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RWShop:Cervidae Corral: Difference between revisions

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m (Hart/Hind mount price was reduced on 6/15/21 midway through run and enough people complained on Discord that I finally went to change it on the wiki)
(updating page formatting to new shop listing standards)
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==Current Shop Listing==
{{:RWShop:Cervidae Corral/2021}}
<section begin=2021 />
==Previous Shop Listings==
* [[/2021|June 2021 shop listing]]
|shopname=Cervidae Corral
* [[/full archive|Full Shop Archive]]
|look=an awning-topped oak and copper corral

|location=[Map Room 8], Lich# 28050, go track, se, se, ne, go oak corral
[[Category:Rumor Woods shops|C]]
===Cervidae Corral, Entry===<!--==={{{ [Cervidae Corral] 2021-06-13 14:46:45 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=Cervidae Corral -
|desc=Bright blue, green, and red canopies stretch across a slender corridor created between the various corrals that stretch across the mixed grass and sedge ground. Shepherd's crooks are bolted to the tall posts that flank a copper and oak gate, the lanterns dangling from them dormant for the moment.
|exits= southeast, southwest, out}}
{{sign|margin-right=40%|sign='''short wooden sign'''<hr><nowiki>
Please be advised, when purchasing one of our fine animals, that they each have some kind of restriction on their grooming that the Ostler can not get around.
The Ostler can assist you with gender for most animals found here, though not for the hart or the hind.</nowiki>}}
===Cervidae Corral, Southeast===<!--==={{{ [Cervidae Corral] 2021-06-13 14:47:34 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=Cervidae Corral -
|desc=Tufts of blue-green grass stick out at odd angles around the posts of the nearby corral, the thin and wide blades rustling in the chill alpine breeze that slips through the area. Above, bright blue, red, and green canvas is sewn together in patchwork fashion to create a simple awning that protects those in the corridor from the sunlight. You also see a tall southeastern gate and a short eastern gate.
|exits= southwest, northwest}}
===Tall Cervidae Paddock===<!--==={{{ [Tall Cervidae Paddock] 2021-06-13 14:48:39 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=Tall Cervidae Paddock -
|desc=Unkempt and wide, the ground is covered in wild sedge and blue-green grass, which is lazily being munched on by the various animals that wander about the open space. The corral stretches southward, providing ample space for grazing and herd mingling.
|exits= out}}
{{sign|margin-right=40%|sign='''short wooden sign'''<hr><nowiki>
The animals in this paddock are only suitable for those of taller stature.
The moose is sturdy enough for a giantman, while the gazelles favor sylvans.
Please be advised, the Ostler has some restrictions when handling grooming for these animals.</nowiki>}}
{{Container2||container=sleek tan gazelle||contents=Standing approximately 38 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the gazelle has a slender face and tall ears. His sleek body is covered in a thin, tan coat, and he has a short, beige tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and a pair of hooked horns sits upon his head.}}
{{Container2||container=On the sleek tan gazelle you see:||contents= a wide-stitched mocha-hued wool halter strap.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a wide-stitched mocha-hued wool halter strap || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-awide-stitchedmocha-huedwoolhalterstrap" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-awide-stitchedmocha-huedwoolhalterstrap">'''Analyze:'''<br>This is a summoning item and will currently summon: <b>a sleek tan gazelle</b>, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:<br><br>Height: approximately 38 inches high<br>
Face: slender<br>
Ears: tall<br>
Body: sleek (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article)<br>
Paw: cloven<br><br>Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change.<br><br>USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)<br><br>Mounts cannot be:<br>
- summoned while inside.<br>
- ridden inside or in water.<br>
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.<br><br>Mounts will:<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.<br>
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.<br>
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.<br>
| 17,500
{{Container2||container=bulky dark brown moose||contents=Standing roughly 7 feet tall at the top of the shoulder, the moose has an elongated face and small ears. His bulky body is covered in a thin, dark brown coat, and he has a short, dark brown tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in wide hooves, and a wide rack of antlers sits upon his head.}}
{{Container2||container=On the bulky dark brown moose you see:||contents= a brown woolen halter strap with copper rosettes.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a brown woolen halter strap with copper rosettes || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-abrownwoolenhalterstrapwithcopperrosettes" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-abrownwoolenhalterstrapwithcopperrosettes">'''Analyze:'''<br>This is a summoning item and will currently summon: <b>a bulky dark brown moose</b>, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:<br><br>Height: roughly 7 feet tall<br>
Face: elongated<br>
Ears: small<br>
Body: bulky (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article)<br>
Paw: wide<br><br>Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change.<br><br>USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)<br><br>Mounts cannot be:<br>
- summoned while inside.<br>
- ridden inside or in water.<br>
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.<br><br>Mounts will:<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.<br>
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.<br>
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.<br>
| 17,500
===Small Cervidae Paddock===<!--==={{{ [Small Cervidae Paddock] 2021-06-13 14:49:36 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=Small Cervidae Paddock -
|desc=Unkempt and wide, the ground is covered in wild sedge and blue-green grass, which is lazily being munched on by the various animals that wander about the open space. The corral stretches southward, providing ample space for grazing and herd mingling.
|exits= out}}
{{sign|margin-right=40%|sign='''short wooden sign'''<hr><nowiki>
The animals in this paddock are only suitable for those of diminutive stature.
The muntjac is sturdy enough for a dwarf, while the antelope can handle the weight of halflings and gnomes.
Please be advised, the Ostler has some restrictions when handling grooming for these animals.</nowiki>}}
