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But I missed 3 deadlines for Duskruin, and continually second guessing the mechanics were something I had to stop. And I always knew we'd have another form of the event, so I saved the idea for that.
But I missed 3 deadlines for Duskruin, and continually second guessing the mechanics were something I had to stop. And I always knew we'd have another form of the event, so I saved the idea for that.

'>>Closing notes''
''>>Closing notes''

So I kind of explained a lot of the inside details on everything. If and when we change the arena mechanics, it would be on a reboot, not in the middle of the run. The competition form of the event (scoreboard) won't really be much different than what you're seeing now, just another set of arenas you can enter for a different challenge. We'd likely keep both forms (the one you're seeing now and a new secondary challenge) out for you to enjoy, you just pick which you'd like.
So I kind of explained a lot of the inside details on everything. If and when we change the arena mechanics, it would be on a reboot, not in the middle of the run. The competition form of the event (scoreboard) won't really be much different than what you're seeing now, just another set of arenas you can enter for a different challenge. We'd likely keep both forms (the one you're seeing now and a new secondary challenge) out for you to enjoy, you just pick which you'd like.
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~'''Wyrom, APM'''<section end=savedpost2015-07 />
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==August 2015==
==August 2015==
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==April 2016==
==April 2016==
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==August 2016==
==August 2016==
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==April 2017==
==April 2017==
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==August 2017==
==August 2017==
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==June 2018==
{{#section:Duskruin/saved posts June 2018|savedpost}}
{{#section:Duskruin/saved posts June 2018|savedpost2}}

<section begin=savedpost2018-06 />{{saved-post
| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/9561 9561]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 6/29/2018
| subject = Corpse Removal and Timer Bonus
Recently, it was brought to my attention that there was something people were gaining an infinite advantage of in Duskruin Arena to speed up the way the arena mechanics work. This really didn't get much attention in prior runs because the solo matches could only be sped up by a max of 100 seconds. But with the team matches, it could speed it up by 300 seconds. This falls into an exploit. It's an unintended way to consistently bypass a mechanic that was put in place and balanced. The item that was causing it were the ShadowDeath items.

We can debate that there are other items that can achieve this and certain spells that cause this, but there isn't a means to do this routinely and consistently that I am aware of. We can also talk about the advantages of having better gear in the arena overall being unfair as well because you can kill more efficiently. But this isn't about killing creatures better or surviving. It's about getting around an intended mechanic that was put in place. Several runs ago, we extended the timer from 5 minutes to 8 minutes to account for the corpse removal slow down and some minor lag from tons of combat formulas happening.

It's too late in the run to make a drastic change, but moving forward, the bloodscrip time bonus will be removed and replaced with something that can be measured on your combat efficiency. Since corpse removal happens in a few other areas, we'll just drop this controversial side effect of a timer high score. I'm not sure what that will be. For the remaining run, I'll revert the changes made on the ShadowDeath items.

The timer title will remain in place, and your fastest times will still be measured.

'''Wyrom, PM'''

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/9570 9570]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 6/29/2018
| subject = Corpse Removal and Timer Bonus
''>>I think people would have been less angry about the nerf if you had posted as the nerf was implemented, instead of having to be called out on it by multiple people and posting days later. When will staff get that the playerbase does not like stealth nerfs (even if it is actually a bug fix and you think people are taking advantage of a situation)? I get that you're incredibly busy, but better communication is needed.

We don't typically announce game mechanics abuse bugs as being resolved on the forums too often, which is exactly what this is. No, people aren't in violation of POLICY over it, but it was circumventing a normal game mechanics to speed up the game play and in some cases, maximizing returns where they wouldn't have been achieved. You don't find these announced in many games, because it shines a spotlight on the situation and pushes people to find another way. You can see this over in the Items and Inventory topic when it was explained you can still bypass the mechanics with a void bomb.

I realize you might say communication could be better, but GemStone IV communication is thorough and reactive, again, comparing to what's out there. Dev communicates often. We take player feedback into heavy consideration. We push out quality of life improvements during live events almost always. A large chunk of our GameMasters participate with players daily. You have almost constant communication from the Product Manager here on the forums, Discord, or in game. I'm massively available.

Now you might want specifics communicated with you that help you personally or help the community as a whole, but our engagement level is pretty high considering our size. You might wish we were more proactive when it came to pushing communication out. But there are a limited number of people who actually do this sort of stuff, and that's not by design, but an unfortunate side effect with how we work (no centralization).

Yes, I'm busy, but I still take the time to work things out.

'''Wyrom, PM'''<section end=savedpost2018-06 />

==December 2018==
<section begin=savedpost2018-12 />{{saved-post
| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/10060 10060]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 12/12/2018
| subject = Arena Updates
In June, I mentioned I would be pushing forward a new mechanic in the arena that removed the time element from being such a big factor in earning max rewards. Moving forward, time is no longer part of your scoring for the arena. The only thing the timer is there for is to control the pace and difficulty of the arena. Your score is now purely dodging (50), defeating opponents (175), and winning (25). Surrendering will also have steeper penalties to rewards. Keep in mind, you can also get 10% more in solo arena matches if you have successful completed the Silent Investors missions in the Bank Heist for a maximum of 275 bloodscrip.

Another change this run is to how the timer reacts when creature clean up occurs and new creatures are summoned. The arena mechanics are based on a 4 second interval. When creatures are pulled out of the arena when they die and when new creatures are summoned, this will no longer count against your timer. Slower combatants should see some improvement on getting through all 25 foes. This also means that the arena can get as long as (approximately) ten minutes, but not so much additional combat time (if that makes sense).

'''Wyrom, PM'''

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/10168 10168]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 12/15/2018
| subject = Arena Updates
Some more updates!

The timer for when creatures were being removed and new creatures were summoned was sometimes ticking when certain criteria was met. I've gone ahead and made sure it always pauses when running clean up/summon routines.

I've updated the intro messaging to say ten minutes instead of eight, because it can take up to 10 minutes now if you make it to the 25th creature and fail.

Champions will no longer spawn with bows due to DS numbers that were getting too high.

I've added a DISMISS feature that will allow you to get rid of the dead. There is no RT and it will try to take out all the dead at once. But if there is a dead rat, an alive rat, and a dead rat, it will only grab the first one. You'll need to DISMISS THIRD RAT first if you want it to clean them all up. You always need to DISMISS the dead ones for this to work.

'''Wyrom, PM'''

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/10272 10272]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 12/20/2018
| subject = Arena Updates
Creatures now are cleaned up upon them being defeated. Big thank you to Estild for adding some tools to creature death so I could add this to the arena.

DISMISS still works and has been updated to be just DISMISS instead of DISMISS [creature]. This shouldn't be needed anymore, but in cases where the ogre doesn't clean up the creatures upon death (special death situations or specific creatures not being handled automatically) this still will exist.

If you do notice a specific creature that doesn't get automatically cleaned up or a specific way creatures are dying that seems to leave them behind, please post about it.

'''Wyrom, PM'''

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/10272 10272]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 12/20/2018
| subject = Arena Updates
Okay, I added a very short timer to the auto-cleanup to make sure no one's lodged arrows or hurlable were being carted away due to how the game handles that being out of order.

You can still DISMISS if you want it quicker.

>>To include cast-RT, please. I had several instances of seeing "wait 2 seconds" after the next one came in.

The timer is just flat RT. You may still be in RT when the creature comes in.

'''Wyrom, PM'''

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/10315 10315]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 12/20/2018
| subject = Arena Updates
Dodging no long has an impact on your bloodscrip. Hazards will still happen, so using WATCH and performing the right action will still be needed.

At this point, I think everyone is now better off.

'''Wyrom, PM'''<section end=savedpost2018-12 />

==February 2019==
<section begin=savedpost2019-02 />{{saved-post
| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/10636 10636]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/19/2019
| subject = Arena Update: RT Locked Opponents
I've added a better check to see if the opponent you're facing has been placed into RT by a disabler like feint. If they are in more RT than usual, they cannot perform a hazard (traps). Keep in mind, they can do hazards when they are in their normal routine RT from attacking.

'''Wyrom, PM'''

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/10645 10645]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/19/2019
| subject = Heal Routine Update: Symbol of Mana
The Symbol of Mana cooldown is now removed on exit of the arena or heist.

And just in case I forgot to post it, so is the Mana Leech one. I don't remember if I did.

'''Wyrom, PM'''<section end=savedpost2019-02 />

===Celestial Temple===
<section begin=savedpostcel2019-02 />{{saved-post
| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/10755 10755]
| author = GS4-THANDIWE
| date = 2/28/2019
| subject = Beyond Rock and Rubble...
Toiling away to clear the debris, brave adventures struggled to find the treasures that awaited them beyond a stone-clogged barricade found buried within a fissure adjacent to the Underground Temple in Bloodriven Village. As fresh air rushed into the ancient cavern, dozens of earth elementals, krynch, and stone giants surged through to attack the intruders as they attempted to lay claim to the hidden nest. Battling valiantly, despite numerous casualties, the group put down the incredibly strong threat and began investigating the archeological site.

Faint whispers, shadows, and ghosts danced upon the dust-filled passageway as the explorers gazed upon murals that had been painted upon the walls. None-too-subtle in their travels, the group found more minions of the dark lying in wait for them. Minotaurs! Mages and Warriors prowled the halls! Why would they be here? How did they get in? What was their purpose? Silence was the only answer, which deepened with each horned bovines’ death. Would they return? None could say.

As the gentle sound of plinking water echoed through the halls, the sounds of battle fading to a memory, the adventurers found themselves gazing at the terminus of the passage where an enormous door, dripping with eldritch energy, stood waiting. Even the mummified remains of a dwarf, found tucked into a shelf on the cavern's walls, had no answers, a cryptic note...

''<Never could figure out a way to open that door... Escape so close at hand, on both ends of this tunnel, but no hope in them.

Seeking answers, the adventurers turned to the bard in their midst, and that bard began to unravel the tale trapped within murals. With answers in hand, the group whispered to the door and stepped into a new arena. In this arena, they were greeted with nothing but death. Demons prowled upon the tortured landscape, some few caught within a cage of pain and misery.
Perhaps the tale of the Arena’s Founders was better left undiscovered after all...


Special thank you to all the adventurers that played with us on opening night and worked hard to uncover the mystery and story of the new section in the Underground Temple. Thanks to the bards that worked in each instance, the story can be found on RECALL and shared with all.

GM Modrian was kind enough to code the loresong, GM Estild was instrumental in getting the RECALL taken care of for each mural and painting, GM Galene created the entire monk body and his possessions, GM Haliste, GM Tivvy, GM Isten, and GM Flannihan assisted with QC, general questions, and refinement of the tale that was told, while GM Netz created the wonderful mood messaging that fills the area.
The new area is permanent and there are two shrines in this area that can be SENSED by a cleric.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~<br>
ASGM of Events<section end=savedpostcel2019-02 />

==August 2019==
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==February 2020==
{{#section:Duskruin/saved posts February 2020|savedpost}}

<section begin=savedpost2020-02 />{{saved-post
| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/11501 11501]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/2/2020
| subject = Duskruin Updates
I'm going to address the concern (with code). Just need to find the best workaround.

According to the numbers, PRAY was used on average once in every one hundred matches on average. The majority using it was to beat it quickly, so losing the time was never having an impact for them.

Last run, the timer had no impact on your bloodscrip, which put PRAY into overdrive. With the timer gone and the difficulty getting a bit looser, PRAY has to come with some sort of disadvantage.

I'll discuss it more once I manage to update the code and test some things out.

'''Wyrom, PM'''

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/11514 11514]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/3/2020
| subject = PRAY in the Arena
I've updated some of the code to account for the concerns with PRAY moving to an item-based drop.

The PRAY function will now offer boosted mana and stamina per use). It's RNG, but it was 45 to 60. It's now 60 to 120. You will get 3 prayers per match at no penalty. The 4th prayer will advance the difficulty. The 5th and subsequent prayers will come at a cost of half your spirit and random damage being dealt to you. It will also come with the slight chance of a demon being summoned (no additional rewards). There is a slight cooldown between prayers.

Team matches will also be limited to 3 prayers (before things ramp up), but...stay tuned to the next post.

'''Wyrom, PM'''

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/11517 11517]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/3/2020
| subject = PRAY in the Arena
It will be your current spirit. If you don't have enough spirit, you won't be able to perform the action (no spirit deaths caused directly from PRAY).

'''Wyrom, PM

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/11540 11540]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/5/2020
| subject = PRAY in the Arena
I've updated PRAY to be 3 uses, +1 per extra teammate. So the max PRAYer uses before penalties kick in is 5 with a team of 3.

