dark-stained blue tanik has been decorated with musical staves dotted with notes that dance and swirl around a wide variety of musical instruments, each carved in perfect miniature detail. Set into the top of the altar is an enormous musical note, an oval of pure gold topped with a slender flag that dances in a whimsical breeze. Set into the face of the altar is a gilt-edged invar plaque.

>look second altar

Constructed of dark fel covered with a gold foil mesh, the altar is recessed to create a small stage framed with scarlet velvet curtains. Tiny figures cover the stage, each gaily costumed for a theatrical performance. Atop the altar lies an oversized lute, its tightly coiled gold strings standing out against an ebony fingerboard. A glaes plaque reflects small rainbows of color from just beneath the stage.

>look third altar

This wooden altar, cut with the curves of an artist's palette, has been painted a dusky grey hue unrelieved by more cheerful colors. Along the curving edge sits a row of small crystal balls that refract the available light into miniature rainbows. Centered atop the altar is an oversized artist's brush carved from deep black jet. A silver plaque shines from the front of the altar.

Svardin joins your group.

(OOC) Svardin's player whispers to the group, "Said only one ting "Perhaps it is the light of the Orb that has dazzled me, but this I did not see."."

Saradrin thoughtfully says, "I see what they have done."

Falvicar takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a moment. A faint aura flickers around him.

Perigourd raises an eyebrow.

Saradrin glances up, his face grave.

A capricious aurora spirit flits about the area, looking for a suitable hiding place.

You gaze fondly at Saradrin.

You see Saradrin, the Farseer.

He appears to be a Human.

He is short and gaunt. He appears to be middle-aged. He has hooded dark grey eyes and tanned skin. He has short, fine raven black hair with streaks of rainbowed color. He has a broad face, a red nose and an a neatly trimmed goatee streaked with color. Though his eyes are grey, specks in a kaleidoscope of colors dance through the irises.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a dark rose red scarf fringed with silken tassels, a smoky crystal sphere suspended from a dark steel chain, a loose ochre shirt with dark rose red brocade at the hems, a pair of dark rose red breeches with black steel buttons, and a pair of black leather shoes.

Svardin glances up.

Falvicar nods reassuringly to you.

Darphin asks, speaking to Saradrin, "Which they? and what have they done?"

Falvicar ponders.

Svardin says, "Hmm."

High Lord Svardin just went up.

Saradrin says, "He fought. Boots scrabbled in the snow. But one cannot fight what one cannot see."

Falvicar ponders.

High Lord Svardin just arrived.

Saradrin sucks in a raw, ragged breath, his gaze distant as if he sees other places, other times.

You listen carefully to Saradrin.

Falvicar tilts his head toward Saradrin, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.

Darphin ponders.

Svardin joins your group.

Darphin says, speaking to himself, "I wonder if Rammael held his word and went for the mayor..."

Saradrin sharply says, "They have taken what they could not conquer."

Perigourd furrows his brow.

Svardin says, "Many tings ya can't conquer."

Suddenly, the air around you is drawn toward your plumille houppelande.

Your pearl white lizard scampers across your shoulders, obviously deciding the view is better from your other side.

You say, speaking quietly to your pearl white lizard, "Ssshhh this is serious."

The shadows abruptly shiver, growing black and impenetrable. In the darkness, the altars are bare hints of hue and form, and then two glowing golden eyes open out of the blackness.

As you stroke your pearl white lizard, its eyes slowly close and it drifts off to sleep.

Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.

Perigourd draws a sephwir-handled Selanthian bastard sword engraved with runes of nature from his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint huff vibrates through it.

With a swift shrug of his shoulder, Perigourd slings a dark faewood battle shield carved with an intricate doe trippant off from a series of straps on the back of his leather baldric.

Perigourd searches around for a moment.

Saradrin lifts his chin. "We are not alone," he says.

Randsford snorts!

Svardin nods.

Perigourd stows his bastard sword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.

Sorlu frowns.

Perigourd slings his faewood battle shield over his shoulder and onto a series of straps on the back of his leather baldric.

Perigourd removes a rectangular green crystal bottle from in his green leather cloak.

Svardin searches around for a moment.

Perigourd turns his green crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark emerald pill into his waiting hand.

You gaze with interest at a blue altar.

Perigourd places his dark emerald pill in his mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from his lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around him, wrapping him in protective magic!

Your form blurs.

[ Mass Blur: +0:29:30, 0:29:29 remaining. ]

Perigourd put a rectangular green crystal bottle in his green leather cloak.

Perigourd draws a sephwir-handled Selanthian bastard sword engraved with runes of nature from his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint huff vibrates through it.

With a swift shrug of his shoulder, Perigourd slings a dark faewood battle shield carved with an intricate doe trippant off from a series of straps on the back of his leather baldric.

Svardin makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Svardin gestures.

Svardin appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.

Aliashyrah whispers something to Sorlu.

Aliashyrah grins.

Svardin removes a dark crescent moon-bladed axe from in his golden cape.

Sorlu grins slowly at Aliashyrah.

Darphin whispers aloud, speaking to Sorlu, "I trust the coven more than floating eyes in the dark."

Darphin removes a sigil-inlaid dark faewood walking stick from in his black leather jacket. At his touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

Crime appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Saradrin clenches his hand, and hints of rainbowed color try to creep in at the edges of the shadows, but they are forced back by a tide of blackness.

Randsford asks, speaking to Darphin, "Are you sure they are not one and the same?"

Sorlu says, speaking to Darphin, "They might be one and the same."

Sorlu glances at Randsford.

Randsford nods in agreement at Sorlu.

Sorlu chuckles.

You frown.

Perigourd comments, speaking to Saradrin, "Most likely Rammael."

Umber eyes alert and expression wary, Perigourd gazes at his surroundings.

Darphin says, speaking to Randsford, "Maybe but the demon known and all."

Darphin shrugs.

The voice of Rammael mockingly says, "You have your gifts, but I have mine, and the shadows belong to me, given by the King of Cats himself."

Randsford glares.

Darphin grins.

Perigourd says, "I believe Ronan said the shadows serve more than one master."

Perigourd nods slowly.

Crime yells, "Here kitty!"

Falvicar smirks.

Ribbons of bluish-green light burn into existence and swirl around Falvicar's hand before quickly forming into a silver-edged somnis katana.

Randsford says, "We need better guards if you can so easily wander around."

Randsford shakes his head.

Saradrin makes a gesture of warding and he rises to his feet.

Randsford searches around for a moment.

Darphin says, "I stand by my statement. though it is good to hear your voice Rammael."

Randsford snorts!

Svardin says, "Cat's got yer left ear."

Randsford glances at Darphin.

Saradrin says, "You have no power to harm me, or any of these, here."

Randsford asks, speaking to Darphin, "Good to hear from a murderer?"

Darphin says, speaking to Randsford, "Better than not hearing and being dead."

Sorlu glances appraisingly around the room.

The voice of Rammael idly asks, "Is that what you believe? That this is a holy place, and that will long deter me?"

Randsford says, speaking to Darphin, "Even better if he would submit to justice for all the wrong he has caused."

Svardin says, "Dem who lurks in shadows is afraid ta be seen in da light."

Randsford nods in agreement at Svardin.

Darphin says, speaking to Randsford, "I mean,, he is in town, arrest him."