{{Container2||container=sleek tan muntjac||contents=Standing approximately 24 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the muntjac has an angular face and small ears. His sleek body is covered in a thin, tan coat, and he has a short, white tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and a pair of hooked horns sits upon his head.}}
{{Container2||container=On the sleek tan muntjac you see:||contents= a grey woolen halter strap with platinum rings.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a grey woolen halter strap with platinum rings || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-agreywoolenhalterstrapwithplatinumrings" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-agreywoolenhalterstrapwithplatinumrings">'''Analyze:'''<br>This is a summoning item and will currently summon: <b>a sleek tan muntjac</b>, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:<br><br>Height: approximately 24 inches high<br>
Face: angular<br>
Ears: small<br>
Body: sleek (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article)<br>
Paw: cloven<br><br>Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change.<br><br>USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)<br><br>Mounts cannot be:<br>
- summoned while inside.<br>
- ridden inside or in water.<br>
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.<br><br>Mounts will:<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.<br>
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.<br>
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.<br>
| 17,500
{{Container2||container=sleek tan antelope||contents=Standing approximately 38 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the antelope has an angular face and tall ears. His sleek body is covered in a thin, tan coat, and he has a sleek, white tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in wide hooves, and a pair of hooked horns sits upon his head.}}
{{Container2||container=On the sleek tan antelope you see:||contents= a blue woolen halter strap with silver rings.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a blue woolen halter strap with silver rings || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-abluewoolenhalterstrapwithsilverrings" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-abluewoolenhalterstrapwithsilverrings">'''Analyze:'''<br>This is a summoning item and will currently summon: <b>a sleek tan antelope</b>, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:<br><br>Height: approximately 38 inches high<br>
Face: angular<br>
Ears: tall<br>
Body: sleek (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article)<br>
Paw: wide<br><br>Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change.<br><br>USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)<br><br>Mounts cannot be:<br>
- summoned while inside.<br>
- ridden inside or in water.<br>
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.<br><br>Mounts will:<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.<br>
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.<br>
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.<br>
| 17,500
<!-- Other Rooms Here -->
<section end=2021 />
===Cervidae Corral, Southwest===<!--==={{{ [Cervidae Corral] 2021-06-13 14:47:57 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=Cervidae Corral -
|desc=Sunlight slips through haphazardly arranged canvas awnings that stretch across a corridor built between the various paddocks of the copper and oak corral. Black sedge dapples the ground and sprouts up between the supports, the tufts left natural to allow the animals stored here something to munch on. Dormant lanterns mark the entrance to a western paddock, where someone has tied colorful ribbons that flutter in the wind.
|exits= northeast, southeast}}
===Uncommon Cervidae Paddock===<!--==={{{ [Uncommon Cervidae Paddock] 2021-06-13 14:50:36 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=Uncommon Cervidae Paddock -
|desc=Unkempt and wide, the ground is covered in wild sedge and blue-green grass, which is lazily being munched on by the various animals the wander about the open space. The corral stretches westward, providing ample space for grazing and herd mingling.
|exits= out}}
{{Container2||container=stocky black reindeer||contents=Standing approximately 38 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the reindeer has a slender face and flat ears. Her stocky body is covered in a thin, black coat, and she has a short, white tail. She has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and an average rack of antlers sits upon her head.}}
{{Container2||container=On the stocky black reindeer you see:||contents= a red woolen halter strap with silver rosettes.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a red woolen halter strap with silver rosettes || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-aredwoolenhalterstrapwithsilverrosettes" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-aredwoolenhalterstrapwithsilverrosettes">'''Analyze:'''<br>This is a summoning item and will currently summon: <b>a stocky black reindeer</b>, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:<br><br>Height: approximately 38 inches high<br>
Face: slender<br>
Ears: flat<br>
Body: stocky (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article)<br>
Paw: cloven<br><br>Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change.<br><br>USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)<br><br>Mounts cannot be:<br>
- summoned while inside.<br>
- ridden inside or in water.<br>
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.<br><br>Mounts will:<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.<br>
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.<br>
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.<br>
| 17,500
{{Container2||container=bulky light brown elk||contents=Standing approximately 56 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the elk has an elongated face and small ears. His bulky body is covered in a thin, light brown coat, and he has a short, beige tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and a wide rack of antlers sits upon his head.}}
{{Container2||container=On the bulky light brown elk you see:||contents= a dusky woolen halter strap with brass rosettes.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a dusky woolen halter strap with brass rosettes || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-aduskywoolenhalterstrapwithbrassrosettes" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-aduskywoolenhalterstrapwithbrassrosettes">'''Analyze:'''<br>This is a summoning item and will currently summon: <b>a bulky light brown elk</b>, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:<br><br>Height: approximately 56 inches high<br>
Face: elongated<br>
Ears: small<br>
Body: bulky (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article)<br>