'''Wyrom, PM

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/11592 11592]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/8/2020
| subject = Duskruin Updates
The PRAY messaging has been updated when you're on your LAST prayer before things get more difficult. If you've already advanced the difficulty (this happens just around 8 minutes in), then you go straight to the maelstrom hitting the arena (and a very rare chance of a demon).

'''Wyrom, PM

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/11593 11593]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/8/2020
| subject = Duskruin Updates
The bloodscrip formula for the arena is (9 * rounds completed) + 50 for winning + team bonus - time penalty for taking longer than 8 minutes. If you take longer than 8 minutes, you'll get a second item in your prize package (could be 1 totem and 1 random item or 2 totems or 2 random items).

So if you take a long time to win, you can get less than the max scrip. This also won't count as a perfect win. Keep in mind, previously, this would just be a loss.

'''Wyrom, PM

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/11609 11609]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/8/2020
| subject = Duskruin Updates
The floor for using PRAY has been increased from 60 to 75.

At this point with the updates, three prayers is equal to roughly five prayers on the lowest end comparing the old arena to the new arena. As long as you haven't advanced the difficulty, you can do a 4th prayer as well without dealing with random damage (or demons).

I've also reduced the time penalty slightly. The time penalty only comes into place by expending all your prayers and getting into the more difficult matches, or by taking longer than 8 minutes and 40 seconds. Previously this would have been a loss. In terms of the prayer penalty in the previous arena, using more than 5 prayers would have cost you about 40% of your arena match's time.

'''Wyrom, PM

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/11648 11648]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/11/2020
| subject = Duskruin Updates
I lowered the chances of an automaton spawning as a champion greatly. If one does spawn, the chances of the rarer ores will be higher.

'''Wyrom, PM

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/11515 11515]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 2/3/2020
| subject = Team Matches Update
Team matches will now offer bonus bloodscrip for all combatants. Duos will offer +10. Trios will offer +25. So a party of three can earn as much as 300 bloodscrip each.

'''Wyrom, PM'''<section end=savedpost2020-02 />

==August 2021==
<section begin=savedpost2021-08 />{{saved-post
| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/13391 13391]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 8/11/2021
| subject = Duskruin Endless and Updates
A version of this was intended to go out during the mailer this coming Friday, but I'd like to get it announced on the forums ahead of that schedule.

Endless is a new alternative solo arena that you can join. You will now be able to switch between the arenas with the DUSKRUIN verb. All your old stats will now housed in the EVENT verb. The endless arena will be the exact same experience for the first 25 rounds. If you die, surrender or lose, you will be treated just like you normally would in the standard arena. After round 25, you're locked in for max rewards and you'll be treated as a perfect win. Round 26 the difficulty will begin ramping up. The longer you're also in the arena, the faster opponents will move. You will go until you die or surrender, and you won't be penalized for either. There are no additional rewards for endless, but you can earn new titles and make it on the leaderboard. There is a leaderboard for the single highest round of each profession.

Here is the updated DUSKRUIN verb (this may get a better usage readout).

You are currently set to do the STANDARD arena when joining a solo match. Information on Duskruin stats can be found in EVENT STATS.

Standard: Solo arena for 25 rounds.<br>
Endless: Solo arena to go as far as you can!<br>
HESS Certificates for Wyrom (if applicable).<br>
HESS Certificates for account SIMU-WYROM (if applicable).

Here is the updated EVENT STATS verb for Endless.

Highest Endless Round: N/A<br>
Highest Endless Time: N/A<br>
Last Endless Round: N/A<br>
Last Endless Time: N/A

And with that, there are a load of updates to the all the activities at Duskruin. To make it easier to follow, here is a bullet list below.

* Arena
** New reward pool for extra item (spheres, misericords, rabbit's foot, vials, totems, and bag of holding expander).
** Improved smithy invites happening if you haven't had one in awhile.
** Endless (mentioned above).
** Automaton ores are still exclusive to the arena.

* Sewers
** New reward pool for extra item (spheres, misericords, rabbit's foot, vials, totems, and bag of holding expander).
** Bloodscrip rewards improved from 12 - 25 to 15 - 30. Impacts caches as well.
** Items found in the sewers will not remove a search attempt. Ex. Finding a rat with 8 searches left will let you still search 8 more times.
** Bloodrunes are still exclusive to the sewers.

** New reward pool for extra item (spheres, misericords, rabbit's foot, vials, totems, and bag of holding expander).
** Bloodscrip values on sellback of artifacts are increased across all rarities.
** Artifacts to make the bag of holding are still exclusive to the heist.

Just a few words on why I made these updates. I wanted to even the playing field more between activities. The 100 bloodscrip value is still the baseline in which we guarantee out of all the activities, but the ceilings on the sewer and heist are closer to the arena now. The sewers should see the average jump (pre caches) from ~127 to ~225. The bank heist will have an average jump (pre blood crystal) from +~10 +~15 without needing to sell a blood crystal. The bag of holding expanders are now part of all activities since the activity to get the bag of holding is only found in a single activity.

Just to remind everyone what the spheres, misericords, rabbit's feet, and vials do.
* Spheres: AoE attack in the arena.
* Misericords: Kill one opponent in the heist (outside the boss) with STAB.
* Rabbit's foot: Increase luck at loot, smithy invite, or trove token in the sewers.
* Vials: Rat scent to attract rats.

Tentatively launching Friday, but might not be 100% ready.
* Ranger companions, spirit servants, grasp of the grave, demons, and animates to be allowed into the arena.

'''Wyrom, PM

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/13406 13406]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 8/12/2021
| subject = Duskruin Endless and Updates
Couple things I forgot to mention.

The time limit in the arena is gone. There is no longer a penalty. You either finish a winner, die, or surrender. There is also being disconnected or logging out, but that's separate.

Looks like with testing tonight, companions, pets, singing weapons, etc are working, but getting them to follow you might be a pain.

'''Wyrom, PM

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/13423 13423]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 8/12/2021
| subject = Duskruin Endless and Updates
''>>Are there any more champions (like, every 5th?), or is it just increasing-difficulty spuds?

See, I keep forgetting things! So after round 25, it's completely random if you get a champion or not. Might happen back to back, might not happen for 10 rounds. You are still limited to one automaton per though, and endless might be a good way to farm them if automaton ores are desired. They serve a few purposes, just not many.

''>>Are there more 'pray' allowed periodically (like every 5, 8, 10 opponents)?

Too many late nights, that's my excuse. You get +1 prayer every 5 rounds after round 25.

'''Wyrom, PM

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/13450 13450]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 8/13/2021
| subject = Duskruin Endless and Updates
''>>So I've been reading this and I just have one more question. Why would I run the standard arena now? I can run Endless for 25 max out rewards and surrender on 26. Will anything affect the Endless rewards? If I pray 4 times in the first 25 rounds in endless, I still get max rewards? If I pray 4 times in standard my rewards are reduced, correct?

There are no differences between Endless and Standard for the first 25 rounds. You get no new rewards at 26. So while you could do this, it would likely just take more of your time.

'''Wyrom, PM<noinclude>

{{#section:Duskruin/saved posts August 2021|savedpost}}

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/13575 13575]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 8/20/2021
| subject = Pending Duskruin Updates
Just a reminder, the Endless changes will be going live on Friday, August 20th, in the "afternoon." My goal is before 5pm ET. When it's about to go live, I will need to shut down the solo arena until all Endless runs are done. The leaderboards will then be saved and put on display at a future run. This will be deemed our "legacy" run of Endless. Leaderboards will not persist from run to run, but the legacy one will stay forever.

Anyone who managed to beat the first round of Endless (26) or get to round 100 will earn some legacy titles. You have until it's updated to get in on it! This will not be offered outside of this, and there will be no future ways to earn them. The new EVENT STATS readout for Duskruin will look like this for Endless.

{| class="wikitable alternating"
| scope="row" | Highest Endless Round: || N/A
| scope="row" | Highest Endless Time: || N/A
| scope="row" | Last Endless Round: || N/A
| scope="row" | Last Endless Time: || N/A
| scope="row" | Highest Legacy Endless Round: || 26
| scope="row" | Highest Legacy Endless Time: || 110s
| scope="row" | Last Legacy Endless Round: || 26
| scope="row" | Last Legacy Endless Time: || 110s

If you never did anything during the legacy run, it simply will not show up in your readout.

The difficulty of Endless will be back to where we envisioned it, where getting beyond 100 should be extremely challenging. It was great watching a good portion of you demolish the debut of this and I hope that updates make it even better in terms of accomplishing higher rounds.
'''Wyrom, PM

| category = Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
| topic = Duskruin Arena
| messagenum = [http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/13584 13584]
| author = SIMU-WYROM
| date = 8/20/2021
| subject = New Titles
Part of Endless was adding new titles. If you've followed my posts, you know we are updating it and splitting it up, retiring the current version and naming it a Legacy run.

{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col" colspan="2" | Legacy Titles
| scope="row" | Combatant of Perpetuity || Postname
| scope="row" | Abiding Champion of Duskruin Arena || Postname
| scope="row" | Arena Challenger || Prename
! scope="col" colspan="2" | Endless Titles
| scope="row" | Endless Champion of Duskruin Arena || Postname
| scope="row" | Infinite Champion of Duskruin Arena || Postname
| scope="row" | Eternal Juggernaut of Duskruin Arena || Postname
| scope="row" | Unsurpassable Titan of the Arena || Postname
| scope="row" | Arena Conqueror || Prename
| scope="row" | Arena Icon || Prename
! scope="col" colspan="2" | Duskruin Titles
| scope="row" | Relentless Vanquisher of Duskruin Arena || Postname

'''Wyrom, PM<section end=savedpost2021-08 />

==February 2022==
{{#section:Duskruin/saved posts February 2022|savedpost2022-02}}

[[Category: Duskruin saved posts]]
[[Category: Duskruin saved posts]]

Latest revision as of 23:21, 8 December 2022

March 2015

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 2/27/2015
Subject: Options to buy more

The arena is PvE. So you fight through a progression of creatures and deal with random hazards!

I had hoped to get info tonight, but I'll try for tomorrow.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 20
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 2/28/2015
Subject: Duskruin Arena - A Primer

Creatures scale to level, yes. Creatures are "tough" though, and have hit points depending on scale grouping.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 125
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 3/7/2015
Subject: Duskruin Arena Testing

>>Btw, Wyrom, will there be the possibility of teams fighting team foes or is this purely solo???

Just solo. Maybe down the road. But not for the initial release.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 141
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 3/8/2015
Subject: spell restrictions?

>>The creatures in the arena are typically much higher level than you (10+) so that limits the effectiveness of some spells.

Capped people will see the highest leveled creatures. It scales downward for lowbies (but everything is technically either like level or a bit higher).

>>Do demons and animates follow in?

No. No companions of any sort can go inside.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 212
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 3/20/2015
Subject: Quick suggestion.

>>Thus far I LOVE the arena but would it be possibly to add a visible timer in when we're fighting? I'd like to get a general sense of how long I've been in there if I need to eat herbs and stuff.

There is a 30 second warning that is now in bold. I'm a little leery on adding anything more due to how the arena works.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 274
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 3/21/2015
Subject: Question - crits in the arena

The crits/bleeding out feature is intended. That's why it says they may feign death. You can still crit them, but it takes a massive amount of damage. It's one of the few ways I could ensure the battles be challenging.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 297
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 3/22/2015
Subject: Arrows

>>Anyway, just bringing it to your attention. I've just now finally gotten to tinker around in here, so I don't have much else to add at this point. Overall, this is very fun and exciting. I'm enjoying it all, thank you.

Sadly it's intentional for the creature to be pulled away.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 349
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 3/24/2015
Subject: Duskruin Feedback

Since the area is shut down for the night, I wanted to take a moment to address some feedback I've been hearing in various areas.

>>Re: Difficulty

I understand that difficulty isn't the same between all professions and levels. It's one of the hardest parts of balancing something like this and the Necropolis from EG. This was one of my biggest motivators to make bloodscrip a physical item so you weren't locked into using a single type of character.

The reason you can lop off the creatures head over and over is just a lack of control over the damage system and how I've turned off crits. Yes, I know you can still crit things, there are certain quirks to the system. But this is an attempt to level the playing field.

>>Re: Progression of creatures

I struggled with how to handle the matches for this event. It's probably the biggest reason for the delay in release. The original code was a one-on-one match against a VERY hard champion. You had up to 5 minutes to defeat it. You earned "crowd favor" points for doing feats in the arena. Don't think to yourself, "Oh that sounds so cool!" It was a guess the verb game through a rotating stock of verbs every 3 seconds, and spamming every single one of them caused you to lose points. There were subtle cues on which to use, via SENSE. It's something I hope to get back in after I can work out the horrible kinks. This would allow there to be SOMETHING else to do while you are in the arena. But doing this will also mean the time bonus will be changed dramatically and the bloodscrip earned will need to be re-calculated. I'm pretty proud of that formula I made. I read someone mentioned it "isn't good business" but actually it's the delicate weight of time and money. You can earn more by spending more time in the arena. Since both are a commodity, those that have more time than money can still maximize their profits.