Darphin shrugs.

You notice your companion Svardin slip away into hiding.

Randsford searches around for a moment.

You quietly ask, "Let's not test that perhaps?"

Randsford grumbles.

You hear someone whistling in the shadows.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Crime says, speaking darkly to Darphin, "I got this."

The voice of Rammael says, "Our mark is stamped onto the souls of those surrounding you, painter. I would not be so confident."

You notice your companion Svardin emerge from hiding nearby.

Everything around you seems to distort for a moment.

Svardin says, "Moof."

Darphin gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Saradrin's face betrays no fear, but his eyes dart briefly to a few faces in the crowd.

You quietly whisper to Falvicar, "When did we get stamped!"

Svardin glances up.

You glance at Falvicar, an eyebrow quirking slightly in his direction.

Falvicar whispers, "Not that i know of."

Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...

Crime gestures.

Crime appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Svardin loses some awareness.

Falvicar whispers, "If anything he was stumped."

Falvicar switches to a one-handed grip on his somnis katana.

Falvicar grips his somnis katana with both hands.

Darphin sighs.

Falvicar tightens his grip on his somnis katana.

Darphin purses his lips, the black steel ring within them appearing a bit more prominent.

You quietly say, "Well maybe some of them."

Perigourd says, "Than you rely upon pawns as always to perform your labors."

A shadowy figure moves along the walls, mocking eyes bobbing along in time.

You place your arms akimbo and look about as if waiting for something.

Darphin says, speaking to you, "At least one."

Olgretien removes a jet black mithril claidhmore from in his wolverine pelt sheath.

Darphin nods.

The voice of Rammael says, "Safety is an illusion. Safety is a trap."

The voice of Rammael says, "The world is a deep, dark wood, and all are prey here."

Svardin laughs!

Randsford removes a ruby-handled wolf-headed spikestar from in his warg pelt sheath.

With a slight roll of his shoulder, Randsford slides a white eonake knight's aegis bound by shimmering silver and imbedded with emeralds that form the symbol of the goddess Oleani free and grips it tightly in one hand. A spray of silvery white motes skitters over the surface of the aegis before fizzling out with a fading howl.

Randsford snorts!

Randsford searches around for a moment.

Olgretien deeply asks, "Whose prey are you?"

Svardin says, "Heard dat many times afore."

Olgretien picks idly at a jet black mithril claidhmore.

Sorlu casually mentions, "He's not wrong."

Randsford says, "Coward."

Randsford shakes his head.

Saradrin's hand straysto a pocket in his ochre shirt, and you see the imprint of a crystal ball shaped charm press up beneath the cloth.

Perigourd says, speaking to Sorlu, "He seems to think he is the apex predator though."

Perigourd chuckles.

You quietly say, "True. But even the Prey, can become the hunter and the hunter the prey."

You shrug.

Sorlu grins at Perigourd.

Falvicar nods to you.

Crime rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Svardin just opened a red mail sack.

Saradrin sincerely says, "I have seen you die, predator. Sometimes by the hands of one here, or another, or even by mine own hand. But your life ends all the same."

Svardin removes a shuttered gold lantern charm from in his mail sack.

Randsford glances at Saradrin.

Crime just opened a veniom bound vruul skin swordbelt inlaid with urglaes fangs.

Crime put a dark sigil-etched blade in his vruul skin swordbelt.

Crime slings a spiked eye-shaped buckler over his shoulder.

Crime just closed a veniom bound vruul skin swordbelt inlaid with urglaes fangs.

Olgretien blinks at Svardin.

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Saradrin.

Olgretien just opened an elk hide journey pack.

Svardin put a dark crescent moon-bladed axe in his golden cape.

Svardin takes off a shining knight pin.

Svardin puts on a shining knight pin.

The brilliant aura fades away from Perigourd.

Svardin carefully inspects his gold lantern charm.

Bathcwyn Missoni flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.

You quietly ask, "Rammael You are a wanted man here in Icemule. Have you come to turn yourself in?"

Olgretien removes a shuttered invar lantern charm from in his journey pack.

Svardin removes an equine groomer's kit from his gold chain.

You cough.

Missoni frowns at Perigourd.

A dry chuckle emanates from the shadows, and the black figure shrugs its shoulders. "Eventually, the hunt must end," says Rammael.

Svardin carefully twists the chain of his lantern charm about his hand before threading it around his belt, allowing the little lantern to hang freely.

Streams of golden light spill forth as Svardin unshutters his lantern charm.

Svardin put an equine groomer's kit in his golden cape.

Svardin tries humming a joyful tune.

Missoni joins your group.

Darphin asks, "How long can nine lives last after all?"

Olgretien shows Svardin his invar lantern charm.

A lazy wild white dog's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around its arms.

The voice of Rammael says, "Opalina, your boundless optimism is as refreshing as it is laughable."

Olgretien put a shuttered invar lantern charm in his journey pack.

Olgretien just closed an elk hide journey pack.

The voice of Raelee asks, "Does he die in every iteration? Are all of those deaths related to this conflict?"

Falvicar stands in front of you.

Perigourd says, speaking to you, "He ran the last attempt that was made to arrest him."

Sorlu appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Svardin grins.

Perigourd nods slowly to you.

Your plumille houppelande bends inward for a brief moment.

Crime loses some awareness.

Olgretien just opened an elk hide journey pack.

Svardin nods.

Darphin says, speaking to Crime, "Your victim is awake."

Svardin shutters his lantern charm, stifling its golden light.

Olgretien just closed an elk hide journey pack.

You quietly ask, "Well if not to deliver yourself, then to share news perhaps?"

Svardin removes a shuttered gold lantern charm from his gold chain.

Saradrin dully says, "He dies, and he does not die, and he dies again. Nothing is certain."

Svardin put a shuttered gold lantern charm in his mail sack.

Svardin just closed a red mail sack.

Svardin removes an equine groomer's kit from in his golden cape.

Svardin attaches an equine groomer's kit to his gold chain.

Randsford looks over at Saradrin and shakes his head.

Crime says, speaking darkly to Darphin, "Please ignore Metaboculous."

Randsford says, speaking to Saradrin, "The choices we make cause the certainty."

Svardin says, "What never dies is hope."

Perigourd stows his bastard sword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.

Randsford says, "If those loyal to the Coven wish to oust them then it would be so."

Svardin nods.

Perigourd removes a perfectly clear crystal sphere from in his green leather cloak.

Perigourd gazes intensely into his clear crystal sphere.

Svardin says, "Shadows always succumb."

Falvicar nods at Svardin.

Perigourd put a perfectly clear crystal sphere in his green leather cloak.

Perigourd draws a sephwir-handled Selanthian bastard sword engraved with runes of nature from his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint huff vibrates through it.

Svardin nods.

Svardin giggles.

The voice of Rammael says, "Watching this charlatan of Liabo tug you back and forth like marionettes has instilled in me a sense of pity, and I found myself thinking that I should finally face the justice of Icemule Trace at last."

The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.

Perigourd scratches at his beard.

Sorlu raises an eyebrow.

Darphin snickers.

The voice of Rammael asks, "So... I brought the justice of Icemule Trace to me. Tell me, when did you last see Mayor Talliver Dabbings?"

Randsford squints.

Svardin says, "Ya could just hang yerself."