Paw: cloven<br><br>Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change.<br><br>USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)<br><br>Mounts cannot be:<br>
- summoned while inside.<br>
- ridden inside or in water.<br>
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.<br><br>Mounts will:<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.<br>
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.<br>
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.<br>
| 17,500
{{Container2||container=bulky light brown caribou||contents=Standing approximately 38 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the caribou has an elongated face and small ears. His bulky body is covered in a thin, light brown coat, and he has a short, beige tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and an average rack of antlers sits upon his head.}}
{{Container2||container=On the bulky light brown caribou you see:||contents= a black woolen halter strap with bronze rosettes.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a black woolen halter strap with bronze rosettes || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-ablackwoolenhalterstrapwithbronzerosettes" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-ablackwoolenhalterstrapwithbronzerosettes">'''Analyze:'''<br>This is a summoning item and will currently summon: <b>a bulky light brown caribou</b>, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:<br><br>Height: approximately 38 inches high<br>
Face: elongated<br>
Ears: small<br>
Body: bulky (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article)<br>
Paw: cloven<br><br>Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change.<br><br>USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)<br><br>Mounts cannot be:<br>
- summoned while inside.<br>
- ridden inside or in water.<br>
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.<br><br>Mounts will:<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.<br>
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.<br>
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.<br>
| 17,500
===Cervidae Corral, South===<!--==={{{ [Cervidae Corral] 2021-06-13 14:51:01 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=Cervidae Corral -
|desc=Speckled with dusky blue berries, juniper bushes crowd the southwestern edge of the corral's railing, swaying slightly with the alpine breeze. Black sedge and blue-green grass spread across the ground in uneven tufts where the corral's denizens have nipped at their blades. A southern paddock, accessed through a narrow gate, abuts the distant birch forest with its furthest railings.
|exits= northeast, northwest}}
===Rare Cervidae Paddock===<!--==={{{ [Rare Cervidae Paddock] 2021-06-13 14:51:36 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=Rare Cervidae Paddock -
|desc=Unkempt and wide, the ground is covered in wild sedge and blue-green grass, which is lazily being munched on by the various animals that wander about the open space. The corral stretches southward, providing ample space for grazing and herd mingling.
|exits= out}}
{{sign|margin-right=40%|sign='''short wooden sign'''<hr><nowiki>
Due to the grace and majesty of this amazing animal, the Ostler is unable to provide any customizations.</nowiki>}}
{{Container2||container=regal pristine white hind||contents=Majestic and regal, the hind stands 60 inches at the shoulder and has a sleek body that is covered in a pristine white coat of downy soft, short hair. Wide, crystalline blue eyes dominate her elegant face, which is flanked by pointed upright ears and crowned by an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers. Her powerful frame culminates in golden, cloven hooves and a longish tail that is just a shade creamier in hue than her coat.}}
{{Container2||container=On the regal pristine white hind you see:||contents= a snow white satin halter strap edged in tiny sapphires.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a snow white satin halter strap edged in tiny sapphires || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-asnowwhitesatinhalterstrapedgedintinysapphires" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asnowwhitesatinhalterstrapedgedintinysapphires">'''Analyze:'''<br>This is a summoning item and will currently summon: <b>a regal pristine white hind</b>, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:<br><br>Height: 60 inches<br>
Face: elegant<br>
Ears: pointed, upright<br>
Body: sleek (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article)<br>
Paw: golden, cloven<br><br>Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change.<br><br>USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)<br><br>Mounts cannot be:<br>
- summoned while inside.<br>
- ridden inside or in water.<br>
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.<br><br>Mounts will:<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.<br>
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.<br>
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.<br>
| 50,000
{{Container2||container=majestic pristine white hart||contents=Majestic and regal, the hart stands 60 inches at the shoulder, and has a sleek body that is covered in a pristine white coat of downy soft, short hair. Wide, crystalline green eyes dominate his elegant face, which is flanked by pointed, upright ears and crowned by an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers. His powerful frame culminates in golden, cloven hooves and a longish tail that is just a shade creamier in hue than his coat.}}
{{Container2||container=On the majestic pristine white hart you see:||contents= a white lamb's wool halter strap stitched with emerald threading.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a white lamb's wool halter strap stitched with emerald threading || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-awhitelambswoolhalterstrapstitchedwithemeraldthreading" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-awhitelambswoolhalterstrapstitchedwithemeraldthreading">'''Analyze:'''<br>This is a summoning item and will currently summon: <b>a majestic pristine white hart</b>, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:<br><br>Height: 60 inches<br>
Face: elegant<br>
Ears: pointed, upright<br>
Body: sleek (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article)<br>
Paw: golden, cloven<br><br>Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change.<br><br>USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)<br><br>Mounts cannot be:<br>
- summoned while inside.<br>
- ridden inside or in water.<br>
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.<br><br>Mounts will:<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)<br>
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.<br>
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.<br>
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.<br>
| 50,000
<!-- Other Rooms Here -->
<section end=2021 />