>>Re: Different matches

If you look at the artwork, you'll see it's called Duskruin Arena: Bloodgames. That's because I do hope to revisit other types of matches. We came up with 3 forms of the event. One match scenario where you fight many creatures was definitely something I'd hope to do, and challenge players against each other for high scores. Not PvP, just a scoreboard. I talked about that in Platinum a little. I wanted it functional for this portion of the event, but no dice there.

Having multiple creatures and multiple characters in the arena at a time is just something I don't think I can work in without completely redoing all the mechanics. And I don't see that happening this time. Sorry on that!

But I missed 3 deadlines for Duskruin, and continually second guessing the mechanics were something I had to stop. And I always knew we'd have another form of the event, so I saved the idea for that.

>>Closing notes

So I kind of explained a lot of the inside details on everything. If and when we change the arena mechanics, it would be on a reboot, not in the middle of the run. The competition form of the event (scoreboard) won't really be much different than what you're seeing now, just another set of arenas you can enter for a different challenge. We'd likely keep both forms (the one you're seeing now and a new secondary challenge) out for you to enjoy, you just pick which you'd like.

I don't foresee the second form of this event happening anytime soon. But giving mini challenges during the arena matches is something I hope to address in April.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 352
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 3/24/2015
Subject: Duskruin Feedback

>>Not sure what I would change, but in my opinion the traps need to be toned way down.

Yeah, and the mini challenges will be a way to do that. But as it stands now, it's intended to go off the wall crazy toward the end because it's the risk of trying to maximize bloodscrip. I hope Roblar doesn't mind me talking about it, but his top score in Prime of 224 was an insane battle. He waited to the 30 second limit and got disabled pretty badly. I was thinking he was done for due to being RT locked. And literally, with less than 3 seconds before he lost, he berserks and wins. To score a perfect 225, you'd have to do that EVERY time at the end of each round, which I don't think is very feasible. And for that reason I think 224 will likely go untouched with the current setup.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 447
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 3/29/2015
Subject: Duskruin Feedback

I just rolled an update into the live instances that will help speed up the intro. If you've got the Duskruin Arena Hero, Heroine, or Champion title displaying, it will skip the introduction and jump right into combat within about 3 - 6 seconds! No more waiting out the whole minute intro after winning a match.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 479
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 3/31/2015
Subject: Critical Feedback Needed

After watching over hundred matches the last couple of days, and hearing a lot of the concerns for the arena comparing to the sewers... I'm thinking of moving away entirely from the current setup for the arena matches. While the math works, it's still too slow, and the herb munching was never an intended feat.

My goal is to change the arena to be a kill count match. You keep going until the time limit is up, you die, or you surrender. The time would be drastically reduced to 5 minute matches. I'll also look into ways to offer mini challenges during the matches to aid people who want to avoid hazards.

What I want to know from all of you is, would you welcome this change?

~Wyrom, APM

Return to the top of this page.

May 2015

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 614
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 4/27/2015
Subject: Arena and Ratacombs Updates

I'm excited to say I've spent the remaining amount of my sanity on some Duskruin Arena updates! HOORAY!

Just kidding, I never had sanity.

The arena matches are much more action packed now. No more herb munching and waiting an obnoxiously long time to maximize your bloodscrip. Matches will be roughly 6 to 7 minutes long where you face 25 creatures one-on-one. Every 5 matches you'll face a champion similar to the champions in the previous version of the arena. There are over 20 new creatures in the arena to face. Most creatures can perish to a critical blow, outside the champions. You earn bloodscrip for each creature you kill. You also earn a bonus if you defeat all 25 creatures in the time limit. Dying no longer incurs a bloodscrip penalty, but surrendering still does.

I've also introduced new hazards. I removed the darts, arrows, spiked ball-and-chain, and boulders. Hazards can now be avoided in a small mini-game during arena matches. I will leave it to you to figure it out. It's not terribly hard, and the term "mini-game" probably is an exaggeration of what it is. But it adds flavor. Hazards are a little more deadly though.

You can now earn a time bonus too that works in a more favorable way. The quicker you make it through, the higher the bonus. You can earn a max of 225 bloodscrip plus the time bonus.

The Ratacombs have also had a minor update. It seems more wildlife has escaped into the sewers, as well as some other sort of rats. So you may find something different this time around. There are also some minor obstacles in the sewers when you SEARCH to add some flavor.

We'll be relaunching this Friday and staying open for a week.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: [1]
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 4/28/2015
Subject: Arena and Ratacombs Updates

>>Do the traps still get progressively more challenging later in the match? Or are they the same level of mini-game 'skill' throughout?

You get a 30 second leeway where they are VERY slow. After that, it's random throughout to when they can fire. You can prevent them 2 different ways. Through the mini-game or by simply disabling the creature. I don't want to give too much about the mini-game away just yet.

>>Any teasers on the new limited item, or any new items?

Yes new items. I'll tease after we set the shops back up.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 638
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 4/30/2015
Subject: Deeds

One thing I changed this time is the need for deeds. You lost deeds in the arena, but you incurred no penalty if you had none. If you have no deeds, your death will be treated like a normal death, and you'll drop all your spells. Stock up, or Lorminstra awaits!

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 647
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 5/1/2015
Subject: Projectiles (Ammo and Thrown Weapons)

I updated the arena mechanics to discard lodged arrows and thrown weapons before the creatures are pulled from the arena. They will be dropped to the ground where you stand. Make sure to grab them before you're moved or you die!

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 684
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 5/1/2015
Subject: Traps

>>If there's a mini-game or some methodology to avoiding the traps, there needs to be a hint or some sort of indicator that I can avoid it. I've tried Duskruin twice tonight and each time I'm mowing through opponents only to be randomly insta-gibbed by being pushed onto a pike. No messaging indicating I'm near a pike or being pushed toward a pike or pike-adjacent. Just "Wham, you're dead, go home."

It says it in the intro. But you have to think about it. If you need to see the intro again, TITLE CLEAR [title] so you can see it. Or set your prename titles.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 736
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 5/3/2015
Subject: More Updates

Okay, based on feedback I made some updates. Also, due to the quantity vs quality argument, I've made changes to loot in the Ratacombs.


  • Creatures that are bound should stop causing the hazards.
  • RT locked creatures will still be able to fire off the hazards.
  • Extra death messaging with no deeds is resolved (you weren't dying more, it was just being silly).
  • Matches are roughly 8 minutes, not 6. This hasn't changed, but the intro messaging reflects this.
  • If a GameHost or GameMaster enters your arena, it will pause the match briefly (not the creature), but they need to leave, and you need to ASSIST or REPORT when you're done.


  • >The sewage sweeper doesn't strike much at all anymore. It should be a rare occurrence. And it doesn't ever take you to the starting spot. This NEVER uses up a search attempt. Just because I said rare doesn't mean it can't strike twice in a trip. It can happen, but not that often. This is a 1% chance now.
  • I've decreased the number of loot you can find in a single trip into the Ratacombs and stabilized the loot to not be so random. Loot drops at a rate of 10% of all searches. As an FYI, this is now better than anything you experienced on opening night last time. Loot is still random though, like a slot machine (this is the nature of GS). There will still be times you don't win great things, but you have better chances at a jackpot find now.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 781
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 5/4/2015
Subject: More Updates

Added some safeguards for characters level 10 and below so creatures don't have an overwhelming number of health. Some creatures do have higher attack strengths though.

Fixed a typo in the intro.

Gave the ability for creatures to spawn with more mana.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 818
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 5/5/2015
Subject: Hazards in the Arena

I've added one more sanity check where creatures won't fire off a hazard as soon as they enter the arena.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 913
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 5/9/2015
Subject: Max Bloodscrip Achievable in the Arena

It appears that right now, the max you can gain is 243. You could, technically, get to 245 with some extreme luck. When testing this, we can get to 250 when we are in GM mode, which is the figurative cap. However, getting 225+ bloodscrip regularly is not intended.

On the next reboot, the bloodscrips you can earn will be a little more tightly defined into a normal distribution, where earning closer to the max should be a σ of 3.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1002
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 5/11/2015
Subject: What is going on here?

Traps intentionally take you out of hiding. That's working as intended. The hazards have been toned down way lower than I would have liked. So while I can understand the frustration if you can't figure out the mini-game puzzle, it's really easy to avoid now.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1182
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 5/20/2015
Subject: Don't bother with Arena for a low level caster (10 or so) - Scaling it terrible

Lots of assumptions and anecdotal information being thrown around here. So guess it's time to squash that. Characters under level 25 actually had a lot easier of a time in the arena. Champions spawned by characters 25 and under had 1/3rd the amount of blood as a capped character. Characters level 10 or under always got an extra bonus of making every creature that spawned in the arena with 100 less blood (that's on top of that 1/3rd for champions).

Creature level is always determined by progression in the arena, but the first 5 rounds creatures are between -3 to 1 level higher than the player. It slowly scales up until the last 5 rounds, where it's between 5 and 10 levels.

Earning 200 bloodscrip means a player managed to kill all 25 creatures. Anyone scoring 192, managed to kill 24. Each creature was worth 8 bloodscrip. This is changing in the next variation of the arena to add more emphasis on a few different factors of the challenge. The time bonus is going to be greatly reduced, but you'll have chances to earn other bonuses. The cap will still remain 250, but this time it will be achievable. The reason the arena's figurative 250 isn't able to happen is because you're losing on average 35 seconds for creature clean ups and the new creature entering.

I think those that felt underwhelmed because they couldn't complete the arena or struggled with defeating all 25 will feel a little more confident in the next edition.

~Wyrom, APM

Return to the top of this page.

July 2015

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1374
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 7/11/2015
Subject: Duskruin Updates Discussion

I'd like to discuss the plans for Duskruin on the next run. Outside anything new added to the grounds, this is the last overhaul planned for the bloodscrip earnings structure.

Arena Updates

There will be a 250 cap on earnings. That cap will be achievable. Earning bloodscrip won't be about massacring everything as quick as possible. Time will still be an important element to being a top earner, but there will be more things at play when earning bloodscrip. Dodging the traps will play a minor role. Dying and surrendering will no longer have any penalties to your bloodscrip earnings, but will still result in no chance of a randomly created item in your prize package. Prize packages are also getting a small revamp to offer a little more variety. Losing will now earn a good showmanship bonus to bloodscrip, meaning people who can't always win will still have a chance to earn more depending on how long they last on their final opponent. For example, if you can't defeat the your 12th opponent and you had 3 minutes to defeat them, you'll earn for making it to the 12 opponent, for dodging any traps, and a bonus for lasting 3 minutes (dying/surrendering won't get you that bonus). The spells haste and rapid fire will be dispelled during the combat sequence of the arena matches. While they both offer an advantage, the reason is due to the crashes many of you experienced in the arena.

Ratacombs Updates

Bloodscrips earned while searching the Ratacombs will have a higher range of their value. It will still not compare to the arena, but it will be closer to the hopeful median. The random directions in the Ratacombs will be lessened with some more static areas to walk through.

Shop Updates

I will be going through the shops to try to make some items more appealing for purchase. The limited release items will be discussed as we get closer to the first run under these ravamped conditions.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1379
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 7/11/2021
Subject: Duskruin Updates Discussion

>>Re: Dispelling

Both spells will be dispelled at the beginning of every 3 second interval that the arena mechanics use. I plan on testing it some, but I might be able to leave 506 alone. The problem really boiled down to 515.

>>I am looking forward to relearning a new arena, but you mentioned 12 opponents and at least 3 minute timer for one opponent with speed bonuses sounding reversed like the first release.

The timer is a total timer, and that was the case last time. So you have 6+ minutes to defeat all 25 opponents. You can spend the entire time on one opponent if you're not very good at killing.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1394
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 7/13/2021
Subject: Teaser: New Arena Mechanic

You appraise the situation and notice the kobold servant may press you into a spike, you could try to lean out of the way!

You set yourself up to lean out of the kobold servant's way!

A horned kobold servant raises his fists to the sky.

A horned kobold servant rubs his hands together!
A horned kobold servant suddenly looks more powerful.

A horned kobold servant spins around repeatedly and then whines, "Oh nooooes! Where'd that rolton go?!"

A horned kobold servant attempts to press you into a spike, but you lean out of the way!
... 20 points of damage!
Attack punctures the eye and connects with something re.ally vital!
The kobold servant crumples to the floor motionless.
The deep blue glow leaves a horned kobold servant.
The light blue glow leaves a horned kobold servant.
The powerful look leaves a horned kobold servant.
An announcer boasts, "Combatant Wyrom vanquished the kobold servant!" A gornar-shackled ogre lumbers in and drags the servant out of the arena, ridding him of any lodged projectiles or equipment!
An announcer shouts, "Send in another one!" An iron portcullis is raised and a craggy fog beetle enters the arena!