Perigourd frowns.

Missoni narrows her eyes.

Olgretien frowns.

Aliashyrah gives a short little hum of surprise.

Randsford clenches his jaw.

Falvicar frowns.

Perigourd searches around for a moment.

Perigourd grunts.

Darphin says, "Odd, i had mentioned just that concern recently."

Darphin shrugs.

Perigourd glances appraisingly at Darphin.

Sorlu nods at Darphin.

Svardin says, "Rufus suggests he can see him quite clearly."

Saradrin distantly says, "Boots. In the snow. Too many of them around for him to fight. An old soldier, but he struggled, and he lost."

The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.

Perigourd frowns at Saradrin.

You gasp.

Falvicar ponders.

Saradrin's gaze clears, and his face grows taut with concern.

You quietly exclaim, "What are you saying!"

Quiet footsteps can be heard for a brief moment.

A quiet tapping noise can be heard for a brief moment.

A quiet rustling noise can be heard for a brief moment.

Saradrin sharply asks, "Where is he?"

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Darphin, "Many had expressed that concern to the Mayor, a urged him to keep a guard nearby."

Svardin looks very far away for a moment, a wistful expression on his face.

Darphin nods at Aliashyrah.

Olgretien asks, speaking deeply to Svardin, "Can ya see wher him is?"

The voice of Rammael silkily says, "Safe. For now."

Perigourd tightly grips the sides of his leather belt with his gauntlets as he meaningfully leans forward and glares.

Svardin says, "Prolly where all kidnapped folks end up."

Randsford searches around for a moment.

Svardin glances north.

Falvicar adjusts his somnis plate, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.

Svardin grins.

Darphin says, "On display somewhere? or secreted away beyond the common's reach/."

You sigh.

Saradrin suddenly asks, "I see a tower wreathed in flames. I see a cell. A light burns within, but dimly. How was this concealed?"

Falvicar curses fluently.

Saradrin's face twists with anger and loathing. "How was this concealed!?"

Sorlu leans leisurely on his Nalfein-styled cane, a thoughtful expression upon his face.

You quietly whisper to Falvicar, "Sounds like our dear mayor is ..."

Randsford says, "If you indeed have taken Talliver you should know it will not accomplish anything. He would not want us to give in to any of your treachery."

Randsford shakes his head.

Darphin says, speaking to Saradrin, "I believe you said "too many paths are blinding"."

Randsford glances at Saradrin.

You quietly say, "I don't believe it. Talliver wouldn't be that easily taken down.. Prove it."

You place your arms akimbo and look about as if waiting for something.

The voice of Rammael simply says, "You have the sight, but we have an Eye."

Randsford says, speaking to Saradrin, "Nothing is written until it is done. Your paths are an illusion, all paths are equal until we act."

Perigourd says, "His time is coming."

Saradrin clenches his fist.

Falvicar gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Falvicar searches around for a moment.

You quietly ask, "You took his eye?"

Darphin asks, speaking to you, "Are you sure proof is something you wish to ask with out being very specific?"

Perigourd says, speaking to you, "I believe he refers to Thaiagol."

Missoni murmurs, speaking to Perigourd, "Next time perhaps you can aim for his eye."

The opalescent aura fades from around Aliashyrah.

The air shivers about Aliashyrah, glistening faintly before stilling to normalcy.

Perigourd says, speaking to Missoni, "A bit deeper, perhaps."

Saradrin shuts his eyes, his brow knitting. A sheen of sweat beads upon his face despite the cold.

Svardin nods.

Olgretien snickers at Missoni.

Darphin says, speaking to you, "A finger, limb or head could all be considered proof of his statement."

Svardin says, "Eyes gets stuff in dem."

Svardin nods.

You say, speaking quietly to Darphin, "Eye's are easily ... taken.."

Randsford nods slowly to you.

Perigourd asks, "One assumes you tell us this to offer terms for exchange then, Rammael?"

Darphin says, speaking to you, "Im saying if you want proof ask for specific proof that wont bring harm to the mayor."

Sorlu agrees with Perigourd.

Svardin says, "Or is just a taunt."

Perigourd asks, "Or is this simply an attempt to damage the morale of the town?"

Perigourd folds his arms over his chest.

Olgretien deeply says, "Or jes gloatin'."

Svardin says, "Or a ruse cause he doesn't not hold Talliver."

Svardin nods.

Perigourd nods thoughtfully at Svardin.

You say, speaking quietly to Darphin, "I didn't ask him to harm the Mayor! He was the one who mentioned.. eye's.."

Saradrin says, "...I believe the Cat speaks truth."

Randsford frowns at Saradrin.

Darphin says, speaking to you, "Thaigol, in the way of the iron harpy or the claw..."

You gaze heavenward.

Randsford searches around for a moment.

Randsford snorts!

Olgretien asks, speaking deeply to Saradrin, "And that truth is...?"

Svardin says, "Dat he is in a shadows."

Svardin nods at Olgretien.

Saradrin says, "I see him when I focus. He is unharmed... but distant. Unless the Eye of Fash'lo'nae bends my sight even now."

Svardin says, "Pretty much."

Svardin giggles.

Olgretien nods at Saradrin.

The sound of the wind whistling comes from outside.

Randsford closes his eyes for a moment.

Svardin says, "Flamin tower in da distance."

Svardin says, "Hmm."

Saradrin places a hand against one wall to steady himself, and his fingers are lost in a current of twisting shadows.

You say, speaking quietly to Saradrin, "Great he's unharmed good."

Deep blue motes swirl away from Perigourd and fade.

Missoni looks at Saradrin with concern.

Sorlu nods slowly.

The voice of Rammael says, "Our terms remain as they were."

Perigourd lifts up the edge of his leather hood, glancing around the area with umber eyes.

Darphin asks, "Orb for the mayor youre saying?"

Falvicar says, "You'll never get the Orb."

Svardin asks, "You plan ta surrender and we get ta watch? Those terms?"

Svardin whispers to the group, "Tauntin da foe is wha I do."

Aliashyrah whispers something to Sorlu.

Svardin chuckles.

Olgretien deeply asks, "What was our answer last time?"

The voice of Rammael asks, "The Orb for the Mayor. Or... perhaps I will arrange to send his cousin his entrails. I think they might keep for a while in the Hinterwilds, don't you?"

Svardin glances around, looking a bit less confident.

Olgretien deeply exclaims, "Oh yea, NO!"

Svardin asks, "Um no?"

The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Svardin.

Falvicar says, "Show yourself and I can show your cousin your entrails."

Falvicar smirks.

Saradrin distantly says, "He would never permit such a bargain, were he here."

Olgretien agrees with Saradrin.

Randsford says, "I say again, coward! You speak of justice and all you bring is your same empty threats."

Svardin says, "We'll take da under advisement and consider yer fate under such."

You quietly ask, "Well It was nice knowing the Mayor Shall we start making new "Vote for Mayor" signs?"

Randsford shakes his head.

Perigourd agrees, speaking to Saradrin, "No, he would not."

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Darphin asks, "Rammael, has the mayor said anything the people of Icemule would need to know?"

You ask, speaking quietly to Darphin, "Do give up the Stone for me?"

The voice of Rammael says, "He has barely spoken, but worry not. Nettle is as good at opening mouths as she is at opening flesh."

