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(Undo revision 138124 by MOD-GSMOTTE (talk) -- Item has a different analyze than the link you used. Added a stub for Smokeable Cigar)
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<section begin=2021 />
|shopname=B. Witching
|look=a matte black door
|location=[Map Room 6], Lich #26608, go black door (Damsel of the Deep)
===B. Witching, Perfumes===<!--==={{{ [B. Witching, Perfumes] 2021-10-02 10:43:58 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=B. Witching, Perfumes - 26608 - ( 8081052 )
|desc=The walls of this small cabin have been painted a matte shade of black, and thin stripes of dark violet stretch from ceiling to floor. Silver-armed sconces supporting ebon satin shades spill pools of light on the floor, and a matching three-armed candlestick sits at the center of a round ebonwood table. Nearby, a lavender velvet-lined tray sits atop a simple display along with a silver-inked black parchment sign.
|exits= north, out}}
{{sign|margin-right=40%|sign='''silver-inked black parchment sign'''<hr><nowiki>
Greetings. The offerings you'll find here are the finest perfumes and colognes that alchemy can create. No expense was spared in the procurement of exotic ingredients and infusions. I hope you find something you can savor.
Also, I received an unsigned missive a couple of months ago. Its ramblings were fanciful and mildly disturbing -- something about a horseman or a manhorse -- along with a request for a specific scent. Undaunted, I have created something that might be suitable.
As a final note, I've heard your requests for larger bottles and am now offering a hundred uses per bottle. The jewelry remains unchanged. ~ B. Witching
~ * ~ Perfumes ~ * ~
a cream-hued glass bottle draped in a web of pewter chain - Trepidation
a faceted golden yellow vial set into a violet anemone base - Fatalistic
a silvered indigo flask encrusted with crystalline waves - Desolation
a dark red-violet bottle with a bright blue floral stopper - Inevitable
a wispy grey handblown vial chased with opal tuberose blossoms - Defiance
an oval cloisonne flask patterned with stalks of lavender - Denial
a horse-shaped golden brown bottle - Hay You Guys
a smooth ivory worry stone on a thin pewter chain - Trepidation
a golden amber skull-lined bracelet with violet pearl accents - Fatalistic
a silvered indigo sapphire ghostly specter pin - Desolation
a red-violet and blue flower-beaded necklace - Inevitable
a silver-linked bracelet of white opal tuberose blossoms - Defiance
a cloisonned stalk of lavender tied with a sage-hued ribbon - Denial
a golden brown horse charm with gilded mane - Hay You Guys</nowiki>}}
{{Container2||container=On the round ebonwood table you see:||contents= a silvered indigo flask encrusted with crystalline waves, a cream-hued glass bottle draped in a web of pewter chain, a faceted golden yellow vial set into a violet anemone base, a dark red-violet bottle with a bright blue floral stopper, a wispy grey handblown vial chased with opal tuberose blossoms, a horse-shaped golden brown bottle and an oval cloisonne flask patterned with stalks of lavender.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a silvered indigo flask encrusted with crystalline waves || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume|Perfume]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-asilveredindigoflaskencrustedwithcrystallinewaves" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asilveredindigoflaskencrustedwithcrystallinewaves">'''Analyze:'''<br>This flask is for perfume or cologne. Current verbs are: DRINK, MEASURE, POUR, and SMELL.<br><br>When applied, this perfume will produce the following scent.<br>
First-person: You have about you a rather alkaline fragrance, base and nearly flat with the dust of long-cool embers and ash made even more so by crystalline notes of briny sea salt. The grey head notes shift downward into a bitter-sweet infusion of sloe berries, their plumy redolence sour and vaguely floral as a sillage of purple hyacinth steals the last breath of the perfume.<br>
Third-person: Xanlin has about him a rather alkaline fragrance, base and nearly flat with the dust of long-cool embers and ash made even more so by crystalline notes of briny sea salt. The grey head notes shift downward into a bitter-sweet infusion of sloe berries, their plumy redolence sour and vaguely floral as a sillage of purple hyacinth steals the last breath of the perfume.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>A small antiqued label on the flask reads, "Desolation."
| 100,000
| a cream-hued glass bottle draped in a web of pewter chain || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume|Perfume]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-acream-huedglassbottledrapedinawebofpewterchain" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-acream-huedglassbottledrapedinawebofpewterchain">'''Analyze:'''<br>This bottle is for perfume or cologne. Current verbs are: DRINK, MEASURE, POUR, and SMELL.<br><br>When applied, this perfume will produce the following scent.<br>
First-person: You have an overshadowing valance of light florals draped about you, with a honeysuckle-sweet emergence of columbine creeping through the foreground, while subtle strands of forsythia coil beneath with hints of almond and violet. Like hesitant steps on creaking stairs, the head and heart notes only slowly ease into a base of apricot-tinged oleander, allowing the fruit chords to soften the arrival of the poisoned florals.<br>
Third-person: Xanlin has an overshadowing valance of light florals draped about him, with a honeysuckle-sweet emergence of columbine creeping through the foreground, while subtle strands of forsythia coil beneath with hints of almond and violet. Like hesitant steps on creaking stairs, the head and heart notes only slowly ease into a base of apricot-tinged oleander, allowing the fruit chords to soften the arrival of the poisoned florals.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>A small antiqued label on the bottle reads, "Trepidation."
| 100,000
| a faceted golden yellow vial set into a violet anemone base || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume|Perfume]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-afacetedgoldenyellowvialsetintoavioletanemonebase" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-afacetedgoldenyellowvialsetintoavioletanemonebase">'''Analyze:'''<br>This vial is for perfume or cologne. Current verbs are: DRINK, MEASURE, POUR, and SMELL.<br><br>When applied, this perfume will produce the following scent.<br>
First-person: You have a vaguely pernicious fragrance arrayed about you, with the depth of its immediate threat obscured beneath the powdery florals of anemone. Lissome threads of the fragile flower's presence twine about a sharp heart of meadow saffron, its cutting presence dulled as the head notes meld seamlessly into a base of ambrette, melding with its dendritic musk to cage the harsher element.<br>
Third-person: Xanlin has a vaguely pernicious fragrance arrayed about him, with the depth of its immediate threat obscured beneath the powdery florals of anemone. Lissome threads of the fragile flower's presence twine about a sharp heart of meadow saffron, its cutting presence dulled as the head notes meld seamlessly into a base of ambrette, melding with its dendritic musk to cage the harsher element.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>A small antiqued label on the vial reads, "Fatalistic."
| 100,000
| a dark red-violet bottle with a bright blue floral stopper || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume|Perfume]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-adarkred-violetbottlewithabrightbluefloralstopper" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-adarkred-violetbottlewithabrightbluefloralstopper">'''Analyze:'''<br>This bottle is for perfume or cologne. Current verbs are: DRINK, MEASURE, POUR, and SMELL.<br><br>When applied, this perfume will produce the following scent.<br>
First-person: You have coiled about you an effusion of flowery botanicals. Foremost among them is the inescapable redolence of cyclamen, its orange-misted florals ensnared as they sink into an acrid and cloying heart of monkshood. The fragrant tangle sinks through the layers and bottoms out on a current of sweet davana, the herbal infusion providing an invitation to linger indefinitely within its tea-like sillage.<br>