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1400
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 7/21/2015
Subject: Platinum Beta Testing

506 and 1035 are still intact. But the stress test needed to know if they are okay won't be present in Platinum.

~Wyrom, APM

>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1402
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 7/21/2015
Subject: Platinum Beta Testing

>>Oh, good to know, Wyrom. You threw a pretty fat nerf at bolting wizards when you removed rapid fire. Aside from the immolate (which requires heavy fire lore to be effective!), wizards don't have spells that bypass huge health pools if they can't crit kill with a standard AS bolt attack. Some of those champions in the previous arena required hundreds of mana. It simply wouldn't be feasible without a better way to conserve mana on the easier opponents. Rapid shock filled the gap nicely. Now? Well, hopefully if we can't hit them we can use this new mechanic to gain a crit kill at least.

No, the champions aren't crittable, but 20 of the 25 creatures are. The issue with Rapid Fire isn't to nerf a profession, it's a performance issue that was arising when people were pounding the arena. Only people who were scoring over 240 bloodscrip were causing the issue.

But I'm not a terribly big fan of woe is me arguments when there are tools not being utilized. I'd not consider myself a veteran wizard player, so very limited tactics. No third-party software, no macros, no scripts, I set out as a level 92 wizard only 1x in HP to test how hard it would be as a wizard. I didn't use SIGNS of SYMBOLS. I did prepare and make about 10 imbeds and made sure I had an arsenal of wands fully recharged. I rarely had an issue with mana concerns. First few times I was missing the speed bonus being maximized, but after about 3 more times I was able to get into swing of things and hit the cap on the speed timer (yes there is a cap this time so it's not AS pressing to finish each creature in 3 seconds).

Given that, if I were to add 515 back in, it would come with a disclaimer that by using that spell, any disconnects or freezing issues that you experience in-game would result in no refunds of any bloodscrip or dueling slips. My only concern are other players who get booted due to it. From my understanding though it's not actually a game performance issue coming from our end. It's something to do with Lich in the room checking conditions. But I don't know what.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1415
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 7/21/2015
Subject: Platinum Beta Testing

In my testing, I mostly used spells at everything but champions. Once a champion came out, I tossed down a few disablers and switched to wands only. A champion typically wiped out an entire gold or metal wand (I used stock stuff at full charges). I could leech early arena foes, so I was pretty much at max mana until around round 15. Toward the end I was nearly tapped entirely on mana, but that's without using signs or symbols. If I was using sign of wracking, I'd be set for sure.

Switching gears to a 15mil post cap rogue (a copy of my character), if I removed my stamina regen enhancives, I actually struggled. I disable a ton in the arena, so I couldn't keep my stamina up and popped my muscles at least 3 times (I carry some imbeds to fix that). I have a hard time hitting the 243 number from the previous run of the arena. I didn't test this time as a rogue. I think just capped archers probably have the hardest time in the arena.

Anywho, the arena isn't suppose to be a walk in the park. Even with all the alpha testing and beta testing, it never prepared me for how hardcore people in Prime would be. And like I said, this (hopefully) last update to the arena mechanics will be good. It's not easier than last time, but you can slow down a little and enjoy yourself. I don't think many people in Platinum have really figured out how to hit the 250 cap in bloodscrip. There is a whole new thing involved to get the final 40 points.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1422
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 7/21/2015
Subject: Platinum Beta Testing

>>I have to say this is a false argument or I question whether you really tested those champions. Wracking wasn't really a possibility at all, even with max stats, skills, enhancives, and max offensive spells (over 600 sustainable AS) because of the champion's high AS and the fact that if you wracked, bolt AS plummets. More than a handful of those champions weren't able to be immolated at all, so a bad luck of the draw on the champion and you could be stuck twiddling your thumbs trying to stay turtled for several minutes until your spirit regenerated.

You can certainly question my testing. I've documented over 500 hours of coding and testing into Duskruin. Question all you'd like. The champions from Duskruin are akin to the end boss at the Necropolis. In fact, the code is about 90% the same. I ran into trouble a few times, I died a whole lot during my testing as several professions. But to say it's not possible and still shoot down the feasibility to use wands is kind of odd to me. I was able to save myself hundreds of mana using wands.

>>I would ask you to test a capped wizard and see how things generate. Even with all of the aforementioned spells and skills, at 3x HP, 2x mana control, and carrying an unlimited supply of charged blue crystals, rapid fire was necessary to grind through 25 champions with my items and mana, and I won't even mention how many enhancives I've had for years burned out.

You only have 5 champions, the other 20 can be crit killed. This has been the case ever since there were 25. In the original set up, all 5 were crit-proof.

>>I don't consider a fully charged wand per every champion to be sustainable. There are bandaids and then there are crutches and this is even beyond that. That's like suggesting I should have carried a stock of 6000+ charged wands just to get through the normal grind of the arena.

Why? I used about 5 a whole match. It's an extension of my mana pool. The bigger issue was you couldn't sacrifice seconds to score high. That's been altered so the time bonus isn't so crucial.

>>Given that I experienced MAYBE 3-4 disconnects over 1200+ runs, to say that people are taking advantage of the lag and getting reissued slips sounds beyond ridiculous. I'd honestly rather have lag than deal with no rapid fire. No, I don't use Lich, and no, I don't just sit on the enter key to spam rapid fire or script it so it does any more damage to other people's lag time than normal hunting does with a few casts per creature.

No one is taking advantage of the lag. But people who aren't casting the spell were also experiencing issues. And Rapid Fire might not be the only cause. Platinum doesn't generate enough interest to really help me stress test it. I'm the one that needs to make the tough decisions to help fix the issue. We might get to Prime and find out it's also Haste. I hope it's not.

>>Yes, adding a game within the arena game may be fun, but to say we should "slow down a little and enjoy ourselves" is also a bit hypocritical given the sheer amount of grinding that any decent item takes to acquire. Most people don't have MORE time to put into the arena, however fun it may be. Maybe you're saying everyone should buy even less stuff, but then just say that instead of saying we should be happy to just take longer to get it, because that's not achievable for many.

The event was never intended to be a grind-fest. In fact, the higher end items were added after player interest. Most things can be purchased after a few simple matches. Obviously "decent" items are going to vary, but buying a single item compared to a dozen is a lot different, as well as a player decision. We're glad that many of you enjoy this set up. But it's definitely not hypocritical of me to say my main interest is that you're entertained. That comes first in my book. The event started as a social experience, with people being able to watch you in the arena. My goal is to make sure it stays there for a lot of you. Some of you are going to enjoy the hunt for the best items. We're offering that too.

>>I just don't understand the idea that the goal here is getting through the grind. I get it from the player's perspective, because that's the task that was presented, but is grinding supposed to be fun now? Can't we go back to pay quests that are more entertainment and less grind? I guess we're suckers for it since we all apparently are willing to pay for it, but I'd much prefer something more entertaining in an arena environment and less grindy.

Pretty sure I've answered this already, but it's not intended to be a grind. It's a cheaper social event that allows you to buy in to the level you care for. We've had a lot of events over the years. And we'll continue to make things that please different people. Not every event is for every player.

>>So are they beta testing the new limited release items? Any hints on what we can expect that is new(or changed) in the shops?

No, they aren't beta testing shops. They didn't get the shop updates. Those come Friday for all instances.

>>Or any talk about the new limited high end item(s)?

I'll be posting about that tomorrow and how it will all work.

>>I don't know what to say. You seem to have ignored a key part of my question toward you. The fact that you seem to have relied entirely upon bolt spells to do your killing in the arena indicates to me that you never encountered any champions that were unhittable by bolts. How is it possible that you did not encounter this but I did when I have just about the highest bolt AS a wizard can possibly have?

I never tested this as a wizard (much) prior to the updates. But the updates have made champions a little more manageable. Also, there is a new feature that does help offset some issues (but they can be time consuming). I've mentioned this a few times. All the creatures are a little more manageable in the arena. No, I haven't given you all the details, but some of it will be seen in just a few days. I don't think the majority of Platinum players have discovered all of the tricks though.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1440
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Platinum Beta Testing

I don't know why I haven't earned some of your trust (general you). We might not agree on some topics, but I think I've been a very fair with my rulings and forthcoming with information, not just with this event, but with the game as a whole. My goal here is to make the game a better place, and that usually starts with making sure it's fun. Speaking strictly about Duskruin, I wanted to address concerns with people who struggled. Unfortunately, I had to address the lag issue as well which was a blow to wizards. I actually have an idea I'm going to try to rush in to automate the disconnection issues so you don't need to chase down a GM for a replacement item. Hoping to have it ready for Friday (but it might not happen). That said, if we discover the lag/disconnect persists with the Rapid Fire being barred, I'll add it back.

Since this is going to be a hot topic, I guess I'll just lay everything out so you can make the decision if Duskruin is right for you.

Arena +The arena is slower by about a second per "round" that is being cycled throughout your placement. This means you have about ten minutes to get through the arena instead of eight minutes.
++This does mean that creature clean up will be a second slower as well.
+There are a couple new creatures in the arena. Hobgoblins have moved to becoming champions where kiramon moved to being regular foes.
+Creatures have less bolt and ranged DS equivalent to a negative modifier of your level / 2. This means at cap, you'll see a reduction of 50 DS.
+Creature health has had a reduction across the board. Characters under level 10 still get the biggest bonus to health reduction.
+Hazards go off about twice as fast now, and there is no immunity for the first 30 seconds. Creatures will not use hazards until they are established as your enemy.
+Dodging a hazard will now injure the creature, giving players who might not be able to overcome an opponent a chance.
+Scoring is based on winning, killing, speed, and dodging hazards. If you don't win, your speed bonus changes to what I've named the showman bonus, which awards you bloodscrip based on how long you lasted. All four categories have a hard cap of how high you can score. I'll leave it up to you to figure out the range you score for each. The only way to score 250 is by winning. The temporary titles and item prize have been adjusted to be distributed at specific bloodscrip won. Exp and silver awards are equivalent (in some manner) to the bloodscrip you've earned. Prior to this, silver was randomized.

Ratacombs +There are 25 less rooms in the Ratacombs and the maze layout shifts less often.
+Bloodscrip amounts are now displayed when you search, eliminating the need to LOOK to see what you got.
+Survival ranks will help you stay on your feet when entering and exiting the sewers.
+A small handful of new descriptors have been added to the rats (if you want another one, Cruxophim)

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1579
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 7/25/2015
Subject: Updates

First of all, big thank you to everyone who helped test some things tonight. It was extremely helpful.

So here are some updates.
+Due to solving some arena lag issues, you were regaining 1 second per "round" in the arena, which made the arena about 100 seconds quicker (the ACTUAL time it should have been). So the intro messaging has been updated to state you have about 8 minutes, not 10. The exact is about 8 minutes and 15 seconds +/- 15 seconds.
+Grasp from the Grave has been disabled from the arena. Anything that is a creature by nature cannot be in the arena.
+Rapid Fire has returned, but for wizards only.

To help clear up some misconceptions, the dodging traps bonus (which is needed to score 250) doesn't require you to wait for it to happen. You just need to do it.

Good luck in the arena!

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 1653
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 7/28/2015
Subject: Please do not allow 720 in the arena

Okay, open voids, webs, darkness, and light will all properly be cleaned out when entering an arena. Please post any ill behaviors, since this was a quick fix while I was doing a few other things.

~Wyrom, APM

Return to the top of this page.

August 2015

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2115
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/21/2015
Subject: Loot in the Arena/Sewers

I didn't mention this last run, but figured I would this run. The loot you win in the arena or find in the sewers no longer will be restricted to your level. It's always a bit random (like it has always been), but I just wanted you all to know that. I just cleaned up the logic before this run though (nothing mechanically changed from last run). Winning an arena match always has the best chances of better outcomes. Nothing is guaranteed though.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2150
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/22/2015
Subject: Duskruin Arena: Entrance Mechanics

I'm pleased to announce that if you accidentally purchase slips instead of tokens, or tokens instead of slips, you can now get into either area no matter what. The NPC will say something different, but basically, the entrances will now take tokens OR slips for the arena and sewers.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2178
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/22/2015
Subject: Grouped level ranges?