Falvicar clenches his jaw.

Randsford says, speaking to Darphin, "No words he speaks can be trusted."

Gripping his bastard sword tightly, Perigourd draws it close to his body.

With a deafening huff, a rotund ethereal black bear erupts from the sword and sinks into Perigourd's body. A honey amber light surrounds him.

With a sudden surge, the shadows collapse back into their proper places, and the eyes burn out like spent candles.

Olgretien agrees with Randsford.

You frown.

Darphin says, speaking to you, "Lets be honest, he wouldnt say that. But who knows what secrets he has shared with the council that a message may be important."

Falvicar says, "Dabbings wouldn't give up the orb for himself."

Svardin says, "Since he is of no value to you seriously damaged or dead, your threat is hollow."

Svardin giggles.

You sigh.

Saradrin stares at the last location of the eyes, breathing as if he has run a mile.

A quiet rustling noise can be heard for a brief moment.

Olgretien deeply says, "So, I think we elect Myharl Mayor and purge the town of the Coven as an answer to this bastige's trrechery."

A quiet tapping noise can be heard for a brief moment.

Quiet footsteps can be heard for a brief moment.

Missoni looks at Saradrin with concern.

Sorlu says, "Actually..."

Sorlu glances at Olgretien.

Darphin says, speaking to himself, "It would be interesting in a schoolastic manner to see nettle work."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Olgretien, "He is several feet too tall to qualify."

You quietly say, "Well we either find The mayor or .. turn over that stone."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Olgretien, "Per the town bylaws."

Svardin says, "Ransom is such a dangerous ploy since it is so easily defeated."

You quietly say, "But he's probably already going to die."

Olgretien begins chuckling at Aliashyrah!

Falvicar says, speaking to Olgretien, "I'll aid in sacking that damned town if we can continue to the crusade to rid of every Coven."

Randsford looks over at you and shakes his head.

Sorlu says, speaking to Olgretien, "In times of a missing Mayor, the town council steps in to fill that role."

Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.

Perigourd glances haughtily at Darphin.

Saradrin says, speaking to Missoni, "My gift is my value. If the Eye has found a way to distort my sight, I am of no use at all."

Aliashyrah nods at Sorlu.

Olgretien says, speaking deeply to Falvicar, "Oh, that might be step two. Burn down Sabercross."

Randsford says, speaking to you, "We cannot give in. The Mayor has chosen war over giving in to them."

Saradrin kneels down.

You nod at Randsford.

Missoni asks, speaking to Saradrin, "Do you have any reason to think your gift is comprimised?"

Perigourd says, speaking to Saradrin, "Perhaps Ellerel can find a way to counter his influence."

The light surrounding Perigourd dissipates in a flurry of motes as power rushes away from him.

Perigourd appears less confident.

Saradrin lowers his head, his face an inscrutable mix of emotions.

You quietly say, "He would die before letting us turn over the stone it means more than one man."

You quietly whisper to Falvicar, "We gotta rescue him."

Svardin bows to Saradrin.

Olgretien agrees with you.

Saradrin says, "I did not see it coming."

Randsford nods in agreement to you.

Randsford sighs.

Your plumille houppelande bends inward for a brief moment.

You quietly whisper to Randsford, "We gotta rescue him."

Darphin asks, speaking to Saradrin, "Sucks to be amongst the merelly mortal again, yes?"

Randsford nods slowly to you.

Perigourd says, speaking to Saradrin, "Such is the way of an ambush."

Falvicar nods to you.

Svardin simply vanishes from sight!

Missoni nods sympathetically at Saradrin.

Perigourd stows his bastard sword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.

Perigourd slings his faewood battle shield over his shoulder and onto a series of straps on the back of his leather baldric.

You sigh.

You ask, speaking quietly to Saradrin, "Is there anything more you can share about where the mayor is ?"

Randsford whispers, "We are powerless in this I am afraid. If Rammael can slip in and out so easily I am not sure what we can do."

The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.

Saradrin says, "The past is more clear than the way ahead, now that I know what I seek."

Falvicar ponders.

Darphin says, speaking to Sorlu, "I too have better memory than foresight."

Myharl just arrived.

Missoni says, speaking to Saradrin, "Perhaps if you can tell us more of the past, it might provide some clues to follow."

Perigourd turns toward Myharl and renders a sharp hand salute.

Randsford glances at Myharl.

Myharl nods perfunctorily.

You agree with Missoni.

Falvicar says, speaking to Saradrin, "Hoping there is a path to both save the mayor and not let the Coven get the Kai orb."

Perigourd informs, speaking to Myharl, "The Coven has taken the Mayor."

Randsford says, speaking to Myharl, "You just missed our cat-eyed 'friend'."

Missoni adds, "A way to reach the Mayor."

Randsford grumbles.

Sorlu nods to Myharl in greeting.

Olgretien says, speaking deeply to Myharl, "Jes so ya know, I nominated ya fer Mayor."

Saradrin says, speaking quietly to a grey altar, "Months of work. Research in places blasphemous and forbidden. This was not a magic cheaply bought, but the Coven has willing sacrifices to make such monstrosities into realities."

Myharl deeply says, "I recieved word that the mayor has been captured by the coven, and his life is being threatened/."

Myharl peers quizzically at Perigourd.

Myharl peers quizzically at Randsford.

Darphin says, speaking to Myharl, "You lost the vote becuase youre too tall."

Randsford sighs.

Randsford says, speaking to Myharl, "Perigourd speaks the truth it would seem."

Saradrin weakly says, "I might have looked past their preparations a hundred times or more, because I did not think them important."

Randsford nods slowly at Perigourd.

The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.

Myharl deeply says, "Darphin are you a member of this Coven or not? Make your stance known here and now."

You ponder the meaning of Saradrin's existence.

Myharl glances at Darphin.

Missoni furrows her brow.

Myharl deeply says, "It's a simple question."

You hear a rhythmic *click-click-click* sound but can't tell which direction it's coming from.

Myharl nods at Darphin.

Darphin says, "Ive worn my ring in the open."

Darphin says, "I am not at this time taking it off."

Randsford frowns at Darphin.

Saradrin says, "The Mayor. A cell high atop a tower. Warded against sight, against travel, against death itself."

Perigourd says, speaking to Saradrin, "Perhaps there are clues as to how to find them in the past then."

Myharl deeply asks, "So you are among those holding our mayor hostage and threatening his life?"

Myharl glances at Darphin.

Darphin says, "Far as i know he is alive and safe."

Saradrin says, "Even now, I do not see him clearly, but I can see the pieces of him in the absence the wards leave behind. I believe he is well."

Perigourd says, speaking to Darphin, "The allusion to Nettle would preclude him from my description of safe."

Randsford says, speaking to Darphin, "I have done what I can to speak on your behalf but this is unforgiveable if you now still side with them."

Missoni nods thoughtfully at Saradrin.

Perigourd glances appraisingly at Darphin.

Randsford looks over at Darphin and shakes his head.

Olgretien deeply says, "No captivity is safe."

You squeakily ask, "Pieces of him?"

Saradrin says, "He is like a light in the darkness. Were I blind, I would still feel his heat."

Falvicar nods slowly at Saradrin.

Myharl gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Saradrin says, "And..."

You hug Crime.