Third-person: Xanlin has coiled about him an effusion of flowery botanicals. Foremost among them is the inescapable redolence of cyclamen, its orange-misted florals ensnared as they sink into an acrid and cloying heart of monkshood. The fragrant tangle sinks through the layers and bottoms out on a current of sweet davana, the herbal infusion providing an invitation to linger indefinitely within its tea-like sillage.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>A small antiqued label on the bottle reads, "Inevitable."
| 100,000
| a wispy grey handblown vial chased with opal tuberose blossoms || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume|Perfume]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-awispygreyhandblownvialchasedwithopaltuberoseblossoms" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-awispygreyhandblownvialchasedwithopaltuberoseblossoms">'''Analyze:'''<br>This vial is for perfume or cologne. Current verbs are: DRINK, MEASURE, POUR, and SMELL.<br><br>When applied, this perfume will produce the following scent.<br>
First-person: You have about you a subversive mantle woven of night-loving florals and the arid specters of smoke and ash. Soft breaths of nasturtium drift airily atop the nebulous veil, honey and spice perfectly wedded, while heavier chords of petunia swirl beneath, their sweetness enhanced by their late blooming. Like shadows shifting in the dead of night, currents of smoke trickle into the heart of the fragrance, redolent of fire-scorched timber and earth, before merging with the darkness in a finish teased toward the dawn by traces of pale tuberose.<br>
Third-person: Xanlin has about him a subversive mantle woven of night-loving florals and the arid specters of smoke and ash. Soft breaths of nasturtium drift airily atop the nebulous veil, honey and spice perfectly wedded, while heavier chords of petunia swirl beneath, their sweetness enhanced by their late blooming. Like shadows shifting in the dead of night, currents of smoke trickle into the heart of the fragrance, redolent of fire-scorched timber and earth, before merging with the darkness in a finish teased toward the dawn by traces of pale tuberose.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>A small antiqued label on the vial reads, "Defiance."
| 100,000
| a horse-shaped golden brown bottle || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume|Perfume]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-ahorse-shapedgoldenbrownbottle" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-ahorse-shapedgoldenbrownbottle">'''Analyze:'''<br>This bottle is for perfume or cologne. Current verbs are: DRINK, MEASURE, POUR, and SMELL.<br><br>When applied, this perfume will produce the following scent.<br>
First-person: You have a balmy aroma about you, with airs reminiscent of the nut grasses growing wild in open fields and the twang of a galloping musk threaded beneath. Notes of sun-dried hay tug the head notes downward toward a warm heart of oiled leather and into a sillage of nasturium, spiced and golden-sweet like honey.<br>
Third-person: Xanlin has a balmy aroma about him, with airs reminiscent of the nut grasses growing wild in open fields and the twang of a galloping musk threaded beneath. Notes of sun-dried hay tug the head notes downward toward a warm heart of oiled leather and into a sillage of nasturium, spiced and golden-sweet like honey.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>A small antiqued label on the bottle reads, "Hay You Guys."
| 200,000
| an oval cloisonne flask patterned with stalks of lavender || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume|Perfume]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-anovalcloisonneflaskpatternedwithstalksoflavender" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anovalcloisonneflaskpatternedwithstalksoflavender">'''Analyze:'''<br>This flask is for perfume or cologne. Current verbs are: DRINK, MEASURE, POUR, and SMELL.<br><br>When applied, this perfume will produce the following scent.<br>
First-person: You have clinging to your skin an aphotic bouquet, with the unmistakable presence of lavender foremost among the top notes and chased by the taming essence of snapdragons, sweet to the former's herbaceous quality. The pair intertwine and sink into a citrusy heart of mock orange, the niveous florals belied by the weight of their scent, and are swept away by the attar of nightshade as it rises to consume all those that came before.<br>
Third-person: Xanlin has clinging to his skin an aphotic bouquet, with the unmistakable presence of lavender foremost among the top notes and chased by the taming essence of snapdragons, sweet to the former's herbaceous quality. The pair intertwine and sink into a citrusy heart of mock orange, the niveous florals belied by the weight of their scent, and are swept away by the attar of nightshade as it rises to consume all those that came before.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>A small antiqued label on the flask reads, "Denial."
| 100,000
{{Container2||container=On the lavender velvet-lined tray you see:||contents= a red-violet and blue flower-beaded necklace, a silvered indigo sapphire ghostly specter pin, a cloisonned stalk of lavender tied with a sage-hued ribbon, a smooth ivory worry stone on a thin pewter chain, a silver-linked bracelet of white opal tuberose blossoms, a golden amber skull-lined bracelet with violet pearl accents and a golden brown horse charm with gilded mane.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a red-violet and blue flower-beaded necklace || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume#Perfume_Holders|Perfume Holder]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-ared-violetandblueflower-beadednecklace" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-ared-violetandblueflower-beadednecklace">'''Analyze:'''<br>The flower-beaded necklace is a piece of perfume-holding jewelry that currently holds the scent of cyclamen, acrid monkshood, and sweet davana. It may be altered with a long or a show, but must remain a piece of jewelry. The stoppered crystal vial will always remain on the piece. Please note that acceptable jewelry items are only items worn as pins, around the neck, on the arm (like a vambrace), or on the wrist. No back pendants, no anklets, no earrings.<br>
| 50,000
| a silvered indigo sapphire ghostly specter pin || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume#Perfume_Holders|Perfume Holder]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-asilveredindigosapphireghostlyspecterpin" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asilveredindigosapphireghostlyspecterpin">'''Analyze:'''<br>The indigo sapphire pin is a piece of perfume-holding jewelry that currently holds the scent of purple hyacinth, sloe berry, ash, and sea salt. It may be altered with a long or a show, but must remain a piece of jewelry. The stoppered crystal vial will always remain on the piece. Please note that acceptable jewelry items are only items worn as pins, around the neck, on the arm (like a vambrace), or on the wrist. No back pendants, no anklets, no earrings.<br>
| 50,000
| a cloisonned stalk of lavender tied with a sage-hued ribbon || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume#Perfume_Holders|Perfume Holder]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-acloisonnedstalkoflavendertiedwithasage-huedribbon" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-acloisonnedstalkoflavendertiedwithasage-huedribbon">'''Analyze:'''<br>The stalk of lavender is a piece of perfume-holding jewelry that currently holds the scent of lavender, snapdragon, mock orange, and nightshade. It may be altered with a long or a show, but must remain a piece of jewelry. The stoppered crystal vial will always remain on the piece. Please note that acceptable jewelry items are only items worn as pins, around the neck, on the arm (like a vambrace), or on the wrist. No back pendants, no anklets, no earrings.<br>
| 50,000
| a smooth ivory worry stone on a thin pewter chain || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume#Perfume_Holders|Perfume Holder]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-asmoothivoryworrystoneonathinpewterchain" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asmoothivoryworrystoneonathinpewterchain">'''Analyze:'''<br>The ivory worry stone is a piece of perfume-holding jewelry that currently holds the scent of honeysuckle-sweet columbine, forsythia, and apricot-tinged oleander. It may be altered with a long or a show, but must remain a piece of jewelry. The stoppered crystal vial will always remain on the piece. Please note that acceptable jewelry items are only items worn as pins, around the neck, on the arm (like a vambrace), or on the wrist. No back pendants, no anklets, no earrings.<br>