Yeah, sorry, I should have been more clear. It's 1 - 25, 26 - 50, 51 - 75, 76 - 100. You're not getting a level 100 difficulty just because you're in that grouping. Each creature is scaled to your level, and progressively gets harder. All those level ranges do is determine the health of the creature. Characters under level 10 have a minor handicap to difficulty in general.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2225
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/23/2015
Subject: Arena Hazards and Timing of Creatures

Okay, so got to the bottom of this one. It's an interesting one. The routine I've coded in that protects you from being hit by a hazard once a creature enters is now what causes the creature to be able to do this. Once a hazard has been either dodged or inflicted, the hazard resets in 4 seconds. The moment it resets, the creature can pull it off again, which is instantaneous. You would not even have a millisecond to respond, since the routine fires all at once. Prior to me making it protect you on a fresh creature, you'd have a chance to dodge. But now that the creature got hit, the gloves are off.

I'm going to see what I can do, but there might very well be nothing I can do without reverting it to a fresh creature killing you instantly, which I won't be doing.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2321
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/25/2015
Subject: Disconnects and No Packages

Just wanted to put out an official post. If you complete an arena match and don't die, you should always have a package at the end. If you don't, it's due to a rare screamer with prize creation. The prize isn't ever anything good, so it's not like you're losing out on a urglaes claidhmore or something (it's a temp resistance item). It's under 1% of all prizes generated. If this happens to you, email me, I'll refund you a slip, or give you a flat bloodscrip amount to compensate you for your troubles.

If you get disconnected in the arena, again, email me. I'll refund you a slip. I have a preventative measure ready to be deployed, but it will likely need to be tested some before I can make it live.

If you're posted about any of these recently, please email me so I can get with you and get you back in good standings.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2431
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/30/2015
Subject: Logging Off, Disconnects, or Freezing in the Arena

If for whatever reason, you're booted out of the game in the arena, when you log in, you'll be credited with 50 bloodscrip for now on. You will be messaged when you log back in.

~Wyrom, APM

Return to the top of this page.

April 2016

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2822
Date: 4/18/2016
Subject: Upcoming Details

Moonshards ONLY in the sewers. Moon pendants ONLY in the arena.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2825
Date: 4/18/2016
Subject: Upcoming Details

Moonshards go into the pendant after you make each moon! More details soon! Will make sense once that info is released.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2853
Date: 4/22/2016
Subject: Deets

Hey everyone. I know information has been lacking about this run, but the updates became a lot bigger than I anticipated. With Platinum's beta testing, I've been operating on about 3 to 4 hours of sleep for the last week because I've been sinking in some serious hours with the development of this event. I know you all want info, and I appreciate Platinum keeping a closed lip about it.

There is going to be a certain element to be discovered here. Not so much inventory. Most shops either have signs or things are obvious this time around. Lots of new inventory (or updated with new properties). The new collectible system has gone over very well in Platinum, but a lot of it is going to be for you to find out. The collectible system is a new layer to the arena and (mostly) sewers. There is no additional cost, nothing is lost or sacrificed to have this new system.

There are some new arena mechanics to help with resource (mana/stamina) management. The announcer has some new dialogue about this. We have 3 new champions, an orc, a tattooed maniac, and hallowed zealot (in game descriptions don't quite match these descriptions) -- the hobgoblin, mezic, and bendith have been retired. The goblin and stone troll in the regular matches have been replaced with a troll slaver and a vor'taz. Some descriptions have been updated. Stealth builds don't get the double whammy on being pulled from hiding with the dodge mechanics. You'll still get pulled when performing most the moves. Just not the actual dodge.

Two new NPCs are included with some history and questions they can answer. One NPC, a dwarven archaeologist, buys the new MoonShards that you can find in the sewers. This will make more sense once people start getting involved. The other is a rat catcher in the sewers that will buy your rats, should you not want them anymore. Both of these pay in bloodscrip that gets added directly to your character's TICKET amount.

There is a new area, the underground temple, which is across from the actual arena entrance where you use a slip to fight. It is part of the background of the area and houses the dwarf NPC. The temple has a direct tie in to the new collectible system.

There were a plethora of fixes on the GM side that helps with better tracking, better messaging, and more options for a wider variety of players to enjoy both the arena and sewers.

You all should be seeing a new email tonight with some of this information. The way we're handling the marketing and hype is a little different, hence my "soons" over and over. We're trying something new. It doesn't help those of you chomping at the bit for info here. I know I've been much more forthcoming with pre-event information. But I've really been working hard to get this out. I didn't want this to be just "another run." It comes with many new features.

See you tomorrow.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2933
Date: 4/22/2016
Subject: Quick Arena Update

I've removed the centaur, shan, and hallowed champions from the arena. They were doing things they shouldn't be doing too often in Prime.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2935
Date: 4/22/2016
Subject: Quick Arena Update

A goblin champion has also been added.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2960
Date: 4/23/2016
Subject: Quick Arena Update

Treasure chests granted from spell 717 should be resolved. That was never intended. Sorry sorcerers.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2976
Date: 4/23/2016
Subject: Quick Arena Update

>>Treasure was also being generated by either an empath or cleric spell that leaves no body, just treasure.

This should be resolved with that.

>>Re: Spell 418

I've made it so when you enter the dueling sands, any nodes created by 418 will be removed.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2979
Date: 4/23/2016
Subject: Quick Arena Update

This may have came off wrong. Any OLD nodes created will be removed. That's so you can lay down a fresh one. Had an email how they can drop mid-arena match and then you're screwed. Thought this was a good thing.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3291
Date: 4/27/2016
Subject: runestaves, drop rates enhansives.

Treasure boosters, song of luck, and any other loot enhancive has no effect at Duskruin or the Sewers. I don't want anyone wasting any of those SimuCoin purchases here.

Wyrom, APM

Return to the top of this page.

August 2016

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4510
Date: 8/29/2016
Subject: Disconnects (Duskruin)

>>Can we get the 125 scrip average of the sewers in case of disconnecting in the arena? There should be no argument against this since if this happens, you already forfeit your package item and there are no bloodrunes or moonshards in the arena. Then you have to suffer listening to the announcer again for another 60 seconds+.

Okay. Logoffs and disconnects in the arena now award 125 bloodscrip.

You can now SHOUT during the introduction to speed it up and get on with the show. I'll add something in about SHOUT with the arena guard when you're escorted into the sands.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4512
Date: 8/29/2016
Subject: Disconnects (Duskruin)

I was quickly reminded why 125 wouldn't work. The total has been adjusted to 100 bloodscrip for a logoff or a disconnect. This is now the least you can gain in the arena as well if you lose.

Messaging in the arena has been adjusted appropriately.

Sorry for the change-a-roo!

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4515
Date: 8/29/2016
Subject: Disconnects (Duskruin)

>>yeah, it would have been easier for sewer runners to just disconnect in the Arena to make the max scrip for a sewer run. No items.. but then again some sewer runners don't care about that.

Yeah, there are a few issues with going to the sewer average. I wasn't thinking about it too heavily and was like, "125, sure!" But yeah. I feel 100 is a good compromise.

If you've had some disconnects this run (and this run only) and would like to be compensated for the difference, email me. I'm going to need dates (exact) and times (ballpark) so I can just go through the logs to confirm.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4604
Date: 8/31/2016
Subject: 250 bloodscript achievement variables

The exact formula hasn't been released, but the variables were never a secret. So here you go!

Scoring branches off depending on a number of factors. Winning is beating all 25 creatures. If you win, you get a time bonus for how much time is left on the clock. If you lose, you get a showman bonus for how long you lasted with a single creature. This has a capped bonus so lasting on creature one won't get you more than the cap and killing everything too quickly won't get you a big bonus.

You get points for dodging the traps in the arena, again this is capped, so you can't just dodge traps to earn max bloodscrip.

If you surrender, you lose any time, showman, or dodging bonuses.

Dying doesn't give a scoring penalty, but you can lose your spells without deeds and you there is a time factor to slow you down some.

Winning gives you points.

Finally, you earn points based on all creatures killed. There is no cap, meaning every creature counts.

That is it.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4650
Date: 9/1/2016
Subject: Disconnects

Winning should always be the best in terms of bloodscrip amounts. Due to the bug existing for 5 runs (May, July, August of 2015 and April and August of 2016), I might change how the showman formula should work. But it's working as intended right now. I'll take a look at it a little later today.

And just to answer a concern, nothing at all was changed with creature difficulty. That hasn't been changed at all in a long time.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4709
Date: 9/3/2016
Subject: Arena Scoring Update

Okay, after fixing the bug that was causing end creatures to scale oddly with the score, I wasn't happy with the result. While it should never make sense to lose the arena to earn more bloodscrip, the difference between getting to creature 24 and winning shouldn't be that great.

After I stare at the formula some more, I'll be rolling this change into the live instances tomorrow sometime in the late morning/early afternoon.

So what does this change mean?

Well the "showman" bonus as we know it is going out the window. The idea about this bonus was if you had an incredible hard time in the arena, but could last until the timer was up, you should get rewarded. This was to offer an incentive to lower level characters in the scoring model. A sort of handicap. But this was when the minimum bloodscrip earned was 50. Since we increased this to 100, this bonus isn't really working as intended anymore. And to top it off, anyone who would benefit from it is no longer seeing it due to the 100 bloodscrip minimum.

Instead it will be broken down into 4 parts.

  • If you win, you will earn a flat bonus for defeating 5 champions and a time bonus. This is similar to how it currently is. Most everyone will see an uptick in scoring here.
  • If you run out of time, you will be evaluated on how many champions you killed. This is an uptick for people making it to the last 5 opponents.
  • If you die, your score will be evaluated and take how long you lasted as well as how many creatures you vanquished. This mostly resembles the old "showman" bonus. People making it to the last opponent and dying will see an uptick in scoring, as will people who can't kill much but last a long time before getting whacked.
  • If you surrender, you will no longer lose the dodging trap bonus you receive. Surrendering penalties were put in place due to potential abuse, but given both the minimum earned being increased and the time factor required to get a large dodging bonus, this penalty is no longer warranted.

Nothing is changing to how many bloodscrip earned per kill, the winning bonus, or how the dodging bonus are calculated.

So again, I'll roll this in after some final checks tomorrow after a night's rest and a few cups of coffee.

I'll also have a fix for spells not dropping without deeds. Stock up.

Wyrom, PM

Return to the top of this page.

April 2017

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 5458
Date: 4/16/17
Subject: Duskruin Details: April 2017

With Duskruin upon us, here are some details about this run. We did a lot of updates this run, and we did a lot of prep work for future runs.

Bloodriven Village

We went ahead and updated the majority of shops this run. You'll need to explore for shop lists, but there are many new things available for purchase.

High End Scrip Shop

As stated in 2016, we'd be retiring a number of items moving forward. We have added some new and fresh certificates and gear this run to the shop!

Here is what's new for certificates!

  • Ironwright Flares: Added to weapons that can accept scripts. Cannot work with other scripts (ex. fusion).
  • Bubble Flares: Added to weapons for +10 points of damage padding.
  • Polearm Flares: Added to acceptable polearm weapons.
  • Knockout Flares: Added to acceptable blunt weapons.
  • De-fusion: Remove fusion script and keep the enhancive bonuses intact.

Here's what's new for the armor stand and weapon rack!

Weapons, shields, and armor made from kroderine, zelnorn, and adamantine. It will be their base properties with basic descriptions. This way everything is known from a glance.

Here is what is returning for certificates!

  • Undead Bane: Price reduced to base
  • TD: +5 with price reduced to half to make more affordable
  • Enchant 7x and under: Price reduced to base
  • Enchant 8x: Price reduced to base
  • Weight Reduction: Changed to 5% from 20%. Cap is 50% on any item
  • Open Acuity Flare: Price reduced to base
  • Flat Acuity Flare: Price reduced to base
  • Open Mana Flare: Price reduced to base
  • Flat Mana Flare: Price reduced to base

Be sure to browse the wares for sale before committing to getting a certain number of bloodscrip, as some items may not be there anymore! Items in the high end scrip shop do go up in price per purchase.


There are a few big things happening inside the Ratacombs this time around. The big thing is, there are two new legendary bloodrunes in their runic stone form to be found. A cave troll and a troll king. Only one of each will go out, and like the minotaur, it will be pretty rare. There are still moonshards and additional bloodrunes in the sewers like before. The rat catcher will likely be buying rats for a little more due to the scarcity of these rodents.

Rats are going to have a few new additional descriptors this run, and they are going to be much more rare. If a rat is important to you, be sure to chase it if you catch one wandering around, as that is a rare occurrence now. When entering the sewers, you will have a CHANCE to see the trail of a rat. It will no longer be guaranteed if you haven't found a rat this run. You will no longer be limited to just one a run, but you won't always be able to chase the trail of a rat. The chance to find a rat happens when entering the sewers, it will not change once inside.