Saradrin glances at nothing in particular, his eyes gone distant once more.

Darphin says, speaking to Randsford, "I have done all i can to be welcomed here, sacrificed time, wealth, energy and blood to help this nation grow."

Missoni asks, speaking to Saradrin, "Can you get any sense of the direction the light is coming from? Perhaps a way to follow it to its source?"

Saradrin says, "...I feel the part he has yet to play."

Darphin says, "And been shunned for all of it."

Perigourd nods at Sorlu.

Saradrin says, "Nothing is constant, but that part is nearly so."

You gulp.

Crime observes his surroundings with a final cautious glance, then quickly leaves.

Randsford says, speaking to Darphin, "You sarficie all except your allegiance. That is not to this town but to your own volition."

Darphin says, speaking to Randsford, "The actions of the five are what they are, and done with out anyones knowledge."

Randsford sighs at Darphin.

Myharl glances between Randsford and Darphin.

Saradrin says, speaking to Missoni, "South and east, but along some paths, it is north, and others west. I... do not understand."

Saradrin shakes his head, utterly befuddled.

Missoni gazes with interest at Saradrin.

Perigourd grunts.

Falvicar nods.

Darphin says, speaking to Randsford, "Sablecross has asked me to sacrifice nothing, nor have its citizens shunned me."

Aliashyrah ponders.

You slowly exhale, causing the air surrounding you to smell of strawberry-infused scotch whiskey.

Sorlu absentmindedly taps his Nalfein-styled cane against his leg.

Missoni muses, "It is quiet well warded, then."

Randsford says, speaking to Darphin, "You sacrifice any ounce of good you could have had if you still chose that would kidnap and offer shelter to murderers."

Randsford looks over at Darphin and shakes his head.

You say, speaking quietly to Saradrin, "Who can we ask? How can we see more what do you need to find him.."

Aliashyrah whispers something to Sorlu.

Myharl says, speaking deeply to Randsford, "What will the Coven have to do for Icemule to take a stance? Murder wasn't enought. Threats were not enough. And now, Mayor Dabbings is kidnaped and held prisoner..."

An ethereal bluish-green light swirls around the blade of Falvicar's somnis katana, and it quickly grows translucent before vanishing.

Falvicar wraps his arms around you, hugging you warmly.

You wrap Falvicar in a tender embrace.

Randsford nods slowly at Myharl.

Perigourd asks, speaking to Sorlu, "Will the council be convening then, in the mayors absence, to decide a course of action?"

Perigourd glances between Aliashyrah and yourself.

Falvicar wraps his arms around you, hugging you warmly.

Falvicar places a gentle kiss on your lips.

Sorlu says, speaking to Perigourd, "I believe that to be prudent."

Falvicar whispers, "We'll try to find him but shouldn't give up the orb for him hon."

Randsford says, "I've tried to stay neutral in all this. I know those drawn to the Coven merely wish to practice what Labio cannot understand; however there are limits even for myself."

Randsford snorts!

Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Sorlu.

Olgretien deeply asks, "Shoud we bring torches?"

Sorlu glances at you.

You quietly whisper to Falvicar, "I know."

Myharl shakes his head.

Sorlu says, speaking to you, "I assume you would agree to this as well."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Perigourd, "As you pointed out, the mention of Nettle does not bode well for the Mayor."

Myharl stares off into space.

Darphin says, speaking to Randsford, "You confuse sablecross and the coven."

Perigourd nods grimly.

Saradrin says, speaking to you, "I... do not know. I see as if through a darkened glass, and what was once clear is now bowed and twisted as if by a carnival mirror."

Myharl agrees with Randsford.

Myharl deeply says, "That is not the coven."

Darphin says, "And the bland anger is as bad as any kidnapping."

Myharl glances at Darphin.

Randsford says, speaking to Darphin, "No, you are the one confused. You still do not see the wrong they are causing. Sablecross is what it is but it has chosen the Coven, that is a choice all its citizens make."

You say, speaking weakly to Sorlu, "Yes."

The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.

Saradrin says, speaking miserably to himself, "Whatever the Eye has done to me, it is a torment."

Darphin says, speaking to Randsford, "Not true, just those who wish to travel back and froth with out risk of death."

Perigourd says, speaking to Saradrin, "One which we will try to free you of, should an opportunity arise."

Falvicar nods slowly at Saradrin.

Sorlu smiles.

The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.

Sorlu nods to you.

Amn just went south.

Perigourd pulls off one of his golvern gauntlets and quickly massages his fingers, then cracks his knuckles and slips it back on.

Darphin says, speaking to Randsford, "The town is full of wonderful people just living."

Randsford says, speaking to Darphin, "Says the willing accompllice to kidnappers and murderers. You may not have caused any of those actions but you carry its stench."

Randsford snorts!

Missoni says, speaking to Saradrin, "Has this ever happened before? Perhaps there is a way to bring clarity once more."

Sorlu glances between Randsford and Darphin.

Myharl says, speaking deeply to Randsford, "Call for me if you desire blade should Icemule decide to defend itself. You'll have my blade, to the very end, but not as long the choice is to capitulate to those who are the enemy."

Saradrin says, speaking to Missoni, "It has not."

Missoni frowns.

Randsford nods slowly at Myharl.

Myharl just went south.

Perigourd glances south.

Saradrin says, "But the Orb was itself almost blinding. Possibilities themselves bend around it."

Darphin says, "I have always stood by knowledge. My current postion allows me to stay to what i have always been true to."

Saradrin says, " seems that the Eye took advantage of that weakness to undermine me."

The voice of Raelee asks, "Why would it be so blinding?"

Raelee suddenly fades into view.

Raelee cocks her head.

The dog wanders over to Olgretien and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.

You reach out and touch your beanbag halfling.

Your plumille houppelande bends inward for a brief moment.

Saradrin says, speaking softly to Raelee, "Even a fragment of an Arkati holds potential beyond imagining."

Aliashyrah suggests, speaking to Raelee, "Perhaps the sheer number of options and possibility makes it confusing to see much clearly when focusing on the orb."

Missoni smiles at Raelee.

Sorlu says, "If the Orb is creating such a weakness, perhaps it needs to be removed. It has served us no good yet."

Perigourd nods in agreement at Sorlu.

Perigourd says, speaking to Sorlu, "It's only made Icemule a target to date."

Darphin says, speaking to Raelee, "Its the essence of an Arkati, the things its could do in terms of raw power goes well beyond any stories of its inteded use."

You ponder.

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Sorlu, "As long as Icemule keeps it, she paints a target on herself."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Sorlu, "And since it has been decided from the start that none here wish to use it to strength Northwatch, it only serves as a point of weakness."

Sorlu says, speaking to Perigourd, "And we've yet to harness a single drop of power from it. All sacrifice, no reward."

Sorlu frowns.

Sorlu nods at Aliashyrah.

Saradrin carefully says, "We are only fortunate that the Coven chose to target the Mayor and not the Orb's holder herself."

Perigourd says, speaking to Aliashyrah, "Most mortals with that amount of power are corrupted to begin with."

Darphin laughs!

Raelee says, "Thus the core of it is, the sight is only effective to a point. More power can rise above it."

Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Saradrin.

Missoni furrows her brow.

Sorlu holds up his hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.

Saradrin tiredly says, "A miscalculation, I think."