| 50,000
| a silver-linked bracelet of white opal tuberose blossoms || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume#Perfume_Holders|Perfume Holder]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-asilver-linkedbraceletofwhiteopaltuberoseblossoms" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asilver-linkedbraceletofwhiteopaltuberoseblossoms">'''Analyze:'''<br>The silver-linked bracelet is a piece of perfume-holding jewelry that currently holds the scent of nasturtium, petunia, tuberose, and smoke. It may be altered with a long or a show, but must remain a piece of jewelry. The stoppered crystal vial will always remain on the piece. Please note that acceptable jewelry items are only items worn as pins, around the neck, on the arm (like a vambrace), or on the wrist. No back pendants, no anklets, no earrings.<br>
| 50,000
| a golden amber skull-lined bracelet with violet pearl accents || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume#Perfume_Holders|Perfume Holder]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-agoldenamberskull-linedbraceletwithvioletpearlaccents" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-agoldenamberskull-linedbraceletwithvioletpearlaccents">'''Analyze:'''<br>The skull-linked bracelet is a piece of perfume-holding jewelry that currently holds the scent of anemone, meadow saffron, and ambrette. It may be altered with a long or a show, but must remain a piece of jewelry. The stoppered crystal vial will always remain on the piece. Please note that acceptable jewelry items are only items worn as pins, around the neck, on the arm (like a vambrace), or on the wrist. No back pendants, no anklets, no earrings.<br>
| 50,000
| a golden brown horse charm with gilded mane || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Perfume#Perfume_Holders|Perfume Holder]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-agoldenbrownhorsecharmwithgildedmane" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-agoldenbrownhorsecharmwithgildedmane">'''Analyze:'''<br>The horse charm is a piece of perfume-holding jewelry that currently holds the scent of hay, musk, leather oil, and nasturtium. It may be altered with a long or a show, but must remain a piece of jewelry. The stoppered crystal vial will always remain on the piece. Please note that acceptable jewelry items are only items worn as pins, around the neck, on the arm (like a vambrace), or on the wrist. No back pendants, no anklets, no earrings.<br>
| 50,000
===B. Witching, Cigars===<!--==={{{ [B. Witching, Cigars] 2021-10-02 10:44:51 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=B. Witching, Cigars -26609 - ( 8081438 )
|desc=The dark violet-striped matte black walls enclosing this section of the cabin are warmly lit by the silver-armed sconces set upon them at intervals, and between a pair of the ebon satin-shaded lamps stands a scrollworked black cabinet. On its shelves are several humidors, each with a single cigar stationed before it as a display, while an onyx-hued wicker basket is tucked onto a lower shelf beside a silver-inked black parchment sign. You also see a matte black violet-trimmed door.
|exits= south}}
{{sign|margin-right=40%|sign='''silver-inked black parchment sign'''<hr><nowiki>
This year, I've commissioned a new batch of cigars and imparted them with my own distinct scent and flavoring. I do hope you enjoy them. You might care to clasp these in your teeth for a time (say, for instance, ten minutes), but don't forget to ash them regularly lest you burn your clothes.
Also, match boxes are on offer in the basket.
~ * ~ Cigars ~ * ~
a copper-banded warm brown leaf-wrapped cigar - Orchard Apple
a black-banded deep red leaf-wrapped cigar - Black Cherry Amaretto
a ruby red-labeled golden brown cigar - Maple Rum
a tan-labeled dark brown leaf-wrapped cigar - Vanilla and Bourbon Caramel
a gold-banded burgundy leaf-wrapped cigar - Mulled Wine
a bronze-banded pale leaf-wrapped cigar - Toasted Coconut Brandy</nowiki>}}
{{Container2||container=In the scrollworked black cabinet you see:||contents= a copper-banded warm brown leaf-wrapped cigar, a gold-banded burgundy leaf-wrapped cigar, a ruby red-labeled golden brown cigar, a black-banded deep red leaf-wrapped cigar, a bronze-banded pale leaf-wrapped cigar and a tan-labeled dark brown leaf-wrapped cigar.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a copper-banded warm brown leaf-wrapped cigar || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Smokeable Cigar]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-acopper-bandedwarmbrownleaf-wrappedcigar" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-acopper-bandedwarmbrownleaf-wrappedcigar">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the warm brown cigar and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is a smokeable cigar. To smoke the cigar, you must light it, most commonly with a match. You can SMELL the cigar. While lit, you can KNOCK, TAP or PULL the cigar. After drawing a puff, you could EXHALE the cigar AT someone or something to blow smoke at them. It can be EXTINGUISHed to stop smoking before it burns out.<br><br>It has an orchard apple, molasses, cognac, and walnut scent.<br><br>When smoked, the smoker will smell like Cigar - Orchard Apple.<br><br>This cigar could be held in your teeth for a few minutes.<br><br>You estimate that the cigar could burn for another thirty minutes or so.
'''Examine:'''<br>The warm brown cigar is unlit.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>Elegant script on the band reads, "Orchard Apple."
| 15,000
| a gold-banded burgundy leaf-wrapped cigar || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Smokeable Cigar]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-agold-bandedburgundyleaf-wrappedcigar" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-agold-bandedburgundyleaf-wrappedcigar">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the burgundy cigar and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is a smokeable cigar. To smoke the cigar, you must light it, most commonly with a match. You can SMELL the cigar. While lit, you can KNOCK, TAP or PULL the cigar. After drawing a puff, you could EXHALE the cigar AT someone or something to blow smoke at them. It can be EXTINGUISHed to stop smoking before it burns out.<br><br>It has a mulled red wine, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom scent.<br><br>When smoked, the smoker will smell like Cigar - Mulled Wine.<br><br>This cigar could be held in your teeth for a few minutes.<br><br>You estimate that the cigar could burn for another thirty minutes or so.
'''Examine:'''<br>The burgundy cigar is unlit.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>Elegant script on the band reads, "Mulled Wine."
| 15,000
| a ruby red-labeled golden brown cigar || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Smokeable Cigar]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-arubyred-labeledgoldenbrowncigar" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-arubyred-labeledgoldenbrowncigar">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the red-labeled cigar and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is a smokeable cigar. To smoke the cigar, you must light it, most commonly with a match. You can SMELL the cigar. While lit, you can KNOCK, TAP or PULL the cigar. After drawing a puff, you could EXHALE the cigar AT someone or something to blow smoke at them. It can be EXTINGUISHed to stop smoking before it burns out.<br><br>It has a citrus, spiced rum, maple syrup, and hickory scent.<br><br>When smoked, the smoker will smell like Cigar - Maple Rum.<br><br>This cigar could be held in your teeth for a few minutes.<br><br>You estimate that the cigar could burn for another thirty minutes or so.
'''Examine:'''<br>The red-labeled cigar is unlit.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>Elegant script on the band reads, "Maple Rum."
| 15,000
| a black-banded deep red leaf-wrapped cigar || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Smokeable Cigar]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-ablack-bandeddeepredleaf-wrappedcigar" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-ablack-bandeddeepredleaf-wrappedcigar">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the deep red leaf cigar and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is a smokeable cigar. To smoke the cigar, you must light it, most commonly with a match. You can SMELL the cigar. While lit, you can KNOCK, TAP or PULL the cigar. After drawing a puff, you could EXHALE the cigar AT someone or something to blow smoke at them. It can be EXTINGUISHed to stop smoking before it burns out.<br><br>It has a black cherry, pink peppercorns, and amaretto scent.<br><br>When smoked, the smoker will smell like Cigar - Black Cherry Amaretto.<br><br>This cigar could be held in your teeth for a few minutes.<br><br>You estimate that the cigar could burn for another thirty minutes or so.