As the Bank Heist nears closer to a release (not this time, unfortunately), bandits have been hiding large caches of bloodscrip in the sewers. Sewers searchers have a very rare chance to uncover these caches and find up to 1000 times the normal amount! So for example, on your seventh search, instead of finding another 8 bloodscrip, you might find 8000 bloodscrip. Be warned, bandits don't take too kindly to stealing their treasure. If you are lucky enough to find these grand amounts, it's best to be paying attention to avoid any confrontations and loss of said cache!

Celestial Temple and Bloodforge

After the cold winter, a new area of the temple was discovered, the BLOODFORGE. All the secrets haven't been identified just yet, but it is believed that you can transmute a completed pendant with enough special ore and a ritual. There is plenty more to be discovered, which may be revealed at a future run of Duskruin.

When moonshards were introduced, the ability to combine them and create a pendant was possible anywhere in Elanthia, however, their magic has since waned outside the Celestial Temple, and you must be inside to bundle the moonshards and place them inside a pendant.


The arena has had a number of changes this time around. When the BLOODFORGE was discovered, so were dozens ancient metal automatons. These metallic golems were created with the special material needed for the ritual for transmutation of the pendants. The golems will now be a very rare boss battle, and if defeated, will drop a small bit of ore of the type of metal it was created from. So an eahnor automaton will drop an ore of eahnor. After collecting five of these ores, you will be able to start the process of transmuting your pendant. Not all of the metal possibilities for pendants were found in golem form, but it is possible that more will be released at a future run!

With the new ores, the winnings package has been updated. Finding a pendant or rare treasure item will no longer take the place of a promissory note. Notes have been slightly reduced, as silver will always be a prize if you do not die in the arena, instead of only being awarded when winning. Arena packages will have bloodscrip depending on your score, a promissory note, an ore if you slay a golem/automaton, random loot if you win or score high enough, and a pendant if you're lucky enough to find one!

Data Harvesting

Starting this run, everything you do at Duskruin will be recorded and tracked to your character specifically. This won't mean much this time around, but at future runs, this can unlock special features, achievements, and more!

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 5821
Date: 4/21/2017
Subject: Arena Packages

We updated the packages this time around to always reward the same order of items as long as certain objectives are complete. You will no longer see the content of your package before actually opening it and looking in it.

If you manage to get lucky enough, the best possible outcome is...

In the winnings package you see a bloodstained promissory note, a lump of golvern ore, a vultite claidhmore, a four-ringed metal pendant and some crisp parchment bloodscrip.

Promissory notes are now awarded every time you get a package, but are worth half last run. Saturated experience is now always equal to your score as long as you're not already saturated. This is up from previous runs.

There are no secrets to spawning the automatons, they are a random boss spawn and a bit on the rare side. We will be monitoring their spawning and adjust if necessary. The mini quest involved will need a bit of discovery.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 5868
Date: 4/22/2017
Subject: Automaton Fix

The plain metal automatons shouldn't spawn anymore. They weren't taking anything away from you, it was just attempting to spawn a second type that you already spawned.

The frequency of the uncommon metals has been decreased and the frequency of the rarer metals has been increased. The rare metals are intended to be rare though, so keep that in mind. We'll keep monitoring the drop rates over the weekend.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 6466
Date: 4/27/2017
Subject: Ore, Totems, and the Archaeologist

In case it's not known (some people have figured it out), the dwarven archaeologist is trading ore for totems. The totems he trades cannot be traded for bloodscrip. Trade wisely!

Wyrom, PM

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August 2017

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 7002
Date: 8/15/2017
Subject: Duskruin Details: A Rundown

I'm just going to give some quick bullet points on what to expect this run. I'll have more details before we go live, but I just don't want to make sure everything in QC is accurate before doing that.


The event will start on the 18th, but we're going to extend the event until the end of the month. Slips and tokens will not be available after 11pm (ish) ET on the 30th. We'll leave the event open throughout the 31st for purely shopping. The extension is mainly for shopping, but with the solar eclipse happening on the 21st, we're going to give people a few extra days who might be traveling for that.


  • 3 vs 3 matches.
    • Can also do 2 vs 2 matches.
    • Prizes are individual, but group benefits from winning.
    • New drop will be available for certain service (vague on purpose).


  • New bloodrunes.
  • Upped rate of caches (still very rare).


  • Book shop will be back.
  • New Spellbound x/day items. We're adding a bunch of offensive spells for the new magic item use updates.
  • Custom (premade) bolt messaging.
  • Unlock certificates you can REDEEM.
  • Slab roulette (from EG) will be here for bloodscrip.
  • New Illusion pins.
  • New high end scrip shop offerings.
    • This is something I really want to make sure is through QC before revealing.
    • Weighting/Padding will not be in the scrip shop. It will be handled a new way.
  • New shops.
    • More on these when they exit QC.


  • New permanent titles unlocked at certain levels of play. Tracking started April 2017. Some of you will have a lot of them going into this run.

I know I'm forgetting something, but I want to make sure you guys have some information before I go to bed.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 7313
Date: 8/20/2017
Subject: Traps in the Arena and Lower Level Combatants

While nothing in the arena changed when it came to traps, I've gone ahead and changed the logic on how traps will activate. The update will appear to slow down traps by about 50% (or 2 seconds) on average.

Investigating some of the bugs that came through, I do want to help clear up some misunderstandings.

If the creature is disabled, the trap won't go off.
If you are disabled, it's a 100% success for the trap to hit you.
If the creature isn't injured, traps won't hit you.
In team arenas, it chooses a random person.
In team arenas, you only have to dodge once, not three times.
Traps taking you out of hiding is intended.

For combatants level 33 and under, there has been a reduction in health on opponents. For non-champions, that will be a reduction in about 33% of their health on average. For champions, it is between a 10% to 66% less health(earlier champions being 66%). This should also help low level team matches get to the halfway point a little easier.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 7426
Date: 8/21/2017
Subject: New Automatons

Several new automatons are now available in the arena!

You can run into black ora, gornar, urglaes, veniom, and krodera! Magic users, be very careful with the krodera automatons, they resists quite a bit of magic!

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 7463
Date: 8/21/2017
Subject: Arena and Sewers Update

I went ahead and removed the trolls (reskinned tomb trolls). They were regenerating all their health, which was not a side effect I wanted. You will find 2 new creatures that are new to the arena.

There was too much confusion about the 8 bloodscrip finds in the sewers, so I went ahead and eliminated the chance. Prior to this update, there was a 50% chance when you received 8 bloodscrip that it could be an envelope. Now it's a 100% chance to always be an envelope, instead of an 8 bloodscrip find.

Some other things...

Alexandrite automatons are now possible. This means all possible metals can be found for transmuting at this point.
Krodera automatons will not hinder spellcasters any more than normal.
Rarer automatons spawn rate has increased by about 50%.
Sewer caches are just a touch more frequent.


Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 7711
Date: 8/25/2017
Subject: Duskruin QoL Updates

Moments ago I went ahead and added a number of updates to both the sewers and the arena.

Sewer Update

The bandit caches now announce every cache that is found. Prior to this update, it was random whether or not it would announce a cache. Typically, only the bigger caches were announced. The smaller ones will also announce now.

Arena Update

The messaging you receive after a match will reflect the level of reward a bit better. Perfect wins will now boast about your achievements, if you have one of the champion post name titles unlocked.

Smithy Invites Update

The way invites are rewarded has been changed a bit. Invites now have a chance to be rewarded if you score high enough to get a piece of gear or jewelry, but do not fully win. The messaging update above will help indicate this as well. Your odds are greatly improved if you win though. And perfect wins are the best odds. You still have to live and not surrender.

Once the smithy goes live and you use your invites, I've added in some checks where over time, your odds will improve to get additional ones. Once you find one, it resets.

Bloodrune Stones and Archaeologist Update

Bloodrunes, while in stone form, can be TURNed to prevent them from being sold to the archaeologist NPC. It is up to you to TURN them to mark them.


A very rare prize can be found that will grant you access to the smithy. It will contain instructions on how to redeem it. Because the envelopes draw from the same prize pool, it can be found in the sewers or arena. Keep in mind, this is very rare. You will need to redeem it before this run of Duskruin closes up. If you already have an invite and want to hang onto this as a secondary invite (after you use your first), you can.

As for other prizes, obviously the most common are just the 2 extra bloodscrip. There are levels of extra bloodscrips, like 100, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, and 10000. There are some RPA orbs. There is a few will-o'-wisps and amulets from Coraesine Forest (Field). There are a few unlock certificates for some of my fluff.

Wyrom, PM

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June 2018

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8960
Date: 5/24/2018
Subject: The Time For Duskruin Approaches...

Boy, we sure are getting remarkably close to June. Who all is ready for some Duskruin this time around?

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8967
Date: 5/24/2018
Subject: The Time For Duskruin Approaches...

Both the arena and are keepers for June.

Hopefully we will have some other surprises as well.

Arena format is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3. A hardmode isn't in the cards at this time.

Sewers are pretty close to the same.

Moonshards have run dry!

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 9138
Date: 6/15/2018
Subject: Updates to Duskruin

There were a large number of updates to the event with the Bank Heist. There will be a few more updates staggered with the opening.

  • There is a supernode inside the Viridian Coil.
  • Each lounge in the Bank Heist's hideouts are normal nodes and sanctuaries.
  • The DUSKRUIN verb will be updated later tonight or early tomorrow.
  • Your progress with the Bank Heist will be stored in the DUSKRUIN verb.
  • You receive bonus bloodscrip doing the sewers, arena, or heist if you worked the Bank Heist. The SI get a bonus to the arena. The PH get a bonus to the heist. The OC get a bonus to the sewers. This will be displayed in the DUSKRUIN verb.
  • The arena now tracks your last time and your fastest time. This will be displayed in the DUSKRUIN verb.
  • More titles will be added early next week!
  • You gain additional exp in the Bank Heist for completing it.
  • You now gain a very small amount of exp in the sewers.

And as a reminder, HESS will be open Saturday after 9pm ET. We will try to make sure it is as close to 9pm ET as possible.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 9561
Date: 6/29/2018
Subject: Corpse Removal and Timer Bonus

Recently, it was brought to my attention that there was something people were gaining an infinite advantage of in Duskruin Arena to speed up the way the arena mechanics work. This really didn't get much attention in prior runs because the solo matches could only be sped up by a max of 100 seconds. But with the team matches, it could speed it up by 300 seconds. This falls into an exploit. It's an unintended way to consistently bypass a mechanic that was put in place and balanced. The item that was causing it were the ShadowDeath items.

We can debate that there are other items that can achieve this and certain spells that cause this, but there isn't a means to do this routinely and consistently that I am aware of. We can also talk about the advantages of having better gear in the arena overall being unfair as well because you can kill more efficiently. But this isn't about killing creatures better or surviving. It's about getting around an intended mechanic that was put in place. Several runs ago, we extended the timer from 5 minutes to 8 minutes to account for the corpse removal slow down and some minor lag from tons of combat formulas happening.

It's too late in the run to make a drastic change, but moving forward, the bloodscrip time bonus will be removed and replaced with something that can be measured on your combat efficiency. Since corpse removal happens in a few other areas, we'll just drop this controversial side effect of a timer high score. I'm not sure what that will be. For the remaining run, I'll revert the changes made on the ShadowDeath items.

The timer title will remain in place, and your fastest times will still be measured.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 9570
Date: 6/29/2018
Subject: Corpse Removal and Timer Bonus

>>I think people would have been less angry about the nerf if you had posted as the nerf was implemented, instead of having to be called out on it by multiple people and posting days later. When will staff get that the playerbase does not like stealth nerfs (even if it is actually a bug fix and you think people are taking advantage of a situation)? I get that you're incredibly busy, but better communication is needed.

We don't typically announce game mechanics abuse bugs as being resolved on the forums too often, which is exactly what this is. No, people aren't in violation of POLICY over it, but it was circumventing a normal game mechanics to speed up the game play and in some cases, maximizing returns where they wouldn't have been achieved. You don't find these announced in many games, because it shines a spotlight on the situation and pushes people to find another way. You can see this over in the Items and Inventory topic when it was explained you can still bypass the mechanics with a void bomb.

I realize you might say communication could be better, but GemStone IV communication is thorough and reactive, again, comparing to what's out there. Dev communicates often. We take player feedback into heavy consideration. We push out quality of life improvements during live events almost always. A large chunk of our GameMasters participate with players daily. You have almost constant communication from the Product Manager here on the forums, Discord, or in game. I'm massively available.

Now you might want specifics communicated with you that help you personally or help the community as a whole, but our engagement level is pretty high considering our size. You might wish we were more proactive when it came to pushing communication out. But there are a limited number of people who actually do this sort of stuff, and that's not by design, but an unfortunate side effect with how we work (no centralization).

Yes, I'm busy, but I still take the time to work things out.

