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Leafiara (prime)/Mechanical Musings/Combat Maneuver Choices: Difference between revisions

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Berserk berserk 6/6 Warrior Guild
Berserk berserk 6/6 Warrior Guild
Combat Focus focus 5/5
Combat Focus focus 3/5
Combat Mobility mobility 1/1
Combat Mobility mobility 1/1
Combat Movement cmovement 2/5
Combat Movement cmovement 2/5
Disarm Weapon disarm 6/6 Warrior Guild
Coup de Grace coupdegrace 3/5
Disarm Weapon disarm 1/5 Warrior Guild
Evade Specialization evadespec 3/3
Evade Specialization evadespec 3/3
Feint feint 6/6 Warrior Guild
Feint feint 6/6 Warrior Guild
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Surge of Strength surge 5/5
Surge of Strength surge 5/5
Tackle tackle 6/6 Warrior Guild
Tackle tackle 6/6 Warrior Guild
True Strike truestrike 2/5
Weapon Specialization wspec 5/5
Weapon Specialization wspec 5/5
Whirling Dervish dervish 3/3
Whirling Dervish dervish 3/3
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* '''Berserk''': Now relegated to use in Duskruin Arena only.
* '''Berserk''': Now relegated to use in Duskruin Arena only.
* '''Combat Focus''': A necessary step to bringing TD back in line for a warrior in robes. (I do plan to learn Elemental Barrier and Lesser Shroud for her, but at that point we're talking years down the line.)
* '''Combat Focus''': A necessary step to bringing TD back in line for a warrior in robes. (I do plan to learn Elemental Barrier and Lesser Shroud for her, but at that point we're talking years down the line.) Five ranks are too much opportunity cost, so I decided to make up the rest and then some with +TD robes--which are much more readily available in playershops than people might think! You do have to give up the flare slot, though.
* '''Combat Mobility''': Even in plate I'd argue this is a very strong contender for anyone's maneuver points, but in any armor below chain I'd go further and call it a must-have.
* '''Combat Mobility''': Even in plate I'd argue this is a very strong contender for anyone's maneuver points, but in any armor below chain I'd go further and call it a must-have.
* '''Coup de Grace''': AS booster. I think three ranks are fine on a lance wielder since the weapon hits so hard it's likely to put enemies within range.
* '''Disarm Weapon''': Here because it comes free from the guild, but I doubt I'd train it otherwise.
* '''Disarm Weapon''': Here because it comes free from the guild, but I doubt I'd train it otherwise.
* '''Evade Specialization''': The key to my warrior's entire build since it fuels Radial Sweep and Spin Kick depending on what's in her hands.
* '''Evade Specialization''': The key to my warrior's entire build since it fuels Radial Sweep and Spin Kick depending on what's in her hands.
* '''Feint''': Free from the guild, but I'm undecided on whether I'd train it otherwise. I'm overall not a fan of war cries moving to stamina, but Gerrelle's Growl being among them is definitely one of the upsides. It costs less stamina than Feint, but doesn't inflict RT. Normally that's a notable downside when comparing the two, but in a lot of cases I might prefer the enemy to attack since that means more opportunities at Radial Sweep and Spin Kick.
* '''Feint''': Free from the guild, but I'm undecided on whether I'd train it otherwise. I'm overall not a fan of war cries moving to stamina, but Gerrelle's Growl being among them is definitely one of the upsides. It costs less stamina than Feint, but doesn't inflict RT. Normally that's a notable downside when comparing the two, but in a lot of cases I might prefer the enemy to attack since that means more opportunities at Radial Sweep and Spin Kick.
* '''Kick Specialization''': Some hunting grounds are more manageable with unarmed combat than a lance, and in those places Spin Kick shines.
* '''Kick Specialization''': Some hunting grounds or individual enemies are more manageable with unarmed combat than a lance, and in those places Spin Kick shines.
* '''Side by Side''': Staple booster for AS and DS in groups.
* '''Side by Side''': Staple booster for AS and DS in groups.
* '''Spin Attack''': Free from the guild. Despite giving a brief boost to Dodging, I definitely wouldn't train it otherwise.
* '''Spin Attack''': Free from the guild. Despite giving a brief boost to Dodging, I definitely wouldn't train it otherwise.
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* '''Surge of Strength''': Too classic an AS booster for me to forego, even though brawling and ranged don't need it. I do think that Surge is the kind of maneuver that demands either five ranks or none, as the recovery period is too long even at four ranks.
* '''Surge of Strength''': Too classic an AS booster for me to forego, even though brawling and ranged don't need it. I do think that Surge is the kind of maneuver that demands either five ranks or none, as the recovery period is too long even at four ranks.
* '''Tackle''': Free from the guild. I'd still consider training it otherwise, for defense against patchwork flesh monstrosities if nothing else, but it's not especially amazing offensively coming from an elf.
* '''Tackle''': Free from the guild. I'd still consider training it otherwise, for defense against patchwork flesh monstrosities if nothing else, but it's not especially amazing offensively coming from an elf.
* '''True Strike''': A forward-thinking choice. I don't think it's especially useful in the current game as it competes with weapon techniques for stamina usage, but it could be strong for hitting overleveled enemies in Ascension grounds.
* '''Weapon Specialization''': Give me all the AS.
* '''Weapon Specialization''': Give me all the AS.
* '''Whirling Dervish''': I used to prefer Executioner's Stance of the two, but heavy use of assaults is much less killer on stamina than heavy use of mstrikes. A multi-weapon build also plays better with Dervish.
* '''Whirling Dervish''': I used to prefer Executioner's Stance of the two, but heavy use of assaults is much less killer on stamina than heavy use of mstrikes. A multi-weapon build also plays better with Dervish.
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Practically everything.
Practically everything.

