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Category:The Twilight Stratagem
The Twilight Stratagem started in June 2024 and is an ongoing storyline running in the area around Icemule Trace.
The Twilight Strategem was a response to finding out that the Dusk Coven had set up a town called Sablecross and was trying to recruit people. There ended up being a portal in Icemule, and the Prioress in the nearby Abbey was actively inviting people to come join. The Coven wanted a relic known as the Orb of Kai.
On June 8, Mayor Talliver Dabbings of Icemule Trace led a group to retrieve an artifact buried in a glacier north of town. The group found a golden crocodile talisman which unlocked a vault containing a clockwork orb. Its loresong indicated the talisman was created by the firemage Thurfel and was linked to his apprentice Halfberry.
Following its acquisition, there was a question of what to do with the orb, which mostly came to a standstill because no one could agree what to do with it. One of the options was to give it to Saradrin, a Jastev follower and a seer. Adventurers did not choose that path. While people were trying to decide what to do with it and the Coven increased their threats toward Icemule, demanding that the orb be handed over.
Ellerel managed to close the portal to Sablecross from near Icemule Trace with the help of using Sorlu's ring.
On August 15, Talliver was kidnapped by Rammael and the Dusk Coven. The Dusk Coven demanded that the Orb of Kai be handed over in exchange for Talliver's safe return. Adventurers struggled to find a way to get into Sablecross to rescue Talliver. He was held for over a month and tortured, even killed at one point, which ended up summoning a disir to him. The disir was also captured and dissected for some evil purpose. The events resulted in part of Talliver's soul becoming trapped in Naidem. Talliver was eventually rescued from Sablecross but, because of what was done to him, his soul was fractured with part of it stuck in Naidem.
During Ebon Gate, a shade resembling Talliver was encountered in Evermore Hollow. The shade's fragmented memories suggested he had been tortured. A Luukosian named Tseleth arrived, seeking to recover the shade and believing it to be Talliver's missing soul fragment. After learning about Talliver's honest character, Tseleth agreed not to take the soul fragment, considering it sacrosanct to his god. To solidify the agreement, Tseleth and Perigourd performed a spit-shake ritual.
One of the ideas of how to restore Talliver fully was to use the Orb of Kai. The orb was finally given to Saradrin. On November 12, the orb was used to restore Talliver, destroying the orb in the process. Talliver then shared a vision that the Coven has turned its attention south.
Cast of Characters
- The Dusk Coven - Followers of Lornon who are rumored to have been causing havoc across the continent, they are allegedly seeking "The Knowledge".
- Ellusine Lighthollow - Cleric of Lumnis, Former Mayor Candidate. Wants to stand against the forces of the Dusk Coven.
- Ellerel Barrowfoot/Prangar - Former Mayor Candidate, Ellerel is now possessed by the lich Prangar that took over his body killing him the process. One of the Mayor's close advisers.
- Gorga - Half-Krolvin survivor of the Crawling Shores, she pushes for better conditions for her people in Icemule Trace. She is sought after by Talliver as an ally in the new northern nation.
- Hazelnut Honeybrook - Former Mayor candidate and trained as a bard in Ta'Loenthra. He is known as an emissary to the giant tribes of the north.
- Jkarog - Mysterious Krolvin, Despite not being a captain is one of the leaders of the Krolvin of North Watch. Currently in place as the leader of the Glaeve in the Isle of Glaoveln.
- Nettle - A human from Sablecross, follower of the god of suffering. Often an emissary for the Dusk Coven.
- Mellian - Human abbess of Oleani's Temple, she has agreed to provide guidance in the formation of a new northern nation. She has expressed concern about the Dusk Coven.
- Prinn - Seeker of the orb of Kai.
- Rammael - Former Clerk in Icemule Trace and a confirmed member of the Dusk Coven.
- Saradrin - The Farseer Priest of Jastev.
- Talliver Dabbings - Mayor of Icemule trace and veteran of the Griffin Sword Saga, he desires to strengthen relations in the north to protect Icemule from the dangers ahead.
- Thaiagol Razan-Dhur - the Eye of Fash'lo'nae, member of the council of five of Dusk Coven, Suspected of being responsible for the murder of Kaesandra Malwind and kidnappings in Ta'illistim.
- Tseleth - A Luukoisan.
- Valfald - Ice giant emissary, one of the primary emissaries between the giants of North Watch and Icemule.
- Yussof - A Krolvin in Icemule. Known to have some contacts, and some debts, back on the Glaeve.
Cast of Locations
- Northwatch - The forming nation of northern towns and settlements.
- Icemule Trace - Northern town that has been at the heart of building the Northwatch alliance.
- Pinefar - A small northern trading camp and town at the southern edge of the long snow. A member of Northwatch.
- Coldriver - A Paradis Village at the northern border of the long snow. A member of Northwatch.
- Sablecross - A town devoted to the worship of Lornon, led by the Dusk Coven. Currently at odds with Icemule Trace over the possession of a magical artifact.
- Briarmoon Cove - A trade town on the western coast. A member of Northwatch.
- Glaeve - The main city located on the Isle of Glaoveln, which is one of the largest settlement of Krolvin. Taken by Krolvin loyal to Northwatch in 5124.
Official Vignettes
Character Vignettes
In-Depth Summaries
Pages in category "The Twilight Stratagem"
The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total.
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-05-29 - In the Bastion of the Great Hall (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-05-29 - The Mayor is Crossed (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-06-08 - Glaoveln the Glaeve (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-06-26 - Through Fire and Flame (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-07-10 - Saradrin is Revealed (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-08-15 - Mayor Talliver Abducted (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-09-25 - A Trap or Rescue: Mayor Dabbings Returns (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-09-25 - Discussion with Talliver (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-09-25 - Mayor Talliver Rescued (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-09-25 - Thaiagol Reveals himself (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-10-16 – Spit Shake Bargain (log)
- The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-11-02 – Talliver Revival (log)