Wyrom, PM

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December 2018

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10060
Date: 12/12/2018
Subject: Arena Updates

In June, I mentioned I would be pushing forward a new mechanic in the arena that removed the time element from being such a big factor in earning max rewards. Moving forward, time is no longer part of your scoring for the arena. The only thing the timer is there for is to control the pace and difficulty of the arena. Your score is now purely dodging (50), defeating opponents (175), and winning (25). Surrendering will also have steeper penalties to rewards. Keep in mind, you can also get 10% more in solo arena matches if you have successful completed the Silent Investors missions in the Bank Heist for a maximum of 275 bloodscrip.

Another change this run is to how the timer reacts when creature clean up occurs and new creatures are summoned. The arena mechanics are based on a 4 second interval. When creatures are pulled out of the arena when they die and when new creatures are summoned, this will no longer count against your timer. Slower combatants should see some improvement on getting through all 25 foes. This also means that the arena can get as long as (approximately) ten minutes, but not so much additional combat time (if that makes sense).

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10168
Date: 12/15/2018
Subject: Arena Updates

Some more updates!

The timer for when creatures were being removed and new creatures were summoned was sometimes ticking when certain criteria was met. I've gone ahead and made sure it always pauses when running clean up/summon routines.

I've updated the intro messaging to say ten minutes instead of eight, because it can take up to 10 minutes now if you make it to the 25th creature and fail.

Champions will no longer spawn with bows due to DS numbers that were getting too high.

I've added a DISMISS feature that will allow you to get rid of the dead. There is no RT and it will try to take out all the dead at once. But if there is a dead rat, an alive rat, and a dead rat, it will only grab the first one. You'll need to DISMISS THIRD RAT first if you want it to clean them all up. You always need to DISMISS the dead ones for this to work.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10272
Date: 12/20/2018
Subject: Arena Updates

Creatures now are cleaned up upon them being defeated. Big thank you to Estild for adding some tools to creature death so I could add this to the arena.

DISMISS still works and has been updated to be just DISMISS instead of DISMISS [creature]. This shouldn't be needed anymore, but in cases where the ogre doesn't clean up the creatures upon death (special death situations or specific creatures not being handled automatically) this still will exist.

If you do notice a specific creature that doesn't get automatically cleaned up or a specific way creatures are dying that seems to leave them behind, please post about it.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10272
Date: 12/20/2018
Subject: Arena Updates

Okay, I added a very short timer to the auto-cleanup to make sure no one's lodged arrows or hurlable were being carted away due to how the game handles that being out of order.

You can still DISMISS if you want it quicker.

>>To include cast-RT, please. I had several instances of seeing "wait 2 seconds" after the next one came in.

The timer is just flat RT. You may still be in RT when the creature comes in.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10315
Date: 12/20/2018
Subject: Arena Updates

Dodging no long has an impact on your bloodscrip. Hazards will still happen, so using WATCH and performing the right action will still be needed.

At this point, I think everyone is now better off.

Wyrom, PM

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February 2019

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10636
Date: 2/19/2019
Subject: Arena Update: RT Locked Opponents

I've added a better check to see if the opponent you're facing has been placed into RT by a disabler like feint. If they are in more RT than usual, they cannot perform a hazard (traps). Keep in mind, they can do hazards when they are in their normal routine RT from attacking.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10645
Date: 2/19/2019
Subject: Heal Routine Update: Symbol of Mana

The Symbol of Mana cooldown is now removed on exit of the arena or heist.

And just in case I forgot to post it, so is the Mana Leech one. I don't remember if I did.

Wyrom, PM

Celestial Temple

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10755
Date: 2/28/2019
Subject: Beyond Rock and Rubble...

Toiling away to clear the debris, brave adventures struggled to find the treasures that awaited them beyond a stone-clogged barricade found buried within a fissure adjacent to the Underground Temple in Bloodriven Village. As fresh air rushed into the ancient cavern, dozens of earth elementals, krynch, and stone giants surged through to attack the intruders as they attempted to lay claim to the hidden nest. Battling valiantly, despite numerous casualties, the group put down the incredibly strong threat and began investigating the archeological site.

Faint whispers, shadows, and ghosts danced upon the dust-filled passageway as the explorers gazed upon murals that had been painted upon the walls. None-too-subtle in their travels, the group found more minions of the dark lying in wait for them. Minotaurs! Mages and Warriors prowled the halls! Why would they be here? How did they get in? What was their purpose? Silence was the only answer, which deepened with each horned bovines’ death. Would they return? None could say.

As the gentle sound of plinking water echoed through the halls, the sounds of battle fading to a memory, the adventurers found themselves gazing at the terminus of the passage where an enormous door, dripping with eldritch energy, stood waiting. Even the mummified remains of a dwarf, found tucked into a shelf on the cavern's walls, had no answers, a cryptic note...

<Never could figure out a way to open that door... Escape so close at hand, on both ends of this tunnel, but no hope in them.

Seeking answers, the adventurers turned to the bard in their midst, and that bard began to unravel the tale trapped within murals. With answers in hand, the group whispered to the door and stepped into a new arena. In this arena, they were greeted with nothing but death. Demons prowled upon the tortured landscape, some few caught within a cage of pain and misery. Perhaps the tale of the Arena’s Founders was better left undiscovered after all...


Special thank you to all the adventurers that played with us on opening night and worked hard to uncover the mystery and story of the new section in the Underground Temple. Thanks to the bards that worked in each instance, the story can be found on RECALL and shared with all.

GM Modrian was kind enough to code the loresong, GM Estild was instrumental in getting the RECALL taken care of for each mural and painting, GM Galene created the entire monk body and his possessions, GM Haliste, GM Tivvy, GM Isten, and GM Flannihan assisted with QC, general questions, and refinement of the tale that was told, while GM Netz created the wonderful mood messaging that fills the area. The new area is permanent and there are two shrines in this area that can be SENSED by a cleric.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

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August 2019

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10983
Date: 8/9/2019
Subject: Duskruin Updates: August 2019 Schedule

A lot went into this run right to the very last day before it opens, so here are more of the details.

  • RPA orbs will now drop in all three activities. The more you run each activity, the better chance you have at finding one!
  • All three activities can now reward a Treasure Trove token.
  • Bloodscrip is now added directly to your totals for easier access.
  • Arena Updates: Max bloodscrip increased to 275.
  • Sewer Updates: Max bloodscrip increased 12 to 25 per search. A new legendary bloodrune, the Abyran'ra, can be discovered. Bandit caches will hit more frequently!
  • Heist Updates: Max bloodscrip has increased to 260. You can now get invited to the smithy from completing the Heist.
  • Shops Updates: Majority of shops across Bloodriven Village have refreshed wares.

With the new stuff, we are staggering the opening of certain things to make sure everything is smooth sailing. We typically do this, but there are a few facets this time around.

The event itself will open at 9pm ET. Platinum is going to get an early sneak peek at roughly 8pm ET. The High End Scrip Shop is going to open Saturday (8/10) at roughly noon ET. We also have the area to the Hypogeal Cavern that will open on Saturday (8/10) in the evening, roughly at 8pm ET. The creatures are back, so beware (clear your strongest foe if you want to capture one in your PROFILE)! Lastly we have the Treasure Trove which will open either Tuesday (8/13) or Wednesday (8/14), this is to give tokens a chance to start dropping.

Beyond the door in the Hypogeal Cavern, a box was left behind. The archaeologist has studied this, and determined there are pieces of jewelry that can be procured from it, but he's unsure the process due to the creatures returning. The jewelry can interact with bloodrunes. More details on this once the cavern is cleared back out and he can continue his studies!

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10997
Date: 8/9/2019
Subject: Duskruin Updates: August 2019 Schedule

I forgot to mention some other changes with the arena and why there are increased bloodscrip amounts.

Originally we had a bonus you could get in the arena, sewers, or heist depending on the fraction you did in the heist. It was intended to promote a synergy between the 3 activities, but it really didn't work out as well. So instead, we added the bonus, permanently, to each activity. The heist had a bigger bump because we wanted it to be more in-line with the arena due to the combat/skill aspects. The arena is still the star of the show for max gains though. The sewers just needed some changes, it was getting stale. The new numbers can theoretically put it closer to the heist, but due to the RNG elements, it's tough.

Silvers from the arena are gone though. Originally, we planned to have things cost silvers at Duskruin, and it should have been phased out earlier, but it wasn't. With the increased amount of bloodscrip, that's a much better trade off than 1250 silvers. Less item management as well.

Lastly, with the new trove token drops, we felt that now even someone coming into the event with very little has a shot to walk away with something great.

Wyrom, PM

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February 2020

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11488
Date: 2/1/2020
Subject: Duskruin Updates

A big part of February is making the arena a little easier for everyone to get involved and to remove the tedium.


Timer: The timer of roughly 8 minutes and 40 seconds is coming to an end. In its place creatures will start getting more difficult the longer you take until you cannot proceed. That won't happen until around that original warning that the match would be ending soon. This is so slower professions have a shot to win, but it's not a shoe in that takes longer. Players who take long periods of time in the arena will not gain as much bloodscrip, but will have higher chances at item drops. The current cap of bloodscrip in the arena is 275. A person who might take 10 or 12 minutes may only get 250 bloodscrip, but their odds of getting an item drop will be slightly increased. Exact numbers subject to change before February 7th.

PRAY: Since the timer is being removed, PRAY is shifting to an item drop in your arena awards. You will be able to use these items in the arena to gain the same benefit of PRAY at no change to difficulty.

Hazards: These are going away. Their original intent was to offer difficulty to someone who might breeze through the match, but it ended up being heavily scripted. This ended up penalizing slower professions and those not scripting the arena.

Difficulty Changes': As mentioned with the timer, things will be getting a little tougher if you take awhile. That difficulty is going to come in flavor of a crit immunity, more health. To account for no hazards, creatures may heal themselves to take the place of an action. We might do something similar to boss creatures (like those in the wild) in August.


Searches: Bloodscrip caches adjusted upward in amounts. Bonus to finding a rat increased with scent applied.


Rewards: Artifact sell-back values adjusted slightly. Less for common, more for rare.


Prizes: Items will now be part of a prize pool for all activities. Originally we had a number of aids in the heist, which will now drop anywhere. These items are additional drops and will not be taking the place of another item. More on prizes before the 7th.

RPA Orbs: Adjustments made to the tracking and better drop rates the more you do something. More on this before the 7th.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11556
Date: 2/1/2020
Subject: Duskruin Updates

Couple questions were asked about the sewers cache adjustment and rat catching bonus. The floor was increased from 2,400 to 3,000 on caches. The rat bonus if you're wearing the pheromones is now very significant.

Another update to the sewers is finding an expander is 33% more likely.

For the heist, the odds of finding a blood crystal has been doubled.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11501
Date: 2/2/2020
Subject: Duskruin Updates

I'm going to address the concern (with code). Just need to find the best workaround.

According to the numbers, PRAY was used on average once in every one hundred matches on average. The majority using it was to beat it quickly, so losing the time was never having an impact for them.

Last run, the timer had no impact on your bloodscrip, which put PRAY into overdrive. With the timer gone and the difficulty getting a bit looser, PRAY has to come with some sort of disadvantage.

I'll discuss it more once I manage to update the code and test some things out.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11514
Date: 2/3/2020
Subject: PRAY in the Arena

I've updated some of the code to account for the concerns with PRAY moving to an item-based drop.

The PRAY function will now offer boosted mana and stamina per use). It's RNG, but it was 45 to 60. It's now 60 to 120. You will get 3 prayers per match at no penalty. The 4th prayer will advance the difficulty. The 5th and subsequent prayers will come at a cost of half your spirit and random damage being dealt to you. It will also come with the slight chance of a demon being summoned (no additional rewards). There is a slight cooldown between prayers.

Team matches will also be limited to 3 prayers (before things ramp up), but...stay tuned to the next post.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11517
Date: 2/3/2020
Subject: PRAY in the Arena

It will be your current spirit. If you don't have enough spirit, you won't be able to perform the action (no spirit deaths caused directly from PRAY).

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11540
Date: 2/5/2020
Subject: PRAY in the Arena

I've updated PRAY to be 3 uses, +1 per extra teammate. So the max PRAYer uses before penalties kick in is 5 with a team of 3.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11592
Date: 2/8/2020
Subject: Duskruin Updates

The PRAY messaging has been updated when you're on your LAST prayer before things get more difficult. If you've already advanced the difficulty (this happens just around 8 minutes in), then you go straight to the maelstrom hitting the arena (and a very rare chance of a demon).

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11593
Date: 2/8/2020
Subject: Duskruin Updates

The bloodscrip formula for the arena is (9 * rounds completed) + 50 for winning + team bonus - time penalty for taking longer than 8 minutes. If you take longer than 8 minutes, you'll get a second item in your prize package (could be 1 totem and 1 random item or 2 totems or 2 random items).