Coup de Grace was in the running and was the last cut I made. There's a non-zero chance it'll find its way back into my choices since it gives more AS than Seanette's Shout. Trip and Vault Kick were also in the running. If I end up taking any of these, it'll probably happen because amazing custom maneuver messaging was released for one of them and I'll want it at the expense of some combination of one or two ranks of Combat Focus, one or two ranks of Side by Side, one or two ranks of True Strike, and any number of ranks of Whirling Dervish.
True Strike, Trip, and Vault Kick were the last three cuts made. If I end up taking any of them, it'll probably happen because amazing custom maneuver messaging was released for one of them and I'll want it at the expense of some combination of a rank of Combat Focus, a rank of Coup de Grace, one or two ranks of Side by Side, and one or two ranks of Weapon Specialization.

Lances and unarmed combat (and even ranged, to a lesser extent) prefer Evade Specialization to get their reactions going, and along with that goes Kick Specialization.
Lances and unarmed combat (and even ranged, to a lesser extent) prefer Evade Specialization to get their reactions going, and along with that goes Kick Specialization.
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Griffin's Voice was my preferred martial stance before the changes so I could consistently keep up Horland's Holler, but that's no longer necessary. Some other warriors feel the opposite and now want Griffin's Voice after overlooking it before. I think that comes down to a playstyle difference; I'd almost never use Carn's Cry, for example, since I want the enemy attacking me so I can evade and react. By the same logic, I ''am'' interested in Horland's Holler, but even with max Griffin's Voice, the stamina cost is a bit too much to justify using it more than once in a while.
Griffin's Voice was my preferred martial stance before the changes so I could consistently keep up Horland's Holler, but that's no longer necessary. Some other warriors feel the opposite and now want Griffin's Voice after overlooking it before. I think that comes down to a playstyle difference; I'd almost never use Carn's Cry, for example, since I want the enemy attacking me so I can evade and react. By the same logic, I ''am'' interested in Horland's Holler, but even with max Griffin's Voice, the stamina cost is a bit too much to justify using it more than once in a while.