'''Examine:'''<br>The deep red leaf cigar is unlit.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>Elegant script on the band reads, "Black Cherry Amaretto."
| 15,000
| a bronze-banded pale leaf-wrapped cigar || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Smokeable Cigar]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-abronze-bandedpaleleaf-wrappedcigar" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-abronze-bandedpaleleaf-wrappedcigar">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the pale leaf cigar and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is a smokeable cigar. To smoke the cigar, you must light it, most commonly with a match. You can SMELL the cigar. While lit, you can KNOCK, TAP or PULL the cigar. After drawing a puff, you could EXHALE the cigar AT someone or something to blow smoke at them. It can be EXTINGUISHed to stop smoking before it burns out.<br><br>It has a toasted coconut and almond, dark chocolate, and brandy scent.<br><br>When smoked, the smoker will smell like Cigar - Toasted Coconut Brandy.<br><br>This cigar could be held in your teeth for a few minutes.<br><br>You estimate that the cigar could burn for another thirty minutes or so.
'''Examine:'''<br>The pale leaf cigar is unlit.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>Elegant script on the band reads, "Toasted Coconut Brandy."
| 15,000
| a tan-labeled dark brown leaf-wrapped cigar || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Smokeable Cigar]]
<div class="mw-customtoggle-atan-labeleddarkbrownleaf-wrappedcigar" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-atan-labeleddarkbrownleaf-wrappedcigar">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the dark brown cigar and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is a smokeable cigar. To smoke the cigar, you must light it, most commonly with a match. You can SMELL the cigar. While lit, you can KNOCK, TAP or PULL the cigar. After drawing a puff, you could EXHALE the cigar AT someone or something to blow smoke at them. It can be EXTINGUISHed to stop smoking before it burns out.<br><br>It has a vanilla, sourwood honey, and bourbon caramel scent.<br><br>When smoked, the smoker will smell like Cigar - Vanilla and Bourbon Caramel.<br><br>This cigar could be held in your teeth for a few minutes.<br><br>You estimate that the cigar could burn for another thirty minutes or so.
'''Examine:'''<br>The dark brown cigar is unlit.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>Elegant script on the band reads, "Vanilla and Bourbon Caramel."
| 15,000
{{Container2||container=In the onyx-hued wicker basket you see:||contents= a rose-carved ebonwood match box, a stallion-etched gold match box, a simple pewter match box and a filigreed silver match box.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a rose-carved ebonwood match box || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-arose-carvedebonwoodmatchbox" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-arose-carvedebonwoodmatchbox">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the ebonwood box and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>The ebonwood box holds matches. It currently holds 40 matches.<br><br>To use, OPEN MY box and GET MATCH FROM MY box.<br><br>It can be altered, but the noun must remain matchbox, matchbook, pouch, box, or case.<br><br>The matches that it creates can have custom article and adjectives, but the matches disappear upon lighting or dropping.<br><br>The ebonwood box will be deleted if you take the last match. To refill the box, you can DROP matches one by one, or BUNDLE two matchbooks together. The matches from the matchbook in your left hand will be moved to the matchbook in your right hand.
'''Examine:'''<br>The ebonwood box is closed.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>Beneath the carving on the box face is a line of script that reads, "B. Witching's Fine Cigars."
| 40
| a stallion-etched gold match box || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-astallion-etchedgoldmatchbox" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-astallion-etchedgoldmatchbox">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the gold match box and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>The gold match box holds matches. It currently holds 40 matches.<br><br>To use, OPEN MY box and GET MATCH FROM MY box.<br><br>It can be altered, but the noun must remain matchbox, matchbook, pouch, box, or case.<br><br>The matches that it creates can have custom article and adjectives, but the matches disappear upon lighting or dropping.<br><br>The gold match box will be deleted if you take the last match. To refill the box, you can DROP matches one by one, or BUNDLE two matchbooks together. The matches from the matchbook in your left hand will be moved to the matchbook in your right hand.
'''Examine:'''<br>The gold match box is closed.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>Beneath the etching on the box face is a line of script that reads, "B. Witching's Fine Cigars."
| 40
| a simple pewter match box || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-asimplepewtermatchbox" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asimplepewtermatchbox">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the pewter match box and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>The pewter match box holds matches. It currently holds 40 matches.<br><br>To use, OPEN MY box and GET MATCH FROM MY box.<br><br>It can be altered, but the noun must remain matchbox, matchbook, pouch, box, or case.<br><br>The matches that it creates can have custom article and adjectives, but the matches disappear upon lighting or dropping.<br><br>The pewter match box will be deleted if you take the last match. To refill the box, you can DROP matches one by one, or BUNDLE two matchbooks together. The matches from the matchbook in your left hand will be moved to the matchbook in your right hand.
'''Examine:'''<br>The pewter match box is closed.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>Along the edge of the box face is a line of script that reads, "B. Witching's Fine Cigars."
| 40
| a filigreed silver match box || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-afiligreedsilvermatchbox" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine, writing</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-afiligreedsilvermatchbox">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the silver match box and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>The silver match box holds matches. It currently holds 40 matches.<br><br>To use, OPEN MY box and GET MATCH FROM MY box.<br><br>It can be altered, but the noun must remain matchbox, matchbook, pouch, box, or case.<br><br>The matches that it creates can have custom article and adjectives, but the matches disappear upon lighting or dropping.<br><br>The silver match box will be deleted if you take the last match. To refill the box, you can DROP matches one by one, or BUNDLE two matchbooks together. The matches from the matchbook in your left hand will be moved to the matchbook in your right hand.
'''Examine:'''<br>The silver match box is closed.<br>
'''Read:'''<br>Beneath the filigree on the box face is a line of script that reads, "B. Witching's Fine Cigars."
| 40
|shopname=B. Witching
|look=<!--#shop look, the outside: e.g. crumbling two-story stone tower overrun with vines-->
|location=[Map Room #], Lich# 26608, go violet-trimmed door
===B. Witching, Sitting Room===<!--==={{{ [B. Witching, Sitting Room] 27594 2021-10-02 10:46:13 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=B. Witching, Sitting Room - 27594 - ( 8081053 )
|desc=A large credenza occupies the back wall of this cozy room, its surface laden with a variety of herbs, florals, and oils all trapped within stoppered apothecary bottles. A blackened skull on a violet lace doily sits amongst the glass, as does a black onyx mortar and pestle. Perpendicular to the credenza is an arsenic grey velvet-cushioned couch with a high back and sculpted arms.
|exits= out}}
<!-- Other Rooms Here -->
<section end=2021 />
<section begin=2020 />
<section begin=2020 />