So if you take a long time to win, you can get less than the max scrip. This also won't count as a perfect win. Keep in mind, previously, this would just be a loss.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11609
Date: 2/8/2020
Subject: Duskruin Updates

The floor for using PRAY has been increased from 60 to 75.

At this point with the updates, three prayers is equal to roughly five prayers on the lowest end comparing the old arena to the new arena. As long as you haven't advanced the difficulty, you can do a 4th prayer as well without dealing with random damage (or demons).

I've also reduced the time penalty slightly. The time penalty only comes into place by expending all your prayers and getting into the more difficult matches, or by taking longer than 8 minutes and 40 seconds. Previously this would have been a loss. In terms of the prayer penalty in the previous arena, using more than 5 prayers would have cost you about 40% of your arena match's time.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11648
Date: 2/11/2020
Subject: Duskruin Updates

I lowered the chances of an automaton spawning as a champion greatly. If one does spawn, the chances of the rarer ores will be higher.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 11515
Date: 2/3/2020
Subject: Team Matches Update

Team matches will now offer bonus bloodscrip for all combatants. Duos will offer +10. Trios will offer +25. So a party of three can earn as much as 300 bloodscrip each.

Wyrom, PM

Return to the top of this page.

August 2021

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13391
Date: 8/11/2021
Subject: Duskruin Endless and Updates

A version of this was intended to go out during the mailer this coming Friday, but I'd like to get it announced on the forums ahead of that schedule.

Endless is a new alternative solo arena that you can join. You will now be able to switch between the arenas with the DUSKRUIN verb. All your old stats will now housed in the EVENT verb. The endless arena will be the exact same experience for the first 25 rounds. If you die, surrender or lose, you will be treated just like you normally would in the standard arena. After round 25, you're locked in for max rewards and you'll be treated as a perfect win. Round 26 the difficulty will begin ramping up. The longer you're also in the arena, the faster opponents will move. You will go until you die or surrender, and you won't be penalized for either. There are no additional rewards for endless, but you can earn new titles and make it on the leaderboard. There is a leaderboard for the single highest round of each profession.

Here is the updated DUSKRUIN verb (this may get a better usage readout).

You are currently set to do the STANDARD arena when joining a solo match. Information on Duskruin stats can be found in EVENT STATS.

Standard: Solo arena for 25 rounds.
Endless: Solo arena to go as far as you can!
HESS Certificates for Wyrom (if applicable).
HESS Certificates for account SIMU-WYROM (if applicable).

Here is the updated EVENT STATS verb for Endless.

Highest Endless Round: N/A
Highest Endless Time: N/A
Last Endless Round: N/A
Last Endless Time: N/A

And with that, there are a load of updates to the all the activities at Duskruin. To make it easier to follow, here is a bullet list below.

  • Arena
    • New reward pool for extra item (spheres, misericords, rabbit's foot, vials, totems, and bag of holding expander).
    • Improved smithy invites happening if you haven't had one in awhile.
    • Endless (mentioned above).
    • Automaton ores are still exclusive to the arena.
  • Sewers
    • New reward pool for extra item (spheres, misericords, rabbit's foot, vials, totems, and bag of holding expander).
    • Bloodscrip rewards improved from 12 - 25 to 15 - 30. Impacts caches as well.
    • Items found in the sewers will not remove a search attempt. Ex. Finding a rat with 8 searches left will let you still search 8 more times.
    • Bloodrunes are still exclusive to the sewers.
  • Heist
    • New reward pool for extra item (spheres, misericords, rabbit's foot, vials, totems, and bag of holding expander).
    • Bloodscrip values on sellback of artifacts are increased across all rarities.
    • Artifacts to make the bag of holding are still exclusive to the heist.

Just a few words on why I made these updates. I wanted to even the playing field more between activities. The 100 bloodscrip value is still the baseline in which we guarantee out of all the activities, but the ceilings on the sewer and heist are closer to the arena now. The sewers should see the average jump (pre caches) from ~127 to ~225. The bank heist will have an average jump (pre blood crystal) from +~10 +~15 without needing to sell a blood crystal. The bag of holding expanders are now part of all activities since the activity to get the bag of holding is only found in a single activity.

Just to remind everyone what the spheres, misericords, rabbit's feet, and vials do.

  • Spheres: AoE attack in the arena.
  • Misericords: Kill one opponent in the heist (outside the boss) with STAB.
  • Rabbit's foot: Increase luck at loot, smithy invite, or trove token in the sewers.
  • Vials: Rat scent to attract rats.

Tentatively launching Friday, but might not be 100% ready.

  • Ranger companions, spirit servants, grasp of the grave, demons, and animates to be allowed into the arena.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13406
Date: 8/12/2021
Subject: Duskruin Endless and Updates

Couple things I forgot to mention.

The time limit in the arena is gone. There is no longer a penalty. You either finish a winner, die, or surrender. There is also being disconnected or logging out, but that's separate.

Looks like with testing tonight, companions, pets, singing weapons, etc are working, but getting them to follow you might be a pain.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13423
Date: 8/12/2021
Subject: Duskruin Endless and Updates

>>Are there any more champions (like, every 5th?), or is it just increasing-difficulty spuds?

See, I keep forgetting things! So after round 25, it's completely random if you get a champion or not. Might happen back to back, might not happen for 10 rounds. You are still limited to one automaton per though, and endless might be a good way to farm them if automaton ores are desired. They serve a few purposes, just not many.

>>Are there more 'pray' allowed periodically (like every 5, 8, 10 opponents)?

Too many late nights, that's my excuse. You get +1 prayer every 5 rounds after round 25.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13450
Date: 8/13/2021
Subject: Duskruin Endless and Updates

>>So I've been reading this and I just have one more question. Why would I run the standard arena now? I can run Endless for 25 max out rewards and surrender on 26. Will anything affect the Endless rewards? If I pray 4 times in the first 25 rounds in endless, I still get max rewards? If I pray 4 times in standard my rewards are reduced, correct?

There are no differences between Endless and Standard for the first 25 rounds. You get no new rewards at 26. So while you could do this, it would likely just take more of your time.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13440
Date: 8/13/2021
Subject: Duskruin Drop Rates

I mentioned this on Discord, but I'm aiming for more transparency with our paid events. Here are some of the RNG rates for some of the more random drops.

- Exp orbs: 1/2500 (you get a better chance every time you enter the activity, resets when you find one)
- Trove Tokens: 1/250
- Blood crystal: 1/333 Platinum/Shattered, 1/1000 Prime.
- The legendary bloodrune is a random event that can trigger. It's not so much a drop rate.
- The random loot (like the enhancives, weapons, armor, etc) is the same as it is with the base game. Nothing in Duskruin controls it. It does whatever it wants.

Just some notes about the Exp orbs, they started at a rate of about 1/10000 years ago. Then they were about 1/5000 until recently. When we put in the safety net to get one, it was never guaranteed. Now it is guaranteed. Worst case scenario you're getting one every 2500 runs. You might think that's a lot to get one, but this is the absolute highest drop rate we've ever had on those.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13454
Date: 8/13/2021
Subject: Duskruin Endless and Updates

So after some tinkering, your field exp will stay if you have deeds on death in the arena or the heist.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13516
Date: 8/16/2021
Subject: Pending Duskruin Updates

Hope everyone enjoyed opening weekend! I have some pending updates that typically I'd just let ride until next run, but we're going to be pushing some in this run.

Special Loot

The special loot pool was reduced to just Bag of Holding (BoH) items. This was largely due to feedback over the weekend of people not enjoying the item management aspects. This means the spheres, misericords, rabbit's feet, and vials are no longer dropping in any activity. They will be for sale in the Mar and Scar for bloodscrip moving forward (some point after this post). Vials and rabbit's feet will be pricier as they directly impact loot and were part of the rarer drops. As a reminder, this is what those items do.

  • Spheres: AoE attack in the arena.
  • Misericords: Kill one opponent in the heist (outside the boss) with STAB.
  • Rabbit's foot: Increase luck at loot, smithy invite, or trove token in the sewers.
  • Vials: Rat scent to attract rats (want to use it before entering, but still helps if you don't, just better before entering).

This means that the BoH will be dropped to their base rate of 1/250. The special loot drop was roughly 10%, with the pool having rarity between what dropped from there. Nothing is changing in terms of the BoH rarity.

Because we decided to go this direction, anything out there will not be part of a sellback since it was an extra item. So either use them, give them away, or throw them away.


The debut run of Endless went well, but there are some bugs and issues with the currently implementation. Because of this, we will be launching a more challenging version that is better balanced between professions. Your stats you've earned from this run will be saved as a legacy run, the old leaderboards will be saved, and anyone who participated to a certain round in the legacy run will earn some titles (depending where they made it). The goal is to launch the more challenging version this Friday, August 20th. So be sure to get involved this week if it's something you want to do before the changes. The leaderboards will be wiped at that point, and new titles will be available for those who join the re-adjusted version (which will hopefully be the final version).

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13575
Date: 8/20/2021
Subject: Pending Duskruin Updates

Just a reminder, the Endless changes will be going live on Friday, August 20th, in the "afternoon." My goal is before 5pm ET. When it's about to go live, I will need to shut down the solo arena until all Endless runs are done. The leaderboards will then be saved and put on display at a future run. This will be deemed our "legacy" run of Endless. Leaderboards will not persist from run to run, but the legacy one will stay forever.

Anyone who managed to beat the first round of Endless (26) or get to round 100 will earn some legacy titles. You have until it's updated to get in on it! This will not be offered outside of this, and there will be no future ways to earn them. The new EVENT STATS readout for Duskruin will look like this for Endless.

Highest Endless Round: N/A
Highest Endless Time: N/A
Last Endless Round: N/A
Last Endless Time: N/A
Highest Legacy Endless Round: 26
Highest Legacy Endless Time: 110s
Last Legacy Endless Round: 26
Last Legacy Endless Time: 110s

If you never did anything during the legacy run, it simply will not show up in your readout.

The difficulty of Endless will be back to where we envisioned it, where getting beyond 100 should be extremely challenging. It was great watching a good portion of you demolish the debut of this and I hope that updates make it even better in terms of accomplishing higher rounds.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 13584
Date: 8/20/2021
Subject: New Titles

Part of Endless was adding new titles. If you've followed my posts, you know we are updating it and splitting it up, retiring the current version and naming it a Legacy run.

Legacy Titles
Combatant of Perpetuity Postname
Abiding Champion of Duskruin Arena Postname
Arena Challenger Prename
Endless Titles
Endless Champion of Duskruin Arena Postname
Infinite Champion of Duskruin Arena Postname
Eternal Juggernaut of Duskruin Arena Postname
Unsurpassable Titan of the Arena Postname
Arena Conqueror Prename
Arena Icon Prename
Duskruin Titles
Relentless Vanquisher of Duskruin Arena Postname

Wyrom, PM

Return to the top of this page.

February 2022

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 14115
Date: 2/4/2022
Subject: Duskruin Updates

Hey gang, I have some updates I've been working on. Just going to list each with some notes.

We are removing the group bonus to bloodscrip. We felt pretty strongly about giving an incentive to players who wanted to join up and enjoy the arena together, however, it also created an unfair advantage for those that didn't group up or those who didn't use multiple accounts. We aren't removing the bonus 25 bloodscrip though, we're increasing the ceiling to 300. The currently formula for the arena is 9 * round. You earn +50 for winning. The new formula will simply be 10 * round. Same for winning.

With this update, we'll be increasing the ceiling in the heist from 260 to 280, but reducing the artifact sellback slightly to average it out to being closer to 300 like the arena. The sewers will also have a slight bonus to the base bloodscrip you can find, which is currently between 15 to 30. It will now be 15 to 32. That +2 will also impact caches. The cap cache will be going from ~20,000 to ~21,000.

The arena will now have some wintery themed opponents for February. Nothing else about them has changed.

The pending TITLE revamp will be going live, with all the Endless titles that were announced last time. If you participated in Endless before the changes and have Legacy stats, you'll get those titles as well.

We have a new Legendary Bloodrune this run, and matching cloak.

We are going to be doing a new format for a lot of the higher end Mania stuff. Instead of it being a live event, we're moving the higher end stuff to an automated auction of sorts. We're also going to be trying out the piles again that you can search for something for bloodscrip, limited to once per character. The reasons for these changes is it was becoming increasingly difficult to be able to do something for everyone that showed up. And it was also difficult for me to run it for 4 to 8 hours, not counting the prep time. There still may be some shenanigan's, but we also want to make sure we can do more for more players, and automation is the key there. More on this new format soon!

There are also some other things in the works. I am buttoning up some final bits of code, and once I know for sure about some of this, I'll announce even more!

Wyrom, PM