Revision as of 10:00, 6 June 2022

Current Shop Listing

an awning-topped oak and copper corral, [Map Room 8], Lich# 28050, go track, se, se, ne, go oak corral

Cervidae Corral, Entry

[Cervidae Corral -]
Bright blue, green, and red canopies stretch across a slender corridor created between the various corrals that stretch across the mixed grass and sedge ground. Shepherd's crooks are bolted to the tall posts that flank a copper and oak gate, the lanterns dangling from them dormant for the moment.
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest, out
short wooden sign
Please be advised, when purchasing one of our fine animals, that they each have some kind of restriction on their grooming that the Ostler can not get around. The Ostler can assist you with gender for most animals found here, though not for the hart or the hind.

Cervidae Corral, Southeast

[Cervidae Corral -]
Tufts of blue-green grass stick out at odd angles around the posts of the nearby corral, the thin and wide blades rustling in the chill alpine breeze that slips through the area. Above, bright blue, red, and green canvas is sewn together in patchwork fashion to create a simple awning that protects those in the corridor from the sunlight. You also see a tall southeastern gate and a short eastern gate.
Obvious exits: southwest, northwest

Tall Cervidae Paddock

[Tall Cervidae Paddock -]
Unkempt and wide, the ground is covered in wild sedge and blue-green grass, which is lazily being munched on by the various animals that wander about the open space. The corral stretches southward, providing ample space for grazing and herd mingling.
Obvious exits: out
short wooden sign
The animals in this paddock are only suitable for those of taller stature. The moose is sturdy enough for a giantman, while the gazelles favor sylvans. Please be advised, the Ostler has some restrictions when handling grooming for these animals.

sleek tan gazelle Standing approximately 38 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the gazelle has a slender face and tall ears. His sleek body is covered in a thin, tan coat, and he has a short, beige tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and a pair of hooked horns sits upon his head.

On the sleek tan gazelle you see: a wide-stitched mocha-hued wool halter strap.

a wide-stitched mocha-hued wool halter strap Weight: <1 pound

bulky dark brown moose Standing roughly 7 feet tall at the top of the shoulder, the moose has an elongated face and small ears. His bulky body is covered in a thin, dark brown coat, and he has a short, dark brown tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in wide hooves, and a wide rack of antlers sits upon his head.

On the bulky dark brown moose you see: a brown woolen halter strap with copper rosettes.

a brown woolen halter strap with copper rosettes Weight: <1 pound

Small Cervidae Paddock

[Small Cervidae Paddock -]
Unkempt and wide, the ground is covered in wild sedge and blue-green grass, which is lazily being munched on by the various animals that wander about the open space. The corral stretches southward, providing ample space for grazing and herd mingling.
Obvious exits: out
short wooden sign
The animals in this paddock are only suitable for those of diminutive stature. The muntjac is sturdy enough for a dwarf, while the antelope can handle the weight of halflings and gnomes. Please be advised, the Ostler has some restrictions when handling grooming for these animals.

sleek tan muntjac Standing approximately 24 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the muntjac has an angular face and small ears. His sleek body is covered in a thin, tan coat, and he has a short, white tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and a pair of hooked horns sits upon his head.