Sorlu says, "Perhaps."

The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Olgretien.

You say, speaking quietly to Saradrin, "How lucky is that. What is that orb isn't even inside that thing shes holding.."

Darphin says, speaking to Saradrin, "They wish to torture not be tortured, why would someone want to capture Councilor Jast and hear her talk their ear off."

Perigourd glances at you.

You mutter what-if.

Perigourd says, speaking to Darphin, "I'm sure a wyrmslayer by her side is also a disenchantment to taken her without challenge."

Sorlu says, "Mayor Dabbings has escaped from impossible situations before. Perhaps he will find a way to transform his captivity into something more useful to us all."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Perigourd, "The mayor is hardly an "easy" target."

Raelee narrows her eyes slightly, studying Saradrin with a cool, analytical gaze.

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Perigourd, "There must be more to them taking Mayor Dabbings than just a dessire for leverage."

You ponder.

You glance at Saradrin.

Missoni says, speaking to Sorlu, "Yes, if it is indeed a miscalculation to capture him, perhaps it could be bent to the town's advantage somehow."

Perigourd says, speaking to Aliashyrah, "Leadership, tactical knowledge on the wyrm."

Saradrin says, "I had wondered why their forces did not attack. I had seen paths where they did. Paths where they were repelled. Paths where they burnt, and paths where they conquered."

Perigourd says, speaking to Aliashyrah, "Quite a few benefits if they can gain what he knows."

Saradrin shakes his head in frustration.

Darphin says, speaking to Perigourd, "I respect Myharls abilities in battle, but all have limits as they have proven with the mayor."

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Aliashyrah.

Perigourd says, speaking to himself, "Though..."

Perigourd glances over his shoulder.

Perigourd scratches at his beard.

You say, speaking quietly to Saradrin, "Well those could still come to pass since The Mayor isn't to be bartered with."

Saradrin says, "But while I looked one way, they struck from another."

Raelee continues, speaking to Saradrin, "... potential beyond imagination. Does that imply infinite? A quantity beyond true mortal capacity to understand? Or is it simply that the power is beyond our ability to comprehend?"

Aliashyrah says, speaking unconvincingly to Perigourd, "Possibly. Though it does not seem enough motivation alone to take him for those reasons. There is a piece missing in all of this."

Everything around you seems to distort for a moment.

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Aliashyrah.

Saradrin says, speaking to Raelee, "I do not know."

Sorlu says, speaking to Missoni, "Perhaps we might manage to find a way to communicate with him."

Sorlu rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Saradrin says, speaking to Aliashyrah, "The motive is clear."

Missoni nods thoughtfully at Sorlu.

Aliashyrah asks, speaking to Saradrin, "A desire for the orb?"

Saradrin grimly says, "...above all, the cat wishes to play."

Saradrin shudders, horrified at whatever his sight is showing him.

Missoni asks, speaking to Saradrin, "You can sense the Mayor with your sight. Could you relay a message?"

Darphin asks, speaking to Raelee, "Once we are beyond our ability to understand, or grasp, does it matter how much further it goes?"

Saradrin says, speaking to Missoni, "I could not, but..."

Raelee says, speaking to Darphin, "Absolutely."

Saradrin whispers something to Missoni.

Raelee says, speaking to Darphin, "If we do not push the limits of our understanding, then we remain as we are. To know more is to be more."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Saradrin, "Well, yes. But that is as helpful as saying that the sky is up. We all know that. But there are other ways to play that make more sense if the orb is the ultimate goal. As you pointed out, going after the Councilwoman would have made far more sense, unless there is something else they hope to get from taking the Mayor."

Missoni nods slightly at Saradrin.

You quietly ask, "'Saradrin, Is there a way to send a thought to him?"

Aliashyrah says, "Perhaps it is a message to show Icemule just how easy it was for them."

Raelee adds, speaking to Darphin, "... it makes the question all the more tantalizing to ask."

Saradrin says, speaking hesitantly to Aliashyrah, "Perhaps."

Aliashyrah says, "They took him without even an alarm going up."

Aliashyrah says, "Without a word."

Missoni whispers something to Saradrin.

Missoni grins wryly.

Darphin nods at Raelee.

Saradrin shakes his head.

Darphin says, speaking to Raelee, "I can see that angle."

Saradrin mournfully says, "...that, I cannot."

Saradrin looks thoughtfully at you.

Missoni frets.

The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Raelee.

Darphin says, "I am sure my time in the Mule is soon to be ended."

Saradrin says, "There may be a way."

You say, speaking quietly to Aliashyrah, "Just all feels like a trap."

Sorlu cocks his head at Saradrin.

Darphin says, "So, if there is a message to be shared with the mayor i may be able to pass it."

Saradrin urgently says, "But not here. I must see a friend."

Saradrin stands up.

Perigourd nods at Saradrin.

Darphin says, "Though as i have often stated the council works well beyond our knowledge, so i may not."

Aliashyrah nods slowly at Perigourd.

Missoni nods slightly.

You are already standing.

Saradrin says, speaking to you, "...thoughts may go where flesh cannot, if encouraged in the right way."

Olgretien says, speaking deeply to Saradrin, "All success to ya."

Saradrin says, "Yes. Perhaps... perhaps."

Saradrin nods a few times to himself, muttering under his breath.

Specks of luminous color streak through the air to gather around Saradrin, each as bright as painter's pigments spilled on a fresh canvas.  They swirl around him, blurring together in a splendid rainbow of hues, until Saradrin's form is but a shadow amid the shimmer.  Rainbowed motes streak away from the storm of color, revealing only empty air where Saradrin once stood.

You quietly ask, "Where?"

Sorlu frowns.

You gaze heavenward.

The dog cocks its head to one side and raises its muzzle up into the air, sniffing anxiously. After a moment, the fur of its ruff bristles, and it begins to growl at the shadows.

An old memory bubbles up from your past, and causes you to reflect a moment. With a flash of insight, you realize you understand yourself a bit better than you did a moment ago. The sudden feeling of self-knowledge is a pleasant one.

You quietly say, "I really do love the rainbows."

Missoni agrees with you.

You quietly whisper to Missoni, "What did he say if I can ask?"

Olgretien glances at a lazy wild white dog.

Randsford frowns.

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Sorlu, "It would seem that the council has a heavier burden upon us now. We should send out word to the two missing and meet so that the town may respond to this most recent threat."

Sorlu nods at Aliashyrah.

Missoni whispers, "He suggested that perhaps someone from the Coven might have their conscience in tact and be able to relay a mesage to Talliver."

Perigourd says, speaking slowly to Missoni, "One moment in the light."

Perigourd nods.

The dog cocks its head to one side and raises its muzzle up into the air, sniffing anxiously. After a moment, the fur of its ruff bristles, and it begins to growl at the shadows.

Missoni whispers, "I am not sure who that would be, though, and he did not seem to know either."

Sorlu says, speaking to Aliashyrah, "Under these dire circumstances, we will certainly need to make haste."

Aliashyrah nods.

Missoni nods slightly at Perigourd.

You quietly whisper to Missoni, "Myhaul might know someone."

Missoni says, speaking to Perigourd, "There will be no more games."

Perigourd says, speaking to Missoni, "As Sir Cryheart last said when I asked him."