Revision as of 09:47, 2 October 2021


a matte black door, [Map Room 6], Lich #26608, go black door (Damsel of the Deep)

B. Witching, Perfumes

[B. Witching, Perfumes - 26608 - ( 8081052 )]
The walls of this small cabin have been painted a matte shade of black, and thin stripes of dark violet stretch from ceiling to floor. Silver-armed sconces supporting ebon satin shades spill pools of light on the floor, and a matching three-armed candlestick sits at the center of a round ebonwood table. Nearby, a lavender velvet-lined tray sits atop a simple display along with a silver-inked black parchment sign.
Obvious exits: north, out
silver-inked black parchment sign
Greetings. The offerings you'll find here are the finest perfumes and colognes that alchemy can create. No expense was spared in the procurement of exotic ingredients and infusions. I hope you find something you can savor. Also, I received an unsigned missive a couple of months ago. Its ramblings were fanciful and mildly disturbing -- something about a horseman or a manhorse -- along with a request for a specific scent. Undaunted, I have created something that might be suitable. As a final note, I've heard your requests for larger bottles and am now offering a hundred uses per bottle. The jewelry remains unchanged. ~ B. Witching ~ * ~ Perfumes ~ * ~ a cream-hued glass bottle draped in a web of pewter chain - Trepidation a faceted golden yellow vial set into a violet anemone base - Fatalistic a silvered indigo flask encrusted with crystalline waves - Desolation a dark red-violet bottle with a bright blue floral stopper - Inevitable a wispy grey handblown vial chased with opal tuberose blossoms - Defiance an oval cloisonne flask patterned with stalks of lavender - Denial a horse-shaped golden brown bottle - Hay You Guys a smooth ivory worry stone on a thin pewter chain - Trepidation a golden amber skull-lined bracelet with violet pearl accents - Fatalistic a silvered indigo sapphire ghostly specter pin - Desolation a red-violet and blue flower-beaded necklace - Inevitable a silver-linked bracelet of white opal tuberose blossoms - Defiance a cloisonned stalk of lavender tied with a sage-hued ribbon - Denial a golden brown horse charm with gilded mane - Hay You Guys

On the round ebonwood table you see: a silvered indigo flask encrusted with crystalline waves, a cream-hued glass bottle draped in a web of pewter chain, a faceted golden yellow vial set into a violet anemone base, a dark red-violet bottle with a bright blue floral stopper, a wispy grey handblown vial chased with opal tuberose blossoms, a horse-shaped golden brown bottle and an oval cloisonne flask patterned with stalks of lavender.

a silvered indigo flask encrusted with crystalline waves Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing
a cream-hued glass bottle draped in a web of pewter chain Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing
a faceted golden yellow vial set into a violet anemone base Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing
a dark red-violet bottle with a bright blue floral stopper Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing
a wispy grey handblown vial chased with opal tuberose blossoms Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing
a horse-shaped golden brown bottle Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing
an oval cloisonne flask patterned with stalks of lavender Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing

On the lavender velvet-lined tray you see: a red-violet and blue flower-beaded necklace, a silvered indigo sapphire ghostly specter pin, a cloisonned stalk of lavender tied with a sage-hued ribbon, a smooth ivory worry stone on a thin pewter chain, a silver-linked bracelet of white opal tuberose blossoms, a golden amber skull-lined bracelet with violet pearl accents and a golden brown horse charm with gilded mane.

a red-violet and blue flower-beaded necklace Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder
a silvered indigo sapphire ghostly specter pin Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder
a cloisonned stalk of lavender tied with a sage-hued ribbon Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder
a smooth ivory worry stone on a thin pewter chain Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder
a silver-linked bracelet of white opal tuberose blossoms Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder
a golden amber skull-lined bracelet with violet pearl accents Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder
a golden brown horse charm with gilded mane Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder

B. Witching, Cigars

[B. Witching, Cigars -26609 - ( 8081438 )]
The dark violet-striped matte black walls enclosing this section of the cabin are warmly lit by the silver-armed sconces set upon them at intervals, and between a pair of the ebon satin-shaded lamps stands a scrollworked black cabinet. On its shelves are several humidors, each with a single cigar stationed before it as a display, while an onyx-hued wicker basket is tucked onto a lower shelf beside a silver-inked black parchment sign. You also see a matte black violet-trimmed door.
Obvious exits: south
silver-inked black parchment sign
This year, I've commissioned a new batch of cigars and imparted them with my own distinct scent and flavoring. I do hope you enjoy them. You might care to clasp these in your teeth for a time (say, for instance, ten minutes), but don't forget to ash them regularly lest you burn your clothes. Also, match boxes are on offer in the basket. ~ * ~ Cigars ~ * ~ a copper-banded warm brown leaf-wrapped cigar - Orchard Apple a black-banded deep red leaf-wrapped cigar - Black Cherry Amaretto a ruby red-labeled golden brown cigar - Maple Rum a tan-labeled dark brown leaf-wrapped cigar - Vanilla and Bourbon Caramel a gold-banded burgundy leaf-wrapped cigar - Mulled Wine a bronze-banded pale leaf-wrapped cigar - Toasted Coconut Brandy

In the scrollworked black cabinet you see: a copper-banded warm brown leaf-wrapped cigar, a gold-banded burgundy leaf-wrapped cigar, a ruby red-labeled golden brown cigar, a black-banded deep red leaf-wrapped cigar, a bronze-banded pale leaf-wrapped cigar and a tan-labeled dark brown leaf-wrapped cigar.

a copper-banded warm brown leaf-wrapped cigar Weight: <1 pound Smokeable Cigar
analyze, examine, writing
a gold-banded burgundy leaf-wrapped cigar Weight: <1 pound Smokeable Cigar
analyze, examine, writing
a ruby red-labeled golden brown cigar Weight: <1 pound Smokeable Cigar
analyze, examine, writing
a black-banded deep red leaf-wrapped cigar Weight: <1 pound Smokeable Cigar
analyze, examine, writing
a bronze-banded pale leaf-wrapped cigar Weight: <1 pound Smokeable Cigar
analyze, examine, writing
a tan-labeled dark brown leaf-wrapped cigar Weight: <1 pound Smokeable Cigar
analyze, examine, writing

In the onyx-hued wicker basket you see: a rose-carved ebonwood match box, a stallion-etched gold match box, a simple pewter match box and a filigreed silver match box.

a rose-carved ebonwood match box Weight: <1 pound
analyze, examine, writing
a stallion-etched gold match box Weight: <1 pound
analyze, examine, writing
a simple pewter match box Weight: <1 pound
analyze, examine, writing
a filigreed silver match box Weight: <1 pound
analyze, examine, writing

, [Map Room #], Lich# 26608, go violet-trimmed door

B. Witching, Sitting Room

[B. Witching, Sitting Room - 27594 - ( 8081053 )]
A large credenza occupies the back wall of this cozy room, its surface laden with a variety of herbs, florals, and oils all trapped within stoppered apothecary bottles. A blackened skull on a violet lace doily sits amongst the glass, as does a black onyx mortar and pestle. Perpendicular to the credenza is an arsenic grey velvet-cushioned couch with a high back and sculpted arms.
Obvious exits: out


a matte black door, [Map Room 6], Lich #26608, go black door (Damsel of the Deep)