On the sleek tan muntjac you see: a grey woolen halter strap with platinum rings.

a grey woolen halter strap with platinum rings Weight: <1 pound

sleek tan antelope Standing approximately 38 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the antelope has an angular face and tall ears. His sleek body is covered in a thin, tan coat, and he has a sleek, white tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in wide hooves, and a pair of hooked horns sits upon his head.

On the sleek tan antelope you see: a blue woolen halter strap with silver rings.

a blue woolen halter strap with silver rings Weight: <1 pound

Cervidae Corral, Southwest

[Cervidae Corral -]
Sunlight slips through haphazardly arranged canvas awnings that stretch across a corridor built between the various paddocks of the copper and oak corral. Black sedge dapples the ground and sprouts up between the supports, the tufts left natural to allow the animals stored here something to munch on. Dormant lanterns mark the entrance to a western paddock, where someone has tied colorful ribbons that flutter in the wind.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast

Uncommon Cervidae Paddock

[Uncommon Cervidae Paddock -]
Unkempt and wide, the ground is covered in wild sedge and blue-green grass, which is lazily being munched on by the various animals the wander about the open space. The corral stretches westward, providing ample space for grazing and herd mingling.
Obvious exits: out

stocky black reindeer Standing approximately 38 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the reindeer has a slender face and flat ears. Her stocky body is covered in a thin, black coat, and she has a short, white tail. She has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and an average rack of antlers sits upon her head.

On the stocky black reindeer you see: a red woolen halter strap with silver rosettes.

a red woolen halter strap with silver rosettes Weight: <1 pound

bulky light brown elk Standing approximately 56 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the elk has an elongated face and small ears. His bulky body is covered in a thin, light brown coat, and he has a short, beige tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and a wide rack of antlers sits upon his head.

On the bulky light brown elk you see: a dusky woolen halter strap with brass rosettes.

a dusky woolen halter strap with brass rosettes Weight: <1 pound

bulky light brown caribou Standing approximately 38 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the caribou has an elongated face and small ears. His bulky body is covered in a thin, light brown coat, and he has a short, beige tail. He has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and an average rack of antlers sits upon his head.

On the bulky light brown caribou you see: a black woolen halter strap with bronze rosettes.

a black woolen halter strap with bronze rosettes Weight: <1 pound

Cervidae Corral, South

[Cervidae Corral -]
Speckled with dusky blue berries, juniper bushes crowd the southwestern edge of the corral's railing, swaying slightly with the alpine breeze. Black sedge and blue-green grass spread across the ground in uneven tufts where the corral's denizens have nipped at their blades. A southern paddock, accessed through a narrow gate, abuts the distant birch forest with its furthest railings.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest

Rare Cervidae Paddock

[Rare Cervidae Paddock -]
Unkempt and wide, the ground is covered in wild sedge and blue-green grass, which is lazily being munched on by the various animals that wander about the open space. The corral stretches southward, providing ample space for grazing and herd mingling.
Obvious exits: out
short wooden sign
Due to the grace and majesty of this amazing animal, the Ostler is unable to provide any customizations.

regal pristine white hind Majestic and regal, the hind stands 60 inches at the shoulder and has a sleek body that is covered in a pristine white coat of downy soft, short hair. Wide, crystalline blue eyes dominate her elegant face, which is flanked by pointed upright ears and crowned by an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers. Her powerful frame culminates in golden, cloven hooves and a longish tail that is just a shade creamier in hue than her coat.

On the regal pristine white hind you see: a snow white satin halter strap edged in tiny sapphires.

a snow white satin halter strap edged in tiny sapphires Weight: <1 pound

majestic pristine white hart Majestic and regal, the hart stands 60 inches at the shoulder, and has a sleek body that is covered in a pristine white coat of downy soft, short hair. Wide, crystalline green eyes dominate his elegant face, which is flanked by pointed, upright ears and crowned by an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers. His powerful frame culminates in golden, cloven hooves and a longish tail that is just a shade creamier in hue than his coat.

On the majestic pristine white hart you see: a white lamb's wool halter strap stitched with emerald threading.

a white lamb's wool halter strap stitched with emerald threading Weight: <1 pound

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