Randsford says, "Lines must now be drawn. I hate making such a stand but this is unforgiveable. Sablecross can bring unity with Northwatch by denouncing the Coven. Only cowards would side with the Coven. Protection can be given. We will erect the owed Eorgina shrine to prove to Sablecross citizens that Icemuel can offer shelter but this facade must end. Denounce the Coven or pay the price."

Randsford snorts!

You quietly whisper to Missoni, "They had someone they knew on the inside."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Missoni, "With the cat, games are about the only certainty."

Randsford places an arm against his waist and courteously bows.

Lord Randsford just went south.

Sorlu's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.

Missoni agrees, speaking to Aliashyrah, "Until they are dead."

Sorlu chuckles.

Perigourd glances south.

Perigourd nods thoughtfully.

Missoni's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.

Missoni whispers, "It is a good thought, perhaps... if it can be accomplished."

Darphin asks, "You cant protect the mayor but can protect a town you cant even locate?"

The subdued warmth embracing you fades along with the spiritual force surrounding your arms.

The warm glow fades from around Perigourd.

Falvicar's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.

Your skin grows slightly numb for a moment as the warm glow fades from around you.

Perigourd's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.

Olgretien's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.

The warm glow fades from around Aliashyrah.

Aliashyrah's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.

Darphin's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.

Aliashyrah says, speaking helpfully to Darphin, "He left."

Missoni whispers, "At least the Mayor would know his rescue is being worked toward."

Darphin shrugs.

Perigourd says, "Some people take restraint to be weakness."

Perigourd chuckles.

Perigourd says, "It's often the other way around."

You quietly whisper to Missoni, "Yes.."

Aliashyrah agrees, speaking to Perigourd, "Far too many."

Olgretien furrows his brow.

Perigourd says, "It does seem though that things are approaching a point of no return on deciding where one stands."

Olgretien just trudged away moving south.

Perigourd glances appraisingly south.

Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.

Darphin nods at Perigourd.

You agree with Perigourd.

Perigourd says, "Mayor Talliver would rather die than give an advantage to them against Icemule, of that I'm sure."

Darphin put a sigil-inlaid dark faewood walking stick in his black leather jacket. As it leaves his hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.

Perigourd says, "I'll be interested to see how the Council decides to proceed."

You nod at Perigourd.

You quietly say, "I agree with you there."

Perigourd says, "And in support of the town, as always."

Darphin says, "We have wasted weeks of possible research during wich we could have found a way to safely rid the world of this orb."

Suddenly, the air around you is drawn toward your plumille houppelande.

Darphin shrugs.

You quietly ask, "We have?"

Missoni asks, "Is it the Council's decision that the orb is to be destroyed?"

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Missoni, "We must meet."

Perigourd says, speaking to Missoni, "Not all trusted Saradrin to remove it."

Missoni nods understandingly at Aliashyrah.

You say, speaking quietly to Darphin, "I've not even seen it so.. perhaps there isn't one to research with."

Sorlu glances between Aliashyrah and Missoni.

Perigourd says, "Whether it can be destroyed is another question."

The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Missoni.

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Missoni, "Much has changed during this evening. With the Mayor gone, I think that is the primary focus."

Missoni agrees, speaking to Perigourd, "Such things can have unintended consequences."

Sorlu says, speaking to Missoni, "That is to be decided. Destroyed, or at least removed from the gameboard."

Perigourd says, speaking to Missoni, "The nature of life."

Darphin asks, speaking to you, "Dont we have an amazingly old and wise undead opening a school of magic?"

Missoni glances between Sorlu and Aliashyrah.

The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.

Missoni nods thoughtfully.

Raelee's hands fade to complete transparency as she intones a spell...

Raelee gestures.

Raelee suddenly disappears.

Missoni says, "I do hope the Mayor can be recovered."

Perigourd says, speaking to Darphin, "Old yes, Wise is another thing yet to be proven."

Sorlu smiles at Missoni.

You chuckle.

You say, speaking quietly to Perigourd, "I couldn't have said it better."

Darphin says, speaking to Perigourd, "Was good enough to close a portal, thats a start."

Darphin says, "And annoying start, but a start."

Perigourd says, speaking to Darphin, "Power is not an indication of wisdom."

Perigourd chuckles.

Aliashyrah says, "One point of solace is that the painter seems to believe that the Mayor still has a defined path to walk in this journey and it is not his time to be ushered beyond the gate just yet."

Darphin says, speaking to Perigourd, "The research to know what to do show wisdom."

Perigourd asks, speaking to Darphin, "At what cost did he attain it?"

You say, speaking quietly to Aliashyrah, "Ya. that gives me a sliver of hope."

Darphin asks, speaking to Perigourd, "Price has been paid, why do we not use his knowledge in our current problem?"

Missoni agrees, speaking to Aliashyrah, "That is heartening."

Falvicar wraps his arms around you, hugging you warmly.

Darphin says, "No orb, no kidnapping."

Perigourd says, speaking to Darphin, "I would say he is still paying."

Perigourd nods slowly.

Leaning gently against Falvicar, you close your eyes and sigh contentedly. Sensing your mood, Falvicar slips his arm around you.

Darphin says, "I just dont think it should go to Saradin either."

Darphin says, "It should be studied and destroyed."

Perigourd says, "It may be past the time to attempt any study before the latter, should an opportunity arise."

You quietly say, "Or.. Jast can just keep it."

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at you.

Missoni squints at Perigourd.

Falvicar says, "It shouldn't be studied at all."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to you, "I doubt that is a longterm solution."

Falvicar smirks.

Perigourd says, speaking to you, "It may be that others besides the coven will come for it, if she does."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to you, "If they can so easily take the mayor, I am certain the councillwoman is reachable as well."

Darphin says, speaking to you, "An item like that will only breed curruption."

Perigourd says, "Such relics often attract pursuers."

The voice of Raelee says, "... it is never past the time for study."

Missoni adopts an agreeable expression.

You quietly say, "Woah woah woah.. IT has yet to be proven it's the orb of kai."

Missoni murmurs, "A bit hasty to destroy such a thing, I think."

Darphin says, speaking to you, "Aye, but enough believe it as such."

Perigourd says, speaking to Missoni, "Lives on the line."

Perigourd waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

A faint white aura flickers around you.

Falvicar says, "Keeping it here is only bringing more problems."

Perigourd curls his hand into a fist, brings it to his lips, kisses the knuckles of his gauntlet, then emphatically punches it up into the air.

Falvicar frowns.

Perigourd nods at Missoni.

Sorlu nods at Falvicar.

Missoni asks, speaking to Perigourd, "And if the orb were destroyed, to you think that would prompt Mayor Dabbings' return?"

Missoni says, "I do not."

Falvicar says, "I'd sooner give the orb to Saradrin."

Perigourd asks, speaking to Missoni, "What else would they want from Icemule?"

Sorlu grins at Aliashyrah.

Darphin says, speaking to Missoni, "Giving it to them wont either."

Missoni says, speaking to Darphin, "Clearly."

Missoni says, "Perhaps it could be used to help restore the painter's sight, though."

Sorlu becomes solid again.

You become solid again.

Falvicar becomes solid again.

Perigourd scratches at his beard.

Darphin says, speaking to Missoni, "Lets be honest about Rammael, i would trust Thaigol to return him in a deal, but Rammael has an ax to grind."