B. Witching

[B. Witching - 26608]
The walls of this small cabin have been painted a matte shade of black, and thin stripes of dark violet stretch from ceiling to floor. Silver-armed sconces supporting ebon satin shades spill pools of light on the floor, and a matching three-armed candlestick sits at the center of a round ebonwood table. Nearby, a lavender velvet-lined tray sits atop a simple display, and a silver-inked black parchment sign is propped alongside a black-paneled cigar box. You also see a matte black violet-trimmed door.
Obvious exits: out
silver-inked black parchment sign
Greetings. The offerings you'll find here are the finest perfumes and colognes that alchemy can create. No expense was spared in the procurement of exotic ingredients and infusions. I hope you find something here you can savor. Also, I have a little experiment for you this year - exceptionally fragrant cigars. Just a few puffs will have you smelling...delicious...for hours. ~ B. Witching ~ * ~ Perfumes ~ * ~ a matte black glass ampoule in a spiraled silver cage - Blackest Magic a brilliant iridescent green flask etched with sinuous whorls - Absinthe Makes The Heart a pristine white skull-shaped vial with an onyx raven stopper - Toward Death a spherical rust-hued glass bottle chased with bronze inlay - Autumn Respite a matte black pentagram fetish traced with crimson sigils - Blackest Magic a green abalone bracelet with sinuous whorled silver links - Absinthe Makes The Heart a peaked gravestone pin topped with an onyx raven - Toward Death a frosted orange pumpkin charm chased with green vines - Autumn Respite ~ * ~ Cigars ~ * ~ a green-banded dark plum cigar - Dark Plum a rust-banded buttery pumpkin cigar - Buttered Pumpkin

On the round ebonwood table you see: a spherical rust-hued glass bottle chased with bronze inlay, a pristine white skull-shaped vial with an onyx raven stopper, a brilliant iridescent green flask etched with sinuous whorls and a matte black glass ampoule in a spiraled silver cage.

a spherical rust-hued glass bottle chased with bronze inlay Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing
a pristine white skull-shaped vial with an onyx raven stopper Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing
a brilliant iridescent green flask etched with sinuous whorls Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing
a matte black glass ampoule in a spiraled silver cage Weight: <1 pound Perfume
analyze, writing

In the black-paneled cigar box you see: a rust-banded buttery pumpkin cigar and a green-banded dark plum cigar.

a rust-banded buttery pumpkin cigar Weight: <1 pound Smokeable Cigar
a green-banded dark plum cigar Weight: <1 pound Smokeable Cigar

On the lavender velvet-lined tray you see: a frosted orange pumpkin charm chased with green vines, a peaked gravestone pin topped with an onyx raven, a green abalone bracelet with sinuous whorled silver links and a matte black pentagram fetish traced with crimson sigils.

a frosted orange pumpkin charm chased with green vines Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder
a peaked gravestone pin topped with an onyx raven Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder
a green abalone bracelet with sinuous whorled silver links Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder 25,000
a matte black pentagram fetish traced with crimson sigils Weight: <1 pound Perfume Holder


a matte black door, [Map Room 6], Lich #26608, go black door (Damsel of the Deep)

B. Witching

[B. Witching - 26608]
The walls of this small cabin have been painted a matte shade of black, and thin stripes of dark violet stretch from ceiling to floor. Silver-armed sconces supporting ebon satin shades spill pools of light on the floor, and a matching three-armed candlestick sits at the center of a round ebonwood table. Nearby, a lavender velvet-lined tray sits atop a simple display, and a silver-inked black parchment sign is propped alongside.
Obvious exits: out
Greetings.  The offerings you'll find here are the finest perfumes and colognes that alchemy can create.  No expense was spared in the procurement of exotic ingredients and infusions.  I hope you find something here you can savor.
~ B. Witching
an iridescent scarlet vial shot with motes of gold - Aphrodisia
a solid platinum bottle inset with precious jewels - Avarice
a dark emerald ampoule with a fluted stopper - Covetous
an oversized firestone bottle in a cage of bronze - Ravenous
a frosted ice white opal vial with a heavy base - Inertia
a sanguine pyramid bottle streaked with obsidian - Vengeance
a translucent water sapphire flask encased in electrum webbing - Ego
a silver-barbed onyx bottle with a dagger-shaped stopper - Treachery
a brilliant silver-lustered vial drip-coated with ebon enamel - Blasphemy
an elegant opalescent hand-blown vial with imflass leafing - Sinful

an iridescent scarlet blazestar pendant on a fine gold chain - Aphrodisia
a solid platinum wristlet inlaid with myriad precious jewels - Avarice
a pair of fluted emerald leaves embracing a pure white lily - Covetous
an ostenatious firestone bauble on an elaborate bronze chain - Ravenous
a heavy invar vambrace edged in ice white opal cabochons - Inertia
a sanguine pyramid fetish with obsidian veins - Vengeance
an electrum bracelet dangling water sapphire charms - Ego
a silver dagger crest wrapped in onyx-hued vines - Treachery
a silver-leafed ebon skull brooch edged in filigree - Blasphemy
an opalescent spherical pendant on a thin imflass chain - Sinful

On the round ebonwood table you see:

an elegant opalescent hand-blown vial with imflass leafing Weight: <1 pound
a brilliant silver-lustered vial drip-coated with ebon enamel Weight: <1 pound
a silver-barbed onyx bottle with a dagger-shaped stopper Weight: <1 pound
a translucent water sapphire flask encased in electrum webbing Weight: <1 pound
a sanguine pyramid bottle streaked with obsidian Weight: <1 pound
a frosted ice white opal vial with a heavy base Weight: <1 pound
an oversized firestone bottle in a cage of bronze Weight: <1 pound
a dark emerald ampoule with a fluted stopper Weight: <1 pound
a solid platinum bottle inset with precious jewels Weight: <1 pound
an iridescent scarlet vial shot with motes of gold Weight: <1 pound

On the lavender velvet-lined tray you see:

an iridescent scarlet blazestar pendant on a fine gold chain Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
a solid platinum wristlet inlaid with myriad precious jewels Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
a pair of fluted emerald leaves embracing a pure white lily Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
an ostentatious firestone bauble on an elaborate bronze chain Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
a heavy invar vambrace edged in ice white opal cabochons Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
a sanguine pyramid fetish with obsidian veins Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
an electrum bracelet dangling water sapphire charms Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
a silver dagger crest wrapped in onyx-hued vines Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
a silver-leafed ebon skull brooch edged in filigree Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
an opalescent spherical pendant on a thin imflass chain Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description


a matte black door, [Map Room 6], Lich #26608, go black door (Damsel of the Deep)