Bearhug's Strength bonus is great, but the maneuver on its own is better for larger races, and in any case it's not how I picture my character battling. Bull Rush is better for larger races and, despite being one of the best maneuvers in the game, is a bit redundant for lightly armored polearm warriors, who already have Radial Sweep for area of effect knockdowns. Combat Toughness is likewise a great consideration for plate warriors, but less useful to robe warriors.
Bearhug's Strength bonus is great for the group, but the individual warrior doesn't need it if she already has Surge, and in any case it's not how I picture my character battling. Bull Rush is one of the best maneuvers in the game, but lightly armored polearm warriors already have Radial Sweep and (eventually) Elemental Wave for area of effect knockdowns. Combat Toughness is likewise a great consideration for plate warriors who have legitimate worries about getting plinked to death, but less useful to robe warriors whose deaths are more likely to crits.

Headbutt would be useful, but isn't how I picture my character battling. Haymaker would be even more useful and ''is'' how I picture my character battling, but I still thought I had better options like Trip and Vault Kick.
Headbutt would be useful, but isn't how I picture my character battling. Haymaker would be even more useful and ''is'' how I picture my character battling, but I still thought I had better options. (Again, those are True Strike, Trip, and Vault Kick.)


Revision as of 20:21, 3 August 2021

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After testing Phase 3 of the Player System Manager for five weeks, I figured that I'd experienced enough to settle on plans for which combat maneuvers I'd learn on each of my characters when the changes went live. Below is my thought process for each one in case others find it helpful!


 Skill                          Mnemonic        Ranks Category        Subcategory
 Cheapshots                     cheapshots      5/5   Rogue Guild                     
 Combat Focus                   focus           5/5                                   
 Combat Movement                cmovement       2/5                                   
 Dirtkick                       dirtkick        3/5                                   
 Eyepoke                        eyepoke         5/5   Rogue Guild                     
 Feint                          feint           4/5   Warrior Guild                   
 Footstomp                      footstomp       5/5   Rogue Guild                     
 Groin Kick                     gkick           4/5                                   
 Hamstring                      hamstring       3/5                                   
 Kneebash                       kneebash        5/5   Rogue Guild                     
 Nosetweak                      nosetweak       5/5   Rogue Guild                     
 Side by Side                   sidebyside      5/5                                   
 Sweep                          sweep           4/5   Rogue Guild                     
 Swiftkick                      swiftkick       5/5   Rogue Guild                     
 Templeshot                     templeshot      5/5   Rogue Guild                     
 Throatchop                     throatchop      5/5   Rogue Guild                     
 True Strike                    truestrike      4/5                                   
 Vault Kick                     vaultkick       1/5                                   

Available Combat Maneuvers Points: 1
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 Skill                          Mnemonic        Ranks Category        Subcategory
 Combat Movement                cmovement       2/5                                   
 Dirtkick                       dirtkick        2/5                                   
 Feint                          feint           5/5   Warrior Guild                   
 Groin Kick                     gkick           5/5                                   
 Side by Side                   sidebyside      5/5                   
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 Skill                          Mnemonic        Ranks Category        Subcategory
 Combat Movement                cmovement       2/5                                   
 Cunning Defense                cdefense        5/5                                   
 Dirtkick                       dirtkick        3/5                                   
 Feint                          feint           5/5   Warrior Guild                   
 Groin Kick                     gkick           1/5                                   
 Side by Side                   sidebyside      5/5                   

Available Combat Maneuver Points: 2
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 Skill                          Mnemonic        Ranks Category        Subcategory
 Burst of Swiftness             burst           3/5                                   
 Combat Focus                   focus           3/5                                   
 Combat Mobility                mobility        1/1                                   
 Combat Movement                cmovement       2/5                                   
 Coup de Grace                  coupdegrace     5/5                                   
 Evade Specialization           evadespec       3/3                                   
 Ki Focus                       kifocus         3/3                                   
 Kick Specialization            kickspec        5/5                                   
 Rolling Krynch Stance          krynch          3/3                                   
 Side by Side                   sidebyside      5/5                                   
 Surge of Strength              surge           3/5                                   