Perigourd glances at Darphin.

Missoni says, speaking to Darphin, "I would trust neither."

Perigourd points at Missoni.

Darphin says, "Trust is a strong word perhaps but i have seen him hold his word more than the other."

You quietly say, "Bet it was over a woman."

Falvicar wraps his arms around you, hugging you warmly.

Leaning gently against Falvicar, you close your eyes and sigh contentedly. Sensing your mood, Falvicar slips his arm around you.

Perigourd says, "He's a poisoner, and this is not his first kidknap victim."

The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.

A cloud of thick fog abruptly spouts into existence, then frays and drifts away.

Raelee fades into visibility.

Perigourd says, "The things Lady Artdin went through, whom he was thought to consider a friend, showed he has no scruples for people."

You say, speaking quietly to Perigourd, "And we know Rammael has no problem with killing his .. prey."

Falvicar whispers, "I wanted to strike Rammael badly but he never showed himself."

Perigourd nods in agreement to you.

Missoni says, "Thaiagol lived a lie in the Argentate for many years. Do not fool yourself into thinking he can be trusted."

Missoni twitches her bony fingers ever so briefly.

Aliashyrah whispers something to Sorlu.

Perigourd says, speaking gruffly to himself, "Matter of time."

A lazy wild white dog seems slightly different.

A lazy wild white dog seems hesitant, looking unsure of itself.

Sorlu smiles at Aliashyrah.

Perigourd rests a gentle hand on Missoni's arm.

Darphin says, speaking to Missoni, "As stated trust may have been too strong of a word, but believe me if you hand the orb to Rammael with out the mayor in your custody... the mayor is dead."

You quietly say, "I think we need to somehow find this tower he's stuck in and rescue him."

Missoni says, speaking to Darphin, "I never suggested handing it over."

Aliashyrah says, "I doubt anyone here thinks turning over the orb for the Mayor is a viable solution to the current situation."

Perigourd nods in agreement to you.

Missoni agrees with you.

Falvicar nods in agreement to you.

Darphin says, "You need your mayor in your arms before you do anything with the orb."

Perigourd says, "The council ought to see about the upgrades to the Wyrm as well. It will likely be needed if a battle ensues."

The dog cocks its head to one side and raises its muzzle up into the air, sniffing anxiously. After a moment, the fur of its ruff bristles, and it begins to growl at the shadows.

Aliashyrah says, "It is however an excellent way to ensure any leader of Icemule has a target on their backs from now until the coven grows bored with Icemule."

You say, speaking quietly to Aliashyrah, "We will just have make sure we get strong mayors."

Missoni curiously says, "Is the Wyrm being upgraded? That does seem prudent."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Perigourd, "I believe the first step will be to convene the full council at first opportunity and then we shall move from there."

Perigourd says, speaking to Missoni, "It was in the middle of being retrofitted before we went back to Glaeve."

You say, speaking quietly to Aliashyrah, "And we are part of a larger nation now. WE can get their help too."

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Missoni, "For some time now."

Missoni nods approvingly.

Aliashyrah nods to you.

Perigourd nods in agreement at Aliashyrah.

You quietly say, "Someone needs to send word to Hinterwilds as well and let The Mayor's cousin know what's going on."

The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.

Perigourd says, speaking to you, "A good thought."

You quietly say, "I'd hate to think she's sent body parts before she's aware of the situation."

You quietly say, "Mental prep and all."

Missoni nods slowly.

Perigourd leaves your group.

Missoni leaves your group.

Missoni moves to Perigourd's side and they lace their fingers together.

Aliashyrah begins to breathe less deeply.

Perigourd says, "We've some matters to attend for now, but I will hope to be at the meeting when the Council convenes."

Aliashyrah summons a torrent of spiritual mana and releases upon herself a flurry of abjurations.

Perigourd bows to you.

Perigourd bows to Aliashyrah.

The dog wanders over to you and sniffs at you suspiciously for a moment.

Perigourd turns toward Sorlu and renders a sharp hand salute.

Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Perigourd. She inclines her head as well, giving Perigourd a brief nod.

Perigourd turns toward Falvicar and renders a sharp hand salute.


With a fancy pirouette, you fluidly drop into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising with a grin.

Perigourd nods slowly at Darphin.

Missoni wishes, "Fair eve to you all."

Missoni performs a bow characteristic of those from Solhaven.

Inclining his head slightly, Sorlu offers the most minimal of bows to Perigourd with an air of utmost politeness.

Aliashyrah smiles at Missoni.

Perigourd waves.

Darphin nods at Perigourd.

Sorlu smiles at Missoni.

Bathcwyn Missoni's group flounces south amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.

Darphin says, "Well, councilors,"

Darphin says, speaking to Falvicar, "And non councilors."

Sorlu grins.

Aliashyrah begins chuckling at Sorlu!

Darphin says, "I will take my leave, seems there are guests in sablecross to be entertained."

Darphin nods.

Sorlu gazes in amusement at Darphin.

Darphin waves.

You quietly ask, "You've managed to find your way back there?"

Sorlu bows to Darphin.

Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Darphin. She inclines her head as well, giving Darphin a brief nod.

You quietly say, "I heard all the doors were closed."

Sorlu chuckles to himself.

Darphin says, speaking to you, "There are many paths, as our painter friend likes to say."

Sorlu smiles at Darphin.

You quietly say, "Well I guess when one door is closed a window is opened somewhere."

Sorlu nods in agreement to you.

Darphin removes a plump red pomegranate from in his black leather jacket.

Sorlu says, "That's always how it works."

Sorlu grins.

Sorlu bows to Aliashyrah and extends his arm to her.

Darphin asks, speaking to you, "Pomegranate?"

You quietly say, "I have some thank you."

Sorlu leaves your group.

Darphin says, speaking to you, "I have no doubt."

Sorlu nods at Aliashyrah.

Darphin takes a bite of his red pomegranate.

 CS: +285 - TD: +285 + CvA: +6 + d100: +58 - +10 == +54
 Warded off!

Aliashyrah leaves your group.

Aliashyrah joins Sorlu's group.

Darphin grins.

You help yourself to a honey-brushed slice of seeded pomegranate.

Researcher Darphin just went south.

The grimoire flies off to find its owner.

You tap a honey-brushed slice of seeded pomegranate, which is in your right hand.

Sorlu says, "Good evening, all."

You raise your slice of seeded pomegranate skyward!

Sorlu offers a polite nod, touching two fingers against his forehead in a brief salute as he tucks his opposite hand into the bloodjewel-fastened pocket of his obsidian waistcoat.

Lord Sorlu strides away moving south, his group following close behind.

A pale white aura dances across your plumille houppelande.

You quietly say, "See it's delicious."

You take a bite of your slice of seeded pomegranate. Delicately drizzled with sweet honey, the rich, meaty seed arils burst with flavor upon your taste buds.

You have 4 bites left.

You say, speaking quietly to Falvicar, "I don't think the council is going to actually meet.."

You quietly say, "I want to start looking for this tower.. I'll send messages to all the leaders and see if they know of such a castle."

You quietly say, "I can send to Ta'Vaalor too and to Rivers Rest, and my halfling friend down in Solhaven, I can also get Chandrellia to write to her officials she was a city council member there for a time."

(Opalina begins to ramble off..)