[B. Witching]
The walls of this small cabin have been painted a matte shade of black, and thin stripes of dark violet stretch from ceiling to floor. Silver-armed sconces supporting ebon satin shades spill pools of light on the floor, and a matching three-armed candlestick sits at the center of a round ebonwood table. Nearby, a lavender velvet-lined tray sits atop a simple display, and a silver-inked black parchment sign is propped alongside.
Obvious exits: out
Greetings.  The offerings you'll find here are the finest perfumes and colognes that alchemy can create.  No expense was spared in the procurement of exotic ingredients and infusions.  I hope you find something here you can savor.
~ B. Witching
a contoured ivory glass ampoule shrouded in gauzy silk - Slumber
a storm grey crystal flask etched with a ship - Steady As She Goes
a silvery spun glass vial pierced with tiny whorls of white - Supplication
a square ebon glass bottle in a base of filigreed silver - Castaway
a delicate cylindrical violet ampoule with rippled texture - Surrender
a deep red-purple flask chased in rose gold strands - Just Desserts
a translucent spherical glass vial caged in blackened electrum - Into the Void
a lustrous onyx crystal bottle with a hazy indigo sheen - Hollow
an iridescent crimson ampoule engraved with elegant flourishes - In Memoriam

a carved ivory brooch backed in gathered silk - Slumber
an anchor-incised suede bracer with silver buckles - Steady As She Goes
a brushed silver forearm cuff set with white moonstones - Supplication
a faceted obsidian bangle with argent enamel inlays  - Castaway
a gold-linked violet pearl bracelet with a lobster clasp  - Surrender
a rose gold gnarled branch pin studded with red-purple star blossoms - Just Desserts
a nebulous crystalline mask charm fraught with electrum accents - Into the Void
an onyx hag stone pendant on a satiny indigo cord - Hollow
a delicate open-link necklace strung with iridescent crimson beads - In Memoriam

On the round ebonwood table you see:

a contoured ivory glass ampoule shrouded in gauzy silk Slumber Perfume
Scent list
a storm grey crystal flask etched with a ship Steady As She Goes
a silvery spun glass vial pierced with tiny whorls of white Supplication
a square ebon glass bottle in a base of filigreed silver Castaway
a delicate cylindrical violet ampoule with rippled texture Surrender
a deep red-purple flask chased in rose gold strands Just Desserts
a translucent spherical glass vial caged in blackened electrum Into the Void
a lustrous onyx crystal bottle with a hazy indigo sheen Hollow
an iridescent crimson ampoule engraved with elegant flourishes In Memoriam

On the lavender velvet-lined tray you see:

a carved ivory brooch backed in gathered silk Slumber Perfume Jewelry
Scent list
an anchor-incised suede bracer with silver buckles Steady As She Goes
a brushed silver forearm cuff set with white moonstones Supplication
a faceted obsidian bangle with argent enamel inlays Castaway
a gold-linked violet pearl bracelet with a lobster clasp Surrender
a rose gold gnarled branch pin with red-purple star blossoms Just Desserts
a nebulous crystalline mask charm fraught with electrum accents Into the Void
an onyx hag stone pendant on a satiny indigo cord Hollow
a delicate open-link necklace strung with crimson beads In Memoriam

You need to purchase a service pass to enter the door.


a matte black door, [Map Room 6], Lich #26605, go black door (Damsel of the Deep)

BW Entry

[B. Witching] RNUM: 26608
The walls of this small cabin have been painted a matte shade of black, and thin stripes of dark violet stretch from ceiling to floor. Silver-armed sconces supporting ebon satin shades spill pools of light on the floor, and a matching three-armed candlestick sits at the center of a round ebonwood table. Nearby, a lavender velvet-lined tray sits atop a simple display, and a silver-inked black parchment sign is propped alongside.
Obvious exits: north, out
Greetings.  The offerings you'll find here are the finest perfumes and colognes that alchemy can create.  No expense was spared in the procurement of exotic ingredients and infusions.  I hope you find something here you can savor.

~ B. Witching

a sculpted leather vambrace with metal-tipped laces - Bound in Scarlet
a hammered gold bracer inlaid with violet feystones - Oaths in Gold
a vaalin bracelet etched with delicate starbursts - To Dream
a square-linked golden quartz bracelet traced with bronze - Gilded Cage
a twisted silver spiral pin set with tiny black pearls - Moonless Night
a carved viridian malachite serpent charm - Resurrection
a wave-linked mithglin pendant strewn with aquamarine beads - Sweet Indulgence
a lapis-beaded silver neckchain with a crescent moon charm - Beneath the Surface

a small leather-sheathed ampoule with a cork stopper - Bound in Scarlet
a gold teardrop vial inlaid with whorls of violet feystone - Oaths in Gold
a circular flat-bodied vaalin flask etched with a starburst - To Dream
a cubic gilded quartz bottle with a twist-in stopper - Gilded Cage
a wisp-etched silver ampoule with a black pearl stopper - Moonless Night
a sinuous malachite snake vial with bronze-edged scales - Resurrection
a fluted mithglin flask inlaid with bands of aquamarine - Sweet Indulgence
a lapis crescent-shaped bottle veined with silver - Beneath the Surface

On the round ebonwood table you see:

a lapis crescent-shaped bottle veined with silver Beneath the Surface Perfume 30000
a fluted mithglin flask inlaid with bands of aquamarine Sweet Indulgence
a sinuous malachite snake vial with bronze-edged scales Resurrection
a wisp-etched silver ampoule with a black pearl stopper Moonless Night
a cubic gilded quartz bottle with a twist-in stopper Gilded Cage
a circular flat-bodied vaalin flask etched with a starburst To Dream
a gold teardrop vial inlaid with whorls of violet feystone Oaths in Gold
a small leather-sheathed ampoule with a cork stopper Bound in Scarlet

On the lavender velvet-lined tray you see:

a lapis-beaded silver neckchain with a crescent moon charm Beneath the Surface Perfume Jewelry 25000
a wave-linked mithglin pendant strewn with aquamarine beads Sweet Indulgence
a carved viridian malachite serpent charm Resurrection
a twisted silver spiral pin set with tiny black pearls Moonless Night
a square-linked golden quartz bracelet traced with bronze Gilded Cage
a vaalin bracelet etched with delicate starbursts To Dream
a hammered gold bracer inlaid with violet feystones Oaths in Gold
a sculpted leather vambrace with metal-tipped laces Bound in Scarlet

Sitting Room

[B. Witching, Sitting Room] RNUM: 26609
A large credenza occupies the back wall of this cozy room, its surface laden with a variety of herbs, florals, and oils all trapped within stoppered apothecary bottles. A blackened skull on a violet lace doily sits amongst the glass, as does a black onyx mortar and pestle. Perpendicular to the credenza is an arsenic grey velvet-cushioned couch with a high back and sculpted arms.
Obvious exits: south

2016 Inventory



[B. Witching, Parlor]
The monochrome interior of the tower is stark, a landscape of greys accented only occasionally by any color. Over the room's only window, bundles of drying flowers - roses and violets darkened and crinkled with age - are strung from knotted lengths of twine. Elsewhere along the walls, pressed herbs dwell behind glass framed by ebonwood filigree, and antique side tables flank an arsenic grey velvet-cushioned couch with a high back and sculpted arms. On one of the tables sits a spindly black-limbed tree, and beneath it is a blackened green abalone shell. Propped on the other table is a framed black vellum scroll scripted in silver ink.
Obvious exits: up, down, out
Greetings.  The offerings you'll find here are the finest perfumes and colognes that alchemy can create.  No expense was spared in the procurement of exotic ingredients and infusions.  Up the stairs you will find scents on the lighter side, while down the stairs are the darker.  I do hope you find something here that you can savor.
~ B. Witching
a flawless cherry garnet pendant on a thin chain - Sweet Comfort
a double-wrapped ivory necklace with delicate gold links - Alabaster Opulence
a vaalin bracelet dangling a pair of opal wings - Seraphic Ardor
a smooth red carnelian disc on an oval-linked copper chain - Blood Ash
a charred hunk of ironwood inlaid with firestone - Burnt Offerings
an iridescent glaes crescent moon with silver filigree overlay - Luna
a twisted leaf of silver with grey moonstone inlay - Wraith
a cracked diamond pin filled with blackened silver - Wounded Passions
a misshapen piece of dark yellow jasper with dark inclusions - Charred Nether
a pair of golden quartz bangles etched with abstract designs - Golden Aurora
a dark green bloodstone fetish bound in hammered bronze - Deep Weald Shadow
a dark blue sapphire shard traced with silver etchings - Icebound