Available Combat Maneuvers Points: 1

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 Skill                          Mnemonic        Ranks Category        Subcategory
 Combat Focus                   focus           5/5                                   
 Combat Movement                cmovement       2/5                                   
 Combat Toughness               toughness       1/3                                   
 Feint                          feint           5/5   Warrior Guild                   
 Precision                      precision       2/2                                   
 Side by Side                   sidebyside      5/5                                   
 Spin Attack                    sattack         5/5   Warrior Guild                   
 Surge of Strength              surge           5/5                                   
 Weapon Specialization          wspec           5/5                                   

Available Combat Maneuvers Points: 1
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 Skill                          Mnemonic        Ranks Category        Subcategory
 Combat Focus                   focus           5/5                                   
 Combat Movement                cmovement       2/5                                   
 Dirtkick                       dirtkick        5/5                                   
 Disarm Weapon                  disarm          1/5   Warrior Guild                   
 Feint                          feint           5/5   Warrior Guild                   
 Groin Kick                     gkick           4/5                                   
 Hamstring                      hamstring       3/5                                   
 Shield Bash                    sbash           3/5                                   
 Side by Side                   sidebyside      5/5                                   
 Sweep                          sweep           5/5   Rogue Guild                     

Available Combat Maneuvers Points: 1
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Option 1: Open Combat With Dual Katars

 Skill                          Mnemonic        Ranks Category        Subcategory
 Cheapshots                     cheapshots      6/6   Rogue Guild                     
 Combat Focus                   focus           3/5                                   
 Combat Mobility                mobility        1/1                                   
 Combat Movement                cmovement       2/5                                   
 Coup de Grace                  coupdegrace     4/5                                   
 Dirtkick                       dirtkick        1/5                                   
 Evade Specialization           evadespec       3/3                                   
 Eyepoke                        eyepoke         6/6   Rogue Guild                     
 Footstomp                      footstomp       6/6   Rogue Guild                     
 Groin Kick                     gkick           1/5                                   
 Hamstring                      hamstring       3/5                                   
 Kick Specialization            kickspec        5/5                                   
 Kneebash                       kneebash        6/6   Rogue Guild                     
 Mug                            mug             2/5                                   
 Nosetweak                      nosetweak       6/6   Rogue Guild                     
 Side by Side                   sidebyside      5/5                                   
 Stun Maneuvers                 stunman         1/5   Rogue Guild                     
 Subdue                         subdue          1/5   Rogue Guild                     
 Surge of Strength              surge           5/5                                   
 Sweep                          sweep           6/6   Rogue Guild                     
 Swiftkick                      swiftkick       6/6   Rogue Guild                     
 Templeshot                     templeshot      6/6   Rogue Guild                     
 Throatchop                     throatchop      6/6   Rogue Guild                     
 Whirling Dervish               dervish         3/3                                   

Available Combat Maneuvers Points: 1
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 Skill                          Mnemonic        Ranks Category        Subcategory
 Berserk                        berserk         6/6   Warrior Guild                   
 Combat Focus                   focus           3/5                                   
 Combat Mobility                mobility        1/1                                   
 Combat Movement                cmovement       2/5                                   
 Coup de Grace                  coupdegrace     3/5                                   
 Disarm Weapon                  disarm          1/5   Warrior Guild                   
 Evade Specialization           evadespec       3/3                                   
 Feint                          feint           6/6   Warrior Guild                   
 Kick Specialization            kickspec        5/5                                   
 Side by Side                   sidebyside      5/5                                   
 Spin Attack                    sattack         6/6   Warrior Guild                   
 Stance Perfection              stance          2/2   Warrior Guild                   
 Surge of Strength              surge           5/5                                   
 Tackle                         tackle          6/6   Warrior Guild                   
 Weapon Specialization          wspec           5/5                                   
 Whirling Dervish               dervish         3/3                                   

Available Combat Maneuvers Points: 1
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