On the spindly black-limbed tree you see:

  • See below for scents
a charred hunk of ironwood inlaid with firestone Burnt Offerings 25000
a smooth red carnelian disc on an oval-linked copper chain Blood Ash
a vaalin bracelet dangling a pair of opal wings Seraphic Ardor
a double-wrapped ivory necklace with delicate gold links Alabaster Opulence
a flawless cherry garnet pendant on a thin chain Sweet Comfort

In the blackened green abalone shell you see:

an iridescent glaes crescent moon with silver filigree overlay Luna 25000
a twisted leaf of silver with grey moonstone inlay Wraith
a cracked diamond pin filled with blackened silver Wounded Passions
a misshapen piece of dark yellow jasper with dark inclusions Charred Nether
a pair of golden quartz bangles etched with abstract designs Golden Aurora
a dark green bloodstone fetish bound in hammered bronze Deep Weald Shadow
a dark blue sapphire shard traced with silver etchings Icebound

As Above

[B. Witching, As Above]
This upper room of the tower is a menagerie of alchemical odds and ends that readily catch and reflect the flickering light of the oil lamps scattered about. Pristinely clean glass beakers sit lined according to size on top of the hutch mounted on the worktable against the far wall. Various vials and ampoules are seated in the nooks of the hutch alongside several glass droppers. On the wall opposite the worktable are some shelves covered in a drape of argent velvet with a fringe of crystalline glass beads.
Obvious exits: down
For those on the lighter side, these offerings may prove pleasing.
a frosted blue sapphire bottle - Icebound
an opaque white crystal bottle - Alabaster Opulence
a pale lavender glass ampoule - Seraphic Ardor
a gilded crystal flask - Golden Aurora
a ghostly pale moonstone bottle - Luna
a lustrous dark crimson vial - Sweet Comfort

On the some shelves you see:

a lustrous dark crimson vial webbed with strands of pale ivory xxx has all about her the silky sweet scent of cream touched by caramelized sugar and brightened by infusions of tart red cherry. Underlying the sumptuous tops notes is an undercurrent of bourbon-soaked vanilla bean, mellowing the scent to a warm sillage. Sweet Comfort 30000
a ghostly pale moonstone bottle brushed with strokes of amber and silver xxx has an ephemereal corona of niveous airs about her, reminiscent of a moonlit garden at midnight. The distinct redolence of nightcap blossoms is smoothed to silk by notes of white amber and smoky-sweet tobacco flower. Beneath lies a bed of unobtrusive orris root, blended to perfection with soft resins and a myriad of honeyed pale-petaled flowers. Luna
a gilded crystal flask sparked with motes of hazy rose xxx has a gilded miasma of fragrance on her skin, with notes of pale golden musk, honeycomb, and amber foremost in attendance. Beneath run streams of parma violet and hawthorn bark, faintly sweet with a touch of bitter, over low-lying currents of white moss and wild berry. Golden Aurora
a pale lavender glass ampoule inlaid with crushed opal flourishes xxx has in the air about her a shroud, as light as feathered wings, held aloft by a breath of wisteria incense stirred by strands of niveous calla lily. Chords of white sandalwood and rose attar thread languidly throughout, underscored by a touch of frankinscense. Seraphic Ardor
an opaque white crystal vial adorned with a veil of silver-strung amber beads xxx has a enticingly sweet veil over her skin, with mellow top notes of musk fading quickly into a warm haze of vanilla essences swirled with rich clover honey. The lingering prescence of acacia and sugar cane remain when all else has faded into obscurity. Alabaster Opulence
a frosted blue sapphire bottle inset with crystalline shards xxx has currents of lilac made crisp and frosty by a subtle undercurrent of mint chilling the air about her. Notes of iris and violet leaf combine in the heart of the fragrance, which eventually gives way to a faint sillage with hint of almond bark, coconut, and white sandalwood. Icebound

So Below

[B. Witching, So Below]
Glass-doored cabinets occupy the outer edge of this subterranean room, and their procession is interrupted only by the occasional oil lamp mounted to the stone walls between. Within the cabinets, there are countless glass-stoppered bottles filled with all manner of things, as well as other implements such as mortar and pestle, a silver athame, and other sundry items. A tall narrow stand fitted with some shelves sits beneath one of the lamps and is draped in onyx-hued velvet with a fringe of bloodjewel beading.
Obvious exits: up
For those of a darker bent, these may suit your tastes.
a faceted smoky quartz ampoule - Burnt Offerings
a roseate crystal flask - Wounded Passions
a translucent glass bottle - Wraith
a solid onyx vial - Blood Ash
a honey-hued jasper ampoule - Charred Nether
a dark green bloodstone flask - Deep Weald Shadow

On the some shelves you see:

a dark green bloodstone flask flecked with bits of bronze xxx has a wildwood cloak draped about her, a suffusion of birch and dogwood, cypress and pine, caught up in a garland of forest wildflowers. Distinct notes of columbine, blue violet, and pixie moss churn beneath it all, damp and fresh, and cut at the finish by a shard of bloodroot. Deep Weald Shadow 30000
a honey-hued jasper ampoule fraught with ebon inclusions xxx has a mantle of smoky-sour labdanum laid heavily upon her, pleasing only in its brevity as it fades to a core of black patchouli bound in sodden tobacco. Spears of brimstone and sulfur pierce the smaze to create a notable, though bracing, finish. Charred Nether
a solid onyx vial caught in ruby-beaded silk netting xxx has an acerbic shroud drawn close about her, smoked with the incense of dry olibanum and vetiver, undercut by an earthy wisp of black moss. Deeper still are strains of opoponax, which lend a subtle and indefinable sweetness, laced with the metallic warmth of spilled blood. Blood Ash
a translucent glass bottle inlaid with a myriad grey seed pearls xxx has a dusky shroud enveloping him in an acrid haze fraught with the dust of dessicated skin and hints of blackened ginger. Brief breaths of cinnamon rise only to be lost beneath currents of mold-ridden earth, but those too eventually fade into the lingering ghosts of orris and bitter clove. Wraith
a roseate crystal flask traced with wisps of deep scarlet xxx has a sanguine haze enshrouding her, redolent of blood's coppery twang and seasoned with the spice of crimson ginger root. The heart is bound in fiery red musks that dissipate into the smoky specter of pink honeysuckle. Wounded Passions
a faceted smoky quartz ampoule dotted with embers of amber You have a near smothering veil of hardwood smoke about you, darkened by black musk and redeemed only slightly by a lucent ember of heliotrope burning in the background. From beneath the soot of the head notes rise strains of cassis and bitter-green inclusions of wormwood. Burnt Offerings